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Reviewer in English 10 3.

Sculpture – They create

sculptures nude because it
I. Greece
is a mark of a hero.
4. Pottery - Storage for
 Hellenic Republic – Official water and wine.
name of Greece.
 History of Greek:
 Greeks – People of Greece. 1. Pre-Homeric and Homeric
 Atossa – Persian queen. Age – Contains geometric
 Herodotus – A great Greek art and the works of
historian and traveler. Homer.
 Athens – Capital city of 2. Athenian Period to the
Greece. Golden Age of Pericles –
 Greek – Main and oldest Peak of Greece’s
language. (Ancient) economic growth.
 Greek Orthodox – Almost 98% 3. Period of Decline – They
of the Greeks are in this saw Greece as a
religion. civilization, not a country
 Gynaikratia – Celebrated every nor an empire.
January 8th where the  Qualities of Greek Literature:
traditional roles of northern 1. Permanence and
Greek villagers are reversed. Universality – Has an
 Easter – Most significant enduring quality. It is read
festival in the Greek year. and admired by all nations
 Hellenic Festival – Biggest of the world regardless of
summer festival that lasts mid- race, religion, or culture.
June until late September. 2. Essentially Full of Artistry -
Product of a people who
II. Greek Art and Literature purposely and
conscientiously developed
 Greek Art – Highest form of their physical and
classical art. intellectual powers.
 Four Major Forms of Greek Art: 3. Originality – Has the
1. Architecture – Columns. biggest contribution in the
a. Ionic – Narrow, scroll history. The Greek mind
design, has the egg modifies and improved
and dart design. everything it touched.
b. Doric – Supports the 4. Diversity of Talent – The
weight of the ceiling. Greek mind never rested
c. Corinthian – Most complacently on any one
ornate, slender, sleek, subject. It was ever
and is bell-shaped. seeking, ever searching.
2. Painting – Philosophical 5. Intellectual Quality – The
beauty of nature Greek mind challenged
characterized by the one to think for some
theme. purpose.
III. Homer  Greeks – Also called the
- Called as the blind poet of Greece.  Agamemnon – King of
- Wrote the Odyssey and the Iliad. Mycenae, and the general
commander of the Greek army.
IV. The Mythological Background of the  Achilles – Greatest and bravest
Iliad of the Greek heroes.
 Odysseus – Clever and wily
 Zeus – King of the gods, god of warrior.
lightning and thunder.  Diomedes – The bold one.
 Thetis – A minor goddess that  Nestor – A prudent old man.
is also a sea nymph, and was  Aias – The giant.
married to a mortal named  Sparta – Land of the Achaians.
Peleus.  Troy – Land of the Trojans.
 Achilles – Son of Peleus and  Andromache – Wife of Hector.
Thetis, and the greatest Greek
 Hector – Prince of Troy, and
Achilles’s equal to the Trojans.
 Eris – Goddess of strife, He killed Patroclus.
discord, and mischief who was
 Astyanax – Son of Hector and
not invited to the marriage
feast so she threw a golden
 Patroclus – Best friend or
apple in the middle of the
cousin of Achilles.
banquet hall.
 Priam – King of Troy.
 Hera – Wife of Zeus and the
 Hecuba – Queen of Troy.
goddess of marriage who
promised Paris power.  Iphegenia – Daughter of
Agamemnon and was the
 Athena – Daughter of Zeus and
virgin woman who was
the goddess of wisdom and
sacrificed to Artemis.
power who promised Paris
wisdom.  Cassandra – Daughter of
Priam and was cursed by
 Aphrodite – Daughter of Zeus
and the goddess of love and
beauty who promised Paris the  Oenone – Sea nymph.
most beautiful woman in the  Mt. Ida – Mountain where
world and so Paris gave her Oenone and Paris is staying.
the golden apple.  Briseis – Concubine of
V. Helen of Troy  Simois – River that kills the first
person that steps on it.
 Helen – Most beautiful woman  Styx – River where Achilles
in the world who was married was dipped.
to Menelaus.  Myrmidons – Men of Achilles.
 Menelaus – King of Sparta.  Iliad – It showcases the
 Paris – The wife stealer, who passions found in and the
abducted Helen with the help cruelty of war.
of Aphrodite. He is also the
prince of Troy.
 Calypso – Sea nymph that fell
VI. The Iliad in love with Odysseus.
 Nausicaa – Princess of
- A quarrel was happening between Phaeacia.
Agamemnon and Achilles because  Polyphemus – One-eyed
Briseis, was unjustly taken by giant.
Agamemnon and as a result,  Circe – Most beautiful yet
Achilles makes a sacred vow to dangerous witch.
never fight again. Because of his  Alicinous – King of Phaeacian.
absence, the Trojans, who was led  Acrete – Wife of Alcinous.
by Prince Hector make bold  Eurycleia – Nurse that cared
advances making the Greeks for Odysseus as a child.
retreat. Patroclus is saddened by
 Argos – Dog of Odysseus.
the growing losses of his
 Erobus – Guardian of the
countrymen so he takes Achilles’s
helmet and armor, making the
 Pergamus – Holy place where
Greeks fight back for they did not
they worship Athena.
know that Patroclus was the one in
Achilles’s armor. He was later killed  20 years – Duration of
by Hector which made Achilles mad Odysseus’s adventure.
so he enters the fight and kills  Order of His Adventure:
Trojans mercilessly including 1. Lotus Island – Land of the
Hector. Lotus Eaters.
2. Cyclops Island – Island of
VII. Definitions of Words Polyphemus.
3. Country of the Wind –
 Connotative – Opinionated, Land of Aeolus, god of the
informal, based on your own wind who gave him
meaning, defined as what it magical wind.
symbolizes. 4. Lystragon – Island of
 Denotative – Formal, based on
5. Aeaea – Island of Circe.
the dictionary that includes the
6. Journey to the
term, group or class, and
Underworld – Escape
difference or characteristic.
from Circe.
7. Ithaca – Home of
VIII. The Odyssey
 Odyssey – Speaks of great
adventures. It talks about the
return of Odysseus from the
Trojan War.
 Odysseus – King of Ithaca.
 Poseidon – God of the sea.
 Telemachus – Son of
 Penelope – Wife of Odysseus.
 Ogygia – Island of Calypso.
IX. Greek Drama 3. Expressing supposition.
4. Giving opinion or thought.
 Greek Dramatists: 5. Expressing an emotion.
1. Aeschylus – Ancient 6. Persuading.
Greek tragedian, 7. Being sociable or polite.
described as the father of
tragedy and soldier XI. Modal Auxiliaries
playwright. Wrote the
Oresteia Trilogy including - Helping verb that is used to express
the story of Agamemnon ability, possibility, necessity,
who was killed by his wife uncertainty, permission, and
Clytaemnestra with 3 obligation.
blows of an axe together
with Cassandra as he  Low Certainty – perhaps,
brought her home as maybe, may, might, could,
mistress, Cheophori, and sometimes, occasionally,
Eumides. seldom, possibly, conceivably.
2. Sophocles – Was born in  Moderate Certainty – likely,
Colonnus, and is called probably, can, ought to, should,
the darling of the Athenian would, usually, frequently,
Populace. He wrote often, regularly, majority,
Oedipus Rex, Oedipus the generally, tends to, rarely.
King, Oedipus at  Strong Certainty – is, will, can,
Colonnus, and Antigone. not, must, undoubtedly,
definitely, clearly, always,
a. Queen Jocasta – never, undeniably.
Queen of
Thebes. XII. Lyric Poetry
b. King Laius – King
of Thebes. - Came from the word “lyre” which
c. Teiresias – means stringed instrument that is
Apollo’s used by the Greeks.
d. Creon – Brother  Greek Lyricists:
of King Laius. 1. Sappho – Dubbed as
the tenth muse by
3. Euripides – Known as the Homer. She wrote
modern playwright, wrote hymn to Venus, One
Medea. Girl, and A Girl in
4. Aristophanes – Master of Love.
Greek comedy. 2. Anacreon – Wrote
about wine, women,
X. Functions of Language and social enjoyment.
His works are Old
1. Giving facts. Age, The Wiser Part,
2. Asking questions. Nature’s Gifts.
XIII. Rhyme XVI. Peloponnesian War

- Repetition of the similar sounding - Long series of war between Greece

word. and Athens.

 End Rhyme – End.  3 phases:

 Internal Rhyme – Within 1. Archidamian War – Led by
the line. Archidamus II.
 Silent Rhyme or 2. Sicilian War – Won by
Assonance – Same vowel Athens.
sound. 3. Decelean War – Greece
 Rich Rhyme – 2 different teamed up with the
words that sound the Deceleans to win over the
same. Delian League, or the
 Eye Rhyme – Looks the Athens.
same but sound different.
 Identical Rhyme – Rhymes XVII. Pericles
with itself but is different in
meaning. - Athenian general and historian who
is considered to be the first citizen
XIV. Speech of Athens whose name means
surrounded by glory.
 Kinds of Speech:
1. Informative XVIII. Virgil or Vergil
2. Persuasive
3. Special Occasion - His full name is Publius Virgilius
Maro and he was the Homer of the
 Methods of Delivering Speech: Romans. He wrote the Aeneid in
1. Impromptu Speaking – which Aenas was the greatest hero
Without advance of Troy.
2. Extemporaneous  Venus – Roman goddess of
Speaking – Planned and love and beauty.
rehearsed, spoken in  Aenas – Cousin of Hector.
conversational manner  Anchises – Father of Aenas.
using brief notes.  Ascanius – Son of Aenas.
3. Manuscript Reading –  Latium – Destination of Aenas
Word for word of written where they intend to find a
message. Trojan colony.
4. Memorized Speaking –  Carthage – Place in North
Written message that the Africa ruled by Queen Dido.
speaker has committed in  Lavinia – Daughter of King
memory. Latinus.
 Latinus – King of Latium.
XV. Thucydides  Turnus – Rival of Aenas for
- Athenian general and historian.
XIX. Horace

- Great lyric poet of Rome whose

works are short and meditative.
During his time, Italy was called as
“the sweetheart of the world”. Some
of his works are To Licinius.

XX. Martial

- Born in Spain but migrated to Rome

where he was given the title of court
poet. He wrote satires like From
Bad to Worse, Playing Safe, What
Difference, A Hinted Wish, and

XXI. Epictetus

- Like Socrates, he wrote nothing.

None of his works were original.

XXII. Other Terms:

 Plague – A large number

of harmful or annoying
 Impediment – Something
that makes it difficult to
 Mortician – A person
whose job is to prepare
dead bodies for burial.
 Doth – Archaic term for do.
 Lofty – Very high and
good, deserving to be
 Twill – Cloth that is made
in a way that it produces a
diagonal pattern.
 Enchiridion – Handbook or

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