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Comex notes

Motia’s list
1. Solution of Palestine issue – Two State solution (Far-fetched dream – as Israel has passed
Regularization Law (Israeli court has legalized it) = Legalized Israeli settlement)
One State solution - Palestinians are double in population than Jews – so voting rights cannot be
given to Muslims by Israel as they will become minority
2. Performance of CM (Sindh) – Oath 29th July
Performed better than predecessor – transferred via media – people are quite satisfied – he is
often seen in the field – For example: He is seen in Karachi in the construction works.
3. What about the incident of IG Sindh
CM did not personally took this act but he was directed through the party head – so we can blame
CM but actual blame lies somewhere else.
4. Privatization – It is a divestment of shares or ownership in the form of shares. Public private
partnership = a little amount of shares are in the hands of government. E.g: PTCL – 40% shares
with government.
5. Debt servicing –
6. Sixth freedom carriage syndrome (Open-skies policy) – Permission to other airlines (foreign)
to operate their flights – It is a good practice as it
7. Issue of PIA – PIA is a white elephant which is the reason of a great annual monetary loss. Had it
been privatized much earlier we could have saved millions of rupees. Same is the case with
Pakistan’s Steel Mill – it was being sold on the price of peanuts – but the thing is that the public
loss these firms are bringing every year are huge. And if it had been sold, these losses could have
been preserved.
8. Take on regulatory bodies – these should be autonomous. For example if PTA is given under
the ministry of telecommunication – don’t you thing government would affect the biding – there
would come a clash of interests.
E.g: NEPRA gave price of Nandipur power project to sell one unit on 18 cents and government
asked not to do so – even if the project comes to an end – because they will not be able to sell the
electricity at that a huge price.
Why government is doing this? – First government has moved back as it wants to appease
provinces through 9th NFC award (8th was not mentioned as it was skipped because government
was not ready at that time so they just extended the 7th NFC award in 2014/15)
9. Judicial reforms
Issues - Under-staffing;
10. Attorney General – Art. 100 – He provides assistance to Federal government in the legal matters
– he represents the federal government in SC.
11. Census – (initiating on 15th March) - Art. 51 – National Assembly – Seats to be allocated on the
basis of population according to last preceding census officially published.
Balochistan – the province is totally against the census as the refugees will turn Balochs in
Sindh – seats will get concentrated in urban areas if the ethnicities other than Sindhi gain
majority. (National assembly seats of Sindhis will reduce as the seats of Karachi in assembly may
12. Blasphemy law –
13. Death penalty in Pakistan – implemented after APS
14. Missing Persons = Waqar Boraya and Salman Hyder (4 came back one has not been found yet) –
liberal vocalists and this is the reason they were kidnapped
15. Qazi Essa Report
NAP inable to be acted
Meeting of Interior minister with banned outfits members
16. Alternate dispute resolution (ADR) – at district level – Jirga system – to resolve small disputes
as there is a backlog of cases in courts - two concerns:
a. This may be utilitzed by the religious orthodoxy
b. Traditionally these types of jirgas have gone against the human rights and funadamental rights
and this may go against women rights
Their decisions can’t be appealed
They cannot give punishment
17. Ombudsmen – to handle the complains against government
18. Police reforms (community policing should be announced; ensure security of tenure; follow
order 2002 or some updated version)
After 18th amendment police has become a provincial subject – all provinces are following
different laws.
1861 problems – security of tenure; community policing is not present;
CPLC is a success – complains against police can be addressed through it; phone blocking if it is
lost; if FIR is not being written CPLC assists you to write your FIR
19. Russo-Pak relations
(Motia will tell it)
20. NAB issues
NAB gives impunity by VR and PB – it let them go free with looted money – it defeats the
purpose of NAB
Plea bargain – is done in investigation stage – give some amount of looted money and
withdrawing from your job*
Voluntary return – is done in inquiry stage – If you give some money on voluntary basis you will
be left free to go
International Relations
21. Definition – Conservative view – only State relations and Broader view - States, organizations,
NGOs, non-state actors all these come under the umbrella of IR.
22. Realism – Actors = States only
23. Liberalism – Actors = States, organizations and non-state actors
Realism Liberalism
1. In anarchy peace is impossible 1. In anarchy peace is possible through
liberty, justice and democracy
Actors = Actors =
States must seek power to ensure survival Co-operation can ensure survival
There is no int. morality International morality is must

24. Constructivism - In the discipline of international relations, constructivism is the claim that
significant aspects of international relations are historically and socially constructed, rather than
inevitable consequences of human nature or other essential characteristics of world politics.
25. Neo-realism - Structural realism holds that the nature of the international structure is defined by
its ordering principle, anarchy, and by the distribution of capabilities (measured by the number of
great powers within the international system). The anarchic ordering principle of the international
structure is decentralized, meaning there is no formal central authority; every sovereign state is
formally equal in this system. These states act according to the logic of self-help, meaning states
seek their own interest and will not subordinate their interest to the interests of other states.
26. Neo-liberalism - The difference between modern neoliberalism and liberalism is that
neoliberalism advocates an idealized "hands-off" free-market system while modern
economic liberalism calls for government regulation to control the excesses of free-market
27. Power – ability to control others – Smart power = amalgamation of soft power and hard power –
implemented by Xi Jing Ping
28. Geo-politics – The study of effects of geography on international politics.
29. Geo-strategic – It is a type of foreign policy guided principally by geographic factors.
30. Determinants of foreign policy – Power, objective, leadership, Ideology, history, national
interest, economy, development
Pakistan = Ideology, national interest, history, economy, Indian centric, reactive
31. Foreign policy analysis – study of decision making of foreign policy
32. War – a state of armed conflict between states
33. Civil war – between citizens of same country
34. Asymmetric warfare – an unbalanced warfare in which a weak power fights with a strong
35. Guerrilla warfare – war of insurgency
36. Strategic culture – The sum of ideas learned emotional and habitual behaviours that members of
a national strategic community share with regard to a nuclear strategy or other strategy.
37. Strategic depth – The use of geography by a country to its advantage to strike back at its enemy
at its will.
38. Cold-start doctrine – 2001 Indian parliament attack – India could not launch a quick responsive
attack on Pakistan through border as Int. community got involved that’s why they developed this
doctrine – Military installments near borders so that in a condition like that military should be
sent with hours to the borders.
39. Blitzkrieg – Intense military campaign intended to bring about a swift victory.
40. Deterrence – the action of discouraging an action or revenge through instiling doubt or fear of
the consequences.
41. Deterrence theory – after WWII – nuclear capability …
42. Diplomacy = The act of conducting negotiation between two states or individuals at larger scope
43. Arms control = A term for international restrictions upon the development, production,
stockpiling, proliferation and usage of small arms, conventional weapons and WMDs
44. NTP – Core compotent of the global nuclear non-proliferation regime
Based on three principles:
States without nuclear weapons as of 1967 agree not to acquire them
The five States known to have tested nuclear weapons as of 1967 not to assist others in acquiring
nuclear weapons and their own gradual disarmament
Non-nuclear weapon States are guaranteed access to civilian nuclear technology and energy
UN Resolution 1540 – All UN members are to prohibit non state actors from acquiring nuclear
45. Russian revolution – Ruler = Czar and Revolutionist = Vladmir Lenin (President of Bolshevik
Party) – 1917 – Beginning of communism
46. Fascism – Early 20th century – Authoritarian nationalism – Started from Italy
47. Alliances of WW1
By 1914, the six major powers of Europe were split into two alliances, which would – with the
exception of Italy – form the two warring sides in World War One. Britain, France and Russia
were in the Triple Entente, while Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy were in the Triple
48. League of Nations – 1920 – Collective Security (motive) – Based on 14 points of Woodrow
Wilson – It was a by-product of Paris Peace Conference (1920) – ended in 1939 with Poland
49. Why USA not joined LoN?
Woodrow Wilson confidently expected the USA to join the League of Nations. But many
Americans hated the idea. Many had been against US involvement in the war, and they certainly
did not want the USA to get entangled in European affairs after 1919.
50. Marshall Plan vs Molotov Plan – Reconstruction plans
51. Berlin Blockade = USSR blocked all the routes of West Germany (1948)
52. 42nd Parallel – US Canada border
53. 38th Parallel – Where US and USSR ended Korean War
54. NATO (948) vs Warsaw (1955 – Poland)
55. U2 incident (1961)
56. Cuban Missile crises (1962)
57. PTBT (1962) – to avoid nuclear war
58. Détente (1963-69) – Nixon visited Moscow 1972
59. Fall of Berlin wall – 1989 – People decided to end this wall
60. New world order – Coined by George H. W (Senior)
61. ASEAN – 1967 – 10 Members – 2 Observers
62. NAFTA – Canada US Mexico (Members) – Trump is against it – Disadvantages = US Job loss,
US wages suppress, Mexico farmers put out of business, Mexico environment deteriorated
63. SAARC – 19th postpone in Islamabad – Solution = Revitalization of Charter, Abolishing
unanimous decision making procedure, Take into account ground realities, Track three diplomacy
initiatives to be taken, Move towards SAFTA from SAPTA
64. ECO – 13th Summit in Islamabad (1st March 2017) – Mandate = Regional connectivity and
integration in economic co-operation.
65. Monetary policy = the process by which the monetary authority of a country, like the central
bank or currency board, controls the supply of money, often targeting an inflation rate or interest
rate to ensure price stability and general trust in the currency.
66. Financial policy = policies related to the regulation, supervision, and oversight of
the financial and payment systems, including markets and institutions, with the view to
promoting financial stability, market efficiency, and client-asset and consumer protection.
67. European Union – issues = economy down, lower production, refugee, Russian military
invasions (increase in defence budget – Ukraine issue)
68. Ukraine issue – Crimea has been annexed to Russia (through a referendum) – US claims that
Russia has violated I. Law
International Law
69. True law or not?
Positivist theory (Command theory) – Austin; Hobbes – not a true law because there is not
authority (sanctions) – no Judicial organ – no legislature – ICJ cannot take suo-moto; cannot
punish (as who will implemented)
Naturalist theory – Law does not require authority (sanctions) – primitive societies had laws – if
I. law is not a law the law of UK will have no validity
70. UN Charter
Art. 94 – Treaties are binding and if violated ICJ to take action and it will be implemented by
Art. 51 – Self-defence (pre-emptive strike is prohibited)
ISAF (International security assistance force)
Ch. VII – UNSC to restore peace in the world
71. Subjects of I. Law – States, Organizations and invididuals
Theories – Realist (States only); Fictional (Individual only) and Functional (Both and other
subjects as well)
72. Sources of I. Law – Art. 38(1)(c) Primary (int. conventions, treaties and customs) and secondary
(general principles and precedents)
73. Treaties - Types – Law making treaty (it itself becomes I. Law); Codifying treaty; Constituent
treaty (a treaty through which an organization is formed); treaty contract (does not become itself
I. Law – IWT)
74. Intervention – Art. 2(4) UN Charter – Use of force is prohibited
Art. 2(7) prohibition of intervention in domestic affairs of States unless they are threat to world
peace. Art. 51 allow intervention in the reaction of armed attack.
Monroe Doctrine
Drago Doctrine
Both of these say that European nations will not intervene in American continents and vice versa
75. Chapter VII of UN charter – collective efforts to be taken in the cases of intervention
76. Asylum – UDHR (1948) Art. 14 – asylum can be given when someone seeks asylum
UN declaration on territorial asylum 1967 – if grounds of asylum are genuine, States are obliged
to give asylum
Types – territorial asylum and extra-territorial asylum = diplomatic asylum; consular asylum;
77. Extradition = under a treaty
Expulsion = under foreign act
78. Rendition –
79. States’ practices regarding Int. Law
US & UK – consider customary international law however if there is a conflict between
customary and domestic law then they prefer their own law.
80. Insurgency vs belligerence
Insurgency = Initial level of rebellion
Belligerence = Advance level of rebellion
81. Settlement of Disputes – peaceful and forceful means
82. Diplomatic immunities – Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961
Congress of Vienna 1815
UNCLOS III is not ratified by US – reason = it prohibits drilling and extraction of minerals in
international waters.
Canon Shot rule – prior to 1958 – Then UNCLOS came into existence – territorial waters
(maritime belt) = 12 nm; Contiguous zone = 24 nm; EEZ (living and non-living resources) = 200
nm; Continental shelf (only non-living resources) = 300-350 nm.
Open sea (High sea) – It lies beyond continental shelf and the water and airspace are to be
utilized for all countries except the acts prohibited by I. law (mining and nuclear tests)
Thalvic principle – Mid of creek (only applicable in navigable waters) – Pak claims that sir
Creek is not navigable – India claims that it is navigable in monsoon season.
84. FMCT and Pakistan – Pak claims that decrease the stockpile of India first to the level of
Pakistan’s stockpile and then we will sign it.
85. Blockade – an act of war – forceful mean to settle the dispute
If any ship is captured in it then the case of contraband begins and goes to court as well.
86. Res Judicata – Matter that has been adjudicated by a competent court.
87. Aestoppels – Principle that prevents a person from asserting something contrary to his previous
88. Audi altrum petrum – Let the other side be hurt.
89. Calvo doctrine – During civil war State is not responsible for the losses suffered by alien persons
90. Hostess generous – Public enemies
91. Suzerainty – State’s power to rule another State.
92. Sovereignty – State’s power and freedom to govern itself
93. Vassal State – A state that is under the suzerainty of another State
94. Protectorate State – A State whose defense and foreign policy are under some other State.
95. Switzerland is a neutralized State*
96. Occupation vs Annexation
97. Border vs boundary
History of USA
98. Great depression – 1929 – Herbert Hoover (President) –
Issues = Over production, uneven incomes (capitalism), wall street crash (due to flawed
speculations), weak banking system, European recession (workforce depleted, debt to USA,
reparations were not possible by Europe)
Impacts – Homelessness, unemployment, Dust bowl (femines and dust stones = farmers
destroyed), starvation, illness, mass migration
99. Watergate scandal - Watergate was a major political scandal that occurred in the United States
in the 1970s, following a break-in at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at
the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. in 1972 and President Richard Nixon's
administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement.
100. Obama Doctrine – 1st term = International co-operation (Won Peace Prize)
2nd Term = Asia pivot policy
101. Bush Doctrine – Pre-emptive strikes and interventionism

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