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What does happiness means to us?

Is it
only about feeling of joy or being satisfied for
something that is right or has been done right?
Happiness can be a willingness of doing
something with all your heart. Happiness
sometimes can be complicated and unexpected, in
every way of our living we often characterized
“happiness” as a rare gem for it is like a
bubble that is easy to disappear that sometimes
it’s only a temporary contentment to ourselves.
And if I’m going to get asked what happiness
really is I’m going to answer these: Happiness
for me can be an involving risk for it affects
our intuitive thinking, such as jumping in to
different conclusion about the consequences of
your actions that is also a bad thing to do but
it’s sad because it is already a set-up to our
mind-set that too much happiness can be
unfortunate too and that can be a hindrance to
that person’s joy contentment.

What is success? How to define success? It

is the only person that can answer the question
you, yourself every person thinks differently
they think unusual than you others might be able
to define success as an opposite of a failure
but you, yourself can be more of that just like
some might think success as having a decent cars
and mansion while the other thinks of success as
a life that is full of joy and happiness with
their family as the true meaning of success and
once you balance the thought of defining success
you may be able to figured out what is important
its either to succeed with greed or to succeed
with love, caontentment and happiness.

Success is not only something that turns

out as planned or when intended can become
successful in the end. But success is when you
strive for good and for the betterment of
yourself because after your success, success
will not be called as “succeeding in life” but
making such a remarkable experience that will
make other hearts thorn. Remember that living is
not just surviving but also having a thought of
succeeding someday after all the fights you come
up with and remember to treat those struggles as
your companion that will provide you a strong
desire and could give you a clear view of what
you really striving for.

In this life everyone wants only one thing

and that’s being normal the way you want or
handle things normally and is pleasing to your
eyes but suddenly we want more in a way of
fulfilling our contentment in life. Happiness
can be consider as the escape of us from the not
easy-to-adapt world even though sometimes the
world left us with no choice. People just choose
to be in this kind of world to forget the
unpleasant discomfort and can be sometimes
classify as an emotional distress if we cannot
control or handle it properly. And there must be
one important goal that we should have and it is
to know the meaning of success in your personal
life because according to some of my encounters
is when you define success and the answer comes
from the inside of your heart that means all of
those times that you live as a person and as a
person who has a great purpose in this world is
you are looking for a value and fulfilment only.
Let us just trust ourselves and practice of
being responsible for your actions because the
most important is you listen to yourself. Try to
trust and make sense of your intuitive gut
feelings and most of all act on them.
As I learn in the past days I had read
some inspirational status in Facebook with the
word of “Not every day is a good day, and not
every year is good year” I had learned in this
phrase that we must set in our mind the
importance of living in every day that every day
brings another challenges and different lessons
to our life that can be a huge impact to our
living. There is always a choice, its either you
choose the path and best way to live with joy
and contentment or a successful life. We just
have to remember of who we are and why are we
really doing this and what goals are we really
striving for because the moment you define
success is that will be the first step to
forward in accomplishing your goals or
objectives it can be also the moment you stop
pleasing others just to meet their
expectations, only then you will find the real
joy in the things you are already doing or will
start doing.

this life we cannot easily figure out

emotions because people often are better at
faking their own feelings and same thing to
their emotions.

I know that sometimes we depends on the

happiness of the others that is why we are
drowning into our own sadness while losing the
thought that real happiness comes in ourselves
and not by depending it to others, we always had
the option to be happy we just need to know and
explore more our self by not setting limitations
beyond expectations of others to you, we live on
the way we want to live and we choose to be
happy the way we need it as if they exist to
control us and dictate how we run our lives
because I know that everyone has given the
freedom in happiness and it is to discover and
find out of what would be the sense of life
without happiness.

can be a realization, a realization that

other people don’t think about you as much you
think they do. We could be enlighten, don’t
waste time thinking about what people may or not
be thinking towards you. We choose the right
people because we feel how confortable are we
when we’re with that person and that’s the
real happiness we must give importance.

We all have different impressions when it

comes in defining happiness and theres only one
word for me to describe it, it’s the
contentment, being contented to what you had in
your life a satisfaction where you only care are
those people surrounds you. And as for making
this conclusion one thing comes up to my mind is
be who you wanted to be, be who you are, no
matter who you’re with. Always be true to
yourself , even when it makes you uncomfortable.
Don’t miss valuable experiences that may guide
you and get over any challenges you are facing.
You do have the capability to get through at
tough times and theres only one way in solving
it for me is the motivation. We need motivation
in order for things to get accomplished and
passed because someday your hard work will pay
off because every tough eperiences you encounter
can make you stronger. and this will only happen
if you avoid disregarding small things just
think of positive things and positive thinking
to possible outcomes of your hard work always
remember that every thing you are doing matters
so keep on stepping forward. Life could be a
track n field happiness can be the road that you
will taking and success as the finish line. This
means that in your journey you need those people
who makes you feel what real happiness in life
is. In this way you are not fighting the battle
alone but with the people you are close and
comfortable to be with.

Happines and success are like two

contrasting ideas and it depends on the person
who will they give more importance it is either
happiness or succeeding with only the intention
of fulfilling your goals in life. We don’t need
to choose betwee the two because each of the
two contrasting ideas plays an important role in
every part of our life and I think these two
makes sense only to those people who really
wants to prove something.

But what really matter is you succeed knowing

the importance of happiness to our lives.

Is that only what really matters? Ive been

writing this memoir not daily but weekly and
every time I reads it I always come up with new
things, realization or maybe a self-reflection
and what taught me to continue is to come up
with an idea and it is to answer what is the
given question its to answer what yourself is
experiencing . and as I had those realizations I
figure out that it is not only knowing the
importance of happiness to our ives can make us
feel that we succeed, I learned that its
learning during the process of achieving,
learning in every part and in the end as I said
in the first paragraph of this portion
“reflecting”, reflecting in every thing you
experienced from the start up to th end, never
stop reflecting in every bad doings, never stop
reflecting in every good doings and most
important is even you succeed already is to
never stop reflecting. Whats the point of
succeeding only knowing the importance of
will happen is after that succeeding moment and
for the time that will come after that you may
realize that the definition of success and
happiness is you. You are the happiness and the
success of your own life. And that’s the most
important thing, a definition rather that I can
concede to everyone in defining happiness and
success in life.

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