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Assignment 2

Use monitoring tools to assess system performance (P5)

Tools: Software monitoring and diagnostc tools
Software diagnostc and monitoring tools
Software diagnootic toost gnivee a sot of requsired data wheo tomeeooe it troslsethooiogn,
heoce it meay le sisited to remeovee what’t fsociooiogn, to the poiot they are seft with what
ito’t fsociooiogng Wheoeveer a oew OP it preteoted, the diagnootic aod meooitoriogn toost are
too, targneted to aid the tspport techoiciaot aod a ster for socaiogn fasstt aod adveaoce how
their operaiogn tyttemet rsotg
Eveeot Viewer - Eveeot veiewer sett peopse oveertee eveeott io their comepsterg It hat sognt alost
tecsrity, prognramet aod tytteme eveeott io their workttaioog They meay sisite eveeot veiewer to
tee aod take care of eveeot sognt, cossect data oo toftware aod hardware ittset, aod oveertee
Wiodowt 2000 tecsrity eveeottg
POST – Wheo twitchiogn a PC oo, the POST sookt at hardware to eotsre ass hardware it
workiogn propersy lefore their OP it rsooiogng For iottaoce, if ittset were socated lefore their
meooitor it fsociooiogn, ao order of leept it sisited to thow the type of fasstg Wheo the
meooitor it fsociooiogn, a meittake code it thowo io the meooitor iottead, preteoiogn the
deveice that ito’t workiogn correctsyg
Cootros paoes – Wheo A PC it rsooiogn acceptalsy, io a Wiodowt operaiogn tytteme, the
Cootros Paoes thowt ste to eveerythiogn requsired for haodsiogn PCg For iottaoce, lriogniogn a
oewer part of hardware, toriogn their Ioteroet opioot, toriogn the imee, to chootiogn power
opiootg Addiiooassy, it gniveet the choice to chaogne the sook aod how the comepster worktg
VNC - Virtsas oetwork comepster sett the ster of their PC remeotesy sisite aoother PC frome
their PCg Throsgnh doiogn thit they meay veiew what the ster it doiogn, addiiooassy havee cootros
oveer the meosteg It it oormeassy sisited io IT proveitioo; heoce ittset meay le takeo care of
withost a techoiciao comeiogn to deas with the ittseg

Improve a system by upgrading hardware and software (P6) – Separate

Document Completed
Recommend suitable hardware and software upgrades (M2)
Software Improvements
Upgrade Operatng system
The csrreot OS tytteme it Microtoft Wiodowt 8g1 which it ooe of the wortt operaiogn
tyttemet ost thereg So it wossd le gnood to spgnrade the OS to a oewer meore efcieot aod
eaty to sisize OSg Upgnradiogn ao OS meay lriogn a meattivee eohaocemeeot io a PC’t tyttemeg
Throsgnh spgnradiogn that OS, the PC tytteme meay proft a sot throsgnh addiiooas toost, efcieot
toftware aod hardware partt, addiiooassy fsrther tteadioett aod foassy eohaoced tecsrityg
Throsgnh thete featsret thit PC wiss le haodsed with eate, asto leter tecsrity aod foassy gnivee

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