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ENGLISH FOR PSYCHOLOGY GRADO EN PSICOLOGiA. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA (UNED) 2014 - 2015 Ninguno Aciertos: ++0,5 puntos 120 minutos (total) Errores: -0,16 puntos 6 minutos por pregunta Maxima nota: 10 puntos (sin contar las de reserva) 5,21 minutos por pregunta (contando las de reserva) INSTRUCCIONES Este examen se compone de un total de 20 preguntas mis 3 de reserva, repartidas en cuatro (4) seceiones: (1) comprensién lectora, (II) fill in the gaps, (Ill) traduceién directa y (IV) preguntas sobre teoria y gramatica, Solo se puntuaran las 20 primeras preguntas (las que NO son de reserva), Las preguntas de reserva s6lo puntuaran si y sélo si alguna pregunta que no sea de reserva se anulara, En tal caso, el orden en el que las preguntas de reserva comienzan a ser validas es el orden numérico que tienen asignado en la prueba. Es decir, si se anulara una pregunta que no fuera de reserva, contaria la pregunta 21 pero no la 22 ni la 23. Si se anularan dos preguntas que no fueran de reserva, contarian las preguntas 21 y 22, pero no la 23. Finalmente, si se anularan tres preguntas que no fueran de reserva, contarian las preguntas 21, 22 y 23, 1, COMPRENSION LECTORA ‘The Rise of the Robot Therapist {In recent years, we've seen a rise in different interactive technologies and new ways of using them to treat various mental problems. Among other things, this includes online, computer-based, and even virtual reality approaches to cognitive-bchavioural therapy. But what about using robots to provide treatment and/or emotional support? The ficld of robotics has rapidly advanced to the point that social robots have become increasingly common. Defined as an “artificially intelligent system that has a physical embodiment, is autonomous, and interacts and communicates with humans," social robots such as Tico, Jibo, and iCub are already moving beyond the laboratory to interacting with people in real-life environments (11) Some social robots such as Hitchbot have even become media stars and their potential to do far more is just beginning to be understood, Some researchers have already coined a new ferm, robotherapy, to deseribe the different ways that social robots can be used to help people in need. This includes specialized robots for helping children, adults, or the elderly with cognitive, social, or physical problems, (12) Not only can robots be available twenty-four hours a day, but they may also help with the growing shortage of trained support workers, especially for older adults with dementia, (13) Research has already shown that social robots can help improve the quality of life for many people who might Pagina | de6 (14) The idea of using robots in therapy is to help people by taking over many of the tasks for h_ they would ordinarily need human a: nce. This aliows them to be more independent and stay out of total care institutions for as long as possible, A new article published in Review of hology provides an overview of some of the latest advances in robotherapy and what we can expect in the future. Written by Cristina Costecu and David O. David of Romania's Babes- i University and Bram Vanderborgt of Vrije Universiteit in Belgium, the article covers studies showing how roboties are transforming personal care, (15) Though there are a wide range of different uses for robotie therapy, Costeca and her colleagues focused on how robotics are benefiting older adults with medical problems as well as individuals with autism spectram disorder (ASD). For both these populations, robots may well represent a way of providing better and more affordable health care. As I have described in a previous post, the rising number of dementia cases worldwide is already straining existing services and may well stretch health care systems to the breaking point in the coming decades. By 2060, an estimated thirty percent of all Europeans will be over the age of sixty compared with seventeen percent in 2010. Will there be enough young people to care for them all by then? And who will provide the care if there aren't? Though social robots such as the Care-o- bot, telepresence robots Giraff and VGo, and companion robots such as Aibo, Yumel, PLEO, a: Huggable are already being used in many facilities for the elderly, more rigorous research is still needed to measure their effectiveness in health care. [Psychology Today, 17 November 2014 potlight/20141 1/the-rise-the-robot-therapist] 1. Which of these statements is incorrect, according to what is said in the text? a, Online, computer-based, and virtual reality approaches to psychoanalytic therapy are among the various interactive technologies cited in the text b. According to the text, we have lately witnessed an inerease in diverse interactive technologies and novel ways of employing them to deal with various mental problems. c. In paragraph 1, the author of the text wonders about the use of robots to provide treatment and/or mental support; an issue which s/he later on discusses in some detail. d. The text addresses the issue of the rise of the robot therapist. 2. Which of these statements is incorrect, according to what is specified in the text? a, Tico is an example of a social robot. Jibo and iCub are additional examples b. Social robots have not yet interacted with people, and they will not do so in the near future. lly intelligent system’ are among the features used robots like Hitchbot are famous. 3. Which of these statements is incorrect, according to what is specified in the text? a, Specialized robots have been specifically devised to help elderly people with some kind of cognitive, physical or social problem; children are not currently being considered. b. People in need can benefit from social robots. ©. Specialized robots can be employed to help people of all ages. d. If one coins a new term (e.g. “robotherapy”), they invent or create such a term, According to the text, this word is used by some researchers working with social robots. Pagina 2 de 6 Which of these statements is incorrect, according to what is said in the text? a, By using robots, people in need can do without human assistance, in the sense that robots can take care of several tasks for which human assistance is usually required. b. One of the benefits of using robots in therapy is that it allows people in need to be more independent. c. According to the text, the use of robots in therapy allows people to stay out of total care institutions for as long as possible. In this sentence, the expression “for as long as possible” indicates that none of these people will ever require need care in total care itutions thanks to the help of robots. 4. According to the text, the use of robots in therapy allows people to stay out of total care tutions for as long as possible. The use of “for as long as possible” indicates that some of these people may eventually require need care in total care institutions, 5. Which of these options is the least accurate paraphrase for the following sentence?: “Costecu and her colleagues focused on how roboties are benefiting older adults with medical problems”. a. Costecu and her colleagues zeroed in on how robotics are benefiting older adults with medical problems. b. Costecu and her colleagues concentrated on how robotics are benefiting older adults with medical problems. ©. Costecu and her colleagues paid attention 10 how robotics are benefiting older adults with medical problems. d. Costecu and her colleagues overlooked how robotics are benefiting older adults with medical problems. Il. FILL IN THE GAPS Motor and phonic tics are often preceded by premonitory sensations, which consist (6) localizable paresthesia or discomfort; these sensations are temporarily relieved after the execution of the tic, Examples include a burning feeling in the eye before an eye blink, tension or a crick in the neck (7) is relieved by stretching the neck or jerking the head, a feeling of tightness or constriction that is relieved by extension of the arm or leg, nasal stuffiness before a sniff, dry or sore throat before throat clearing or grunting, and itching before a rotatory movement of the scapula, Besides (8) local or regional premonitory sensations, (9) may be non- localizable and less specific premonitory phenomena, such as urges, anxiety, anger, or other psychic symptoms. (10) patients report that in order to relieve the uncomfortable urge they have to repeat a particular movement until “it feels good” or “it feels just right.” [Source: Jankovic, J. 2001 Tourette's Syndrome, The New England Journal of Medicine 346.16 pp.1185] Pagina 3 de 6 ce. that who so. as such such as pege there it there are itis pege 10. ‘Much Much of Many of Many nese TRADUCCION DIRECTA Lea el texto “The Rise of the Robot Therapist?” y escoja LA MEJOR TRADUCCION al espaiiol de los siguientes extractos: 11, “Some social rebots such as Hitchbot have even become media stars and their potential to do far more is just beginning to be understood”: a, Muchos robots sociales como Hitchbot incluso se han convertido en estrellas mediaticas y su potencial para conseguir mucho mas acaba de empezar a ser entendido. b, Algunos robots sociales como Hitchbot incluso se han convertido en estrellas mediticas y su potencial para conseguir mucho mas acaba de empezar a entenderse. ¢. Algunos robots sociables como Hitchbot incluso se fueron convirtiendo en estrellas mediiticas y su potencial para conseguir mucho mas acaba de empezar a entenderse. 4d, Algunos robots sociales como Hitchbot se han convertido en estrellas mediiticas y su potencial para el éxito acaba de empezar a descubrirse, 12. “Not only can robots be available Gventy-four hours a day, but they may also help with the growing shortage of trained support workers” a. Los robots no solo estan disponibles las veinticuatro horas del dia, sino que también pueden ayudar con la creciente escasez de trabajadores de apoyo cualificados. b. Los robots no pueden estar solo disponibles las veinticuatro horas del dia, sino que también deberian ayudar con la creciente escasez de trabajadores de apoyo mal remunerados, c. Los robots no solo estin disponibles las veint pueden ayudar a los trabajadores de apoyo. 4d. Los robots solos no pueden estar disponibles las veinticuatro horas del di ayudar a los escasos trabajadores de apoyo cualificados. 13, “Research has already shown that social robots can help improve the quality of life for many people who might otherwise "fall between the cracks" due to not having the help they need” ‘a, Los estudios ya han mostrado que los robots sociales podrian ayudar a prolongar la calidad de vida de algunas personas que, de otra manera, quedan aisladas por no tener ayuda. uatro horas del no que tamb . pero podrian Pagina 4 de 6 uss b. Los estudios ya han mostrado cémo los robots sociales pueden ayudar a mejorar la calidad de vida de muchas personas que, de otra manera, podrian quedar aisladas por no tener la ayuda que necesitan, Un estudio asegura que los robots soci muchas personas que, de alguna m cualificada d. Los estudios ya han mostrado que los robots sociales pueden ayudar a mejorar la calidad de vida de muchas personas que, de otra manera, podrian quedar aisladas por no tener la ayuda que necesitan, 14, “The idea of using robots in therapy is to help people by taking over many of the tasks for which they would ordinarily need human assistanc a, La idea de usar robots en terapia es ayudar a la gente encargindose de muchas de las labores para las que normalmente necesitarian asistencia humana. b. La idea de usar robots en terapia es ayudar a la gente a ocuparse de muchas de las labores para las que normalmente necesitan asistencia, c, La idea de usar robots en terapia cs ayudar a la gente a encargarse de alguna de las labores para las que normalmente necesitarian asistencia humana d. El objetivo de usar robots en terapia es ayudar a la gente necesitada a encargarse de las actividades para las que normalmente necesitarian asistencia humana, 15.“Though there are a wide range of different uses for robotic therapy colleagues focused on how robotics are benefiting older adults with mec well as individuals with autism spectrum disorder”: a, Aunque existe una reducida gama de usos para la terapia robética, Costecu y sus colegas destacaron cémo esti beneficiando la robética a adultos mayores con problemas médicos, asi como a individuos con trastorno del espectro autista. b. Aunque existe una amplia gama de usos para la terapia robética, Costecu y sus colegas se centraron en cémo esti beneficiando la robética a adultos mayores con problemas médicos, asi como a individuos con trastorno del espectro autista, ¢. Aunque existe una pequefia gama de usos para la terapia robética, Costecu y sus colegas se preocuparon de cémo esti beneficiando la robotica a adultos mayores con problemas médicos, sin contar con individuos con trastorno del espectro autista. d. Aunque existe una amplia gama de usos diferentes para la terapia robstica, Costecu y sus colegas se han estado centrando en cémo la robética esta beneficiando a adultos mayores con problemas médicos, asi como a niiios con trastorno del espectro autista. les pueden ayudar a mejorar la calidad de vida de nera, podrian ser ignoradas por no tener ayuda Costecu and her -al problems as IV, PREGUNTAS SOBRE TEORIA Y GRAMATICA 16. En la evolucién de la investigacién del Inglés Profesional y Académico (IPA) se distinguen tres fases: la fase prescriptiva, la fase intermedia y la fase descriptiva. Es en la fase ermedia cuando el IPA se deja influir por paradigmas como la lingiiistica cognitiva, la lingiiistica sistémico-funcional, etc. De las siguientes opciones, indique cual NO recoge un aspecto en el que el la lingiiistica cognitiva ha tenido un impacto en la estilistica de los Ienguajes de especialidac ‘a, Uno de los aspectos en los que la lingiifstica cognitiva ha influido en la estilistica de los Ienguajes de especialidad es en la concepeién enciclopédica de la seméntica, b. Uno de los principios que la lingiistica cognitiva ha aportado a la estilis Ienguajes de especialidad es la concepcién de que el lenguaje tiene carscter simbélico, La lingiiistica cognitiva ha influido en la estilistica de los lenguajes de especialidad respaldando una clara separaci6n entre el componente gramatical y el semantico. Pagina 5 de 6 17.Una de estas caracteris Profesional y Académico. Sefiale cual es d. La lingifstica cognitiva ha aportado a la estilisi enfoque basado en el uso. s NO es propia de los rasgos Iéxico-sintécticos del Inglés at de los lenguajes de especialidad el a, El uso de metéforas, metonimias y falsos amigos, b, Laabundancia de léxico de origen greco-latino. ¢. La ausencia total de estructuras pasivas. d. La frecuencia de estructuras oracionales sencillas (con la excepcién de la sintaxis del inglés juridico, por ejemplo). 18.__ Kate and John __ relatives living in a foreign country? a. Has/got b. Hasn’tigot c. Havelgot 19, 20. Do you like __ in the park? Yes, [love __ in the park early in the mor d. Does/have to the pub and have a drink! a. Let's go b. Let's going c. Letgo d. Lets going run/running run/run running/run running/running pes PREGUNTAS DE RESERVA 21. Only one of these statements true: a, Individuals with ASD were the only focus of attention in Costecu and her colleagues’ article. b, According to Costecu and her colleagues, the use of robots for health care is expensive in the case of individuals with ASD. ©. The article published in “Review of General Psychology” disapproved of the use of robotherapy. d. The number of eases with dementia is increasing worldwide. 22, Rellene el siguiente espacio en blanco con la respuesta correcta: “Moreover, most of this research has failed to consider the effects of socioeconomic factors, which may significant variance in the relationship between parental mental disorder and child adjustment”: 23. a, involve on. b. provide of. c. approach of, d. account for. ou___lessons__ the evening__ January’ Have/got /in/ at Do/have/in/in Do/golin/on Do/havelon/at pege Pagina 6 de 6

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