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IMPORTANTE; DEBEN ENTREGAR ESTE ENUNCIADO AL TRIBUNAL JUNTO A LA. HOJA DE LECTURA OPTICA ENGLISH FOR PSYCHOLOGY GRADO EN PSICOLOGIA. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA (UNED) 2016 - 2017 Material permitido: — Ninguno Acierto +0,5 puntos ‘Tiempo: 120 minutos (total) Errores: -0,16 puntos 6 minutos por pregunta Maxima nota: 10 puntos (sin contar las de reserva) 5,21 minutos por pregunta (contando las de reserva) INSTRUCCIONES Este examen se compone de un total de 20 preguntas mas 3 de reserva, repartidas en cuatro (4) secciones: (I) comprensién lectora, (II) fill in the gaps, (II1) traduccién directa y (IV) preguntas sobre teoria y gramitica. Sélo se puntuaran las 20 primeras preguntas (las que NO son de reserva) Las preguntas de reserva s6lo puntuarin si y sélo si alguna pregunta que no sea de reserva se anulara, En tal caso, el orden en el que las preguntas de reserva comienzan a ser vilidas es el orden numérico que tienen asignado en la prueba. Es decir, si se anulara una pregunta que no fuera de reserva, contaria la pregunta 21 pero no la 22 ni la 23. Si se anularan dos preguntas que no fueran de reserva, contarian las preguntas 21 y 22, pero no la 23, Finalmente, si se anularan tres preguntas que no fueran de reserva, contarian las preguntas 21, 22 y 23. 1. COMPRENSION LECTORA. How to fight anxiety and depress n 11) What's the best way to deal depression and anxiety? Quickly and definitively. Whatever kicks them off, depression and anxiety both are maintained by styles of thinking that magnify the initial insult and alter the workings of the brain in such a way that the longer an episode exists, the less it takes to set off future episodes. Anxiety and depression are probably two faces of the same coin, Surveys have long shown that 60 to 70 percent of people with major depression also have an anxiety disorder, while half of those suffering anxiety also have symptoms of clinical depression The stress response system is overactive in both disorders. Excess activity of the stress response system sends emotional centers of the brain into overdrive so that negative events make a disproportionate impact and hijack rational response systems. You literally can't think straight, (12) You ruminate over and over about the difficulties and disappointments you encounter until that's all you can foct Researchers believe that some people react with anxiety to stressful life events, seeing danger lurking ahead everywhere—in applying for a job, asking for a favor, asking for a date, And some go beyond anxiety to become depressed, a kind of shutdown in response to anticipated danger. People who have either condition typically overestimate the in a situation and underestimate their own resources for coping. Sufferers avoid what they fear instead of developing the skills to handle the kinds of situations that make them uncomfortable. (13) Often enough, a Pagina | de 6 lack of social skills is at the root, Some types of anxiety—obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and social phobia—are particularly associated with depression. (14) The fact that anxiety usually precedes the development of depression presents a huge opportunity for the prevention of depression. Young people especially are not likely to ‘outgrow anxiety on their own; they need to be taught specific mental skills. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) gets at response patterns central to both conditions. And the drugs most commonly used against depression have also been proved effective against an array of anxiety disorders. Although medication and CBT are equally effective in reducing anxiety/depression, CBT is better at preventing return of the disorder. Patients like it better, too, because it allows them to feel responsible for their own success. What's more, the active coping that CBT encourages creates new brain circuits that circumvent the dysfunctional response pathways. Cognitive-behavioral therapy teaches people to monitor the environment for the troubling emotional landmines that seem to set them off. That actually changes metabolic activity in the cortex, the thinking brain, to modulate mood states. It works from the top down. Drugs, by contrast, work from the bottom up, modulating neurotransmitters in the brainstem, which drive basic emotional behaviors. Treatment with CBT averages 12 to 15 weeks, and patients can expect to see significant improvement by six weeks. Drug therapy is typically recommended for months, if not years. Exercise is an important adjunct to any therapy. Exercise directly alters levels of neurohormones involved in circuits of emotion, It calms the hyperactivity of the nervous system and improves function of the brain's emotion-sensing network. It also improves the ability of the body to tolerate stress. What's more, it changes people's perception of themselves, providing a sense of personal mastery and positive self-regard. It also reduces negative thinking, However, just telling a distressed person to exercise is futile, as depression destroys initiative. (15) The best thing a loved one can do is to simply announce: "Let's go for_a wall Then accompany the person out the door. [Source: Psychology Today. Text available a: https://www] Which of these is an appropriate definition for the phrasal verb set (something) off? (e.g. “The longer an episode exists, the less it takes to set off future episodes”). a. Set off means “to cause s b. Ser off means “to cause something to start happening” ©. Ser off means “to lose control over something” 4. Set off means “to make something go faster”. 2. Which of these options is INCORRECT? a, If anxiety and depression are defined as “two faces of the same coin”, it means that they are closely related although they seem different. In fact, studies show that if a person suffers from one of them, chances are that they may also have the other. b. More than 50% of the people who suffer major depression also suffer from an anxicty disorder. c. Half of the people who suffer anxiety also show symptoms of depression. d. Surveys have shown that it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to suffer from major depression and have an anxiety disorder at the same time. Which of the: INCORRECT? In cases of anxiety and depres a. There is an excess of activity in the stress response system. Pagina 2 de 6 b. Excess activity of the stress response system makes the emotional centers of the brain to start working too hard, that is, they go into overdrive €. Because emotional centers of the brain are working too hard, they take control of rational response systems. 4. The stress response system is underactive in the case of depression, while itis overactive in the case of anxiety. 4, Which of these is INCORREC a. People who suffer from anxiety tend to underestimate their ability to cope with a situation they believe may be dangerous. The same is true for people with depression b. People who suffer from depression tend to perceive a given situation as being riskier than it actually is. The same is true for people with anxiety. ¢. Both depressed and anxious people readily face their fears instead of avoiding them. d. Along with obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic disorder, social phobia is characterized as one type of anxiety that is particularly associated with depression. 5. Which of these statements is INCORRECT? a. Itis not usually the case that young people outgrow anxiety on their own. Instead, they have to be taught how to cope with it by means of learning specific mental skills. b. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is as effective as drugs are when it comes to reducing anxiety or depression. However, the former is better in terms of preventing the reappearance of the disorder. c. While drugs work from the bottom up, CBT, by contrast d. Psychologists recommend patients with anxiety to avoid doing exercise, cause excessive stimulation or hyperactivity, thus triggering panic attacks, ince it can I, FILL IN THE GAPS 6) review focuses (7) human psychoneuroimmunology studies (8) in the past decade. Issues discussed include the routes through which psychological factors influence immune function, how a stressor’s duration may influence the changes observed, individual ference variables, the ability of interventions to modulate immune function, and the health consequences of psychosocially mediated immune dysregulation. The importance of negative affect and supportive personal relationships (9) Recent data (10) immune dysregulation may be one core mechanism for a spectrum of conditions associated with aging, including cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, Type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and frailty and functional decline; production of proinflammatory cytokines that influence these and other conditions can be stimulated directly by negative emotions and indirectly by prolonged infection. [Source: 1604. 1470493340] 6. a. An b. This c. These d. Those a. with b. within c. in d. on Pagina 3 de 6 8. a. published b. publishing c. have published d. publishes 9. a. are highlighted b. is highlighted c. are highlight d. has highlighted 10. suggesting who b. suggests, that c. suggest that 4. will be suggested which II, TRADUCCK IN DIRECTA 11. “WI t's the best way to deal with depression and anxiety?”: {Cual es el modo de entender la depresién y la ansiedad? {Cual es el mejor modo de lidiar con la depresién y la ansiedad? {Cuil es el peor modo de lidiar con la depresién y la ansiedad? {Cémo deberiamos luchar contra la depresién y la ansiedad? 12. “You ruminate over and over about the difficulties and disappointments you encounter until that's all you can focus on”: a. Rumias una y otra vez las dificultades y las decepciones con las que te encuentras hasta que solo puedes centrarte en eso. b. Rumias una y otra vez las dificultades y las humillaciones con las que te encuentras hasta que solo te centras en eso. c. No paras de darle vueltas a las decepeiones con las que te encuentras hasta que solo puedes centrarte en eso d. Rumias una y otra vez las dificultades y las decepciones con las que te encuentras y solo te centras en eso, 13. “Often enough, a lack of social skills is at the root”: a, Rara vez la causa b. De vez en cuando acabas no teniendo habilidades sociales. c. Con bastante frecuencia la causa es una falta de habilidades sociales. d. Generalmente la raiz del problema depende de tus habilidades sociales. 14. “The fact that anxiety usually precedes the development of depression presents a huge opportunity for the prevention of depression”: a. El hecho de que la ansiedad preceda al desarrollo de una depresién constituye una oportunidad para la prevencién de la depresién b. Elhecho de que la ansiedad aparezca tras una depresién constituye una gran oportunidad para la prevencién de la depresion. c. El hecho esti en que la ansiedad precede a la depresién, y eso constituye una oportunidad para la prevencion de la depresion. d. Elhecho de que la ansiedad suela preceder al desarrollo de una depresién constituye una gran oportunidad para la prevencién de la depresion. 15. “The best thing a loved one can do is to simply announce: "Let's go for a walk"” Pagina 4 de 6 a, Lo mejor que un ser querido puede hacer es sencillamente decir: “Vamos a dar un paseo”. Lo que tiene que hacer un ser querido es decir: “Vamos a dar un paseo”, Lo peor que un ser querido puede hacer es sencillamente decir: “Vamos a dar un pasco” 4. Lo mejor que alguien puede hacer es decir: “Vamos a dar un paseo”. IV. PREGUNTAS SOBRE TEORIA Y GRAMATICA. 16. ,Qué término se emplea para designar el tipo de lenguaje utilizado en la comunicacin especializada, es decir, el lenguaje especifico que usan profesionales y especialistas para, como describe Varé (2000: 15), “transmitir informaci6n y negociar los términos, conceptos y los conocimientos de una determinada area de conocimiento”?: a. Lenguaje general b. Léxico. c. Vocabulario basic d. Lenguaje de especialidad 17. Marque la opcién INCORRECTA. Cabré (1993) arguye que los lenguajes de especialidad pueden aglutinarse en torno a su tendencia restrictiva. Asi, se habla de que la naturaleza de los lenguajes de especialidad es restrictiva por... a. Su intencién informativa e incluso directiva en el caso de las leyes, por ejemplo. b. Su flexibilidad, que esta constrefiida por la incorporacién de lenguajes artificiales que hacen referencia a conceptos y funciones iinicos del dominio, c. Suadquisicién, que surge de manera natural o de manera inconsciente. d. Sus funciones, que suelen estar reducidas a lo descriptivo, clasificativo y comunicativo. 18. We to walk home last night. were no buses a. had/ There b. have / These c. had / Their d. has / Didn't 19, It’s late. I think home now. a, shouldn’t went to b. could gone ©. should go d. will be gone to 20. new houses opposite the park, ‘a. This / was being built b. Much / are building c. Many / is being built d. Some / are being built PREGUNTAS DE RESERVA 21, Which of these is a suitable synonym for the adverb actually in the following sentence: “That actually changes metabolic activity in the cortex”, a. Seemingly. b. In fact. c. Readily. d. Currently. Pagina 5 de 6 22. Rellene el siguiente espacio en blanco con la Gnica opcién correcta: “Functionalism left its imprint on contemporary American psychology most significantly through i the application of the methods and findings of psychology to the solution of practical problems”. a. accounting b. emphasis on c. approached in d. focuses on 23. Rome is not Athens. a. oldest as b. asoldas c. older d. oldest than Pagina 6 de 6

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