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The “Completion” indicator looks at the graduating cohort from the most recent year for which you have
available data. By “graduating cohort” we mean the group of people who will graduate in the same year.
For example, in the US, most degrees are done in four years, therefore the graduating cohort in 2015 would
be the people who began their program in 2011. In this case, we would need the number of students who
began in 2011 (say, 10,000) and the number of students from that group who graduated in 2015 (say,
9,000 meaning 90%). We would need data only for the undergraduate completion rate.
You mentioned that the most recent year available for the graduating cohort in terms of enrolment is 2013
and the graduating date is 2017. Does this mean that all undergraduate programs at UNPAD are 4 years
long? If the university doesn’t have a typical length of time for programs, or these vary between programs,
we would be looking for the number of people who graduated on time. For example, the 2017 cohort can be
defined as: 1) students doing a 3 year degree who began studying in 2014, as well as 2) students doing a 4
year degree who began studying in 2013, as well as 3) students doing a 6 year degree who began studying
in 2011. If most of the university’s degree programs are the same length, please provide the number of
students which began studying in 2013 and graduated on time. If the program length is variable, please
submit data as per the example above.
For example, you have submitted 5986 undergraduates enrolled in 2013 and 5710 undergraduates
graduating in 2017. Are the 5710 graduates from the same cohort which started their studies in 2013 or are
they cumulated from several years?

Untuk pertanyaan diatas saya menangkapnya bahwa data completion yg

sebelumnya kita kirim harus di koreksi karena jumlahnya kurang logis sehingga
menimbulkan pertanyaan diatas b
Berikut table cohort completion yg saya update :

Completion (update)
Percentage of Undergraduate students from the initial enrolment cohort

that completed the degree course through to graduation

Undergraduate Posgraduate Overall
Number of students enrolled in first year (all 5,974 1,703 7,677
Number of students who graduated from this 4,331 1,359 6,334
Percentage 72% 80% 83%
Source (e.g. annual report/national survey...) data unpad data unpad data unpad

note :
- Number of student who graduate from this cohort were started their studies
in 2013
1. Overall Student Satisfaction and Satisfaction with Teaching:

As previously mentioned, in order to be considered, the survey needs to be on a five-point scale or above
(e.g. satisfied, slightly satisfied, neutral, not very satisfied, dissatisfied). Based on the submitted evidence,
the survey appears to be on a three-point scale (very satisfied, satisfied and not satisfied). In this case, I
would suggest distributing the QS Student Satisfaction Survey instead, which covers all the data we need
for the student satisfaction indicators. Please find below some important details regarding the survey:

QS Student Satisfaction Survey

 Can be sent to all current students, as well as any students from the past three

 Should be a minimum of 1000 unique respondents, or 20% of the total number of

students (or else the score is scaled down)

 The survey stays open for four weeks initially, and a further two weeks if the
minimum response rate has not been met

Please let me know if you would like to distribute the QS Student Satisfaction Survey among your students
and I will send you a personalized survey link for this purpose.

Untuk pertanyaan tentang indek kepuasan diatas saya menangkap maksudnya

bahwa mereke minta apakah kita bersedia menggunakan survey link yang mereka
punya untuk dilakukan ke mahasiswa unpad.

Saya berpendapat agar kita tahu pertanyaan seperti apa yg QS tim gunakan untuk
mensurvey mahasiswa sebaiknya kita minta “ personalized survey link “ QS
sehingga kita bias tahu modelnya…tapi hal ini harus di bicarakan dengan Direktorat
Terkait dalam hal ini DIRDIK untuk proses teknis pelaksanaan surveynya.

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