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Spanish Part of

theme Word
Translation Speech

1 B arm brazo noun

1 B back espalda noun

1 P bank banco noun

1 AD best el mejor adjective

1 C black negro adjective

1 M block cuadra noun

1 P blog blog noun

1 B body cuerpo noun

1 P cash efectivo noun
1 B chin barbilla noun

1 A crab cangrejo noun

1 NE crop cosecha noun

1 S gets obtiene verb
1 A gill branquia noun

1 B hand mano noun

1 B hip cadera noun

1 S hits golpea verb

1 W hot caliente adjective
1 S hunt cazar verb
1 FF kiss besar verb

1 B leg pierna noun

1 W melt derretirse verb

1 H mops trapea verb

1 A moth polilla noun

1 B neck cuello noun

1 A nest nido noun

1 S picks selecciona verb

1 S pull * jalar verb

1 C red * rojo adjective
1 S runs corre verb

1 A shell caparazón noun

1 B shin espinilla noun

1 H sits se sienta verb

1 B skin piel noun
1 A sloth oso perezoso noun

1 H step paso noun

1 W sun * sol noun
1 S swim nadar verb

1 S swims nada verb

1 B thin delgado adjective
1 S trap atrapar verb
1 FF twin gemelo noun

1 H wall pared noun

1 M west oeste noun
1 W wind viento noun
2 B beat * ritmo noun
2 C blue * azul adjective
2 G bye* adios interjection
2 H chair silla noun

2 B cheek mejilla noun

2 NE deep profundo adverb

2 A deer * venados noun
2 W dry seco adjective
2 B ears orejas noun

2 M east este noun

2 F eats come verb
2 B eye * ojo noun
2 B face cara noun

2 B feet * pies noun

2 G fine bien adjective
2 W hail* granizo noun
2 H heel* talón noun
2 S hike hacer caminata verb
2 W ice hielo noun
2 S likes gusta verb

2 H live vivir verb

2 S make hacer, construir verb
2 S makes hace, construye verb
2 FE mean antipático adjective
2 M mile milla noun
2 B nail clavo noun
2 FE nice adjective
2 B nose* nariz noun
2 W rain * lluvia noun
2 S reads * lee verb

2 S rides monta verb

2 FE rude grosero adjective

2 A seal foca noun

2 B shave rasurarse verb
2 H sheet sábana noun
2 W sky cielo noun

2 H soap jabón noun

2 A tail * cola noun

2 S takes lleva verb

2 B teeth dientes noun

2 B tiny diminuto adjective
2 B trait característica noun

2 B waist * cintura noun

2 B wake despertarse verb

2 B wear * llevar, vestir verb
3 B beard barba noun
3 B brain cerebro noun

3 FE brave valiente adjective

3 B broke rompió verb

3 B brush cepillar verb
3 B chest pecho noun
3 H cleans limpia verb
3 w cold frio adjective
3 A croak croar verb
3 W dew * rocío noun

3 S does hace verb

3 S drive verb
3 S drove verb
3 C gold oro adjective
3 GC Greek griego noun/adj.
3 H hold * sostener verb

3 S jumps brinca, salta verb

3 H lamp lámpara noun
3 S lifts levanta verb

3 H lives vive verb

3 B lung pulmón noun

3 M most el más adverb
3 S plays juega verb
3 B pores * poros noun
3 A prey * presa noun

3 S puts pone verb

3 A scales escamas noun
3 H screen pantalla noun

3 H shelf estante noun

3 S sings canta verb
3 B sleep dormir verb
3 S slow lento adjective

3 FE smug engreído adjective

3 W snow nieve noun

3 A soft suave adjective
3 B spine espina vertebral noun

3 S stand pararse verb

3 A sting picar / punzar verb

3 NE strait * estrecho noun

3 H sweep barrer verb

3 GC Swiss suizo noun/adj.
3 B wash lavar verb
3 A wing ala noun
3 A wolf lobo noun

3 P works trabaja verb

4 H bleach cloro noun
4 H buys compra verb

4 H calls llama verb

4 NE calm calma adjective

4 M coin moneda noun

4 H come venir verb

4 F cooks cocina verb

4 S crawl gatear verb
4 S dance bailar verb
4 A dead muerto adjective
4 F drank bebí, tomé verb
4 S drawn dibujado verb

4 S draws dibuja verb

4 F drink beber, tomar verb
4 F drunk tomado verb

4 T flown volado verb

4 B foot pie noun
4 G good bien adjective
4 B grown* crecido verb
4 B have tener verb
4 B head cabeza noun

4 B heart corazón noun

4 B joint articulación noun

4 A lion león noun

4 M north norte noun

4 B plump gordito adjective
4 A shark tiburón noun
4 F sharp filoso adjective
4 SC shown* mostrado verb

4 B skull cráneo noun

4 B slept durmió verb

4 B small pequeño adjective

4 SC smart inteligente adjective
4 AD smooth liso adjective
4 A squid calamar noun
se pusieron de
4 S stood verb
4 H stool banco, taburete noun
4 NE swamp pantano noun
4 H swept barrió verb
4 S swing balancearse verb
4 S throw tirar, lanzar verb
4 S thrown* tirado verb
4 W warm tibio adjective
4 A whale * ballena noun
4 C white blanco adjective
5 B alive vivo adjective

5 M begun comenzado verb

5 AD bright brillante adjective
5 S catch atrapar verb

5 P clause * cláusula noun

5 W cloud nube noun
5 H couch sillón noun

5 GC Dutch holandés noun/adj.

5 M fifth quinto adjective
5 S fight pelear verb
5 M fourth cuarto adjective
5 GC French francés noun/adj.

5 A gecko geco noun

5 NE ground tierra noun

5 A howl aullar verb
5 GC Irish irlandés noun/adj.
5 H item artículo noun
5 SC learns aprende verb

5 M liter litro noun

5 B liver hígado noun

5 FE loud ruidoso adjective

5 M meter metro noun

5 A mouse ratón noun
5 B mouth boca noun
5 M never nunca adverb
5 M night * noche noun
5 M ninth noveno adjective
5 H oven horno noun
5 M pound libra noun
5 A rabbit conejo noun
5 M right * derecha noun
5 M second segundo adjective
5 A shrimp camarón noun
5 M sixth sexto adjective
5 M south sur noun
5 M tenth décimo adjective
5 B thigh muslo noun
5 M third tercero adjective
5 A tiger tigre noun

5 S uses usa verb

5 T visit visitar verb

5 W water agua noun

5 AD worst el peor adjective
5 F beaten ganado verb
5 H binder portafolio noun

6 B broken roto noun

6 FF carry llevar verb

6 S chosen elegido verb

6 M closer más cerca adjective
6 W cloudy nublado adjective
6 B cuter más lindo adjective

6 B darker más oscuro adjective

6 H dishes platos noun
6 H dresser vestidor noun
6 S driven conducido verb
6 F eaten comido verb
6 B elbow codo noun
6 A falcon halcón noun

6 S fallen caído verb

6 M fewer menos adjective

6 NE flower* flor noun
6 A furry peludo adjective
6 H given dado verb
6 P greedy avaricioso adjective
6 F grilled asado adjective
más duro; más
6 AD harder adjective
6 H living viviendo verb
6 F mashed puré de adjective
6 FE meaner más malo adjective
6 AD poorer más pobre adjective
6 W rainy lluvioso adjective
6 B risen levantado verb
6 FE ruder más grosero adjective
6 AD safer más seguro adjective
6 A scaly escamoso adjective
6 AD sicker más enfermo adjective
más lento; más
6 B slower adjective
6 B smaller más pequeño adjective
6 SC spoken hablado verb
6 AD sticky pegajoso adjective

6 GC stolen robado verb

6 W stormy tormentoso adjective

6 B stuffy tapado adjective
6 W sunny * soleado adjective
6 S taken cogido verb
6 F tasty sabroso adjective
6 W windy ventoso adjective
6 B woken despertado verb
6 C yellow amarillo adjective
6 A zebra cebra noun

7 F bitten mordido verb

7 FE bravest el más valiente adjective

7 B breathe respirar verb

7 AD cheapest el más barato adjective

7 F chopped picado adjective
7 H cleanest el más limpio adjective

7 NE coldest el más frío adjective

7 NE deepest el más profundo adjective

7 S driving verb
7 W frozen congelado verb
7 H getting verb
7 H gotten obtenido verb
7 B having teniendo verb
7 S hidden escondido verb
7 S hiking verb
7 S hitting pegando verb

7 FE hopeful esperanzado adjective

7 W hottest el más caliente adjective

7 FE kindest el más amable adjective
7 B longest el más largo adjective
7 AD loudest el más ruidoso adjective
7 H mopped trapeó verb
7 H mopping trapeando verb

7 FE prouder más orgulloso adjective

7 H putting poniendo verb

7 AD richest el más rico adjective

7 S ridden montado verb

7 S riding montando verb

7 S running corriendo verb
7 FE saddest el más triste adjective
7 S shaken sacudido verb
7 B shaven rasurado verb

7 B shaving rasurándose verb

7 S sitting sentándose verb

7 B stronger más fuerte adjective

7 SC studied estudió verb

7 S swimming nadando verb

7 S taking llevando verb

7 B tallest el más alto adjective
7 F thirsty sediento adjective
7 B waking despertándose verb
7 NE warmer más tibio adjective
7 M weekly* semanalmente adverb
el más húmedo,
7 NE wettest adjective
el más mojado
7 M yearly anualmente adverb

8 A attack atacar verb

8 A beaver castor noun

8 M billion billón adjective

8 H blanket cobija noun
8 M daily diariamente adverb
8 M every cada adjective
8 A feather pluma noun
8 B finger dedo noun
8 GC German alemán noun/adj.
8 M hundred cien adjective

8 H iron plancha noun

8 SC known sabido, conocido verb

8 A lobster langosta noun

8 FE lonely solitario adjective

8 P manager gerente noun

8 FF member miembro noun

8 M million millón adjective

8 M monthly mensualmente adverb

8 F mustard mostaza noun
8 M often a menudo adverb
8 A panther pantera noun
8 H pillow almohada noun

8 GC polish polaco adj.

8 FE polite educado adjective

8 SC pronoun pronombre noun

8 SC proven probado verb
8 A reptile reptil noun
8 FE selfish egoista adjective
8 B slender esbelto adjective
8 FE shier/shyer* más tímido adjective
8 FE strange extraño, raro adjective

8 A tapir danta noun

8 M thousand mil adjective

8 W thunder trueno noun
8 B tonsils amígdalas noun

8 T travels viaja verb

8 A walrus morsa noun

8 B whiter más blanco adjective

8 SC writes escribe verb

8 SC writing escribiendo verb

8 SC wrote * escribió verb

8 A parakeet periquito noun

8 FF themselves ellos mismos pronoun
8 HII swelling hinchazón noun
8 B weakest el más débil adjective

8 LD preposition preposición noun

9 PA elderly mayor, anciano adjective

9 PA scruffy desaliñado adjective

9 S therefore por lo tanto adverb

9 CPG bookkeeping contabilidad noun

9 CS handkerchief pañuelo noun

9 CS underwear ropa interior noun
9 NE grassland sabana noun

9 FF adopted adoptado adjective

9 B awoken despertado verb

9 A badger tejón noun

9 PA hairdo peinado adjective

9 PA overweight sobre peso adjective

9 S highlighter resaltador noun

9 TT sightseeing turismo noun

9 W sandstorm tormenta de noun

9 FD lopsided ladeado adjective

9 HII constipated constipado adjective

en peligro (de
9 NE endangered adjective
9 QT immediately inmediatamente adverb
9 QT probability probabilidad noun
9 A pigeon paloma noun
9 FC appetizer entrada noun
9 FD accidentally accidentalmente adverb

9 FD doubtful dudoso adjective

9 FD embarrassed avergonzado adjective

9 P build construir verb

9 S builds construye verb

9 S climb escalar verb

9 S climbs escala verb

9 H cursive cursivo adjective

9 B curvy curvilineo adjective
9 FE doubt duda noun

9 SC dumb tonto adjective

9 FE guilty culpable adjective

9 B handsome guapo adjective

9 C hazel castaño adjective
9 FE honest honesto adjective
9 w humid húmedo adjective
9 GC Indian indio noun/adj.
9 S kayak kayak noun

9 H kettle cafetera noun

9 GC kingdom reino noun
9 A koala koala noun

9 A lemur lémur noun

9 S listen escuchar verb
10 A peacock pavo real noun
10 FE petite chiquita adjective
10 M quarter cuarto noun

10 SC skiing esquíando verb

10 B smoother más suave adjective

10 GC smuggle contrabandear verb

10 S snorkel hacer snorkel verb

10 P stylist estilista noun

10 FE surprise sorpresa noun
10 A termites termitas noun
más estrecho;
10 AD tighter adjective
más apretado
10 FE angrier más enojado adjective
10 A armadillo armadillo noun

10 P bartender cantinero noun

proveedor de
10 P caterer noun
10 B chubbier más gordo adjective
10 FE craziest el más loco adjective
10 A creature criatura noun
10 T cruise crucero noun
10 FE drowsy somnoliento adjective
10 M earlier más temprano adjective
10 AD easiest el más fácil adjective
10 B eyelid párpado noun

10 M farthest el más lejos adjective

10 A flamingo flamenco noun

10 B forehead frente noun
10 FE funnier más gracioso adjective

10 FE generous generoso adjective

10 FE indirect indirecto adjective

10 M kilogram kilogramo noun

10 M kilometer kilómetro noun

punto de
10 T landmark noun
10 A macaw guacamayo noun
10 AD narrower más estrecho adjective

10 FE outgoing extrovertido adjective

10 A predator depredador noun
10 B prettiest el más bonito adjective

10 NE rainier más lluvioso adjective

10 FE scariest el más espantoso adjective

10 M seldom rara vez adverb

10 B skinniest el más flaco adjective
10 AD slippery resbaladizo adjective
10 M sometimes a veces adverb
10 FF stepson hijastro noun

10 H supplies útiles noun

11 B uglier más feo adjective

11 AD wavier más ondulado adjective

11 FD loneliness soledad noun

11 FD mysterious misterioso adjective

11 HII paranoia paranoia noun

11 S grammatical gramatical adjective

11 S knowledge conocimiento noun

11 S pronunciation pronunciación noun

11 S punctuation puntuación noun

11 S recommendation recomendación noun

11 CPG sponsorship patrocinio noun

11 FD bizarre extraño adjective
11 FD modifier modificante noun

11 TT bilingual bilingüe adjective

11 P assistant asistente noun

11 AD poignant conmovedor adjective

11 SC written escrito verb

11 T arrival llegada noun

11 GC behavior comportamiento noun

11 H bought * compramos verb

11 S caught apañó, atrapó verb

11 M centimeter centímetro noun

11 GC Chilean chileno noun/adj.

11 H chimney chimenea noun

11 GC Chinese chino noun/adj.
11 A crocodile cocodrilo noun
11 H cupboard alacena noun
11 T departure salida noun
11 FF godfather padrino noun
11 FF grandparent abuelo/abuela noun

11 B handsomest el más guapo adjective

11 B healthier más saludable adjective

11 GC Japanese japonés noun/adj.
11 GC Korean coreano noun/adj.
11 M occur ocurrir verb

11 SC phrase frase noun

11 M probably probablemente adverb
11 NE rough * áspero adjective

11 P sculptor escultor noun

11 FF separate separado adjective
11 FE serious serio adjective

11 FF stepbrother hermanastro noun

11 FF stepfather padrastro noun

11 FF stepmother madrastra noun

11 FF stepsister hermanastra noun

más recto; más
12 B straighter adjective
12 FD unbelievable increíble adjective
12 FD unfortunately adverb
12 FF commitment compromiso noun

12 NE decimate diezmar verb

12 S cognitive cognitivo adjective

12 CPG bipartisan bipartidista adjective

12 FD apprehensive aprensivo adjective

12 FD effectiveness eficacia noun
12 FD outrageous escandaloso adjective
12 FD stubbornness obstinación noun
12 FD suspiciously adverb
12 FE violent violente adjective

12 T baggage equipaje noun

12 M billionth billonésimo adjective

12 H ceiling cielo raso noun

12 FE diligent diligente adjective

12 GC diplomat diplomático noun

12 M eighteenth decimoctavo adjective

12 M eighth octavo adjective
12 M eightieth octogésimo adjective

12 M eleventh undécimo adjective

12 H envelope sobre noun
12 M fifteenth decimoquinto adjective

12 M fiftieth quincuagésimo adjective

12 M fortieth cuadragésimo adjective

12 M fourteenth decimocuarto adjective

12 GC heritage herencia noun

12 M hundredth centésimo adjective

12 FE jealous celoso adjective

12 T luggage equipaje noun

12 M millionth millonésimo adjective

12 M nineteenth decimonoveno adjective

12 M ninetieth nonagésimo adjective

12 FE patient paciente adjective

12 H sculpture escultura noun

12 M seventeenth decimoséptimo adjective
12 M seventieth septuagésimo adjective

12 M sixteenth decimosexto adjective

12 M sixtieth sexagésimo adjective

12 M thirteenth decimotercero adjective

12 M thirtieth trigésimo adjective
12 M thousandth milésimo adjective
12 M twelfth duodécimo adjective
13 FD synonymous sinónimo adjective
13 HII dehydrated deshidratado adjective

13 NE disappearance desaparición noun

13 S knowledgeable enterado adjective

13 CPG aristocracy aristocracia noun
13 CPG bureaucratic burocrático adjective

13 CPG demographics demográficos noun

13 CPG philanthropy filantropía noun

13 CPG sacrilegious sacrílego adjective

13 M twentieth vigésimo adjective

13 P accountant contador noun

13 GC ambassador embajador noun

13 A antenna antena noun
13 B attractive atractivo adjective
fondo de
13 GC background sonidos/imagene noun
13 H constipated estreñido adjective
13 T destination destino noun
13 SC development desarrollo noun

13 FE dishonest deshonesto adjective

13 P employment empleo noun

13 F entreé plato fuerte noun

13 S exercising ejercitando verb

13 SC fundamental fundamental adjective

13 SC ignorant ignorante adjective

13 GC immigrant imigrante noun

13 FE impatient impaciente adjective

13 S incapable incapaz adjective
13 FE insincere deshonesto adjective

13 FE irresistible irresistible adjective

13 B mustache bigote noun
13 SC obedient obediente adjective
13 M occasion ocasión noun
13 SC persistent persistente adjective

13 P reference referencia noun

13 FF sacrifice sacrificio noun

13 GC stereotype estereotipo noun

13 P therapist terapeuta noun

13 E crescendo crescendo noun

13 E kaleidoscope calidoscopio noun

13 E labyrinth laberinto noun

13 E renaissance renacimiento noun

13 FD ephemeral efímero adjective

13 FD exhilarating estimulante adjective

13 FD fluorescent fluorescente adjective

13 FD subtlety sutileza noun

14 FF camaraderie camaradería noun

14 QT miscellaneous misceláneo adjective

14 TT wanderlust pasión de viajar noun

14 S baccalaureate bachillerato noun

14 M usually usualmente adverb
14 P architecture arquitectura noun
14 GC Belizean beliceño noun/adj.
14 GC Brazilian brasileño noun/adj.
14 P businessman empresario noun
14 P businesswoman empresaria noun
14 GC Ecuadorian ecuatoriano noun/adj.
14 GC Egyptian egipcio noun/adj.
14 P establishment establecimiento noun

14 GC European Europeo noun/adj.

14 P executive ejecutivo noun/adj.

14 AD fascinating fascinante adjective
14 FF granddaughter nieta noun
14 GC Guatemalan guatemalteco noun/adj.

14 SC homonym homónimo noun

14 GC Honduran hondureño noun/adj.

14 FE hypocrisy hipocresía noun

14 AD immaculate inmaculado adjective

14 GC Jamaican jamaiquino noun/adj.
14 M millenium milenio noun

14 GC Nicaraguan nicaragüense noun/adj.

14 GC Panamanian panameño noun/adj.
14 GC Paraguayan paraguayo noun/adj.
14 SC persevere perseverar verb
14 SC persistence persistencia noun
14 GC Peruvian peruano noun/adj.
14 GC Portuguese portugués noun/adj.
14 SC preference preferencia noun
14 GC Russian ruso noun/adj.
14 FF stepdaughter hijastra noun

14 FE subordinate subordinado noun

14 AD superfluous superfluo adjective

14 B susceptible susceptible adjective

14 A tarantula tarántula noun

14 GC Uruguayan uruguayo noun/adj.
14 S plagiarize plagiar verb
alumno de 2º
14 S sophomore año de noun
14 GC Venezuelan venezolano noun/adj.
14 P or arqueólogo noun

14 A camouflage camuflaje noun

14 A carnivorous carnívoro adjective

15 W catastrophe desastre noun

15 SC conscientious concienzudo adjective

15 SC continuum continuum noun

15 F effervescent efervescente adjective

15 AD exquisite exquisito adjective
15 GC extraterrestrial extraterrestre noun
15 AD heterogeneous heterogéneo adjective

15 SC hierarchy jerarquía noun

15 SC hypothesis hipótesis noun

15 AD hysterical histérico adjective

15 AD impeccable impecable adjective

15 P infrastructure infraestructura noun

15 M juxtaposition yuxtaposición noun

15 GC leprechaun duende noun

15 S maneuver maniobra noun

15 A metamorphosis metamorfosis noun

15 P meteorologist meteorólogo noun

15 AD mischievous travieso adjective

15 AD narcissism narcisismo noun

15 AD obnoxious desagradable adjective

15 A pachyderm paquidermo noun

15 HII pharmaceutical farmacéutico adjective

15 AD picturesque pintoresco adjective

15 SC prerequisite requisito previo noun

15 P prerogative prerrogativa noun

15 SC prestigious prestigioso adjective

15 SC pronunciation pronunciación noun

15 AD ravenous voraz adjective

15 A regurgitate regurgitar verb
recordar viejas
15 FF reminisce verb
15 P repertoire repertorio noun

15 AD tenacious tenaz adjective

15 HII tourniquet torniquete noun

15 AD ubiquitous ubicuo adjective

15 AD unnecessary innecesario adjective

15 HII vertebrae vértebras noun
15 AD vociferous vociferante adjective
15 FD thoughtfulness consideración noun
15 NE biodegradable biodegradable adjective
15 HIL lethargy letargo noun
15 FF camaraderie camaradería noun
15 FD theoretical teórico adjective
15 FD fluorescent fluorescente adjective
15 FD ephemeral efímero adjective
15 E kaleidoscope calidoscopio noun
Definition Example Sentence

The upper limb of the human body,

especially the part extending from the My friend put her arm around my shoulder.
shoulder to the wrist.
My back hurts after carrying my heavy
the upper rear part of the human body backpack all day.
an organization where people and I go to the bank to take out some money.
businesses can invest or borrow money
Costa Rican coffee is the best coffee around
the superlative form of good the world.
of the darkest color, the opposite of
white; characterized by the absence of The night sky is black.
a square area surrounded by four streets She went for a run around the block.
in a town or city

regular record of your thoughts, opinions

and experiences, that you put on the She used to write in a diary, and now she has
Internet for other people to read and an online blog.
receive comments

the entire physical structure of a person His whole body hurt when he had dengue
money in the form of paper bills and coins She paid for her new dress in cash.
the part of the face below the mouth and William´s chin is normally covered by a beard.
above the neck
a broad, often red shell enclosed sea Allison saw a crab on the beach.
creature with pincers
a plant such as a grain, fruit or vegetable This year's corn crop was affected by the heavy
grown in large amounts rains.
to receive or obtain (third person singular) A good student gets high scores.
a body part that allows fish to breathe The hook got caught in the fish´s gill.
a part of the body at the end of the arm Marco used his hand to give Francesca a high-
the part of the body that curves out She held her baby on her left hip as she waited
below the waist on each side for the bus.
to come into contact with force (third The baseball player hits the ball very hard.
person singular)
when the temperature is very high The coffee is very hot.
to kill animals for food or sport Jaguars hunt animals for food.
touch with the lips as a sign of love, In Costa Rica it is a custom to kiss people on
affection, or greeting the cheek when greeting them.
a limb that comes from the hip (usually We all put on our pants one leg at a time.
we have 2)
to turn from a solid to a liquid when heat Ice will melt if it is left outside on a hot day.
is added
to wipe or clear a surface, especially a The maid mops the floor when cleaning the
floor (third person singular) house.
There was a giant moth flying in my room last
a nocturnal insect, similar to a butterfly night.
a part of the body that connects the head She wore a scarf around her neck.
to the shoulders
where a bird, turtle, or reptile lays its eggs The toucan made its nest in the branches of
the tree.
to select from a group (third person Juan always picks his favorite flavor at the ice
singular) cream shop.
taking hold of an object and moving it The children pull a wagon behind them.
towards you.
the color of blood An apple is red.
to move quickly on foot (third person Nery Brenes runs five kilometers everyday.
the hard outer covering of an animal, The turtle´s shell protects its body.
usually turtles
Patricia got kicked in the shin while playing
the front part of the leg
a position where the lower part of the soccer.
body is resting on a seat or other support, The student sits on the chair.
and the upper part of the body is vertical
(third person
the soft tissuesingular)
that covers the body A baby’s skin is very soft.
a small animal that lives in trees and The sloth moves slowly carrying its baby on its
moves slowly back.
the act of putting one leg in front or Ron took a step back to avoid falling down the
behind the other while walking stairs.
the bright star in the sky The sun goes down at 6:00pm.
to move through water using arm and leg I swim in the pool.
to move through water using arm and leg The dolphin swims in the ocean.
movements (third person singular)
not having a lot of extra flesh; not fat Betty was thin after her diet.
to catch something in an enclosed area The hunter wants to trap a rabbit.
one of two children born to the same
My twin and I look exactly alike.
mother at the same time
vertical dividing surface that outlines a She hung up pictures on the wall of her room.
room or building
the opposite of east; where the sun sets Guanacaste is west of San Jose.
moving air - usually in one direction The wind blew the man's hat off of his head.
a regular rhythmic sound or movement She tapped her foot to the beat of the music.
the color of the sky and the ocean The sky is blue on a clear day.
a leave taking term in English Bye! See you tomorrow!
a piece of furniture you sit on, it has room My baby daughter likes to sit in her chair.
for only one person
the part of the face below the eye and to It is common to greet someone with a kiss on
the side of the nose and mouth the cheek.
Extending far down from the top or
The submarine was deep down in the ocean.
We saw four deer in the Santa Rosa National
hoofed grazing animals with antlers Park.
Free from moisture or water, not wet The air in the desert is very dry.
the parts of the body that help you to Valeria put her earphones into her ears to
hear listen to her music.
the opposite of west, where the sun rises The couple watched the beautiful sunrise in
the East.
Fabian eats his breakfast at 6:00AM every
to consume food (third person singular) morning.
My friend has one blue eye and one brown
the part of the body you use to see eye.
the front part of the head from the Lorena has a round face.
forehead to the chin
both of the lowest parts of the legs on Her feet were too big for her shoes.
which a person walks or stands
good, okay, all right I'm fine, thank you. How are you?
The hail broke the window on my car when it
pieces of ice that fall from clouds fell from the sky.
the back part of the human foot below He had to stop walking because the heel of his
walk for a and
the ankle longbehind
arch for right foot and
started to in
My mom I hike the forest every
pleasure or exercise in the country or weekend.
solid form of water - frozen water She likes to put ice in her cup of juice.
to find pleasant and attractive (third My brother likes to read.
person singular)
to make one's home in a particular place. Many interesting animals live in the rainforest.
to create, to cause something to exist or I make bread with flour, yeast, and water.
come about
to create (third person singular) The little girl makes a house out of sticks.
offensive, malicious; the opposite of nice Bullying is a mean thing to do.
the basic unit of distance used in the USA One mile equals 1.6 kilometers.
a small metal spike with a flat head, You need to use a hammer to pound the nail
typically pounded in with a hammer into the wood.
kind; of a sweet personality; the opposite Students should be nice to each other.
of mean
Isabella put her nose above the pot to smell
a part of the face you use to smell the delicious soup.
I did not have my umbrella, so I got wet from
the water that falls from clouds the rain.
to examine and understand written Barbara reads a story to her son every night.
material (third person singular)
to be carried as in on horseback or in a The boy rides his bicycle up the mountain.
vehicle (third person singular)
not showing concern or respect for the Rolling your eyes at your mother is rude.
feelings of other people
a fish-eating sea based mammal with flat The seal swam around the ocean, looking for
water-propelling limbs fish to eat.
the action of removing hair with a razor I shave my face every morning.
a large piece of cloth used to cover a bed The old bed needs a clean sheet.
the space over the Earth where the sun The sky looks very blue today.
and clouds are
a substance used to wash hands or dishes I wash my hands after I use the bathroom.
The hindmost part of an animal,
especially when prolonged beyond the The horse has a long tail.
rest of the body
to move something from one place to José takes the garbage out every Monday.
another (third person singular)
A set of hard bony structures in the Her smile is beautiful because she has very
mouth, used for biting and chewing. white teeth.
little in size, very small The chihuahua puppy is tiny.
a single characteristic or quality of a My friend´s best trait is his loyalty.
person or animal
the part of the body above and narrower A belt goes around your waist.
narrow than the hips
emerge or cause to emerge from a state I use my alarm clock to wake me up.
of sleep
to cover one´s body with clothing You wear a raincoat on a rainy day.
the hair on the face of an adult man Santa Claus has a white beard.
the organ inside your skull that controls
I use my brain to think.
your thoughts and actions
possessing or displaying courage; I am not brave when I see snakes, so I run
courageous away.
to separate into pieces suddenly or The thief broke the car window with a brick.
violently (simple past)
to pass lightly over or across I brush my hair every day.
the upper front part of the torso He blocked the soccer ball with his chest.
to rid of dirt (third person singular) The cook cleans the kitchen after every meal.
when the temperature is very low The ice cream is cold.
the sound a frog makes The frogs croak loudly.
small drops of water that form on cool On cold mornings there is dew on the grass.
surfaces at night
to perform or execute (third person A responsible student always does her
singular) homework.
to direct the movement of a car or other I do not drive my car in San Jose.
moving machine
They drove their car to Puntarenas one Sunday
to guide, control, or direct (simple past) morning.
the color of a yellow metal Her wedding ring is gold.
from Greece Greek chefs cook with lots of garlic.
grasp, carry, or support with one's arms or I hold my little sister's hand when we cross the
hands street.
to suddenly push oneself up or forward The rabbit jumps from one place to another.
(third person singular)
a device used for giving or producing light I turned off the lamp and went to sleep.
to raise or pick something up (third The strong man lifts weights at the gym.
person singular)
to be alive or exist;
to have a home in a specified place (third The family lives in an apartment.
person singular)
an organ that gives blood oxygen from the The doctor made an x-ray of his right lung.
the superlative form of many Jorge is the most dedicated student in class.
to take part in a activity for amusement or The musician plays the piano for his family.
entertainment (third person singular)
the very tiny holes in your skin Sweat comes out of our pores.
an animal that is hunted and killed by A deer is prey for a lion.
another for food.
move to or place in a particular position The librarian puts the books on the shelf.
(third person singular)
the skin of reptiles and fish The fish has slimy scales.
the part of the computer, television, or The screen on his phone broke when he
phone that has the visible image dropped it.
a long flat board fixed horizontally, usually
against a wall, so that objects can be The student but the books back on the shelf.
stored on it
to vocalize songs (third person singular) Marc Anthony sings at his concerts.
to rest your mind and body by closing I sleep seven hours every night.
your eyes and becoming unconscious
not moving fast He was too slow and couldn't catch the bus.
showing the annoying quality of being Jessica was very smug after she won the
pleased about one´s abilities or argument.
frozen water crystals that fall from the sky In some countries, there is a lot of snow
during the winter.
easy to bend or shape, not hard The wool of a baby sheep is soft.
a column of vertebrae in the back part of My dad has a curve in his spine.
the torso
to be in an upright position with all of I stand in the doorway as people come into
your weight on your feet class.
the act of an animal piercing something
Bees sting people when they are mad.
with a body part
a narrow passage connecting two bodies The Strait of Magellan is a very famous body of
of water water.
to remove dust or dirt from a surface by I sweep the floor of my room.
using a broom
from Switzerland Swiss chocolate is delicious.
to clean with water and sometimes soap You wash your clothes every Saturday.
or detergent
a part of the body that a bird uses to fly The eagle had a broken wing and couldn´t fly.
the largest wild mammal of the canine The wolf howls at the moon.
an effort made in order to achieve
He works to support his family.
something (third person singular)
chemical used to make things whiter I used bleach to remove a stain on my shirt.
to acquire a good or service in exchange She buys food for her family.
for money (third person singular)
to communicate either in a loud voice or The mother calls her son on his cellphone.
by telephone (third person singular)
peaceful and quiet; without hurried He was calm under pressure.
movement, worry or noise
a small round piece of metal, which is Mario has a coin from every country in South
used as money America.
to move toward a particular person or Please come over here.
to prepare food usually with heat (third The chef cooks a lot of food in his restaurant.
person singular)
to move slowly along the ground Babies crawl before they can walk.
to move your body rhythmically Pedro loves to dance at parties.
no longer living, the state of not All the plants are dead, because no one
breathing, lacking a heartbeat watered them.
to consume liquids (simple past) I drank all of the coffee this morning.
to create images using a writing Flor has drawn a comic strip.
instrument (past participle)
to create images using a writing The artist draws an image for his girlfriend.
instrument (third person singular)
to consume liquids I drink lemonade when I am thirsty.
Raquel has drunk milk every morning since she
to consume liquids (past participle) was a little girl.
to move through the air especially at a I have never flown in a helicopter.
high speed (past participle)
the lowest part of the leg Eduardo kicked the soccer ball with his foot.
fine, okay, all right Gallo pinto tastes good.
to increase in size naturally (past Sebastian has grown so much since the last
participle) time I saw him.
to possess, own, or hold I have many books in my room.
the upper part of the body that is He put a hat on his head.
connected to the neck
the organ that pumps blood throughout The heart is the symbol of love.
the body
a junction between two or more bones in The knee is the body's largest joint.
the body
a large cat that is native to Africa and
You can find a lion in the jungle.
the direction in which a compass needle Nicaragua is the country north of Costa Rica
normally points; the opposite of south
having a pleasantly soft, rounded body or The pillow was plump.
a large and often dangerous fish I saw a shark in the ocean.
having a fine point for cutting or piercing The knife is very sharp.
to cause or allow to be seen, display (past Lily was shown a picture of her grandmother.
the bones of the head that surround the If he had worn a helmet while riding his bike,
brain he may not have fractured his skull.
to rest your mind and body by closing I slept on the couch because there were no
your eyes and becoming unconscious more beds.
(simple past)
little in size The cow is big, but the the chicken is small.
very good at learning or thinking about The student seemed smart because she
things; intelligent answered all the test questions correctly.
not rough, even The table is smooth.
a sea animal with a long, thin, soft body The squid used one of its arms to bring the fish
and ten arms to its mouth.
to maintain an upright position on the My friends stood on the bus all the way to
feet (simple past) Nicaragua.
a piece of furniture to sit on She sat on the stool.
a low area of land that collects water There are many crocodiles in the swamp.
to clean with a broom (simple past) He swept the dirt off the floor.
to move forward and backward while The monkeys swing with their arms through
hanging on to something the trees.
Basketball players throw the ball into the
to propel or cast away an object hoop.
to propel or cast away an object (past The ball was thrown over the net.
at a comfortably high temperature He wears shorts when it's warm outside.
large marine animal which lives in the A blue whale is huge.
the color of milk or bone The piece of paper is white.
After the dangerous storm the animals are still
to have life alive.
to take the first action or start (past Lucia has begun to like eating broccoli.
giving off much light The stars are very bright in the sky tonight.
intercept something that is thrown or I catch the ball with my glove.
a particular part of a legal written Romeo Santos added a clause in his contract
document for a big dressing room.
white bodies of water in the sky There is a large cloud in front of the sun.
a large comfortable chair, usually with The living room couch is very comfortable to
cushions sit on.
The Dutch tulips and windmills are famous
from Netherlands worldwide.
ordinal number 5 in a sequence; 5th Carol's fifth class of the day is math.
to use physical force to try to defeat The cats fight with each other for food.
someone or something
ordinal number 4 in a sequence; 4th April is the fourth month of the year.
Some say the French language is similar to the
from France Spanish language.
There is a small gecko that lives in my
a tropical lizard bathroom.
The ground was covered in leaves after the
a unit of weight in general equal to storm.
to make a loud cry The wolves howl at the moon.
from Ireland St. Patrick´s Day is an Irish holiday.
a single particular thing in a group or listThe last item on my grocery list is bread.
to obtain knowledge (third person The dog learns how to behave from his owner.
a metric unit of capacity used to measure
liquid volume; equal to 1,000 cubic Pedro bought a 2 liter bottle of soda.
an organ in the abdomen that cleans Liver failure is a possible result of over-
blood consumption of alcohol.
strongly audible, noisy to the point of pain Please do not be loud, the baby is sleeping.
the basic unit of length in the metric The length of the table is one meter.
system; 100 centimeters
a small long-tailed rodent with pointy ears The mouse ate the entire block of cheese.
the part of the body you use to eat and to It is impolite to chew with your mouth open.
not at any time or occasion My family never eats watermelon.
the time of day when it's dark outside; I sleep for 8 hours every night.
after sunset and before sunrise
ordinal number 9 in a sequence; 9th The ninth month of the year is September.
a cooking instrument that is used to bake I bake cookies in the oven.
and roast food
a unit of weight equal to 16 ounces He ordered a pound of steak for dinner!
a small animal that hops and has long Bugs Bunny is a famous cartoon rabbit.
the right-hand part, side, or direction; Make a right turn at the corner of the school.
opposite of left
ordinal number 2 in a sequence; 2nd The second place winner got a silver medal.
a small crustacean with a long body My mom's favorite seafood is shrimp.
ordinal number 6 in a sequence; 6th The sixth month of the year is June.
a cardinal direction; the opposite of north Panama is the country south of Costa Rica.
ordinal number 10 in a sequence; 10th The tenth month of the year is October.
the upper part of the leg The athlete’s thigh was very strong.
ordinal number 3 in a sequence; 3rd The third month of the year is March.
a ferocious wild striped feline that eats The tiger ate the antelope.
other animals
to put into service or employ (third A monkey uses his tail to hang from the tree.
person singular)
go to, see and spend time with someone On the weekends, I visit my grandmother in
socially Puntarenas.
clear liquid that fills the oceans, lakes, and We should drink 8 glasses of water a day to be
rivers healthy.
the superlative form of bad Yuck! That is the worst pizza I've ever eaten.
The blue team had beaten the red team by
to defeat (past participle) two points.
folded cardboard with three metal rings I put my notes in my three-ring binder.
used to hold papers in place
damaged and no longer in one piece or in We cannot watch the game because the
working order television is broken.
to take from one place to another place Female kangaroos carry their babies in their
to select or pick from a group (past Francis was chosen to join the soccer club.
nearer; the comparative form of close Cartago is closer to San Jose than Liberia.
when there are many clouds It is so cloudy that I can`t see the sun.
having a more pleasing and usually
youthful appearance; the comparative Babies are cuter than adults.
form of cute
having less light in color than other The sky is darker at night than during the day.
things; the comparative form of dark
what people use to eat on My brother always washes the dishes.
a piece of furniture used to hold clothes My brother's pants are in his dresser.
to guide, control, or direct (past Emilio has driven a car since he was 16.
to consume food (past participle) My friend has never eaten spinach.
the joint that allows the arm to bend I broke my elbow two years ago.
a bird of prey with long pointed wings and A falcon can be trained to hunt with humans.
a notched beak
to drop or come down under the My little brother has fallen in the river many
influence of gravity (past participle) times.
There are fewer teachers in the elementary
less; the comparative form of few school than in the high school.
a colorful plant with petals Sharon's favorite flower is the rose.
having a thick hairy coat of fur I like to rub the furry dog because he is so soft.
to put in the possession of another (past Lucy has already given Carlos a birthday
participle) present.
desirous of wealth, profit Greedy people always want more money.
when food is cooked on a metal frame Grilled chicken is healthier than fried chicken.
over fire
firmer or more difficult; the comparative This math exam is harder than the biology test.
form of hard
to be alive or exist (present progressive) I am living in Costa Rica.
A traditional Thanksgiving dish is mashed
when a food is crushed into a soft pulp potatoes.
more cruel; the comparative form of Bullies are meaner when no one stands up to
mean them.
having less money; the comparative form Coffee pickers are typically poorer than coffee
of poor owners.
when water is falling from the clouds I use an umbrella when it is rainy outside.
She finished all of her chores by the time the
to get higher (past participle) sun had risen.
less polite; the comparative form of rude Saying bad words is ruder than forgetting to
say thank you.
more secure; the comparative form of Some beaches are safer than others.
covered with an outer protective layer of Most reptiles are scaly animals.
flat overlapping plates
We both have colds, but she is sicker than I
more ill; the comparative form of sick am.
less quick; the comparative form of slow The turtle is slower than the jaguar.
littler; the comparative form of small Apples are smaller than watermelons.
to communicate verbally (past participle) I haven't spoken to him yet.
tending to attach itself to something The sticky gum clung to the bottom of his
when touched shoe.
to take without permission (past Ronald doesn't have a phone because it was
participle) stolen.
having strong weather like wind, rain, I stay inside when the weather is stormy.
thunder, and lightning
filled with mucus due to illness (nose) - or It was hard to breathe because of my stuffy
- lacking fresh air (room) nose.
I like to go to the beach when the weather is
when the sun is shining sunny.
to get into one's hands, control (past The father has taken away his child's toys as
participle) punishment.
something that is delicious People like to eat tasty snacks.
when the wind is blowing I like to fly kites when it is windy.
to cease to sleep (past participle) You have woken the patient too soon.
the color of the sun The petals of a sunflower are yellow.
an African wild horse with black and A zebra looks a lot like a horse.
white stripes
to cut, grip, or tear with the teeth (past I was bitten by a poisonous snake this
participle) morning!
the most valiant; the superlative form of Superman is the bravest superhero.
When the doctor checks your heart, he says
to inhale and exhale using your lungs. "breathe in and breathe out."
the least expensive; the superlative form El Rey is the cheapest coffee.
of cheap
to be cut up into small pieces Chopped onions are delicious in guacamole.
the most free of dirt or marks ; the The kitchen is the cleanest room in the house.
superlative form of clean
the lowest temperature; the superlative Nighttime is the coldest part of the day.
form of cold
having the longest distance from bottom This is the deepest end of the swimming pool.
to top; the superlative form of deep
to guide, control, or direct (progressive They are driving too fast in a school area.
hardened into ice or a solid body (past Eliana likes frozen cappuccinos.
to come into possession of, receive
He is getting his degree in Physics.
(progressive form)
to come into possession of, receive (past Karina had never gotten a massage before.
to possess, experience, or hold Are you having fun?
to conceal orform)
prevent from being seen The pirate has hidden his gold in a secret cave.
(past participle)
a long walk in the country or wilderness I like hiking in the mountains.
(progressive form)
to come into contact with force David got in trouble for hitting his brother in
(progressive form) the face.
Expecting something to happen or to be Abby is hopeful that her bad luck will soon
true, giving courage or confidence. change.
having the highest temperature; the Guanacaste is the hottest province in Costa
superlative form of hot Rica.
the nicest; the superlative form of kind Their mother is the kindest person I know.
extending a greater distance; the The middle finger is the longest finger.
superlative form of long
noisiest; the superlative form of loud Trucks are the loudest vehicles.
to wipe or clear a surface, especially a She mopped the floor because it was dirty.
floor (simple past)
to wipe or clear a surface, especially a Beatriz is mopping the entire kitchen floor.
floor (progressive form)
feeling pleasure or satisfaction as a result
of one's achievements, qualities, or He felt prouder after learning about his
possessions; the comparative form of country's fight for independence.
to place in a specific location (progressive She is putting her best dishes on the table for
form) the party.
having the most money; the superlative Celebrities are the richest people in the world.
form of rich
to have been carried as in a vehicle or on
horseback, bike, or motorcycle (past Yesenia had never ridden a bike before.
to be carried as in a vehicle or on
horseback, bike, or motorcycle (present My friend is riding her bike to the meeting.
to move quickly on foot (progressive He is running to catch the bus.
the most unhappy; the superlative form La llorona is the saddest story I have ever
of sad heard.
to move from side to side with quick, He asked for his drink to be shaken, not
short, forcible movements (progressive) stirred.
to cut off hair close to the skin using a He was running late and did not realize that his
razor (past participle) face was only half shaven.
the action of removing hair with a razor My dad is shaving his face.
(progressive form)
to rest with one's torso upright,
supported by the buttocks (progressive He is sitting on the porch outside.
having more power; the comparative form She is stronger than him because she
of strong exercises.
to dedicate time and attention My cousin studied engineering.
academically to gain knowledge
to move one's body through water The children are swimming in the river.
(progressive form)
to get into one's hands, control I am taking my backpack with me to the park.
(progressive form)
having a relatively great height; the
Trees are the tallest plants.
superlative form of tall
You are going to be very thirsty if you don't
feeling a need to drink something drink enough water.
to cease to sleep (progressive form) I don't like waking up in the morning.
having a higher temperature; the Guanacaste is warmer than Cartago.
comparative form of warm
every week, of or occurring every week The school sends out announcements on a
weekly basis.
soaked with water or some other form of Limón is the wettest province in Costa Rica.
liquid; the superlative form of wet
every year, of or pertaining to an The bachillerato is a yearly exam for seniors.
occurance every year
Bees don´t attack people unless they are
to act against in a violent way
a small rodent with a wide, flat tail, that
cuts down trees with its teeth to build The beaver built a dam in the river.
a large number with 10 place values - There are seven billion people in the world.
a piece of material used on a bed for I cover my bed with a blanket.
every day Most people take a shower daily.
each time Every Sunday my family goes to church.
the outer covering of the body of a bird I found a quetzal feather in the woods.
one of the five digits attached to the hand Carolina has a ring on her finger.
from Germany I like to eat German chocolate.
She lives one hundred meters north of the
the number that comes after 99 grocery store.
a heavy appliance that becomes hot to Clothes need a very hot iron to get rid of
straighten clothing wrinkles.
Lilliana has known how to play the piano for a
to understand (past participle) long time.
an ocean animal that has a long body, a Lobster is a delicious seafood.
hard shell, and a pair of pincers
being by yourself, without anyone around Brittany was lonely after her best friend moved
a person who is responsible for He was promoted to manager at the hotel.
controlling all or part of a company
a person who belongs to a group or an
I am the youngest member of my family.
a large number with 7 place values - Bill Gates has more than a million dollars.
every month, occurring or pertaining to The magazine is delivered monthly.
repeated events every month
a yellow sauce My friend puts mustard on her hot dogs.
frequently, many times People often exercise at the gym.
a black leopard A panther is a very scary animal in the jungle.
a soft, stuffed item used to rest a head My bed has a fluffy pillow.
during sleep
My Polish friends invited me to visit them in
from Poland Warsaw.
having and showing good manners and It is polite to say "Thank you," after receiving a
respect for everyone gift.
a substitute for a noun (example: I, she, "I" is the most commonly used pronoun in
he, we, etc.) English.
to demonstrate to be true (past participle) Tom has proven himself to be a good friend.
a cold blooded animal that lays eggs A snake is a type of reptile.
having or showing concern for only The little boy is very selfish because he won't
yourself and not for the needs of other share his cookies.
to describe someone who is slim or thin My cousin is slender because she exercieses a
more nervous to meet people; the lot.
New first year students are shier/shyer than
comparative form of shy the returning fifth year students.
unusual or odd, not normal; weird The strange man wore three hats.
a pig-like animal with a long nose and
short legs that lives in the forests of You can see a tapir in Corcovado.
tropical America and Southeast Asia
the number that comes after 999 Can you give me five thousand colones?
the noise that comes after a lightning The thunder during the storm was loud.
a body part that protects the immune Maria had her tonsils taken out to avoid
system from infection infections
to go from one place to another (third My friend travels to other countries.
person singular)
a large animal that lives on land and in the
sea and that has flippers and two long A walrus can live in very cold climates.
more white; the comparative form of Using bleach on your clothes will make them
white whiter.
to form letters, words, or symbols on a The famous Costa Rican author, Carmen Lyra,
surface (third person singular) writes children's books.
to form letters, words, or symbols on a I am writing a book about my life in Costa Rica.
surface (progressive form)
to form letters, words, or symbols on a He wrote that book in 1974.
surface (simple past)
a small parrot with green feathers and a
long tail The parakeet sang all morning long.
those same people - used as the object of
a verb or preposition to refer to people or They did their homework by themselves.
animals that have already been
mentioned We put ice on his finger to help with the
when one part of the body gets bigger swelling.
having the least amount of power; the She feels the weakest when she is sick.
superlative form of weak
a word expressing relation to another Even native English speakers can have difficulty
with using the correct preposition in a
word sentence.
describing a person who has lived a long My elderly neighbor needs help crossing the
time street.
His beard was scruffy after two days of not
not neat, clean, or orderly shaving.
Cars are dangerous; therefore, you must
as a result; consequently always wear a safety belt.
Her great grandfather studied bookkeeping at
keeping records of money transactions the University of Costa Rica.
a small cloth used to wipe sweat off your He blows his nose into his handkerchief.
face or to blow your nose
clothing worn under your clothes Every morning I put on clean underwear.
a large open area of country covered with Large herds of cattle graze in the grassland.
a child legally taken into a family to raise Mark's parents adopted him ten years ago.
as their own child
to rise from sleep (past participle) Elena was awoken by the alarm clock.
a gray and black animal that lives in the
ground and has short thick legs and long Emily was excited to see a badger while hiking.
claws on its feet
the style in which a person's hair is cut The mohawk is an extreme hairdo.
and styled
when a person weighs more than the Pablo is overweight because he eats a
healthy range for his or her age, gender, hamburger everyday and does not exercise.
and height
a type of pen with colored ink used to The student uses a highlighter to mark
mark notes important words.
the activity of visiting the famous or We did a lot of sightseeing on our vacation.
interesting places of an area
a windstorm that blows a large amount of There was a sandstorm in the desert
dust and sand yesterday.
with one side lower or smaller than the Her ears were lopsided; so her glasses looked
other crooked.
having a bowel movement less than 3 Luke's stomach hurt because he was
times per week constipated.
The leatherback turtle is an endangered
A serious risk of extinction
right now; without delay Open that door immediately!
the chance that something can happen The probability of passing the test is very high.
a bird similar to the dove but larger with A pigeon is a common bird to see in San Jose.
white or gray feathers
a dish that comes before the main course Mozzarella sticks are a delicious appetizer.
happening in a way that is not planned, by He accidentally bumped into the kitchen table.
It´s doubtful that Costa Rica will have a snow
not likely to be true, not probable storm.
He felt embarrassed, because he forgot his
feeling ashamed or shy
to make or construct something, often a
structure or building; to construct from Beavers build their houses out of sticks.
to make or construct something, often a
structure or building; to construct from Jorge builds houses.
parts (third person singular)
to go towards the top of something Hikers climb up tall mountains.
to go towards the top of something (third The child climbs the tree to reach a mango.
person singular)
Most people only use cursive handwriting for
a slanted, formal type of handwriting their signature.
The road through Cerro de la Muerte is very
bent or formed into a curve curvy.
There is no doubt that Costa Rica will be in the
a feeling of uncertainty next World Cup!
not showing or having good judgment or I think this song is dumb, can you change it?
intelligence : stupid or foolish
feeling worried or unhappiness about Susan felt guilty for forgetting to call her
something wrong you have done. mother.
having an attractive appearance, used for Richard is a very handsome man.
males only
similar in color to light brown My mom's hazel eyes are very pretty.
sincere, upright, fair Honest people don't tell lies.
when there is a lot of water vapor in the It is very hot and humid in the rainforests of
air Costa Rica.
from India My friend Michelle loves to cook Indian food.
a long narrow boat that is pointed at both He put his kayak in the river and prepared for
ends and that is moved by a paddle with his trip.
two blades
a deep pot used for boiling liquids like tea We heated water in the kettle to make tea.
or soup
a country ruled by a king or queen Spain was once a powerful kingdom.
an Australian marsupial that eats The koala is a very cute animal.
Eucalyptus leaves
a primate with a long tail found only in In “Madagascar”, the king lemur liked to
Madagascar dance.
to give one's attention to a sound I like to listen to music.
a large bird that has a very long bright The peacock had a very colorful tail.
blue and green tail.
a person that is small in stature and She is petite so she can wear small clothes.
one-fourth; may also refer to fifteen
minutes; a measure of currency equal to It is a quarter after two o' clock.
25 cents
the activity or sport of gliding on water or
snow using a pair of narrow strips of Skiing is my Canadian friend’s favorite sport.
having a flatter, more even surface, the Her hair is smoother because she uses
comparative form of smooth conditioner.
to take something into or out of a place in The police officer arrested him because he
an illegal or secret way tried to smuggle drugs across the border.
to swim underwater while using a We can snorkel in the ocean.
breathing tube
a person who cuts and styles hair; fashion Carolina Herrera has a personal stylist.
a completely unexpected occurrence His birthday party was a surprise.
small wood-eating insects that live in Termites ate a part of my wooden door.
large colonies
more closely fitting; the comparative form Jeans are tighter than sweatpants.
of tight
madder; the comparative form of angry The longer we argued, the angrier he became.
a small animal that lives underground
with a hard shell covering it's head and Alicia saw an armadillo in Monteverde.
a person who mixes and serves drinks at a The bartender made me a piña colada.
a person who prepares the food for a The caterer made delicious cakes for our
social event graduation.
a bit fatter; the comparative form of She was chubbier when she was a baby.
the most insane; the superlative form of His uncle is the craziest member of the family.
another way to say animal A scary creature was lurking in my closet.
a trip taken for pleasure on a ship The cruise ships always come to Puerto Limón.
sleepy and lethargic; half asleep Some medicine can make us feel drowsy.
before the expected time; the I arrived earlier than everyone else.
comparative form of early
simplest; the superlative form of easy Small words are the easiest to spell.
a part of the body that covers the eye Sandra put makeup on her eyelid.
when you blink
most distant in space or time; the Guanacaste is the farthest province from
superlative form of far Limón.
a tall bird with pink or red feathers and The flamingo is a very beautiful bird.
long legs and neck
the part of the face above the eyebrows Julio put a sticker on his forehead.
causing more laughter; the comparative Comedies are funnier than dramas.
form of funny
The generous man gave 5.000.000 colones to a
unselfish, willing to share charity.
We took an indirect route from Upala to San
not straightforward; roundabout Jose.
a measurement of weight equal to 1,000 Sandra bought a kilogram of meat to make
grams hamburgers.
a metric unit of measurement equal to The school is a kilometer away from her
1,000 meters house.
a building that you can easily recognize, La Basílica de Los Angeles is a famous
especially one that helps you to know landmark in Costa Rica
where you are
a colorful, tropical bird The macaw is a blue and yellow bird.
more narrow; the comparative form of This street is narrower than the highway.
someone who is friendly and likes being Hanna makes friends easily because she is
around other people outgoing.
an animal that naturally hunts others The lion is a very dangerous predator.
the most beautiful; the superlative form
This is the prettiest butterfly of all.
of pretty
having more rain; the comparative form It is rainier in Limón than in Guanacaste.
of rainy
causing the most fear; the superlative Tarantulas are the scariest kind of spiders.
form of scary
She seldom sees her brother because he lives
once in a while, upon occasion in Panama.
thinnest; the superlative form of skinny Lucas is the skinniest boy in my class.
tending to cause slipping or sliding, as on The road was slippery after the rainstorm.
ice, oil or a wet surface.
some of the time It's ok to eat fast food sometimes.
the son of your husband or wife from an
My new husband´s son is my stepson.
earlier marriage or relationship
The teacher asked us to take out our school
a stock of resources
more unpleasing to the eye; the The town was much uglier before we cleaned
comparative form of ugly it up.
more like waves, curlier ; the comparative Kiani’s hair is wavier than mine.
form of wavy
to be sad and being apart from other My grandmother suffered from loneliness
people when my grandfather died.
strange, unknown, or difficult to A mysterious man came to our house.
to falsely believe that other people are People suffering from paranoia often think
trying to harm you they are being followed.
His grammatical mistakes make it difficult to
related to grammar understand him.
information, understanding, or skill that She has a lot of knowlege about science.
you get from experience or education
the production of sounds in order to The pronunciation of some English words can
speak be difficult for non-native speakers.
the system of certain symbols in writing to
make meaning more clear by marking Punctuation is important when you´re writing.
pauses and ending sentences
Saying that someone or something is She got the job because of her teacher´s
good and deserves to be chosen recommendation.
the promise of money to support an The Costa Rican national soccer team has a
organization in return for advertising sponsorship from Kölbi.
very strange or weird He had a bizarre dream last night.
a word or phrase that changes another You need a modifier to better describe that
word or phrase in a sentence object.
Many Costa Rican students hope to be
able to speak two languages fluently. bilingual in English and Spanish.
I need a personal assistant to help me
person who helps in particular work complete my tasks.
The photograph was a poignant reminder of
causing a strong feeling of sadness her childhood.
to form letters, words, or symbols on a I have written many book reports.
surface (past participle)
The estimated time of arrival for the plane is
the action of getting somewhere 3:30 pm.
the way in which one acts or conducts The judge told the criminal that he needed to
oneself change his behavior.
to acquire in exchange for money (simple We bought a new television.
intercept something that is thrown or The fisherman caught many fish.
dropped (simple past)
a metric unit of length, equal to one The ant is just one centimeter long.
hundredth of a meter
The Chilean soccer team defeated Spain in the
from Chile 2015 World Cup.
a tall hollow structure that brings smoke Black smoke exits the chimney.
outside the house
The Chinese economy is the largest in the
from China world.
a large reptile with scales that lives in There is a crocodile in the Tarcoles river.
a cabinet with shelves for food or dishes I put food in the cupboard.
the action of leaving somewhere Your time of departure is 12:45 pm.
a man who sponsors a child during a Anna asked Jorge to be the godfather of her
baptism. child.
your father or mother's father or mother His only grandparent lived with his family.
the most pleasing to the eye; the
Her husband is the handsomest man in the
superlative form of handsome ("most city.
handsome" is used more frequently)
having better health; the comparative Vegetables are healthier than french fries.
form of healthy
from Japan Anime is a Japanese art form.
from Korea Korean barbeque is very popular.
Natural disasters occur when you least expect
to happen them.
a sequence of two or more words without "Oh my God" is a popular phrase in English.
a verb
very likely It will probably rain in San Jose in March.
My car's tires are damaged after driving on a
an uneven surface; not smooth rough road.
The garden was filled with the works of a
a person who makes statues famous sculptor.
division of people or things My brother and sister sleep in separate rooms.
The principal was serious during his
not joking or funny presentation.
the son of your stepmother or stepfather Steven is my stepbrother because his father
and my mother got married.
your mother´s husband who is not your Jim lives with his mother and his stepfather.
biological father
your father´s wife who is not your Karen's father remarried to her stepmother.
biological mother
the daughter of your stepmother or Ana's mother married my father, so now she is
stepfather my stepsister.
not having any curves or bends; the When I iron my hair, it is straighter than
comparative form of straight normal.
The students did an unbelievable job on their
Something incredible or extraordinary projects.
Unfortunately, the soccer game was cancelled
suffering from bad luck
due to rain.
Marriage is a life-long commitment between
a promise to do something two people.
to severely damage or destroy a large part The logging industry will decimate the
of something rainforest.
the process of knowing and remembering Developing new cognitive abilities is important
for children.
The President needed bipartisan support to
including members from two groups pass the new law.
afraid that something bad could happen The student was apprehensive about going to
a new school.
Workers are evaluated on their effectiveness
Ability to produce a desired result. at their job.
very shocking or unreasonable. The price of the new phone was outrageous.
to refuse to do or think something The stubbornness of the donkey angered the
differently farmer.
causing a feeling that something is wrong He behaved suspiciously when the police
or that someone is behaving wrongly walked by.
an uncontrolled strong, rough force; American football is a violent sport.
inclined towards unrestrained force
personal belongings packed in suitcases Pick up your baggage after you get off the
ordinal number 1,000,000,000 in a The billionth star was discovered in 1936.
sequence; 1,000,000,000th
overhead interior surface of a room, the The bathroom has a white ceiling.
inside roof
showing dedication; hard-working and The Spelling Bee participants were diligent in
thorough their studies.
a political representative or civil servant The Costa Rican diplomat to China asked for
help with the lights at the national stadium.
The eighteenth of August is my wedding
ordinal number 18 in a sequence; 18th anniversary.
ordinal number 8 in a sequence; 8th The eighth month of the year is August.
Grandpa Kevin celebrated his eightieth
ordinal number 80 in a sequence; 80th birthday.
Some students choose to graduate after
ordinal number 11 in a sequence; 11th eleventh grade.
a flat, paper container with a sealable flap I put the letter in an envelope.
A quinceañera celebrates a girl’s fifteenth
ordinal number 15 in a sequence; 15th birthday
He won the prize for being the fiftieth caller to
ordinal number 50 in a sequence; 50th the radio station.
Jesus came out of the desert on the fortieth
ordinal number 40 in a sequence; 40th day.
David celebrated his fourteenth birthday at the
ordinal number 14 in a sequence; 14th
the buildings, paintings, customs, etc. The oxcart is an important part of Costa Rican
which are important in a culture or heritage.
ordinal number 100 in a sequence; 100th The teacher reminded his students of the
classroom rules for the hundredth time.
hostile toward a rival or one believed to Max feels jealous every time another boy
enjoy an advantage looks at his girlfriend.
suitcases or bags used to pack personal Don’t bring more luggage than you can carry.
ordinal number 1,000,000 in a sequence; Jose was the millionth person through the
1,000,000th door.
Your nineteenth birthday is the last one as a
ordinal number 19 in a sequence; 19th teenager.
My great grandmother had a huge party on
ordinal number 90 in a sequence; 90th her ninetieth birthday.
able to remain calm and not become The teacher is very patient with the students.
a piece of art that is made from stone, The museum has a life-sized sculpture of a
wood, clay, etc dinosaur.
ordinal number 17 in a sequence; 17th My birthday is on November seventeenth.
Only sixty-nine runners were ahead of her; so
ordinal number 70 in a sequence; 70th Rachel finished seventieth in the race.
It’s popular to celebrate a sixteenth birthday in
ordinal number 16 in a sequence; 16th the United states.
My mom celebrated her sixtieth birthday this
ordinal number 60 in a sequence; 60th year.
Some people think the thirteenth day of each
ordinal number 13 in a sequence; 13th month is bad luck.
ordinal number 30 in a sequence; 30th My dad was born on March thirtieth.
ordinal number 1,000 in a sequence; Yesterday was my thousandth day working at
1,000th my job.
ordinal number 12 in a sequence; 12th Jesus was betrayed by the twelfth disciple.
having the same meaning "Smart" is synonymous with "intelligent."
when the body does not have enough I felt dehydrated because I didn't drink enough
water water today.
the instance or fact of something The young girl´s disappearance was on all the
becoming lost or not being visible news channels in Costa Rica.
having information, understanding, or skill The science professor is very knowledgeable
that comes from experience or education about the ecosystems.
the highest social class in some countries The prince was a member of the aristocracy.
overly concerned with procedure at the The bureaucratic nature of the organization
expense of efficiency or common sense made it difficult to get anything done.
the qualities (such as age, sex, and Guanacaste's demographics suggest that the
income) of a specific group of people restaurant will do well there.
Giving money and time to help other Mother Teresa helped the poor, and she was
people. well-known for her philanthropy.
Treating a holy place or object in a way The man´s mean comments about the church
that is not respectful were sacrilegous.
The twentieth mile is one of the hardest in a
ordinal number 20 in a sequence; 20th marathon.
a person who keeps and inspects financial An accountant helps her with her taxes.
the main official sent by a government of The U.S. sent a new ambassador to Costa Rica
a country to represent it in another in 2015.
a rod, wire, or other device used to I cannot hear anything because my radio's
receive signals antenna is broken.
pleasing physically, pretty Models are usually attractive people.
the things that can be seen or heard The family photo at the beach looked nice, but
behind the main things or people. there was a surfer in the background.
to be unable to easily release solid waste After eating black beans, I get very
from your body constipated.
the place where you are going to Puerto Viejo is our final destination.
when someone or something grows or Reading is very important in childhood
changes and becomes more advanced development.
The dishonest politician stole some of the tax
not trustworthy; to lie, cheat and/or steal money.
when someone is paid to work for a It can be difficult to find employment without
company or organization a high school diploma.
the main course meal at lunch or dinner The most expensive entreé on the menu was
the lobster.
activity requiring physical effort to They are exercising by running around the
improve fitness (progressive form) soccer field.
A hypothesis is fundamental when conducting
the most important, essential a research.
I learn as much as I can in school so I will not
not aware, not informed be ignorant.
a person who comes to live permanently The United States has a very large immigrant
in a foreign country population.
not having patience; eager to do Denzel is impatient when stuck in traffic.
something without waiting
not able to do something She was incapable of finishing her project.
not honest in the expression of feelings; She seemed insincere when she said, "I love
deceitful you."
incapable of being resisted; strongly That chocolate cake is irresistible.
the hair that grows above the upper lip My father has a big brown mustache.
disciplined; submissive to authority Obedient students always follow instructions.
an event or planned activity A girl´s 15th birthday is a special occasion.
persevering; continuing on despite You have to work hard and be persistent if you
obstacles want to achieve your goals.
Grandparents usually reference old proverbs
mentioning or alluding to
to teach lessons.
the act of giving up something that you Every country owes its independence to the
want to keep for a greater purpose sacrifice of a group of people.
a fixed idea that people have about what It is a stereotype that women like the color
a particular type of person is like pink.
a person who is trained to help patients I talked to a therapist about my anxiety.
overcome issues
a gradual increase in the volume of music. There was a crescendo in the volume of the
music, and it hurt my ears.
a toy with colored pieces inside that She looked at the beautiful, changing patterns
shows different changing patterns. in her kaleidoscope.
a place that has many confusing paths or The mouse got lost in the large labyrinth.
passages; a maze
the phase in European history in which
there was a revival of art, literature, and The Renaissance was a period of advancement
in art and science.
The fame he gained through his viral video was
lasting a very short time
ephemeral and short lived.
causing someone to feel very excited or The Circus was an exhilarating experience!
Fluorescent light bulbs are brighter than
strikingly bright, vivid or glowing normal light bulbs.
the quality or state of being hard to notice The thief´s subtlety surprised the investigators.
or see; not obvious
a feeling of good friendship among the Sports teams often have a great sense of
people in a group camaraderie.
including many things of different kinds The teacher's desk drawer is a mix of
miscellaneous items.
Yesenia has wanderlust and likes to travel
a strong desire to travel around the world.
A bachelor´s degree granted by My university held a baccalaureate ceremony
universities. to give us our degrees.
most of the time; normally The bus usually comes at noon.
My cousin studies architecture because he
the design and style of buildings wants to design the cities of the future.
from Belize Belizean beaches are beautiful.
Pelé, who is Brazilian, is regarded as the best
from Brazil soccer player of all time.
a man who works in financial matters The businessman wears a suit and tie to work.
a woman who works in financial matters The businesswoman works at the bank.
from Ecuador Rafael Correa is the Ecuadorian president.
from Egypt The Egyptian pyramids are ancient.
a business or other organization, or the The establishment of Costa Rica took place in
founding of something 1821.
France, Germany, and Spain are all part of the
from Europe European Union.
someone who has an decision-making The president holds executive power in Costa
role in an organization, business, or Rica.
very interesting, enchanting or appealing He couldn't stop reading the fascinating book.
Kari was excited for the birth of her first
the daughter of one´s son or daughter
from Guatemala Rigoberta Menchu is Guatemalan.
a word that is spelled and pronounced The word "bear" is an example of a homonym,
like another word but is different in because it can be the name of an animal or it
meaning can mean to carry.
The Honduran president was removed from
from Honduras office in 2009.
pretending to be good when you really The hypocrisy of the priest got him kicked out
are not of the church.
The floors in my house are immaculate
without spot or stain; perfectly clean because I clean them every day.
from Jamaica Bob Marley was Jamaican.
Last decade we celebrated the start of a new
is a period of 1,000 years. millenium
Los Chiles is a town close to the Nicaraguan
from Nicaragua border.
from Panama Panamanian peppers are delicious.
from Paraguay Asunción is the Paraguayan capital.
She was able to persevere despite her
to press on; to keep going problems.
the quality of being persistent Persistence helps you get what you want.
from Peru Peruvian flute music is very famous.
from Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo is Portuguese.
Pepperoni is the most common topping
liking something more than another
preference among pizza lovers.
from Russia Russian winters are very cold.
the daughter of one´s husband or wife His new wife already had a child, so now he
from an earlier marriage or relationship has a stepdaughter.
someone or something under the The supervisor is the subordinate of the
authority of another regional director.
There is a lot of superfluous information on
excessive; unnecessary the internet.
capable of being affected by an outside Wash your hands or you will be more
force susceptible to getting sick.
I screamed when I saw the tarantula because
a large, hairy spider spiders scare me.
from Uruguay Luis Suarez is Uruguayan.
Students should not plagiarize when writing a
to copy or steal another´s work. paper.
a student in the second year of high Jerry did not play on the baseball team his
school or college sophomore year.
from Venezuela Hugo Chavez was Venezuelan.
someone who studies ancient cultures by The archaeologist was studying the ruins of
looking for and examining their buildings, the ancient city.
tools, and other objects
something (such as color or shape) that
protects an animal from attack by making The rabbit's white fur acts as a camouflage in
the animal difficult to see in the area the snow.
around it

A jaguar is a carnivorous animal because it

an animal that eats meat : a meat eater only eats meat.

a terrible disaster The oil spill was an environmental catastrophe.

very careful about doing what you are
She is a very conscientious student, and her
supposed to do : concerned with doing school work is always excellent.
something correctly
a range or series of things that are slightly An example of a continuum is a range of
different from each other and that exist temperatures from freezing to boiling.
between two different possibilities
bubbles that form and rise in a liquid; Coca Cola is an effervescent drink.
very beautiful or delicate Her singing voice is truly exquisite.
coming from or existing outside the NASA is researching extraterrestrial life on
planet Earth Mars.
She had a heterogeneous collection of many
made up of parts that are different different types of seashells.
is a system of things ranked above each She is moving up the hierarchy from vice
other president to president.
an idea or theory that is not proven but Their hypothesis is that watching too much
that leads to further study or discussion television can damage one's vision.
The comedian was hysterical; we couldn't stop
very funny laughing.
perfect; without errors or faults He speaks impeccable English.
the basic systems and services, such as
transport and power supplies, that a Route 32 is an important piece of Costa Rica's
country or organization uses in order to infrastructure.
work effectively
to place very different things together in The juxtaposition of modern art with classical
order to create an interesting effect or to art helped me notice the differences in styles.
show how they are the same or different
a creature in old Irish stories that looks According to legend, if you catch a leprechaun
like a very small man he will show you where treasure is hidden.
It took seven people to maneuver the tiger out
a clever or skillful action or movement of its cage.
a major change in the appearance or The caterpillar went through metamorphosis
character of someone or something and became a butterfly.
a scientist that studies the atmosphere The meteorologist says it will rain all week.
and weather
causing or tending to cause annoyance or The mischievous puppy ate my homework.
minor harm or damage
loving and admiring yourself and Some people think that Facebook is causing
especially your appearance too much narcissism among users.
unpleasant in a way that makes people Some teenagers were being loud and
feel offended, annoyed, or disgusted obnoxious.
type of animal that has hooves and thick
He fed the pachyderm peanuts at the zoo.
skin; elephant
of or relating to the production and sale The pharmaceutical company creates
of drugs and medicine medicine.
very pretty or charming : like a painted The view of the mountains was very
picture picturesque.
something that you officially must have or
Graduating from high school is a prerequisite
do before you can have or do something for going to college.
a special right or privilege that some It's a writer's prerogative to decide the fate of
people have her characters.
the respect and admiration that someone
or something gets for being successful or Harvard is a prestigious university.
the way in which a word or name is What is the correct pronunciation of his
pronounced name?
By the time dinner was finally ready, we were
extremely hungry. ravenous.
to bring food that has been swallowed The mother birds regurgitate food to feed
back to and out of the mouth their young.
to talk, think, or write about things that My grandfather likes to reminisce about the
happened in the past time when he was a child.
all the things that a person is able to do; a She has quite a repertoire of funny stories.
He won't give up, because he is a tenacious
very determined to do something competitor.
a bandage, strip of cloth, etc., that is tied The nurse put a tourniquet on the soldier's
tightly around an injured arm or leg to
stop or slow the bleeding from a wound arm to stop the injury from bleeding.
Salsa Lizano is ubiquitous on restaurant tables
being everywhere at the same time. in Costa Rica.
It is unnecessary to cook the fish over a flame
not needed when making ceviche.
bones composing the spinal column. There are 33 vertebrae in the human spine.
expressing feelings or opinions in a very Their applause was rather vociferous when
capableor forceful
of beingway
slowly destroyed and Costa Rica scored the winning goal.
Having consideration for others
broken down into very small parts by Thank
Organicyou for and
peels yourcoffee
grounds are
lack ofprocesses,
energy or bacteria, etc.
a lack of interest in biodegradable.
doing things
a feeling
relating toofwhat
possible oramong the
imagined Lethargy is one
Sports teams of the
often symptoms
have of malaria.
a great sense of
rather in a group camaraderie.
to what is known to be true or The idea was purely theoretical. It hadn't been
real tested or put into
The fluorescent practice
light yet. longer than the
bulb lasts
a tube that bright, vivid, or
has mirrors glowing
and loose pieces incandescent.
His fame turned out to be ephemeral. Nobody
lasting a very short time
of colored glass so that you see many remembered
She looked at him after a month.
the beautiful, changing patterns
different patterns when you turn the tube in her kaleidoscope.

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