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ANTON DVORAK OP.55 ZIGEUNERMELODIEN GIPSY SONGS CIGANSKE MELODIE INHALT: CONTENTS: LAY 5 AITEN NO 5. TUNE THY STRINGS OH GIPSY N96 IN DEM WEITEN, BREITEN, LUFTGEN N96 IN HIS WIDE AND AMPLE, AIRY LINEN VESTORE N97. CLOUDY HEIGHTS OF TATRA OBSAH: ZAS No 4 KDY2 MNE STARA MATKA ‘STRUNA NALADENA SIROKE RUKAVY A Soni GaTt 1. DEDE KLEC JESTRABU wo N. SIMROCK LONDON—HAMBURG @ RICHARD SCHAUER LONDON. W.C2 Printed in England. Zigeunermelodien. Gipsy songs. — Giganské melodie. 1. Ant. Dvorak, Op.55. Moderato. Canto. Moderato. Piano. A—— Mein Lied er- tont, ein I chant = my tay, a Ma pi-- sei 2as, mi et we Copyright 1909 by N.Simrock, 12588 Lie - bes-psalm, be - ginnt der Tag m sin hymn — of love, when twi - light shades are sin- las + Kou ani, kdyd sta ry den ue om po Moos, der wel - ke—— Halm Tau - per-len in woo- dj 2 heim-lich dews are per - le te ro P dim. sempre 2569 erove cout ‘pear-ly sv) si tay - ne Lied er-tént voll. ‘Wan - der-lust in grii-nen Wal-des - hal - len, und chant my lay, =~ joy - fulstrain, thro’ lea- fy fo- rest tem. - and pi - setvkraj tak fou- - Ené zni, kdy# ove - fem no- ha— blow - iP =—___——~- ritard. a tempo =——_>= SS auf der PuS-ta_ wei - temPlan laf’ fro-hen Sangichschal - len, laf! when my— cour ser_ skims the plain it~ soun-deth loud and am ~ ple, it rod. - pus - ty da - ~~ « |) di, MA opt eeh Blu End las hou ani, kay molto ritard. FF gy, nf —— lain. "CaF —=——_ | pp 12565 Pe re wenn sich zum letz - ten Le-bens-hauch des Bru-ders Brust ge and when 0 yiela Ms la - test breath a bro - thers breast is kaye te - Sim_ se ke. bi dy prost li bra tr. vu - mi Gp ie. aN e589 & Allegro. E Ei, wie mein Tri - an - gel Hark! — Hark, how my tri - an. gle at Kie- rak tro) - bra = nec iy Allegro. 1M Die ganze Regleitung dieser Nummer kann nach The accompugniment of Uae maowber may Relieten eine Octave hoher gespielt werden. be played an octave higher, at pleasure Cely doprovod této piand mite Dyt ipadnd edn o oktava v3i0. wun-der- herr-lich Tau - tet! Leicht bei sheds tts sit - vry laugh. ter! Mt us pie - roz- kos n@ = avo jak ct 12568 In den Tod man Yea, Tt march to Kay se ksmr - ee beim Tri - an - gel - to troj ) Le - be - wohl dem Al - - ~ len! love and song, and dun- cing tas = ee, be. do. = va - om fee a7 ee * Le-be-wohl dem Al - Le. be-wohl dem Al - then farewell for ¢ ~ ver love and song, and dan- las "ce, bé- do. va = my, las-ce be do - va ~ tee ritard. tn tempo” — p= eter tere ee — dim, Moderato. ist der Wald = lent and lone les je the eo und still, das Herz schligt mir so ban a - round; my heart for row eri- - - eth, = lem ol, jen srd = “ce ten ou - ——™~ fe JT > Poco crese. Herz schlagt mir so heart for sor - row sed - “ce mir ten ao: 10 i: yim. S = =. = See | schwar-ze Rauch sinkt tie - ferstets und trock- net_mei-ne "Wan. -". - - dark-ning smoke de - scends in clouds, my fe - verlé chek it © dri. = > Ger ny kous. jen spe - cha vdol, me ‘sl_-ae..vii- cich me si_-_ze dy. dy. 4d S VS: fa. * Za. PF a —— “joss pte me mei- ne Tri. - - but my — fears troel = = nen nicht, muBt an - dre Wan-gen "su—-_ chen, mui ani - eth — nol, for love my sorrow = mer. sea,” for sus Site echt” vji = me twa Fe bis je, echt” an - dre Wan-gen love my sor - row vii - me twas Fo fog J denSchmerz be - sin - genkann, wird nicht dem To - de in song Mis heart san pour, will not greet death with sku om. de 2a apt-vaty ten ome zhy - mul, ten te A. Andante con moto. FN oN of Als die al - Songs my— mo - Kéys me sta - a. a Jetzt wo ich die. Wow I teach my chil = - = = A ter tas ke oplas se r im San- rie - selt’s are each me- lo- -dious mea - ~ re = seit on sé. de ce - es bm, ee 7 kiye oe k pr dim. oft, rie - - selt's oft ______ von fer” le Sells ort mir ae > Poco meno mosso. Nich -ster Tag am Mi - Ie, an der Vi-ter Ti - sche— By the Wiles still wa - - - tere, where our f= thers plan- ted, Po. aj uN 1a za po svit-nym sto. = tem; Poco meno mosso. 12563 16 Piu animato. rein - ge - — stimmt, rein - ge-stimmtdie Sai thou shalt stray, thou shalt stray, up - tune then, stu na aie stusna ona la - dé = ona Pid animato. St Ba. in denTanzdich mi - sche, Jet the song be chan - ted, ho-ehu tie se ko - lem, in den Tanz dich let the song be hho - chu toc se Sstringendo Rein-gestimmt die Sai-ten! Bursche tanz’im Krei - se! Tune thy strings, oh gip- sy! Join the wreathing dan- - -ces! Stru-na na - la dé - na, —ho-chu tic se ko > > ‘stringendo Ba. sompre 12569 7 Poco Allegro. In dem —_wei-ten,brei-ten, luft? - gen In his wide and'am-ple, at - Ty <0 - ke ru-ka-vy) a Poco Allegro. P Lei-nen-klei-de frei - er Ii - men ves-ture, fre - er ro- ke ga - te vol - n8j frei-er der Zi - geu-ner als in Gold und fre-er is the gip-sy than in sil-ken vol-néj-3i ci = ga - nu neZ- li dol - man 42588 fs gold - ne Dol - : wow > ne Mic : Jaj! in brot- - der dol- - = Do. mana ‘o test schniirt Brust beate heart buj = Pr £. hemmt des goa - ring pod nim Se s2sa8 19 und wer Freu-de fin-det an der Lie-der Schal-len, aBt das Gold, das Who would sing in joy-ance, free as bird in a - sure, shall re - nounce with A kdo ra du-‘jed se | tva kdy pi = seh vkw-t@, | pie si, a by > — — —, by te > > in die Hél - le fal len, 1aBt das Gold, das seor-—- ning gold and sor - did trea- — - sure, shall re -nounce with zai lo ala - to vee - lem we - té, Piej st, a = by schnd-de in die Hél-le fal == en. seor-ning gold and sor-did trea - zis - lo zla-tovee-lem 9 ve se88a Allegro. Allegra, St Meno mosso. Darf des Fal -ken Schwin-ge Clou - dy heights of Ta - tra Dej - te klec je + sta - bu Meno mosso. t Fel - sen - nest er not from thence, for ai” on ma on, 12580 leno mosso. Kann das wil Roves the plain Ko - mo - nt Meno mosso. P con Sad bil 12560 con 82 ad lib. Allegro. Allegro. Meno mosso. Hat Na-tu, Zi - geu- - ner, et - was dir Wa- ture, to fhe gip- = thow a boon hast A tak i cis ga - pale ro - da cos Meno mosso. A i d?¢ 4 molto crese Ja! zurFrei-heit schuf siemir das gan - ze, das Bran- - ted! Jaj! thy glo - rious free - dom’s in his breast, in his da la: K vol - no-sti ho. “véé - “nym pou - tem kvol - no - sti fan - breast im - plan - ho— u - pou 25a Printed tu England by Angeuer Ld, Acton Lane, Landon, W-4

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