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Chapter 10

1. What are s- block elements? Name the elements present in the 1st Group of the Periodic
Table. Why I group elements are called alkali metals?
2. What is the reason for the diagonal relationship?
3. How the ionization enthalpy varies in alkali metals?
4. Arrange the first group elements in the decreasing order of Hydration
Enthalpy. Why Li salts are hydrated?
5. Give reason for the higher melting point and boiling point of alkali earth metals than alkali
6. Give reason for the colour imparted to the flame by alkali metals. Why Be and Mg do not
impart colour to the flame?
7. The compounds of alkaline earth metals are less ionic than alkali metals.Why?
8. Why are Cs and K used as electrodes in photoelectric cells?
9. Name the most power full reducing agent among alkali metals & give reason for it.
10. Give reason for the low solubility of LiF & CsI in water.
11. How does the of Hydration Enthalpy of alkaline earth metals vary & compare it with alkali
12. What is the colour imparted to the flame by Ca,Sr and Ba?
13. How does alkali metals react with halogens?
14. Explain the formation of oxide ,peroxide and superoxide by alkali metals.
15. When alkali metals dissolve in liquid ammonia, the solution can acquire different colours.
Explain the reason.
16. What is polarization? Discuss it by taking example of lithium halide.
17. Although IE1 values of alkaline earth metals are higher than those of alkali metals, the IE2
values of alkaline earth metals are much smaller than those of alkali metals why?
18. The hydroxides of alkali metals are strongly basic why?
19. lithium is strongest reducing agent. Why ?

p-Block Elements
1. Why atomic radii of 'Ga' is smaller than 'Al'?
2. BCl3 is known but Tl Cl3 is not known. Why?
3. The metallic character increases from boron to aluminium and then decreases from
aluminium to thallium. Explain.
4. What is inert pair effect?
7. BCl3 acts as a lewis acid. How?
5. BCl3 exists as a monomer where as AlCl3 exists as a dimer. Why ?
6. Why anhydrous aluminium chloride has a lower melting point than anhydrous
aluminium flouride?
7. Why boron and thallium does not form B3+ and Tl3+ ions?
8. (i) Why ionisation enthalpy of 'Ga' is higher than that of 'Al'?
(ii) Thallous compounds (Tl+) are more stable than thallic (Tl3+) compounds. Why?
Tin and lead show '+2' and '+4' oxidation states but for lead compounds +2 oxidation
state is more stable. Why?
9. [SiF6]2- is possible where as [CF6]-2 is not possible. Why?
Tin (II) is a reducing agent, whereas, lead (II) is not. Why ?
10. The ionization enthalpy of lead is more than tin. Why?
11. SiCl4 is hydrolysed by water while CCl4 does not. Why ?
12. CO2 is a gas SiO2 is solid . Why?

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