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Chapter 13

Conceptual Problems

1 • If the gauge pressure is doubled, the absolute pressure will be

(a) halved, (b) doubled, (c) unchanged, (d) increased by a factor greater than 2,
(e) increased by a factor less than 2.

Determine the Concept The absolute pressure is related to the gauge pressure
according to P = Pgauge + Pat .

Prior to doubling the gauge pressure, P = Pgauge + Pat ⇒ Pgauge = P − Pat

the absolute pressure is given by:

Doubling the gauge pressure results in P ' = 2 Pgauge + Pat

an absolute pressure given by:

Substituting for Pgauge yields: P ' = 2(P − Pat ) + Pat = 2 P − Pat

Because P ' = 2 P − Pat , doubling the gauge pressure results in an increase in the
absolute pressure by a factor less than 2. (e) is correct.

2 • Two spherical objects differ in size and mass. Object A has a mass that
is eight times the mass of object B. The radius of object A is twice the radius of
object B. How do their densities compare? (a) ρ A > ρ B , (b) ρ A < ρ B ,
(c) ρ A = ρ B , (d) not enough information is given to compare their densities.

Determine the Concept The density of A

an object is its mass per unit volume.
The pictorial representation shown to B
the right summarizes the information
8m r m
concerning the radii and masses of the 2r

two spheres. We can determine the

relationship between the densities of A
and B by examining their ratio.

Express the densities of the two mA m

spheres: ρA = = 4 A3
VA 3 π rA
mB m
ρB = = 4 B3
VB 3 π rB

1272 Chapter 13

Divide the first of these equations by mA

the second and simplify to obtain: ρA π rA3 mA rB3
= 3
ρB mB mB rA3
3 π rB
4 3

Substituting for the masses and radii ρ A 8m r 3

and simplifying yields: = = 1 ⇒ ρA = ρB
ρ B m (2r )3
and (c ) is correct.

3 • [SSM] Two objects differ in density and mass. Object A has a mass
that is eight times the mass of object B. The density of object A is four times the
density of object B. How do their volumes compare? (a) VA = 12 VB , (b) VA = VB ,
(c) VA = 2VB, (d) not enough information is given to compare their volumes.

Determine the Concept The density of an object is its mass per unit volume. We
can determine the relationship between the volumes of A and B by examining
their ratio.

Express the volumes of the two mA mB

objects: VA = and VB =
ρA ρB

Divide the first of these equations by mA

the second and simplify to obtain: VA ρ A ρ B mA
= =
VB m B ρ A m B

Substituting for the masses and VA ρ 8mB

densities and simplifying yields: = B = 2 ⇒ VA = 2VB
VB 4 ρ B m B
and (c ) is correct.

4 • A sphere is constructed by gluing together two hemispheres of

different density materials. The density of each hemisphere is uniform, but the
density of one is greater than the density of the other. True or false: The average
density of the sphere is the numerical average of the two different densities.
Clearly explain your reasoning.

Determine the Concept True. This is a special case. Because the volumes are
equal, the average density is the numerical average of the two densities. This is
not a general result.
Fluids 1273

5 • In several jungle adventure movies, the hero and heroine escape the
bad guys by hiding underwater for extended periods of time. To do this, they
breathe through long vertical hollow reeds. Imagine that in one movie, the water
is so clear that to be safely hidden the two are at a depth of 15 m. As a science
consultant to the movie producers, you tell them that this is not a realistic depth
and the knowledgeable viewer will laugh during this scene. Explain why this is

Determine the Concept Pressure increases approximately 1 atm every 10 m in

fresh water. To breathe requires creating a pressure of less than 1 atm in your
lungs. At the surface you can do this easily, but not at a depth of 10 m.

6 •• Two objects are balanced as in Figure 13-28. The objects have

identical volumes but different masses. Assume all the objects in the figure are
denser than water and thus none will float. Will the equilibrium be disturbed if the
entire system is completely immersed in water? Explain your reasoning.

Determine the Concept Yes. Because the volumes of the two objects are equal,
the downward force on each side is reduced by the same amount (the buoyant
force acting on them) when they are submerged. The buoyant force is independent
of their masses. That is, if m1L1 = m2L2 and L1 ≠ L2, then (m1 − c)L1 ≠ (m2 − c)L2.

7 •• [SSM] A solid 200-g block of lead and a solid 200-g block of copper
are completely submerged in an aquarium filled with water. Each block is
suspended just above the bottom of the aquarium by a thread. Which of the
following is true?

(a) The buoyant force on the lead block is greater than the buoyant force on the
copper block.
(b) The buoyant force on the copper block is greater than the buoyant force on
the lead block.
( c) The buoyant force is the same on both blocks.
(d) More information is needed to choose the correct answer.

Determine the Concept The buoyant forces acting on these submerged objects
are equal to the weight of the water each displaces. The weight of the displaced
water, in turn, is directly proportional to the volume of the submerged object.
Because ρPb > ρCu, the volume of the copper must be greater than that of the lead
and, hence, the buoyant force on the copper is greater than that on the lead.
(b) is correct.

8 •• A 20-cm3 block of lead and a 20-cm3 block of copper are completely

submerged in an aquarium filled with water. Each is suspended just above the
bottom of the aquarium by a thread. Which of the following is true?
1274 Chapter 13

(a) The buoyant force on the lead block is greater than the buoyant force on the
copper block..
(b) The buoyant force on the copper block is greater than the buoyant force on
the lead block.
(c) The buoyant force is the same on both blocks.
(d) More information is needed to choose the correct answer.

Determine the Concept The buoyant forces acting on these submerged objects
are equal to the weight of the water each displaces. The weight of the displaced
water, in turn, is directly proportional to the volume of the submerged object.
Because their volumes are the same, the buoyant forces on them must be the
same. (c) is correct.

9 •• Two bricks are completely submerged in water. Brick 1 is made of

lead and has rectangular dimensions of 2″ × 4″ × 8″. Brick 2 is made of wood and
has rectangular dimensions of 1″ × 8″ × 8″. True or false: The buoyant force on
brick 2 is larger than the buoyant force on brick 1.

Determine the Concept False. The buoyant force on a submerged object depends
on the weight of the displaced fluid which, in turn, depends on the volume of the
displaced fluid. Because the bricks have the same volume, they will displace the
same volume of water and the buoyant force will be the same on both of them.

10 •• Figure 13-29 shows an object called a ″Cartesian diver.″ The diver

consists of a small tube, open at the bottom, with an air bubble at the top, inside a
closed plastic soda bottle that is partly filled with water. The diver normally
floats, but sinks when the bottle is squeezed hard. (a) Explain why this happens.
(b) Explain the physics behind how a submarine can ″silently″ sink vertically
simply by allowing water to flow into empty tanks near its keel. (c) Explain why a
floating person will oscillate up and down on the water surface as he or she
breathes in and out.

Determine the Concept

(a) When the bottle is squeezed, the force is transmitted equally through the fluid,
leading to a pressure increase on the air bubble in the diver. The air bubble
shrinks, and the loss in buoyancy is enough to sink the diver.

(b) As water enters its tanks, the weight of the submarine increases. When the
submarine is completely submerged, the volume of the displaced water and,
hence, the buoyant force acting on the submarine become constant. Because the
weight of the submarine is now greater than the buoyant force acting on it, the
submarine will start to sink.
Fluids 1275

(c) Breathing in lowers one’s average density and breathing out increases one’s
average density. Because denser objects float lower on the surface than do less
dense objects, a floating person will oscillate up and down on the water surface as
he or she breathes in and out.

11 •• A certain object has a density just slightly less than that of water so
that it floats almost completely submerged. However, the object is more
compressible than water. What happens if the floating object is given a slight
downward push? Explain.

Determine the Concept Because the pressure increases with depth, the object
will be compressed and its density will increase as its volume decreases. Thus, the
object will sink to the bottom.

12 •• In Example 13.11 the fluid is accelerated to a greater speed as it enters

the narrow part of the pipe. Identify the forces that act on the fluid at the entrance
to the narrow region to produce this acceleration.

Determine the Concept The acceleration-producing force acting on the fluid is

the product of the difference in pressure between the wide and narrow parts of the
pipe and the area of the narrow part of the pipe.

13 •• [SSM] An upright glass of water is accelerating to the right along a

flat, horizontal surface. What is the origin of the force that produces the
acceleration on a small element of water in the middle of the glass? Explain by
using a diagram. Hint: The water surface will not remain level as long as the
glass of water is accelerating. Draw a free body diagram of the small element of

Determine the Concept The pictorial representation shows the glass and an
element of water in the middle of the glass. As is readily established by a simple
demonstration, the surface of the water is not level while the glass is accelerated,
showing that there is a pressure gradient (a difference in pressure) due to the
differing depths (h1 > h2 and hence F1 > F2) of water on the two sides of the
element of water. This pressure gradient results in a net force on the element as
shown in the figure. The upward buoyant force is equal in magnitude to the
downward gravitational force.
1276 Chapter 13

h1 Fr
g h2

r r
F1 F2

14 •• You are sitting in a boat floating on a very small pond. You take the
anchor out of the boat and drop it into the water. Does the water level in the pond
rise, fall, or remain the same? Explain your answer.

Determine the Concept The water level in the pond will fall slightly. When the
anchor is in the boat, the boat displaces enough water so that the buoyant force on
it equals the sum of the weight of the boat, your weight, and the weight of the
anchor. When you drop the anchor into the water, it displaces just its volume of
water (rather than its weight as it did while in the boat). The total weight of the
boat becomes less and the boat displaces less water as a consequence.

15 •• A horizontal pipe narrows from a diameter of 10 cm at location A to

5.0 cm at location B. For a nonviscous incompressible fluid flowing without
turbulence from location A to location B, how do the flow speeds v (in m/s) at the
two locations compare? (a) vA = vB , (b) vA = 12 vB , (c) vA = 14 vB , (d) vA = 2vB ,
(e) vA = 4vB

Determine the Concept We can use the equation of continuity to compare the
flow rates at the two locations.

Apply the equation of continuity at AB

locations A and B to obtain: AA vA = AB vB ⇒ vA = vB

Substitute for AB and AA and πd B21

⎛d ⎞

simplify to obtain: vA = 4
v = ⎜⎜ B ⎟⎟ vB
πd A2 B
4 ⎝ dA ⎠
Fluids 1277

Substitute numerical values and ⎛ 5 cm ⎞


evaluate vA: vA = ⎜ ⎟ vB = 14 vB
⎝ 10 cm ⎠
and (c) is correct.

16 •• A horizontal pipe narrows from a diameter of 10 cm at location A to

5.0 cm at location B. For a nonviscous incompressible fluid flowing without
turbulence from location A to location B, how do the pressures P (in N/m2) at the
two locations compare? (a) PA = PB , (b) PA = 12 PB , (c) PA = 14 PB , (d) PA = 2PB ,
(e) PA = 4PB , (f) There is not enough information to compare the pressures

Determine the Concept We can use the equation of continuity to compare the
flow rates at the two locations.

Apply Bernoulli’s equation for PA + 12 ρvA2 = PB + 12 ρvB2 (1)

constant elevations at locations A
and B to obtain:

Apply the equation of continuity at AB

locations A and B to obtain: AA vA = AB vB ⇒ vA = vB

Substitute for AB and AA and πd B2

⎛d ⎞

simplify to obtain: vA = 4
v = ⎜⎜ B ⎟⎟ vB
πd A
2 B
⎝ dA ⎠

Substituting for vA in equation (1) ⎛⎛ d 2 2

yields: PA + 12 ρ ⎜ ⎜⎜ B ⎟⎟ vB ⎟ = PB + 12 ρvB2
⎜⎝ dA ⎠ ⎟
⎝ ⎠

While the values of dB, dA, and ρ are known to us, we need a value for vB (or vA)
in order to compare PA and PB. Hence ( f ) is correct.

17 •• [SSM] Figure 13-30 is a diagram of a prairie dog tunnel. The

geometry of the two entrances are such that entrance 1 is surrounded by a mound
and entrance 2 is surrounded by flat ground. Explain how the tunnel remains
ventilated, and indicate in which direction air will flow through the tunnel.
1278 Chapter 13

Determine the Concept The mounding around entrance 1 will cause the
streamlines to curve concave downward over the entrance. An upward pressure
gradient produces the downward centripetal force. This means there is a lowering
of the pressure at entrance 1. No such lowering occurs aver entrance 2, so the
pressure there is higher than the pressure at entrance 1. The air circulates in
entrance 2 and out entrance 1. It has been demonstrated that enough air will
circulate inside the tunnel even with slightest breeze outside.

Estimation and Approximation

18 •• Your undergraduate research project involves atmospheric sampling.
The sampling device has a mass of 25.0 kg. Estimate the diameter of a helium-
filled balloon required to lift the device off the ground. Neglect the mass of the
balloon ″skin″ and the small buoyancy force on the device itself.

Picture the Problem We can use Archimedes’ principle and the condition for
vertical equilibrium to estimate the diameter of the helium-filled balloon that
would just lift the sampling device.

Express the equilibrium condition Fbouyant = B = Fgravitational = mg (1)

that must be satisfied if the balloon-
payload is to ″just lift off″:

Using Archimedes’ principle, B = wdisplaced fluid = mdisplaced fluid g

express the buoyant force B:
= ρ airVballoon g

Substituting for B in equation (1) ρ airVballoon g = mg

yields: or
ρ airVballoon = m (2)

The total mass m to be lifted is the m = mp + mHe = mp + ρ HeVballoon

sum of the mass of the payload mp
and the mass of the helium mHe:

Substitute for m in equation (2) to ρ airVballoon = mp + ρ HeVballoon


Solving for Vballoon yields: mp

Vballoon =
ρ air − ρ He

The volume of the balloon is given Vballoon = 43 π r 3 = 16 π d 3

Fluids 1279

Substituting for Vballoon yields: mp 6mp

π d3 = ⇒d = 3
ρ air − ρ He π (ρ air − ρ He )

Substitute numerical values and 6(25.0 kg )

d =3
evaluate d:
π 1.293 kg/m 3 − 0.179 kg/m 3 )
= 3.50 m

19 •• Your friend wants to start a business giving hot-air balloon rides. The
empty balloon, the basket and the occupants have a total maximum mass of
1000 kg. If the balloon has a diameter of 22.0 m when fully inflated with hot air,
estimate the required density of the hot air. Neglect the buoyancy force on the
basket and people.

Picture the Problem We can use Archimedes’ principle and the condition for
vertical equilibrium to estimate the density of the hot air that would enable the
balloon and its payload to lift off.

Express the equilibrium condition Fbouyant = B = Fgravitational = mg (1)

that must be satisfied if the balloon-
payload is to ″just lift off″:

Using Archimedes’ principle, B = wdisplaced fluid = mdisplaced fluid g

express the buoyant force B:
= ρ airVballoon g

Substituting for B in equation (1) ρ airVballoon g = mg ⇒ ρ airVballoon = m (2)


The total mass m to be lifted is the m = mp + mhot air = mp + ρ hot airVballoon

sum of the mass of the payload mp
and the mass of the hot air:

Substitute for m in equation (2) to ρ airVballoon = mp + ρ hot airVballoon


Solving for ρhot air and simplifying ρ airVballoon − mp mp

yields: ρ hot air = = ρ air −
Vballoon Vballoon

The volume of the balloon is given Vballoon = 43 π r 3 = 16 π d 3


Substituting for Vballoon yields: mp 6mp

ρ hot air = ρ air − = ρ air −
6 πd 3
π d3
1280 Chapter 13

Substitute numerical values and 6(1000 kg )

evaluate ρhot air:
ρ hot air = 1.293 kg/m 3 −
π (22.0 m )3
= 1.11 kg/m 3

Remarks: As expected, the density of the hot air is considerably less than the
density of the surrounding cooler air.


20 • Find the mass of a solid lead sphere with a radius equal to 2.00 cm.

Picture the Problem The mass of the sphere is the product of its density and
volume. The density of lead can be found in Figure 13-1.

Using the definition of density, (

m = ρV = ρ 43 π R 3 )
express the mass of the sphere:

Substitute numerical values and ( )(

m = 43 π 11.3 × 10 3 kg/m 3 2.00 × 10 − 2 m ) 3

evaluate m:
= 0.379 kg

21 • [SSM] Consider a room measuring 4.0 m × 5.0 m × 4.0 m. Under

normal atmospheric conditions at Earth’s surface, what would be the mass of the
air in the room?

Picture the Problem The mass of the air in the room is the product of its density
and volume. The density of air can be found in Figure 13-1.

Use the definition of density to m = ρV = ρLWH

express the mass of the air in the

Substitute numerical values and m = (1.293 kg/m 3 )(4.0 m )(5.0 m )(4.0 m )

evaluate m: = 1.0 × 10 2 kg

22 •• An average neutron star has approximately the same mass as the Sun,
but is compressed into a sphere of radius roughly 10 km. What would be the
approximate mass of a teaspoonful of matter that dense?

Picture the Problem We can use the definition of density to find the approximate
mass of a teaspoonful of matter from a neutron star. Assume that the volume of a
teaspoon is about 5 mL.
Fluids 1281

Use the definition of density to m = ρVteaspoon (1)

express the mass of a teaspoonful of
matter whose density is ρ :

The density of the neutron star is mNS

ρ NS =
given by: VNS

Substituting for mNS and VNS yields: mSun

ρ NS =
3 π rNS
4 3

Let ρ = ρNS in equation (1) to obtain: 3mSunVteaspoon

4π rNS

Substitute numerical values and

( )(
3 1.99 × 10 30 kg 5 × 10 −6 m 3 )
evaluate m: (
4π 10 × 10 3 m )

≈ 2 Tg

23 •• A 50.0-g ball consists of a plastic spherical shell and a water-filled

core. The shell has an outside diameter equal to 50.0 mm and an inside diameter
equal to 20.0 mm. What is the density of the plastic?

Picture the Problem We can use the definition of density to find the density of
the plastic of which the spherical shell is constructed.

The density of the plastic is given mplastic

ρ plastic = (1)
by: Vplastic

The mass of the plastic is the mplastic = mball − mwater

difference between the mass of the
ball and the mass of its water-filled

Use the definition of density to mwater = ρ waterVwater

express the mass of the water:

Substituting for mwater yields: mplastic = mball − ρ waterVwater

Substitute for mplastic in equation (1) mball − ρ waterVwater

ρ plastic =
to obtain: Vplastic
1282 Chapter 13

Because Vwater = 43 πRinside

and mball − ρ water ( 43 πRinside
ρ plastic =
( ) 3 π (Routside − Rinside )
3 3
Vball = 43 π Routside
− Rinside
: 4

Substitute numerical values and evaluate ρplsstic:

50.0 g − ⎜1.00
cm ⎠
g ⎞4
3 ⎟ 3
π (10.0 mm )3 )
ρ plastic = ⎝ = 0.748 g/cm3
3 π ( (
25 . 0 mm )3
− (10 . 0 mm )3
24 •• A 60.0-mL flask is filled with mercury at 0ºC (Figure 13-31). When
the temperature rises to 80ºC, 1.47 g of mercury spills out of the flask. Assuming
that the volume of the flask stays constant, find the change in density of mercury
at 80ºC if its density at 0ºC is 13 645 kg/m3.

Picture the Problem We can use the definition of density to relate the change in
the density of the mercury to the amount spilled during the heating process.

The change in the density of the Δρ = ρ 0 − ρ (1)

mercury as it is warmed is given by: where ρ0 is the density of the mercury
before it is warmed.

The density of the mercury before it m0

ρ0 = (2)
is warmed is the ratio of its mass to V0
the volume it occupies:

The volume of the mercury that mspilled

Vspilled =
spills is the ratio of its mass to its ρ
density at the higher temperature:

The density ρ of the mercury at the m0 m0

ρ= =
higher temperature is given by: V0 + Vspilled mspilled
V0 +

Solving for ρ yields: m0 − mspilled mspilled

ρ= = ρ0 − (3)
V0 V0

Substituting equations (2) and (3) in ⎛ mspilled ⎞ mspilled

Δρ = ρ 0 − ⎜⎜ ρ 0 − ⎟=
equation (1) yields:
⎝ V0 ⎟⎠ V0
Fluids 1283

Substitute numerical values and 1.47 ×10 −3 kg

Δρ = = 24.5 kg/m 3
evaluate Δρ: 60.0 ×10 −6 m 3

25 •• One sphere is made of gold and has a radius rAu and another sphere is
made of copper and has a radius rCu. If the spheres have equal mass, what is the
ratio of the radii, rAu/ rCu?

Picture the Problem We can use the definition of density to find the ratio of the
radii of the two spheres. See Table 13-1 for the densities of gold and copper.

Use the definition of density to mAu = ρ AuVAu = 43 πρ Au rAu


express the mass of the gold sphere:

The mass of the copper sphere is mCu = ρ CuVCu = 43 πρ Cu rCu


given by:

Dividing the first of these equations mAu 43 πρ Au rAu
ρ ⎛ rAu ⎞
by the second and simplifying yields: = 4 = Au ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
mCu 3 πρ Cu rCu ρ Cu
⎝ rCu ⎠

Solve for rAu/rCu to obtain: rAu m ρ

= 3 Au Cu
rCu mCu ρ Au

Because the spheres have the same rAu ρ

= 3 Cu
mass: rCu ρ Au

Substitute numerical values and rAu 8.93 kg/m 3

evaluate rAu/rCu: =3 = 0.773
rCu 19.3 kg/m 3

26 ••• Since 1983, the US Mint has coined pennies that are made out of zinc
with a copper cladding. The mass of this type of penny is 2.50 g. Model the penny
as a uniform cylinder of height 1.23 mm and radius 9.50 mm. Assume the copper
cladding is uniformly thick on all surfaces. If the density of zinc is 7140 kg/m3
and that of copper is 8930 kg/m3, what is the thickness of the copper cladding?

Picture the Problem The pictorial representation shows a zinc penny with its
copper cladding. We can use the definition of density to relate the difference
between the mass of an all-copper penny and the mass of a copper-zinc penny to
the thickness d of the copper cladding.
1284 Chapter 13

Cu d



Express the mass 0f the cladded m = mCu + mZn


In terms of the densities of copper m = ρ CuVCu + ρ Zn VZn

and zinc, our equation becomes:

Substituting for the volumes of zinc and copper gives:

[ ]
m = ρ Cu 2πr 2 d + 2πr (h − 2d )d + ρ Zn π (r − d ) (h − 2d )

Factor h and r from (h − 2d) and (r − d)2 to obtain:

⎡ ⎛ 2d ⎞ ⎤ 2⎛ d⎞ ⎛ 2d ⎞
m = ρ Cu ⎢2πr 2 d + 2πrh⎜1 − ⎟d ⎥ + ρ Zn πr ⎜1 − ⎟ h⎜1 − ⎟
⎣ ⎝ h ⎠ ⎦ ⎝ r⎠ ⎝ h ⎠

Assuming that d << h and d << r: [ ]

m ≈ ρ Cu 2πr 2 d + 2πrhd + ρ Zn πr 2 h

Solving for d yields: m − ρ Znπr 2 h

2πrρ Cu (r + h )

Substitute numerical values and evaluate d:

2.50 × 10−3 kg − π (7140 kg/m3 )(9.50 mm) (1.23 mm)

d= ≈ 1.7 μm
2π (9.50 mm) (8930 kg/m3 )(9.50 mm + 1.23 mm)

Remarks: This small value for d (approximately 2 μm) justifies our

assumptions that d is much smaller than both r and h.

27 • Barometer readings are commonly given in inches of mercury (inHg).
Find the pressure in inches of mercury equal to 101 kPa.

Picture the Problem The pressure due to a column of height h of a liquid of

density ρ is given by P = ρgh.
Fluids 1285

Letting h represent the height of 101 kPa

ρ Hg gh = 101 kPa ⇒ h =
the column of mercury, express ρ Hg g
the pressure at its base:

Substitute numerical values and 101 kPa

evaluate h: (13.6 ×10 kg/m 3 )(9.81m/s 2 )

= 0.7570 m ×
2.54 × 10 −2 m
= 29.8 inHg

28 • The pressure on the surface of a lake is Pat = 101 kPa. (a) At what
depth is the pressure 2Pat? (b) If the pressure at the top of a deep pool of mercury
is Pat, at what depth is the pressure 2Pat?

Picture the Problem The pressure due to a column of height h of a liquid of

density ρ is given by P = ρgh. The pressure at any depth in a liquid is the sum of
the pressure at the surface of the liquid and the pressure due to the liquid at a
given depth in the liquid.

(a) Express the pressure as a function P − Pat

P = Pat + ρ water gh ⇒ h =
of depth in the lake: ρ water g

Substitute for P and simplify to 2 Pat − Pat Pat

h= =
obtain: ρ water g ρ water g

Substitute numerical values and 101kPa

evaluate h: ( )(
1.00 × 10 kg/m 3 9.81m/s 2
= 10.3 m

(b) Proceed as in (a) with ρwater 2 Pat − Pat P

h= = at
replaced by ρHg to obtain: ρ Hg g ρ Hg g

Substitute numerical values and 101kPa

evaluate h: ( )(
13.6 × 10 kg/m 3 9.81m/s 2
= 75.7 cm

29 • When at cruising altitude, a typical airplane cabin will have an air

pressure equivalent to an altitude of about 2400 m. During the flight, ears often
equilibrate, so that the air pressure inside the inner ear equalizes with the air
1286 Chapter 13

pressure outside the plane. The Eustachian tubes allow for this equalization, but
can become clogged. If an Eustachian tube is clogged, pressure equalization may
not occur on descent and the air pressure inside an inner ear may remain equal to
the pressure at 2400 m. In that case, by the time the plane lands and the cabin is
repressurized to sea-level air pressure, what is the net force on one ear drum, due
to this pressure difference, assuming the ear drum has an area of 0.50 cm2?

Picture the Problem Assuming the density of the air to be constant, we can use
the definition of pressure and the expression for the variation of pressure with
depth in a fluid to find the net force on one’s ear drums.

The net force acting on one ear drum F = ΔPA

is given by: where A is the area of an ear drum.

Relate the pressure difference to the ΔP = Psea level − P2400 m = ρgΔh

pressure at 2400 m and the pressure
at sea level:

Substituting for ΔP in the expression F = ρ gΔhA

for F yields:

Substitute numerical values and evaluate F:

( )( ) ( )
F = 1.293 kg/m 3 9.81 m/s 2 (2400 m ) 0.50 cm 2 = 1.5 N

30 • The axis of a cylindrical container is vertical. The container is filled

with equal masses of water and oil. The oil floats on top of the water, and the
open surface of the oil is at a height h above the bottom of the container. What is
the height h, if the pressure at the bottom of the water is 10 kPa greater than the
pressure at the top of the oil? Assume the oil density is 875 kg/m3.
Fluids 1287

Picture the Problem The pictorial Pat

representation represents oil floating on
water in a cylindrical container that is
open to the atmosphere. We can
express the height of the cylinder as the hoil
sum of the heights of the cylinders of
oil and water and then use the fact that h
the masses of oil and water are equal to
obtain a relationship between hoil and
hwater. This relationship, together with
the equation for the pressure as
function of depth in a liquid will lead
us to expressions for hoil and hwater.

Express h as the sum of the heights h = hoil + hwater (1)

of the cylinders of oil and water:

The difference in pressure between mwater g + moil g

ΔP = Pbottom − Pat =
the bottom of the water and the top A
of oil is: where A is the cross-sectional area of
the cylinder.

Substituting for mwater and moil and ΔP

= ρ water hwater + ρ oil hoil (2)
simplifying gives: g

Because the masses of oil and water mwater ρ water hwater A ρ water hwater
= = =1
are equal: moil ρ oil hoil A ρ oil hoil
ρ water hwater = ρoil hoil

Substituting for ρ oil hoil in equation ΔP

= ρ water hwater + ρ water hwater
(2) yields: g
= 2 ρ water hwater
hwater =
2 ρ water g

Proceed similarly to obtain: ΔP

hoil =
2 ρ oil g
1288 Chapter 13

Substituting for hwater and hoil in ΔP ΔP

h= +
equation (1) gives: 2 ρ oil g 2 ρ water g
ΔP ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
= ⎜⎜ + ⎟
2 g ⎝ ρ oil ρ water ⎟⎠

Substitute numerical values and evaluate h:

10 kPa ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
h= ⎜⎜ + ⎟ = 1.1 m
2 9.81 m/s 2 ) 3 ⎟
⎝ 875 kg/m 1.00 × 10 kg/m ⎠
3 3

31 • [SSM] A hydraulic lift is used to raise a 1500-kg automobile. The

radius of the shaft of the lift is 8.00 cm and the radius of the compressor’s piston
is 1.00 cm. How much force must be applied to the piston to raise the automobile?
Hint: The shaft of the lift is the other piston.

Picture the Problem The pressure applied to an enclosed liquid is transmitted

undiminished to every point in the fluid and to the walls of the container. Hence
we can equate the pressure produced by the force applied to the piston to the
pressure due to the weight of the automobile and solve for F.

Express the pressure the weight of wauto

Pauto =
the automobile exerts on the shaft of Ashaft
the lift:

Express the pressure the force F

applied to the piston produces: Apiston

Because the pressures are the same, wauto F

we can equate them to obtain: Ashaft Apiston

Solving for F yields: Apiston Apiston

F = wauto = mauto g
Ashaft Ashaft

Substitute numerical values and ⎛ 1.00 cm ⎞
evaluate F: (
F = (1500 kg ) 9.81 m/s ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟2
⎝ 8.00 cm ⎠
= 230 N
Fluids 1289

32 • A 1500-kg car rests on four tires, each of which is inflated to a gauge

pressure of 200 kPa. If the four tires support the car’s weight equally, what is the
area of contact of each tire with the road?

Picture the Problem The area of contact of each tire with the road is related to
the weight on each tire and the pressure in the tire through the definition of

Using the definition of gauge pressure, 1

w mg
A= 4
relate the area of contact to the Pgauge 4 Pgauge
pressure and the weight of the car:

Substitute numerical values and

(1500 kg )(9.81m/s 2 ) = 184 cm 2
evaluate A: 4(200 kPa )

33 •• What pressure increase is required to compress the volume of 1.00 kg

of water from 1.00 L to 0.99 L? Could this compression occur in our oceans
where the maximum depth is about 11 km? Explain.

Picture the Problem The required pressure ΔP is related to the change in volume
ΔV and the initial volume V through the definition of the bulk modulus B;
B=− .

Using the definition of the bulk ΔP ΔV

B=− ⇒ ΔP = − B
modulus, relate the change in volume ΔV V V
to the initial volume and the required

Substitute numerical values and ⎛ − 0.01 L ⎞

ΔP = −2.00 × 10 9 Pa × ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
evaluate ΔP: ⎝ 1.00 L ⎠
= 2.00 × 10 7 Pa ×
101.325 kPa
= 197.4 atm = 197 atm

Express the pressure at a depth h P(h ) = Pat + ρ seawater gh

in the ocean: or
ΔP = ρ seawater gh ⇒ h =
ρ seawater g
1290 Chapter 13

Substitute numerical values and 101.325 kPa

197.4 atm ×
evaluate h: h= atm ≈ 2.0 km
( )(
1025 kg/m 3 9.81 m/s 2 )
Because a depth of only 2 km is required to produce a one-percent compression,
this does not occur in our oceans.

34 •• When a woman in high-heeled shoes takes a step, she momentarily

places her entire weight on one heel of her shoe. If her mass is 56.0 kg and if the
area of the heel is 1.00 cm2, what is the pressure exerted on the floor by the heel?
Compare your answer to the pressure exerted by the one foot of an elephant on a
flat floor. Assume the elephant’s mass is 5000 kg, that he has all four feet equally
distributed on the floor, and that each foot has an area of 400 cm2.

Picture the Problem The pressure exerted by the woman’s heel on the floor is
her weight divided by the area of her heel.

Using its definition, express the F w mg

P= = =
pressure exerted on the floor by the A A A
woman’s heel:

Substitute numerical values and

Pwoman =
(56.0 kg )(9.81m/s 2 )
evaluate Pwoman: 1.00 × 10 − 4 m 2
= 5.49 × 10 6 N/m 2 ×
101.325 kPa
= 54.2 atm

Express the pressure exerted by one of the elephant’s feet:

(5000 kg )(9.81m/s 2 ) 1atm
Pelephant = 4
= 3.066 × 10 5 N/m 2 × = 3.03 atm
400 × 10 m 2
101.325 kPa

Express the ratio of the pressure Pwoman 54.2 atm

= ≈ 18
exerted by the woman’s heel to the Pelephant 3.03 atm
pressure exerted by the elephant’s
Thus Pwoman ≈ 18 Pelephant .

35 •• In the seventeenth century, Blaise Pascal performed the experiment

shown in Figure 13-32. A wine barrel filled with water was coupled to a long
tube. Water was added to the tube until the barrel burst. The radius of the lid was
20 cm and the height of the water in the tube was 12 m. (a) Calculate the force
exerted on the lid due to the pressure increase. (b) If the tube had an inner radius
Fluids 1291

of 3.0 mm, what mass of water in the tube caused the pressure that burst the

Picture the Problem The force on the lid is related to pressure exerted by the
water and the cross-sectional area of the column of water through the definition of
density. We can find the mass of the water from the product of its density and

(a) Using the definition of pressure, F = PA

express the force exerted on the lid:

Express the pressure due to a column P = ρ water gh

of water of height h:

Substitute for P and A to obtain: F = ρ water ghπ r 2

Substitute numerical values and ( )(

F = 1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3 9.81m/s 2 )
evaluate F: × (12 m )π (0.20 m )

= 15 kN
(b) Relate the mass of the water to m = ρ waterV = ρ water hπ r 2
its density and volume:

Substitute numerical values and evaluate m:

( ) ( )
m = 1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3 (12 m )π 3.0 × 10 −3 m = 0.34 kg

36 •• Blood plasma flows from a bag through a tube into a patient’s vein,
where the blood pressure is 12 mmHg. The specific gravity of blood plasma at
37ºC is 1.03. What is the minimum elevation of the bag so that the plasma flows
into the vein?

Picture the Problem The minimum elevation of the bag h that will produce a
pressure of at least 12 mmHg is related to this pressure and the density of the
blood plasma through P = ρ blood gh .

Using the definition of the pressure P

P = ρ blood gh ⇒ h =
due to a column of liquid, relate the ρ blood g
pressure at its base to its height:
1292 Chapter 13

Substitute numerical values and 133.32 Pa

12 mmHg ×
evaluate h: 1 mmHg
1.03 × 10 kg/m 3 9.81 m/s 2
)( )
= 16 cm

37 •• Many people have imagined that if they were to float the top of a
flexible snorkel tube out of the water, they would be able to breathe through it
while walking underwater (Figure 13-33). However, they generally do not take
into account just how much water pressure opposes the expansion of the chest and
the inflation of the lungs. Suppose you can just breathe while lying on the floor
with a 400-N (90-lb) weight on your chest. How far below the surface of the
water could your chest be for you still to be able to breathe, assuming your chest
has a frontal area of 0.090 m2?

Picture the Problem The depth h below the surface at which you would be able
to breath is related to the pressure at that depth and the density of water ρw
through P = ρ w gh .

Express the pressure due to a column P

P = ρ w gh ⇒ h =
of water of height h: ρw g

Express the pressure at depth h in won your chest

terms of the weight on your chest: Aof your chest

Substituting for P yields: won your chest

Aof your chest ρ w g

Substitute numerical values and evaluate h:

400 N
h= = 45 cm
⎛⎜ 0.090 m 2 ⎞⎟ ⎛⎜1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3 ⎞⎟ ⎛⎜ 9.81 m/s 2 ⎞⎟
⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠

38 •• In Example 13-3 a 150-N force is applied to a small piston to lift a car

that weighs 15 000 N. Demonstrate that this does not violate the law of
conservation of energy by showing that, when the car is lifted some distance h,
the work done by the 150-N force acting on the small piston equals the work done
on the car by the large piston.

Picture the Problem Let A1 and A2 represent the cross-sectional areas of the large
piston and the small piston, and F1 and F2 the forces exerted by the large and on
the small piston, respectively. The work done by the large piston is W1 = F1h1 and
Fluids 1293

that done on the small piston is W2 = F2h2. We’ll use Pascal’s principle and the
equality of the volume of the displaced liquid in both pistons to show that W1 and
W2 are equal.

Express the work done in lifting the W1 = F1h1

car a distance h: where F1 is the weight of the car.

Using the definition of pressure, F1 F2 A

= ⇒ F1 = F2 1
relate the forces F1 (= w) and F2 to A1 A2 A2
the areas A1 and A2:

Equate the volumes of the displaced A2

h1 A1 = h2 A2 ⇒ h1 = h2
fluid in the two pistons: A1

Substitute in the expression for W1 A1 A2

W1 = F2 h2 = F2 h2 = W2
and simplify to obtain: A2 A1

39 •• A 5.00-kg lead sinker is accidentally dropped overboard by fishermen

in a boat directly above the deepest portion of the Marianas trench, near the
Philippines. By what percentage does the volume of the sinker change by the time
it settles to the trench bottom, which is 10.9 km below the surface?

Picture the Problem This problem is an application of the definition of the bulk
modulus. The change in volume of the sinker is related to the pressure change and
the bulk modulus by B = − .

From the definition of bulk modulus: ΔV ΔP

=− (1)

Express the pressure at a depth h in P(h ) = Pat + ρgh

the ocean:

The difference in pressure between ΔP = P(h ) − Pat = ρgh

the pressure at depth h and the
surface of the water is:

Substitute for ΔP in equation (1) to ΔV ρgh

obtain: V B
1294 Chapter 13

Substitute numerical values and evaluate the fractional change in volume of the

( )( )
1025 kg/m 3 9.81 m/s 2 (10.9 km )
= − 1.4%
V 7.7 GPa

40 ••• The volume of a cone of height h and base radius r is V = πr2h/3. A jar
in the shape of a cone of height 25 cm has a base with a radius equal to 15 cm.
The jar is filled with water. Then its lid (the base of the cone) is screwed on and
the jar is turned over so its lid is horizontal. (a) Find the volume and weight of the
water in the jar. (b) Assuming the pressure inside the jar at the top of the cone is
equal to 1 atm, find the excess force exerted by the water on the base of the jar.
Explain how this force can be greater than the weight of the water in the jar.

Picture the Problem The weight of the water in the jar is the product of its mass
and the gravitational field. Its mass, in turn, is related to its volume through the
definition of density. The force the water exerts on the base of the jar can be
determined from the product of the pressure it creates and the area of the base.

(a) The volume of the water is:

V = 13 π (15 × 10 −2 m ) (25 × 10 −2 m ) = 5.890 × 10 −3 m 3 = 5.9 L


Using the definition of density, relate w = mg = ρVg

the weight of the water to the volume
it occupies:

⎛ kg ⎞
( ⎛
) m⎞
w = ⎜1.00 × 10 3 3 ⎟ 5.890 × 10 −3 m 3 ⎜ 9.81 2 ⎟ = 57.79 N = 58 N
⎝ m ⎠ ⎝ s ⎠

(b) Using the definition of pressure, F = PA = ρghπ r 2

relate the force exerted by the water
on the base of the jar to the pressure
it exerts and the area of the base:

Substitute numerical values and evaluate F:

F = (1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3 ) (9.81m/s 2 )(25 × 10 −2 m ) π (15 × 10 −2 m ) = 0.17 kN

Fluids 1295

This occurs in the same way that the force on Pascal’s barrel is much greater than
the weight of the water in the tube. The downward force on the base is also the
result of the downward component of the force exerted by the slanting walls of
the cone on the water.


41 • A 500-g piece of copper with specific gravity 8.96, is suspended from

a spring scale and is submerged in water (Figure 13-34). What force does the
spring scale read?

Picture the Problem The scale’s reading is the difference between the weight of
the piece of copper in air and the buoyant force acting on it.

Express the apparent weight w′ of w' = w − B

the piece of copper:

Using the definition of density and w' = ρ CuVg − ρ wVg

Archimedes’ principle, substitute for = (ρ Cu − ρ w )Vg
w and B to obtain:

Express w in terms of ρCu and V w

w = ρ CuVg ⇒ Vg =
and solve for Vg: ρ Cu

Substitute for Vg in the expression w ⎛ ρ ⎞

w' = (ρ Cu − ρ w ) = ⎜⎜1 − w ⎟⎟ w
for w′ to obtain: ρ Cu ⎝ ρ Cu ⎠

Substitute numerical values and

evaluate w′:

w' = ⎜1 −
1 ⎞
⎟ (0.500 kg ) 9.81m/s
( )
⎝ 8.96 ⎠
= 4.36 N

42 • When a certain rock is suspended from a spring scale the scale-display

reads 60 N. However, when the suspended rock is submerged in water, the display
reads 40 N. What is the density of the rock?

Picture the Problem We can use the definition of density and Archimedes’
principle to find the density of the rock. The difference between the weight of the
rock in air and the weight of the rock in water is the buoyant force acting on the
1296 Chapter 13

Using its definition, express the mrock

ρ rock = (1)
density of the rock: Vrock

Apply Archimedes’ principle to B = wdisplaced = mdisplaced g

fluid fluid
= ρ displacedVdisplaced g
fluid fluid

Solve for Vdisplaced : B

Vdisplaced =
ρ displaced g

Because Vdisplaced = Vrock and B

Vrock =
ρ water g

ρ displaced = ρ water :

Substituting in equation (1) and mrock g w

ρ rock = ρ water = rock ρ water
simplifying yields: B B

Substitute numerical values and

evaluate ρrock:
ρ rock =
60 N
60 N − 40 N
1.00 × 103 kg/m 3 )
= 3.0 × 103 kg/m 3

43 • [SSM] A block of an unknown material weighs 5.00 N in air and

4.55 N when submerged in water. (a) What is the density of the material?
(b) From what material is the block likely to have been made?

Picture the Problem We can use the definition of density and Archimedes’
principle to find the density of the unknown object. The difference between the
weight of the object in air and in water is the buoyant force acting on the object.

(a) Using its definition, express the mobject

ρobject = (1)
density of the object: Vobject

Apply Archimedes’ principle to B = wdisplaced = mdisplaced g

fluid fluid
= ρ displacedVdisplaced g
fluid fluid

Solve for Vdisplaced : B

Vdisplaced =
fluid ρ displaced g
Fluids 1297

Because Vdisplaced = Vobject and B

Vobject =
ρ water g
ρ displaced = ρ water :

Substitute in equation (1) and mobject g wobject

ρ object = ρ water = ρ water
simplify to obtain: B B

Substitute numerical values and evaluate ρobject:

ρ object =
5.00 N
5.00 N − 4.55 N
( )
1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3 = 11×10 3 kg/m 3

(b) From Table 13-1, we see that the density of the unknown material is close to
that of lead.

44 • A solid piece of metal weighs 90.0 N in air and 56.6 N when

submerged in water. Determine the density of this metal.

Picture the Problem We can use the definition of density and Archimedes’
principle to find the density of the unknown object. The difference between the
weight of the object in air and the weight of the object in water is the buoyant
force acting on the object.

Using its definition, express the mmetal

ρ metal = (1)
density of the metal: Vmetal

Apply Archimedes’ principle to B = wdisplaced = mdisplaced g

fluid fluid
= ρ displacedVdisplaced g
fluid fluid

Solve for Vdisplaced : B

Vdisplaced =
ρ displaced g

Because Vdisplaced = Vmetal and B

Vmetal =
ρ water g
ρ displaced = ρ water :

Substitute in equation (1) and mmetal g w

ρ metal = ρ water = metal ρ water
simplify to obtain: B B
1298 Chapter 13

Substitute numerical values and evaluate ρmetal:

ρ metal =
90.0 N − 56.6 N
( )
1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3 = 2.69 ×10 3 kg/m 3

45 •• A homogeneous solid object floats on water, with 80.0 percent of its

volume below the surface. When placed in a second liquid, the same object floats
on that liquid with 72.0 percent of its volume below the surface. Determine the
density of the object and the specific gravity of the liquid.

Picture the Problem Let V be the volume of the object and V′ be the volume that
is submerged when it floats. The weight of the object is ρVg and the buoyant
force due to the water is ρwV′g. Because the floating object is in translational
equilibrium, we can use ∑ Fy = 0 to relate the buoyant forces acting on the
object in the two liquids to its weight.

Apply ∑F y = 0 to the object ρ wV'g − mg = ρ wV'g − ρVg = 0 (1)

floating in water:

Solving for ρ yields: V'

ρ = ρw

ρ = (1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3 )
Substitute numerical values and 0.800V
evaluate ρ: V
= 800 kg/m 3

Apply ∑F y = 0 to the object mg = 0.720Vρ L g

floating in the second liquid and
solve for mg:

Solve equation (1) for mg: mg = 0.800 ρ wVg

Equate these two expressions to 0.720 ρ L = 0.800 ρ w


Substitute in the definition of ρ L 0.800

specific gravity = = = 1.11
specific gravity to obtain: ρ w 0.720

46 •• A 5.00-kg iron block is suspended from a spring scale and is

submerged in a fluid of unknown density. The spring scale reads 6.16 N. What is
the density of the fluid?
Fluids 1299

Picture the Problem We can use Archimedes’ principle to find the density of the
unknown fluid. The difference between the weight of the block in air and the
weight of the block in the fluid is the buoyant force acting on the block.

Apply Archimedes’ principle to B = wdisplaced = mdisplaced g

fluid fluid
= ρ displacedVdisplaced g
fluid fluid

Solve for ρ displaced : B

fluid ρ displaced =
fluid Vdisplaced g

Because Vdisplaced = VFe block : B B

fluid ρf = = ρ Fe
VFe block g mFe block g

Substitute numerical values and evaluate ρf:

ρf =
(5.00 kg )(9.81m/s 2 ) − 6.16 N (7.96 × 10 3 kg/m 3 ) = 7.0 × 10 3 kg/m 3
(5.00 kg )(9.81m/s 2 )

47 •• A large piece of cork weighs 0.285 N in air. When held submerged

underwater by a spring scale as shown in Figure 13-35, the spring scale reads
0.855 N. Find the density of the cork.

Picture the Problem The forces acting on the cork are B, the upward force due to
the displacement of water, mg, the weight of the piece of cork, and Fs, the force
exerted by the spring. The piece of cork is in equilibrium under the influence of
these forces.

Apply ∑F y = 0 to the piece of cork: B − w − Fs = 0 (1)

B − ρ corkVg − Fs = 0 (2)

Express the buoyant force as a B

B = wdisplaced = ρ wVg ⇒ Vg =
function of the density of water: fluid ρw

Substitute for Vg in equation (2) to B

B − ρ cork − Fs = 0 (3)
obtain: ρw

Solve equation (1) for B: B = w + Fs

1300 Chapter 13

Substitute in equation (3) to obtain: w + Fs

w + Fs − ρ cork − Fs = 0
w + Fs
w − ρ cork =0

Solving for ρcork yields: w

ρ cork = ρ w
w + Fs

Substitute numerical values and evaluate ρcork:

ρ cork = (1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3 )

0.285 N
= 250 kg/m 3
0.285 N + 0.855 N

48 •• A helium balloon lifts a basket and cargo of total weight 2000 N under
standard conditions, at which the density of air is 1.29 kg/m3 and the density of
helium is 0.178 kg/m3. What is the minimum volume of the balloon?

Picture the Problem Under minimum-volume conditions, the balloon will be in

equilibrium. Let B represent the buoyant force acting on the balloon, wtot represent
its total weight, and V its volume. The total weight is the sum of the weights of its
basket, cargo, and helium in its balloon.

Apply ∑F y = 0 to the balloon: B − wtot = 0

Express the total weight of the wtot = 2000 N + ρ HeVg


Express the buoyant force due to the B = wdisplaced = ρ airVg

displaced air:

Substitute for B and wtot to obtain: ρ airVg − 2000 N − ρ HeVg = 0

Solving for V yields: 2000 N

(ρ air − ρ He )g

Substitute numerical values and evaluate V:

2000 N
V = = 183 m 3
1.29 kg/m − 0.178 kg/m 9.81 m/s
3 3 2
)( )
Fluids 1301

49 •• [SSM] An object has ″neutral buoyancy″ when its density equals that
of the liquid in which it is submerged, which means that it neither floats nor sinks.
If the average density of an 85-kg diver is 0.96 kg/L, what mass of lead should the
dive master suggest be added to give the diver neutral buoyancy?

Picture the Problem Let V = volume of diver, ρD the density of the diver, VPb the
volume of added lead, and mPb the mass of lead. The diver is in equilibrium under
the influence of his weight, the weight of the lead, and the buoyant force of the

Apply ∑F y = 0 to the diver: B − wD − wPb = 0

Substitute to obtain: ρ wVD + Pb g − ρ DVD g − mPb g = 0

ρ wVD + ρ wVPb − ρ DVD − mPb = 0

Rewrite this expression in terms mD mPb mD

ρw + ρw − ρD − mPb = 0
of masses and densities: ρD ρ Pb ρD

Solving for mPb yields: ρ Pb (ρ w − ρ D ) mD

mPb =
ρ D (ρ Pb − ρ w )

Substitute numerical values and evaluate mPb:

mPb =
(11.3 ×10 kg/m )(1.00 ×10 kg/m − 0.96 ×10 kg/m )(85 kg ) =
3 3 3 3 3 3
3.9 kg
(0.96 ×10 kg/m )(11.3 ×10 kg/m − 1.00 ×10 kg/m )
3 3 3 3 3 3

50 •• A 1.00-kg beaker containing 2.00 kg of water rests on a scale. A

2.00-kg block of aluminum (density 2.70 × 103 kg/m3) suspended from a spring
scale is submerged in the water, as in Figure 13-36. Find the readings of both

Picture the Problem The hanging scale’s reading w′ is the difference between
the weight of the aluminum block in air w and the buoyant force acting on it. The
buoyant force is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid, which, in turn, is the
product of its density and mass. We can apply a condition for equilibrium to relate
the reading of the bottom scale to the weight of the beaker and its contents and the
buoyant force acting on the block.
1302 Chapter 13

Express the apparent weight w′ of w' = w − B (1)

the aluminum block. This apparent
weight is the reading on the hanging
scale and is equal to the tension in
the string:

Letting Fs be the reading of the Fs − (M b + M w )g − B = 0

bottom scale and choosing upward or
to be the +y direction, apply Fs = (M b + M w )g + B
∑ Fy = 0 to the system consisting of = (M b + M w )g + w − w'
the beaker and the water to obtain:

Using Archimedes’ principle, w' = w − ρ wVg (3)

substitute for B in equation (1) to

Express w in terms of ρAl and V w

w = ρ AlVg ⇒ Vg =
and solve for Vg: ρ Al

Substitute for Vg in equation (3) and w ⎛ ρ ⎞

w' = w − ρ w = ⎜⎜1 − w ⎟⎟ w
simplify to obtain: ρ Al ⎝ ρ Al ⎠

Substitute numerical values and evaluate w′:

⎛ 1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3 ⎞
w' = ⎜⎜1 − (
⎟ (2.00 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 12.4 N
3 ⎟
⎝ 2.70 × 10 kg/m ⎠

Substitute numerical values in equation (2) and evaluate Fs:

( ) (
Fs = (1.00 kg + 2.00 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 + (2.00 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 − 12.4 N )
= 36.7 N

51 •• When cracks form at the base of a dam, the water seeping into the
cracks exerts a buoyant force that tends to lift the dam. As a result, the dam can
topple. Estimate the buoyant force exerted on a 2.0-m thick by 5.0-m wide dam
wall by water seeping into cracks at its base. The water level in the lake is 5.0 m
above the cracks.
Fluids 1303

Picture the Problem We can apply Archimedes’ principle to estimate the

buoyant force exerted by the water on the dam. We can determine whether the
buoyant force is likely to lift the dam by comparing the buoyant and gravitational
forces acting on the dam.

The buoyant force acting on the dam B = wdisplaced = mdisplaced g

water water
is given by Archimedes’ principle:
= ρ waterVdisplaced g

The volume of the displaced water is B = ρ waterVdam g = ρ water LWHg

the same as the volume of the dam: where L, W, and H are the length and
width of the dam, and H is the height of
the water above the cracks.

Substitute numerical values and evaluate B:

B = (1.00 × 103 kg/m3 )(2.0 m )(5.0 m )(5.0 m ) (9.81 m/s 2 ) = 4.9 × 105 N

52 •• Your team is in charge of launching a large helium weather balloon

that is spherical in shape, and whose radius is 2.5 m and total mass is 15 kg
(balloon plus helium plus equipment). (a) What is the initial upward acceleration
of the balloon when it is released from sea level? (b) If the drag force on the
balloon is given by FD = 12 π r ρv , where r is the balloon radius, ρ is the density of
2 2

air, and v the balloon’s ascension speed, calculate the terminal speed of the
ascending balloon.

Picture the Problem The forces acting yr

on the balloon are the buoyant force B, B
its weight mg, and a drag force FD. We
can find the initial upward acceleration
of the balloon by applying Newton’s
second law at the instant it is released.
We can find the terminal speed of the
balloon by recognizing that when r
ay = 0, the net force acting on the
balloon will be zero. r

(a) Apply ∑F y = ma y to the balloon B − mballoon g = mballoon a y (1)

at the instant of its release to obtain:
1304 Chapter 13

Using Archimedes principle, express B = wdisplaced = mdisplaced g

the buoyant force B acting on the fluid fluid

balloon: = ρ displacedVdisplaced g
fluid fluid

= ρ airVballoon g = 43 πρ air r 3 g

Substitute in equation (1) to obtain: 4

3 πρ air r 3 g − mballoon g = mballoon a y

Solving for ay yields: ⎛ 4 πρ r 3 ⎞

a y = ⎜⎜ 3 air − 1⎟⎟ g
⎝ mballoon ⎠

Substitute numerical values and evaluate ay:

ay = ⎢
( )
⎡ 43 π 1.29 kg/m 3 (2.5 m )3 ⎤
− 1⎥ 9.81m/s 2 = 45 m/s 2 )
⎣⎢ 15 kg ⎥⎦

(b) Apply ∑F y = ma y to the balloon B − mg − 12 π r 2 ρvt2 = 0

under terminal-speed conditions to

Substitute for B: 4
3 πρair r 3 g − mg − 12 π r 2 ρvt2 = 0

Solving for vt yields:

vt =
2 43 πρ air r 3 − m g )
πr 2 ρ

Substitute numerical values and evaluate v:

vt =
[ 3
2 43 π (1.29 kg/m 3 )(2.5 m ) − 15 kg (9.81 m/s 2 )
= 7.33 m/s = 7.3 m/s
π (2.5 m ) (1.29 kg/m
2 3
53 ••• [SSM] A ship sails from seawater (specific gravity 1.025) into
freshwater, and therefore sinks slightly. When its 600,000-kg load is removed, it
returns to its original level. Assuming that the sides of the ship are vertical at the
water line, find the mass of the ship before it was unloaded.

Picture the Problem Let V = displacement of ship in the two cases, m be the
mass of ship without load, and Δm be the load. The ship is in equilibrium under
the influence of the buoyant force exerted by the water and its weight. We’ll
apply the condition for floating in the two cases and solve the equations
simultaneously to determine the loaded mass of the ship.
Fluids 1305

Apply ∑F y = 0 to the ship in fresh ρ wVg − mg = 0 (1)


Apply ∑F y = 0 to the ship in salt ρ swVg − (m + Δm )g = 0 (2)


Solve equation (1) for Vg: mg

Vg =

Substitute in equation (2) to obtain: mg

ρ sw − (m + Δm )g = 0

Solving for m yields: ρ w Δm

ρ sw − ρ w

Add Δm to both sides of the equation ρ w Δm

m + Δm = + Δm
and simplify to obtain: ρ sw − ρ w
⎛ ρw ⎞
= Δm⎜⎜ + 1⎟⎟
⎝ ρ sw − ρ w ⎠
Δmρ sw
ρ sw − ρ w

Substitute numerical values and

m + Δm =
(6.00 ×10 5
kg (1.025 ρ w )
evaluate m + Δm: 1.025 ρ w − ρ w

(6.00 ×10 )
kg (1.025)

1.025 − 1
= 2.5 × 10 7 kg

Continuity and Bernoulli's Equation

54 • Water flows at 0.65 m/s through a 3.0-cm-diameter hose that
terminates in a 0.30-cm-diameter nozzle. Assume laminar nonviscous steady-state
flow. (a) At what speed does the water pass through the nozzle? (b) If the pump at
one end of the hose and the nozzle at the other end are at the same height, and if
the pressure at the nozzle is 1.0 atm, what is the pressure at the pump outlet?

Picture the Problem Let A1 represent the cross-sectional area of the hose, A2 the
cross-sectional area of the nozzle, v1 the speed of the water in the hose, and v2 the
speed of the water as it passes through the nozzle. We can use the continuity
1306 Chapter 13

equation to find v2 and Bernoulli’s equation for constant elevation to find the
pressure at the pump outlet.

(a) Using the continuity equation, A1v1 = A2 v2

relate the speeds of the water to the or
diameter of the hose and the πd12 πd 2 d2
diameter of the nozzle: v1 = 2 v2 ⇒ v2 = 12 v1
4 4 d2

Substitute numerical values and ⎛ 3.0 cm ⎞
evaluate v2: v2 = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (0.65 m/s ) = 65.0 m/s
⎝ 0.30 cm ⎠
= 65 m/s

(b) Using Bernoulli’s equation for PP + 12 ρv12 = Pat + 12 ρv22

constant elevation, relate the
pressure at the pump PP to the
atmospheric pressure and the
velocities of the water in the hose
and the nozzle:

Solve for the pressure at the pump: (

PP = Pat + 12 ρ v22 − v12 )
Substitute numerical values and evaluate PP:

( )[
PP = 101.325 kPa + 12 1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3 (65.0 m/s ) − (0.65 m/s )
2 2
= 2.21× 10 6 Pa × = 22 atm
101.325 kPa

55 • [SSM] Water is flowing at 3.00 m/s in a horizontal pipe under a

pressure of 200 kPa. The pipe narrows to half its original diameter. (a) What is
the speed of flow in the narrow section? (b) What is the pressure in the narrow
section? (c) How do the volume flow rates in the two sections compare?

Picture the Problem Let A1 represent the cross-sectional area of the larger-
diameter pipe, A2 the cross-sectional area of the smaller-diameter pipe, v1 the
speed of the water in the larger-diameter pipe, and v2 the velocity of the water in
the smaller-diameter pipe. We can use the continuity equation to find v2 and
Bernoulli’s equation for constant elevation to find the pressure in the smaller-
diameter pipe.
Fluids 1307

(a) Using the continuity equation, A1v1 = A2 v2

relate the velocities of the water to or
the diameters of the pipe: πd12 πd 2 d2
v1 = 2 v2 ⇒ v2 = 12 v1
4 4 d2

Substitute numerical values and ⎛ d ⎞
evaluate v2: v2 = ⎜⎜ 1 1 ⎟⎟ (3.00 m/s ) = 12.0 m/s
⎝ 2 d1 ⎠

(b) Using Bernoulli’s equation for P1 + 12 ρ w v12 = P2 + 12 ρ w v22

constant elevation, relate the
pressures in the two segments of the
pipe to the velocities of the water in
these segments:

Solving for P2 yields: P2 = P1 + 12 ρ w v12 − 12 ρ w v22

= P1 + 12 ρ w v12 − v22 )
Substitute numerical values and evaluate P2:

[ ]
P2 = 200 kPa + 12 (1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3 ) (3.00 m/s ) − (12.0 m/s ) = 133 kPa
2 2

(c) From the continuity equation; I V1 = I V2 .

56 •• The pressure in a section of horizontal pipe with a diameter of 2.00 cm

is 142 kPa. Water flows through the pipe at 2.80 L/s. If the pressure at a certain
point is to be reduced to 101 kPa by constricting a section of the pipe, what
should the diameter of the constricted section be?

Picture the Problem Let A1 represent the cross-sectional area of the 2.00-cm
diameter pipe, A2 the cross-sectional area of the constricted pipe, v1 the speed of
the water in the 2.00-cm diameter pipe, and v2 the speed of the water in the
constricted pipe. We can use the continuity equation to express d2 in terms of d1
and to find v1 and Bernoulli’s equation for constant elevation to find the speed of
the water in the constricted pipe.

Using the continuity equation, relate A1v1 = A2 v2

the volume flow rate in the 2.00-cm or
diameter pipe to the volume flow πd12 πd 2 v
rate in the constricted pipe: v1 = 2 v2 ⇒ d 2 = d1 1 (1)
4 4 v2
1308 Chapter 13

Using the continuity equation, IV I 4I

v1 = = 1 V 2 = V2
relate v1 to the volume flow rate IV: A1 4 πd1 πd1

Using Bernoulli’s equation for P1 + 12 ρ w v12 = P2 + 12 ρ w v22

constant elevation, relate the
pressures in the two segments of the
pipe to the velocities of the water in
these segments:

Solve for v2 to obtain: 2(P1 − P )

v2 = + v12

Substituting for v2 in equation (1) and simplifying yields:

v1 1 d1
d 2 = d1 = d1 =
2(P1 − P ) 2(P1 − P ) 2(P1 − P )
+ v12 +1 4 +1
ρw v12 ρ w v12 ρ w

Substitute for v1 and simplify to obtain:

d1 d1
d2 = =
2(P1 − P ) π d (P1 − P )
2 4

+1 4
4 ⎛ 4I V ⎞ 8 I V2 ρ w
⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ ρ w
⎝ πd1 ⎠

Substitute numerical values and evaluate d2:

2.00 cm
d2 = = 1.68 cm
π 2 (0.0200 m )4 (142 kPa − 101.325 kPa )
( )
8(2.80 L/s ) 1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3

57 •• [SSM] Blood flows at at 30 cm/s in an aorta of radius 9.0 mm.

(a) Calculate the volume flow rate in liters per minute. (b) Although the cross-
sectional area of a capillary is much smaller than that of the aorta, there are many
capillaries, so their total cross-sectional area is much larger. If all the blood from
the aorta flows into the capillaries and the speed of flow through the capillaries is
1.0 mm/s, calculate the total cross-sectional area of the capillaries. Assume
laminar nonviscous, steady-state flow.
Fluids 1309

Picture the Problem We can use the definition of the volume flow rate to find
the volume flow rate of blood in an aorta and to find the total cross-sectional area
of the capillaries.

(a) Use the definition of the volume I V = Av

flow rate to find the volume flow
rate through an aorta:

Substitute numerical values and (

I V = π 9.0 ×10 −3 m ) (0.30 m/s)

evaluate IV:
m 3 60 s
−5 1L
= 7.634 × 10 × × −3 3
s min 10 m
= 4.58 L/min = 4.6 L/min

(b) Use the definition of the volume IV

I V = Acap vcap ⇒ Acap =
flow rate to express the volume vcap
flow rate through the capillaries:

Substitute numerical values and 7.63 × 10 −5 m 3 /s

Acap = = 7.6 × 10 − 2 m 2
evaluate Acap: 0.0010 m/s

58 •• Water flows through a 1.0 m-long conical section of pipe that joins a
cylindrical pipe of radius 0.45 m, on the left, to a cylindrical pipe of radius
0.25 m, on the right. If the water is flowing into the 0.45 m pipe with a speed of
1.50 m/s, and if we assume laminar nonviscous steady-state flow, (a) what is the
speed of flow in the 0.25 m pipe? (b) What is the speed of flow at a position x in
the conical section, if x is the distance measured from the left-hand end of the
conical section of pipe?

Picture the Problem The pictorial representation summarizes what we know

about the two pipes and the connecting conical section. We can apply the
continuity equation to find v2. We can also use the continuity equation in (b)
provided we first express the cross-sectional area of the transitional conical
section as a function of x.

v1 = 1.50 m/s v2 = ?
v =?
d1 = 0.90 m d 2 = 0.50 m

0 x L

(a) Apply the continuity equation to v1 A1 = v2 A2

the flow in the two sections of
cylindrical pipes:
1310 Chapter 13

Solving for v2, expressing the cross- 2

4 πd1
A1 1 2
⎛d ⎞
sectional areas in terms of their v2 = v1 = v1 1 2 = v1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟
diameters, and simplifying yields: A2 4 πd 2 ⎝ d2 ⎠

Substitute numerical values and ⎛ 0.90 m ⎞


evaluate v2: v2 = (1.50 m/s )⎜ ⎟ = 4.9 m/s

⎝ 0.50 m ⎠

(b) Continuity of flow requires that: v(0 )A(0 ) = v( x )A( x )

Solve for v(x) to obtain: A(0)

v( x ) = v(0) (1)
A( x )

The diagram to the right is an

enlargement of the upper half of the (0, 0.45 m )
transitional conical section. Use the
coordinates shown on the line to (x, r (x ))
establish the following proportion:
(L,0.25 m )
r ( x ) − 0.45 m 0.25 m − 0.45 m
x−0 L−0 0 x L

Solving the proportion for r(x) x

yields: r ( x ) = 0.45 m − (0.20 m )
where L is the length of the conical

The cross-sectional area of the A( x ) = π (r ( x ))


conical section varies with x 2

⎛ x⎞
according to: = π ⎜ 0.45 m − (0.20 m ) ⎟
⎝ L⎠

Substituting for A(x) in equation (1) π r12

and simplifying yields: v(x ) = v(0) 2
⎛ x⎞
π ⎜ 0.45 m − (0.20 m ) ⎟
⎝ L⎠
= 2
⎛ x⎞
⎜ 0.45 m − (0.20 m ) ⎟
⎝ L⎠
Fluids 1311

Substitute numerical values and

v( x ) =
(1.50 m/s)(0.45 m )2
simplify further to obtain: 2
⎛ x ⎞
⎜ 0.45 m − (0.20 m ) ⎟
⎝ 1.0 m ⎠
0.304 m 3 / s
(0.45 m − 0.20 x )2
To confirm the correctness of this 0.304 m 3 / s
equation, evaluate v(0) and v(1.0 m): v(0) = = 1.5 m/s
(0.45 m )2
0.304 m 3 / s
v(1.0 m ) =
(0.45 m − 0.20(1.0 m ))2
= 4.9 m/s

59 •• The $8-billion, 800-mile-long Alaskan Pipeline has a maximum

volume flow rate of 240,000 m3 of oil per day. Most of the pipeline has a radius
of60.0 cm. Find the pressure P′ at a point where the pipe has a 30.0-cm radius.
Take the pressure in the 60.0-cm-radius sections to be P = 180 kPa and the
density of oil to be 800 kg/m3. Assume laminar nonviscous steady-state flow.

Picture the Problem Let the subscript 60 denote the 60.0-cm-radius pipe and the
subscript 30 denote the 30.0-cm-radius pipe. We can use Bernoulli’s equation for
constant elevation to express P′ in terms of v60 and v30, the definition of volume
flow rate to find v60, and the continuity equation to find v30.
r60 = 60.0 cm
r30 = 30.0 cm
v 60 v30

Using Bernoulli’s equation for P + 12 ρv60

= P' + 12 ρv30

constant elevation, relate the

pressures in the two pipes to the
velocities of the oil:

Solving for P′ yields: P' = P + 12 ρ (v60

− v30
) (1)

Use the definition of volume flow IV I

v60 = = V2
rate to express v60: A60 π r60
1312 Chapter 13

Using the continuity equation, relate A60

A60v60 = A30v30 ⇒ v30 = v60
the speed of the oil in the half- A30
standard pipe to its speed in the
standard pipe:

Substituting for v60 and A30 yields: A60 I V I I

v30 = = V = V2
A30 A60 A30 π r30

Substitute for v60 and v30 and simplify to obtain:

⎛ ⎛ I ⎞2 ⎛ I ⎞2 ⎞ ρI 2 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
P' = P + ρ ⎜ ⎜⎜ V2 ⎟⎟ − ⎜⎜ V2 ⎟⎟ ⎟ = P + V2 ⎜⎜ 4 − 4 ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎝ π r60 ⎠ ⎝ π r30 ⎠ ⎟ 2π ⎝ r60 r30 ⎠
⎝ ⎠

Substitute numerical values in equation (1) and evaluate P′:

⎛ 1h ⎞
( 3
800 kg/m ⎜⎜ 2.40 × 10 5
m3 1 d
× × ⎟
d 24 h 3600 s ⎟⎠
P' = 180 kPa + ⎝
2π 2
⎛ 1 1 ⎞
× ⎜⎜ − ⎟
4 ⎟
⎝ (0 . 600 m )4
(0 .300 m ) ⎠
= 144 kPa

60 •• Water flows through a Venturi meter like that in Example 13-11 with a
pipe diameter of 9.50 cm and a constriction diameter of 5.60 cm. The U-tube
manometer is partially filled with mercury. Find the volume flow rate of the water
if the difference in the mercury level in the U-tube is 2.40 cm.

Picture the Problem We’ll use its definition to relate the volume flow rate in the
pipe to the speed of the water and the result of Example 13-11 to find the speed of
the water.

Using its definition, express the I V = A1v1 = π r 2v1

volume flow rate:

Using the result of Example 13-11, 2 ρ Hg gh

find the speed of the water upstream v1 =
⎛ R12 ⎞
from the Venturi meter: ρ w ⎜⎜ 2
− 1⎟⎟
⎝ R2 ⎠
Fluids 1313

Substituting for v1 yields: 2 ρ Hg gh

IV = π r 2
⎛ R12 ⎞
ρ w ⎜⎜ 2
− 1⎟⎟
⎝ R2 ⎠

Substitute numerical values and evaluate IV:

IV =
(0.0950 m ) 2 ( )( )
2 13.6 × 10 3 kg/m 3 9.81 m/s 2 (0.0240 m )
= 13.1L/s
4 ⎡⎛ 0.0950 m ⎞ 2 ⎤
( )
1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3 ⎢⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ − 1⎥
⎢⎣⎝ 0.0560 m ⎠ ⎥⎦

61 •• [SSM] Horizontal flexible tubing for carrying cooling water extends

through a large electromagnet used in your physics experiment at Fermi National
Accelerator Laboratory. A minimum volume flow rate of 0.050 L/s through the
tubing is necessary in order to keep your magnet cool. Within the magnet volume,
the tubing has a circular cross section of radius 0.500 cm. In regions outside the
magnet, the tubing widens to a radius of 1.25 cm. You have attached pressure
sensors to measure differences in pressure between the 0.500 cm and 1.25 cm
sections. The lab technicians tell you that if the flow rate in the system drops
below 0.050 L/s, the magnet is in danger of overheating and that you should
install an alarm to sound a warning when the flow rate drops below that level.
What is the critical pressure difference at which you should program the sensors
to send the alarm signal (and is this a minimum, or maximum, pressure
difference)? Assume laminar nonviscous steady-state flow.

Picture the Problem The pictorial representation shows the narrowing of the
cold-water supply tubes as they enter the magnet. We can apply Bernoulli’s
equation and the continuity equation to derive an expression for the pressure
difference P1 − P2.

v1 v2
d1 = 2.50 cm d 2 = 1.000 cm

Apply Bernoulli’s equation to the P1 + 12 ρv12 = P2 + 12 ρv22

two sections of tubing to obtain:

Solving for the pressure difference ΔP = P1 − P2 = 12 ρv22 − 12 ρv12

P1 − P2 yields:
= 12 ρ v22 − v12 )
1314 Chapter 13

Factor v12 from the parentheses to ⎛ v 22 ⎞ 1 2 ⎛⎜ ⎛ v2 ⎞ ⎞


obtain: ΔP = ρv ⎜⎜ 2 − 1⎟⎟ = 2 ρv1 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ − 1⎟

1 2
⎝ v1
⎠ ⎜ ⎝ v1 ⎠ ⎟
⎝ ⎠

From the continuity equation we A1v1 = A2 v2


Solving for the ratio of v2 to v1, v2 A1 14 πd12 ⎛ d1 ⎞


expressing the areas in terms of the = = =⎜ ⎟

diameters, and simplifying yields: v1 A2 14 πd 22 ⎜⎝ d 2 ⎟⎠

Use the expression for the volume IV I 4I

flow rate to express v1: v1 = = 1 V 2 = V2
A1 4 πd1 πd1

Substituting for v1 and v2/v1 in the ⎛ 4I ⎞

⎛⎛ d ⎞4 ⎞
expression for ΔP yields: ΔP = 12 ρ ⎜⎜ V2 ⎟⎟ ⎜ ⎜ 1 ⎟ − 1⎟
⎝ πd1 ⎠ ⎜ ⎜⎝ d 2 ⎟⎠ ⎟
⎝ ⎠

Substitute numerical values and evaluate ΔP:

⎛ ⎛ −3 3
⎜ 4⎜ 0.050 L × 10 m ⎟ ⎟
⎜ L ⎟⎠ ⎟ ⎛ ⎛ 2.50 cm ⎞ 4 ⎞
3 ⎜ ⎝
ΔP = 2 1.00 × 10 kg/m ⎜
1 3
) s
⎟ ⎜⎜
⎜ ⎝ 1.000 cm ⎟⎠
− 1⎟ = 0.20 kPa
⎜ π (0.0250 m )2 ⎟ ⎝

⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠

Because ΔP ∝ I V2 (ΔP as a function of IV is a parabola that opens upward), this

pressure difference is the minimum pressure difference.

62 •• Figure 13-37 shows a Pitot-static tube, a device used for measuring the
speed of a gas. The inner pipe faces the incoming fluid, while the ring of holes in
the outer tube is parallel to the gas flow. Show that the speed of the gas is given
2 gh(ρ L − ρ g )
by v = , where ρL is the density of the liquid used in the
manometer and ρg is the density of the gas.

Picture the Problem Let the numeral 1 denote the opening in the end of the inner
pipe and the numeral 2 to one of the holes in the outer tube. We can apply
Bernoulli’s principle at these locations and solve for the pressure difference
between them. By equating this pressure difference to the pressure difference due
to the height h of the liquid column we can express the speed of the gas as a
function of ρL, ρg, g, and h.
Fluids 1315

Apply Bernoulli’s principle at P1 + 12 ρ g v12 = P2 + 12 ρ g v22

locations 1 and 2 to obtain:
where we’ve ignored the difference in
elevation between the two openings.

Solve for the pressure difference ΔP = P1 − P2 = 12 ρ g v22 − 12 ρ g v12

ΔP = P1 − P2:

Express the speed of the gas at 1: Because the gas is brought to a halt
(that is, is stagnant) at the opening to
the inner pipe, v1 = 0 .

Express the speed of the gas at 2: Because the gas flows freely past the
holes in the outer ring, v2 = v .

Substitute to obtain: ΔP = 12 ρ g v 2

Letting A be the cross-sectional area wdisplaced liquid

of the tube, express the pressure at a P1 = P2 + −
depth h in the column of liquid
where B = ρ g Ahg is the buoyant force
whose density is ρ1:
acting on the column of liquid of
height h.

Substitute to obtain: ρ L ghA ρ g ghA

P1 = P2 + −
= P2 + (ρ L − ρ g )gh
ΔP = P1 − P2 = (ρ L − ρ g )gh

Equate these two expressions for ΔP: 1

2 ρ g v 2 = (ρ L − ρ g )gh

Solving for v yields: 2 gh(ρ L − ρ g )


Note that the correction for buoyant force due to the displaced gas is very small
2 ghρ L
and that, to a good approximation, v = .

Remarks: Pitot tubes are used to measure the airspeed of airplanes.

1316 Chapter 13

63 ••• [SSM] Derive the Bernoulli Equation in more generality than done
in the text, that is, allow for the fluid to change elevation during its movement.
Using the work-energy theorem, show that when changes in elevation are
allowed, Equation 13-16 becomes P1 + ρgh1 + 12 ρv12 = P2 + ρgh2 + 12 ρv22 (Equation

Picture the Problem Consider a fluid flowing in a tube that varies in elevation as
well as in cross-sectional area, as shown in the pictorial representation below. We
can apply the work-energy theorem to a parcel of fluid that initially is contained
between points 1 and 2. During time Δt this parcel moves along the tube to the
region between point 1′ and 2′. Let ΔV be the volume of fluid passing point 1′
during time Δt. The same volume passes point 2 during the same time. Also, let
Δm = ρΔV be the mass of the fluid with volume ΔV. The net effect on the parcel
during time Δt is that mass Δm initially at height h1 moving with speed v1 is
″transferred″ to height h2 with speed v2.

F2 = P2 A2

Δ x2
2 2'

A1 F1 = P1 A1 h2

Δ x1
1 1' Ug = 0

Express the work-energy theorem: Wtotal = ΔU + ΔK (1)

The change in the potential energy of ΔU = (Δm )gh2 − (Δm )gh1

the parcel is given by: = (Δm )g (h2 − h )
= ρΔVg (h2 − h1 )

The change in the kinetic energy of ΔK = 1

2 (Δm )v22 − 12 (Δm )v12
= 12 (Δm )(v22 − v12 )
the parcel is given by:

= 12 ρΔV v22 − v12 )
Express the work done by the fluid W1 = F1Δx1 = P1 A1Δx1 = P1ΔV
behind the parcel (to the parcel’s left
in the diagram) as it pushes on the
parcel with a force of magnitude
F1 = P1 A1 , where P1 is the pressure at
point 1:
Fluids 1317

Express the work done by the fluid W2 = − F2 Δx2 = − P2 A2 Δx2 = − P2 ΔV

in front of the parcel (to the parcel’s where the work is negative because the
right in the diagram) as it pushes on applied force and the displacement are
the parcel with a force of magnitude in opposite directions.
F2 = P2 A2 , where P2 is the pressure
at point 2:

The total work done on the parcel is: Wtotal = P1ΔV − P2 ΔV = (P1 − P2 )ΔV

Substitute for ΔU, ΔK, and Wtotal in equation (1) to obtain:

(P1 − P2 )ΔV = ρΔVg (h2 − h1 ) + 12 ρΔV (v22 − v12 )

Simplifying this expression by (
P1 − P2 = ρg (h2 − h1 ) + 12 ρ v22 − v12 )
dividing out ΔV yields:

Collect all the quantities having a P1 + ρgh1 + 12 ρv12 = P2 + ρgh2 + 12 ρv22

subscript 1 on one side and those
having a subscript 2 on the other to

Remarks: This equation is known as Bernoulli’s equation for the steady,

nonviscous flow of an incompressible fluid.

64 ••• A large keg of height H and cross-sectional area A1 is filled with root
beer. The top is open to the atmosphere. There is a spigot opening of area A2,
which is much smaller than A1, at the bottom of the keg. (a) Show that when the
height of the root beer is h, the speed of the root beer leaving the spigot is
approximately 2 gh . (b) Show that if A2 << A1, the rate of change of the height h
of the root beer is given by dh dt = −( A2 A1 )(2gh ) . (c) Find h as a function of

time if h = H at t = 0. (d) Find the total time needed to drain the keg if
H = 2.00 m, A1 = 0.800 m2, and A2 = 1.00 × 10–4 A1. Assume laminar nonviscous

Picture the Problem We can apply Bernoulli’s equation to the top of the keg and
to the spigot opening to determine the rate at which the root beer exits the tank.
Because the area of the spigot is much smaller than that of the keg, we can neglect
the speed of the root beer at the top of the keg. We’ll use the continuity equation
to obtain an expression for the rate of change of the height of the root beer in the
keg as a function of the height and integrate this function to find h as a function of
1318 Chapter 13

(a) Apply Bernoulli’s equation to the P1 + ρ beer gh1 + 12 ρ beer v12 = P2 + ρ beer gh2
beer at the top of the keg and at the + 12 ρ beer v22
or, because v1 ≈ 0, h2 = 0, P1 = P2 = Pat,
and h1 = h,
gh = 12 v22 ⇒ v2 = 2 gh

(b) Use the continuity equation to A1v1 = A2v2

relate v1 and v2:

Substitute −dh/dt for v1 and 2 gh dh

− A1 = A2 2 gh
for v2 to obtain: dt

Solving for dh/dt yields: dh A

= − 2 2 gh
dt A1

(c) Separate the variables in the A1 A2 dh

− = dt
differential equation to obtain: 2g h

h t
Express the integral from H to h and A1 A2 dh
0 to t:


= ∫ dt
h 0

Evaluate the integral to obtain:

2 A1 A2
( H − h =t)

Solving for h gives: ⎛ A ⎞


h = ⎜⎜ H − 2 2 g t ⎟⎟
⎝ 2 A1 ⎠

(d) Solve h(t) for the time-to-drain A1 2H

t' =
t′: A2 g

Substitute numerical values and A1 2(2.00 m )

t' =
evaluate t′ 1.00 ×10 −4 A1 9.81m/s 2
= 6.39 ×10 3 s = 1h 46 min

65 •• A siphon is a device for transferring a liquid from container to

container. The tube shown in Figure 13-38 must be filled to start the siphon, but
once this has been done, fluid will flow through the tube until the liquid surfaces
in the containers are at the same level. (a) Using Bernoulli’s equation, show that
Fluids 1319

the speed of water in the tube is v = 2 gd . (b) What is the pressure at the highest
part of the tube?

Picture the Problem Let the letter ″a″ denote the entrance to the siphon tube and
the letter ″b″ denote its exit and assume that ″b″ in at the surface of the liquid in
the container to the right. Assuming streamline flow between these points, we can
apply Bernoulli’s equation to relate the entrance and exit speeds of the water
flowing in the siphon to the pressures at either end, the density of the water, and
the difference in elevation between the entrance and exit points. We’ll also use
the equation of continuity to argue that, provided the surface area of the beaker is
large compared to the area of the opening of the tube, the entrance speed of the
water is approximately zero.

(a) Assuming that the height of the containers is H, apply Bernoulli’s equation
at the surface of the left container and at point b:

Pat + 12 ρvsurface
+ ρg (H − h ) = Pat + 12 ρvb2 + ρg (H − h − d ) (1)

Apply the continuity equation to a Ab

point at the surface of the liquid in vb Ab = vsurface Asurface ⇒ vsurface = vb
the container to the left and to point
or, because Asurface >>Ab ,
vsurface = 0

With va = 0, equation (1) becomes: ρg (H − h ) = 12 ρvb2 + ρg (H − h − d )

Solving for vb gives: vb = 2 gd

(b) Relate the pressure at the highest part of the tube Ptop to the pressure at
point b:

Ptop + ρg (H − h ) + 12 ρvtop
= Pat + ρg (H − h − d ) + 12 ρvb2

The equation of continuity requires that vtop = vb = va:

Ptop + ρg (H − h ) + 12 ρvtop
= Pat + ρg (H − h − d ) + 12 ρvtop

or, simplifying,
Ptop + ρg (H − h ) = Pat + ρg (H − h − d )

Solve for Ptop to obtain: Ptop = Pat − ρgd

Remarks: If we let Ptop = 0, we can use this result to find the maximum
theoretical height a siphon can lift water.
1320 Chapter 13

66 •• A fountain designed to spray a column of water 12 m into the air has a

1.0-cm-diameter nozzle at ground level. The water pump is 3.0 m below the
ground. The pipe to the nozzle has a diameter of 2.0 cm. Find pump pressure
necessary if the fountain is to operate as designed. (Assume laminar nonviscous
steady-state flow.)

Picture the Problem Let the letter P denote the pump and the 2.0-cm diameter
pipe and the letter N the 1-cm diameter nozzle. We’ll use Bernoulli’s equation to
express the necessary pump pressure, the continuity equation to relate the speed
of the water coming out of the pump to its speed at the nozzle, and a constant-
acceleration equation to relate its speed at the nozzle to the height to which the
water rises.

Using Bernoulli’s equation, relate PP + ρ w ghP + 12 ρ w vP2

the pressures, areas, and velocities in = PN + ρ w ghN + 12 ρ w v N2
the pipe and nozzle:
or, because PN = Pat and hP = 0,
PP + 12 ρ w vP2 = PN + ρ w ghN + 12 ρ w vN2

Solve for the pump pressure: (

PP = Pat + ρ w ghN + 12 ρ w vN2 − vP2 ) (1)

Use the continuity equation to relate AP vP = AN vN

vP and vN to the cross-sectional areas and
of the pipe from the pump and the A 1
πd 2 ⎛ 1.0 cm ⎞

nozzle: vP = N v N = 41 N2 v N = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ v N
AP 4 πd P ⎝ 2.0 cm ⎠
= 14 v N

Use a constant-acceleration equation v 2 = v 2N − 2 gΔh

to express the speed of the water at or, because v = 0,
the nozzle in terms of the desired v 2N = 2 gΔh
height Δh:

Substitute for vN and vP in equation (1) and simplify to obtain:

PP = Pat + ρ w ghN + 12 ρ w [2 gΔh − 161 (2 gΔh )] = Pat + ρ w ghN + 12 ρ w (158 gΔh )

= Pat + ρ w g (hN + 16
Δh )

Substitute numerical values and evaluate PP:

PP = 101.325 kPa + (1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3 )(9.81 m/s 2 )[3.0 m + 15

16 (12 m )] = 2.4 × 10 Pa
Fluids 1321

67 •• Water at 20°C exits a circular tap moving straight down with a flow
rate of 10.5 cm3/s. (a) If the diameter of the tap is 1.20 cm, what is the speed of
the water? (b) As the fluid falls from the tap, the stream of water narrows. Find
the new diameter of the stream at a point 7.50 cm below the tap. Assume that the
stream still has a circular cross section and neglect any effects of drag forces
acting on the water. (c) If turbulent flows are characterized by Reynolds numbers
above 2300 or so, how far does the water have to fall before it becomes turbulent?
Does this match your everyday observations?

Picture the Problem Let I represent the flow rate of the water. Then we can use
I = Av to relate the flow rate to the cross-sectional area of the circular tap and the
speed of the water. In (b) we can use the equation of continuity to express the
diameter of the stream 7.50 cm below the tap and a constant-acceleration equation
to find the speed of the water at this distance. In (c) we can use a constant-
acceleration equation to express the distance-to-turbulence in terms of the speed
of the water at turbulence vt and the definition of Reynolds number NR to relate vt
to NR.

(a) Express the flow rate of the water I = Avi = π r 2 vi = 14 π d 2 vi (1)

in terms of the cross-sectional area A
of the circular tap and the speed vi of
the water:

Solving for vi yields: I

vi =
4 πd
1 2

Substitute numerical values and 10.5 cm 3 / s

evaluate vi: vi = = 9.28 cm/s
4 π (1.20 cm )
1 2

(b) Apply the equation of continuity vf Af = vi Ai

to the stream of water: or
π π vi
vf d f2 = vi d i2 ⇒ d f = d i (2)
4 4 vf

Use a constant-acceleration equation vf2 = vi2 + 2 gΔh ⇒ vf = vi2 + 2 gΔh

to relate vf and vi to the distance Δh
fallen by the water:

Substitute numerical values and evaluate vf:

vf = (9.28 cm/s)2 + 2(981cm/s 2 )(7.50 cm ) = 122 cm/s

Substitute numerical values in 9.28 cm/s
equation (2) and evaluate df: d f = (1.20 cm ) = 0.331cm
122 cm/s
1322 Chapter 13

(c) Use a constant-acceleration vf2 − vi2

equation to relate the fall-distance-to- vt2 = vi2 + 2 gΔd ⇒ Δd = (3)
turbulence Δd to its initial speed vi
and its speed vt when its flow
becomes turbulent:

Express Reynolds number NR for 2rρvt

turbulent flow: NR = (4)

The volume flow rate equals Av. I = π r 2 vt (5)

Express the volume flow rate at the
speed vt:

Eliminate r from equations (4) and πN R2η 2

(5) and solve for vt (see Table 13-1 vt =
4ρ 2 I
for the coefficient of viscosity for

Substitute numerical values (see π (2300)2 (1.00 × 10 −3 Pa ⋅ s )


Figure 13-1 for the density of water vt =

4(1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3 ) (10.5 cm 3 /s )
and Table 13-3 for the coefficient of
viscosity for water) and evaluate vt: = 0.396 m/s

Substitute numerical values in

Δd =
(39.6 cm/s)2 − (9.28 cm/s)2
equation (3) and evaluate the fall- 2(9.81 m/s 2 )
distance-to turbulence:
≈ 0.76 cm
This result seems to be too small.

68 •• To better fight fires in your seaside community, the local fire brigade
has asked you to set up a pump system to draw seawater from the ocean to the top
of a steep cliff adjacent to the water where most of the homes are. If the cliff is
12.0 m high, and the pump is capable of producing a gauge pressure of
150 kPa, how much water (in L/s) can be pumped using a hose with a radius of
4.00 cm?

Picture the Problem The water being drawn from the ocean is at rest initially and
is pumped upward to a height of 12.0 m. Let the variables subscripted 1
correspond to the intake and those subscripted 2 to the outflow and use the
volume flow rate equation and Bernoulli’s equation.

Express the volume flow rate in the I V = Av = π r 2 v2 (1)


Apply Bernoulli’s equation to the P1 + ρgh1 + 12 ρv12 = P2 + ρgh2 + 12 ρv22

intake and outflow to obtain:
Fluids 1323

Rewriting this equation to isolate the 1

2 ρ (v22 − v12 ) = P1 − P2 + ρgh1 − ρgh2
speed terms yields:

Because v1 = 0 and h1 = 0 and 1

2 ρ v22 = ΔP − ρgh2
P1 − P2 = ΔP:
Solving for v2 yields: 2(ΔP − ρgh2 )
v2 =

Substitute for v2 in equation (1) to 2(ΔP − ρgh2 )

obtain: IV = π r2

Substitute numerical values and evaluate IV:

2(150 kPa − (1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3 )(9.81 m/s 2 )(12.0 m ))

I V = π (0.0400 m )

1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3
m3 1L
= 4.039 × 10 − 2 × −3 3 = 40.4 L/s
s 10 m

69 ••• In Figure 13-39, H is the depth of the liquid and h is the distance from
the surface of the liquid to the pipe inserted in the tank’s side. (a) Find the
distance x at which the water strikes the ground as a function of h and H.
(b) Show that, for a given value of H, there are two values of h (whose average
value is 12 H ) that give the same distance x. (c) Show that, for a given value of H,
x is a maximum when h = 12 H . Find the maximum value for x as a function of H.

Picture the Problem We can apply Bernoulli’s equation to points a and b to

determine the rate at which the water exits the tank. Because the diameter of the
small pipe is much smaller than the diameter of the tank, we can neglect the speed
of the water at the point a. The distance the water travels once it exits the pipe is
the product of its speed and the time required to fall the distance H – h. That there
are two values of h that are equidistant from the point h = 12 H can be shown by
solving the quadratic equation that relates x to h and H. That x is a maximum for
this value of h can be established by treating x = f(h) as an extreme-value

(a) Express the distance x as a x = vb Δt (1)

function of the exit speed of the
water and the time to fall the
distance H – h:
1324 Chapter 13

Apply Bernoulli’s equation to the Pa + ρ w gH + 12 ρ w va2

water at points a and b: = Pb + ρ w g (H − h ) + 12 ρ w vb2
or, because va ≈ 0 and Pa = Pb = Pat,
gH = g (H − h ) + 12 vb2 ⇒ vb = 2 gh

Δy = v0y Δt + 12 a(Δt )
Using a constant-acceleration
equation, relate the time of fall to the or, because v0y = 0,
distance of fall:
2(H − h )
H − h = 12 g (Δt ) ⇒ Δt =

Substitute for Δt in equation (1) to 2(H − h )

x = 2 gh = 2 h(H − h )
obtain: g

(b) Square both sides of this equation x 2 = 4hH − 4h 2 or 4h 2 − 4 Hh + x 2 = 0

and simplify to obtain:

Solving this quadratic equation h= 1

H ± 12 H 2 − x 2

Find the average of these two values for h:

H + H 2 − x 2 + 12 H − H 2 − x 2
hav = 2
= 1
2 H

(c) Differentiate x = 2 h(H − h ) dx

= 2( 12 )[h(H − h )] 2 (H − 2h )

with respect to h: dh
H − 2h
h(H − h )

Set dx/dh equal to zero for extrema: H − 2h

h(H − h )

Solve for h to obtain: h= 1


Evaluate x = 2 h(H − h ) with xmax = 2 1

2 H (H − 12 H ) = H
h = 12 H :
Fluids 1325

Remarks: To show that this value for h corresponds to a maximum, one can
either show that < 0 at h = 12 H or confirm that the graph of f(h) at
dh 2
h = 12 H is concave downward.

*Viscous Flow

70 • Water flows through a horizontal 25.0-cm-long tube with an inside

diameter of 1.20 mm at 0.300 mL/s. Find the pressure difference required to drive
this flow if the viscosity of water is 1.00 mPa⋅s. Assume laminar flow.

Picture the Problem The required pressure difference can be found by applying
Poiseuille’s law to the viscous flow of water through the horizontal tube.

Using Poiseuille’s law, relate the 8ηL

pressure difference between the two π r4
ends of the tube to its length, radius,
and the volume flow rate of the

Substitute numerical values and evaluate ΔP:

8(1.00 mPa ⋅ s )(0.250 m )

ΔP = 4
(0.300 mL/s) = 1.47 kPa
⎛ 1.20 × 10 −3 m ⎞
π ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠

71 • Find the diameter of a tube that would give double the flow rate for the
pressure difference in Problem 70.

Picture the Problem Because the pressure difference is unchanged, we can

equate the expressions of Poiseuille’s law for the two tubes and solve for the
diameter of the tube that would double the flow rate.

Using Poiseuille’s law, express the 8ηL

pressure difference required for the π r4
radius and volume flow rate of
Problem 70:

Express the pressure difference 8ηL

ΔP = (2 I )
required for the radius r′ that would π r' 4 V
double the volume flow rate of
Problem 70:
1326 Chapter 13

Equate these equations and simplify
(2 I V ) = 8ηL4 I V
to obtain: π r' 4
2 1
= 4 ⇒ r' = 4 2r
r' r

Because d ′ is two times r ′: d' = 2r' = 24 2r = 4 2d

Substitute numerical values and d' = 4 2 (1.20 mm ) = 1.43 mm

evaluate d ′:

72 • Blood takes about 1.00 s to pass through a 1.00-mm-long capillary in

the human circulatory system. If the diameter of the capillary is 7.00 μm and the
pressure drop is 2.60 kPa, find the viscosity of blood. Assume laminar flow.

Picture the Problem We can apply Poiseuille’s law to relate the pressure drop
across the capillary tube to the radius and length of the tube, the rate at which
blood is flowing through it, and the viscosity of blood.

Using Poiseuille’s law, relate the 8ηL π r 4 ΔP

ΔP = I V ⇒η =
pressure drop to the length and π r4 8LI V
diameter of the capillary tube, the
volume flow rate of the blood, and
the viscosity of the blood:

Using its definition, express the I V = Acap v = π r 2 v

volume flow rate of the blood:

Substitute for IV and simplify to r 2 ΔP

obtain: 8Lv

Substitute numerical values to

(3.50 ×10 −6
m (2.60 kPa )

obtain: ⎛ 1.00 × 10 −3 m ⎞
8 1.00 × 10 −3 m ⎜⎜ )
1.00 s
⎝ ⎠
= 3.98 mPa ⋅ s

73 • [SSM] An abrupt transition occurs at Reynolds numbers of about

3 × 10 , where the drag on a sphere moving through a fluid abruptly decreases.
Estimate the speed at which this transition occurs for a baseball, and comment on
whether it should play a role in the physics of the game.
Fluids 1327

Picture the Problem We can use the definition of Reynolds number to find the
speed of a baseball at which the drag crisis occurs.

Using its definition, relate Reynolds 2rρv ηN R

number to the speed v of the NR = ⇒v =
η 2 rρ

Substitute numerical values (see

(0.018 mPa ⋅ s )(3 ×105 )
Figure 13-1 for the density of air and 2(0.05 m )(1.293 kg/m 3 )
Table 13-3 for the coefficient of
viscosity for air) and evaluate v: 1mi/h
= 41.8 m/s × ≈ 90 mi/h
0.447 m/s

Because most major league pitchers can throw a fastball in the low-to-mid-90s,
this drag crisis may very well play a role in the game.

Remarks: This is a topic that has been fiercely debated by people who study
the physics of baseball.

74 •• A horizontal pipe of radius 1.5 cm and length 25 m is connected to the

output that can sustain an output gauge pressure of 10 kPa. What is the speed of
20°C water flowing through the pipe? If the temperature of the water is 60°C,
what is the speed of the water in the pipe?

Picture the Problem Assuming laminar flow of the water, we can apply
Poiseuille’s law to find the speed of the water coming out the outflow end of the

Use Poiseuille’s law to relate the 8ηL

pressure difference to the volume ΔP = IV
π r4
flow rate in the pipe:

Substituting for IV yields: 8ηL 8ηL

ΔP = I = Av
πr 4 V
π r4

Substitute for the cross-sectional area 8ηL 8ηL

A of the pipe and simplify to obtain: ΔP = π r 2v = 2 v
πr 4

Solving for v yields: r 2 ΔP


Substitute numerical values and

v(20°C ) =
(0.015 m )2 (10 kPa )
evaluate v(20°C): 8(1.00 mPa ⋅ s )(25 m )
= 11 m/s
1328 Chapter 13

Substitute numerical values and

v(60°C ) =
(0.015 m )2 (10 kPa )
evaluate v(60°C): 8(0.65 mPa ⋅ s )(25 m )
= 17 m/s

75 •• A very large tank is filled to a depth of 250 cm with oil that has a
density of 860 kg/m3 and a viscosity of 180 mPa⋅s. If the container walls are
5.00 cm thick, and a cylindrical hole of radius 0.750 cm is bored through the base
of the container, what is the initial volume flow rate (in L/s) of the oil through the

Picture the Problem Assuming laminar flow, we can apply Poiseuille’s law to
relate the pressure difference between the inside and the outside of the container
at its base to the volume flow rate of oil out of the hole. We can find the pressure
difference from the expression for the pressure as a function of depth in a fluid.

Use Poiseuille’s law to relate the 8ηL π r 4 ΔP

pressure difference to the volume ΔP = IV ⇒ IV = (1)
π r4 8ηL
flow rate of oil out of the hole:

The pressure at the bottom of the P = P0 + ρ oil gh

container of oil is given by:

The pressure difference between the ΔP = P − P0 = ρ oil gh

inside and outside of the container is:

Substituting for ΔP in equation (1) π r 4 ρ oil gh

yields: IV =

Substitute numerical values and evaluate IV:

π (0.0075 m )4 (860 kg/m 3 )(9.81 m/s 2 )(2.50 m )

IV = = 2.91× 10 −3 m 3 / s = 2.91 L/s
8(180 mPa ⋅ s )(0.0500 m )

76 ••• The drag force on a moving sphere at very low Reynolds number is
given by FD = 6πη av , where η is the viscosity of the surrounding fluid and a is
the radius of the sphere. (This relation is called Stokes’ law.) Using this
information, find the terminal speed of ascent for a spherical 1.0-mm diameter
carbon dioxide bubble of 1.0-mm diameter rising in a carbonated beverage
(ρ = 1.1 kg/L and η = 1.8 mPa⋅s ). How long should it take for this bubble to rise
20 cm (the height of a drinking glass)? Is this length of time consistent with your
Fluids 1329

Picture the Problem Let the y

subscripts ″f″ refer to ″displaced
fluid”, ″s″ to ″soda″, and ″g″ to the r
″gas″ in the bubble. The free-body
diagram shows the forces acting on
the bubble prior to reaching its
terminal speed. We can apply r
Newton’s second law, Stokes′ law,
and Archimedes principle to express r
the terminal speed of the bubble in Fd
terms of its radius, and the viscosity
and density of water.

Apply ∑Fy = ma y to the bubble to B − mg g − FD = ma y


Under terminal speed conditions: B − mg g − FD = 0

Using Archimedes principle, express B = wf = mf g

the buoyant force B acting on the = ρf Vf g = ρsVbubble g

Express the mass of the gas bubble: mg = ρ gVg = ρ gVbubble

Substitute to obtain: ρ sVbubble g − ρ gVbubble g − 6πηavt = 0

Solving for vt gives: Vbubble g (ρ s − ρ g )

vt =

Substitute for Vbubble and simplify: πa 3 g (ρ s − ρ g ) 2a 2 g (ρ s − ρ g )

vt = 3
6πηa 9η
2a 2 gρ s
≈ , since ρ s >> ρ g .

Substitute numerical values and evaluate vt:

2(0.50 × 10 −3 m ) (9.81 m/s 2 )(1.1× 10 3 kg/m 3 )


vt = = 0.333 m/s = 0.33 m/s

9(1.8 × 10 −3 Pa ⋅ s )

Express the rise time Δt in terms of h

Δt =
the height of the soda glass h and the vt
terminal speed of the bubble:
1330 Chapter 13

Assuming that a "typical" soda 0.15 m

glass has a height of about 15 cm, Δt = = 0.45 s
0.333 m/s
evaluate Δt:

Remarks: About half a second seems reasonable for the rise time of the

General Problems
77 • [SSM] Several teenagers swim toward a rectangular, wooden raft
that is 3.00 m wide and 2.00 m long. If the raft is 9.00 cm thick, how many
75.0-kg teenage boys can stand on top of the raft without the raft becoming
submerged? Assume the wood density is 650 kg/m3.

Picture the Problem If the raft is to be just barely submerged, then the buoyant
force on it will be equal in magnitude to the weight of the raft plus the weight of
the boys. We can apply Archimedes’ principle to find the buoyant force on the

The buoyant force acting on the raft B = wraft + wboys (1)

is the sum of the weights of the raft
and the boys:

Express the buoyant force acting on B = wdisplaced water = mdisplaced water g

the raft:
= ρ waterVdisplaced water g
= ρ waterVraft g

Express the weight of the raft: wraft = mraft g = ρ raftVraft g

Express the weight of the boys: wboys = mboys g = Nm1 boy g

Substituting for B, wraft, and wboys in ρ waterVraft g = ρ raftVraft g + Nm1 boy g

equation (1) yields:

Solve for N and simplify to obtain: ρ waterVraft g − ρ raftVraft g

m1 boy g

(ρ water − ρ raft )Vraft
m1 boy

Substitute numerical values and evaluate N:

(1.00 ×10 3
kg/m 3 − 650 kg/m 3 (3.00 m )(2.00 m )(0.0900 m )
= 2.52
75.0 kg
Fluids 1331

Hence, a maximum of 2 boys can be on the raft under these circumstances.

78 • A thread attaches a 2.7-g Ping-Pong ball to the bottom of a beaker.

When the beaker is filled with water so that the ball is totally submerged, the
tension in the thread is 7.0 mN. Determine the diameter of the ball.

Picture the Problem The forces acting y

on the ball, shown in the free-body B
diagram, are the buoyant force, the
weight of the ball, and the tension in
the string. Because the ball is in r
equilibrium under the influence of these
forces, we can apply the condition for
translational equilibrium to establish r
the relationship between them. We can mg
also apply Archimedes’ principle to
relate the buoyant force on the ball to r
its diameter.

Apply ∑F y = 0 to the ball: B − mg − T = 0

Using Archimedes’ principle, relate B = wdisplaced = mdisplaced g

water water
the buoyant force on the ball to its
diameter: = ρ waterVball g = 43 πρ water gr 3

Substituting for B yields: 4

3 πρ water gr 3 − mg − T = 0

Solve for r: 3(T + mg ) ⎛ 3(T + mg ) ⎞

r =3 ⇒ d = 2⎜⎜ 3 ⎟

4πρ water g ⎝ 4πρ water g ⎠

Substitute numerical values and evaluate d:

⎛ 3 7.0 mN + (0.0027 kg )(9.81m/s 2 )
d = 2⎜ 3
] ⎞⎟ = 1.9 cm

⎝ 4π (1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3 )(9.81m/s 2 ) ⎟

79 • Seawater has a bulk modulus of 2.30 × 109 N/m2. Find the difference
in density of seawater at a depth where the pressure is 800 atm as compared to the
density at the surface which is 1025 kg/m3. Neglect any effects due to either
temperature or salinity.
1332 Chapter 13

Picture the Problem Let ρ0 represent the density of seawater at the surface. We
can use the definition of density and the fact that mass is constant to relate the
fractional change in the density of water to its fractional change in volume. We
can also use the definition of bulk modulus to relate the fractional change in
density to the increase in pressure with depth and solve the resulting equation for
the change in density at the depth at which the pressure is 800 atm.

Using the definition of density, relate m = ρV

the mass of a given volume of
seawater to its volume:

Noting that the mass does not vary ρdV + Vdρ = 0

with depth, evaluate its differential:

Solve for dρ/ρ: dρ dV Δρ ΔV

=− or ≈−
ρ V ρ V

Using the definition of the bulk ΔP ΔP

B=− =
modulus, relate ΔP to Δρ/ρ0: ΔV V Δρ ρ 0

Solving for Δρ yields: ρ 0 ΔP

Δρ = ρ − ρ 0 =

Substitute numerical values and evaluate Δρ:

(1025 kg/m )⎛⎜⎜ 799 atm × 101.325


kPa ⎞
Δρ = ⎝ ⎠ = 36.1 kg/m 3
2.30 × 10 9 N/m 2

80 • A solid cube with 0.60-m edge length is suspended from a spring

balance. When the cube is submerged in water, the spring balance reads 80
percent of the reading when the cube is in air. Determine the density of the cube.
Fluids 1333

Picture the Problem When it is y

submerged, the block is in equilibrium B
under the influence of the buoyant force
due to the water, the force exerted by
the spring balance, and its weight. We r
0.80m g
can use the condition for translational
equilibrium to relate the buoyant force
to the weight of the block and the
definition of density to express the r
weight of the block in terms of its mg

Apply ∑F y = 0 to the block: B + 0.80mg − mg = 0 ⇒ B = 0.20mg

Substitute for B and m to obtain: ρ wVblock g = 0.20 ρ blockVblock g

Solve for and evaluate ρblock: ρw

ρ block = = 5.0(1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3 )
= 5.0 × 10 3 kg/m 3

81 •• [SSM] A 1.5-kg block of wood floats on water with 68 percent of its

volume submerged. A lead block is placed on the wood, fully submerging the
wood to a depth where the lead remains entirely out of the water. Find the mass of
the lead block.

Picture the Problem Let m and V represent the mass and volume of the block of
wood. Because the block is in equilibrium when it is floating, we can apply the
condition for translational equilibrium and Archimedes’ principle to express the
dependence of the volume of water it displaces when it is fully submerged on its
weight. We’ll repeat this process for the situation in which the lead block is
resting on the wood block with the latter fully submerged. Let the upward
direction be the +y direction.

Apply ∑F y = 0 to floating block: B − mg = 0 (1)

Use Archimedes’ principle to B = wdisplaced = mdisplaced g

water water
relate the density of water to the
volume of the block of wood: = ρ waterVdisplaced g = ρ water (0.68V )g

Using the definition of density, mg = ρ woodVg

express the weight of the block in
terms of its density:
1334 Chapter 13

Substitute for B and mg in equation ρ water (0.68V )g − ρ woodVg = 0

(1) to obtain:

Solving for ρwood yields: ρ wood = 0.68 ρ water

Use the definition of density to m

express the volume of the wood: ρ wood

Apply ∑F y = 0 to the floating block B' − m'g = 0 , where B′ is the new

when the lead block is placed on it: buoyant force on the block and m′ is the
combined mass of the wood block and
the lead block.

Use Archimedes’ principle and ρ waterVg − (mPb + m )g = 0

the definition of density to obtain:

Solve for the mass of the lead block mPb = ρ waterV − m

to obtain:

Substituting for V and ρwater yields: ρ wood m

mPb = −m
0.68 ρ wood
⎛ 1 ⎞
=⎜ − 1⎟m
⎝ 0.68 ⎠

Substitute numerical values and ⎛ 1 ⎞

mPb = ⎜ − 1⎟(1.5 kg ) = 0.71 kg
evaluate mPb: ⎝ 0.68 ⎠

82 •• A Styrofoam cube, 25 cm on an edge, is placed on one pan of a

balance. The balance is in equilibrium when a 20-g mass of brass is placed on the
other pan. Find the mass of the Styrofoam cube. Neglect the buoyant force of the
air on the brass mass, but do not neglect the buoyant force of the air on the
Styrofoam cube.

Picture the Problem The true mass of the Styrofoam cube is greater than that
indicated by the balance due to the buoyant force acting on it. The balance is in
rotational equilibrium under the influence of the buoyant and gravitational forces
acting on the Styrofoam cube and the brass masses. Let m and V represent the
mass and volume of the cube and L the lever arm of the balance.
Apply ∑τ = 0 to the balance: (mg − B )L − mbrass gL = 0 (1)
Fluids 1335

Use Archimedes’ principle to B = wdisplaced = mdisplaced g

fluid fluid
express the buoyant force on the
Styrofoam cube as a function of = ρ displaced Vdisplaced g = ρ airVg
fluid fluid
volume and density of the air it

Substitute for B in equation (1) and m − ρ airV − mbrass = 0

simplify to obtain:

Solving for m yields: m = ρ airV + mbrass

Substitute numerical values and ( )

m = 1.293 kg/m 3 (0.25 m ) + 20 × 10 −3 kg

evaluate m: = 40 g

83 •• A spherical shell of copper with an outer diameter of 12.0 cm floats on

water with half its volume above the water’s surface. Determine the inner
diameter of the shell. The cavity inside the spherical shell is empty.

Picture the Problem Let din and dout represent the inner and outer diameters of
the copper shell and V′ the volume of the spherical shell that is submerged.
Because the spherical shell is floating, it is in equilibrium and we can apply a
condition for translational equilibrium to relate the buoyant force B due to the
displaced water and its weight w.

Apply ∑F y = 0 to the spherical B−w=0


Using Archimedes’ principle and ρ wV'g − mg = 0 ⇒ ρ wV' − m = 0 (1)

the definition of w, substitute to

Express V′ as a function dout: 1π 3 π 3

V' = d out = d out
26 12

Express m in terms of din and dout: ⎛π 3 π 3 ⎞

m = ρ Cu (Vout − Vin ) = ρ Cu ⎜ d out − d in ⎟
⎝6 6 ⎠

Substitute in equation (1) to obtain: π ⎛π 3 π 3 ⎞

ρw 3
d out − ρ Cu ⎜ d out − d in ⎟ = 0
12 ⎝6 6 ⎠
1336 Chapter 13

Simplifying yields: 1
ρ w d out
− ρ Cu d out
− d in3 = 0

Solve for din to obtain: ρw

d in = d out 3 1 −
2 ρ Cu

Substitute numerical values and 1

d in = (12.0 cm ) 3 1 −
evaluate din: 2(8.93)
= 11.8 cm

84 •• A 200-mL beaker that is half-filled with water is on the left pan of a

balance, and a sufficient amount of sand is placed on the right pan to bring the
balance to equilibrium. A cube 4.0 cm on an edge that is attached to a string is
then lowered into the water so that it is completely submerged, but not touching
the bottom of the beaker. A piece of brass of mass m is then added to the right pan
to restore equilibrium. What is m?

Determine the Concept Taking the water in the beaker and the beaker as the
system, the additional weight on the right pan is needed to balance the reaction
force to the buoyant force the water in the beaker exerts on the cube.

The buoyant force exerted on the cube B = wdisplaced water = mwater g = ρ waterVcube g
by the water is given by:

The weight of the piece of brass is the w = mg

product of its mass and the
gravitational field:

Equating these forces yields: ρ waterVcube g = mg ⇒ m = ρ waterVcube

Substitute numerical values and ( )

m = 1.00 g/cm 3 (4 cm ) = 64 g

evaluate m:

85 •• [SSM] Crude oil has a viscosity of about 0.800 Pa⋅s at normal

temperature. You are the chief design engineer in charge of constructing a
50.0-km horizontal pipeline that connects an oil field to a tanker terminal. The
pipeline is to deliver oil at the terminal at a rate of 500 L/s and the flow through
the pipeline is to be laminar. Assuming that the density of crude oil is 700 kg/m3,
estimate the diameter of the pipeline that should be used.
Fluids 1337

Picture the Problem We can use the definition of Reynolds number and assume
a value for NR of 1000 (well within the laminar-flow range) to obtain a trial value
for the radius of the pipe. We’ll then use Poiseuille’s law to determine the
pressure difference between the ends of the pipe that would be required to
maintain a volume flow rate of 500 L/s.

Use the definition of Reynolds 2rρv

NR =
number to relate NR to the radius of η
the pipe:

Use the definition of IV to relate the IV

I V = Av = π r 2v ⇒ v =
volume flow rate of the pipe to its π r2

Substitute to obtain: 2 ρI V 2 ρI V
NR = ⇒r =
ηπ r ηπ N R

Substitute numerical values and 2(700 kg/m 3 )(0.500 m 3 /s )

r= = 27.9 cm
evaluate r: π (0.800 Pa ⋅ s )(1000)

Using Poiseuille’s law, relate the 8ηL

ΔP = I
pressure difference between the ends π r4 V
of the pipe to its radius:

8(0.800 Pa ⋅ s )(50 km )
Substitute numerical values and
ΔP = (0.500m 3 /s )
evaluate ΔP: π (0.279 m ) 4

= 8.41×10 6 Pa = 83.0 atm

8(0.800 Pa ⋅ s )(50 km )
This pressure is too large to maintain
ΔP = (0.500 m 3 /s )
in the pipe. Evaluate ΔP for a pipe of π (0.50 m ) 4

50 cm radius: = 8.15 × 10 5 Pa = 8.04 atm

1 m is a reasonable diameter for the pipeline. This larger diameter makes the
Reynolds number still smaller, so the flow is still laminar.

86 •• Water flows through the pipe in Figure 13-40 and exits to the
atmosphere at the right end of section C. The diameter of the pipe is 2.00 cm at
A, 1.00 cm at B, and 0.800 cm at C. The gauge pressure in the pipe at the center
of section A is 1.22 atm and the flow rate is 0.800 L/s. The vertical pipes are
open to the air. Find the level (above the flow mid-line as shown) of the liquid–air
interfaces in the two vertical pipes. Assume laminar nonviscous flow.
1338 Chapter 13

Picture the Problem We’ll measure the height of the liquid–air interfaces
relative to the centerline of the pipe. We can use the definition of the volume flow
rate in a pipe to find the speed of the water at point A and the relationship
between the gauge pressures at points A and C to determine the level of the
liquid-air interface at A. We can use the continuity equation to express the speed
of the water at B in terms of its speed at A and Bernoulli’s equation for constant
elevation to find the gauge pressure at B. Finally, we can use the relationship
between the gauge pressures at points A and B to find the level of the liquid-air
interface at B.

Relate the gauge pressure in the pipe Pgauge,A

Pgauge,A = ρghA ⇒ hA =
at A to the height of the liquid-air ρg
interface at A: where hA is measured from the center
of the pipe.

Substitute numerical values and

hA =
(1.22 atm )(1.01× 10 5 Pa/atm )
evaluate hA: (1.00 ×10 3
kg/m 3 9.81 m/s 2 )
= 12.6 m

Determine the speed of the water I V 0.800 × 10 −3 m 3 /s

vA = = = 2.55 m/s
at A: AA π
(0.0200 m ) 2

Apply Bernoulli’s equation for PA + 12 ρvA2 = PB + 12 ρvB2 (1)

constant elevation to relate PB and

Use the continuity equation to relate AA

AA vA = ABvB ⇒ vB = vA
vB and vA: AB

Substitute numerical values and

vB =
(2.00 cm )
v = 4v A
evaluate vB: (1.00 cm )2 A
Substitute in equation (1) to obtain: PA + 12 ρvA2 = PB + 8ρvA2

Solving for PB yields: PB = PA − 152 ρvA2 = Pgauge, A + Pat − 152 ρvA2

Fluids 1339

Substitute numerical values and evaluate PB:

PB = (1.22 atm + 1.00 atm )(101.325 kPa/atm ) − 152 1.00 × 10 3 kg/m 3 (2.55 m/s ) ) 2

= 1.762 × 10 5 Pa × = 1.739 atm
101.325 kPa

Relate the gauge pressure in the pipe Pgauge,B = ρghB

at B to the height of the liquid-air
interface at B:

Solve for hB: Pgauge,B PB − Pat

hB = =
ρg ρg

Substitute numerical values and evaluate hB:

(1.739 atm − 1.00 atm ) ⎛⎜101.325 kPa ⎞⎟

⎝ atm ⎠
hB = = 7.63 m
( )(
1.00 × 10 kg/m 9.81m/s
3 3 2
87 •• [SSM] You are employed as a tanker truck driver for the summer.
Heating oil is delivered to customers for winter usage by your large tanker truck.
The delivery hose has a radius 1.00 cm. The specific gravity of the oil is 0.875,
and its coefficient of viscosity is 200 mPa⋅s. What is the minimum time it will
take you fill a customer’s 55-gal oil drum if laminar flow through the hose must
be maintained?

Picture the Problem We can use the volume of the drum and the volume flow
rate equation to express the time to fill the customer’s oil drum. The Reynolds
number equation relates Reynolds number to the speed with which oil flows
through the hose to the volume flow rate. Because the upper limit on the Reynolds
number for laminar flow is approximately 2000, we’ll use this value in our
calculation of the fill time.

The time tfill is related to the volume V V

flow rate in the hose: t fill = = (1)
I V Av
where A is the cross-sectional area of
the hose and V is the volume of the oil

Reynolds number is defined by the 2rρv ηN R

equation: NR = ⇒v =
η 2 rρ
1340 Chapter 13

Substitute for v and A in equation (1) V 2 ρV

to obtain: t fill = =
⎛ ηN ⎞ π r ηN R
π r 2 ⎜⎜ R ⎟⎟
⎝ 2 rρ ⎠

Substitute numerical values and ⎛ 3.785 L ⎞

2(875 kg/m 3 )⎜⎜ 55 gal × ⎟
gal ⎟⎠
evaluate tfill:
t fill = ⎝
π (0.010 m )(200 mPa ⋅ s )(2000)
= 29 s

88 •• A U-tube is filled with water until the liquid level is 28 cm above the
bottom of the tube (Figure 13-41a). Oil, which has a specific gravity 0.78, is now
poured into one arm of the U-tube until the level of the water in the other arm of
the tube is 34 cm above the bottom of the tube (Figure 13-41b). Find the levels of
the oil–water and oil–air interfaces in the other arm of the tube.

Picture the Problem We can use the

equality of the pressure at the bottom of
the U-tube due to the water on one side
and that due to the oil and water on the
other to relate the various heights. Let h
represent the height of the oil above the
water. Then ho = h1w + h.

Using the constancy of the amount h1w + h2w = 56 cm

of water, express the relationship
between h1w and h2w:

Find the height of the oil-water h1w = 56 cm − 34 cm = 22 cm

Express the equality of the pressure ρ w g (34 cm ) = ρ w g (22 cm ) + 0.78ρ w ghoil
at the bottom of the two arms of the
U tube:

Solve for and evaluate hoil: ρ w g (34 cm ) − ρ w g (22 cm )

hoil =
0.78 ρ w g

(34 cm ) − (22 cm ) = 15.4 cm

The height of the air-oil interface ho = 22cm + 15.4 cm = 37 cm

ho is:
Fluids 1341

89 •• [SSM] A helium balloon can just lift a load that weighs 750 N and
has a negligible volume. The skin of the balloon has a mass of 1.5 kg. (a) What is
the volume of the balloon? (b) If the volume of the balloon were twice that found
in Part (a), what would be the initial acceleration of the balloon when released at
sea level carrying a load weighing 900 N?

Picture the Problem The balloon is in equilibrium under the influence of the
buoyant force exerted by the air, the weight of its basket and load w, the weight of
the skin of the balloon, and the weight of the helium. Choose upward to be the +y
direction and apply the condition for translational equilibrium to relate these
forces. Archimedes’ principle relates the buoyant force on the balloon to the
density of the air it displaces and the volume of the balloon.

(a) Apply ∑F y = 0 to the balloon: B − mskin g − mHe g − w = 0

Letting V represent the volume of the ρairVg − mskin g − mHe g − w = 0

balloon, use Archimedes’ principle to
express the buoyant force:

Substituting for mHe yields: ρairVg − mskin g − ρ HeVg − w = 0

Solve for V to obtain: mskin g + w

(ρ air − ρ He )g

Substitute numerical values and evaluate V:

(1.5 kg )(9.81m/s 2 ) + 750 N = 70 m 3
(1.293 kg/m 3
− 0.1786 kg/m 3 )(9.81m/s 2 )

(b) Apply ∑F y = ma to the balloon:

B − mtot g = mtot a ⇒ a =
− g (1)

Assuming that the mass of the skin mtot = mload + mHe + mskin
has not changed and letting V′ wload
= + ρ HeV '+ mskin
represent the doubled volume of the g
balloon, express mtot:

Express the buoyant force acting on B = wdisplaced fluid = ρ airV ' g

the balloon:
1342 Chapter 13

Substituting for mtot and B in equation ρ airV ' g

a= −g
(1) yields: wload
+ ρ HeV '+ mskin

Substitute numerical values and evaluate a:

(1.293 kg/m )(140 m )(9.81m/s ) − 9.81m/s
3 3 2
= 5.2 m/s 2
+ (0.1786 kg/m )(140 m ) + 1.5 kg
900 N 3 3

90 •• A hollow sphere with an inner radius R and an outer radius 2R. It is

made of material of density ρ0 and is floating in a liquid of density 2ρ0. The
interior is now completely filled with material of density ρ′ such that that the
sphere just floats completely submerged. Find ρ′.

Picture the Problem When the hollow sphere is completely submerged but
floating, it is in translational equilibrium under the influence of a buoyant force
and its weight. The buoyant force is given by Archimedes’ principle and the
weight of the sphere is the sum of the weights of the hollow sphere and the
material filling its center.

Apply ∑F y = 0 to the hollow sphere: B−w=0 (1)

Express the buoyant force acting [

B = 2 ρ 0Vsphere g = 2 ρ 0 43 π (2 R ) g
on the completely submerged
= 64
3 ρ 0π R 3 g

Express the weight of the sphere w = ρ 0Vhollow sphere g + ρ 'Vhollow g

when the hollow in it is filled with a
material of density ρ′:
[ { }]
= ρ 0 43 π (2 R ) − R 3 g + ρ' 43 πR 3 g
[ ]
= 28
3 ρ 0π R g + 43 ρ'π R g
3 3

Substitute for B and w in equation 64

3 ρ 0π R 3 g − 283 ρ 0π R 3 g − 43 ρ'π R 3 g = 0
(1) to obtain:

Solving for ρ′ yields: ρ ' = 9 ρ0

91 •• According to the law of atmospheres, the fractional decrease in

atmospheric pressure is proportional to the change in altitude. This law can be
expressed as the differential equation dP/P = −Cdh, where C is a positive
constant. (a) Show that P(h) = P0e–Ch where P0 is the pressure at h = 0, is a
Fluids 1343

solution of the differential equation. (b) Given that the pressure 5.5 km above sea
level is half that at sea level, find the constant C.

Picture the Problem We can differentiate the function P(h) to show that it
satisfies the differential equation dP/P = −C dh and in Part (b) we can use the
approximation e−x ≈ 1 – x and Δh << h0 to establish the given result.

(a) Differentiate P(h) = P0 e−Ch: dP

= −CP0e −Ch = −CP

Separating variables yields: dP

= − Cdh

(b) Take the logarithm of both ( )

ln P = ln P0e − Ch = ln P0 + ln e − Ch
sides of the function P(h): = ln (P0 ) − Ch

Solving for C yields: 1 ⎛ P0 ⎞

C= ln⎜ ⎟
h ⎝P⎠

Substitute numerical values and 1 ⎛ P ⎞ 1

C= ln⎜⎜ 1 0 ⎟⎟ = ln 2
evaluate C: 5.5 km ⎝ 2 P0 ⎠ 5.5 km
= 0.13 km −1

92 •• A submarine has a total mass of 2.40 × 106 kg, including crew and
equipment. The vessel consists of two parts, the pressure hull, which has a volume
of 2.00 × 103 m3, and the ballast tanks, which have a volume of 4.00 × 102 m3.
When the boat cruises on the surface, the ballast tanks are filled with air at
atmospheric pressure; to cruise below the surface, seawater must be admitted into
the tanks. (a) What fraction of the submarine’s volume is above the water surface
when the tanks are filled with air? (b) How much water must be admitted into the
tanks to give the submarine neutral buoyancy? Neglect the mass of any air in the
tanks and use 1.025 as the specific gravity of seawater.

Picture the Problem Let V represent the volume of the submarine and V ′ the
volume of seawater it displaces when it is on the surface. The submarine is in
equilibrium in both parts of the problem. Hence we can apply the condition for
translational equilibrium (neutral buoyancy) to the submarine to relate its weight
to the buoyant force acting on it. We’ll also use Archimedes’ principle to connect
the buoyant forces to the volume of seawater the submarine displaces. Let upward
be the +y direction.
1344 Chapter 13

(a) Express f, the fraction of the V − V' V'

f = = 1− (1)
submarine’s volume above the V V
surface when the tanks are filled with

Apply ∑F y = 0 to the submarine B−w=0

when its tanks are full of air:

Use Archimedes’ principle to B = ρ swV'g

express the buoyant force on the
submarine in terms of the volume of
the displaced water:

Substituting for B and w yields: m

ρ swV'g − mg = 0 ⇒ V' =

Substitute in equation (1) to obtain: m

f =1−

Substitute numerical values and 2.40 × 10 6 kg

f = 1−
evaluate f: (1.025 ×103 kg/m 3 )(2.40 ×103 m 3 )
= 2.44 %

(b) Express the volume of seawater msw

Vsw = (2)
in terms of its mass and density: ρsw

Apply ∑F y = 0 , the condition for B − wsub − wsw = 0

neutral buoyancy, to the submarine:

Use Archimedes’ principle to B = ρswVg

express the buoyant force on the
submarine in terms of the volume of
the displaced water:

Substituting for B, wsub, and wsw yields: ρswVg − msub g − msw g = 0

Solve for msw to obtain: msw = ρ swV − msub

Fluids 1345

Substituting for Vsw in equation (2) ρ swV − msub m

Vsw = = V − sub
yields: ρ sw ρ sw

Substitute numerical values and 2.40 × 10 6 kg

Vsw = 2.40 × 10 3 m 3 −
evaluate Vsw: 1025 kg/m 3
= 60 m 3

93 ••• Most species of fish have expandable sacs, commonly known as

"swim bladders," that enable fish to rise in the water by filling the bladders with
oxygen collected by their gills and to sink by emptying the bladders into the
surrounding water. A freshwater fish has an average density equal to 1.05 kg/L
when its swim bladder is empty. How large must the volume of oxygen in the
fish’s swim bladder be if the fish is to have neutral buoyancy? The fish has a mass
of 0.825 kg. Assume the density of oxygen in the bladder is equal to air density at
standard temperature and pressure.

Picture the Problem For the fish to achieve neutral buoyancy, its overall density
must be lowered to 1.00 kg/L. In order to lower its density, the buoyant force
acting on the fish needs to be increased by increasing the fish’s volume. It can
accomplish this by filling its swim bladder.

Apply the condition for translational ∑F y = B − Fg = 0

equilibrium to the fish:

Substitute for B and Fg to obtain: ρ water (V + δV )g − mg = 0

where V is the fish’s volume and δV is
the increase in the fish’s volume
resulting from the additional oxygen in
its swim bladder.

Solving for δV yields: m

δV = −V
ρ water

Express the density ρ of the fish: m m

ρ= ⇒V =
V ρ

Substitute for V to obtain: m m ⎛ 1 1⎞

δV = − = m⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟
ρ water ρ ⎝ ρ water ρ ⎠
1346 Chapter 13

The volume of oxygen transferred to ⎛ ⎞

the fish bladders is: ⎜ 1 1 ⎟
δV = (0.825 kg )⎜ − ⎟
⎜ 1.00 kg 1.05 kg ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ L L ⎠
= 39 cm 3

Remarks: In this solution, we’ve neglected the additional mass of oxygen that
should be added to the fish’s mass. Consider how small that mass is for a
( )( )
volume of 39 cm3: moxygen = ρ airδV = 1.293 kg/m 3 39 × 10 −6 m 3 = 50 μg.

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