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Session 17 / Part 2

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Methods and Approaches, a Historical View

Method/ Approach Rationale Principles

This principle is in keeping with  Second language learning is parallel to first language learning
the active search for rules and should reflect the same naturalistic processes
Total physical response ascribed to the learner in the  Listening should develop before speaking
Cognitive Approach. Learning is  Children respond physically to spoken language and adult
a process which we initiate by learners can learn better if they that too
ourselves by mobilizing our inner  Once listening comprehension has been developed speech
resources (our perception, develops naturally and effortlessly out of it.
awareness, cognition,  Adults should use the right brain motor activities, while the left
imagination, intuition, creativity, hemisphere watches and learn.
etc.) to meet the challenge at  Delaying speech reduces stress.
hand. In the course of our
 Listening ability and vocabulary must be developed first
learning, we integrate into
 Tharea must not be any stress in the class
ourselves whatever “new” that
we create, and we use it as a  Regular repetition
stepping stone for further  Is also a technique of teaching vocabukary no forcing but exploit
learning. the students erros fr exposing others points. Epose the natural
use od language.
 Create an attificila English community in the classroom
 The more often we trcae mamory and the more intensively we
 The stronger the memory associatins are the more likely it wil be
 Make an emphasis in the physical activity as answer to the
linguistic message
 The teachers uses orders the most parts of te time and the
communicating wth his/her students in class is practiced I this
 The activities in class privilege the development of the listening
comprehension and the vocabulary and speech acquisition

Session 17 / Part 2
Handout 2 out of 1
 Listen to speak, embed cultures
 Focuses on the imperatives, oral modes and comprehension
 Mother tongue introduces the TPR, use sparely
 Evaluate and observe actions performance
 Tolerate errors, correct major ones.
 Reduces stress enjr lerning
 Direct action s reverse roles
 Model demos, understand then produce
 Perform collectively and individually
 Feel good, learn well.

In this language teaching method it  Start with familiar sounds

says that teaching should be  Give help only if absolutely necessary
Silent way subordinated to learning. To teach  Do not model the language for the students
means to serve the learning process  Allow te students to tap out sounds to show what they have
rather than to dominate it. This learned
principle is in keeping with the active  Students work on the language, not the teachers
search for rules ascribed to the  Teacher take a back seat. The more you help – the less they
learner in the Cognitive Approach. learn
Learning is a process which we
 Praise is no helpful
initiate by ourselves by mobilizing
 Transfer what students know already to new ideas
our inner resources (our perception,
awareness, cognition, imagination,  Silence is used as a tool.
intuition, creativity, etc.) to meet the  the teacher becomes less necessary to the learning process.
challenge at hand. In the course of  Errors are important than perfection
our learning, we integrate into  Students attention to teacher is important
ourselves whatever “new” that we  No homework, as learning continues while we sleep
create, and we use it as a stepping  Emphasis the autonomy of the learner
stone for further learning.  The teacher´s role is to monitor the students’ efforts
 students are encouraged to have an active role in learning te
 Pronunciation is seen as fundamental

Session 17 / Part 2
Handout 3 out of 1
 Uses a structural syllabus, and structures are constantly
reviewed and recycled
 The choice of vocabulary: functional and versatile words seen as
the best
 Translation and rote repetition are avoided
 Language is practiced in meaningful contexts
 Evaluating is carried out by observation
 Focuses on eliciting students attention
 Focuses on student´s attention
 Encourage student’s t correct their own answers.

It was hoped that through the study  Learning I facilitated through attention to similarities between the
Grammar-Translation of the grammar of the target target language and native language
method language, students would become  It is important for students to learn about the form of the target
more familiar with the grammar of language
their native language and that this  Deductive application of an explicit grammar rule a useful
familiarity would help them speak pedagogical technique
and write their native language  Language learning provides good mental excursive
better  Students should be conscious of te grammatical rules of the
target language
 Wherever possible, verb conjugations and other grammatical
paradigms should be committed to memory
 Is a way of studying a language
 Reading nd writing are the major focus
 Vocabulary based in reading is taught a bilingual language word
list, dictionary study and memorization
 Much of the lesson is devoted to translating sentences
 Grammar is taught deductively
 The mother tongue is te medium instruction

Session 17 / Part 2
Handout 4 out of 1
 A fundamental purpose of learning a language is t be able to
read literature.
 Literary language is superor to spoken language
 Students’ study of the target culture is limited to its literature and
fine arts
 It is possible to find native language equivalents for target
language words.
 Translating back and forth between the target language and the
students native language
 Memorizing list of words
 Utilizing exercises and texts I constrained ways
 Explicit errors corrections
 The teacher is the authority in class, there is little students to
students interaction
 Not underlying theory language acquisition

Language learning can occur at  The goals are to learn at accelerated pace, a foreign language
Suggestopedia method much faster rate than ordinarily for everyday communication by tapping mental powers,
transpires. The reason for our overcoming psychological barriers.
inefficiency is that we set up
psychological barriers to learning:  Teacher has authority, commands trust and respect of students.
We fear that we will be unable to Teacher suggests negative feelings and limits to learning.
perform, that we will be limited in our
ability to learn, that we will fail. One  Students learn in a relaxing environment. They choose a
result is that we do not use the full new identity in the target language and culture.
mental powers that we have.
 They use texts of dialogues accompanied by translation and
notes in their native language. Each dialogue is presented during
two musical concerts, once with the teacher matching his voice
to the rhythm and pitch of the music while students follow along.
The second time, the teacher reads normally and students relax

Session 17 / Part 2
Handout 5 out of 1
and listen.
 At first, teacher initiates all interaction and students respond only
nonverbally or with a few words in target language that they have
practiced. Eventually, students initiate interaction.5)

 Great importance is placed on

 students’
 Feelings, in making them feel confident and relaxed, in
suggesting their psychological barriers.
 Language is one plane, nonverbal parts of messages areanother.
Culture includes everyday life and fine arts.
 Vocabulary is emphasized in some explicit grammar. Students
focus on communicative use rather than form. Reading and
writing also have place.8)
 Translation clarifies dialogues’ meaning. Teacher uses native
language more at fist than later when necessary.
 Students’ normal in class performance is evaluated.
 There are no tests, which would threaten relaxed environment.
 Errors are not immediately corrected. Teacher models correct
forms later during class
Direct Method receives its name  Grammar is taught by situation and through inductive process.
Direct method from the fact that meaning is to be  The syllabus is based on situation and related to everyday
conveyed directly in the target vocabulary and structure.
language through the use of  Grammar and vocabulary is taught orally
demonstration and visual aids.  Concrete meaning are made clear by presenting physical objects
and abstract ones through association of ideas, not through

Session 17 / Part 2
Handout 6 out of 1
 Repetition of new materials is encouraged to make language
learner acquire the language naturally.
 Listening and imitating sounds are drilled so that language
learners become automatic in producing the sounds.
 Language learners learn the target language in the class most of
the time
 Sounds of the language are essential and presented at the
beginning of the course.
 Reading follows listening and speaking, and the reading texts are
based on the materials of the two skills
 Many new items are presented in the same lesson in order to
make the language natural.
 Classroom instruction is conducted exclusively in the Target
 Language.
 Only everyday vocabulary and sentences are taught.
 Oral communication skills are built up in a carefully graded
 progression organized around question-and-answer
 Exchanges between teachers and students in small, intensive
 Grammar is taught inductively.
 New teaching points are introduced orally.
 . Concrete vocabulary is taught through demonstration,
 Objects, pictures; abstract vocabulary is taught by association of
 Both speech and listening comprehension are taught.
 Correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasised.7

It was thought that the way to 

Audiolingual method acquire the sentence patterns of the  New material is presented in dialogue form
target language was through  There is dependence on mimicry, memorization of set phrases,
conditioning –helping learners to and over-learning
respond correctly to stimuli through  Structures are sequenced by means of contrastive analysis and
Session 17 / Part 2
Handout 7 out of 1
shaping and reinforcement. This taught one at the time
method, like the Direct Method, is  Structural patterns are taught using repetitive drills
also an oral-based approach.  There is little or no grammatical explanation. Grammar is taught
However, it is very different in that, by inductive analogy rather than by deductive explanation
instead of emphasizing vocabulary  Vocabulary is strictly limited and learned in the context
acquisition through exposure to its
 There is much use of tapes, language labs, and visual aids
use in situations, the Audio-Lingual
Method drills students in the use of  Great importance is attached to pronunciation
grammatical sentence patterns.  Very little use of the mother tongue by teachers is permitted
 Successful responses are immediately reinforced
 There is a great effort to get students to produce error-free
 Here is a tendency to manipulate language and disregard

Being able to communicate required  Enabling students to acquire the ability not only to apply te
Community Language more than linguistic competence; it grammatical rules of a language in order to form grammatically
Learning required communicative correct sentences
competence: knowing when and  But also to know when and where to use the sentences and to
how to say what to whom. whom.
Communicative Language Teaching  Focuses on meaning not Form notions ,functions , language is
aims broadly to apply the theoretical used to communicate
perspective of the Communicative  Authentic and meaning full communication should be the goal of
Approach by making communicative classroom activities
competence the goal of language
teaching and by acknowledging the
interdependence of language and

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By now, you should have a pretty good idea of the different methods and approaches in ELt and some of their principles and techniques.
However, to understand the approach, we should also see then in practice, right?
For this task, you will watch a number of videos for each different method or approach. Go to:

Session 17 / Part 2
Handout 8 out of 1
1) Resources on the left menu
2) Videos - MEthods and approaches
3) Select the video you want to watch.

1) Watch the videos and see which of the principles introduced in the previous task are present, demoed or not.
2) Share your ideas on the forum. Did you find all the principles mentioned in the previous task in the video? If so, how? If not, what was
missing? which principles?
Post your ideas on the forums and elaborate. Again, if you are the first to write create a new thread (Crear sequencia), if not, then just
reply back to the first one.
Engage in conversation and ask questions and find simil

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