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WEEK: 1 DAY: Thursday DATE: 2 January 2020


FORM/CLASS: 4 ALPHA W2: 8.05 - 8.40 a.m.
DURATION: 70 minutes W3: 8.40 - 9.15 a.m.
THEME: Science and Technology
FOCUS SKILLS: Reading Textbook
LANGUAGE/ Phrases to express opinion (in my opinion); Words/phrases related to free-
GRAMMAR FOCUS: time activities; phrases expressing likes and dislikes iTHiNK MAPS:
Main Skill: Reading Circle
3.1 Understand a variety of text by using a range of appropriate reading
CONTENT strategies to construct meaning CROSS CURRICULAR
STANDARD/S: Complementary Skill: Speaking ELEMENTS:
2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on Information and
familiar topics Communications
Main Skill: Reading Technology
3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of
Complementary Skill: Speaking
2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view ASSESSMENT:
Main Reading Written Exercise
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to understand the main points in
the text ‘Your opinion: Social networking sites’ by indicating if each of the 4 MORAL VALUES:
LEARNING person’s opinion on such sites positive, negative or both Being polite
Complementary Speaking
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to discuss orally 3 questions on
social networking sites and justify their answers / explanation
I. PRE LESSON a. Pupils read through questions in Activity A and discuss as a class I -Think Map: Circle Map
II. LESSON b. Pupils read the instruction in Activity B and explain how they would
DEVELOPMENT complete the task – read for main ideas
– GIST- TASK c. Pupils show an example in completing the task with Text A. Pupils listen to FA: Exempler
teacher if they do not know how to do it. (Tip: Read the first and last
sentence. Usually the first sentence has the main idea and the last
sentence reinforces the main idea)
d. Pupils complete Activity B in groups of 4 or 5 and write their answers in a FA: Mini-white board
mini white board.
e. Pupils share the answers and discuss how they got the answer. (Text C FA: Pose/Pause/Pounce/
has both negative and positive opinion. The sentence in the middle of the Bounce
text shows the transition of opinion) Moral Value: Politeness
III. DETAILED TASK f. Pupils read through questions 1 to 7 in Activity D. Pupils ask any questions
they have about the questions
g. Pupils answers the questions in groups by identifying the words used in
Texts A – D that helped them get answers
h. Pupils check and shares their answers FA: Stay and Stray
i. Pupils discuss 3 questions in pairs and justify their answers Differentation: Less proficient
learners get partial sentences or
model sentences to answer the
questions and justify the answers
IV. POST-LESSON j. Pupils identify a word or expression that they have learnt with a partner I -Think Map: Circle Map
and share with the class
k. Pupils complete Activity C as homework
REFLECTION: Number: ___/___ pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives.

Attendance: / Only __/____ were not able to achieve the learning objectives. These pupils will be _________
Absent: /
Truant: / _____________________________________________________________________________
School Activity: /
Follow-up / Reinforcement: PdPc could not be conducted and will be postponed due to:

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