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 Posted by Sevan Bomar on January 26, 2011 at 9:12am in KNOWLEDGE BASE
 View Discussions

We have had an overwhelming mixed response to the latest post "How to
overcome Aliens and the Physical Prison", which is a good thing. Some
are still going over the information for its authenticity while others
have accepted the information partially in regards to what resonates
with them. Yet more people outside of our site I might add have
withdrawn into complete denial and have already began to make
accusations such as I'm the Illuminati, Luciferian, and Satanistic. No
offense taken that seems to come with the territory. I want to
congratulate every member here, we have lost no members to this point
and people are showing here they can handle anything. I suppose that
is because how we started so we have done well.
However, I wanted to let everyone know the major advancements that have
been made since I personally decided to accept what may be the worst
case scenario and began preparation for that. Then of course if these
activities are thwarted by higher forces, than I have only made myself
stronger so there can be no loss. If one just sits around and does
nothing while expecting someone of something else to handle it, then
they have not innerstood the Sphere of Fear and the lesson it has to

It was rough at first, not just to ingest the information but to also
be the one to bring the information to the esoteric community at large.
For about 3 nights after I totally put things together I had very
strange sleep, not so much as nightmares but my body was extremely
anxious. It was still calculating the ramifications of what had been
discovered. It was adjusting all the information learned to date and
things were fitting into place like a pre-packed Lego set. It was
ciphering new words for deeper meanings.

The days following were accompanied with major breakthroughs in

knowledge and applications in regards to what to do. Also there came
many reasons from on High in regards to why it is necessary for people
to get in gear. Time draws nigh. I will itemize that now to show you
how the mind works and how it accepts the prison that has been created
for it through what is called institutionalization. This of course
leads to how to break out of the physical prison.

Let us first imagine very complex information as a very heavy weight.

Lifting such weights gives strength to the mind/body/and soul as long
as one does not collapse under the weight. This is also why many are
here to "spot" you or hold part of the weight until you can do it
yourself. Then it becomes light and you can then "spot" others.

It is a fact that many are looking for simple answers to the situation.
Nothing can be more misdirective. There are at least two major reasons
why once we finally recovered a great deal of the information it would
not be really possible for it to be all positive. Unless of course you
have become a master at changing your perspectives at will. This will
be an important tool on the Path.

The first reason the answer to our situation would not be simple is we
are not simple Beings. We are very complex and our entire living
structure shows so much thought and ingenious has been put into it you
would have to seriously begin to access the records, instructions, and
knowledge available on earth to began to comprehend it. This is why we
have the internet. This woman Earth is not simple so do not perceive
her to be as such.

For sure there is a frequency broadcasting around the world keeping

people in denial. If they hear anything that steers too far from their
normal false teachings they immediately freeze up and go in to standby
mode. This is in great part due to their mind/body/soul not even having
the energy to process the information so don't get frustrated.
Everything is using there energy except them. The kids, job,
husband/wife, etc.

When people hear very complex things these days because they loath
being taught they definitely do not want to got back to school. They
were rushing to get out of there in the first place. In addition it
takes more of an alkaline body, which is natural in many, for things to
make sense as the thoughts must "fire" to different regions of the
mind, connect with other things the person has stored, and then come to
a conclusion. Again most don't have the energy for this.

Lastly we should naturally know, just like an investigator, if you are

following a trail of blood it will eventually lead you to a mutilated
body, not a paradise. So it is the same thing here, we have been on the
trail of who is causing all the wars, who is trapping us in this
limited potential even though we 100% know we have this ability to
activate, who is hurting the children with Uranium, who is screwing
with our lives?! So now we have reached the answer, this is what they
did not what you to know.

Many times when going through occult works I would stumble across
information that was very deep but still I would always say "this is
still not enough to have such an elaborate system of hiding things".
Meaning the information was just not that valuable to basically
suppress the whole Earth from discovering it.

Accepting this has made me even stronger, we have gone at least one
step beyond what the "controllers" expected. This information has been
naturally protected because few want to risk revealing it. They are
concerned about facing rejection from their elders, peers, and pupils
alike more than any alien threat. It is a good thing that I'm not here
to just satisfy people, I'm here for the Truth personally so I can now
how to carry on my existence and I have promised if I found that truth
I would let as many people know as I could.

In addition as I spoke of above there appears to be a frequency

broadcasting that tells a person "that is not true". This goes for
anything near the truth. It started hitting me the other day when I was
driving down the road. They must have turned the device right on me as
they know I'm immune to Bliss. :-) I started thinking, or they had me
thinking I should say, "is this really real"?

Right then a commercial came on the radio and this is what it said.
"Are you young talented and outgoing? Do you work great with people and
have a unique way of communicating? We are looking for smart, ambitious
people with amazing charisma to join our........drum roll........sports
book company!" So there you have it, they are asking for the best of
the best and our most talented to basically call people around the
world to ask them if the want to gamble.
That settles it once more. Something very off is going on here, these
people think something good is happening but things are getting worse
as now the human race capitalizes on itself, degrading itself and its
citizens, children etc. We have found out the reason. It is because
people are getting more and more toxic and they are going to crash this
sphere into a lower one if they don't clean themselves up.

This makes the people the final cause to the situation not getting
fixed, not the cause to how the situation got started. That is very
important to distinguish. The collective frequency of the people is
making this Sphere denser and denser. I will explain.

This is just like early in the morning. You are in the bed but you have
to get up. The normal feeling which occurs is the body wants to get a
little more sleep. First you should already know if we did not have
bodies we would not need to sleep. It is the Flesh Body that needs to
rest which is why you need less sleep the more the body gets tuned and
in shape. Think Gem/Gym you Crystal.

While you are sleep you are in the world closest to your natural
habitat so of course the mind/body/soul does not want to wake up. The
mind is immersed in a much more entrained world, although many do not
remember. The body is being pushed all the time in this physical life
so it remains tired in most cases and is being deprived of sleep. The
soul itself is also tired of the fake waking reality and is starving
for pure energy that it can actually grow from rather than be poisoned
by. All this spells "stay asleep". This is what's happening on a deeper

Despite one has to physically wake up to go to work, school, etc they

remain sleep on a deeper level. The body may be awake but the mind and
soul is still in standby mode. This gets to the meat of what must be
discussed now. We are inside a Sphere with a toxic Atmosphere (at most
fear) because it is saturated with dense Beings not willing to raise
up. The lower vibration of fear has permeated just about everything.


Now a simple answer. :-) What is outside the bubble? I remember a movie
about a boy in a bubble. He was so sensitive to everything that if he
happened to ever come out of the bubble he would die, so he was told.
This is exactly what is happening now. People are so sensitive, so used
to having it all explained for them and then shown to them. So used to
the comfortably that has been brought about through domestication, they
fear the unknown outside the bubble.

They have lost the adventurous personality they used to have as a child
and they have accepted this whole experience as there last one. In this
state they keep coming back because they have not pushed beyond the
norm to discover anything really beyond this dimension. Society has
attempted to break us from our ideas of discovering what is new and in
many cases they have succeeded. However, as Souls this is simply not
how we are.

When you come into this world as a child you are an explorer. I have
seen it and I have been it. You have such a desire to go on treasure
hunts, find secret caves, discover strange things, fight off evil. All
of childhood is filled with this until society moves in and begins to
"break" the new Being. This was devise more heavily in Germany during
and after the world war. A way to get control over the minds of the
people by starting with their children.

One or two generations would pass and then the most diabolical things
could happen because there would be virtually nobody to stop it as the
brainwashed children become adults Then by the time the person is in
their 20's they have fear of breaking the law, fear of being poor, fear
of not being accepted etc. But as a child none of that stuff mattered
whatsoever so you were lite, carefree, and fearless.

This leads us to the solution to fear. To remember the times when you
did not have it. To contact the inner child which is more daring than
the reigned in adult. To once again embark on missions to discover new
expanses to allow consciousness to flow into. The world is in desperate
need for these type of people as we have some challenges that must be
overcome. We are running out of "physical" room in this bubble and that
is subconsciously leading any person with common sense with the notion
that such things will eventually lead to a big problem. If not for
there own selves then for their children or grand children.

It then makes one ask "what did the world do the last time it got in
this situation" and the answers don't look very promising as when
things got crowded last time, the solution became depopulation. I still
believe groups of people, such as those they have found the remains of
everything they have but not the people themselves, have already
discovered how to do what we are on the brink of discovering right at
this very moment. This is how to travel using the Soul to other planes
free of fear.

In discovering those planes the fear on earth will lessen and the
negative Beings in service to the controllers will have no place as
they cannot remain in this new frequency. This will manifest as people
simply not being concerned about the negative Beings anymore because
they will be powerless. The people will have the power and because of
the recent lesson, they will know how to use it. Anyone misusing power
will have the majority to deal with so they will not go unchecked.

Let us also keep in mind the use of power is more of a big lesson that
has to be learned. A great deal of misuse has occurred due to improper
training. Once the training is corrected power will be used in
conservation to only what it is need for. Imagine how much energy has
been wasted on this dimension and what it would be like if it went into
building things up, rather than blowing things up and tearing things
Nobody will even pay attention to the lower forms, save to guide them
also, because they are not in control and never have been. The
controllers will flee as they always have. Let it be clear their armies
of dummed down mind controlled god worshiping drones are the
controllers only power. When that is removed they have no life force as
a vampire is dependent upon the host and when there is no host they
dissipate, always remember that.

Right now however the negative Beings are terrorizing our world and it
must not be allowed to continue. The more that respond with courage and
strength to this situation that has been laid out for the last 3 days,
the more the tides turn in humanities favor.


The physical environment will change as confusion is put to pasture and

clarity moves in. People will follow those that are brave and gain
courage themselves vanquishing the fear frequency. The mental
environment will change as people will gain more expansive imaginations
first over coming the fear and then unlocking their inventive
imagination to repair amnesia and remember what they came to do and
contribute. The whole spiritual paradigm will change as we gain control
over this reality and allow ourselves to be once more united in the
essence that we all came from Earth at some segment so thus we are all
family. Then we will enter the universal community.

This is not an assumption this will happen just as sure as you sitting
in front of this computer reading this. I know how these lower life
forms operate now. I know how they are trying to keep us as a people in
confusion. I know a small few compared to the majority have allowed
greed to keep this going, but its coming to a close. If I don't do it
completely while living in this world, I will finish it when I come out
of this body permanently and there will be many with me because I have
already connected to those people and they are right here with me now,
The Resistance, and we continue to grow daily on the material and the
astral. We want Earth fixed so we have made the decision to do it
ourselves. No more waiting.

In times past the courage of man and woman has been called upon. Often
this has been for the wrong reason. You can only imagine when a small
village knew the roman legion was on the way and how they may have
felt, especially the soldiers. However in many of those small villages
those Romans got more than they bargained for and had to flee. It was
because of the Spirit of the People. Sword cannot cut through it, so
they had to build a more decisive trap for those kind of people. One
that uses a persons own energy to wear them down, this is fear. We have
now discovered that device, the pentagram, how it works and how to
overcome it.

Keep in mind the Pen is more powerful than the sword and it uses our
energy against us. How it does this is through our laziness and
suggestive programming. This body in this design basically allows us to
interface and be interfaced with. This has so far worked as a
disadvantage as the consciousness of the masses is dull and effects
everyone on this Planet. Right now the Planet is afraid because it has
been misinformed and lied to and it knows it. I mean take a look at the
constitution, is there one truth there? However, when you start
throwing charged up people reeking with the truth coming out of them
like orgone in with the batch, things start to change really fast, like
the 100th monkey.

Here is what you should know. The Sphere is shaped like a Dodecahedron.
It is around the body and around the Earth. This is why the
Dodecahedron can make all other Pythagorean shapes, because it can be
effected and can effect all shapes. Use this to your advantage and
remember, you are not the body it is a vehicle but you have to take
care of what you ride in.

Now that I know the problem, I know the real solution. One cannot come
before the other, the two never appear without the other somewhere
close. I also wanted to put some things here below that I wrote on
other forums about this situation so everyone can see clear in real
time were consciousness is and were it needs to be and how to respond
to those that have been diluted somewhat with authority. When you show
strength it creates that within the person, if you show that you are
unsure and waver then you are sending mixed signals. Stay focused
lasers not elephant guns.

Response to one person in denial on another site:

There can be no more disillusionment than stagnation. How soon we

forget that virtually nothing has really gotten better since all
these people started to imagine things were getting better but
they have seen no noticeable change because they have really done
nothing about the problem themselves physically. Ignoring it and
pretending its not there just like you are now does not cut it and
is not a good example of a powerful Being sent with a purpose.

If you want knowledge come and get it, if you are scarred and feel
fear when the obvious approaches then you have a lot to grow.
These so-called light workers are supposed to be doing something
about the problem, what do you think all that energy would
actually be for? But its obvious also many are not equipped they
simply imagine kundalini but don't have it, they have blue beam
and a pretty good imagination.

Many would be able candidates for the real rainbow light body
Kundalini activation but alas nothing is really going on to them
so their is no reason to activate. But if you didn't notice there
are thousands of birds and fish dead for no reason and people
start to see how powerless they really are when they try to
actually do something about it besides once again imaging
something else is going to fix it. Wake up totally or get put in
an ever deeper sleep seems to be what going on here.
Response to another in denial and brainwashed by Ashtar.

Her Response to the post:

Wow, I had an "ah-hah" thought when I got to the part about

Tibet... was the Dalai Llama sent out of Tibet because he really
was a Satanist... and that brings another question about how
aligned with the Lucifer Rebellion and Satan are you? I came to
earth as part of the Ground Crew to rescue humanity from the
Frequency Wall that the dark established 500 million years ago and
my inner senses are putting you and this information right smack
in the middle. 10.5 million starcraft overhead full of our
relatives and friends cannot be wrong. Only 5% of this
universe is made of un-Christed beings. It would be against the
laws of Free Will to alert us to the dark but our inner
discernment is better tuned than ever. Personally, my "dark"
alarm is ringing loud and clear! Blessings to all souls who read
this, know this, and see this.

My Response:

Lol this is exactly what the book "Alien Agenda" often refers to.
The Souls on this planet have a high skepticism for each other,
with just cause of course, but they often do this to the people
that are trying to assist them. Do you think I took all the time
to put this together to get the response "how aligned with Lucifer
and Satan are you", and that's the first and only thin you say
directly to me? Not "I appreciate the info thanks I will consider

Little things like that say a lot about what the greater issue is
just in case some are thinking about why the "higher beings" just
don't come in and help them. In time you will see its not about
the person its about the Movement and as it is exact let it rest
on your conscious for awhile and when you are ready to receive
more tune into the Resistance. Those ships are in your
imagination, vehicles of metal are not the preferred
transportation for any advanced Being.

One should have a balance of exactly what things are and what they
can become. Anytime you polarize to one or the other you will be
ghastly mistaken. Thinking to much about whats going on, for those
who really know, is exausting as the situation needs a lot of
work. Thinking about only what it can become while never accepting
or knowing what it actually is leaves one in the clouds imagining
something in space with ships will save them from it, but of
course not them.

When you are in correct measure you not only know what is going
on, you know what to really do. Failing to accept what is
happening truly is going to keep people unprepared just like it
always has. Failing not to look through someone else eye's other
than your own is the first sign of ego. Consider the children who
deserve none of this and have nothing while you sit back with your
mocho and computer imagining everything is going fine because you
have been fooled to believe there are millions of ships in the
atmosphere just waiting to help. What a mind job....and a lot of
gas. Not to mention it took 500 million years to finally handle
the situation? That makes no sense.
As you can see it will be somewhat of an uphill battle from here,
however, it is a good thing we can fly and handle this from a much
better vantage point. This is why I have released this information
because the people I have to live on this dimension with have been
incepted and its totally lame everyday to see these people and not do
anything about it or for them.

I know for sure this problem can be fixed by those who are equipped to
do as such. The Resistance will not be like other factions trying to
save their reputation and membership count so they deliver only teddy
bears and rainbows. I mean c'mon its one more year till 2012 and these
people need to step it up and get really activated, not just in the
mind they need to fix thier dense bodies and souls which will require
application to the Mind - Body - Soul. Not just one or two of these but
all of them to gain balance.

You know how to reach me.

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