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Master of Science



(Semester I and II)

w.e.f. 2007-2008
M.Sc. (Part I) Biotechnology
Semester I and II

Syllabus w.e.f. 2007-2008


BT-101: Microbial Diversity and Physiology 100 marks

BT-102: Macromolecules, Bioenergetics and Enzymology 100 marks
BT-103: Biology of the Immune System 100 marks
BT-104: Analytical Techniques for Biotechnology 100 marks
BT-105: Practical Course in Biotechnology-I 100 marks

BT-201: Advances in Molecular Biology 100 marks
BT-202: Animal Cell Science and Technology 100 marks
BT-203: Process Biotechnology 100 marks
BT-204: Practical Course in Biotechnology-II 100 marks
BT-205: Practical Course in Biotechnology-III 100 marks

Note: 1) The marks for each paper are distributed as external (80 marks)
and internal (20 marks) examinations.
2) Practical courses to be conducted during the respective
semesters. However, the external examination of practical
courses will be conducted only once, at the end of academic year
3) Each theory course to be completed in 48 lectures of 60 min
duration each.


BT-101: Microbial Diversity and Physiology

Unit-I: Microbial Evolution, Systematics and Taxonomy [8]

• Primitive organisms and their metabolic strategies
• Evolutionary chronometers
• New approaches to bacterial taxonomy classification including ribotyping,
ribosomal RNA sequencing, FISH assay
• Characteristics of primary domains,
• Species concept, Nomenclature and Bergey’s Manual

Unit-II: Prokaryotic Cells: Structure and Function [8]

• General cell structure and organelles of prokaryote
• Cell walls of eubacteria (peptidoglycan) and related molecules
• Outer membrane of Gram negative bacteria
• Structure function of: flagella, cilia, pili, gas vesicles, carboxysomes,
endospores, magnetosomes and phycobilisomes
• Reserve food materials: polyhydroxybutyrate, polyphosphate, cyanophycin
granules and sulfur inclusions

Unit-III: Prokaryotic Diversity [8]

• Photosynthetic bacateria: Purple and green bacteria, cyanobacteria
• Acid bacteria: homoacetogenic bacteria, acetic acid bacteria, Lactic and
propionic acid bacteria
• Pseudomonads, endospore forming rods and cocci
• Mycobacteria, Rickettsias, Clamydias and Mycoplasms
• Actinomycetes
• Archaea: General features, halophiles, methanogens, hyperthermophilic

Unit-IV: Eukaryotic Diversity [8]

• General features of fungi
• Classification of fungi
• Structure and functions of: hyphae and non-motile unicells, motile cells,
spores and spore dormancy
• Life cycle of Aspergillus, Penicillium and yeasts
• Distribution of algae and general features
• Algal thallus and algal reproduction
• General features of: Chlorophyta, Euglenophyta, Dinoflagellata,
Chrysophyta, Phaeophyta and Phodophyta

• General features and classification of Protozoa
Unit-V: Virology [8]
• General features, nomenclature and classification of viruses
• Morphology and ultrastructure: capsids and their arrangements, types of
• Virus related agents (viriods and prions)
• Bacterial viruses: Life cycle of Mu, T4 and Lambda, One step growth
curve, transcription, DNA replication, phage typing
• Animal viruses: General features and life cycle of RNA viruses (Picorna
and HIV) and DNA viruses (Pox and Adeno)
Unit-VI: Bacterial Metabolism [8]
• Photosynthesis in microorganisms: role of chlorophylls, carotenoids and
phycobilins, calvin cycle
• Chemolithotrophy, Iron-, Nitrite-oxidizing bacteria
• Nitrate and sulfate reduction, Methanogensis and acetogenesis
• Fermentations: diversity, syntrophy, role of anoxic decompositions
• Nitrogen fixation

Suggested reading:
1. Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (4 Volumes) by Sneath PHA,
Mair NS, Elizabeth M, Sharpe, Holt JG. Williams and Wilkins, 1989.
2. Brock Biology of Microorganisms (9th edition) by Madigan MT, Martinko JM
and Parker J. Prentice Hall International, Inc, London, 2001.
3. Functionals of Plant Virology by Mathews RE. Academic Press, San Diego,
4. General Microbiology by Stainer RY, Ingraham JL, Wheelis ML and Painter
PR. The MacMillan Educational Ltd., London, 1999.
5. Introduction to Modern Virology (4th edition) by Dimmock NJ and Primrose SB.
Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1994.
6. Introductory Mycology by Alexopoulos CJ, Mims CW and Blackwell M. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996.
7. Introduction to Mycology by Mehrotra RS and KR Aneja. New Age
International Publishers, 1990.
8. Text Book on Principles of Bacteriology, Virology and Immunology by Topley
and Wilson’s. Edward Arnold, London, 1995.
9. The genetics of bacteria and their viruses by William Hayes. Blackwell
Scientific Publishers, London, 1985.
10. Essential Cell Biology by Albert Bray et al. Garland Publication, New York,
USA, 1997.

BT-102: Macromolecules, Bioenergetics and Enzymology

Unit-I: Chemical Foundations of Biology [8]

• Acids, Bases, pH, pK, buffers, weak bonds, covalent bonds
• Laws of thermodynamics, entropy, Gibbs energy, free energy changes and
redox potentials, phosphate potential
• Uniport, antiport and symport mechanisms, shuttle systems

Unit-II: Proteins and Amino Acids [8]

• Amino acids: Classification, properties, peptide bond
• Proteins: Classification, Sequencing, Structure (primary, secondary,
tertiary and quaternary), stabilizing bonds, principle of amino sequencing

Unit-III: Carbohydrates and Lipids [8]

• Carbohydrates: Classification, mono-, oligo-, and poly-saccharides,
physical and chemical properties, sugar acids and amino sugars
• Lipids: Classification (simple, compound and derived lipids), Structure,
function and industrial significance, circulating lipids with relevance to
pathological changes

Unit-IV: Enzymes as Biocatalysts-I [8]

• Classification of multisubstrate reactions with examples of each class
• Kinetics of multisubstrate reactions
• Derivation of the rate of expression for Ping Pong and ordered Bi-Bi
reaction mechanism
• Methods for measuring kinetic and rate constants of enzyme reactions and
their magnitudes
• Enzyme turnover: methods of its measurements and significance

Unit-V: Enzymes as Biocatalysts-II [8]

• Allosteric enzymes, sigmoidal kinetics and their physiological significance.
Symmetric and sequential modes for action of allosteric enzymes
• Co-enzymes and cofactors: Water soluble vitamins and their co-enzymes,
• General mechanisms of enzyme regulation: Feed back inhibition and feed
forward stimulation, enzyme repression, induction and degradation, control
of enzyme activity by products and substrates

Unit-VI: Bioenergetics-I [8]

• Mitochondrial respiratory chain: Organization of carrier, proton gradient,
iron sulphur proteins and cytochromes. Reversed electron transfer,
respiratory controls and oxidative phosphorylation, uncouplers and
inhibitors of energy transfer

• ATP: Synthetase complex, microsomal electron transport, partial reduction
of oxygen, superoxides

Suggested reading:

1. Lehninger’s Principles of Biochemistry by Nelson DL and Cox MM, CBS

Publications, 2000
2. Biochemistry by Stryer L. (4th Edition). W.H. Freeman & Co., New York,
USA, 1992.
3. Fundamentals of Enzymology (3rd edition) by Price NC and Stevens L.
Oxford University Press, NY, USA, 2000.
4. Principles of protein structure by Shulz and Schirmer.
5. Fundamentals of Enzymology by Royer.
6. Harper’s Biochemistry. Ed. Murray RK, Granner DK, Mayes PA and
Rodwell VW. Appleton and Lange, Stamford, Connecticut.
7. Textbook of Biochemstry with Clinical Correlations. Ed. Thomas M.
Devlin.Wiley-Liss Publishers.
8. Genes VIII. by Lewin B. Pearson Education International, NJ, USA, 2004.
9. Fundamentals of Biochemistry. Ed Voet D and Voet JG. And Pratt CW.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1999


BT-103: Biology of the Immune System

Unit-I: The Immune System [8]
• Innate Immune response and its role in protection: memory, specificity,
diversity, innate and acquired immunity, self v/s non-self discrimination
• Overlap between Innate and adaptive immunity.
• Lymphoid organs and their interaction
• Cells involved in the Immune response: Phagocytic cells and their killing
mechanisms, T and B lymphocytes, Differentiation of stem cells

Unit-II: Antigens and Antibodies [8]

• Antigens: Antigenicity and Immunogenicity, Epitopes seen by B Cells and
T Cells, Antigen engineering and Increasing Immunogenicity
• Antibodies: Structure and functions of immunoglobulins, Antibody-Antigen
interactions, Isotypic, allotypic and idiotype variations

Unit-III: MHC and Antigen Presentation [8]

• Major Histocompatibility Complex: MHC molecules and organization of
their genes, Structure and function of MHC gene products

• Antigen Presentation: Antigen processing, Role of MHC and nonMHC
molecules in antigen presentation
• T Cell receptor: ab T cells, gd T cells, TCRCD complex, Structure of TCR
and its interaction With MHC-I and MHCII peptide Complex, T cell
selection, Organization of TCR gene segments and their rearrangement

Unit-IV: Humoral and Cell Mediated Immune Response [8]

• Activation of T cells: Activation TH and TC cells, Generation of T memory
cells, Apoptosis in T cells
• B Cell maturation: Activation of B Cells, Regulation of B Cell mediated
effector functions
• Cytokines: Structure of cytokines, Cytokine receptors, Function of
• The Complement System
• Cell mediated effector responses

Unit-V: Measurement of Antigen-antibody Reactions [8]

• Production of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies: Principles, techniques
and applications
• Agglutination and precipitation techniques
• Principle and applications of radioimmunoassay
• Principle and applications of ELISA
• Immunofluorescence assays: Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter (FACS)

Unit-VI: Immune Response in Diseases [8]

• Immune responses to infectious diseases: viral, bacterial and protozoan
• Cancer and immune system
• Immunodeficiency disorders
• Autoimmunity

Suggested reading:

1. Immunology (6th Edition) by Roit IM, Brostoff J and Male D. Mosby, An

imprint of Elsevier Sci Ltd., 2002.
2. Kuby Immunology (4th Edition) by Golds RA, Kindt TJ, Osborne A. W.H.
Freeman and Co. Ltd., New York, USA, 1994.
3. Textbook on Principles of Bacteriology, Virology and Immunology, 5
Volumes (9th Edition) by Topley and Wilson. Edward Arnold, London,
4. Basic and Clinical Immunology, by Stites DP. Appleton & Lang Press.
5. Immunology, by Weissman and Wood. Benjamin Cummings.
6. Fundamentals of Immunology, by Coleman RM, Lombard MF, Sicard RE
and Rencricca NJ. Wm.C. Brown Publishers, 1989.

7. Immunology (2nd Edition) by Golub ES. Sinauer Associate, Sunderland.

8. Immunology for Life Scientists: A Basic Introduction by Eales LJ. John

Wiley & Sons, UK, 1999.


BT-104: Analytical Techniques for Biotechnology

Unit-I: Spectroscopy [8]

• Beer and Lambert’s law
• Theory, instrumentation and applications of colorimetry and UV-visible
• Theory and applications of: Infra-red (IR), Nuclear Magnetic resonance
(NMR), Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS)

Unit-II: Chromatographic Methods [8]

• Principles of chromatographic separation
• Theory, principle and applications of: paper, thin layer, gel filtration, ion
exchange, affinity, hydrophobic
• Principle, instrumentation and applications of: Gas-liquid (GC) and High
Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

Unit-III: Electrophoresis [8]

• Basic principles of electrophoresis, Factors affecting separation
• Theory and applications of: paper, starch, agarose and Polyacrylamide
(native and denaturing) gel electrophoresis (PAGE)
• Gradient gel electrophoresis
• Isoelectrofocussing and Peptide mapping

Unit-IV: Centrifugation [8]

• Theory and Principles of centrifugation: sedimentation velocity,
sedimentation equilibrium
• Types of centrifuge machines, preparative and analytical centrifuges
• Differential centrifugation
• Density gradient centrifugation

Unit-V: Microscopy [8]

• Theory and principles of microscopy: Simple and compound, Bright field
and dark field microscopy
• Types of microscopy: Phase Contrast and Fluorescent microscopy

• Principle, working and applications of Scanning Electron Microscopy
• Principle, working and applications of Transimission Electron Microscopy

Unit-VI: Radioisotopic Techniques [8]

• Radioactivity, radioactive decay, rate of radioactive decay and isotopes
• Use of radioisotopes in life sciences (including tracer technique)
• Radioactive labeling
• Detection and measurement of radioactivity using ionization chamber,
proportional counter, Geiger-Muller counter and Scintillation counter,
Autoradiography and its applications, Dosimetry

Suggested reading:

1. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis by Willard HH, Merrit Jr LL.

CBS Publishers, 1986.

2. Practical Biochemistry: Principles and techniques (5th Edition) by K. Wilson

and J. Walker. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000.

3. Physical Biochemistry: Applications to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

(2nd Edition) by Freifelder D. W.H. Freeman and Company, New York,

4. Biophysical Chemistry by Nath, Upadhye and Upadhye. Himalaya

Publishing House Co., Nagpur, 2000.

5. A Biologists Guide to Principle and Techniques of Practical Biochemistry

by Wilson K and Goulding KH. ELBS Publications.

6. Practical Electron Microscopy for Biologists (2nd Edition) by Meek GA.

John Wiley & Sons Ltd., UK, 1976.

7. Bioanalytical Chemistry by Mikkelsen SR, Corton E. Wiley Interscience,

NY, USA, 2004.


BT-105: Practical Course in Biotechnology-I

1. Introduction to safe laboratory practices, First aid, Hazardous/inflammable

chemicals, Antidotes to toxic chemicals

2. Care and handling of glassware, Instruments

3. Planning, execution and recording of data

4. Concept of buffers, pH, molarity and normality (problem solving and


5. Titration of amino acids (concept of pKa)

6. Estimation of amino acids by ninhydrin method

7. Estimation of protein by Lowry / Biuret / Bradford method

8. Estimation of reducing sugars by DNSA method

9. Preparation of egg albumin, milk casein, cystine and starch

10. Analysis of oils-iodine number, saponification value, acid number


11. Preparation of liquid / solidified media for cultivation of bacteria /

filamentous fungi / yeasts.

12. Isolation of bacteria / molds / yeast from enriched samples by pour plate,
streaking and spread plate techniques

13. Storage of microorganisms by slant and stab cultures

14. Enumeration of microbial flora of water / soil by serial dilution and plating

15. Microscopic examination of bacteria / molds / yeasts by simple and

differential staining

16. Observation of bacterial motility by Hanging drop technique

17. Flagella and capsule staining

Suggested reading:

1. Practical Biochemistry: Principles and techniques (5th Edition) by K. Wilson

and J. Walker. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000.

2. An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry by Plummer D. (3rd Edition) Tata

MacGraw Hill Publisher, 2005.
3. Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry by Jayaraman J. New Age
International (P) Ltd., Publishers, New Delhi, 1999.

4. Methods in Agricultural Biochemistry (2nd edition) by Sadashivam S and

Manikam A. New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishers, New Delhi and
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, 1996.

5. Microbiology – a Laboratory Manual (4th Edition) by Cappuccino JG and

Sherman N. Addison Wesley, 1999.

6. A Laboratory Manual in General Microbiology by Benson HJ. WCB Wm C,

Brown Publishers.

7. Experiments in Microbiology, Plant Pathology, Tissue Culture and

Mushroom Cultivation (2nd Edition) by Aneja KR. Wishwa Prakashan, New
Age International Pvt Ltd., 1996.

8. Lab Exercise in Microbiology (3rd edition) by Harley JP and Prescott Lm.

WCB/Mac Graw Hill, USA, 1996.



BT-201: Advances in Molecular Biology

Unit-I: DNA: Structure and Replication [8]
• DNA structure: Historical aspects and current concepts
• DNA replication: General principles, modes of replication
• DNA polymerase: isolation and properties, asymmetric and dimeric nature
of DNA polymerase III, exonuclease activity in eukaryotic DNA
polymerase, proof reading mechanism
• Continuous and discontinuous synthesis of DNA

Unit-II: DNA: Damage and Repair [8]

• Types of DNA damage (deamination, oxidative damage, alkylation,
pyrimidine dimmers)
• DNA mutations (spontaneous and inducible) and mutagenic agents
• DNA repair pathways: methyl directed mismatch repair, very short patch
repair, nucleotide excision repair, base excision repair, recombination,
SOS system

Unit-III: RNA: Structure and Synthesis [8]

• RNA: Structural features (rRNA, tRNA and mRNA) and relation to function
• Initiator and elongator class of tRNA, ribosome binding site on mRNA and
corresponding site on rRNA, petidyl transferase activity of 23S rRNA
• Transcription: General principles, basic apparatus, types of RNA
• Transcription process: steps involved (initiation, elongation and
termination), inhibitors of RNA synthesis, Polycistronic and monocistronic
• Control of transcription by interaction between RNA polymerases and
promoter regions, use of alternate sigma factor
• Controlled termination: attenuation and antitermination

Unit-IV: Maturation and processing of RNA [8]

• Methylation, cutting and trimming of rRNA,
• Capping, polyadenylation and splicing of mRNA
• Cutting and modification of rRNA degradation system
• Catalytic RNA, group I and group II intron splicing, RNase P

Unit-V: Regulation of Gene Expression [8]

• Operon: concept, catabolite repression, instability of bacterial RNA,
positive and negative regulation, inducers and corepressors

• Regulations: Negative regulation- E.coli lac operon, Positive regulation- E.
coli ara operon, regulation by attenuation –his and trp operons,
antitermination – N protein and nut sites in I
• DNA binding sites on DNA
• Global regulatory responses: heat shock response, stringent response and
regulation by small molecules such as ppGpp and camp, regulation of
rRNA and tRNA synthesis.

Unit-VI: Protein: Synthesis and Targeting [8]

• Basic features of genetic code
• Protein synthesis: steps, details of initiation, elongation and termination,
role of various factors in above steps
• Inhibitors of protein synthesis
• Synthesis of exported proteins on membrane bound ribosomes, signal
hypothesis, signal recognition particle and its role, chaperon proteins,
targeting of lysosomal proteins, protein destruction

Suggested reading:

1. Genes VIII by Lewin. Pearson Education International, NJ, USA, 2004.

2. Molecular Cell Biology by Lodish, Berk and Zippursky. W.H. Freeman &
Co., 1999.
3. Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA
by Glick BR and Pasternak JJ. ASM Press, Washington, DC, USA, 1994.

4. Molecular Biology of Genes by Watson J, Hopkin NH, Roberts JW, Stertz

JP and Welner AM. W.H. Freeman& Co.
5. Lehninger’s Principles of Biochemistry by Nelson DL and Cox MM, CBS
Publications, 2000.
6. Biochemistry by Stryer L. (4th Edition). W.H. Freeman & Co., New York,
USA, 1992.
7. Genetics (3rd edition) by Strickberger MW. MacMillan Publishing Company,
NY, USA, 1990.

8. Essentials of Molecular Biology by Friefilder D. Jones & Barlett

9. Molecular Biotechnology by Primrose.


BT-202: Animal Cell Science and Technology
Unit-I: Animal Cell [6]
• Structure and organization of animal cell
• Terminologies in cell culture: Organ, cell, histotypic, organotypic, primary
culture and cell line
• Primary and established cell line cultures
• Biology and characterization of the cultured cells
• Principle, Merits and Demerits of Animal cell/tissue culture

Unit-II: Equipments and Media for Cell Culture [8]

• Infrastructure for cell culture: Equipments, culture vessel and materials
• Media for culturing cells and tissues; natural and defined media
• Preparation of various tissue culture media
• Chemical, physical and metabolic functions of media constituents
• Sterilization of culture media, equipments and apparatus

Unit-III: Techniques of Cell Culture-I [8]

• Measurement of viability and cytotoxicity
• Measurement of growth parameters
• Basic techniques of mammalian cell culture in vitro; disaggregation of
tissue and primary culture, maintenance of cell culture, cell separation
• Cell synchronization
• Scaling-up of animal cell culture

Unit-IV: Techniques of Cell Culture-II [8]

• Cell transformation
• Invitro culture of oocytes/embryos
• Cell/embryo cryopreservation
• Measurement of cell death, apoptosis
• Cell cloning and micromanipulation
• Risks and safety in the animal cell culture

Unit-V: Applications of Cell Culture [8]

• Demonstration of cell hybridization: hybridoma and monoclonal antibody
• Stem cell cultures, embryonic stem cells and their applications
• Somatic cell genetics
• Organ and histotypic cultures
• Three dimensional culture and tissue engineering

Unit-VI: Embryo Technology [10]
• Conventional methods of animal improvement : selective breeding and
• Embryo biotechniques for augumentation of reproductive efficiency and
faster multiplication of superior germ plasm
• Super ovulation and Oestrus synchronisation
• Embryo collection, evaluation and transfer
• Invitro maturation of oocytes
• Invitro fertilisation and embryo culture
• Embryo preservation, micro manipulation and cloning
• Somatic cell cloning and embryo sexing

Suggested reading:

1. Culture of animal cells (3rd Edition) by Freshney R.I. Wiley-Liss.

2. Genes VIII by Lewin. Pearson Education International, NJ, USA, 2004.
3. Animal Cell Culture – Practical Approach Edited by John RW. Masters,
4. Cell Growth and Division: A Practical Approach edited by Basega R, IRL
5. Animal Cell Culture Techniques edited by Martin Clynes, Springer.
6. Methods in Cell Biology Vol.57, Animal Cell Culture Methods edited by
Mather JP and Barnes D, Academic Press.
7. Biotechnology by Satyanarayana U. Books and Allied (P) Ltd., Kolkata,
India, 2005.
8. Cell and Molecular Biology (8th edition) by de Robertis EDP and de
Robertis EMF (Jr). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2001.


BT-203: Process Biotechnology

Unit-I: Microbial Strain: Screening and Improvement [8]
• Industrial microbial strain: Isolation by enrichment culture
• Preservation of industrial strains: Methods, Quality control of preserved
stock cultures
• Strain improvement: Primary and secondary screening
• Mutagenesis: Selection of mutants synthesizing improved levels of primary
and secondary metabolites
• Genetic engineering for strain improvement: General scheme, methods,
homologous and heterologous gene expressions (suitable examples)

Unit-II: Microbial Growth and Growth Media [6]
• Growth kinetics: Batch and continuous culture (multistage and feed back
systems), Fed batch culture
• Industrial fermentation media: Ingredients, sources and role of carbon,
nitrogen, minerals, growth factors, buffers, precursors, antifoam agents
• Medium optimization: Need and significance, Plackett-Burman design

Unit-III: Media Sterilization and Inoculation [6]

• Comparative account of batch and continuous sterilization, Factors
affecting sterilization
• Batch sterilization: Del factor, D and Z value, Methods, Scale-up of batch
• Continuous sterilization: Design and Methods
• Filter sterilization of air, media, exhaust air
• Development of inocula: Criteria for transfer, Cascade system, Inocula for
yeast, bacterial, mycelial processes

Unit-IV: Bioreactor Studies [12]

• Design of fermenter, Types of bioreactors (pneumatic, stirred tank, packed
bed, rotating biological contactors (RBC), photobioreactors)
• Mass transfer in bioreactor (oxygen and heat transfer)
• Measurement and control of bioprocess parameters: pH, temperature,
aeration, agitation and foam
• Automation for monitoring and control: Online-Offline sensors, Control
systems (Two position, proportional, integral and derivative)
• Use of computers: data logging, data analysis and process control (two
layer neural network)
• Process scale-up: Factors involved, Scale-up window for aeration and
agitation, steps involved

Unit-V: Downstream Processing [10]

• Strategy for recovery
• Harvesting of Biomass and Product: Precipitation, Cell aggregation and
flocculation, Filtration, Centrifugation
• Cell Disintegration: Physical-mechanical and chemical methods
• Liquid-liquid extraction: Solvents used, two-phase aqueous extraction,
supercritical fluid extraction
• Chromatography and membrane processes

Unit-VI: Solid State Fermentations [6]

• Introduction, General characteristics
• Comparison between solid state cultivation (SSC) and submerged liquid
culture (SLC)

• Factors affecting solid state fermentations: Moisture and water activity,
temperature and heat exchange, pH, mass transfer, substrate
concentration and availability
• Economical applications of solid state fermentations

Suggested reading:

1. Principles of Fermentation Technology by Stanbury PF, Whitaker A and

Hall SJ. Aditya Books (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 1997.
2. Process Biotechnology: Fundamentals (2nd Edition) by Mukhopadhyay SN,
Viva Books Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
3. Biotechnology: Hand Book by Board N. Asia Pacific Business Press Inc.,
New Delhi, 2005.
4. Solid Substrate Cultivation edited by Doelle HW, Mitchell DA and Rolz CE.
Elsevier Applied Science, London, 1992.
5. Introduction to Biochemical Engineering by Rao DG. Tata McGraw-Hill
Pub Co Ltd., New Delhi, 2005.
6. Microbial Technology: Fermentation Technology (2nd Edition) Vol. I & II, by
Peppler HJ and Perlman D. Academic Press, NY, USA, 2004.
7. Biochemical Reactors by Atkinson B. Pion Ltd, London.
8. Bioprocess Technology: Fundamentals and Applications, KTH, Stockholm.
9. Bioprocess Engineering-Kinetics, Mass Transport, Reactors and Gene
Expression by Vieth WF. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


BT-204: Practical Course in Biotechnology-II


1. Purification of β-amylase from microbial source / sweet potato

2. Determination of specific activity and turnover number of salivary amylase
3. Determination of KM and Vmax of amylase by double reciprocal plot

4. Immobilization of a typical enzyme

Biophysical techniques:

5. Electrophoresis of proteins under native and denaturing conditions (PAGE)

6. Separation of proteins/pigments using gel column chromatography

7. Demonstration of techniques: Gas chromatography (GC), High

Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Atomic Absorption
Spectroscopy (AAS)

Molecular biology:

8. Isolation of genomic DNA (prokaryotic / eukaryotic)

9. Estimation of DNA and RNA by colorimetric methods
10. Determination of Tm of nucleic acid
11. Isolation of plasmid DNA and detection by agarose gel electrophoresis
12. Transformation of E. coli


13. Use of ELISA technique

14. Blood film preparation and identification of cells
15. Direct agglutination reaction: determination of human blood group
16. Demonstration of antigen-antibody interaction by Ouchetelony’s double
diffusion technique
17. Purification of bovine serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) fraction by
ammonium sulphate precipitation (micro-method)
18. Rocket immunoelectrophoresis

Suggested reading:

1. Practical Biochemistry: Principles and techniques (5th Edition) by K. Wilson

and J. Walker. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000.

2. An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry by Plummer D. (3rd Edition) Tata

MacGraw Hill Publisher, 2005.
3. Experimental Biochemistry: A Student Campanion by Rao BS and
Deshpande V. I.K. International Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 2005.

4. Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry by Jayaraman J. New Age

International (P) Ltd., Publishers, New Delhi, 1999.

5. Methods in Agricultural Biochemistry (2nd edition) by Sadashivam S and

Manikam A. New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishers, New Delhi and
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, 1996.

6. A Handbook of Practical and Clinical Immunology by Talwar GP and

Gupta SK (Eds). CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 1997.


BT-205: Practical Course in Biotechnology-III

Process biotechnology:

1. Isolation of actinomycetes, molds and yeasts by enrichment technique

2. Preparation of cell extracts by ultrasonication
3. Determination of growth curve and computation of specific growth rate,
growth yield and substrate degradation profile.
4. Strain improvement by induced mutagenesis using UV radiations
5. Enrichment and isolation of mutants
6. Selection of mutants by gradient plate technique
7. Alcohol fermentation using different substrates and its downstream
8. Production of citric acid by fermentation of different carbon sources by
Aspergillus niger
9. Determination of TDT and TDP of microorganisms
10. Assay of antibiotic using sensitive bacterial strain

Animal cell culture:

11. Preparation of culture media for animal cell culture

12. Preparation of single cell suspension from spleen
13. Cell counting and testing the cell viability
14. Preparation of monolayer cell culture

Biostatistical techniques:

15. Data presentation (tables/figures): 1-D and 2-D bar charts, pie diagrams,
graphs (using computer software packages)

16. Measures of central tendency and dispersion: mean, median, mode,

range, standard deviation, variance, standard error
17. Correlations and regression (linear regression, curve fitting)
18. Chi-squared test for goodness of fit

Suggested reading:

1. Practical Biochemistry: Principles and techniques (5th Edition) by K. Wilson

and J. Walker. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000.

2. Experiments in Microbiology, Plant Pathology, Tissue Culture and
Mushroom Cultivation (2nd Edition) by Aneja KR. Wishwa Prakashan, New
Age International Pvt Ltd., 1996.

3. An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry by Plummer D. (3rd Edition) Tata

MacGraw Hill Publisher, 2005.
4. Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry by Jayaraman J. New Age
International (P) Ltd., Publishers, New Delhi, 1999.

5. Methods in Agricultural Biochemistry (2nd edition) by Sadashivam S and

Manikam A. New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishers, New Delhi and
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, 1996.

6. Biostatistics: A Foundation for Analysis in the Health (9th edition) by Daniel

WW. Wiley and Sons Inc., New York.

7. Fundamentals of Statistics by Gupta SC. Himalaya Publishing House, New




BT-301: Genetic engineering and its applications 100 marks

BT-302: Agricultural biotechnology 100 marks
BT-303: Environmental biotechnology 100 marks
BT-304: Practical course in biotechnology-IV 100 marks
BT-305: Practical course in biotechnology-V 100 marks


BT-401: Pharmaceutical biotechnology 100 marks

BT-402: Food biotechnology 100 marks
BT-403: Industrial biotechnology 100 marks
BT-404: Business in biotechnology 100 marks
BT-405: Practical course in biotechnology-VI 100 marks


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