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The absurdity and futility of denying the existence of conspiracies

Another complete absurdity and contradiction promulgated by the state, and those

who adhere unwaveringly to their positions against supposed 'conspiracy theories,'

concerns the oft-raised point that such grand and complex conspiracies would not be able

to be carried out in secret since people are unable to coordinate sinister activities of such

magnitude due to many individuals' inabilities to keep secrets. It is often stated that the

weakest links would always inhibit any conspiracy from coming to fruition. However,

this objection is absurd and ineffective against addressing the concerns of those who have

compiled evidence against conspiracies for several reasons.

First, whistle blowers do always emerge as these opponents claim, but those who

come forth are either quickly discredited or assassinated; either they or their characters

are assassinated.

Second, it is often the fact that many people participate in furthering the agenda of

the conspirators for whom they are working who do not know they are part of the

conspiracy. The fact is that only a few persons operating at strategic levels have to know

the details of the conspiratorial act, and fewer still who have to know the ultimate end

game or goal of the agenda; the actions taken to bring about the desired end are

compartmentalized by the architects of the design ensuring the conspiracy progresses

with the least amount of resistance and threats (those who doubt this would do well to

remember that the atomic bomb was manufactured secretly, and on time, using thousands

of workers, including physicists, who had no idea what they were preparing or for what

purpose it would be used). Proponents of this absurd position should also remain aware

that the military and the CIA have managed to operate in secret consistently and

successfully since their inception, and although they have been exposed for some

insidious transgressions, for the most part their operations have been unscrutinized and

advanced without public knowledge or scrutiny.

Third, the state adheres to the very same line of reasoning that they label as

'paranoid' and 'delusional' as the alleged 'conspiracy theorists' and utilize the exact same

line of reasoning to explain the actions of supposed terrorist groups who they claim to be

working in concert to bring down the American government and the so-called Western

way of freedom and Democracy. Therefore, in the interest of reaching the truth, we

would do well to examine this paradoxical position; are we to believe that it is impossible

and absurd for the citizens of the State to entertain the notion that the government, or

factions thereof, are colluding in secret to advance some sinister agenda which benefits

only a few wealthy elite, and those who believe such ideas are either paranoid, delusional

or insane, but it is acceptable to believe that terrorist groups live among us who are able

to operate in the shadows and are somehow able to remain a major threat to our security,

even though such individuals surely lack the resources possessed by the most wealthy

and powerful interests. Further, this narrative is supposed to be accepted even though

these terrorist groups possess significantly less wealth than these global elites who run

the world. So, a logical and biologically viable entity would reject attempts to discredit

the notion that conspiracies happen by realizing the logical inconsistency of the

opponent's position. For, if a group of supposed terrorists can act in concert to advance an

agenda to undermine the democracies of the West due to their opposing political

ideologies and religious beliefs, then how can it be concluded that that a group of super

wealthy individuals who are acting secretly and in concert to bring the entire world under

its own control should be interpreted as paranoid and delusional?

To add to the absurdity, in an effort to fight against these supposed terrorist

groups, the State seeks to continually eliminate the very freedoms we are supposed to be

enjoying, that we are ostensibly fighting to preserve! This is done, we should see, out of

its own paranoia, to draw out and neutralize the very threat to these ideas! Even if the

supposed terrorists were acting under their own will independent of the State's influence,

the State would be bringing about the very ends that the terrorists hoped to achieve! (It

should be noted that the paranoia exhibited by the State as witnessed through its actions

taken against supposed terrorist cells, is in actuality a paranoia against the eventual rise of

a counter movement among its own citizens whose members are mobilizing to oppose

and eliminate the State's unwarranted seizure of power and to expose the heinous acts of

State -sponsored terror that it has inflicted upon its own citizens to enable them to

implement such power under the guise of protection and security. In this way, the State

has manipulated the minds of its populace to perceive any act of resistance to their

acquisition of power as a terrorist act and is able to easily recruit those from among its

ranks to surveil and apprehend those who seek to interfere with the State's agenda).

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