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Nowadays we frequently hear about many benefits of providing a city with the most suitable

facilities for its residents, such as schools or hospitals. However, less often do we hear about
other facilities which are also increasingly needed in our local community. Whether we are
talking about a sports centre or a history museum, there is no doubt that they are both ideal to
have in our area .The question is which one of these is more important and always sparks
debate. What are the pros and cons of each one?

Firstly, the history museum is considered to be a useful resource in society. It is often said that
museums being educational and informative as well as providing insight into the past for our
modern society. Furthermore, museums could be reliable and constant source of income for
the local authorities. A vast majority of people have lost the interest in visiting and promoting
them so it could be an opportunity to make people aware of the importance of knowing about
basic things in different domains. Nonetheless, other people mainly adolescents see history
museums both dull and uninteresting therefore they would rather focus on other activities
than visit museums.

Secondly, it is my belief that sports centres should also be considered. This is due to the fact
that they are beneficial for the health of the general population and should not be overlooked.
Nowadays our society is obsessed with technology and this is widely believed to have led to an
increase in obesity. Nevertheless, sports centres can be pricey and may not be
accessible/suitable for everyone.

Taking all of the above into account, I am of the opinion that sports centres are necessary and
should be supported in our neighbourhood on the grounds that the more exercise our young
people did, the less obese they would be.

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