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Story board plans


A girl who as lost her way to the world she lives in….>

(a girl who has nothing to lose, furthermore she tries to end it all but before she could an aspect of her
life changes and she meets a man who finds every little thing of the world he lives in beautiful... even

1st chapter o.MC’s pov

Girl1: “haven’t you heard?”

Girl2: “heard what??”

Girl1: “someone found that girls diary and it was filled with suicidal temptations...-“ ???

/that’s my world/

/a world full of gossip/

/rumors nothing else/

/voices in your head telling you to be perfect and act a certain way/

I dashed to my classroom; there I saw black figures with nothing but horrifying smiles in their faces. I
walked slowly to my chair, which was horribly placed in the front.

/why do I have to sit here/

I grit my teeth as I open my only notebook

“hah... its almost full already?”

The teacher enters the classroom

Boy teacher: “ok class, today we have a transfer student from yakohama”

A boy with lu

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