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February 1, 2018

How To Not Let Bad Results Affect You

Will jonathan

By Will jonathan on SwimSwam

It was 5-time Olympic Gold Medalist Ian Thorpe who once said this: “For myself, losing
is not coming second. It’s getting out of the water knowing you could have done better.
For myself, I have won every race I’ve been in.”

As an athlete, one of the absolute most important things that will define your career is
how you respond to the results you experience. It is literally the difference between
creating upward momentum and experiencing success or getting caught in a downward
spiral and experiencing failure. The best athletes, in any sport, are those that are best
capable of properly handling whatever results they experience, whether good or bad.
And, that’s an important distinction to make. It’s not just bad results you need to be
able to cope with. You also need to be able to cope with the great results you get in the
pool, because not properly handling those can have just as deadly effects as not
handling the bad results.
Today, in part #1 of this two-part article series on coping with results, we’re going to be
talking about how to properly cope with and react to any bad results you experience in
the pool. We’re going to discuss how to deal with bad results so that they don’t affect
you in a negative way as you move forward from that experience. But, before we jump
into that, it’s good to start with an important question: Is being able to react properly
to bad results really that important? Does it really make that much of a
difference? Well, let’s do an example and see.

You have a meet, and you’re doing 4 events that day: The beginning relay, 2 of your
main events, and the final relay. You warm up for your first event, and everything is
going fine. You feel great. You’re up for it and you’re ready to get out there and compete.
You feel strong. However, for whatever reason, your first race doesn’t come together
well at all and you do awfully in the relay, costing your team a 1st place finish they
would otherwise normally secure.

You react to that result poorly. “I can’t believe I raced so badly. That was just terrible. I
hope the rest of my day doesn’t go like this.” Confidence goes down. You lose a bit of
your desire to do your next event because you’re scared of potentially doing just as badly
in that event as you did in the relay. You’re no longer feeling good and enjoying yourself,
and your focus is completely shot because you’re brooding and dwelling over the bad
race you just did instead of putting it out of your mind and focusing on the one you have
coming up.

As a consequence of reacting poorly to the result from your first event, you carry a poor
mindset with you into your next race. Because your mindset is poor, you perform just as
bad as you did in the first relay, adding a ton of time onto your time and finishing near
the bottom places. With another bad result, your internal self-talk gets more destructive
and self-critical. “Oh man, not again. This can’t be happening. What the heck is going
on with me today? Why aren’t I swimming well? This is so ridiculous. I just can’t do
this anymore.”

Now your mindset has imploded. Confidence is extremely low, the desire to continue
competing and doing your last 2 events is almost non-existent, you’re feeling miserable,
and your focus is totally gone because all you can think about are your previous two
events and how badly you’ve raced so far. You manage to slug yourself through your last
2 events for the day, but the story is the same as the first 2 events: Bad mindset, bad
performance, bad times. You leave the meet feeling completed deflated, you hate
swimming, you never want to do it again, you’ve shamed your entire family for
generations, and the entire world is collapsing all around you in a fiery blaze of utter

Sound familiar?

The performance you produce in any given race and the time you ultimately acquire in
that race is the consequence of how you react to the results you got in a previous race.
As shown above, if you don’t react in the right way when you get a bad time in one
event, you create a chain effect that’s like a stack of falling dominoes, putting yourself
into a downward spiral that is guaranteed to have a negative effect on your performance
and your results in future events. The same is also true of your meets as a whole. If you
have a bad meet overall, and don’t react to that bad meet in the right way, you’ll carry a
poisonous mindset with you into your next meet and struggle there just the same.

Whenever you get a bad result at the pool, whether it’s an individual event or an entire
meet as a whole, here’s what you need to do in order to properly react to that bad result
so that it doesn’t negatively affect your mindset going forward into your next event or

1) Do not overly indulge in any negative emotions.

When you get a bad result, it’s perfectly natural and normal to experience a feeling of
disappointment. That feeling of disappointment shows that you took that event or meet
seriously and tried to do your best. However, you should never allow your emotional
state to go beyond feeling disappointed. Once you start overly indulging in feelings of
anger, frustration, or resentment, it’s very easy to trap yourself in a cycle of negative of
emotions, and once that happens, that can be very difficult to get out from that. It’s fine
to be disappointed. It’s not fine to be angry. Indulging in destructive emotions such as
anger has been scientifically proven to create a slew of negative mental and physical side
effects: Increased chances for heart attack, increased chances for stroke, weakening of
the immune system, and links to both chronic anxiety and depression. Not good!

2) Never view your bad results as a reflection of yourself.

Another easy thing to do when you get a bad result is to take that result and turn it into
a reflection of yourself and your abilities as a swimmer. Just because you got a bad time
doesn’t mean that you’ve suddenly become bad at swimming. You haven’t. You haven’t
lost your ability, and you haven’t forgotten how to swim properly. Bad times are
something that happens to absolutely everyone, and on top of that, it’s completely
unavoidable. It’s going to happen to you sometimes whether you want it to or not. It’s
simply part of the process of being a swimmer. When results are bad, don’t turn against
yourself and allow that bad result to make you think you’re a bad swimmer. Don’t make
that result a reflection of you.

3) Always see bad results as a growth opportunity.

You can see bad results as one of two things: You can see them as a threat, or you can
see them as an opportunity. When bad results are seen as a threat, they become
destructive. When bad results are seen as an opportunity, they become constructive.
You’re able to take something negative, turn it around, and use it to your advantage.
Bad results should always be seen as an opportunity to learn, to grow, to become a
better athlete, and to continue your journey of becoming the best swimmer you can
possibly be. It sounds odd, but in a way, you should welcome bad results. You obviously
don’t try to get them, but when they do happen, you see them for what they are: An
opportunity for you to grow and to become the best version of yourself. You welcome it
and embrace it as a chance to learn and improve.

4) Focus on what you put into your race as opposed to what you got out of it.

I have a question for you: What means more to you, your effort or your times? For me,
the effort is always more important than the time, because the time is nothing but a
consequence of the effort. And by effort, I don’t just mean how hard you worked. It’s
more than that. It’s the effort you put into having the right attitude. It’s the effort you
put into starting well off the block. It’s the effort you put into having strong
underwater’s, clean strokes, and smooth turns. Effort isn’t just trying hard. It’s setting a
high standard and demanding your absolute best every time you step up to swim. If,
when the race is finished, you can look at yourself in the mirror and honestly say that
you gave absolutely everything that you could, then you have every right to feel satisfied
with yourself, regardless of the outcome. And you should. After all, what more can you
possibly do than your absolute best?

5) Disconnect the past from the present and the future.

Too often, swimmers will make the mistake of thinking that, because they’ve gotten a
bad result, they’re essentially guaranteed to keep getting bad results going forward.
Never forget that past results have absolutely no bearing on present or future results.
There’s no connection whatsoever between your results from the past and the results
you can acquire in the future. The only connection that exists is the one you create in
your mind. You can get terrible times in your first 2 events of a meet and get a lifetime
best time in your 3rd event. You can have bad results in the last 3 dual meets of the
season and get all new lifetime best times at your championship meet. You just don’t
know. Every race and every meet is its own completely unique experience with its own
unique set of circumstances influencing the outcome of those things. When you get a
bad result, make sure to never create a false narrative in your mind and convince
yourself that you’re guaranteed to keep getting bad results. Leave the past in the past
where it belongs so that it can’t influence the present or the future and you can move
forward with a fresh, clean slate.

I cannot say this enough: How you react to your bad results in the pool is going to
make the difference between creating success or breeding failure going
forward. Whenever results don’t go your way, be sure you use any or all of these 5
methods to help you properly cope them so that they don’t sabotage your potential for
future success.

Stay tuned for Part #2 where I’ll be discussing how to handle success and great results
in the pool, because as I mentioned previously, not properly dealing with success can be
just as detrimental and destructive as not properly coping with failure.

Thanks for reading, and all the best!

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