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Name : Viswageta Rubby Wellyantara

Nim : P07223119048
Study program : Sarjana Terapan Gizi dan Dietetika
Courses : English for academic purpose

1. Write an essay with the theme “ Physical Activities related to nutrition”. Essay should
consisted of 3-5 paragraphs ( maximum 5 paragraphs). This essay should be written
individually not in group.

Physical activities in reality

The WHO study on risk factors states that the lifestyle of sitting continuously at work
is 1 in 10 causes of death and disability in the world. More than two million deaths each
year are caused by lack of movement / physical activity. In most countries around the
world between 60% to 85% of adults do not have enough physical activity to take care of
their physical. In 2020 it is estimated that non-communicable diseases cause 73% of
deaths and 60% of the global disease burden. Likewise, the results of the Household
Health Survey (SKRT), the proportion of cardiovascular disease increases from year to
year as a result of death; 5.9% in 1975, 9.1% in 1986, and in 1995 19%.
Nutrition problems in Indonesia are increasingly complex. One important factor in
supporting balanced nutrition is physical activity. Based on the 2018 Riskesdas data, the
average number of Indonesians undergoing physical activity is less than 33 percent. This
figure increased from Riskesdas 2013 which was recorded at 26 percent. Lack of physical
activity can trigger various non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, stroke,
diabetes, and cancer. In fact, routine physical activity can help people avoid dangerous
diseases, such as the one communicated through Germas by the government.
Regular physical activity will increase the chance of a longer healthy life. A simple
basis is to maintain a normal body weight, balanced calories consumed and calories used
(burned). Therefore, a healthy food consumption pattern accompanied by physical
activity in a pollution-free environment including cigarette smoke will help control body
weight, so the body will become healthier. Taiwan National Health Research Institute of
400 thousand people for 8 years, those who only do physical exercise for 15 minutes per
day have a life expectancy of 3 years longer than those who do not exercise at all.
One thing to note is that not all types of sports are good for every individual, there
are certain conditions or conditions that must be considered. Sports with high intensity
(high-impact), activities that involve the body's supporting organs such as running and
jumping are not good for knee health and carry a large risk of injury. While sports with
low intensity (low-impact) such as swimming and cycling, can protect from cartilage
disease and prevent healthy cartilage from becoming sick. In order for sports activities to
be done comfortably and safely, choose a sport activity that you like. Before exercising,
do a preliminary examination to determine the safe dose and type of exercise that is
suitable. As a first step we should focus on three activities, namely: doing 30 minutes of
physical activity per day, eating fruits and vegetables, and checking health regularly.

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