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In general, "media" refers to various means of communication.

For example, television, radio, and the newspaper are different
types of media. The term can also be used as a collective noun for
the press or news reporting agencies. In the computer world,
"media" is also used as a collective noun, but refers to different
types of data storage options.

Computer media can be hard drives, removable drives (such as

Zip disks), CD-ROM or CD-R discs, DVDs, flash memory, USB
drives, and yes, floppy disks. For example, if you want to bring
your pictures from your digital camera into a photo processing
store, they might ask you what kind of media your pictures are
stored on. Are they on the flash memory card inside your camera
or are they on a CD or USB drive? For this and many other
reasons, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of what the
different types of media are.

1. Communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data, or

promotional messages are disseminated. Media includes
every broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV,
radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax, and internet. Media is the plural of
medium and can take a plural or singular verb, depending on the sense intended.
2. Data storage material divided into three broad categories according to
the recording method: (1) Magnetic, such as diskettes, disks, tapes, (2) Optical, such
as microfiche, and (3) Magneto-Optical, such as CDs and DVDs.

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7 Media types

 7.1 Introduction to media types

 7.2 Specifying media-dependent style sheets
o 7.2.1 The @media rule
 7.3 Recognized media types
o 7.3.1 Media groups

7.1 Introduction to media types

One of the most important features of style sheets is that
they specify how a document is to be presented on different
media: on the screen, on paper, with a speech synthesizer,
with a braille device, etc.

Certain CSS properties are only designed for certain media

(e.g., the 'cue-before' property for aural user agents). On
occasion, however, style sheets for different media types
may share a property, but require different values for that
property. For example, the 'font-size' property is useful both
for screen and print media. However, the two media are
different enough to require different values for the common
property; a document will typically need a larger font on a
computer screen than on paper. Experience also shows that
sans-serif fonts are easier to read on screen, while fonts
with serifs are easier to read on paper. For these reasons, it
is necessary to express that a style sheet -- or a section of a
style sheet -- applies to certain media types.

7.2 Specifying media-dependent style sheets

There are currently two ways to specify media dependencies

for style sheets:

 Specify the target medium from a style sheet with

the @media or @import at-rules.
 @import url("loudvoice.css") aural;
 @media print {
 /* style sheet for print goes here */
 Specify the target medium within the document
language. For example, in HTML 4.0 ([HTML40]), the
"media" attribute on the LINK element specifies the
target media of an external style sheet:
 <HTML>
 <HEAD>
 <TITLE>Link to a target medium</TITLE>
 <LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
 media="print, handheld" href="foo.css">
 </HEAD>
 <BODY>
 <P>The body...
 </BODY>
 </HTML>

The @import rule is defined in the chapter on the cascade.

7.2.1 The @media rule

An @media rule specifies the target media types (separated

by commas) of a set of rules (delimited by curly braces).
The @media construct allows style sheet rules for various
media in the same style sheet:
@media print {
BODY { font-size: 10pt }
@media screen {
BODY { font-size: 12pt }
@media screen, print {
BODY { line-height: 1.2 }

7.3 Recognized media types

A CSS media type names a set of CSS properties. A user

agent that claims to support a media type by name must
implement all of the properties that apply to that media

The names chosen for CSS media types reflect target

devices for which the relevant properties make sense. In the
following list of CSS media types, the parenthetical
descriptions are not normative. They only give a sense of
what device the media type is meant to refer to.

Suitable for all devices.


Intended for speech synthesizers. See the section

on aural style sheets for details.


Intended for braille tactile feedback devices.


Intended for paged braille printers.


Intended for handheld devices (typically small screen,

monochrome, limited bandwidth).


Intended for paged, opaque material and for documents

viewed on screen in print preview mode. Please consult
the section on paged media for information about
formatting issues that are specific to paged media.


Intended for projected presentations, for example

projectors or print to transparencies. Please consult the
section on paged media for information about
formatting issues that are specific to paged media.


Intended primarily for color computer screens.


Intended for media using a fixed-pitch character grid,

such as teletypes, terminals, or portable devices with
limited display capabilities. Authors should not
use pixel units with the "tty" media type.

Intended for television-type devices (low resolution,
color, limited-scrollability screens, sound available).

Media type names are case-insensitive.

Due to rapidly changing technologies, CSS2 does not specify

a definitive list of media types that may be values
for @media.

Note. Future versions of CSS may extend this list. Authors

should not rely on media type names that are not yet
defined by a CSS specification.

7.3.1 Media groups

Each CSS property definition specifies the media types for

which the property must be implemented by a conforming
user agent. Since properties generally apply to several
media, the "Applies to media" section of each property
definition lists media groups rather than individual media
types. Each property applies to all media types in the media
groups listed in its definition.

CSS2 defines the following media groups:

 continuous or paged. "Both" means that the property in

question applies to both media groups.
 visual, aural, or tactile.
 grid (for character grid devices), or bitmap. "Both"
means that the property in question applies to both
media groups.
 interactive (for devices that allow user interaction),
or static (for those that don't). "Both" means that the
property in question applies to both media groups.
 all (includes all media types)

The following table shows the relationships between media groups and media types:
Relationship between media groups
and media types

Media Groups

visual/aural/tactil grid/bitma interactive/stati

e p c

aural continuous aural N/A both

braille continuous tactile grid both

emboss paged tactile grid both

handheld both visual both both

print paged visual bitmap static

projection paged visual bitmap static

screen continuous visual bitmap both

tty continuous visual grid both

tv both visual, aural bitmap both

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