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Piping Soap Tutorial

You can use all the same tools and supplies from cake decorating for piping soap! If you have any
experience with cake decorating, you’ll probably find that piping soap is very similar—except that you
have a shorter window to get your soap piped before it sets up!

My Experience:
Russian piping tips are really HOT right now. You can create beautiful flowers with one quick squeeze.
I made 4 batches of cupcakes with the Russian tips inspired by this video.

Recipe: Notes:
33% tallow - 32 oz. batch
33% olive - temps 85-90F
30% coconut - blended to light trace, added fragrance,
4% castor separated colors and poured cupcake
36% lye solution - let the colored soap sit, stirring every
5% superfat hour or so. Took almost 4 hours until it
was ready to pipe!
Batch #1 Gardenia fragrance

Recipe: Notes:
33% tallow - 16 oz. batch, temps 85-90F
33% olive - blended to light trace, added fragrance,
30% coconut separated colors and poured cupcake
4% castor bases.
31% lye solution - let the colored soap sit, stirring every
0.3% sodium hour or so. Took 5.5 hours until it was
lactate ready to pipe!!
5% superfat - ash has formed
Gardenia fragrance Batch #2

Recipe: Notes:
25% tallow - 16 oz. batch
25% coconut oil - microwaved the hard oils, butters, and
20% shea butter beeswax for 2 minutes and it was
20% avocado oil
perfectly melted after stirring for just a
5% castor oil
4% cocoa butter few minutes, then added the liquid oils.
1% beeswax - temps 85-90F
31% lye solution - blended to light trace, added fragrance,
0.3% sodium separated colors and poured cupcake
Batch #3 lactate bases.
5% superfat - let the colored soap sit, put it in the
Gardenia fragrance
freezer for an hour, stirred and left if out
for an hour, put it back in the freezer for
30 min, stirred and got it in the piping
bag, waited another hour to pipe.
- starting to wonder if my fragrance is
- not sure I liked the freezer method for
such small amounts of soap.
The Soap I Made for the Video Tutorial:

Recipe: Notes:
25% tallow - 16 oz. batch
25% coconut oil - temps 85-90F
20% shea butter - blended to light trace,
20% avocado oil
poured off soap for cupcake
5% castor oil
4% cocoa butter bases, added fragrance and
1% beeswax poured.
36% lye solution - stick blended the rest
0.3% sodium of the soap to medium-
lactate thick trace, divided and
5% superfat
Pikake Flower
- let the colored soap sit for
fragrance in base
only 30 minutes and it was more
Purple Vibrance than ready to pipe!
Batch #4
Kombu Green - I would go back to
Magic Yellow using a 31% lye solution,
and use more sodium lactate if I made this soap again.

Time to go watch the instructional videos!!!

My Tips:
1. I would only use my recipe above for piping with the Russian tips—unless you want to just
blend to light trace and allow the soap batter to firm up on its own, stirring by hand every hour
or so.
2. The recipe I used for the first two batches would work great for regular piping tips if you add
1% beeswax to reduce ash. I would also add 0.7% sodium lactate to the cooled lye water, and
then blend it with the stick blender to a medium-thick trace.
3. Make sure your mix your oils and lye as cool as possible. Higher temps are going to make your
soap set up a lot faster, and could even make your soap gel in the piping bag!!
4. How do you figure out how much soap to make? I liked having about half of the soap as the
base, and half for the piping. It gave me plenty of soap to practice the piping with before I
piped directly on the soap. You’ll need to account for soap that sticks to the sides of your
containers and the piping bag, as well as the “getting started” soap in the piping bag, and
what’s left at the end if you’re doing the layered colors.
5. Three different ways to add multiple colors inside one piping bag:
1. Use an oil/mica mixture to make little lines the inside of the bag (or plastic wrap if you’re
layering colors) Example: (
2. Mix different colored soaps directly inside the piping bag
Example: two-toned rose (
Example: 3-colors in the bag (
3. Double bag method
Example: two-toned buttercream (
Example: 4-color soap (
(If you want to get fancy, Wilton sells a 3-color coupler system)
6. For links to more supplies, see pg. 8. If you’re planning to create soaps with the Russian
piping tips, don’t forget you’ll need a leaf tip, as most of the Russian tips create some type of
flower design. One of the links has a set of Russian tips that includes a leaf tip if you don’t
already have one.
Soap Artist Features

Yvonne Massey, The Snoblove Bar

Yvonne’s Tips:

- Use a high hard oil and butter recipe, sodium lactate and a water discount.
- the objective is to get your batter to thicken quickly, but not to become so firm you won't be able to
pipe. I don't add any fragrance to my piping batter because I find even well behaved oils can change the
feel of my batter.
- My stick blender is my Bff. I get crazy with that guy so it firms up faster. I stick blend until it becomes
thick like cake batter.
- I know my soap batter is ready to pipe when I can stick my spoon in the batter and it doesn't start
sliding to the side of the bowl. I give it a quick stir and it’s ready to go.
-if I feel my soap is beginning to become difficult to pipe while in the bag, I massage the batter in the bag
and it loosens everything up.
- stir your unused batter periodically so it doesn't completely harden in the bowl.
- a good batter for piping flowers, for me, is creamy, but has a firmness to it like a buttercream. The
flower structure needs a batter that will hold the weight as you build the flower so it doesn't slide and
become flat.
-piping dollops, ruffles, and leaves are much more forgiving, and can handle a softer batter.
- I pipe flowers the day before so they have time to harden, making them easier to arrange.
-I pipe leaves, dollops, etc straight on the loaf. I don't like piping in the mold because it's hard to
- I personally use a lazy Susan to help move around the bar but it's not necessary.
- If you’re piping on a flower nail using squares of parchment, wax, or freezer paper helps. I use the
Wilton flower scissors to help pick the square up from the flower nail so it doesn't distort the flower.
- Wilton piping tip 104 is a great one for basic flower piping.
- The secret to my success: online cake decorating classes at Craftsy and Avalon Cake School, plus lots of

Soap Artist Features

Kyme Garcia, Alamo Candelaria

Blue Corn Maiden Blue Poppy Water Lilies Sunflower

Kyme’s Recipe:
2 oz. castor
2 oz. coconut oil
2 oz. palm oil
2 oz. olive oil

1.12 oz. (32 g) lye

3.04 oz. (86 g) water

-Don’t make more than an 8 oz recipe at a time for piping flowers. I made a 16 oz batch once and it set
up before I could finish!

-Watch videos for real butter cream frosting. You’re not really going to learn anything off of a
soapmaking video. You want to learn the techniques and you use the same techniques that are in cake
decorating. They have a lot of really great tips and you can learn a lot from them.

Videos: - Piping poppies - Piping water lilies

Soap Artist Features

Carolyn Newton, Siennalily Soaps

Carolyn’s Tips:
I use my own recipe and let it thicken up on its own. The best tip is to not use a fast tracing fragrance as
it thickens too quick. Patience is key, it can take an hour for soap batter to thicken. I wash up soap pots
in between and keep stirring the soap every 5 minutes. Soap batter should resemble thick whipped
cream, if it is not stiff enough it will not hold its shape and fall flat. If you are piping small flowers to add
on to soap later, only make very small batches as by the time you have piped around 30/40 flowers, the
soap has already thickened too much, 8ozs of made up soap is enough at any 1 time for the flowers.


Masako Ito, Soapy Natural Artisan Skincare

Soap Artist Features
How about WHIPPED piped soap? Melanie Maddock of Sweet Escape has made some lovely piped soaps
using the whipped soap technique:

Melanie’s Tips & Recipe:

-I like to use disposable piping bags with my tips, as they are super hard to clean afterwards!
-I like to make a little extra soap than what I might need, to account for what gets stuck in the piping
-Cold is the key for this method invented by Nizzy (see and ).
-I don’t use any Palm oil or animal fats in my soap. Most of the recipes online have these ingredients so I
created my own.
Melanie’s Recipe:
187.5 g cocoa butter
262.5 g coconut oil
187.5 g olive oil pomace
112.5 g soyabean oil

(total oil weight 750gms)

285 g water
109 g NaOH

I like to melt all my oil, mix then leave to cool completely overnight. Sometimes if it’s summertime I also
chill my oils in the mixing bowl so they are a little firmer. The lye water must be made and then chilled
overnight until it is very cold. This is the most important step of the whole process. First I like to whip up
my cold oils so they are fluffy, and then a tbsp. at a time add the lye water until it is all incorporated and
the whole lot is light and fluffy. RESIST URGE TO LICK BEATERS ;) Now you are ready to add colour if
desired and get to piping.

More Resources:
Recommended by Yvonne Massey:
Cake Style was one of my favorites when I first started piping
Rosie's Desserts channel was another favorite when I first started. This shows a ranunculus, but she uses
the basic structure of a peony if you raise the outer petals.
Cupcake Savvy kitchen gives you a good look at how to structure your peony using a turn table as
opposed to a flower nail.

Tips from Ariane Arsenault:

-Whatever the base oil recipe to make cupcakes is, two ingredients that I find really useful are beeswax –
around 1% - it will help to prevent soda ash, and the second ingredient is sodium lactate. I use 0.7 –
1%. Adding too much isn’t good, and not enough won’t work, but this will help release the cupcakes from
the molds.
-In order to help the frosting thicken up faster, I put it in the freezer. I don’t know why, but somehow
whenever it gets colder faster it does thicken up and then speeds up the process. – visual of the texture of soap that is ready to pipe

“I haven't done extensive piping, but I made simple cupcakes for my daughter-in-law's baby shower. This
is what I learned:
- Use a tall glass or cup to hold the filled piping bag with its tip down. You can line it with a plastic bag if
you want to reuse the glass/cup later. The soap is not thick enough to hold its piped shape if it runs out
of the tip into the cup.
- Don't over-fill your piping bag. Refilling it as you go makes things neater and keeps batter from leaking
out of the top of the bag. I used Wilton plastic piping bags. Don't try to make too many cupcakes at once
or your "frosting" can become too firm to pipe. (I made 24 all at once and had a very difficult time with
the last 8 or so.)
- I prefer mini-sized cupcakes over the big ones that are awkward to use later as soap. I advised Vicki's
shower attendees to cut their cupcakes in half vertically and use half at a time. This is sometimes hard for
non-soapers to do, so a small cupcake or a bar of piped soap Is much better. Always think of your users
when designing any soap.” - Janie Hadsel, Lucky Duck Soap and Spa, LLC

Using the Russian tips with buttercream: - Quick tulip tip demo - layering colors/marking the bag to cut/using press n seal wrap - Global Sugar Art - Two-toned Rose cupcakes – Using ruffle tips (Gretchen’s Bakery)

Simple Piping tips with buttercream: - Simple cupcake designs (Cupcake Jemma) - How to make a rose (Global Sugar Art) - How to make dahlias, roses, etc (Olga Zaytseva) - How to make carnations (Cake Style) - How to make hydrangeas (Rosie Cake-Diva) - Piping Peonies (Greggy’s Digest) - How to make a hibiscus flower (Liz Larson) - Border basics (Marjorie Vangenewitt)
More Resources, continued:
Piped Soap Inspiration: - Dogwood soap (Dogwood Blossom Gifts) - hibiscus flower technique (Yellow Cottage Soapery) - Orange Piped soap (Royalty Soaps) - Artiz Soap - Artiz Soap—Michelle Daniel, Tea Time
Creations LLC - Sunflower
soap (Jennifer’s Handmade Soap) - Recipe (Lovin

Soap Cakes: - Petals Bath Boutique - Handmade in Florida - A&N's Suds-N-Such llc & BeScented

Supplies:—Piping supplies from Nurture Soap - 12-pack
disposable piping bags - 100
disposable piping bags with dispenser - Regular
Russian tips - Regular Russian
tips + leaf tip - Russian
ruffle tips - Silicone muffin
cups (same dimensions as mine) - Paper cupcake boxes - Clear cupcake boxes

Contributors to this list of resources:

Janna Hubbard, Sweet Aroma Soaps
Tanisha Rankin, Mahogany Essentials
Stacey Tunnicliff, Craft-T-Country, LLC
Cecelia Huddy, By Ceci
Elisabeth Tyler, Regency Soapworks
Ceil Shissler
Joy Baze

Copyright 2016 by Amy Warden, Great Cakes Soapworks. Unauthorized use and/or duplication
of this material without express and written permission from the author and/or owner is
strictly prohibited.

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