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Caraga National High School

Poblacion, Caraga Davao Oriental


Name:__________________________________________________ Score:_____
Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Skills determine whether real actions are performed in accordance with the plan. Which of the
following skills allow you to focus on achieving a specific goal without being distracted?
a. Determination b. self – confidence c. persistence d. managing stress
2. Which of the following skills help you combat stress that arises in daily life from the environment and
other people?
a. Determination b. self – confidence c. persistence d. managing stress
3. Which of the following makes you keep moving forward regardless of the emerging obstacles?
a. Determination b. self – confidence c. persistence d. managing stress
4. What type of skills allow you to find extraordinary ways to carry out a specific action that no one has
tried to use?
a. Wisdom b. problem solving skills c. creativity d. generating ideas
5. What type of skills help you achieve goals using new, original and unconventional ideas?
a. Wisdom b. problem solving skills c. creativity d. generating ideas
6. This person watches the movie of their lives?
a. Moviegoer b. actor c. scriptwriter d. director
7. This person does not only watch the movie but also can control a big part of her life?
a. Moviegoer b. actor c. scriptwriter d. director
8. This person does not only watch and act, but actually creates the entire movie from her mind?
a. Moviegoer b. actor c. scriptwriter d. director
9. A characteristic in the development stage which is also called a retirement age when increasingly rapid
physical and mental decline are experience.
a. adolescence b. middle age c. infancy d. old Age
10. Pre- gang age, exploratory, and questioning. Language and elementary reasoning are acquired and initial
socialization is experienced.
a. early childhood b. infancy c. late childhood d. early adulthood
11. Transition age from childhood to adulthood when sex maturation and rapid physical development occur
resulting to changes in ways of feeling, thinking and acting.
a. Adolescence b. early childhood c. middle age d. late childhood
12. Gang and creativity age when self help skills, social skills, school skills, and play are developed.
a. Late childhood b. infancy c. adolescence d. early childhood
13. Transition age when adjustments to initial, physical, and mental decline are experienced.
a. Old age b. early adulthood c. middle age d. adolescence
14. Age when hereditary endowments and sex are fixed and all body features, both external and internal are
a. Infancy b. pre-natal c. early childhood d. all of the above
15. Foundation age when basic behavior are organized and many ontogenetic maturation skills are
a. Pre-natal b. infancy c. early childhood d. all of the above
16. Helping teenage children to become happy and responsible adults.
a. Middle adulthood b. early adulthood c. middle childhood d. adolescence
17. Learning physical skills necessary for ordinary games.
a. Middle childhood b. adolescence c. early adulthood d. later maturity
18. This refers to the transmission of character traits from parents to offspring. Every individual is born with
definite potentialities fixed during the pre-natal period.
a. Heredity b. environment c. culture d. socio-economic differences
19. Cultural influences on intelligence are illustrated in the variations in sex roles found in different societies
and historical periods.
a. Environment b. culture c. socio-economic differences d. geographical location
20. This refers to all the things that surround us, this is represented by all stimuli that we are exposed to from
womb to tomb.
a. Environment b. culture c. socio-economic differences d. geographical location
21. ____________ refers to the state of being knowledgeable and able to discern things easily.
a. Common sense b. wisdom c. general adaptability d. all of the above
22. ____________ refers to putting things in order, saying the right thing to someone at the right place and
a. Common sense b. wisdom c. general adaptability d. all of the above
23. It refers to the quickness of the mind to observe, understand, and react.
a. Sound judgement b. mental alertness c. general adaptability d. common sense
24. This refers to the capacity to learn in terms of concepts which includes ideas, objects or events.
a. Capacity to learn b. capacity for abstract thinking c. mental alertness d. sound judgement
25. It is the all-around ability to fit into a variety of situations successfully without friction.
a. General adaptability b. sound judgement c. capacity to learn d. mental alertness
26. This is determined by two factors; heredity and environment, both tend to reinforce each other.
a. Capacity to learn b. capacity for abstract thinking c. mental alertness d. sound judgement
27. Slight differences are noted in the level of intelligence in various sectors although urban children have a
slight superiority over rural ones.
a. Culture b. geographical location c. socio-economic differences d. environment
28. This refers to the ability of the individual to analyze and solve mathematical problems.
a. Linguistic intelligence b. spatial intelligence c. logical-mathematical intelligence d.
musical intelligence
29. This is the ability to communicate through language. If you are good at reading, writing, and speaking,
you possess this kind of intelligence.
a. Linguistic b. logical-mathematical c. spatial d. kinesthetic
30. This is the ability to perceive and arrange objects in an environment.
a. Kinesthetic b. logical-mathematical c. spatial d. linguistic
31. This refers to the ability to analyze, compose or play music.
a. Kinesthetic b. musical c. spatial d. linguistic
32. It is the ability to know yourself well and understand better what and why you are motivated to behave
the way you do.
a. Intrapersonal b. interpersonal c. kinesthetic d. spatial
33. It refers to one’s ability to move effectively as in dancing or sports, or manipulating objects effectively as
in driving a car, using tools, etc…
a. Intrapersonal b. interpersonal c. kinesthetic d. spatial
34. It is the ability to function well in social situations and understand the needs of other people, as well as to
predict their behavior.
a. Interpersonal b. intrapersonal c. kinesthetic d. spatial
35. This classification of motives focuses on the regulation of physiological body functions: food, clothing and
a. Homeostasis b. self-esteem c. social relations d. sensory needs
36. This concerns self-confidence, meeting challenges in life, self-respect and a meaningful life.
a. Social relations b. sensory needs c. self-esteem d. homeostasis
37. The individual seeks affection, group identification, enjoyable self-interactions, opportunities to help
others or to exercise dominance and power.
a. Sensory needs b. social relations c. self-esteem d. homeostasis
38. These are the guiding forces that lead you to success in your studies.
a. Motivation b. interest c. concentration d. all of the above


1. What principles in life can you apply in understanding the multiple intelligences of Howard Gardner? (5

2. In the stages of growth and development; provide an insight that prepares you to enter into the
stages of adulthood and how does your adolescence life influence your way of thinking. (5 points)
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be”.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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