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Audit Energi Level-1:

Walkthrough Energy Audit di Plant A, MCA, TBR-A, Utility A

Care – Inspire – Share – Innovate – Collaborate

“Develop the Process, Build the System, Empower the People:

Harvest the Savings!”

Kick-Off Meeting dan Sosialisasi Audit Energi Level-1

Area Audit: Plant A, MCA, TBR-A, Utility A
Periode Audit: 9 November s.d. 29 Desember 2016
GTRDMO, 8 November 2016
Kick-Off Meeting / Sosialisasi Audit Energi
Audit Energi Level-1 (Walkthrough) di Plant A, MCA, dan TBR-A

1. Pembukaan
2. Sosialisasi Audit Energi
a) Pengenalan Audit Energi
b) Prosedur Audit Energi
c) Ruang Lingkup Audit dan Level Audit
d) Team Auditor dan Auditee
e) Jadwal Audit
3. Kesepakatan Auditor dan Auditee
a) Informasi Peraturan / Tata Tertib dari Auditee
b) Informasi dan Harapan dari Perwakilan Auditee
c) Kesepakatan Prosedur dan Cara Kerja
d) Lain-lain
4. Penutup

2 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
(1). Apa itu “Audit Energi?”
Definisi, Output / Hasil Audit

Berapa Seperti apa
banyaknya? jenisnya?
Dari mana
asalnya? Digunakan
Survey, Pemeriksaan,
untuk apa?
Evaluasi, Penyelidikan,
Investigasi, Review, Analisis,
Sistem “Konsumsi”

Plant, Bangunan / Gedung,

Energi Ada yang

Peralatan, Proses, Mesin Produksi

Ke mana
Laporan Audit Energi Apakah ada
masalah? Apakah semua
Energy Audit Report tercatat?

Peta (neraca) dan profil penggunaan energi (konsumsi, Daftar / inventori peluang penghematan / efisiensi energi
1 dan atau produksi energi) dari suatu sistem; tingkat / 2 yang diurutkan dalam skala prioritas, berdasarkan dampak
intensitasnya, efisiensinya, perbandingan / benchmark, dll. finansialnya (no/low-cost, high-cost investment, dll.)
Electricity, 690 V, 380 V

Compressed Air, 7 Barg

Solid Waste / Emission

Cooling Water, 34 °C
Industrial Water
Steam, 8 Barg

Waste Water

7,000,000 10,000

Rubber, Carbon, Chemicals, Oil

PLN 20 kV Energy Annual Cost Payback
0.0 % +11.6 % No. ECMs Investments
Saving Saving Period
Natural Gas Rubber Viscosity Reduction /
5,000,000 Boiler Fragmentation
7,000 Solid
Air Pollution ECC-2 Incorporate Carbon Black / Filler / CO2
Powder / Liquid Emission
6,000 Air Compressor
4,000,000 Dispersive Mixing (Peak) /
Distribute Power / Liquid

Air pipe system

Waste Water
Cooling Tower
Extender Oil Addition
4,000 ECC-4
Dispersive Mixing / Shape
1. 384 kWh 491.5 M(IDR) 1,300 M(IDR) 2.7 yrs.
Aux., Fans, Pumps Compound

2,000,000 3,000
+ 25.0 %
- 25.0 %

Tire Compound
Electricity Consumption 2014
Electricity Consumption 2015
1,000,000 16.0%
Production 2014
Production 2015
1,000 14.26% Steam pipe
- -
2. 256 MMBTU 357 M(IDR) 700 M(IDR) 2.1 yrs.

Q1 Q2 Q3
kWh/NWT Q4 12.0%

8.88% 9.21% 9.23%

10.11% Plant A insulation
6,633 MWh
Energy Saved
Air leakage
IDR 8.3 Billion

2014 4.0% Cost Saved 3. 1,230 kWh 1,356 M(IDR) 300 M(IDR) 0.4 yrs.
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Current SEC 0.68 kWh/kg management

ECM: Energy Conservation Measures, Tindakan-tindakan Penghematan Energi.

3 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
(2). Mengapa Perlu Audit Energi?
Tujuan / Manfaat Audit Energi
Penggunaan energi bulanan sudah biasa • Sesuai dengan praktik standar / best practice?
dimonitor, langkah-langkah penanganan • Sistematis dan konsisten?
• Terintegrasi dalam sistem manajemen, yang memfasilitasi
kebocoran dan upaya efisiensi energi juga peningkatan / perbaikan berkesinambungan (PDCA)?
sudah dilakukan terus-menerus; • Upaya efisiensi energi mempertimbangkan skala prioritas dan
mengapa masih perlu “audit energi?” terverifikasi melalui pengukuran akurat?

1 Hasil audit energi (yaitu, [i] profil penggunaan energi, serta [ii]
daftar / inventori rekomendasi tindakan penghematan / efisiensi
energi) akan menjadi panduan dalam pelaksanaan program
manajemen energi secara sistematis dan berkesinambungan.
Per. Men. ESDM.
2 No. 14 Tahun 2012:

4 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
(3). Berapa Level Audit Energi?
Audit Energi Apa untuk Plant A / MCA / TBR Plant A?
• Audit energi dibedakan berdasarkan level detail dan kompleksitas aktivitas observasi, pengukuran, dan
analisis yang diperlukan (disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan ketersediaan resources).
• Semakin tinggi level audit, semakin detail dan kompleks pengukuran serta analisis yang dilakukan, semakin
besar pula resource yang dibutuhkan (tenaga, waktu, instrumen pengukuran, dll.), namun semakin banyak
pula potensi efisiensi / penghematan yang dapat teridentifikasi, dengan estimasi yang cukup akurat.

[0]. Benchmarking Audit

Level-0 Melakukan analisis awal terperinci terhadap data konsumsi energi yang dicatat pada
logsheet dan billing / transaksi energi (billing), menentukan indeks benchmark (kWh
/ ton, misalnya), dan dibandingkan dengan indeks standar, target / fasilitas lainnya.

[1]. Walkthrough Audit

Melakukan analisis benchmark, dan studi lapangan untuk memeriksa secara visual
(atau dengan instrumen portabel) proses / peralatan pengguna energi, untuk
mengidentifikasi temuan awal potensi efisiensi dari sisi operasi dan pemeliharaan.

[2]. Detailed / Comprehensive Audit

Level-2 Melakukan analisis benchmark, kuantifikasi konsumsi energi dan losses-nya secara
detail dan komprehensif di tingkat subproses dan peralatan, melibatkan pengujian
dan simulasi komputer, rekomendasi potensi efisiensi disertai analisis ekonominya.

[3]. Investment-Grade Audit

Level-3 Audit yang berfokus pada subproses / peralatan spesifik, yang biasanya merupakan
hasil identifikasi potensi efisiensi dari audit Level-1 dan Level-2, dengan pengukuran,
pengujian, dan simulasi detail, agar dampaknya dapat diverifikasi secara akurat.

5 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
(4). Bagaimana Prosedur Audit Energi?
Urutan Pelaksanaan Audit Energi

Pelaksanan Survey, Monitoring,
Step-1 Pengukuran On-site, Akuisisi Data Step-8
[1]. Bentuk Team Audit Energi dari Logger Existing Analisis Ekonomi / Finansial (CBA),
[2]. Susun Rencana dan Jadwal Penyusunan Daftar Prioritas ECM
[3]. Persiapan Peralatan dan
Instrumentasi Pengukuran

Pelaksanaan Pengujian Detail
Untuk Sistem / Peralatan Tertentu Step-9
Step-2 Penulisan Laporan / Presentasi ke
Kick-Off Meeting / Sosialisasi Plant / Utiity Owner / Manajemen
dengan Plant / Utility Owner /
Analisis Penggunaan Energi
(Energy / Material Balance, Loss /
Waste Analysis / Efficiency %)
Step-3 Step-10
Pengumpulan Data Sekunder, Implementasi ECM dan Follow-Up
Process Flow Diagram, Diagram (Action Plan, Jadwal, Penyusunan
Proses dan Distribusi Utility Prosedur M&V)
Aktivitas Pra-Audit
Identifikasi dan Pengembangan
Aktivitas Audit Energi ECM; Brainstorming, Workshop
Aktivitas Pasca-Audit

6 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
(5). Team Audit Energi Plant A, MCA, TBR-A
Struktur Pelaksana, Fungsi, dan Tugas
- Memantau proses audit dan
pelaksanaan tindak lanjutnya

“Manajer Energi”
BoD / Manufacturing Director Bpk. H. Priyono B.S. (JMU)

- Fasilitator proses studi energi

Pusat Kompetensi Energi
Bpk. Hidayat / Lucky (JMU) Auditor (pembimbing, koordinator,
- Lucky G. A. (JMU) penyedia data / informasi, peserta
- Hidayat (JMU) proses belajar).
Pusat Informasi Energi Bpk. Sutriyono (JMU) - Ahmad Muzani (JMU) - Melakukan pengumpulan data /
- Sutriyono (JMU) informasi untuk keperluan audit.
- Yafeth / Puji S. (Plant A) - Melakukan survey / observasi / studi
- …………………………… (MCA) lapangan (genba) dan pengukuran
- …………………………… (TBR) (dibantu / difasilitasi oleh team
Bpk. Srijaya (Plant A)
- Melakukan pengolahan data dan
Bpk. Tedi Hariadi (MC)
analisis, serta menyusun daftar
Energy Sponsor Bpk. Firman S. (TBR)
identifikasi rekomendasi ECM.
( Plant Head ) Bpk. Fredy Y. / Lim L. Tjung
- Menyusun laporan hasil audit, dan
presentasi akhir.

Bpk. Yafeth (Plant A)

Energy Champion Bpk. ……………………….. (MC) - Fasilitator proses studi energi (penyedia data /
………………………….. Bpk. Sardjono (TBR) Auditee informasi, peserta proses belajar).
Bpk. Hidayat / Ahmad Muzani - Menyediakan data / informasi yang dibutuhkan
(JMU/Utility) auditor untuk keperluan audit.
- Membantu team auditor / asistensi dalam survey /
Energy Management Team observasi / studi lapangan (genba) dan
(K3L / Team Energy Saving) Bpk. Agus P. / Puji S. (Plant A) pengukuran.
1. Staff / Operator Bpk. ……………………….. (MC) - Berkontribusi dalam proses pengumpulan ide dan
2. Plant Engineer Bpk. ……………………….. (TBR) informasi / brainstorming untuk penyusunan daftar
3. Technical Engineer Bpk. Dastono / Waluyo identifikasi rekomendasi ECM.
(Utility Plant A) - Menerima dan menindaklanjuti rekomendasi ECM.

7 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
(6). Jadwal Audit Energi Plant A, MCA, TBR-A
On-site Survey dan Identifikasi Potensi Efisiensi / Rekomendasi ECM
Start Finish November December
No. Activity Description
Date Date 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
1. Penyusunan Audit Plan / Instrumentasi 22-Oct-16 7-Nov-16

2. Kick-Off Meeting / Sosialisasi / Pembukaan 8-Nov-16 8-Nov-16

3. Pengumpulan Data, PFD, P&ID (Proses / Utility) 9-Nov-16 11-Nov-16

4. On-site Survey: MCA 14-Nov-16 18-Nov-16

5. On-site Survey: Cement, Extruder / Bead Grommet 21-Nov-16 22-Nov-16

6. On-site Survey: Topping Calender / Bias Cutting 22-Nov-16 23-Nov-16

7. On-site Survey: Squeegee / Slitting / Bead Finish. 23-Nov-16 24-Nov-16

8. On-site Survey: Building 24-Nov-16 25-Nov-16

9. On-site Survey: Curing 28-Nov-16 30-Nov-16

10. On-site Survey: Final Inspection, Repair 30-Nov-16 30-Nov-16

11. On-site Survey: TBR Area 1-Dec-16 2-Dec-16

12. On-site Survey: Other Area (Warehouse, etc.) 5-Dec-16 7-Dec-16

13. On-site Survey: Utility 14-Nov-16 9-Dec-16

14. Pengolahan Data dan Analisis Hasil Observasi 21-Nov-16 14-Dec-16

15. Brainstorming / Identifikasi Potensi Efisiensi 14-Nov-16 23-Dec-16

16. Penulisan Laporan / Presentasi 5-Dec-16 28-Dec-16

17. Presentasi Akhir / Penutupan 29-Dec-16 29-Dec-16

8 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
(7). Data “Sekunder” Audit Energi

9 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
(8). Implementasi Pengukuran Energi
Production Plant
(Mixing, Extruding, Calendering, Building, Curing, Inspection, Packing, etc.)

M Raw Materials Extruding Building Curing Other Process Products M

L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 M

L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 Environmental
Compressed Air Impacts

Cooling Water
Hot Water




L0 = Transaction Meters Utilities
(Power Lines, Xfmr., Boilers, Compressors, Chillers, Pumps, Fans)
L1 = Central Utility Systems

L2 = Production Plants / Business Units

L1 L1 L1 L1 L1

Fuel Oil

L3 = Process / End-use Sub-metering



L4 = Process Equipment Metering

M = Non-Energy Measurements L0 L0 L0 L0 L0

10 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
(9). Peta Energi Proses Mixing (Contoh)
Diagram Alir Energi Proses Mixing

Electricity, 690 V, 380 V

Compressed Air, 7 Barg

Solid Waste / Emission

Cooling Water, 34 °C
Industrial Water
Steam, 8 Barg

Waste Water
Rubber, Carbon, Chemicals, Oil

PLN 20 kV
Natural Gas Rubber Viscosity Reduction /
Boiler Fragmentation
Air Pollution ECC-2 Incorporate Carbon Black / Filler / CO2
Powder / Liquid Emission
Air Compressor
Dispersive Mixing (Peak) /
Distribute Power / Liquid
ECC-3 Waste Water

Cooling Tower
Extender Oil Addition

Dispersive Mixing / Shape
Aux., Fans, Pumps Compound

Tire Compound

11 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
(10). Peta Energi Total Plant (Sankey Diagram)
(2). Boiler Losses
215,836 GJ (3). Steam Distribution Losses
(1). Gas Engine Losses
2.33% 90,455 GJ
118,404 GJ 1
2 (7). Unaccountable Losses
3 7 4.78%
242,906 GJ

Energy Input Steam

Natural Gas 63.20%
From Source: 84.19% 3,211,630 GJ
PLN, PGN 4,278,099 GJ Energy Output

Electricity To Demand:
7.17% Office, etc.
364,287 GJ

Compress. Air
Electricity (PLN)
15.81% Hot Water 275,106 GJ
803,620 GJ 6 0.02%
1,056 GJ Total energy losses (1-7):
(4). Electrical Distribution Losses 4 5 (6). Air Leakage Source-side Energy –
0.56% 4.21%
28,458 GJ 213,940 GJ
Demand-side Energy =
(5). Compress. Heat Losses 24.2% (1,229,639 GJoule)
Note: estimated losses figures of average total energy
consumption profile 2015-YTD
319,640 GJ
12 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
(11). Proses Identifikasi Peluang Efisiensi
4M – Man, Machine, Method, Material

Rekomendasi Tindakan Penghematan Energi

Identifikasi Peluang Efisiensi

Operasional Teknis
Manajemen / Cara Kerja Mesin / Material / Desain

Perubahan dalam Proyek Investasi Mesin /

Prosedur Operasi, Maintenance Peningkatan Teknologi yang Lebih
Minimalisasi Scrap Efisiensi Energi Efisien

“Pekerja” “Teknologi”

13 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
(12). Prioritisasi Tindakan Penghematan
Dampak Efisiensi Energi vs. Biaya Investasi / Implementasi

Can be at Equipment, Plant, or Site Level,

Energy Cost Saving / Reduction

with High-Cost Investment, High-Risk,

and also Relatively High Saving Process

Usually at Site Complex Level, with
High-Cost Investment, High-Risk,
and also Relatively High Saving

Modification Usually at Plant / System Level, with

Medium-Cost Investment, Medium
Risk, and also Relatively Medium
Control System
Usually at Machine / Equipment
Level, with No-Cost/Low-Cost
“The Low- Investment, Low Risk, and also
Good Relatively Medium-to-Low Saving
Fruit” Housekeeping

Investment / Cost of Implementation

14 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
(13). Prioritisasi Tindakan Penghematan
Deskripsi Kategori Prioritas

• Integrate Several Process and/or Energy Streams

Integration • Improve the Process

• Apply More Efficient Technology

Modification • Modify / Shorten the Process Flow

• Optimal Load Scheduling

Control System • VSD for Motors
• Adaptive / Predictive Controls

• Proper Operation and Maintenance

• Leakage Management (Steam, Air, Electricity, etc.)
Good Housekeeping • Reduce Machinery Idle Time
• Reduce Waste

• Reactive Responses / Fire Fighting

Reactive Response • Problems with Energy Reliability / Availability
• No Documentation / Knowledge Management

15 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
(14). Energy Performance 2015 – Plant A
Electricity (kWh) Consumption
7,000,000 10,000 Product. (NWT) Consump. (MWh) Avg. kWh/NWT
2014 83,771 61,194 730
6,000,000 2015 (12.2%) 73,536 (17.8%) 50,308 (6.3%) 684
Predicted Based on 2014 Baseline 56,941.1 MWh
5,000,000 7,000
Actual 2015 Consumption 50,307.9 MWh

6,000 Difference (13.2%) 6,633.2 MWh

5,000 Electricity
3,000,000 (kWh)
4,000 7,000,000
Baseline 2014:
y = 415.9x + 2,196,465
R2 = 0.31
2,000,000 3,000
Electricity Consumption 2014
Electricity Consumption 2015 Baseline 2015:
1,000,000 y = 454.6x + 1,406,717
Production 2014 R2 = 0.85
Production 2015
- -
Q1 Q2 Q3
kWh/NWT Q4
1,000 3,000,000


400 1,000,000 Total

200 (NWT)
2015 -
- 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

16 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
(15). Energy Performance 2015 – Plant A
Steam (Ton) Consumption
Ton-Steam NWT
40,000 10,000 Product. (NWT) Consump. (Ton) Avg. Ton/NWT
2014 83,771 343,200 4.10
35,000 2015 (12.2%) 73,536 (18.2%) 280,233 (6.3%) 3.82
30,000 Predicted Based on 2014 Baseline 306,647 Ton
Actual 2015 Consumption 280,833 Ton
6,000 Difference  (8.4%) 25,813 Ton

20,000 5,000 Steam

4,000 40,000 Baseline 2014:
15,000 y = 3.49x + 4,167.3
R2 = 0.72
3,000 35,000
Steam Consumption 2014 2,000 30,000 Baseline 2015:
Steam Consumption 2015 y = 2.25x + 9,597
5,000 R2 = 0.75
Production 2014 1,000 25,000
Production 2015
- - 20,000
Q1 Q2 Ton-S/NWT
Q3 Q4
4.00 10,000
5,000 Total
2.00 Production
1.00 -
- 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

17 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
Thank You

18 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
Energy Conservation Measures
Sample-1: Optimize Boiler Operation (Based on Design Data)

Existing Condition Implementation Overview

Installed coal boilers are designed for a steam output of 10.5 TPH at 18
In order to implement this proposal a study by the boiler manufacturer,
bar steam pressure. Calorific value of the fuel at design stage was taken
to prescribe optimum conditions as to operate boiler at its design
to be 24 MJ/kg. Presently available fuel Calorific value is 19.9 MJ/kg, so
efficiency. Operators in the plant are to be trained for operating the
the capacity of the boiler is reduced to 8.5 TPH at 18 bar. Both boilers
boilers at design efficiency.
produce an output of 5 to 6 TPH of steam. Loading of both boiler varies
between 55% to 65%. Field measurement is given below: The expected performance when operating near to its design
efficiency is given below:
Description Units Boiler-1 Boiler-2
Description Units Boiler-1 Boiler-2
Average Coal Cons. kg/day 16,444 16,935
Oxygen Reading % 8.5 8.5
Oxygen Reading % 14.4 11.0
Dry Flue Gas Losses % 9.56 8.25
Dry Flue Gas Losses % 14.3 10.3
CO Measured ppm 100 100
CO Measured ppm 426 2,145
CO Loss % 0.33 0.29
CO Loss % 1.42 6.17
Boiler Efficiency % 80.28 82.52
Boiler Efficiency % 74.4 74.48
Expected Coal Cons. kg/day 15,248 15,285

Optimum Oxygen reading for a coal-fired boiler is 5% to 8.5 % and the Daily Coal Saving kg/day 1,198 1,650
CO at less than 100 ppm. Higher oxygen readings mean higher the dry Annual Coal Saving kg/yr 418,600 577,500
flue gas losses and Higher CO level means higher incomplete Coal Cost IDR/kg 1,280 1,280
combustion losses. Annual Cost Saving M(IDR) 535.8 739.2

A very specific amount of O2 is needed for perfect combustion and some
additional (excess) air is required for ensuring good combustion. However,
too much excess air will result in heat and efficiency losses. Too much, or Energy Cost Payback
too little fuel with the available combustion air may potentially result in Investments
Saving Saving Period
unburned fuel and carbon monoxide generation.
So operate the Boiler with oxygen value between 5% and 8.5% and CO 996 Tons 1,275 M(IDR) - -
values less than 100 ppm. By operating the boiler as per the above Note: energy / cost saving are annual, with simple payback period in years.
condition would increase in boiler efficiency of 5% to 8%.

19 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
Energy Conservation Measures
Sample-2: Waste Heat Recovery from Boiler Blow Down

Existing Condition Implementation Overview

Coal fired boilers AB-1, AB-2 and natural gas fired CB-1 boiler produce
on an average 245 TPD. Blow down in boiler is done to maintain the
water quality inside the boiler. Boiler blow down in boilers is done by
automatic blow down system installed. Automatic blow down system
maintains the TDS quantity at 3500 ppm. Presently blow down quantity
calculated for 3 boilers is 8.45 TPD. Quantity of blow down is by
individual boiler is given in the table below.

Description Units AB-1 AB-2 CB-1

Feed Water TDS ppm 117.0 117.0 117.0 fficiency is given below:
Blow Down TDS ppm 1,413 3,380 1,790
Average Steam Product. kg/day 113,130 119,424 12,000
Blow Down Percentage % 3.5 3.5 3.5
Calculated Blow Down kg/day 3,913 4,130 415

Presently blow down water at temperature of 202 °C is being send to

drain. Energy in blow down water is wasted.

Install a waste heat recovery system from blow down. Steam flashes from
the blowdown water in the flash vessel, and is fed directly back to the feed
tank. A float trap drains the residual water, which, if still hot, is fed into a
heat exchanger to warm the circulating cold water make-up.
The system is expected to recover up to 80% of the heat from blowdown,
reduces expensive treated make-up water by recovering flash steam,
Energy Cost Payback
reduces temperature of blowdown water for safer disposal Saving Saving Period
By installing a blow down waste heat recovery system, 97.5 Tons of coal is 97.5 Tons 124.8 M(IDR) 380 M(IDR) 3.1 yrs.
saved annually up to 124.8 Million IDR. Note: energy / cost saving are annual, with simple payback period in years.

20 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
Energy Conservation Measures
Sample-3: Heat Recovery from Curing Steam Condensate

Existing Condition Implementation Overview

During curing process: (1) Steam filled in the tyre bladder, maintained Following equipments needed for heat recovery: (1) Heat exchanger
at 200 psi, (2) N2 is filled in bladder to increase the pressure to 300 psi, in all 103 curing presses, (2) Line to supply cold feedwater to heat
(3) Introduction of hydraulic fluid in bladder and steam and N2 mixture exchanger and return line to hot feedwater collection tank, (3) New
is send out to hot water tank by operating 3-way valve, (4) Hydraulic pump with VFD to circulate the cold feedwater, (4) Control valve with
fluid is maintained at 175 psi, (5) Then it is evacuated by operating the temperature based feedback on cold feedwater. Control valve will
valve and then vacuum is applied to remove any residuals in bladder. allow feedwater to heat exchanger once the draining is initiated.
Description Units Value
Condensate Going to Hot Water Tank kg/hr 2,800
Condensate Recoverable (75%) kg/hr 2,100
Condensate Temperature °C 145
Flash Pressure kg/cm2(g) 0.5
Sensible Heat of Saturated Water at 0.5 kg/cm2(g) kCal/kg 111.6
Latent Heat of Steam at 0.5 kg/cm2(g) kCal/kg 531
Available Flash Steam Percentage % 6.29
Available Flash Steam Quantity kg/hr 158
Flash Steam Total Useful Energy Content at 0.5 kg/cm2(g) kCal/kg 643
Condensate Water Inlet Temperature °C 111.6
Steam and N2 send in the drain line is collected at the hot water
Condensate Water Outlet Temperature °C 45
collection tank. Energy in steam and N2 mixture is thereby wasted.
Heat Recovered (80%) kCal/day 140,744
Savings by Heat Recovery M(IDR) 491.5

Introduce a heat exchanger in the hot water return line to recover the heat
energy from steam and N2. Cold makeup water to boiler would be heated
up in heat exchanger. 80% of energy in the steam and N2 mixture is would Energy Cost Payback
be recovered. This proposal would not have any impact on the present Saving Saving Period
control system of curing system (heat exchanger and other pipes are in the 384 Tons 491.5 M(IDR) 1,300 M(IDR) 2.7 yrs.
drain lines / hot water return line) of curing presses.
Note: energy / cost saving are annual, with simple payback period in years.

21 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
Energy Conservation Measures
Sample-4: Replace PRV Valve with Back Pressure Steam Turbine

Existing Condition Implementation Overview

Steam is usually generated at higher pressure and distributed at higher In order to implement this proposal a steam turbine has to be installed
pressure even the end users are at lesser pressure. Reason for that is to in parallel to PRV. When started, the small turbine automatically takes
operate the boiler at maximum efficiency and to reduce the steam over the steam flow control from the PRV. When taken offline, the PRV
distribution losses. High pressure steam is reduced to low pressure automatically resumes control of the steam flow. Installation block
steam near the end users using Pressure-Reducing Valves (PRV). diagram is given below.

Description Units Value

Steam Quantity Used at 100 psi kg/hr 3,500
Steam Pressure Before PRV psi 225
Steam Pressure After PRV psi 100

Reducing the pressure in the PRV involves significant waste of energy.

A noncondensing or backpressure steam turbine can perform the same
pressure-reducing function as a PRV while converting steam energy into Description Units Boiler-2
electrical energy.
Power Generated kW 45
Description Units Value Hours of Operation hr/yr. 7,000
Steam Quantity Used at 100 psi kg/hr 3,500 Energy Generated kWh/yr. 315,000
Steam Inlet Pressure to Turbine psi 239.5 Cost of Electricity IDR/kWh 1,263
Steam Outlet Pressure to Turbine psi 115 Electricity Savings (M)IDR 397.8

In a backpressure steam turbogenerator, shaft power is produced when

a nozzle directs jets of high-pressure steam against the blades of the
turbine’s rotor. The rotor is attached to a shaft that is coupled to an
Energy Cost Payback
electrical generator. The steam turbine does not consume steam. It Saving Saving Period
simply reduces the pressure of the steam that is subsequently 315,000 kWh 398 M(IDR) 1,400 M(IDR) 3.6 yrs.
exhausted into the process header.
Note: energy / cost saving are annual, with simple payback period in years.

22 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
Energy Conservation Measures
Sample-5: Arrest Compressed Air Leakages

Existing Condition Implementation Overview

Currently the facility’s compressed air system has several leaks. During The facility should repair the compressed air leaks identified to reduce
the energy audit study leakage survey was carried out by ultrasonic leak the energy consumption of the compressed air system. However, as
detector and there are > 150 leakage points were identified. The facility previously discussed, the facility should implement a leak survey
has an air leak program to identify leaks as they develop which is based program using a leak detector to identify leaks. Investment cost of 50
on visualization. A leak maintenance program to continually survey M (IDR) to implement the project, includes ultrasonic leak detector,
sections of compressed air and repair leaks as they are identified would material cost and labor cost for identification, and arresting leakages.
improve the overall efficiency of the compressed air system.
Description Units Value
Low Pressure Compressed Air Generation (Design) m3/min 179.72
Hourly Compressed Air Generation m3/hr 10,783.2
Total Power Consumption by LP Compressors kW 1,030.7
Specific Energy Consumption by Compressed Air kWh/m3 0.0956
Leakage Points Detected During Audit - 153
Leakage Hole Diameter (Assumption) mm 0.5
Estimated Gauge Pressure at Leakage Points barg 5
Air Flow Rate from Each Leakage Points m3/min 0.0175
Approximate Air Leakage Arrested m3/min 2.625
Approximate Air Leakage Arrested (Hourly) m3/hr 157.5
Recommendation Expected Annual Saving kWh 126,457
Energy Cost IDR/kWh 1,263
The facility should repair the compressed
air leaks identified and implement an Annual Cost Savings / Cost Avoidance M (IDR) 159.72
ongoing program to identify air leakage
through ultrasonic leak detector and repair
the leaks throughout the year.
Compressed air systems also wasteful,
only 20-30% of the electrical energy is Energy Cost Payback
converted into useful compressed air Saving Saving Period
energy. The remaining input energy is lost 126,457 kWh 159.7 M(IDR) 50 M(IDR) 0.32 yrs.
as heat.
Note: energy / cost saving are annual, with simple payback period in years.

23 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
Energy Conservation Measures
Sample-6: Use “Energy-Saving” Blow Gun for Cleaning

Existing Condition Implementation Overview

Compressed air is used for cleaning in curing section by blowing off the Implementation of the recommendation involves install the “Energy
dust particles from inside the mold. For cleaning purpose, 5 mm open Saving” Blow Air Gun. Installation of Blow Gun is simple, could be done
ended pipes are being used. Compressed air pressure for cleaning is 100 by the plant personnel. Project involves a budgetary cost of 325 M
psig. There are total 103 numbers curing press in BTC area each press has (IDR) with a simple payback period of 0.9 years.
one number of cleaning point.
Description Units Value
Diameter of Cleaning Hosepipe at Curing Press Mm 5
Expected Number of Curing Press Running at a Time - 101
Recommendation Compressed Air Gauge Pressure at User End psig 100
Replace existing compressed air cleaning system with “Energy-Saving” Estimated Air Flow Rate from Each Cleaning Point m3/min 1.52
Blow Gun for cleaning which is helps reducing compressed air Approximate Hourly Cleaning Time min 2
consumption drastically. Compressed air usage reduces by 55% when Hourly Air Consumption at Each Cleaning Point m3 3.04
open ended pipes are replaced using a Blow Gun.
Annual Total Air Consumption for Cleaning m3 2,579,136
Specific Energy Consumption by LP Compressor kWh/m3 0.0956
Annual Energy Consumption for Cleaning kWh 246,568
Expected Compressed Air Consumption m3/min 0.7
Expected Annual Consumption for Air Nozzle Gun kWh/yr. 56,766
Expected Annual Energy Saving kWh 189,762
Energy Cost IDR/kWh 1,263
Expected Annual Cost Savings M (IDR) 239.0

Energy Cost Payback

Saving Saving Period
189,762 kWh 239.0 M(IDR) 325 M(IDR) 1.4 yrs.
Note: energy / cost saving are annual, with simple payback period in years.

24 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
Energy Conservation Measures
Sample-7: Replace Pneumatic Hopper in Banbury Mixer with Hydraulic

Existing Condition
Implementation Overview
Four banburys are using pneumatic air for raising or lowering the ram.
In order to implement this proposal suppliers of Banbury are to be
Rams are used to pressurize the mixer during mixing process. Effective
involved for replacement of the hopper assembly. Since there is a
batch pressurization depends on pressure of compressed air above the
spare of Banbury, the implementation could be done in cycle.
piston and below piston. Any variation in compressed air supply would
affect the batch pressure. Moreover, pneumatic system pressurization Benefits of converting from a pneumatic to a hydraulic hopper
involves a time lag. Thereby costing valuable production time. include: (1) Eliminates the compressed air requirement for the mixer,
(2) Efficient application of high batch pressure, (3) Improves ram
pressure application repeatability, (4) Ability to allow a mid-stroke
ram travel (for ram cleaning or batch turnover), (5) Reducing overall
cycle time, (6) Reduction in plant operating costs, (7) Improved batch-
to-batch consistency (improved quality), (8) Reduced energy cost
(due to the cost to produce air vs. the cost to run a hydraulic system).
Description Units BB-1 BB-3 BB-4
Compressed Air for Banbury m3/hr 475 475 595
Specific Energy Cons. at 7 bar kWh/m3 0.096 0.096 0.096
Energy Consumed per Hour kWh 45 45 57
Hydraulic System Consumption kWh 5.5 5.5 9
Energy Saving Hourly kWh 39.5 39.5 48
Annual Operating Hours - 6860 6860 6860
Recommendation Annual Energy Savings kWh 871,220
The hydraulic hopper assembly is a direct replacement for an existing Energy Cost IDR/kWh 1,263
pneumatic hopper assembly. The hydraulic hopper was developed as an Annual Cost Saving M(IDR) 1,100.4
alternative to the pneumatically operated hopper assemblies primarily to
eliminate the variability in the mixing process caused by fluctuations of
the plant compressed air supply. The hydraulic hopper assembly is a
dedicated hydraulic system driven by a high efficiency electric motor to
raise and lower the ram during the mixing cycle. Energy Cost Payback
In addition to the clear advantages offered by consistent ram pressure on Saving Saving Period
the mixing chamber, there is also a reduction in operating costs, due to
871,220 kWh 1,100 M(IDR) 2,900 M(IDR) 2.7 yrs.
elimination of compressed air depand from banbury mixers.
Note: energy / cost saving are annual, with simple payback period in years.

25 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
Energy Conservation Measures
Sample-8: Install VFD on Clear Well and Filter Feed Water Pump

Existing Condition Implementation Overview

Filter Feed Water Pump: Supplies clear water from clear water well to
Install a VFD based control system in both clear well and filter feed
water filter tank to generate filter water for boiler. Discharge valve of
pump with pressure based feedback system. Energy saving of
this pump 50% closed and it operates around 15 min/hr by ON-OFF
replacing the throttling valve with VFD is calculated using affinity law.
control based on boiler makeup water tank level.
Clear Well Pump: Supplies clear water from clear water well to the Description Units FWP CWP
production area and toilet. This pump running 24 hrs. in a day with full Existing System
rpm. Flow varies from 25 to 42 m3/hr due to water requirement of Suction Head kg/cm2 0.1 0.3
plant. Total head goes high due to lower requirement of water. Discharge Head kg/cm2 3.6 6.7
Feed Water Pump Clear Well Pump Total Head Developed by Pump m 37 70
Description Units
Design Actual Design Actual Rated Power of Motor kW 22 30
Flow Rate m3/hr 81.2 98 113.5 42 Motor Input kW 23.8 20.5
Suction Pressure kg/cm2 - 0.1 - 0.3 Proposed System
Discharge Pressure kg/cm2 - 3.6 - 6.1 Suction Head kg/cm2 0.1 0.3
Temperature °C - 30 - 30 Expected Discharge Head kg/cm2 2.4 4.5
Specific Gravity - - 1 - 1 Total Head Developed by Pump m 25 48
Total Head Developed m 64.5 37 62.8 64 Power Consumption kW 13.42 11.82
Rated / Input Power Motor kW 22 23.8 30 20.5 Power Consumption Reduction kW 8.30 6.95
Annual Operating Hours Hrs. 2,100 8,400
Estimated Annual Energy Saving kWh 17,439 58,348
Energy Cost IDR/kWh 1,263 1,263
Recommendation Estimated Annual Cost Saving M (IDR) 22.1 73.7
Filter Feed Water Pump: Replace the throttling control technique with VFD
control on the filter feed pump. By installing a VFD on the filter feed pump,
the discharge pressure of the pump is optimized as system requirement,
thereby minimizing energy lost in throttling in discharge control valve
(total head 2.5 bar is assumed for saving calculation). Energy Cost Payback
Clear Well Pump: Install VFD with discharge pressure feedback control and Saving Saving Period
fixed the Clear Water Pump speed based on actual system required 75,788 kWh 95.8 M(IDR) 140 M(IDR) 1.5 yrs.
pressure at 4.5 kg/cm2.
Note: energy / cost saving are annual, with simple payback period in years.

26 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
Energy Conservation Measures
Sample-9: Optimize Cooling Tower Operation Based on Load

Existing Condition Implementation Overview

The:re are 4 cells of cooling towers installed (3 operating, 1 stand-by). The energy savings capabilities of a properly installed VFD fan control
Airflow rate is on the higher side and it’s not matching requirement, it system is well known. In the case of cooling towers, the sensor
means higher energy consumption. Optimum air flow is indicated by placement and control is simple in normal systems. A temperature
L/G ratio of cooling tower. L/G ratio to be maintained between 1.5 to 2. sensor should be located in the towers basin or the condenser pumps
During nighttime conditions the sump temperature < 24.5 °C. return line. Set point for the sump temperature and approach of
Description Units Design CT-1 CT-2 CT-3 CT-4
cooling tower should be 27 °C and 4 °C respectively
Water Flow Rate m3/hr 150 93 93 93 93 Description Units CT-1 CT-2 CT-3 CT-4
Inlet Temp. °C 37 28.4 28.4 28.4 28.4 Expect. Air Reduction % 30% 30% 30% 30%
Outlet Temp. °C 32 25.4 26.1 25.8 28.4 Power Consumption kW 4 4 4 -
Wet Bulb Temp. °C 28 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.8 Hourly Energy Saving kWh 3.69 3.64 3.6 -
Range / Approach °C 5/4 3/2.6 2.3/3.3 2.6/3 0/5.6 Yearly Hours of Ops. hr 8,232 8,232 8,232 8,232
Cooling Load TR 248 92 71 80 - Yearly Energy Saving kWh 89,976
Rated Power Motor kW 11.19 7.69 7.64 7.6 - Electricity Cost IDR/kW 1,263
Specific Energy Cons. kW/TR 450 840 1,080 950 - Yearly Cost Saving M(IDR) 114
Liquid-to-Gas Ratio - 1.5-2 1.63 0.64 0.7 -

Recommendation Energy Cost Payback

Install a variable speed drive control for the fans of cooling tower. Provide Saving Saving Period
sump temperature and wet bulb temperature as feedback to the cooling
tower fans control.
89,976 kWh 114 M(IDR) 215 M(IDR) 1.9 yrs.
Note: energy / cost saving are annual, with simple payback period in years.

27 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
(6). Pusat Kompetensi / Informasi Energi
Dalam Fungsinya Sebagai Fasilitator Proses Audit Energi

Energy Competency Center Energy Information Center

Hidayat / Ahmad Muzani Sutriyono
( Coordinator ) ( Coordinator )

Team Member:
1. Lucky G. Adhipurna
2. Yusup Hardiana

28 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
(7). On-site Survey, Observasi, Pengukuran
Energy Competency Center and Energy Information Center

Gambar diagram alir

Pahami prosesnya, apa
proses dan energinya

Sistem Energi
Plant, Bangunan / Gedung,
Peralatan, Proses, Mesin

Amati bagaimana
prosesnya dioperasikan
(oleh operator/otomatis)

29 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Apa itu audit energi, apa tujuannya, apa outputnya, apa jenis-jenis
2. Apa audit energi yang akan dilakukan di Plant-A, dst.?
3. Bagaimana prosedur pelaksanaannya?
4. Seperti apa ruang lingkupnya, siapa pelaksananya (auditor,
auditee), apa tugas-tugasnya?
5. Apa data yang perlu diambil, apa data yang peru diukur?
6. Bagaimana analisis dan penyajian datanya?
7. Seperti apa identifikasi potensi perbaikan efisiensinya?
8. Bagaimana penyusunan laporannya?
9. Seperti apa tindak lanjutnya?
10. Jadwal Pelaksanaan Audit.

30 PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – Planning & Improvement / Engineering / Utility – July 2016

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