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Tolentino, Aigee Gabrielle October 21, 2019

For the module 3, we talked about the environmental education and risk reduction
management. As a student, who can barely do anything, as of the moment, learning about
the environment can be very useful in future references. Environment is an important
aspect in every country. It is the home of every human beings, this where they are shaped
into the person they will become, since the environment greatly influences a person’s
behavior and motivation to act. The environment is also an important resource for life. This
is where we obtain the water we drink and use, the oxygen we breathe and it is also helps
to clear the pollution that was made by man. I, strongly think that the government should
put priority in conserving the environment, considering that it is one of the major features
of a community. Hence, this is the reason why we should protect our environment and the
Philippines implemented a law that promotes environmental awareness through
environmental education which is the Republic Act No. 9512 on National Environmental
Awareness and Education Act, 2008.

As time pass by, we, humans, are consciously deteriorating the environment and the result
of this is what we call “climate change”. This is actually a very serious topic that people
should be aware of. Climate change is affecting everyone and it is seriously damaging the
earth we are currently living. One of the major examples of this is the abrupt end of ice age
last 7,000 years ago marking the beginning of the modern climate era. These recent years
the climate change is rapidly increasing causing the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets to
decreased mass, the global temperature rises, decreased snow cover that the satellites
found, the global sea level rises up to 8 inches in the last century and is accelerating slightly
every year. These are just some of the evidences that climate change is rapidly advancing
which is why as early as today, we, the students, should be well aware of what is happening
around us. The future of the environment when this continues will be in a critical condition
that will surely affect everyone. The situation needs to be taken seriously and it needs
drastic measures to be able to lessen the worsening of the situation. According to my
research, one of the solutions that can be done is to forego fossil fuels. This is quite a big
step and humans are very dependent on fossil fuels as it is likely their everyday routine to
use products made from fossils, however, eliminating of burning coal and eventually the
natural gas will help to decrease the greenhouse gas, thus, its effect on the environment.
Though as a student, the least we could do is to be efficient.

Another topic that was discussed was about the ecological waste management. It is a way
of segregating and disposal of solid waste that will not harm the environment. Hazardous
waste also contributes to the greenhouse effect and it is very harmful to all life beings
which is why the government created the hazardous waste management that will help the
environment and also secure the safety of public health. There is another management just
like the hazardous waste management that is the zero waste management, wherein the
system is focus on reusing, recycling and reducing. I, personally think that this is a great
opportunity to help the environment and reduce the waste in a community. It will also
teach people self-discipline and self-control.

Another topic that was tackled was the air pollution and the sources of it. As of June 2018,
the Philippines was ranked as the 3rd country in air pollution deaths and this is also a
serious topic. One of the major contributors to air pollution is the vehicles, so I think
carpooling is the best solution for this. There is also a law about the air in the Philippines
which is the clean air act of 1999. It stated there that the state will protect and advance the
right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and
harmony of nature.

Disaster and its types were also discussed. There are two kinds of disaster, the man-made
disaster and the natural disaster. Man-made disasters are hazards that are caused by man.
One great example is the Bhopal gas leak that happened in India which resulted in the
death of 8,000 citizens in Bhopal and the neighboring cities. One example of natural
disaster is flooding.

I also learned about the social awareness and disaster preparedness. We talked about the
social consciousness and it was defined as consciousness shared by individuals within a
society. We also talked about the crime in the Philippines and the main reasons why it
happens. We also tackled about the national security of the Philippines. It is defined as "a
state or condition wherein the people's welfare, well-being, ways of life; government and
its institutions; territorial integrity; sovereignty; and core values are enhanced and
protected.” With that said and the crime rates in the Philippines, on my perspective, I think
that the national security of the Philippines cannot satisfy their goal. Crimes are
everywhere at any time of the day and clearly, it isn’t backing down.

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