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How to Hem Pants

with a
Sewing Machine

Hi There,

Thank you so much for downloading this PDF Project! This is going to be great fun.

If you’re short like me chances are you are going to need to take up new pants before
you can ever wear them. Booo! In this tutorial I’m going to show you an easy way to take
up your pants using a straight stitch on the sewing machine. I’ve include all the steps from
working out what the new length is going to be all the way to sewing the new hem on your
sewing machine. This method can be easily used for skirts and dresses as well. I hope you
find this video useful! It will save you tons of money since you won’t need to pay someone
to take up all your new pants for you!

If you love this free PDF Project download and would like to say thanks, then you have
the option of downloading the THANK YOU EDITION of this PDF Project for US$1 from my
shop on my website or my Craftsy store. I’ve been so amazed by the people who have
purchased the Thank You Editon of the PDF sewing projects. My easy sewing projects are
all available for free, but there are people who would like to give a little back. No Pressure.
You don’t have to, but the option is there if you’d like to say thanks!

Until next time, happy sewing!

Domenica J

P.S. Don’t forget to share your photos of what you’ve made! I absolutely love seeing them
and I may even share them on my website too! Click the button below to go straight to my
Facebook page for Easy Sewing for Beginners and post your photos there.

Materials Needed to Hem Pants
¨¨ Pants to be hemmed
¨¨ Matching thread and bobbin

¨¨ Sewing machine
¨¨ Sewing machine needle (Universal
80/12 or 90/14 will be fine)
¨¨ General scissors
¨¨ Pins or Fabric Clips
¨¨ Ruler
¨¨ Iron
¨¨ Ironing board
¨¨ Pen or chalk

Full Video Tutorial - Click here

I have created a full video tutorial for those of you (like me) who just need to see
someone else sew it first to fully understand the instructions.

Step 1
Put the pants on and ensure you
are wearing shoes that you would
wear with the pants.
I find it easiest to fold the excess
pant leg up on the outside until I
find the desired new length. I place
a pin in to hold it.
If you have someone to help
you it’s much easier, but you can
always do it yourself with the help
of a mirror.

Step 2
Take the pants off and use your rul-
er to measure how far you turned
the pant leg up.
Make sure the rest of the pant leg
is turn up the same amount all the
way around and use pins to hold in

Repeat with the other pant leg.

Step 3
Now you need to work out how wide
you want your new hem to be and
then add on about 1/2” for turning
your raw edge under. to avoid fraying.
My new hem is going to be 3/4” plus
the 1/2” for turning under.
The total needed for my new hem is 1
1/4” so I need to meaure 1 1/4” from
the bottom of my new pant leg all
the way around. Use a pen or chalk
to mark the line. **You may need to
unpick the oringinal hem if you find
you dont have enough excess fabric
to create the new hem.

Step 4
Once you’ve marked the cutting
line for both pant legs You’re al-
most ready to cut off the excess.
Make sure you’ve made a note of
your required measurements, as
they will most probably be different
to mine.

Remove the pins and turn the

pants inside out.

Step 5
Cut along the pen or chalk line to
remove the excess fabric.

Step 6
With the pant leg inside out still,
fold up your pant leg by whatever
you allowed for your new hem. I al-
lowed 1 1/4” so I will turn the pant
leg up by 1 1/4”.
Iron a crease to help mark the new
hem line at the bottom of the pant
leg and to hold the new hem in

Step 7
Once You have ironed all the way
around the pant leg you need to
tuck under the raw edge to stop
I’ve allowed 1/2” for turning under.
As you turn under 1/2” you can iron
this in place as you go. I decided
to pin instead. You can do both if
you like.

Repeat with the other pant leg.

Step 8
Using a straight stitch on the sew-
ing machine (or decorative one to
make it a little more fancy!) stitch
along the top of the new hem.

I like to start just after the inner leg

side seam. Don’t forget to reverse
stitch at the beginning and end
of your sewing to stop the stitches
from unravelling.

Repeat on the other pant leg.

Congratulations! You’ve completed the tutorial for how to hem pants!

Loved this project? Why not check out some of my other easy sewing
projects! All of my sewing projects are accompanied by a full video
tutorial on YouTube and downloadable PDF from my website shop or
Craftsy shop for easy viewing on a mobile device or computer.

CLick on the images below to go straight to the Download

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