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Interview Question:

Tell me about yourself

What is your role ?
Tell me about your project
Tell me about project architecture
What collections do you use in your project ?
Differences between string buffer and string builder
How do you sort an array list ?
How do you use Ajax in your project ?
What data type is used in Ajax call?
What is the jre you are working ?
What is inner left join and outer left join?
What is iterator class?
What are the sql functions?
What is connection and driver?
How do you write a query to get max shares that a person holds in your project?
What are execute,execute query and execute update?

Questions are as follows:

Hierarchy of Exceptions
How to handle Exceptions in sql
Name one Exception in sql
How to handle Exceptions in jsp
Parent class in Java
Is multi threading applied to Hashmap
Differences between set and HashSet
Write a query for retrieving details of duplicate values
Write a query to retrieve details of maximum score of a student
Tell about professional career
What is Singleton
Is object immutable
Is String immutable
Is String Buffer immutable
Why did you leave TCS

Tell me about yourself

total experience & relavant experience
What are the technologies you have worked on and on what technology
you are more comfortable
what are your roles and responsibities
Tell about recent projects
Explain your project architecture
Domain knowledge related to current project & challanges faced
What is sdlc
agile methodology
what is sprint in agile
about spring annotations (component scan, repository,test etc...)
how many modes of injections in spring
difference between constructor & setter
Justifying difference between constructor & setter injections by some
real time scenario
Is spring alternate to struts
questions related to core java
states in hibernate
first level cache & second level cache
Usage of first level cache , second level cache
diffence between comparable & compareto
about collections
about tools like maven,ant,svn...
about postgresql & oracle DBs

Questions related to overriding and overloading
What are the 4 pillars of oops
Try {
return 0;
System.out.println(" "):

Explain the execution?

Can we have multiple finally block?multiple try...multiple catch?
System.out.println...explain this in detail?
public static void main(string args[])....explain this with all keywords?
What if I replace args with a?
Can main method be overridden?

Public String get(int x)

Public void get(int x)
Are the above function overloaded?

Java 8 features?
What is JPA?
Difference between dynamic overloading and static overloading
What is fail fast?
Difference between stack and vector?
Difference between comaparator and comparable?

How to get synchronized version of a Hashmap.Write?

Difference between post and put?

Why default method came in interface?

Draw hierarchy of collection?

Difference between checked and unchecked exception with example?

What is WinScp.why it is used?

What are triggers?

Difference between throw and throws?

What is spring boot?

Difference between @Component and @Service

Explain 5 annotations of spring

Difference between arraylist and linked list...when to use them?

Below are the interview questions asked.

1. Write a program for n factorial.
2. Write a program for n factorial using for each loop.
3. What are the differences between java 4,5 and 6?
4. What are the differences between list , map and set?
5. What is inversion of control and dependency injection?
6.syntax for form bean and action mapping in struts-config.xml?
7. How do you give JSON object in CSS syntax?
8. How to make ajax asynchronous?
9.tell me about your project.
10. What are your roles and responsibilities?
11. What is bootstrap and how is it helpful?
12. Write a program in bootstrap.

Define all the oops concept by referring to existing Java API

Wharmt is Multithreading
Ways to implement serialization
Use of serialization
What is AOP, Scenarios where we can use AOP
How multithreading works on single core processing
How hashmap and concurrent hasmap work

Tell me about yourself

What are the technologies you have worked on and on what technology you are more
what are your roles and responsibities
Tell about recent projects
Explain your project architecture
What is sdlc
What is waterfall model, spiral model and how is it different from agile
What is Rest Api ,how do you create it?
Difference between Rest and Soap
How do you achieve session time out
have u developed mobile apps and what is xamarin
what is more interesting android app development or java cloud
What is polymorphism
explain overloading and overriding
Which is better for retrieving data array list or linked list and why
Explain Spring AOP
explain spring architecture
what is advice jointpoint and pointcuts
explain autowiring
what is bean in spring
what is session and session factory
what is hibernate
name some implicit jsp objects.
what database have you worked on
how you connect your application to database
what is cursor
what are triggers

they asked 3 scenario based questions :

you are in a train and its stuck in no mans land for 2 days thn how r u going to
spend time
you are walking on road alone and you find 500 and 2000 rs note which one you pick
and how do you spend it
if your are lead and its critical time for project you need to meet deadlines but
in your team there is one guy who took sick leave and there is other guy who come
to u and tell you that that fellow went to movie and is not sick then how do you
handle this situation and how u will convince the person to lied and went to movie
to not repeat this and to complete work on time.
These are the questions asked in technical round, i might have missed few questions
asked in between as the discussion went on but above mentioned questions are the
starting point for that topic.

For HR round they just verified documents and asked me following things:
Total Experience
Are you comfortable in travelling
Will you work on maintenance project for java
Current CTC and Expected from infosys

1.Tell me about your self?

2.What is Inheritence?
3.What is polymorphism?
4.What is early-binding?
5.What is late-binding?what are the rules one should follow to achieve late-
6.What is encapsulation?
7.what is abstraction?
8.what are all the collections you have used as part of your project?
9.which database you have used?
10.Do you know PL/SQL?
11.Which model of Software developement you are worked on?
12.what are the differences between get and load?
13.what is static block ? where did you used it? how many times it will gets
executed? when it will be executed?
14.what are all the exceptions you have as part of your project?
15.what is projections in hibernate where did you used them?
16.what is first-level cache and second level cache?
17.what are some annotations you have used in Hibernate?
18.Why have you used Restful components as part of your project?
19.what is Intercepting filter design pattern? where did you used it?
20.what are new features of Java8?
21.what are the benifits of using Streaming Api?
22.which IDE you are using to develope the application?
23.tell me about your project?

1) How is Jquery related to javascript.

2)What is Agile method.
3)Difference between Agile and waterfall.
4)Different terminology in Agile method.
5)Difference between Abstraction and polymorphism.
6)What are the methods of object class.
7)Singleton class
8)Multithreading concept
9)Exception handling all combination of try catch and finally.
company interview question

Overring lot of question,

overloading lot of prewritten question

Exception lot of question (see once:which i have done in corejava workspace)

what is hirarchy of exception,
tell me cheched excption,& unchecked exception, tell me 4 checked exception &4
unchecked exception,
tell me some runtime exception,
tell me partially checked exception, what is it,
wait() & sleep()
wait() & notify () constructor,
can i override wait() & notify();
what ie restful ,what is the use of restful,
what is the use of synchronization;
How many collection are you used in your project,Arraylist & map
where you used in Map in your project
What is the use of jaxB,
how you create Artifact, which Annotation are you during artifact,
which tool or are you using or you using Tool maven like,
How handle any task , if assigned any task to you,
in hashmap if dublicate key is there then what will happen,
in hashmap if dublicate hashcode is there then what will happen, how wil insert
one hashmap is object Or 1 entry is object
what is bucket ,is this object?
internal of hashmap,
what the set & list
what is hashmap,are you use multithreading,
How many module you worked on
did you work on AOP & transaction,
write All Annotation in Spring ,what handler (handler mapping : he want to ask
handler mapping )

Sql question:
1.Second Highest salary:
2.4th Highest salary
3.I have one Server table ,which ahave server information like
another table FIle ,which have
information(column)ServerId,serverInside,serverOutSide, information
3(1).i want whole server inside information
3(ii) i want whole server 2 information
which join you prefer, write a query,

do you worked on spring boot,Spring boot feature,

related to spring security question,
agile question,
what is wsdl,how to configure ANNOtation based controller in Ioc ,How to tell to
-there is a business requirement that in a collection, two objects must be equal :
what will be your approach?

-one question from HashMap

-spring mvc flow, draw the diagram and explain

-exception handling, asked one program whether it will work or not( child class was
overriding one parent class method and throwing one exception and parent class
method was not throwing that exception)

-have you worked on struts

-have you worked on hibernate

-rest questions were from my resume like i mentioned that i have worked on cloud in
my project so he asked whether you know the configuration part of that

-some questions on my project

-complex tasks that you have worked on project

Explain thread life cycle.

Types of exceptions and explain.
Features of java 1.8
What is the difference between abstract class and interface
Coding tools used.
Code optimisation.
Agile methodology.
What’s the difference between rest and soap?
Restful web services in detail along with the tool.
What is connection pooling?
Difference between classnotfound exception and class definitionnot found exception.
Little in depth questions about the requirement that I’ve done.


He ask me about Mongodb overview cause I had worked on it apart from that most of
the questions were from the list which you have provided,Few new questions are
listed below.

1.collection hierarchy.
2.if I print object what method it calls internally.
3.why we need runtime polymorphism.

And rest were the general questions like how you debug something in you code and in
your project have you faced any performance issue than how did you identified it
and fixed it.
And as I am working on agile few basic questions on agile.


Java oops pillers

Overriding rules
Spring annotations
@component @service
What is @autowired?
Exception handling: try catch finally
Java 7 -try with resources/ multi catch
Java 8 features

Which version of mysql you are using?

What is a trigger?
How many Triggers are possible in MySQL?
What is heap table?
What are the security alerts while using MySQL?
How to export database?
Explain About Functions In Postgresql?
Which version postgres you used?
Which framework you used for mysql?
which framework you used for postgresql?
How to export database using Mysql Workbench?
What is webservices?
What is diffrence between Soap And REST?
What stand for REST?
Which tools you used for RESt Client?
What is IOC?

1) whats your role in your project?

2)what is collection in java?
3)difference between array list and linked list?
4)Iterators in java collection
5)what are crud operations in Database, write the queries for it ?
6)what is left outer join? Explain using Venn diagram?
7)what are the updates in java new versions?
8)what is exceptions in java and its type?
9) What is SDLC ,and which life cycle you have implemented in your project?
10)What is JDBC ,write the steps of jdbc connection in java?
11)What are the challenges you faced in your project?

1.describe about design patterns those I used

2. Collection
3. Given a requirement, array list or linked list, which one I use for that
requirement? And Justification
4. Differentiate Static, non static and instance variables.
5. Static variables, its use and write an example
5. Function overriding.
6. Is it possible to make function overloading with return type(same name and
argument list)? Justification
7. String class
8. string is immutable. Then why we are still using strings in java
9.differentiate string buffer and string builder
10. Threads, how to implement thread, piece of code
11. Is it possible to override main method? Justification
12. Is it possible to overload main method? Justification

Tell me about yourself.

On which technology you are working.
On which areas you are good.
Types of exception.
What are checked and unchecked exception.
How can we perform sorting in collections.
How we can execute program with out main method.
Difference between camparable and camparator.
What is immutable.
Difference between string and stringBuffer.
Difference between stringBuffer and stringBuilder.
Which one to use between stringBuffer and stringBuilder.
Which is thread safe stringBuilder or stringBuffer.
Tell me about your current project.
How you do validations in application.
Problems you are facing in your current project.
What is wincvs
Types of css
How to covert data in string in javastring using JSON.
Hashmap vs hashset
What is hashcode

What is inheritance
What is overloading
What is overriding
Why multiple inheritance is not supported in Java
Write a snippet to sort strings alphabetically
What is interface
Difference between get and post
What is dependency injection

1) Difference between bean factory and application context

2)what is compile time and runtime Exception
3)OOPS Principle
4)Difference between PUT and POST
5)What is exception
6)What is encapsulation

1. Diff b2wn Hashset and Set

2.Diff b2wn arraylist and linkedlist
3. Diff b2wn Hashmap and Hashtable
4. Diff between sleep n wait method
5. What is static in java
6. What is linkedhashset and hashset
7.what is treemap
8. Write down a program to reverese string without using stringbuilder
9. Why string is immutable in java
10. What is the difference between encapsulation and abstraction
11. What is self and inner join
12. What is left outer join
13. What is the role of u in your project.
14. What is the difference between get and load method in hibernate
15. What is spring IOC
16. Tell me mvc flow of spring
17. How do u know a class is a controller
18. What is synchronisation
19. How hashmap internally works
20. What is race condition in synchronisation.

1. Introduce yourself.
2. Tell me about OOP's concepts.
-- Intheritence
-- Polymorphism
-- Abstraction
-- Encaptualation ?
3. What is Objeect class, how mathods it has?
4. Give an real time example of abstraction?
5. What is interface?
6. What is Exception handling, How many types are there?
7. What is the difference b/w error and exception?
8. What is compile time exception and runtime exception, give an example?
9. What is the root class of exception, Tell me some of exception?
10. When interrupted exception, when it will be used?
11. What is multithreading?
12. What is wait(), notify(), notifyAll(), when we use them?
13. What is difference b/w sleep() and wait() methods?
14. What is user defined exception, give me an example?
15. What is collection framework?
16. What is the advantage than arrays with collection?
17. What is the difference b/w ArraList and LinkedList?
18. What is the Vector class, Why we are not using Vector class instead of ArraList
and LinkedList?
19. What is syncronization and what is the advantage?
20. What is threadpool ?
21. What is executor in java?
22. What is String Pool (SCP)?
23. Where objects stored in java?
24. Where local, instance and static variables are stored in java?
25. If A,B,C,D class are there now
if A class calls B class method,
if B class calls C class method,
if C class calls D class method,
each class one method and now I would like to handle the exception hanle at B
class, how can I do it?
26. What do you know about Apache And WAS servers?
27. What do you know about Struts, SpringMVC, Have you used them?
28. What is Singleton class?
29. When we use Singleton class in real time projects?
30. What is Object lock in multithreading environment?

Tell me about yourself?

What is polymorphism?
Types of polymorphism and eg?
Method overriding by changing return types?
Overriding of methods with different modifiers?
difference between overloading and overriding?
Explain your job role?
Draw collection hierrachy?
how to sort a collection?
Difference between arraylist and vector?
Difference between hashset,linkedhashset,treeset?
Self joins ?
Many to many relationship and example?
what is war file?
how many ways we can do threading ?
why implementing runnable interface when extending thread class is an option ?
directory structure of tomcat server?
why string is immutable?
what is your current project?
difference between hashmap and hastable?
difference between == and equals?
Custom objects hashset example?what if duplicates key are present?
comparable and compartor?
Why do you want to change?
what are checked exceptions?eg?
method throws filenotfoundexception is it valid?

Infosys Nehru Place delhi

Tell me about yourself.
Explain your current project architecture.
How spring MVC works. Full flow. From URL hit to dispatcher servlet to view
What is aspect oriented programming (AOP)
Explain DI. Class A have dependancy on class B how can we inject dependency by DI.
Can we pass same variable name that is declared in a class also, to a method that
is declared in the same class?
Class Test{ String myName= "amit"
Public void display (){ String myName =" Sharma"
; Sysout(myName); }}
Write a singleton class. Use double locking.
What is maven ?
Apart from jar dependency what is the Use of maven?
How you exporting build or make build for deployment ?
What u have deployed in your project war or jar or ear ? What is the difference
between three ?
What is the difference between Doget an dopost method in servlet? How servlet know
which call is coming doget or post?
How the form values we can send to servlet . How we are getting values on servlet.
Why do u want to join infosys?
What is junit ? How you are writing test cases in your project ? Write an example
Which junit version u have used in your project ?
How you solve production issues as you mentioned in your resume. Give example
How did you taken UAT signed from user as you mentioned in your resume.
Can you explain different type of testing technique.
What is this SMS testing as u mentioned in your resume .
How you did hibernate integration in your project.
Write syntax of .hbm file by taking an example of your project pomp class or table.
How did you generated pojo classes for corresponding .hbm file.
If we didn't write any hbm file then how Pojo classes works?
We have an employee table in that empId empName MangrId column are there. Write a
query to display all the managers name? Manager is also an employee.
We need to save larger text into a column then what we need to use? I answered
blob. He ask then is there any specific thing we need to write for getting blob
type data saved in db.
If we want to search amit in name column in where criteria the we need to write in
sql where name like '%amit%' , and if % is in between amit like am%it then now
above query will work for this special character name?
What is this winscp tool. Where you are using this.
Which file is changing in production class or Java file
What is this I report tool ? Jasper report ? Which version of jasper you are using.
Is there any performance issue with this jasper report version.

1. Explain your current project

2. What are the concepts in core java used in your project.
3. current project flow
4. My academic project explanation
5. write a code for many-to-many relationship in hibernate and where did you use in
your project?
6. about session time and session time out mechanism?
7. how many users can access your current project?
( Actually my project is web based project, so they asked about it)
8. What is Hashing and how to generate uni-code for that?
9. asked about hashmap concept like how to store 1 to 10 numbers in three buckets?

Hiring is going on in several Big Mnc's .Opening is in all technologies. Min Exp: 2
years, Max exp: no limits. Plz float d msg
Drop your cv at Inform your frds too...

What is the difference between Notify and Notify All

tell me about your roles and responsibilities
Method overriding and Method overloading differnece example.
Difference between rest and soap web service.
what is synchronization ?how is it achieved ?
what is the difference between error and exception?
what is the use of hibernate configuraion file?
what is concurrent modification exception?when it will occur?
what are thread states avialble?
how to sort the array?
How do you get the requirement for your project .
how do u check performance of your code?
What is difference in threads sleep() and wait() method?
Explain about Hibernate 1st level cache and 2nd level cache ?
what is struts 2 MVC architecture
how to handle out of memory exception in server

Why do you want to change

About yourself
Current project
Difference between soap and rest
Why rest is advantageous
How to do versioning
How to implement security in rest
Polymorphism in Java
What are checked exception
Traceability Matrix

1) write a program to store the student semester wise marks using collections.
2) what is marker interface give an example.
3) write a sql query to copy one table data completely to new table(backup)
4)what is IN arguments and OUT arguments
5)how to use one class object as variable with in another class
6)what are life cycle method of servlet
7)what is checked and unchecked exception give examples
8)which is the super most class of the exception
9)how to deploy the project in to server
10)explain your current project Architecture
11)which module of your project you worked
12)what is div and span tags in html
13)what is the difference between functions and procedures in sql
14)what is the difference between jsp and servlet.
15) how you write validation logic's in your project.
16)tell any one performance issue you fixed in your project
17)explain any one P1 bug you fixed in the project.

infosys interview questions :8/9/2017:-Hyderabad locations

1.tell me aout your self

2.tell me about your roles and responsibilities

3.write code about your project

4.they given one application write code that?

tat is i have clothe class,
mens,womens,kids i have
both store in data base write code

5.retrival query write? to connect data base your project?

7.what is lo4j?how can help your project?what is the use of that? if not use what
8.daily activities in your company?

9.explain your code?

10.expalin your critical situation in your project? can u handle that critical situation?

12.http methods?

13.exceptions how can you handle in your project?

14.ask me about GIT(version control)?

15.daily roles of your project?

16.scrum methodology?

17.ask me about scrum methodology?

18.jsp login page write?

19.write your project code (not syntax) ?

20.where is your company, how long you work your company? to check code your project(means) any tools you used? can you handle critical situation in your project?

What all design patterns you know.

Jsp include and include directive difference.
Which collection you will use for search and why?
What is spring AOP
What blocks are mandatory for try catch blocks.
How hashmap internally works.
Write code to iterate hashmap.
Select query for left outer join.
Is there a mechanism that spring handles exceptions ?
Spring hibernate configuration.
Can we set configuration parameters for servlet ?
Method overriding example.
Try with multiple catch blocks.
Application scope of jsp.
Jsp implicit objects.

PM round : Reshma
Any technical challenges you have faced.
About your project flow.
Why you want to switch organisation.
1. Tell me about your professional career?
2. What he you worked in java ?
3. Describe your project. where you use java in your project?
4. Tell me about a technical challenge that you have face in your project?
5. What is SOA?
6. Tell me about OOP Concept.
7. what is inheritance?
8. tell me a real time example of inheritance?
9. what is abstraction?
10. difference between final, finally and finalize?
11. what is interface?
12. real time example of interface where you use in daily life.
13.what is abstract class?
14. Difference between Abstract Class and Interface.
15. What is JUNIT? Have you ever worked on JUNIT?
16. How you Deploy your code on server?
17. Do you know any automated tools for deployment like MARVEN, JBOSS, Apache?
18. What is RESTful and SOAP?

Please find below interview questions:-

Started as first we will go for introduction part then we will move to technical
introduce your self.
What is your project.
Which methodology you working on in your project.
explain agile.
What and all tool you have used.
Which ticketing system is used by you.
what is l1 and l2 support.
what is the difference between incident and problem.
your role in the project.
what and all kind of tickets do you get.
what is the flow of your application.
how is inventory maintained in your application.
how the payment system works in your application.
what is singleton?
what is finally? can we use finally in try without catch?
when finally does not get executed?
what is life cycle of thread?
nofify is used for wait or sleep method.
what is notify and notify all
what is servlet ?
what is prepared statement ?
what is jdbc driver and different types of jdbc drivers?which driver is used when?
what is synchronization ?how is it achieved ?
what is diff betn synchronized block and synchronised method?
what is transient ?
which controller you are using?
which repository you are using ?
different types of collection?
difference between hashmap and hashtable?
difference between linkedlist and hashmap?
which collection is used in which case?
what is daemon thread?
how is it implemented?
what is finalize method?
how is it implemented ?
can we call explicitly gc(), if called explicitly will it get executed ? why do we
use this?
what is the difference between error and exception?
what is difference between throw and throws?
in how many ways string is created?
what is the difference between == and ====?
when null pointer exception is thrown?
what is parseint mehod?
what is abstarction?when to use it?
what is interface and when to use it? difference between interface and abstraction
with programming example for both?
how do you connect to database?
what is serialization and deserialization?how is it achieved?
writeObject() and readObject() method ?
what is the result of select * from table , table2?
different types of join?
what is trigger ?
what is procedure and function?

1)what is SDLC.Agile methodology.

2)what is overloading overriding.
3)What is inheritance.
4)Tell me about your project.
5)what is spring MVC.
6)How request mapping is done in spring.
7)Have you worked on ajax.
8)What is difficult thing you faced and how you resolved it.
9)Difference between rest and soap web service.

1. Introduce yourself
2. Tell me about your work experience.
3. Tell me about project that you worked on.

4. when to use abstract.

5. when to use interface.

6. what is exception ?
7. why we have to use Exception concept in java programming.
8. Types of Exception ?
9. Hierarchy of Java Exception classes ?
10. Difference between final(), finally() and finalize() methods ?
11. What is the purpose of finalize() method ?

12. what is an String.

13. How to check 2 stings are equal
14. what is the use of ' == '
15. Two same strings are there and one is in upperCase and othe is in lowerCase. if
we compare both, we should get true.

16. what are the different Types of Servers available

17. what is web Server and Application server.
18. Name any few web servers names.
19. what are the servers unsig in your project.

20. write an SQL query to get all columns from an table ?

21. write an SQL query to get specific columns ?
22. weite an SQL query to count the numeric values of particular column
23. what is an primary key and foreign ?

24. why your thinking to switch the company.

1) Introduce yourself
2) Tell me about your work experience.
3) Tell me about project that you worked on.
4) What is mean by front controller in Spring MVC
5) What is use of View Resolver
6) Write a program to find words which starts with "i" and append the string

What are final, finally and finalize

Difference between HashMap and HashTable
How to make a class singleton
Explain Collection API
What are different types of collections
What are threads
Job Java Sumit Sharma: How to create thread
Job Java Sumit Sharma: How thread worka
What is the difference between Notify and Notify All
Explain oops concepts
What is Abstraction
What are mapper interface
: What type of collection you will use if you have to count the number of
appearance of coins from 0 to 10.
What is serialization
Explain the working of HashMap
Difference between List and Map
Advance java :
How to create a Servlet
Difference between get and post request
How http request works
How to configure Spring
How to initialize Dispatcher Servlet and where
How Spring IOC container works
What is the default bean scope in spring
What are different bean scopes in spring
Explain all
Explanation different annotations in spring
How to integrate Hibernate with Spring
How to create query using hibernate
What is spring jdbc template
What is session factory

Explain about project methodologies

Explain about sdlc model
Explain about project
Explain about server(jboss)
jvm/jre/jdk difference and integration
oops concepts.

What are opps properties?

What is final.
What is Exception.
What is function Overloading & overridig?
What is final,finally and finalize.
What is singleton class
What is map
What is ITIL.
What is Set and hashmap
Explain project in details .
What is unit Testing.

1. Find the smallest number in the array having million records?

2. If array is having repeating numbers How can u remove the non repeating


e int [] input= {1,2,2,2,2,2, 5,5,55,5,5,55,3,6,7,8,}output should be


3. Check if the string is palindrome or not?

4. When to choose interface and when abstraction?

5. What @Autowired does in Spring?

6. Second highest salary of the employee?

7. How Hash map works?

8. Find the largest salary of the employee in each department given three tables
empoyee, dept and their relationship?

1.Oops concepts.
2.What are compiletime and runtime 3.polymorphism in java.
4.Concepts of serialization and 5.synchroniza in java.
6.How to serialize a class.
7.What is deserialization.
8.Object lock and class level lock in java.
9.Can we declare a static variable inside non static method.
10.Job of class.forname() in jdbc. browser understand whether a request is get or post. to throw user defined exception.

Brief abount OOPS concepts,collections,threads,exceptions,method overloading

Briefing about the project you r working on

Core java concepts,Servlets,difference between context config and context param,

jdbc prepared statement,sql primary & foreign key differences,different types of
keys n sql,
how to create a project in soap ui,sdlc models,design patterns like singleton.

Java questions:

What is final keyword.

What is static keyword.
Can we put null as a key in map.
Can we put try catch within try block.
What is function overriding?
Why string is immutable.
What is string buffer.
What is private class.
How can we make class immutable.
What is classcast exception.
Can we put multiple public class into a single file.
Difference between array and arraylist.

Spring questions:

What is beanfactory.
What is viewresolver.
What is singleton.
How we integrate hibernate with spring.

Project questions:

What is scope of bean in my project.

Hibernate configuration in spring.
Who review your code.
Who deploy your code.
Where project code is maintained.
How you get requirements.
Role in project.

1)About Project,My role and Technology used

2)Difference between checked and unchecked exception
3)Advantages of unchecked exception
4)Customized exception
5)Differences Between Set and Map
6)About WeakHashMap
7)Difference between SOAP and REST
8)Types of Transactions
9)Relation between spring transaction and appliction servers Transaction
10)Serialization and its advantages

what is java?
what is polymorphism in Java?
what's is dependency injection?
how do you get the json response from controller?
why we use hibernate?
what u developed using hibernate in your proj?
explain about your project?
is java licensed or open source or both?
project architecture?
how to configure spring and hibernate?
what is checked exception?
types of exceptions?
what is thread?
how to create threads?
what is hashmap internal working?

why we use angular js?
advantages of angular?
what is $scope?

1. How many ways we can create object for class

2. What are the features of JAVA 1.7
3. How to install JDK
4. Abstract class and methods in it
5. How to call base and subclass overriding methods
6. Life cycle of JSP
7. How to create simple JDBC connection
8. What are the contents of Web.xml?
9. what are the Functions in servlet
10. what makes a class servlet
11. Access Modifiers.

What is static keyword.

What is final.
What is Exception.
What is finally and finalize.
Access Modifier
What is private class
What is singleton class
What is sting , string buffer and string builder
How to make a class singleton.
What is map
What is array list
What is Set and hashmap
How to sort the collection.
Explain comparable and comparator.
Define Spring.
Explain project in details .
What is view Resolver.
What is unit Testing.
Development build tool(IDE, Net Beans)
What is Maven.
How do you get the requirement for your project .
What is build have you ever release the build .
Have u ever interact with client.

1.Tell Me About Your Self

2. Explain your current Project working On.
3.Write a program to find the digits of the String : eg:test1234 Ans:1234
4.A Logical Question.

Story of Man, Goat , Caw and Grass

There is river, Man has carry a each at a time, across the river, he can make as
many round,

Tell me about yourself.

Roles and responsibilities in your current project.
OOPs concept and explain each.
Overriding and overloading.
Different data types.
Interface and abstract.
Array list and sorting.

tell me about yourself.

tell me about your project.
my project roles and responsiblity.
about tools and technologies which i mentioned in the resume.
static import.
java program of static import classes and methods.
why we create static classes.
java program to print the count of each character in a string.
java program to find missing number from n size array which has been
copied from another n+1 size array.array contains n continuous
elements from 1.

sql query to print duplicate data from a table.

web services annotations,.

error in try,catch , finally program.
how to write web services and publish.

1. Introduce about yourself.

2. Tell us about your last project.

3. What are the OOP’s concepts in java?

4. What is polymorphism?

5. What are the immutable objects are in java?

6. What is difference in StringBuffer and StringBuilder?

7. What is interface?

8. What is abstract class?

9. What is difference in abstract class and interface?

10. What is use of final in java?

11. What is exception in java and what are the ways to handle exceptions?

12. Can we write try without catch block?

13. What is multi threading

14. Tell life cycle of thread.

15. What are the ways to create thread?

16. Can we directly call run() method of thread instead of calling start()

17. What is difference in threads sleep() and wait() method?

18. What is deadlock in multithreading?

19. What is synchronization and how to achieve it?

20. What is better synchronized block or synchronized method?

21. Write simple example of creating thread.

22. What are the collections in java?

23. What is HashMap?

24. What difference in HashMap and HashTable?

25. What is comparable interface?

26. What is comparator interface?

27. What is difference between statement and PreparedStatement?

28. What is batch processing in java?

29. What is servlet?

30. What is JSP?

31. Difference in Servlet and JSP

32. Difference in get request and post request?

33. What is session tracking?

34. What is servlet filter?

35. What are jsp directives?

36. What are jsp implicit objects?


1. What is difference in primary key and foreign key?

2. What is normalization?

3. What is stored procedure and stored function?

4. Write example of cursor.

5. What is view in SQL?

6. What is trigger?

7. Write query to find second highest salary form employee table.

8. What are joins in SQL?

1.tell me about yourself

2.asked my role in project
3.asked my project testing.
4.questions about Sdlc
5.about vss for code maintaining related to my project and disadvantages about that
6.what is struts 1 architecture
7.what is controller in struts 1 and struts 2
8.what is difference between struts 1 and struts 2.
9.about struts 2 interceptors.
10.struts 1 flow in my project.
11.about struts-config.xml and global exceptions importance in struts. to display exception from dao layer to ui layer in my project.
13.exception handling and questions about exception handling questions on method
overloading concept.
14.what is importance of public static void main and detailed explanation about
15.method overloading and method overriding.
16.multitherading concept.
17.why string is special than types.
18.jsp implicit objects.
19.jsp architecture.
20. How to connect to database that code in paper.
21.what is significance of type 4 driver.
22. Why void in public static void main not other return type,if we use int instead
of void what will happen.
23.what is Ajax.
24.what type of collections used in my project.
25.what is difference between haahset and hashmap.
26.what is difference between linkedlist and arraylist .
27.what is servet filter.
28.after deploy our code if one main file is not there our ear is useless.(web.xml)
29.what is difference between web server and application server.

2nd round
1.Current salary expected salary.
2.which locations you prefer.
3.your ready to work on maintenance project.

1)Tell me about yourself and Your role and responsbility in your

current project.

2)Describe your project flow.(Technical Flow)

3)Describe project architecture.

4)How you are using SVN.

How your team members updateing code in SVN if some of them woking
on the same module with you?

5)If some of the team member have changed the code and in next moring
when you start working
on the same code.Then How will you figure out what changes have done
in the same code?

5)How to coomit code in SVN from command prompt?

6)What are concepts of core java you are using in your project?

7)How you are using Multithreading in your project?Give an example?

8)Difference between abstract and interface?

9)What is the concept of LDAP?what is the requirement of this in your project?

10)How you are validating a loggedin user from the JSP page?(Initial Page)

11)Runnable is an interface or class?

1.Advantages of hbernate over others.which version you are using and what is the
differnce with

the previous version

2.why PostgresSql (my project database) not others.

3.what is Inheritance ,method overriding and method overloading,polymorphism,oops


4. what is interface

5.what are checked and unchecked exceptions.some esamples

6.what is difference between jdk1.5 and 1.6

7.what is include tag in jsp

8. what is difference between jsp and servlet

7. what are implicit objects in jsp

8. what are tiles. how they are implemented

9. what is difference between struts1 nad 2

10. what is struts controller used in your project.

11.what is different between request dispacture and redirect

12.what is your role in your project.

13. what is the architecture of your project.

14. How do you track incidents in your project and how you work on SLAs

15. Are there any tools being used

16.what is your project

17.Tell about yourself.

Tell me something about yourself?

Flow diagram of Struts 2?
Difference between Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x?
Which IDE you use to build your program?
Tell about your latest project?
How Team size you are having?and what is your work?
What is your SLA while solving the issues?
How to make War file using the IDE you are using?

1) spring mvc flow

2) hibernate template use
3) javascript use
4) Jsp lifecycle
5) Junit method creation and writing test case
6) Hibernate vs other ORM
7) Different development Methodologies
8) Exception handling
9) Threading
10) Hql
11) mapping in Hibernate

1. Many Database related queries Outer join. inner join full join

2. Difference between overloading and overriding

3. Benefits of hibernate over JDBC

4. Transient state in hibernate explanation

5. Difference between arraylist and linkedlist

6. Which SDLC you followed and why?

7. Explain about OOPS concepts

8. ) Tell Me DFD of your project and your role.

Question on Agile Methodology.
9) Synchronised collection in Java.

10 Explain about your current Project

11. Multi Threading implementation in your project

12 HIbernate mappings

13. String immutable

14 Differnece between string and buffer

15. How to create a thread in java?

16. Explain all about exception handling

17. Explain all about garbage collection

18. Explain private constructor of abstract class.

19. Difference between REST and SOAP based web services

20. What is deadlock

21. What is singleton class?

22. Explain try catch finally and try with multiple catches

23. Difference between static and dynamic binding

24. Marker interface

25. Explain static methods in java

Rest a few questions on Android

like Activity life cycle of android. Explanation of current project on android etc

)struts flow we do validations in struts?

3.what is client validations in struts

difference between jdk1.5 and jdk 1.6

what is jsp implicit objects

how to configure hibernate template in spring config file

what is dependency injection

4.what is prepared statement and statement? we configure hibernate in struts

6.what is xml files in hibernate?

1. What are the technologies used in current project?

2. Explain the technologies which is used and how to configure it?

3. How to integrate spring with hibernate?

4. What are the collections you worked on?

5. How to iterate the hashmap and write a program for it?

6. Which collection you used mostly and why?

7. Which SDLC you followed and why?

8. Explain about hibernate and its interfaces?

9. Explain about Spring MVC flow?

10. Difference between get and load method in hibernate?

11. How session is maintained?

12. Explain about oops concepts?

write a code for this .
1) overloading and overriding
2) collections- treeset internal implementation
List arraylist hashmap difference
3) Java reflection
4) project questions
5) sevlet doget dopost method necessary to override

Tell me about yourself.

Tell me about your projects.
Difference between linked list and arraylist.
What is multithreading?
What is resource sharing?
Tell me about web services.

1) Tell me something about yourself.

2) Tell Me DFD of your project and your role.
3) What is diff btween Servlet and JSP.
4) How thread work in Servlet.
5) Which one you prefer Servlet or JSP.
6) How to make custom error in java
7) Difference between interface and abstract class.
8) Question on Agile Methodology.
9) Synchronised collection in Java.
10) Can we instantiate more than one thread in service method of servlet.
11) Exception in servlet.
12) Question on try catch block.
13) Do get and Do post example where we use which one.
14) Role in current oragnization how we handle request from client.
15) How we go ahead changes asked by client.
16) Any questions for us.


1) Name and Designation cross verification of documents provided.

2) What Designation they will be giving me.
3) Discussion on CTC and also on Monthly salary and variable
4) Any questions for us.

1) Struts 2.0 flow

2) Adventages of Hibenate over JDBC

3) How to connect databse Using Hibernate

4) Expalin about polumorphysim in java

5) Explain about Inheritance in java

6) Explain about your current Project

7) differnce between struts 1.0 and struts2.0

8) Expalin about static varibles and non static variables?

9)Explain about synchronization in java

10) what is servlet container?

11) expalin about servlet Life cycle.

12) spring MVC flow

13) which version control used in your project?

14) How maintaining versions in your project?

15) Maven tool

16) JSP Implict Objects

17) Object class methods

18) all Collection Interfaces and classes (Collection Hierachy)

19) Explain List,set and map

20) How Your doing unit testing in your project?

21) Spring IOC

22) How your maintaining versions in your project?

23) Overloading and Overriding?

24) Hibernate Mappings?

25) Hibernate caching?

26) Intefaces and Abstract classes

Tell me about yourself?

2) Tell me about your project ?
3) Explain your project and the technologies u used?
4) Explain Servlet Life cycle and their methods?
5) List and Explain Servlet implicit objects?
6) How to optimize servlet load time?
7) Can we call Destroy method in init() ? If Yes/No why ?
8) JSP Implicit Objects?
9) Working of HashMap, Equals and hashcode method.
10) Is it mandatory to override hashcode method ? why ?
11) Program to search using hashmap?
12) Program to read a file and count number of spaces.
13) Spring LifeCycle? Bean lifecycle?
14) Explain config file in hibernate? How caching is done ?

1) Tell me something about yourself.

2) What is the diff btw ArrayList and Vector
3) What is diff btw Hashmap and hashtable
4) which class is super class of all the classes?
5) Why object class is needed?
6) Why String class is immutablle?
7) How to create Thread in java
8) Diff btw compartor and comparable
9) How hashMap works?
10) What is motivational factor of joining Infosys?
11) Draw hierarchy of collection/
12) What is the diff btw collection and collections
13) What will be the output of following program:-

String s1="abc";

14) Life cycle of thread?

15) diff btw final,finally and finalize.
16) Any questions for us?
17) Super class of Exception

Technical questions:
Which technologies have you worked on and which versions?

A simple java program to find element of one array in another, stopping when the
first instance is found.

Have you used subversion in your project..yes which one?

How the code committed by you is deployed on the production environment?

What is a defect? Have you done testing on your project?

What's JVM, JDK?

Other questions related to my projects in college?

Collections, which collections have you used?

Do you know simple database queries?

What have you used for database?

GroupBy and join?

1. Give me brief description of the role you play in current project.

2. What are the collection you have used.
3. What are generics.
4. How many people team have you handle.
5. At what technology stack do you worked.
6. What is your role and responsibilities in project.
7. What will happened if multiple thread on a same object trying to aquire a lock.
8. Question on try catch finally block. Where do we write return.
9. Custom exception.
1.What are the design pattern, Please explain all.Describe Singleton?
2.Name of run time exception?
3.Name of annotation available in spring?
4.What is hibernate and why we use?
5.What is distributed system?
6.What is load balancing?
7.How to configure tomcat and deploy an application?
8.How to configure Maven?
9.Difference between rest and soap web service?
10.Project related question.

1. Tell me about yourself..?

2. In which situations we should use Assertions.?

3. Draw the complete Collection hierarchy.?

4. what is treeset . ?

5. How do you synchronize a HashMap..?

6. Difference between HashMap and HashTable.?

7. When should we use Hashtable over Hashmap..?

8. What is re-entrant lock.?

9. What is bridge Method?

10 what is the role of serialVersionUID in serialization.

11. What is agile methodology..? what are various terms of it..?

12. which configuration management tool you have used..?

13. Tell me which roles you have played in the waterfall model yet..?

14. How do you perform unit testing for your development..?

15. what normal comments do you get in crucible for your development activities.?

16. which design patterns you have used so far..? Explain each of those.

17. In what cases should we use Singleton design pattern..? Any example of it..?

18. You have a batch program which usually fetches the data in background.
how would you implement it in Java..?

Rest API:
Q. What is content negotiation?
Tell me about yourself.
Difference b/w abstract class and interface.
Classes and interfaces in collection
Base class of exception
Exception handling code.
Try and multiple catch block code.
Oops concept.polymorphism.
Method overloading and overriding.
Types of binding.
Arraylist code.
Struts lyf cycle.
Jsp life cycle.
Program to check prime number.
List is an interface or a class.
When to use abstract class and interface.
Real time example for abstraction.
Encapsulation real time example
Project related question.
Role in current project.
Framework used in project.

Tell me about yourself

why do we use web services
write the parameters of wsdl
abstract class and interface
method overloading and methods overriding
marker interface
synchronization keyword.
how to create thread.
hashmap and hashtable
some real time example for most of the questions.

1.Write a programme to print hello world in java and explain the working of main

2. What is dependency injection and what are the types?

3.Compare the different types of dependency injection methods.

4.Annotation in spring framework.

5. How to connect to database in java

6. Difference between statement anf prepared statement.

7. Design pattern used in your current project.

8. Difference between Collection and Collections.

9. Static and dynamic binding.

10. Shallow copy and deep copy in java.

Then all other questions were related to project and domain specific.
Tell me abt yourself
Uses of Interfaces and Abstract classes in real scenario
Serializable in java
Marker interface
HashTable and Hashmap
Linkedlist and Arraylist
Does java support multiple inheritance ?
How thread works
Ways of thread creation
Thread Synchronization
Normalization and it's type

1. Jdk 1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8 difference

2. Oracle 10 n 11 diff
3. What is marker interface n example
4. Singleton
5. Main syntax explanation
6. Max 3 salaries
7.hashmap n hashtable diff
8. Diff joins
9. Object class methods
10. Aggregate function
11. Data flow in project
12. Equals n == example.
13. Struts flow.

Hr round

Basic hr questions only.


1. Difference between abstract n interface

2. What is webservices
3. How webservice is called in the code
4. What is Exception?
5. Unit testing
6. What are frameworks known??
7. Polymorphism

Front end frameworks known

Then all questions was related to project

7. Explain project briefly
8. My Roles in the project
9. (If agile model) how requirement is collected
10. Tell one situation how you saved project from a big issue.
11. Appdynamics
12. Putty logs monitoring
13. What actions are taken when we recieve an alert
14. How often i interact with client.

Managerial :
1. Self introduction
2. About project
3. How open are you for domain change

Question related to project

4. Unit testing
5. Bug fixing

Regarding hobbies, i told hobbies are reading n cooking. So they askd like who is
my favourite author n last read book.
6. Location preference


1. How do i know Amit

2. Why Iam looking for company change
2. About my role in Infosys- senior system analyst
3. Location preferance
4. compensation discussion.

1) What are modifiers avaliable in java ?

2) Explain about public,static, final , protected modifiers
3) Explain about oops concepts in java
4) Explain about Inheritance in java
5) Explain about polymorphism ? What is static polymorphism and dynamic
6) Explain about overloading and Overriding in java ?
7) what is Thread ? How to implement thread concept in java?
8) Struts 2.0 flow
9) What is the Difference between Struts1.x and Struts2.x
10) what is Hibernate?
11) Advantages of Hibernate over JDBC
12) Explain Hibenrate Mapping files and Configuration files?
13) Explain about Hibernate 1st level cache and 2nd level cache ? How do we
implemented in your project?
14) How to configure Composite Primary key in Hibernate mapping file?
15) what are the Aggregate functions avaliable in Oralce?
16) write a query using count aggregate function
17) what is primary key and foreign key in sql?
18) what is the difference between throw and throws keyword ? when to use throws
and throw keyword
19) what is dependency Injection ?
20) is it possible to write same method name with same parameters and differnet
Return type in same class?
21) if we change value of static varible in one method it is reflected in another
method or object
what is value static variable ie. old value or changed value?
22) Explain about project?

hr questions

1) tell me about your self?

2) why you are changing the company?

1. What's d diff between struts 1 and struts 2?

2. How u define param variables in struts ?
3. What is your project architecture ? What r your roles and responsibilities ?
4. Whats the diff between arraykist and vector ?
5. How to immutable own classes ? Diff between string builder and buffer ?
6. How to make arraylist synchronize ?
7. How u get connection in hibernate ?
8. Diff between get and load ?
9. What is page scope and session scope , application and request scope ?
10. Tag lib in jsps ?
11. How u get Db connection in ur project ?
12. Diff actions in struts 1 ?
13. Ask me to write an SQL query two join two tables ? Three tables ?
14. What is hql ?

1) Abstract class and interface differences

2)Static Key Word explanation
3)Use of Finally Block
4)Can we diclared Static key to class or not
5)What is Normalization
6)DDL and DML Explaination
7)Your Project Design parrens
8) Hibernate Query for Getting the Companies and Count
9) difference between Arraylist and Vector.
Ex: -infosys,infosys,infosys,TCS,TCS,IBM

Hr interview
1) tell me about your self
2) r u reallocate
3) what is expected pakage-------------be flexible do not become rigid means my
tips....if u will behave as a flexible person HR will appreciate it
Java :

oops concepts, Collections, Exception handling, Threads, Sql Queries, SDLC

lifecycle, Design patterns, Struts application flow, Current project

These are questions asked to me .

1.Project Explanation

2. Jsf Configuration

3.Jsf Advantage

4.Spring Configuration

5.Hibernate Advantage and configuration details

6. What are the tools used for developed the application and explain about that

7.What is web.xml

8.What is Application Context

9.How application worked with tomcat server

10.Application deployed details

11.@inject and @autowired


13.How Application identify the Particular bean from ui page

14.Jsf Life cycle

15.Spring mvc working procedure in application

16.spring modules

17.Jsp And Servlet difference

18.Hashmap and map

19.List and Linked list

20 .Explain about collection framework

21.Hashtable and hashmap

22.write program for palindrome and Armstrong number

23.Add ,remove ,iteration in map

24.Add ,remove ,iteration in List

25.Comparator and comparable

26. Design pattern

26.Static usage and final

27.abstract vs interface

28.Where the situation we have to use corresponding collection

1. Difference between Vectors and Array List

2.What is Trigger

3.How did you handle procedures and Sequences in your project

4.DB locks

5.How many types of Exceptions are there

6.How many types of checked exceptions

7.Write Hibernate.cnf.xml and mapping files xml's with an example

8.Servlet Life Cycle

9.Can we pass another parameter to the init method other than servlet config

10.Which of these is called initially.Constructor or init? explain.

11.what is the output for the following


//sql related exception code


arithematic exception


null pointer exception


E exception


sql exception

which catch block will execute

12.What is super class of exception

13.What is super class of all classes

What are types of exceptions?

What are jsp and servlet differences?
What is session factory in Hibernate??
How Hibernate configuration done??
What are joins in SQL?
What is uses of Hibernate?
What is tomcat?
How Jsf flow works?
Remaining all are my project related questions referring to my resume??

. difference between Relational database and non relational database.

2. query to find maximum salary from a table.
3. different modules of spring
4. base class of Exception
5. difference between Interface and Abstract class
6. difference between Drop and Truncate
7. architecture of project
8. spring mvc flow
9. what is MVC
10. What is IOC

Insurance Domain
1. what is annuities
2. difference between health care projects and life insurance projects.
tell abt yourself
how u have done unit testinghw u have written the test scenarios
how will u fix the issue
if u r a designer then hw will u perform
if u r a lead then resposibiliteis
y changing company

They have mainly concentrated on Core Java.They strict to basics.

Questions on Strings, Threads, Files, Collection Framework, Servlet lifeCycle, some

scenario based questions on real time They mainly focused on the things mentioned
in the resume, so candidates has to be aware of each thing they mentioned in
1)struts flow we do validations in struts?

3.what is client validations in struts

4.what is prepared statement and statement? we configure hibernate in struts

6.what is xml files in hibernate?

7.what the server that you have used for deployment?

8.How do you maintain all the projects like tool?

9.Difference b/w truncate and drop?

10.can we rollback the changes in delete command

11.syntax of left outer join gave example and asked to join two tables.

explain spring flow

how to configure action classes in struts

how to deploy application using tomcat server

what is the logic to get substring of string without using string function

how to get array list values in ascending order with logic


difference between abstract class and interface

what is inheritance

difference between jdk1.5 and jdk 1.6

what is jsp implicit objects

how to configure hibernate template in spring config file

what is dependency injection

explain about some annotations in spring

difference between array list and hash map

what is syncronization

what is thread and how to create thread

how retrive values using list

difference between throw and throws

1. 65-70% of the questions were related to the Last Project that I've worked on.
2. Differences between ServletContext and ServletConfig?
3. What is Context?
4. Differences between javaScript & jQuery?
5. What is CSS3? How to integrate/use it with jQuery?
6. Differences between PostgreSQL & MySQL?
7. Tool used for PostgreSQL?
8. What are the different response codes for REST web services?
9. What are the differences between 500 & 503 codes?
10. Method resolution in REST Web Services?
11. Major differences between C++ & Java?

How to configure database connections in project,

Explain about abstract factory design pattern ,
Difference between backing bean and managed bean ,

How to populate the data from controller to JSF pages

Table creation in oracle ,

Data base design

Which configuration management tools used in project

What is the build tool used in project

program to print A if numer divisible by 3 and print B if number divisible by 5

1.Project Explanation
2.Spring Configuration
3.Hibernate Advantage and configuration details
4.What is Application Context
5.what is dependency injection
6. What is ioc
7.@inject and @autowired
8.spring modules
9.Jsp And Servlet difference
10.Design pattern
11.What is jdbc

12.Write Hibernate.cnf.xml and mapping files xml's with an example

13.Servlet Life Cycle

14.What are jsp and servlet differences?

15.What is session factory in Hibernate??

16.How Hibernate configuration done??

What is uses of Hibernate?
. difference between Relational database and non relational database.

different modules of spring

architecture of project

What is IOC

tell abt yourselves

y changing company

struts flow

how we configure hibernate in struts

explain spring flow

how to configure action classes in struts

how to deploy application using tomcat server

what is the logic to get substring of string without using string function

how to get array list values in ascending order with logic


difference between abstract class and interface

what is inheritance

difference between jdk1.5 and jdk 1.6

what is jsp implicit objects

how to configure hibernate template in spring config file

what is dependency injection

explain about some annotations in spring

difference between array list and hash map

what is syncronization

what is thread and how to create thread

Differences between ServletContext and ServletConfig?

What is Context?

Soap and restful Differences

What are the different response codes for REST web services?

Method resolution in REST Web Services?

Explain about abstract factory design pattern ,

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