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Free g .Accepted "MaSoiis.


January 1st, 1880;

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M asonic Catalogue



Free @ Accepted Masons.

January 1st, 1880.

rpzEaiaiEi oistie x)OXiXi^.ia.

Masonic Publishing) Co., 237 Dock Street.

The Library Hall will be open daily, from 10 o'clock a. m. to 10 o'clock

p. M., on days that the Temple is opened for Masonic purposes.
The Library is one for reference only. Masonic books, manuscripts,
&c, are not permitted to be taken out of the hall.
Access to the books and cases can be had on personal application to
either of the Committee, or the Brother in charge as Librarian, at such
time as the Library Hall is open.
Master Masons in good standing, members of Lodges subordinate to the
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, or of a Grand Lodge in Correspondence
with and recognized by said Grand Lodge, have free use of the Library
The leading Masonic and other newspapers and magazines of the day
are to be found on the tables, but must not be defaced or torn.
In presenting this catalogue of the Masonic portion of the Library of the
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, the following history will prove interesting
The first mention, as far as can be learned, of a library connected with a
Grand Lodge, is found in the minutes of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylva-
nia, under date of March 26, 1787, when " It was ordered that the Treasurer
buy every book for the use of this Lodge which may appear interesting on
What progress was made cannot be found, but no doubt the resolution
was intended to make as perfect as possible " the Ahiman Rezon " then
in process of compilation by the E. W. Bro. Win. Smith, P. G. Master.
On October 7, 1816, the following resolution was adopted by the Grand
Lodge —
"That a Committee be appointed to devise the best means of

establishing a Masonic Library for the use of the members of this Grand
Lodge, and to report thereon."
On March 17, 1817, the Committee reported as follows " The Com- :

mittee on Masonic Library made the following report That they have

attended to the duty assigned them and offer fbr the consideration and
approbation of the Grand Lodge the following :

"ResoUed, That a Masonic Library shall be established for the use of the
members of this Grand Lodge, and that the small room, adjoining the
Tyler's room, shall be appropriated for that purpose.
"Resolmed, That a standing Committee of three members shall be appoint-
ed annually, to be styled the Library Committee, whose duty it shall be to
superintend the Library, and who shall have power to make any rules
and regulations respecting it they may deem necessary, subject to the
approbation of this Grand Lodge.
"Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed to report the probable
sum required for the purchase of a Masonic Library for the use of the
Grand Lodge."
This Committee was never appointed, no doubt owing to the prepara-
tions and expenses incident to the (then new) Chestnut Street Hall.
The next mention of the subject is found under date of June 7, 1871
"On motion of Bro. Charles E. Meyer the following was adopted :

" Whekbas, It has for a long time been the desire of a large number of the
Brethren that the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania should possess a Masonic
Library, that would reflect credit upon the Fraternity and

"Whereas, The building Committee have with a wise forethought set

apart a room in the MasonicTemple for that purpose therefore be it

"Resolved, That a Committee of five be appointed to examine and arrange

such material as may now be in the possession of the Grand Lodge, to
procure if practicable complete sets of the Proceedings of sister Grand
Lodges, with which we are in correspondence, and take such steps as may-
be necessary for the formation of a Masonic Library."
TheR. "W. Grand Master was pleased to appoint as Committee under

said resolutions :

"W. Bro. Charles E. Meyer, P. M. of Melita Lodge, No. 295.

W. Bro. Sydney Hayden, P. M. of Rural Amity Lodge, No. 70.
W. Bro. Mark Richards Muckle\ P. M. of Herman Lodge, No. 125.
W. Bro. John Hanold, P. M. of Harmony Lodge, No. 52.
"W. Bro. "William H. Egle, M. D., P. M. of Robert Burns Lodge, No. 464.
The following have been appointed the Library Committee in the years
as follows :

1873.—W.Bros. Meyer, Muckle\ Hanold, Augustus R. Hall, P.M. of Phil-

adelphia Lodge, No. 72, Robert H. Pattison, D. D., P. M. of Melita
Lodge, No. 295, Egle and Hayden.
1874.—"W. Bros. Meyer, Muckld, Pattison, Edward S. Wyckoff, M. D.
P. M. of Montgomery Lodge, No. 19, Charles K. Ide, P. M. of Lodge,
No. 51, John L. Young, P. M. of Phoenix Lodge, No. 130, and "William
H. Burkhardt, P. M. of Covenant Lodge, No. 456.
1875-1876—"W. Bros. Meyer, Muckle\ J. Prank Knight, P. M. of Key-
stone Lodge, No. 271, Burkhardt, "Wyckoff, James S. Barber, P. M. of
Perkins Lodge, No. 402, and Young.
1877-1878-1879-1880.—"W. Bros. Meyer, Muckl6, "Wyckoff, Hamilton,
Barber, Young, Charles "W. Packer, P. M. of Philadelphia Lodge, No.
1881.—"W. Bros. Meyer, Muckle", "Wyckoff, Hamilton, Barber, T. Esmonde
Harper, P. M. of Rising Star Lodge, No. 126, Samuel S. Talbot, P. M. of
St. Alban Lodge, No. 529.
The " Ahiman Rezon" of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, adopted
December 5, 1877, prescribes the duties of this Committee as follows :

Article XIII. Section 30. "Committee on Library."

" The Committee on Library shall consist of seven members. The duty
of this Committee shall be to collect valuable publications on Masonry,
and such printed or other information as may be worthy of preservation
and make report to the Grand Lodge of its proceedings."
Library of tad Lodge of Pennsylvania, F. & A, I.

Ahiman Rezons, See also Constitutions.

*1, A. Ahiman Rezon, Pa. Abridged and Digested as a Help to all
that are, or -would be Free and Accepted Masons. To -which is
added a Sermon, preached in Christ Church, Philadelphia, at a Gen-
eral Communication, celebrated agreeably to the Constitutions, on
Monday, December 28, 1778, as the Anniversary of St. John the
Evangelist. Published by order of the Grand Lodge of Pennsyl-
vania. By William Smith, D.D., Philadelphia. Printed by Hall &
Sellers. MDCCLXXXIII (1783). 8vo, pp. 166, with engraved
1, A. — Ahiman Kezon : or a Help to a Brother. Showing the excel-
lence of Secrecy and the first Cause of the Institution of Free-Masonry,
the Principles of the Craft, and the Benefits arising from a strict
Observance thereof; the Sort of Men that ought to be Initiated into the
Mystery, and the Kind of Masons that are fit to govern Lodges, -with
their proper Behaviour in and out of the Lodge. The Ancient Man-
ner of Constituting new Lodges, with all the Charges, &c. Likewise
the Prayers used in Jewish and Christian Lodges. Also the Old and
New Regulations, the manner of Choosing and Installing Grand Mas-
ter and Officers, &c: To which is added a large Collection of Masons'
Songs, entertaining Prologues and Epilogues, and Solomon's Temple,
an Oratorio. By Brother Laurance Dermoit, Sec. The Sixth Edi-
tion, with Additions. Belfast Printed by Wm. Magee, No. 9

Bridge MDCCXCV (1795). 12mo, pp. 192.

1, A. —The New Ahiman Rezon. Containing the Laws and Consti-
tutions of theGrand Lodge of Virginia. To which is added the His-
tory of Masonry from the Creation to the death of Queen Elizabeth.
Also illustrations of the Royal Art and a variety of other matter

relative to that Institution. Carefully collated from the most ap-

proved authors, ancient as well as modern. By Jolm K. Bead,
Present Deputy Grand Master of Virginia, and Member of the Sub-
lime Lodge of Perfection, of Charleston, South Carolina. Rich-
mond : Printed by John Dixon. MDCCXCI
(1791). 8vo, pp. 241.
1, A. —The Maryland Ahiman Kezon of Free and Accepted Ma-
sons ; containing the History of Masonry from the Establishment of
the Grand Lodge to the Present Time with their Ancient Charges,

Addresses, Prayers, Lectures, Prologues, Epilogues, Songs, &c. Col-

lected from their Old Records, faithful Traditions and Lodge Books.
Compiled by order of the Grand Lodge of Maryland, by Brother &.
Keating, W.M.B.L. (Motto omitted). Baltimore: Printed by "W.
Pechin for George Keating's Wholesale and Retail Book Store.
1797. Small 8vo, pp.. 272.
* Kefers to Case and Shelf in Library where book is to be found.
6 Library of Grand Lodge

1, A.—An Ahiman Rezou for the Use of the Grand Lodge of South.
Carolina, Ancient York Masons and the Lodges under the Register
and Masonick Jurisdiction thereof. Compiled and Arranged with
Considerable Additions, at the request of the Grand Lodge, and
published by their authority. By Brother Frederick DalcTio, M. D,
(&c, &c, and motto omitted.) Charleston, S. C. Published toy
Marchant, Willington &
Co. 1807. 8vo, pp. 234.
1, A. —The Constitution of Freemasonry, or Ahiman Rezon,
containing among other useful information the Laws, Charges, and
Regulations of the Free and Accepted Masons, according to the Old
Institutions to which is added a Selection of Masonic Songs, &c,

&c, &c. Revised and corrected with considerable additions, from

the original of the late Lawrence Dermott, Esq. By Thomas Har-
per, D. G. M. Seventh Edition. London Printed by Brother T.

Harper, Jun., Crane Court, Fleet Street, for the Editor, No. 207
Fleet Street. 1807. 8vo, pp. 234, with an engraved Frontispiece.
Added to this is a list of Lodges, 16 pages.
1, A. —The Freemasons' Library and General Ahiman Re-
zou ; containing a Delineation of the True Principles of Freema-
sonry, Speculative and Operative, Religious and Moral compiled ;

from the of the most approved authors, with notes and
occasional remarks. By Samuel Cole, P. M. of Concordia and
Cassia Lodges, P. G. S. of the G. L. of Md. K. T., K. &c. M ,

(Motto omitted.) Baltimore: Benj'n Edes. 1817. 8vo, pp. 352,

with copperplate Frontispiece and an Appendix, containing Scrip-
ture Elucidations, and other miscellaneous matter relating to Ma-
sonry, pp. 93.
1, A. —The Ahiman Rezon, containing a view of the History and
Polity of Freemasonry together with the Rules and Regulations

of the Grand Lodge, and of the Grand Holy Royal Arch Chapter of
Pennsylvania. Compiled for the Grand Lodge. (Motto omitted.)
Philadelphia: Printed for the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. 1825.
8vo, pp. 274.
1, A.—The Ahiman Rezon, or the Book of the Constitution, Rules
and Regulations of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, together with
the Ancient Charges and Ceremonial of the Order. For the Gov-
ernment of the Craft under this jurisdiction. Compiled for the
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, and f dopted on the 15th day of June,
1857. Philadelphia Printed for the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania,

by Jas. B. Chandler. A. D. 1857, A. L. 5857. 8vo, pp. 116 and X.

1, A.—The Ahiman Rezon. (Same title as above.) A. D. 1868, A. L.
5868. 8vo, pp. 182.
1. A. — The Ahiman Rezon of Pennsylvania. (As proposed by the
Committee.) 1877.
1, A.— The Constitutions of Free Masonry or Ahiman Rezon ;

to which are added Lectures, Charges and Masonic Ritual. Pub-

lished by the
Grand Lodge of Ireland. Dublin: Printed by Brother
William Underwood, Eden-Quay. 1858. 8vo, pp. 197.
1, A. Ahiman Rezon, or a Help to a Brother collected from the best
editions extant, etc.
1, A. General Ahiman Rezon and Freemasons' Guide. Containing
Monitorial Instructions in the Degrees of Entered Apprentice. Fel-
low-Craft and Master Mason, &c, &c. To which are added a Ritual
for a Lodge of Sorrow, and the Ceremonies of Consecrating Masonic
of Pennsylvania, Free and Accepted Masons. 7

Cemeteries, &c, &c. By Daniel Sickles, 33°. New York Masonic :

Publishing and Manufacturing Co., 432 Broome Street. 1867. 12mo,

pp. 408 and plates.
1, A. Ahiman Rezon. The Book of Constitution of the Grand
Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania, also the
Ancient Charges, Forms and Ceremonies, as revised and adopted by
order of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, for the Government of
the Craft under its jurisdiction. A. L. 5877. Philadelphia: Printed
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania by Sherman & Co. 1878.
for the
1, —
A. The Freemasons' Library and General Aliiman Rezon.
(By Sam'l Cole, P. M., 2d Edition, the 1st previously mentioned).
Revised and Corrected, with Additions. By B. Edes, P. M., H. P.,
K. T. M., &c. Baltimore Published by Cushing and Jewett. 1826.

8vo, pp. 880. Copperplate frontispiece. <

3, D. —Anti-Masonic Almanac. 1829. By -Edward

Giddins. 12mo,
pp. 48. Rochester E. Scranton. Containing besides Astronomi-

cal calculations, various amusing specimens of Masonic ceremonies,

performed during the initiation, passing, raising and exaltation of a
candidate and other childish mummery practiced by that pretended
Ancient and Honorable institution while assembled and at work in
their secret conclaves. Also many important facts not yet made
public respecting the abduction of Captain Wm. Morgan, and. his
confinement in Fort Niagara by Masonic conspirators, &c.
3, D.—Anti-Masonic Almanac for 1S33 and 1834. 12mo, pp. 110.
3, E. —The St. Andrew, and the Massachusetts Grand
Lodge of
Lodge. A
Centennial Memorial. 1870. 12mo, pp. 292. Boston.
3, E.—Annals Maconniqne. 1807. By Qaillot. 18mo, pp. 252, 4
vols. Paris Caillot. Dediees a S.
: A
S. L. Prince Cambaceres
G. M. de l'O M. en France.
3, F.—Ancient Symbol Worship. (Phallic.)
3, G.—Anti-Masonic Tract, No. 3. By Ed. B. Rollins. 12mo,
pp. 12. Boston Wm. R. Collier.
: Containing the renunciation of
Free Masonry by the Rev. Ed. B. Rollins of Stratford, Vermont.
3, G. Address delivered before the Anti-Masonic Convention of Read-
ing, Mass., Jan'y 15, 1829, together with a review of Mr. Knapp's
defence of Masonry. 1829. By P. Sanborn. 12mo, pp. 19.
3, G. Anti-Masonic Tract, No. 4. 1829. Containing important
correspondence, etc.; also Rev. Moses Thacher's address. 12mo,
pp. 12. Boston.
3, G. Address delivered before the Anti-Masonic Convention of Dele-
gates for Plymouth County, Halifax, iiass., Dec. 9, 1829. 1830.
By Moses Thaaher. 12mo, pp. 18. Boston.
3, G. Address to the Church and congregation under the care of the
author on his seceding from the i.asonic institution. 1829. By
Moses Thacher. 12mo, pp. 12. Boston.
3. G. Acta Latomorum. See H. for Historie de la Franche Macpn-
3, G. —Anti-Christian and Anti-Social Conspiracy, an extract
from the French of the Abb6 Barruel, to which is prefixed Jachin
and Boaz, etc. 1812. By Abbe Barruel. 8vo, pp. 438. Lancaster:
Joseph Ehrenfried.
8 Library of Grand Lodgk

4, A.—Anti-Masonic Review and Magazine, etc. 1828. By Henry

Dana Ward. 8vo, pp. 386. New York: Vonderpool & Cole.
4, A. —Anti-Masonic Review and Magazine, etc. 1830. By
Henry Dana Ward. 8vo, pp. 32. New York Vanderpool & Cole. :

4, A. Authentic Key to the Door of Freemasonry, etc. 1859.

18mo, pp. 192. New York.
5, A. Anti- Christian Character of Freemasonry, A Letter on,
etc. 1849. By M. C. Trevilian. 8vo, pp. 242. London Whit- :

taker & Co.

4, C. Address, etc., Dedication of Bristol Lodge, No. 25. 1854. By
Bev. J. Lansing Burrows. 12mo, pp. 12. Bristol : Wm. Bache.
4, C—Anti-Masonic Pamphlets. 1829. 8vo, pp. 277.
4, C Address delivered before the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, etc.
1805. By Henry Maurice Lisle. 8vo, pp. 23. Boston: Russell &
4, C. Address to Crescent Lodge. No. 493. 1873. By Horace F. Bunn.
8vo, pp. 11. Philadelphia Jas. E. Kryder.

4, D. —Almanach oder Taschen-Buch fur die bruder Freymaurer, etc.

1776.36mo. pp. say 150.
4, E. Address delivered on Dec. 27th, before the Masonic Fraternity of
Petersburg, Va. 1851. By Bev. J. L. Iieynoldson. Svo, pp. 8.
Petersburg, Va.
4, E. Address delivered at Milton, at dedication of Hall, etc. 1863.
By Benjamin Parke. 12mo, pp. 14. Bloomsburg, Pa. P. John :

4, —
E. Address on St. John's Day, before the Masonic Fraternity, etc.
1848. By Rev. J. V. Cosby. 12mo, pp. 20. Bardtown, Ky.
4, F. Almanac (Rob. Morris' Freemasons' containing the origin, pro- )

gress, and present condition of Freemasonry, etc. 1862. 12mo, pp.

62. La Grange, Ky., Rob. Morris.
4, F. Almanac (Rob. Morris' Freemasons'). 1863. 12mo, pp. 62.
Le Grange, Ky. Rob. Morris. :

4, F. Almanac (Rob. Morris' Freemasons'). 1865. 12mo, pp. 86.

New York Morris & Sheville.

4. —
F Address (Masonic) delivered in the Presbyterian Church, Quincy,
Florida, on 24th of June, 1852. 1853. By Rev. Homer Hendee. 8vo,
pp. 17. Tallahassee, Fla. : Sentinel Office.
4, F. Address on George Washington delivered before St. John's
Lodge, No. 12, and fcolomon's Lodge, No. 20, A. F. M. of Florida,
etc. 1853. By Thomas Douglass. 8vo, pp. 37. Tallahassee, Fla.
Sentinel Office.
4, F.— Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Colored illustrations
of 33 Degrees. Ib75. By J. L. Loth. 4to, pp. 33. London
Sinikin Marshall Co.
4, G. —Address delivered before Columbia Chapter, No. 1, Washington,
D. C, etc. 1870. By Joseph T. Brown. 8vo, pp. 8. Washington,
D. C. Gibson Bros.

4, —
G. Address delivered before Lebanon Lodge, No. 7, upon the occa-
sion of the Grand Visitation. 1872. By Joseph Daniels. 8vo, pp.
16. Washington, D. C: McGill & Witherow.
4, —
G. Address, "Faith, Charity, Obedience Masonic Virtues," at dedi- —
cation of Washington Centennial Lodge, No. 14, Washington, D. C,
Jan'y 13, 1853. By Joseph B.. Chandler, G. M. of Penna. 8vo,
pp. 16. Washington, D. C Lemuel Towers. :
of Pennsylvania, Fbee and Accepted Masons. 9

4, G. Address on the Public installation of Officers Grand Lodge,

D. C, etc. 1849. By Joseph R. Chandler, Grand Master of Penn-
sylvania. 8vo, pp. 18. Washington, D. C. 1850. T. Barnard.
4, G. —Address delivered at Reading, Pa., before Reading Lodge, No.
62, etc., at a public celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the
Initiation, etc., Geo. Washington. 1853. Joseph R. Chandler. By
8vo, pp. 22. Philadelphia : Crisey & Markley.
4, G. Address delivered before the Grand Lodge F. A. A. M. of the
District of Columbia, etc., at Installation. 1862. By Chas. F.
Stansbury. 8vo, pp. 14. Washington, D. C. : H. Polkinhorn.
4, G. Address, "The Philosophy and Science of Speculative Masonry,"
before Lebanon Lodge, No. 7, of District Columbia, etc., at Annual
Visitation, etc. 1872. ByChas. F. Stansbury, 8vo, pp. 7. Wash-
ington, D. C. : McGill & Witherow.
4. G.—Address on Freemasonry, before Bloomfield Lodge, No. 57,
Ky.,onthe 22d Feb'y, 1854. 1854. By W. S. Brown. 8vo, pp.
40. Louisville, Ky. : Am. Freemason Office.
4, G. Accounts of Lodge 83. A Lodge ledger ; accounts -with
members. 1821, etc. 12mo, pp. 20. Written book.
5, C. I/Arche Sainte— guide du Franc Macon, etc. 1865. 18mo, pp.
284. Paris : Teissier et Cie.
5, D.—Analogy of Ancient Craft Masonry to Natural and
Revealed Religion. 1850. By Charles Scott. 8vo, pp. 396.
Philadelphia Grambo Co.: Lippincott
5, E. Apologie pour l'Ordre des Francs Macons, etc., also
l'Ordre des Francs Macons trahi, etc. 1742. 24mo, pp. 118 and
174. Dresden
Geo. C. Walther. :

5, F. —Ancient Egypt. A
Series of Chapters on Early Egyptian His-
tory, Archaeology, etc. 1847. By Geo. R. Oliddon. 4to, pp. 68.
New York : Wm. Taylor & Co.
5, F.—Ancient Mysteries Described, especially English miracle
plays, etc. Ecclesiastical Shows, etc. 1823. By William Hone. 8vb,

pp. 298. London : Wm. Hone.

5, G. Alcoran, Discourse upon. See "H," for History Knights Malta,
end of 2d Vol., pp. 164.
6, B. Address at Installation of Officers, Prince of Orange Lodge, No.
16, N. Y. 1867. By Rev. Stephen H. Tyng,3x. 4to, pp. 22. New
York Baldwin & Jones.

6, B. Addresses, Two, delivered by Richard Vaux. P. G. M. 1875-

1876. One at the Centennial Anniversary of American Union Lodge,
No. 1, Marietta, Ohio, St. John's. Day, June, 1876. One at Laying
Corner-Stone new Masonic Temple at Reading, Pa., Oct. 1875. 4to
pp. 6. Scrap Book.
6, C. Acacian Lyrics, and Miscellaneous Poems. 1857. By Lurania
A. H. Munday. 18mo, pp. 178. St. Louis, Mo.
6, F. — Antiquities of the Orient Unveiled, containing a concise
description of the Ruins of King Solomon's cities, etc. 1873. By
M. Wolcott Redding. 8 vo, pp. 421. New York : Redding Co. &
6. F.—Astraa. Taschenbuch, fur Freimaurer auf 1848, 1850, 1851, 1852,
1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 8 vols. 1864. 18mo, pp. 2823,
Sondershaufen, Germany.
6, G. American Masonick Record and Albany Literary Journal.
A Periodical. 1830. 4to, pp. 416. Albany, New York.
10 Library of Grand Lodge

6, G. Annual Report, Regulations and List of, etc. Institution for

Aged Freemasons and Widows of F. 1877. 8 vo, pp. 197. London.
6, G.—Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. 1877.
12mo, pp. 10. New York Ed. O. Jenkins.:

6, G. —Adieux a Michel Berend, Quelques mots sur la mission His-

torique des peuples. 1867. By Sy Mersbach. 24mo, pp. 72.
7, A.— Address (Masonic) delivered at "Williamsport, June 24, 1857,
Anniversary of St. John the Baptist. 1857. By Sam'l C. Perkins.
8vo, 'pp. 13. Williamsport F. H. Campbell. :

7, —
A. Address of Welcome to Jno. Quincy Adams by Wilson Mc-
Oandless, etc. 1873. 4to, pp. 16. Pittsburgh. Blackwell &
1, B. Address to Grand Lodge and Subord. Lodges. 1809. By Jas.
Milnor. 8vo, pp. 120. Philadelphia.
2, D. Address to the inhabitants of Pennsylvania by those freemen of
the city of Phil, who are now confined in the Mason's Lodge, etc.
1777. 12mo, pp. 52. Philadelphia : Robt. Bell.
7, B. —Apocryphal New Testament. Say 1840. 8vo, pp. 178.
New York : Davitt & Davenport.
7, B. Anacalypsls. An
attempt to draw aside the veil of the Saitic
Isis —or an inquiry into
the Origin of Languages, Nations and Re-
ligions. 4 parts out of 16 parts. 1874. By Godfrey Higginss. 8vo,
pp. 448. London J. Burns. :

2,D. Ancient and Accepted Kite. See Rules and Regulations.

7, A. Address on Presentation of Bible to Griscom Chapter, No. 219
1870.By Geo. Griscom. 8vo, pp. 17. Philadelphia: McCalla &
7, A. —Aid worth, Mrs. (Memoir of the Life), 1871. 8vo, pp. etc. 8.
Cork Purcell & Co.

3, A. —Antiquities of Freemasonry. See "L" for Masonic Library,

Vol. 1.

7, C— Atholl Liodges, (The) their authentic History, 1879. By etc.

Robt. Freke Gould. 12mo, pp. 102. London Spencer. :

1, C. —Address, on presentation of a Bible to Griscom H R. A. Chap- .

ter, No. 219, Pa., Jan'y 10, 1870. By Geo. Griscom, M.E.P.G.H.P.,
of Pa. 8vo, pp. 17. McCalla & Stavely.
3,C. Masonic Biography, Leaflets of, or Sketches of Eminent
Free Masons. Edited by V. Moore, A. M., editor of Masonic
Review. Third edition. Cincinnati and New York. 1864. Small
8vo, pp. 420. This book contains sketches of the lives of Joseph
Warren, Sir Christopher Wren, Thomas Smith Webb, Rev. James
Anderson, D.D., Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea), the Duke of Sus-
sex. George Washington, De Witt' Clinton, Benjamin Franklin,
Marquis De La Fayette, Israel Putnam, David Wooster, and Robert
3, C—Washington and his Masonic Compeers. By Sidney
Hayden, P. M. of Rural Amity Lodge, No. 70, Pennsylvania.
Illustrated with a copy of a Masonic Portrait of Washington, with
numerous other engravings. Second edition. New York Masonic :

Publishing and Manufacturing Co. 1866. Small 8vo, pp. 407.

3, F. Biography. Masonic Biography and Dictionary comprising the
of Pennsylvania, Free and Accepted Masons. 11

History of Ancient Masonry, Antiquity of Masonry -written and

unwritten law, derivation and definition of Masonic terms, biogra-
phies of eminent Masons, Statistics, Lodges in the U. S. By.
Augustus Bow. 12mo, pp. 362. Philadelphia J. B. Lippinoott :

3, P. Biography. Lives of those eminent Antiquaries, Blias Ashmole
and fm,Lilly, written by themselves, also Lilly's Life and Death
of Charles the First. 1774. By
diaries Burman. 12mo, pp. 399.
London : T. Davies.
6, D.—Biography. Life and Cor. of the Rev. Wm. Smith. Vol. 1.
1879. By Horace Wemyss Smith. 4to, pp. 595. Philadelphia
S. A. George & Co.
6, D.—Biography. Life and Cor. of the Rev. Wm. Smith. Vol. II.
By Horace Wemyss Smith. 4to, pp. 600. Philadelphia Ferguson : •

Bros. &Co.
C, D. Biography. Compendio della vita e della gesta di Guiseppe
Balsamo (Count Cagliostroj, etc. 1791. 12mo, pp. 216. Rome.
6, D.—Biography. Life (The) of the Count Cagliostro, etc. 1787.
8vo, pp. 127. London
T. Hookham.
D. —By-Laws of Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire and

Rutland, to which is added a history of Freemasonry in the Province,
and a roll of the Grand Officers, &c, from the year 1775 to the
present time. 1870. 12mo, pp. 107. Leicester J. & T. Spencer. :

3, D. By-Laws Pr. Grand Chapter. Leicestershire and Rutland.

1873. 8vo, pp. 12. Leicester : J. & T. Spencer.
3, E.—By-Laws of Solomon's Lodge, No. 114, Pa. 1872. 18mo,
pp. 79. Philadelphia : Co-Operative Co.
3, E.—By-Laws of Solomon's Lodge, No. 114, Pa.' 1822. 36mo,
pp. 12. Philadelphia : D. Dickinson.
3, E.—By-Laws of Solomon's Lodge, No. 114, Pa. 1835. 36mo,
pp. 12. Philadelphia.
3, E.— By-Laws of Solomon's Lodge, No. 114, Pa. 1842. 12mo,
pp. 110. Philadelphia.
4, C. Book of the Unveiling. An Explanation of the Apocalypse.
1833. 12mo, pp. 110. London: Sam'l Bagster.
4, C— By-Laws of St. Andrew's Royal Arch Chapter, of Bos-
ton, Mass. 1866. 12mo, pp. 168. Boston: Freemason's Magazine.
4, —
C. By-Laws of St. Andrew's Royal Arch Chapter, of Bos-
ton, Mass. 1839. 12mo, pp. 128. Boston: J. A. Maffitt & Co.
4, —
D. Briiderliche Vermahnungen aneinige Briider Freymaurer,
1781. 24ino, pp. 108. Philadelphia.
4, D. —Burial Service of the Orders of Masonic Knighthood. 1871.
18mo, pp. 22. Solon Thornton.
Boston :-

4, D. Burial Service of the Orders of Masonic Knighthood, etc.,

Michigan. 1868. 24mo, pp. 24. Detroit.
4, —
D. Book of Oaths, and the several forms thereof, both Ancient
and Modern, etc. 1689. 18mo, pp. 264. London H. Twyford, :

4, D.—Book of Oaths and Penalties. 1831, &c. By Avery Allyn.
36mo, pp. 96. Philadelphia : John Clarke.
4, D. —Banners of the Bayeux Tapestry, and some of the earliest
Heraldic Charges. 1857. By Gilbert J. French. 8vo, pp. 22.
London : T. Richards.
12 Library of Grahd Lodge

4, D.—By-Laws of Mary Commandery. 1869. 36mo, pp. 72.

Philadelphia : Co-Operative Printing Co.
4, D. —By-Laws of Mary Commandery, No. 36, Masonic K. T. of
Pa., containing Constitution of Grand Commandery of Pa., Uni-
form of a Knight Templar -with Tactics and Drill. 1872. 24mo,
pp.151. Philadelphia: Co-Operative Printing Co.
3, E. Book of the Chapter, or Monitorial instructions in the degrees
of Mark, Past and M. Ex. Master and Royal Arch. 1868. By Albert
O. Mackey. 12mo, pp. 259. New York : Clark Maynard. &
4, E. Beauseant, (The) a Manual for the use of Knights Templar, etc.
1874. By Jno. W. Simons. 12mo, pp. 245. New York: D.
Sickels & Co.
4, F.—By-Laws, The Regulations or, of Lodge No. 620, Ireland. 1820.
18mo, pp. 20. Dublin : W. Devaux.
4, F.—By-Laws of Lodge N*o. 620, for 1813. 18mo, pp. 18. Dublin :

Chas. Downes.
4, P. —Basis of Free Masonry Displayed. 1775. By Robert
Oreen. 8vo, pp.36. New Castle-upon-Tyne: Robson Angus & Co.
4, G. —Bulletin van het Nederlandsch Croot Osten. 1873.
8vo, pp. 160. Gebr Giunta d'Albani 's Gravenhage.
4, G Bulletin du Grand Orient de France, etc. 1873 and 1854.
8vo, pp. 254 and 432. Paris.
4, G. Banner of Truth, a Masonic sermon, etc. 1873. By John W.
Oustis. 8vo, pp. 19. Philadelphia : Jas. E. Kryder.
4, G. By-Laws of St. John's Encampment, No. 4, of Knights
Templar, located at Carlisle, Pa., etc. 1856. (See below). 18mo,
pp. 16. E. Cornman.
4, G.—Bye-Laws of St. Martin's Chapter, No. 510, England.
36mo, pp. 8. Liskeard : John Philp.
4, G.—By-Laws of Columbia Lodge, No. 91. Penna. 1822.
18mo, pp. 20. Manning.
Philadelphia : Thos. S.
4, G. By-Laws of Columbia Lodge, No. 91, Penna. 1834.
18mo, pp. 24. Philadelphia Thos. S. Manning. :

5, —
B. By-Laws of St. John's Commandery, No; 4, of Knights
Templar, stationed at Philadelphia. 1870. 18mo, pp. 68. Phila-
delphia Trade Journal Printing House.

5, B.—By-Laws of St. John's Encampment, No. 4, of M. K. T.,

Philadelphia. 1858. 18mo, pp. 30. Philadelphia: B. F. Jack-
5, C— By-Laws of Crescent Lodge, 493, A. Y. M. of Penna. 1871.
18mo, pp. 75. Philadelphia : Co-Operative Printing Co.
5, D.—By-Laws of Lamberton Lodge, No. 476, A. Y. M. of Penna.
1870. 24mo, pp. 60. Lancaster, Pa.
5, D.—By-Laws of Girard Mark Lodge, No. 214, A. Y. M. of
Penna. 1865. 24mo, pp. 48. Philadelphia :McCalla & Stavely.
5, D.—By-Laws of Girard Mark Lodge, No. 214, A. Y. M. of
Penna. 1872. 36mo, pp. 80. Philadelphia : Co-Operative.
5, D.—By-Laws of St. Alban Commandery, No. 47, K. T. of
Penna., etc. 1873. 24mo, pp. 90. Philadelphia : Co-Operative
Printing Co.
4,F.—Blessed Charity. See Proceedings of the Masonic Board of
Relief of Chicago.
of Pennsylvania, Free and Accepted Masons. 13

5, E.—By-Laws of Philadelphia Council, No. 11, R. S. E. and

Select Masters of Penna., etc. 1865. 24mo, pp. 46. Philadelphia:
& Vogdes.
5, E. By-Laws and Regulations for Provincial Grand Lodge, A. P. &
A. Masons, Middlesex. 1870. 24mo, pp. 28. London Geo. Ken- :

5, E.—By-Laws of Keystone Chapter, No. 175, R. A. M., of
Penna. 1854. 24mo, pp. 34. Philadelphia : King & Baird.
5, E.—By-Laws, &c, Fortitude Lodge, No. 131, A. F. & A. M., Truro,
England. 1875. W. Lake.
24mo, pp. 34. Truro, England :

5, E.—By-Laws, &c, Fortitude Lodge, No. 131, A. F. <& A. M., Truro,

England. 1868. 36mo, pp. 26. Truro, England W. Lake.. :

5, E.—By-Laws of Lodge No. 2, A. T. M., of Penna. 1852. 24mo,

pp. 36. Philadelphia :,B. Frank Jackson.
5, E.—By-Laws of Lodge No. 2, A. T. M., of Penna. 1865. 24mo,
pp 86. Philadelphia : Stein & Jones.
5, E.—By-Laws of Lodge No. 2, A. T. M., of Penna. 1873. 24mo,
pp. 86. Town & Son.
Philadelphia : G. V.
5, E.—By-Laws of Allegheny K. A. Chapter, No. 217, of Penna.
1868. 24mo, pp. 40. Pittsburgh : Chas. P. Peck.
5, E.—By-Laws Morton Commandery, No. 4, N. York, 1869.
24mo, pp. 25. N. York : Bergen & Tripp.
5, E. By-Laws Columbia Commandery, No. 13, Penna. 1864.
36mo, pp. 30. Cooper Sanderson & Co.
Lancaster :

5, E. By-Laws St. Aubyn Chapter, R. A. M., etc., Devon, Eng-
land. 1866. 36mo, pp. 12. Devonport J. R. H. Spry. :

5, E. By-Laws St. Aubyn Chapter, Rose Croix, etc., Devon, Eng-

land. 1867. 36mo, pp. 12. Devonport J. R. H. Spry. :

5, E.—By-Laws Lodge Zetland, F. & A. M., No. 1071, of England.

1867. 24mo, pp. 12. Devonport Husband. :

5, E. By-Laws Educational Masonic Institution Cheshire,

England. 1863. 24mo, pp. 14> Nantwick, England. R. H. Grif-
5, E-—By-Laws Royal Veteran's Encampment of K. T., Ply-
mouth, England. 1865. .Plymouth.
36mo, pp. 8.

5, E.—By-Laws Harmony Chapter, No. 52, Penna. 1871. 24mo,

pp. 82. Philadelphia : H. L. Butler.
5, E.—By-Laws Columbia Chapter, No. 91, Penna, 1865. 36mo,
pp. 60. Philadelphia : Stein & Jones.
5, E.—By-Laws Eureka Chapter, No. 167, Penna. 1858. 36mo,
pp. 15. Pittsburgh : J. R. Weldin.
5, E.—By-Laws Philadelphia Chapter, No. 169, Penna. 1869.
24mo, pp. 72. PhiladelphiaKeystone Print. :

5, E.—By-Laws Oriental Chapter, No. 183, Penna. 1870. 36mo,

pp. 63. Philadelphia: Zane.
5, E. By-Laws, Robt. Burns Lodge, 464, Penna., Perseverance Chap-
ter, 21, Penna., Pilgrim Commandery, 11, Penna. 1870. 24mo,
pp. 230. Harrisburg Theo. F. Scheffer.

5, E.—By-Laws Columbia Mark Lodge, 91, Penna. 1854. 24mo,

pp. 16. Philadelphia : Robt. Rae & Co.
5, E.—By-Laws Columbia Mark Lodge, 91, Penna. 1868. 36mo,
pp. 63. Philadelphia Wm. B. Eckert. :
14 Library of Grand Lodge

5, E.—By-Laws Excelsior Mark Lodge, 216, Penna. 1807. 36mo,

pp. 78. Win. A. Maas.
Philadelphia :

5, E.—By-Laws Lodge ]STo. 9, A. Y. M., Penna. 1862. 36mo, pp.

53. Philadelphia Moss & Co. :

5, E.—By-Laws Hermann's Lodge, No. 125, A. Y. M., Penna. 1869.

24mo, pp. 78 . Philadelphia : Hoffman & Morwitz.
5, E.—By-Laws Barger Lodge, No. 333, Penna. 1860. 36mo, pp.
14. Allentown, Pa.: Trexler, Harlacher & Co.
5, E.—By-Laws Union Lodge, No. 58, Cal. 1866. 24mo, pp. 35.
Sacramento : Russell & Winterburn.
5, E.—By-Laws, Statutes, Regulations and, Harrisburg G. Coun-
of Princes of Jerusalem and Harrisburg Lodge of Perfection,
etc., A. &
A. Rite. 1864. 36mo, pp. 23. Harrisburg, Pa.: Theo.
P. Scheffer.
5, G.—By-Laws Pr. Or. Lodge, etc., Oxfordshire, Eng. 1859. 36mo,
pp. 43. Oxford : E. "W. Morris.
5, G. By-Laws Marquis of Dalhousie Lodge, No. 1159, of Eng-
land. 1868. 12mo, pp. 14. London Rich'd Spencer. :

6, C. Banners of the Bayeux Tapestry, and some of the earliest

Heraldic Charges. 1857. By Gilbert J. French. 8vo, pp. 22. Lon-
don : T. Richard.
6, F. Bansteine zum Tempel des Menschenthums— die Johannis-
maurerei, etc. 1860. By Friedrleh Auwald. 12mo, pp. 231. Leip-
zig : G. Kollmann.
6, G.—By-Laws of Massachusetts Lodge. 1871. 12mo, pp. 132.
5, B. Book of the Commandery, a Monitor, etc.; Tactics and Drill,
etc. 1864. By John W. Simons. 24mo, pp. 160. New York
Macoy Sickels.
8, F. Book of the Lodge. Large pictures on cards, and music. 4to,
20 cards.
7, B. Book of the Feet. A History of Boots and Shoes, etc. 1847
By J. Sparkes Hall. 12mo, pp. 216. New York : Win. H. Graham -

5, E. —Bye-Laws and Regulations of the Mount Edgecombe

Chapter, 496, R. A. M., England. 1877. 36mo, pp. 11. Truro, Eng.
5, E.—By-Laws Cornwall Chapter, S. P. of Rose Croix. 1876.
18mo, pp. 14. Truro, Eng.
5, E. By-Laws Lodge of Sincerity, 224, Stonehouse, Devon. Eng-
land. 1859. 12mo, pp. 18. Stonehouse, Eng. Edw'd W. Cole.

5, E.— By-Laws Lodge of Love and Honor, No. 75, F. & A. M.,
Falmouth, Eng. 1877. 18mo, pp. 28. Falmouth, Eng.: R. C.
5, E.—By-Laws Brittania Lodge, No. 162, F. & A. M., England.
1860. 36mo, pp. 16. Sheffield : T. S. Algar.
5, E.— By-Laws Wentworth Lodge, No. 1239, A. F. & A. M., Eng-
land. 1868. 36mo, pp. 12. Sheffield.

5, E.—By-Laws Lodge of St. John, No. 83, Eng. 1859. 36mo,

pp. 6. Plymouth : Jenkin Thomas.
5, E.—By-Laws Jerusalem Chapter, No. 3, Penna. 1831. 24mo,
pp. 20. Philadelphia : T. S. Manning.
op Pennsylvania, Free and Accepted Masons. 15

5, E.—By-Laws St. John's Lodge. No. 115, Penna. 1827. 36mo,

Philadelphia T. S. Manning.
pp. 15. :

1, C. Book
of the Law, or Constitution of the Grand Commandery
of Knights Templar of Penna., to which is appended the Constitu-
tion, Rules and Edicts of the Grand Encampment of Knights Tem-
plar of the United States of America. 1877. l8mo, pp. 188. Sher-.
man & Co.
7, C. —
Celtic Druids (The), or an attempt to show that the Druids were
priests, etc. By Godfrey Biggins. 4to, pp. 324. London : Row-
land Hunter.
1, —
B. The Constitutions of the Free-Masons. Containing the History,
Charges, Regulations, &c, of that most Ancient and Right "Wor-
shipful Fraternity. For the Use of the Lodges. Small 4to, pp. 91.
London : Printed by William Hunter for John Senex at the Globe,
and John Hooke at the Flower-de-luce over against St. Dunstan's
Church, in Fleet Street. In the year of Masonry 5723, Anno Dom-
ini 1723.
1, B. —The Constitutions of the Antientand Honourable Fraternity of
Free and Accepted Masons. Containing Their History, Charges,
Regulations, &c,Collected and Digested By Order of the Grand
Lodge from their old Records, faithful Traditions and Lodge-Books.
For the Use of the Lodges. By James Anderson, D.D. Carefully
Revised, Continued and Enlarged, with many Additions. By John
Entick, M.A. 4to, pp. 339. London: Printed for Brother J. Scott,
at the Black Swan in Pater-noster Row. MDCCLVI. In the Vul-
gar Year of Masonry 5756.
1, B. Constitutions of the Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accepted
Masons Containing Their History, Charges, Regulations, &c.

First Compiled by Order of the Grand Lodge, From their old

Records, and Traditions. By James Anderson, D.D. NewA
Edition, revised, enlarged, and brought down to the year 1784,
under the direction of the Hall Committee. By John Noorthouck.
London : Printed by J. Rozea, Printer to the Society, No. 91 War-
dour Street, Soho. MDCOLXXXTV. 4to, pp. 459.
1, —
B. The Constitutions of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of
Free and Accepted Masons. Containing Their History, Charges,
Regulations, &c. Collected and Digested by Order of the Grand
Lodge, from their old Records, faithful Traditions, and Lodge-
Books. For the Use of the Lodges. By James Anderson, D.D.,
and Carefully Revised, Continued, and Enlarged. By John Entick,
M. A. A
New Edition, with Alterations and Additions, by a Com-
mittee appointed by the Grand Lodge. London Printed for

Brother W. Johnston, in Ludgate Street. MDCCLXVII. In the


Vulgar Year of Masonry 5787. 4to, pp. 366.

1, B.—Constitutions. 1815. The Charges of a Free-Mason. Ex-

tracted from The Antient Records of Lodges beyond Sea, and of
those in England, Scotland and Ireland, for the Use of Lodges., To
be read at the Making of New Brethren, or when the Master shall
order it. Now republished by Order of the Grand Lodge. 4to,
pp. 140.
1, —
B. The Constitutions of the Antient and Honourable Fraternity of
Free and Accepted Masons. Containing Their History, Charges,
Regulations, &c. Collected and Digested by Order of the Grand
Lodge, from their old Records, faithful Traditions and Lodge Books.
For the Use of the Lodges. .By James Anderson, D-D. NewA
16 Library of Grand Lodge

and continued to the present Time. Lon-

Edition, carefully revised,
don: Printed for G. Kearsly, in Ludgate Street. MDCCLXIX. In
the Vulgar Year of Masonry 5769. 8vo, pp. 396.
1, C. Catalogue of Books, and Rules and Regulations of the Ma-
sonic Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. Established and opened for
public use Sept. 1, 1877. 1880. 8vo, pp. 122. Tribune Pr. and
Pub. Co.
1, —
B. Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of Free and Accepted
Masons. Containing the Charges, Regulations, &c, &c. Published
by the Authority of the United Grand Lodge. By William Henry
White, as Grand Secretary. London Printed by Norris & Son,

Bloomfield Street, Finsbury Circus. 1841. 8vo, pp. 143 and plates.
1, B. Constitutions (Same title as above). 1847. 8vo, pp. 147 and
1, B. Constitutions (Same title as above). 1853. 8vo, pp. 140 and
1, B. Constitutions (Same title as above). 1855. 8vo, pp. 140 and
1, B. Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of Free and Accepted
Masons. Containing the Charges, Regulations, etc., etc. Pub-
lished by authority of the United Grand Lodge. By William Gray
Clarke, as Grand Secretary. London: Printed by Ford & Tilt, 52
Long Acre, W. C. 1803. 32mo, pp. 155 and plates.
1, B. Constitutions (Same title as above). Printed by Harrison &
Sons, St. Martin's Lane. 1867. 32mo, pp. 160 and plates.
1, B. Constitutions (Same title). By John Hermy, as Grand Secre-
tary. 1871. 32mo, pp. 164.
1, B. Constitutions (Same title). By John Hervey, as Grand Secre-
tary. 1873. 8vo, pp. 158.

1, B. —The Old Constitutions belonging to the Ancient and Honourable

Society of Free and Accepted Masons of England and Ireland.
Four Reprints of the First Editions published in London, 1722, 1723,
MS. 1726, Dublin, 1730. Edited by the Rev. John Edmund Cox,
D.D., F.S.A., Vicar of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, Past Grand Chap-
lain of the United Grand Lodge of England, etc., etc. "With two
Frontispieces reproduced in Fac-simile by the Woodbury process,
and Fac-simile Woodcuts. London: Bro. Richard Spencer, Masonic
Publisher, 26 Great Queen Street, opposite Freemasons' Hall, 1871.
8vo, pp. total 292.
1, B.— Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of Free and Accepted
Masons. Containing the Charges, Regulations, etc., etc. Published
by the authority of the United Grand Lodge. By John Hervey, as
Grand Secretary. London Harrison and Sons, St. Martin's Lane,

Printers in Ordinary to Her Majesty. 1871. 8vo, pp. 157 and


1, B. Constitutions (Same title as above). 1873. 8vo, pp. 158 and

1, B.—The Constitutions of the Free-Masons (a reprint of the Lon-
don edition. By William Hunter, 1723, previously mentioned).

New York Masonic Publishing and Manufacturing Co 430


Broome Street. 1866. 8vo, pp. 108.

1, B.—The Constitutions of the Free Masons. Containing the History,
Charges, Regulations, &c, of that most Ancient and Right Wor-
of Pennsylvania, Free and Accepted Masons. 17

shipful Fraternity. For the use of the Lodges. London : Printed

Anno 5723. Reprinted in Philadelphia by special Order, for the use
of the Brethren in North America. In the year of Masonry 5734,
Anno Domini 1734. Small 4to, pp. 94. [Published by Benjamin
Franklin ; the first Masonic book published in America. ]
1, B. —The Old Constitutions belonging to the Ancient and Honoura-
ble Society of Freeand Accepted Masons. Taken from Manuscript
wrote above Five Hundred Years since. London Printed and sold

by J. Roberts, in Warwick Lane, MDCCXXII. London: Re-

printed for Bro. Richard Spencer, Masonic Publisher, 26 Great
Queen Street, opposite Freemasons' Hall. 1870. 8vo, pp. 26. Fac-
1, B. —A Book of the Antient Constitutions of the Free and Accepted
Masons. 1729 (really 1728). Printed and sold by B. Cole, Engraver
in London house Yard, St. Paul's Church Yard. (Dedicated.) To
the Right Honble the Lord Kingston, Grand Master. Likewise
to the Deputy Grand Master and Grand Wardens. Also to the Mas-
ter and Wardens of all Regular Lodges of ye ancient and Honble
Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons. These Constitutions of
Masonry are with all Humility and Brotherly Love Presented by
Your obedient bumble servant and Brother, Benjamin Cole. 18mo,
pp. 57.
1, B. Constitutions of the Freemasons. By William James Huglian,
Provincial Grand Secretary for Cornwall, Past Master "Lodge of
Fortitude," Truro, Cor. Mem. "German Masonic Union," Hon.
Mem, "Mother Lodge Kilwinning," Scotland, "Marquis of Dal-
housie," London, &c, &c, &c. London: K. Spencer, Great Queen
Street. Truro William Lake.
: 1869. 18mo, pp. 29.
1, B. —The Constitutions of the Free-Masons. Areprint of the Lon-
don edition.By Wm. Hunter. 1723. Previously mentioned, see
page 15. New York : Robt. Macoy, 29 Beekman Street. 1859.
12mo, pp. 118.
1, B. —Constitutions of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free
and Accepted Masons. Collected and digested from their Old
Records, faithful Traditions, and Lodge-Books. For the use of
Lodges. Together with the History and GeneraJJtegulations of the
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Compiled by the Rev. Thaddeus
Mason Harris, A.M., &c, &c. Second Edition, revised and cor-
rected; with large Additions. Published under Sanction of the Grand
Lodge. Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, by Brother Isaiah
Thomas. 1798. 4to, pp. 288.
1, B. —The Constitutions of the Antient and Honourable Fraternity of
Free and Accepted Masons. Containing the History of Masonry,
from the Creation, throughout the known World, with their Charges,
Regulations, &c. &c. , Calculated, not only for the Instruction of
every new-made Mason, but, also, for the information of all who
intend to become Brethren. Collected and Digested, by Order of
the Grand Lodge, from their Old Records, Faithful Traditions, and
Lodge-Books. Embellished with a Copperplate Frontispiece, repre-
senting the Ceremony of a New Brother receiving the Word from
the most respectable Master, in a full Assembly of the Fellow-Craft,
an accurate Plan of the Drawing on the Floor of a Lodge, and sev-
eral other curious Copperplates Interspersed with Variety of Notes

and Remarks, never before published. Designed for the Use of


Lodges. Being a curious and antient History from the Creation to

18 Libbaet of Grand Lodge

the present Time. Dublin Printed for Thomas Wilkinson in "Wine-


tavern Street, the Corner of Cook Street. At said Wilkinson's

may he had all Sorts of Free-Masons' Books now extant. (Without
date, a reprint of the London edition of 1769.) 8vo, pp. 396.

1, C. —The Constitutions of the Free-Masons. A reprint of the Lon-

don edition. By Previously mentioned, see
page 15. 1723. New York Bepublished, Fac-simile, by Jno. W.

Leonard &
Co., Masonic Publishers, 383 Broadway. 1855. Small
4to, pp. 108.

1, C—The Iiaws and Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of the

Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons
of Scotland. Edinburgh. 1848. 8vo, pp. 133, and plates.
1, C—The Laws and Constitutions (same as above). 12mo, pp. title
100. Edinburgh 1871. :

1, C— The Laws and Constitutions. (Same as above.) 1879. title

24mo, pp. 188. Edinburgh.
1, C. —Masonic Code of Alabama. (This book has no other page.) title
It contains a historical synopsis of the Grand Lodge,
from organ- its
izationup to 1836. The Constitution, Laws and Regulations of
the Grand Lodge, &c, &c. Prepared by a Committee of the Grand
Lodge, Daniel Sayre, Chairman. 1868. 8vo, pp. 168.
1, C. Constitution and By-Laws of the M. W. Grand Lodge of
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Illinois, in force
October 6th, 1874. Springfield, 111. 1874. 8vo, pp. 54.
1, C. —The Book of Constitutions, and the Constitution, By-Laws,
and General Regulations of the Grand Lodge of Iowa to which are ;

added a collection of Masonic Forms. Reprinted by order of the

Grand Lodge. A.L. 5850. Burlington : Printed by Morgan &
McKenny. 1851. 12mo, full pp. 205.

1, C. — The Constitutions of the Freemasons, with the Constitution and

By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Iowa. To which added a Com- is
pend of the Masonic Law of Trials and Punishments — a Digest of
the Decisions of the Grand Lodge on Questions of Masonic Law and
Practice, &c, &c. Seventh edition. Des Moines : Mills Co. &
1866. 8vo, pp. 193.
1, C. —The Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, and
General Regulations for the Government of the Craft under its Jur-
isdiction. With an Appendix by Clias. W. Moore, Grand Secretary.
(Motto omitted. Boston: Office of the Freemasons' Magazine,

Hugh H. Tuttle, 21 School St. 1857. 8vo, pp. 208 and plates..
1, C. Constitutions (as above) containing Amendments to Dec,
1872. Boston : Rockwell & Churchhill. 1873. 8vo, pp. 90.
1, C. Constitutions (same title). Containing the Amendments to
March, 1876. Boston: Rockwell & Churchhill. 1876. 8vo, pp. 96.
1, C. Book of Constitutions and Laws in Force, governing the
M. W. Grand Lodge A- F. and A. M. of the State of Missouri.
Compiled from original Records, and comprising all the Laws noV
in force, adopted from the organization of the Grand Lodge in 1821
to 1870 together with the old Charges, Ancient Regulations and

Forms and Ceremonies for the use of Lodges. Published by order

of the Grand Lodge. St. Louis Hugh H. Hildreth. 1871. 8vo,

pp. full 120.

of Pennsylvania, Free and Accepted Masons. 19

1, 0. Book of Constitutions (as above). St. Louis. 1875. 8vo,

full pp. 204, interleaved.
1, C. —The New York Masonic Code. Containing the Old Charges,
Constitutions and General Regulations of the Grand Lodge of
Hew York, and the Resolutions and Decisions, now in force in that
M. W. Grand Body, &c, &c. Collated by R. W. Wm. T. Wood-
ruff. Revised edition. New York Masonic Publishing Co. 1868.

12mo, pp. 164.

1, C. —TheAncient Charges and Regulations of Freemasonry,
with Notes, Critical and Explanatory. Also a History of the Con-
stitutions, and an examination into their Authenticity and
Authority. By Cornelius Moore, editor of the Masonic Review, &c,
&c. To which is added the celebrated Letter of Dr. Oliver, on the
presumed origin of the Royal Arch Degree. Cincinnati: 1855.
12mo, pp. 300.
1, —
C. A Pocket Companion for Free-Masons. Containing ; I. The
History of Masonry. II. The Charges of a Free-Mason, &c. III.
General Regulations for the Use of the Lodges in and about the
City of Dublin. IV. The Manner of Constituting a New Lodge
according to the antient Usage of Masons. V. A Short Charge to
be given a new admitted Brother. VI. A Collection of the Songs
of Masons, both Old and New. VII. Prologues and Epilogues,
spoken at the Theatres in Dublin and London for the Entertainment
of Free-Masons. VIII. A List of the warranted Lodges in Ireland,
Great Britain, France, Spain, Germany, East and West Indies, &c.
Approved of and Recommended by the Grand Lodge. Dublin
Printed by E. Rider, and sold at the Printing Office in George's
Lane, &c, &c. 1735. 12mo, pp. 79 and Frontispiece.
1, C. —Des verbesserten Konstitutionenbuchs der alten ehrwurdigen
der Freimaurer, zweiter Theil. &c, &c. Von der Bruder Klein-
schmidt, Frankfurt am Main. 1784. Small 8vo, pp. 410 and plate.
1, C— Constitution of the M. W. Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and
Accepted Masons, of the State of Rhode Island and Providence
Plantations. Adopted Nov. 18, A.L. 5872." Providence: Printed
at Office of Freemason's Repository. 1872. 8vo, full pp. 60.
1, C—The Old Charges of British Freemasons. By William
James Hughan. With Valuable Appendices. Illustrated with Fac-
similes of portions of "Antiquity MS. " and the "York MSS."of
A.D. 1693 and A.D. 1704. A Preface by the Rev. A. F. A. Wood-
ford, M. A., Rector of Swillington, Leeds. London Sirnpkin, Mar-

shall & Co., Stationers' Hall Court. Truro William Lake, Bos-

cawen Street. Philadelphia (U. S.): Charles Eugene Meyer, 722

Arch Street. 1872. Royal 8vo, full pp. 109.
1, C—Compendio de Jurisprudencia Masonica. 1880. By F.
A. Almeida. 8 vo, pp. 144. New York.
1, C—Memorials of the Masonic Union of A.D. 1813, consisting

of an Introduction on Freemasonry in England, the Articles of

Union; Constitutions of the United Grand Lodge of England, A.D.
1815, and other Official Documents a List of Lodges under the

Grand Lodges of England, with their Numbers, immediately before,

and after the Union, &c. Compiled and arranged by William James
Hughan, Past Senior Grand Deacon of England ; Representative
of the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania, &c, &c, &c. Also an
exact reprint of Dr. Dassegny's "Serious and Impartial Inquiry."
Which contains the earliest known reference to Royal Arch Mason-
20 Library of Grand Lodge

ry. London Chatto & Wind us, Piccadilly. Truro

: William .

Lake, Princes Street. Philadelphia (TJ. S. A.) Charles Eugene :

Meyer, 722 Arch Street. 1874. Eoyal 8vo, pp. 119 and lithographic
1, C—The Reprint of the Sloane MS., 3339, British Museum, with
Lithographic Fac-siniile. Edited by the Rev. A. F. A. Woodford,
M.A., Past Grand Chaplain of England and Past Provincial S. G.
W. for West Yorkshire. Second Edition. London : Bro. Geo.
Kenning, 2, 3 and 4 Little Britain. Leeds Bro. J. Buckton, Brig-

gate. 1873. 8vo, pp. 21.

1, C. Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Master Masons Mark
of England and Wales, and the Colonies and Dependencies of the
British Crown, being the Begulations for the Government of the
Order of Mark Master Masons. London. 1871. 8vo, full pp. 41.
1, C. Constitutions (as above) and for the Degree of Royal Ark
Mariner. London Printed by Bro. T. Pewtress
: Co. 1872. &
8vo, full pp. 44.
1, C. Abstract of Laws for the Society of Royal Arch Masons.
London. 1786. 8vo, pp. 22.
1, C. General Regulations for the Government of the Order of
Royal Arch Masons of England, established by the Grand Chapter.
Published by the authority of the Grand Chapter. By William
Henry White, as Grand Scribe. E. London Printed by Thomson :

& Nias, 19 Great St. Helens. 1843. 8vo, pp. 29 and plates.
1, C— General Regulations (Same title as above). 1852. 8vo, pp.
31 and plates.
1, C. General Regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chap-
ter ofRoyal Arch Masons of England. Published by the authority
of the Supreme Grand Chapter. By Willium Qtray Clarke, as
Grand Scribe. E. London : John Smith & Co., Printers, 52 Long
Acre. 1864. 8vo, pp. 34, and Appendix of plates.
1, C. General Regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chap-
ter for the Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of Eng-
land. Published by the authority of the Supreme Grand Chapter.
By John Hervey, as Grand Scribe. E. London : Harrison Sons, &
St. Martin's Lane. 1869. 8vo, pp. 34, and plates.
1, C— General Regulations (Same title as above). 1875. 8vo, pp.
37, and plates.
1, D.—Liaws and Regulations for the Order of Royal Arch Masons.
Revised and amended by the Supreme Grand Chapter, 5th February,
1823. London Printed for the Supreme Grand Chapter by Comp.

Lawrence Thompson, Great St. Helens. 1823. 12mo, pp. 42, and

1, D.—Rules and Regulations of the Grand Holy Roval Arch Chap-

ter of the State of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia "King Baird. : &
1854. (Also) By-laws
of Keystone II. R. A. Chapter, No. 175,
A.D. 1854, A. L. 5854. Philadelphia : King Baird 1854 12mo, &
pp. 35.
1, D.— Constitution of the Grand Chapter of the State of Iowa. Mus-
catine, Iowa : Published by order of the Grand Chapter. 1871.
8vo, pp. 107.
1, D. —Constitution, Rules and Regulations of the Grand Holy Royal
Arch Chapter of Pennsylvania, with an Appendix containing the
op Pennsylyania, Fbee and Accepted Masons. 21

Ceremonial, Prayers, Charges and Forms. To which is added an

Historic Sketch of Royal Arch Masonry in Pennsylvania. Phila-
delphia King & Baird. A. D. 1863, A. I. 2393. 8vo, pp. 139, and

1, D. —Constitution, Rules and Regulations (same title as above, with
the exception of the Historic Sketch, in lieu of which is added a
List of the Subordinate Chapters, Lodees, &c). Adopted November •

3, A. D. 1871, A. I. 2401. Philadelphia Printed for the Grand


Chapter of Pennsylvania by Cooperative Printing Company, 30 and

32 8. Seventh Street. 8vo, pp. 145.
1, —
D. Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of Free and Accepted
Masons. Part the Second. Containing the Charges, Regulations,
&c, &c. Published by the authority of the United Grand Lodge.
By William Williams, Esq., Provincial Grand Master for the County
of Dorset. London : W. P. Norris & Son. 1827. 8vo, pp. 142.
1, D. Laws and Regulations Government of the Order of
for the
Royal Arch Masons of Scotland (Arms and MottoJ. Edinburgh.
A. D. 1869. 8vo, full, pp. 105, and plates.
1, —
D. Laws and Regulations of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of
Ireland, including those for the Government of Mark Master Masons'
Lodges. Published by authority. Dublin S. Underwood. 1873. :

8vo, pp. 52.

1, D. Constitution, Statuts et Reglements Generaux de l'Ordre
Maconnique en France. Paris au Secretarial General au Grand

Orient de France. 1867. 8vo, pp. 208.

1, D.—General Regulations established by the Supreme Grand Chap-
Government of the Order of Royal Arch Masons of Eng-
ter for the
land. Published by the authority of the Supreme Grand Chapter.
By Wm. Gray Clarke, as Grand Scribe. E. London. 1864. 8vo,
pp. 33.
1, D. —Constitution, Forms and Ceremonies of the Grand Com-
mandery of Knights Templar and the appendant Orders of Pennsyl-
vania, adopted June 12, 1872 to which is prefixed the Constitution,

Rules and Edicts of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of

the United States of America. Printed for the Grand Commandery
of Pennsylvania by the Cooperative Printing Co., 30 and 32 S.
Seventh Street. 1872. (Sub-Title Grand Commandery of Penn-

sylvania, Constitution of the Grand Encampment of Knights Tem-

plar of the United States of America. Revised September 18, A. D.
1856, with subsequent amendments to the end of the Eighteenth
Triennial Session, September 22, 1871. Also, the Rules and Edicts
of the Grand Encampment from 1859 to 1871. Prepared by E. Sir
Theodore Sutton Parmn, Grand Recorder. 8vo, pp. 106.
1, D. —The Statutes and Regulations, Institutes, Laws and
Grand Constitutions of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.
Compiled, with notes, from authentic documents, for the use of the
Order. By Albert Pike, 33d, M. •. P. . Sovereign Grand Commander
of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United
States. New York Robt. Macoy, Publisher. 1859. 8vo, pp. 168.

1, D. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The

Constitutions and Regulations of 1762. Statutes and Regulations of
Perfection, and other Degrees. Vera Instituta Secreta et Funda-
menta Ordinis of 1786. The Secret Constitutions of the 33d Degree;
with the Statutes of 1859, 1866, 1868, 1870 and 1872, of the Supreme
22 Library of Grand Lodge

Council for the Southern Jurisdiction. Compiled by Albert Pike,

Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the 33d
Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States. New
York Masonic Publishing Company, No. 626 Broadway. A. M.

5632. 8vo, pp. 467.

3, E.—Constitution and Regulations of the Society of Ancient Ma-
sons in Virginia, etc. 1818. By James Henderson. 12mo, pp. 201.
Richmond John "Warrock.

3, E.—Constitution of Grand Encampment of U. S. and Digest of Tem-


plar Law. 1877. By Theodore S. Parvin. 12mo, pp. 137.

3, F.—Cyclopedia of Free Masonry, containing definitions of the
technical terms used by the Fraternity, with an account of the rise
and progress of Freemasonry and its kindred associations, ancient
and modern, embracing Oliver's Dictionary of Symbolical Masonry.
Third Edition. 1868. By Robert Macoy. 8vo, pp. 628. New York
Masonic Publishing and Manufacturing Co.
3, G.— Constitutions, Statutes and Regulations of the First Inde-
pendent African Grand Chapter of Holy Royal Arch Masons of the
IT. S. of North America and Masonic jurisdiction thereunto belong-
ing. 1871. 12mo, pp. 32. Philadelphia Isaac Jackson.

4, F.— Constitutions, The Laws and, of the Grand Lodge of F. &

A. Masons of Ireland, etc. 1875. 8vo, pp. 127. Dublin S. Unr :
4, F. Constitutions, The Laws and, of the Grand Chapter of Ire-
land, etc. See *'L" for Laws and Regulations.
5, —
E. Extracts from Constitution of the Supreme Council Northern
Masonic Jurisdiction A. & A. Rite and By-laws Kilwinning Chap-
ter. 1870. 24mo, pp. 58. Philadelphia Cooperative Print.

5, E. Extracts from Constitution of the Supreme Council Northern

Masonic Jurisdiction, with By-Laws for the several bodies of A. &
"A." Rite, Pa. 1875. pp. 107. Philadelphia: H. L. Butler.
5, E. Constitution, By-Laws and General Regulations of the
M. W. Grand Lodge of N. Jersey, etc. 1874. 24mo, pp. 73. Tren-
ton : Murphy & Bechtel.
5, F. Charges to Lodges, bound in with " Plan of a loan. '

By James Milnor, G. M.
1, D. — Constitutions of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of
Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York. Revised,
Adopted and ordered to be published by the Grand Lodge, June 5,
A. L. 5845. Bound with Masonic Pamphlets, 1 D. 1845. 8vo,
pp. 577. Joseph M. Marsh.
1, C. Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted
Masons in Mississippi, together with the Statutes, Rules and Regu-
lations. 1880. 8vo, pp. 87. Clarion Steam Pub. House.

Catalogues of Masonic and Anti-Masonic Books.

2, A. —Bihliographia Freimaurerei und der mit ihr in Verbindung
gesetzten geheimen Gesellschaften. Systematisch zusammengestellt
von Oteorg Klosz, Dr. Med. Frankfurt am Main Druck und Ver-

lag von Johann David Sauerlander. 1844. 8vo, pp. 430.

2, A— Catalogue of Books on the Masonic Institution, in Public Libra-
ries of twenty-eight States of the Union, Anti-Masonic in arguments
of Pennsylvania, Free and Accepted Masons. 23

and conclusions. By distinguished literary gentlemen, citizens of

the United States. With introductory remarks and a compilation of
Records and Remarks. By a Member of the Suffolk Committee of
1829. Boston : Printed by Danwell & Moore. 1852. 8vo, pp. 270.
2, A
A.— Catalog-lie of Books on Freemasonry, and Kindred Sub-
jects. By William Oowans. (Motto, &c, omitted.) New York
William Gowans. 1858. 8vo, full, pp. 71.
2, A.—Catalogue of Books and Medals, collected by Pythagoras
Lodge, No. in Brooklyn. New York. 1859. G. B. Teubner,
Printer, 17 Ann Street. 8vo, pp. 145, printed on one side.
2, A. —Catalogue of the library of the Grand Lodge of Iowa, June
1st,1873. By Theodore S. Parvin, Grand Sec'y. Iowa City. 1873.
8vo, pp. 144, and portrait of the author.
2, A. —Catalogue of Masonic Books, or Masonic Bibliography of
the library of Enoch T. Carson, Cincinnati, O. A
catalogue of
Masonic Books from A to P, ending with "Picart," in sheets, pp.
2, A. Costume, or Freemasonry its ; Outward and Visible Signs. A
description of the Jewels, Costume and Furniture used in the Craft.
Spencer's Masonic Depot. London, 1875. 12mo, pp. 36. Also a
Catalogue of Standard Works on Freemasonry, pp. 12. Many cuts.
5, E —prime
Calendrier Maoonnique.
Conseil Francela
Grand-Orient de France, Su-
Francaises pour l'an
et les possessions
de la V. . L. -. 5857. 1857.18mo, pp. 216. Paris A. Lebon. :

5, E.—Calendrier Maoonnique. Pour les ans 1852, 1865, 1866, 1867,

1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 187*5. Each about 280 pages, pp. 2240.
3, —
E. Cushing's Manual. Rules of proceeding and debate in delibera-
tive assemblies. 1864. By Luther 8. Gushing. 18mo, pp. 189.
Boston : Taggard Thompson.
3, F.—Cradle of Rebellions. A History of the Secret Societies of
France. 1867. By Lucien de la Hodde. 12mo, pp. 479. Gallon,
Ohio : A. Estill.

3, F. —Constantine, the Life of. Done into English from that edi-
tion set forth by Valesius, and printed in Paris in 1659. 2d Edition.
1874. By Eusebius Pamphillus. 8vo, pp. 145. London : George
3, G. Catecismos Masonicos para la instruccion de los Masones
Espafioles de ambos emisferios. 1822. 12mo, pp. 69. Madrid.
4, C Ceremonies at the unveiling of the Monument to Roger Williams,
etc. 8vo, pp. 52. Providence : Angell Hammett & Co.
4, C —Centennial Celebration
held, etc. 1870. 8vo, pp. 78.
of St. Andrew's Royal Arch Chapter,
4, —
D. Ceremonies at laying the Corner-stone of the Jewish Hospital.
1872. 12mo, pp. 24. Philadelphia.
4, E. — Centennial Anniversary, Lodge No. 3, A. Y. M., of Pa. An
Address. By Harlan Ingram. 1867. 12mo, pp. 12. Philadelphia:
Geo. Hawkes.
4, F.—Circular to Lodges of F. &
A. M. in the State of N. York by
the Committee appointed at Geneva. 1848. 12mo, pp. 12. Also
including Address of Masters and P. Masters in opposition, etc.
pp. 22. Also, opinion of Chancellor Walworth upon the Masonic
difficulties, etc. pp. 55. N. York.

4, G.— Congres Maconnique. Universel-Reuni a l'Orient de Paris

en Juin, 1855, par ordre, etc. 1856. 8vo, pp. 98. Paris.

4, G. Ceremony at the Dedication of the new Masonic Hall, Wil-

mington, Del. 1872. 8yo, pp. 35. Wilmington, Del.
4, G. Correspondence between Chairman of Permanent Committee
of the N. American Masonic Congress and Chairman of the Com-
mittee of Correspondence of the G. Lodge of Penna., A. Y. M.
1862. 8vo, pp. 13. Philadelphia King Baird. : &
4, G.—Celebration of Centennial of Hiram Lodge, No. 1, Conn., etc.
1850. By Benjamin Huntoon. 8vo, pp. 44. N. Haven, Conn
Thos. J. Stafford.
4, G. Confession of the Murder of Wm.
Morgan. Taken by Dr.
John L. Emery. 1849. N. York.
18mo, pp. 24.
4, G. Constitution and Installation of St. Alban Lodge, No. 529,
Philadelphia. 1874. 18mo, pp. 15. Philadelphia Jos. B. Chand- :


4, G. —Catalogue of rare and interesting works on Freemasonry, etc.

1851. 8vo, pp. 19. London. >

4, G. Catalogue of a valuable collection, &c. 8vo, pp. 81. London.

Cross' Templars' Chart. See K for Knight Templar.
5, C. Centennial Anniversary of Lodge No. 2, A. Y. M., of Pa.,
etc. 1859. 12mo, pp. 43. Philadelphia : King & Baird.
5, C. Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar, containing lists of Lodges,
throughout the Globe.
etc., 1871. 36mo, pp. 353. London : (ieo.
5, C. Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar, containing lists of Lodges,
throughout the Globe.
etc., 1872. 36mo, pp. 288. London : Geo.
5, C. Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar, containing lists of Lodges,
throughout the Globe.
etc., 1873. 36mo, pp. 282. London : Geo.
5, C. Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar, containing lists of Lodges,
throughout the Globe.
etc., 1874. 36mo, pp. 251. London : Geo.
5, C. Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar, containing lists of Lodges,
throughout the Globe.
etc., 1875. 36mo, pp. 228. London : Geo.
5, C. Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar, containing lists of Lodges,
etc.throughout the Glohe.
, 1876. 33mo, pp. 225. London : Geo.
5, C. Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar, containing lists of Lodges,
throughout the Globe.
etc., 1878. 36mo, pp. 232. London: Geo.
5, C. Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar, containing lists of Lodges,
etc., throughout the Globe. 1879. 36mo, pp. 246. London : Geo.
5, C—Commandery, St. John's, No. 1, R. I. List of Members,
&c. 1872. 36mo, pp.
Officers, Providence: Chapman & Carter.
5, C. — Calendar (Masonic) for District Columbia. 1873. By Wm. A.
Yates. 36mo, pp. 46. Washington, D. C.
5, C. — Calendar and Directory (Ireland), 1872. 36mo, pp. etc.
188. Dublin : S. Underwood.
of Pennsylvania, Fkee and Accepted Masons. 23

5, C. —Calendar and Directory (Ireland), etc. 1867. 38mo. pp.

143. Dublin : S. Underwood.
5, C.'— Calendar and Directory (Ireland), etc. 1879. 3Cmo, pp.
176. Dublin S. Underwood.

5, C. Calendar (Masonic) British, Irish and Colonial. 1864. 36mo,

pp.260. Glasgow:. John Davidson.
5, C— Calendar (Masonic) British, Irish, and Colonial, from 1859-1863.
36mo, pp. 942. Glasgow
John Davidson.:

5, E.—Code of the A. A. Scottish Kite, etc., Chicago, 111. 1872.

36mo, pp. 154. Chicago : Hazlett & Reed.
5, E. Calendar (The Devonshire and Cornwall Masonic). 1865. By
Wm. James Hughan. 36mo, pp. 45. Devonport Jno. R. H. :

5, E. —Calendar (The Devonshire and Cornwall Masonic). 1867. By
Wm. James Hughan. 36ino, pp. 145. Devonport Jno. R. H. :

5, E. Calendar (The Devonshire and Cornwall Masonic). 1868. By
Wm. James Hughan. 36mo, pp. 116. Devonport : Jno. R. H.
5, E. Calendar (Freemasons') and Pocket Book for 1870, etc. (Eng-
36mo, pp. 152. London Harrison.
land). :

5, E.—Calendar (Freemasons') and Pocket Book for 1878, etc. (Eng

land). 36mo, pp. 202. London Spencer. :

5, E. Calendar (Freemasons' and Pocket Book for 1874, etc. (Eng


land). 36mo, pp. 171. London : Harrison.

5, —
E. Calendar (The Universal Masonic) for 1869, etc. England.
36mo, pp. 318. London Freemasons' Magazine.:

5, G. Calendar (Masonic) for the Province of Durham, England. 1874.

By James H. Ooates. 36mo, pp. 64. Sunderland Jas. H. Coates. :

5, G.— Calendar (The Freemasons') Province of Dorset-England. 1874.

36mo, pp. 60. Dorchester, England : Henry Ling.
3, C—Calcott's Masonry. See "M," p. 242.

5, C. —Calendar (The Freemasons') Province of Leicestershire and

Rutland. 1878. By Bam' I 8. Partridge. 36mo, pp. 56. Leicester,
6, D.— Centenary of Lodge of Friendship, No. 6. 1867. 8vo,
pp. 37. London Whittingham & Wilkins.

6, 1). —Centennial Sketch of the History of the Lodge of the Nine

Muses, etc. 1877. 8vo, pp. 46. London : Unwin Bros.
6, D.— Catalogue of Books in the Library of the A. & A. Rite, 33°,
London, etc. 1870. By H. W. Hemsworth. 8vo, pp. 30. London.
6, —
D. Catalogue of Books in the Library at Freemasons' Hall, Lon-
don. By H. W. Hemsworth. Say 1870. 8vo, pp. 40. London.
5, E. Calendario Masonico de la Isia de Cuba. 1879-1880. 24mo,
Falmouth Dixon.
pp. 108. :

6, D.— Collection of Masonic Poetry, Odes, Songs, etc. 1834. 18mo,

pp. 108. Falmouth Dixon. :

2, —
D. Chapter (The) and Council Manual. See 2 B, for Book of the
Chap. 2 C, for Manual, and 7 B, for Guide, and 3 E, for Book of the

26 Library of Grand Lodge

6, E.— Carbonari (Memoirs of the) Secret Societies of Italy. 1821. 8vo,

pp. 235. London John Murray.

6, G.—Catalogue of Coins and Medals. 1877. By 8. K. Harzfyld.

8vo, ,pp. 51. Boston T. R. Marvin & Son.

1, D. —Corrections of Grand Lodge Laws—Ireland. Say, 1870. 8vo,

pp. 4. Boston . T. R. Marvin & Son.
2 ; D.—Connecticut Veteran Masonic Association (First Annual
Reunion of), etc. 8vo, pp. 23. N. Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse &
2, E.— Ceremonies and Charges of M. Knights Templar Installation,
etc., Hugh de Payen's Commandery, 19, Pa., etc. 1870. 8vo, pp.
16. Easton, Pa. Cole :Morwitz. &
2, F.—Calendar (Masonic) for Bolton (England). 1872. 36mo, pp. 40.

Bolton Thos. Morris.


2, F. — Calendar (The Freemason's) and Diary, Warwickshire. 1872.

36mo, pp. 64. Birmingham Ed. Worrall. :

7, A. Christian Craftman's Creed. Installation Address Conti-

nental Lodge, 287, F. &
A. M. 1867. By Stephen H. Tyng. 8vo,
pp. 24. New York R. J. Johnston. :

7, A. Consecration of the Chapter of Sincerity, No. 1019, etc., Eng-

land. 1879. 8vo, pp. 14. York: England.
5, E. Calendar and Directory (Masonic) for Londonderry and Don-
egal. 1880. 24mo, pp. 52. Londonderry : David Irvine.
7, A. Calendar (Coleman's Masonic). 1879. 8vo, pp. 96. Louisville.
7, A.—Chestnut St. Temple— Shall it be Built. 1853. 18mo, pp. 10.
7, C. Celtic Druids (The), or an attempt to show that the Druids were
priests, etc. 1829. By Godfrey Higgins. 4to, pp. 324. London
Rowland Hunter.
1, C. Catalogue of Books and Rules and Regulations of the Masonic
Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, Established and opened for Public
Use, Sept. 1, 1877. 1880. 8vo, pp. 123. Tribune P. and Pub. Co.
3, F.—Dictionary of Free Masonry. Comprising all topics proper
for public explanation in the Rituals, History and Nomenclature of
the Royal Art. (Motto.) 1867. By Bob. Morris. 12mo, pp. 518.
Chicago Jno. C. W. Bailey.

,3, —
G. Debates in the Anti-Masonic State Convention of Massachusetts.
1830. 12mo, pp. 48. Boston John Marsh. :

4, B.—Downfall of Free Masonry, etc. A Political Satire. 1838.

By Jonathan Punkin. 8vo, pp. 159.
4, C Discourse delivered before the Associated Lodges, etc., Met at
Walpole, Mass., etc., Festival of St. John the Baptist. 1823. By
Benjamin Huntoon. 8vo, pp. 31. Boston : Chas. Crocker.
4, D. Dedication Memorial of the New Masonic Temple, Boston.
1870. By Wm. D. Stratton. 8vo, pp. 267. Boston Lee & Shep- :

4. D. —Demosthenes versus Cicero, alias The "Wolf in the Sheep's
Coat, or the Impostor detected. Reply to Anti-Masonic, etc. 1799.
18mo, pp. 49. Baltimore : Author.
4. C—Discours prononce a Paris. Dans une Seance extraordinaire
de l'Ordre des Templiers, etc. 1826. By Baron D' Renin de Our-
mllers. 12mo, pp. 28. Paris Delaunay. :
of Pennsylvania, Free and Accepted Masons. 27

4, D.—Discours sur 1'Histoire Civile et Religieuse de l'Ordre du

Temple, etc. 1833. By F. A. Barginet. lzmo, pp. 59. Paris A. :

Guyot & Scribe.

4, G. —Discourse delivered before the Officers and Members of Constel-
lationLodge of Mass. 1816. By Rev. Paul Dean. Grand Chaplain
of Grand Lodge of Mass. 8vo, pp. 20. Dedham, Mass.: H. Mann
& Co.
5, B.—Discrepancies of Freemasonry Examined. 1875. By
Rev. O. Oliver, D.D. 12mo, pp. 336. London John Hogg : & Co.
5, C. Directory for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall. 1873.
36mo, pp. 32. Truro, Eng. : Gazette Office.
5, C. Directory Grand Lodge of Cornwall.
for the Provincial 1874.
36mo, pp. Truro, Eng.: Gazette Office.
5, C. —Directory for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall. 1875.
36mo, pp. 35. Truio, Eng. Gazette Office. :

5, C. Directory Grand Lodge of Cornwall.

for the Provincial 1877.
36mo, pp. Truro, Eng. Gazette Office.
72. :

5, C. Directory for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall. 1879.

36mo, pp. 64 Truro, Eng. : Gazette Office.

5, D. —Directory (Masonic) for Alton, Ills. 1877. 24mo, pp. 4.

5, E. Directory (The
Universal Masonic), Calendar and Pocket Book,
etc. 1871. 36mo, pp. 276. London Freemason's Magazine. :

5, G. Discourses on the tendency and vindicating the design of Free-

masonry. 1801. By Thaddeus Mason Harris. 12mo, pp. 347.
Charlestown : Sam'l Etheridge.
5, G. Discourses on the tendency and vindicating the design of Free-
masonry. Reprinted in 1819. By Thaddeus Mason Harris. 12mo,
pp. 376. Philadelphia : Geo. Ho'worth.
5, G.—Druids (Antiqua Restaurata). A concise Historical Account of the,
etc. 12mo, pp. London T. Jones. 58. :

6, D. —Dedication Memorial of the New Masonic Temple (Philadel-

phia). 1875. By Library Committee. 8vo, pp. 236, Philadelphia:
Remsen & Haffelfinger.
5, E. — Directory (Masonic) for Paterson, N. J. 1873. 36mo, pp. 16.
Paterson, N. J.
2,E. Digest of Masonic Law. See Jurisprudence, page 456.
7, H.—Dedication of the New Masonic Temple, Philadelphia,
Invitations and Answers. 1873. Vol. I. 4to, pp. say 300. M8£S.
7, H. Dedication of the New Masonic Temple, Philadelphia,
Invitations and Answers. 1872. Vol. II. 4to, pp. say 250. M8S.
3, F. Elleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries—A Dissertation. 3d
Edition. Motto. 1875. By Thomas Taylor. 8vo, pp. 174. New
York J. W. Bouton.

4, C. Essay towards a Natural History of Serpents, etc. 1742. By

Charles Owen. 8vo, pp. 240. London : Author.
4, C. —Eulogy upon Chas. Aug. Davis, before Mt. Calvary Chapter of
Rose Croix. 1864. By Etisha Huntington. 8vo, pp. 33. Lowell,
4, F. —Eulogy on the Life, Character and Services of Brother Geo.
Washington, pronounced before the Fraternity of Free and Accepted

Masons, at Old South Meeting House, Boston, etc. 1800. By Tim-

8vo, pp. 10. Boston: J. Thomas and E. T. Andrews.
othy Bigelow.
5, E.—L'Etoile Flaniboyante— ou la Society des Francs Macons, etc.
1770, circa. 2 vols. 34rno, pp. 197 and 201. Paris
5, —
E Essai sur la secte des Illumines. 1789. 12mo, pp. 256. Paris.
6, G.—Eulogy on the Character of P. M. Shubael Bell. 1819. By Sam'l
L. Kna-pp. 8vo, pp. 19. Boston J. T. Buckingham.

2, D.—Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry, etc. 1874. By Albert O.

Mackey. 8vo, pp. 947. Philadelphia : Moss & Co.
8, G.—Escritor (The) (Masonic Periodical). 1826. 4to, pp. 416. Albany:
E. B. Child.
6, A.—Epidemic of 1878 in Mississippi, Keport of the Yellow
Fever Relief Work. By
/. L. Power, Gr. Sec'y of Masons.
8vo, pp. 224. Clarion Steam Pub. House.
Jackson, Miss. :

3, D. Funeral Ceremony and Ceremonial of a Lodge of Sorrow of

the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Bite. 1868. 12mo, pp. 95.
Charleston, S. C.
3, E. —Freemason's Companion, or Pocket Preceptor. 1805. By
John Phillips. 12mo, pp. 21 1. Philadelphia Bartholomew Graves.

3, F. Freemasonry in the Holy Land, or Hand Marks of Hiram's

Builders, embracing notes made during a series of Masonic re-
searches in 1868, in Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Europe,
and the results of much correspondence with Free Masons in those
countries. (Motto.) 4th Edition. 1873. By Bob. Morris. 8vo,
pp. 608. New York Masonic Pub. Co.

2,A. —Freemasonry, Its Outward and See Costume, &c.

Visible Signs.
3, F. Free Masonry Exposed. exposed in faithful
Its pretensions
extracts of its standard authors, with a review of Town's Specula-
tive Masonry, its liability to pervert the doctrines of revealed relig-
ion discovered in the spirit of its doctrines, and in the application of
its emblems, its dangerous tendency exhibited in extracts from the
Abb6 Barruel and Professor Robinson and further illustrated in its
base service to the Illuminati. (Motto.) 1828. 8vo, pp. 399. New
3, F.—Free Masonry Exposed. Duplicate of above. 8vo, pp. 399.
New York.
8, G. Francs Macons, Les, et les Socifites secretes suive des actes —
Apostoliques des souvorains Pontifes Clement XII, Benoit XIV, Pie
VII, Leon XII et Pie IX. (Motto.) 2d Edition. 1867. By Alex,
de St. Albin. 8vo, pp. 519. Paris F. Wattelier Cie. : &
4, —
A. Free-Masonry Unmasked, or Minutes of the Trial of a Suit,
etc., wherein Thaddeus Stevens was Plaintiff, etc. 1835. 12mo,- pp.
93. Gettysburg R. W. Middleton.

4 B. Free-Masons, The What ; they are, what they do, what they
are aiming at. Trans, from the French. By Mgr. Segur. 18mo,
pp. 135. Boston : Patrick Donahoe.
4, B. Francs-Macon ecrases, les suite du livre intitutfi L'Ordre des
Francs-Macpns Trahi (de Satin). 1747. 12mo, pp. S38. Amster-
4, C—Free-Mason's Instructor, or Lectures on the three first de-
grees, etc. 1812. By John A. Bohr. 8vo, pp. 32. Philadelphia
John A. Rohr.
of Pennsylvania, Fkee and Accepted Masons. 39

4 D. —Free-Masonry for the Ladies, being ceremonies of initiation

of women as Masons. Bound with "Solomon in all his Glory."
1791. 12mo, pp. 62. London Thos. Wilkinson.

4, D. Funeral Oration of Bro. Geo. Washington, delivered January

1, 1800, in the French Lodge "I'Amenite." "1811. By Simon Chau-
dron. 12mo, pp. 60. Philadelphia A. J. Blocquerst. :

4, E. Free-Mason's Magazine and General Miscellany. Vol. I.

1811. 8vo, pp. 478. Philadelphia Levis & Weaver.

4, P. Free-Masonry Contrasted with Intolerance, proving

that denunciations of Free-Masonry are wholly unsupported by the
Councils of the Roman Catholic Church, etc. 1844. By Milo
Burke O'Ryan. 8vo, pp. 70. Dublin Grant & Bolton. :

4, F. Few Practical Facts, etc., showing the desirability of found-

ing a fund for children of Freemasons, etc. 1878. By Ohas. Qodi-
sahalk. 18mo, pp. 19. Plymouth, Eng. L. D. Westcott. :

4, G. Funeral Service of Lafayette Lodge, No. 71, Pa. 8vo, pp. 14.
4, G. Feier des funfszigjahrigen Zubelfestes Sokrates loge, etc. 1852.
8vo, pp. 104. Frankfurt am Main.
4, G. Freemasonry in Mexico. 1859. By Desaguliers. 8vo, pp 8.
Washington, D. C. : Geo. Fisher.
4, G. Fete de l'Ordre du solstice d'Etfi-celebree par la Resp. Loge


La Clement Amit£, etc. 1856. 8vo, pp. 47. Argenteuil, France :

Worms & Co.

5, D. —Freemasonry, Sketch of its origin, etc., delivered before the
Catholic University, etc. 1862. By Jas. Burton Bobertson. 12mo,
pp. 48. Dublin : John F. Fowler.
5, D. Freimaurerei (Geschichteder). 1861. By J. 67. Findel. 8vo,
pp. 1st part 425, 2d part 360.
5, E.—Free Masonry, Its origin and spread in the Old World, etc.,
Laying the corner-stone New Masonic Temple, etc., Philadelphia.
1873. By James L. Gihon. 12mo, pp. 180. Philadelphia Wm. :

White Smith.
5, G. Francs Macons (les secrets de l'ordre des) Devoiles, etc. 1745.
18mo, pp. 471. Amsterdam.
5, G. —Free Masonry, The Principles of, delineated. Motto. 1777.
By Robert Trewman. 18mo, pp. 264. Exeter, Eng.: R. Trewman.
6, B.—Free Mason's Treasury. 52 Short Lectures. 1863. By Rev.
12mo, pp. 329. London R. Spencer.
Geo. Oliver. :

6, C. Funeral Services of the Duke of Sussex. 1843. 12mo, pp.

22. London L. Valentine.

7, F.—Freemason's Quarterly Magazine. 1853. 8vo, pp. 216.

London : Geo. Routledge & Co.
6, C. Freemasonry—A Sermon. 1843. By J. Osmond Dakeyne.
8vo, pp. 30. London : R. Spencer.
6, C. —Freemasonry in relation to Civil Authority and the Family Cir-
cle. 1867. By Chalmers I. Paton. 8vo, pp. 35. London : How-
ard Spencer.
6, C—Freemasonry, its Spirit and Scope —A Lecture, etc. 1860. By
Wm. Th. Wilkinson. 12mo, pp. 20. Dublin.

6, C. Freemasonry (Genuine) Indissolubly Connected with Revela-

30 Libkary op Gkand Lodge

tion— A. Lecture,
etc. Moses Margolirutli. 1852. 12mo, pp. 46.
Rich'd Spencer.

6, C— Flower Shushan (The) on the Pillars of Solomon's Temple

1861. By Dr. Kuechenmeister. 12mo, pp. 24. London: B. Spencer.
6, C.—Freymaurer (der), etc. 1789. 18mo, pp. 100. Gotha.
6, —
D. Freemason's Liber Musicus (a collection of Masonic Music)-
in 12 parts. 4to, pp. 213. London : Metzler Co.
6, D.—Four (The) Old Lodges, Founders of Modern "Freemasonry, etc.
1879. By Robert Freke Gould, 4to, pp. 82. London B. Spencer. :

6, D.—Freemasonry. An Account of the Early History of Freema-

sonry in England, ,etc. 1870. 18mo, pp. 62. London Nicholas :


D. Freemason's (The) "Vocal Assistant and Begister, for S.
Carolina and Georgia. 1807. 12mo, pp. 255. Charleston, S. C:
J. J. Negrin.
3, F. Freemasonry in the Holy Land. narrative of Masonic A
explorations, etc. Also 300 Masonic Odes and Poems. 1879. By
Sob. Morris. -8vo, pp. 608, 144. LaGrange, Ky.
1, B. Freemason's Pocket Companion, Containing the Origin,
Progress, &c, with the Institution of the Grand Lodge of Scotland,
etc. 1792. 18mo, pp. -299. Air, Scotland Jno. & Peter Wilson. :

2, A.—Free Mason's Monitor.

2, D. —Free-mason's (The) Accusation and Defence, in six genu-
ine letters, etc. 1726. 12mo, pp. 39. Loildon : J. Peele.
5,E. Freemason's Almanac.
7, B. — Freemasonry. A word to the wise, being a vindication of the
Science, etc. 1796.
80. London W- Thiselton.
12mo, pp. :

5,E. Freemason's Calendar and Pocket Book.

7, A. Freemasonry, Its History, Principles and Objects. 1871. &6mo,
pp. 56. London
John Hogg. :

7, A. Freemasonry, Its Duties and Privileges. A sermon. 1875. By

Bev. Alf. H. Oummings. 8vo, pp. 10. Truro, Eng.
7, —
A. Franc-Maconnerie(Bespectala)BeponseA. M. Dufour. 1865.
8vo, pp. 15. Marseilles : Menguelle.
7, F. Freemason's Quarterly Magazine and Beview. A.D. 1850.
8vo, pp. 554. London : B. Spencer.
7, F.—Freemason's Quarterly Magazine and Beview. A.D. 1851,
Svo, pp. 548. London : B. Spencer.
7, F. Freemason's Quarterly Magazine and Beview. A.D. 1852.
8vo, pp. 550. London : B. Spencer.
7, F. Freemason's Quarterly Magazine and Beview. A.D. 1853.
8vo, pp. 738. London : B. Spencer.
7, F. Freemason's Quarterly Magazine and Beview. A.D. 1854.
8vo, pp. 484. London : B. Spencer.
7, F. Freemason's Quarterly Magazine, New Series. 1851, 2, 3
and 4. 8vo, pp. 2320. London : B. Spencer.
7, F.—Freemason's Quarterly Magazine, Illustrated. 1852 and 3.
8vo, pp. 1284. London : B. Spencer.
7, E.—Freemason's Monthly Magazine and Masonic Mirror. 1855.

8vo, pp. 770. London : G. Bowtledge & Co.
of Pennsylvania, Free and Accepted Masons, 31

7, E.—Freemason's Monthly Magazine and Masonic Mirror. 1856.

8vo, pp. 900. London : Geo. Warren.
7, E.—Freemason's Monthly Magazine and Masonic Mirror. 1857.
8vo, pp. 1130. London : Geo. Warren.
7, E. Freemason's Monthly Magazine and Masonic Mirror. 1858,
Jan. to June. 8vo, pp. 1248. London : Geo. Warren.
7, E. Freemason's Monthly Magazine and Masonic Mirror. 1858,
July to Dec. 8vo, pp. 1237. London : Geo. Warren.
7, E. Freemason's Monthly Magazine and Masonic Mirror. 1859,
Jan. to June. 8vo, pp. 1248. London Geo. Warren.

7, G. Freemason's Quarterly Keview. A. D. 1834. 8vo, pp.

494. London : G. & P. Sherwood.
7, G.—Freemason's Quarterly Review. A. D. 1835. 8vo. pp.
498. London : G. & P. Sherwood.
7, G.—Freemason's Quarterly Keview. A. D. 1836. 8vo, pp.
569. London : G. & P. Sherwood.
7, G. Freemason's Quarterly Keview. A. D. 1837. 8vo, pp.
556. London : G. & P. Sherwood.
7, G.—Freemason's Quarterly Review. A. D. 1838. 8vo, pp.
546. London G.: & P. Sherwood.
7, G.—Freemason's Quarterly Review. A. T>. 1839. 8vo, pp.
552. London : G. & P. Sherwood.
7, G.—Freemason's Quarterly Review. A. D. 1840. 8vo, pp.
550. London : G. & P. Sherwood,
7, G.—Freemason's Quarterly Review. A. D. 1841. 8vo, pp.
510. London : G. & P. Sherwood.
7, G.— Freemason's Quarterly Review. A. D. 1843. 8vo, pp.
474. London : G. & P. Sherwood.
7, G.—Freemason's Quarterly Review. A. D. 1843. 8vo, pp.
587. London : G. & P. Sherwood.
7, G.—Freemason's Quarterly Review. A. D. 1844. 8vo, pp.
513. London : G. & P. Sherwood.
7, G.—Freemason's Quarterly Review. A. D. 1845. 8vo, pp.
513. London : G. & P. Sherwood.
7, G.—Freemason's Quarterly Review. A. D. 1846. 8vo, pp.
509. London : G. & P. Sherwood.
7, G.—Freemason's Quarterly Review. A. D. 1847. 8vo, pp.
519. London : G. & P. Sherwood.
7, G.—Freemason's Quarterly Review. A. D. 1848. 8vo, pp.
506. London : G. & P. Sherwood.
7, G.—Freemason's Quarterly Review. A. D. 1849. Svo, pp.
450. London ; G. & P. Sherwood.
6, F. Gesprache fur Freymaurer (Dialogues on Masonry) . 1780. 24mo,
pp. 60.

1, D.—Grand Lodge of New York and G. Lodge of Michigan.

1844. 8vo, pp. 8.

7,D.—Grand Lodge of Pa.

2, D.— Guide for the Order of High Priesthood. 1 884. By Wm. Hacker.
12mo. pp. 22. Portland, Maine: Jos. Covell.

7, B.— Guide to tlic Royal Arch Chapter. A Monitor, etc. 1868. By

Jas. L. Gould. Mas. Pub. & M. Co.
12mo, pp. 272. New York :

7, D._Grand Master (The), or Adventures of Qui Hi in Hindostan.

Poem. 1816. 8vo, pp. 252. London Thos. Tegg. :

3, A.—The History of Freemasonry and Masonic Digest Em- :

bracing an Account of the Order from the Building of Solomon's

Temple its Progress thence throughout the Civilized World to

1858 the introduction of Modern Degrees called Masonic and the


first written History of Masonry in the United States. To which is

added, the " Old Charges" and 'Ancient Regulations," as collated
by order of the Grand Lodge of England, in 1722. Also, the Spuri-
ous Laws as published by Dermott a Code of Masonic Jurispru-

dence, illustrated by the Author s answers to Questions of Law and

Usage a Dictionary of Masonic Terms Description of Masonic
; ;

Jewels, Begalia, &c, &c. By J. W. 8. Mitchell, M.D., P. G. M., &c,

of Missouri. Marietta, Ga. Published by the Author. New York

Robert Macoy. 2 Vols. royal 8vo, pp. 720 and 720.


3, —
A. The History of Freemasonry from its Origin down to the
Present day. By J. G. Findel. Second revised edition. With a
preface by D. Murray Lyon, One of the Grand Stewards in the
Grand Lodge of Scotland. London Asher & Co. 1871. 8vo, pp.

3, A.—The History of Freemasonry. (Same title as the above.
American edition.) Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 8vo, pp.
3, A.— The History of Freemasonry, drawn from Authentic sources
of Information with an Account of the Grand Lodge of Scotland,

from its Institution in 1736, to the Present time. Compiled from the
Records; and an Appendix of original Papers. Edinburgh Printed :

by Alex. Lowrie, and Longman & Rees, London. 1804. 8vo, pp.
3, A.— The Early History of Freemasonry in England. By
James Orchard Halliwell, Esq., F.R.S., &c, &c. Second Edition.
London John Russell Smith.
: 1844. Small 8vo, pp. 52.
2, B.—History of Freemasonry, bound with " True Masonic Chart,"
3, —A General History of Free-Masonry in Europe. Based
upon the Ancient Documents relating to, and the Monuments erected
by this Fraternity from its foundation in the Year 715 B. C, to the
present time. Translated and Compiled from the Masonic Histories
of Emmanual Rebold, M. D., Past Deputy of the Grand Orient of
France, &c, &c. By J. Fletcher Brennan. Cincinnati 1866. 8vo,

3, B. —The Early History and Antiquities of Freemasonry, as
connected with ancient Norse Guilds and the Oriental and Mediaeval
Building Fraternities. By George F. Fort. Published by S. P.
Putnam, No. 721 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. 1875. 8vo, pp.
490, with cuts.
3, B. —The Origin of Freemasonry. A
History of the time when,
the place where, and the Persons with whom the Institution of Free-
masonry originated, and the Occasion and Necessity for the estab-
lishment of the Mystic Brotherhood, including the Causes for the
Introduction and the True Explanation of the Symbols of Free-
masonry. By Leon Hyneman. Philadelphia, 1858. 8vo, pp. 177.
3, B.—The History and Articles of Masonry. (Now first published
op Pennsylvania, Fkee and Accepted Masons. 33-

from a MS. in the British. Museum. ) Dedicated, by permission, to

the W. Bro. John Havers, Esq., P. S.' G. D. President of the
Board of General Purposes, by the Editor, Matthew Cooke, Sec'y of
Globe Lodge, &c., &c., &c. Entered at Stationers' Hall. The Right
of Translation and Reproduction is Reserved. London: Bro. Rich-
ard Spencer, 26 Great Queen Street.12mo. pp. 163.
3, B. —Masonic Sketches and Reprints. I. History of Freema-
sonry in York. II. Unpublished Records of the Craft. By Wil-
liam James Rughan, P. M. No. 131, Truro, &c., &c. With Valua-
ble Appendices containing MSS. from the British Museum, etc.,
never before Published. New York: Masonic Publishing Company.
1871. 8vo, pp. 224, and frontis'piece.

2, B. History of Freemasonry. See Pocket Companion.

3,.B —The Early History of Freemasonry in England. By
James Orchard Rdlliwett, Esq., F.R.S., &c., &c. London: Thomas
Rodd, 2 Great Newport Longacre. 1840.
Street, Small 8vo, pp. 45.
3, B. —Freemasonry. An
account of the Early History of Free-
masonry in England. "With illustrations of the Principles and
Precepts advocated by that Institution. By Thomas Lewis Vox,
C.S., P.M. Royal Athelstan Lodge, No. 19, &c, &c. London:
Published by Brother Nicholas Triibner. 1870. 12mo, pp. 62.
8, B. A
Brief History of Free Masons collected from the most
approved Authors; containing many of the most material Occur-
rences, and an Account of Grand Masters, Buildings, &c, from the
Creation of the World to the present Time. To which is added the
Design of a Monument to the Memory of a Great Artist, well-known
to the Craft. And a Concise System of Christian Masonry, Dis-
played in the Description of a Building which reached to the Heav-
ens. Concluding with a Masonic Poem on the four parts of the
Day, &c, &c. Embellished with Twelve Aquaintas, applicable to
the several Subjects. Second edition. By Thomas Johnson, Grand
Tyler, &c, &c. London: J. Moore. 12mo. 1784.
8, B.—The Early History of Freemasonry in England. By
James Orchard Halliwell, Esq., P.R.S., &c, &c. 2d edition (of the
ahove mentioned) London: John Russell Smith. 1844. Small
first .

8vo,i pp. 52.

B. —The History of Freemasonry in Kentucky, in its Relations
to the Symbolic Degrees. To which are added, in the form of Notes
and Brief Historical Abstracts, an American Masonic Bibliography ;
a current History of Cotemporaneous events in other States and
Countries; Historical and Statistical Tables, and the entire Catalogue
of the Masons of Kentucky. By Sob. Morris, Grand Master.
Author of various Masonic Works, and Lecturer upon Masonic
Science. Louisville, Ky. Published by Rob. Morris.
: 1859. 8vo,
pp. 592.
Historical Landmarks. See page 41.
3, B.—A Brief History Of the Witham Lodge, No. 374, holden
in the City of Lincoln, with a Description of the Ceremonial used at
Levelling the Foundation Stone of the New Masonic Hall, and the
Sermon, preached on that occasion. By the Rev. George Oliver,
D.D., &c, &c. London. 1841. 8vo, pp. 47.
3, B. —The History of Masonry, from the Creation of the World to
the Present time. (No date.j London 1
:Printed for the Booksel-
lers. 12mo, pp. 61,
34 Libkaet of Grand Lodge

8, B.— The Lodge of Washington. A History of the Alexandria

Washington Lodge, No. 22, A. F. and A. M., of Alexandria, Va.,
1783-1876. Compiled from the Original Records of the Lodge. By
F. L. Brochett, P. M. Lodge No. 22. Alexander, Va. 1876. 8vo,
pp. 220.
3, C— Secret Societies of the Middle Ages. London M. A. :

Nattali, 23 Bedford Street, Covent Garden. 1846. 12mo, pp. 408.

3, C—Secret Societies of the Middle Ages. (An exact copy of
the above, with the exception of the title page. The Library of )

Entertaining Knowledge. London Charles Knight & Co. 1837. ;

3, C. A
Candid Disquisition of the Principles and Practices of the
most Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Ma-
sons, together with some Strictures on the Origin, Nature and De-
sign of that Institution. Dedicated, by Permission, to the most
Noble and most Worshipful Henry Duke of Beaufort, &c, &c.
Grand Master. By Wellins Oalcott, P.M. (Motto omitted.) Lon-
don. Printed for the Author. A.L. 5769, A.D. 1769. 8vo, pp. 243.
3, D. Hospitallaria, or a synopsis of the rise, exploits, privileges, in-
signia, etc., of the Venerable and Sovereign Order of Knights Hos-
pitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem, with a brief account of British
Branch. 1837. 12mo, pp. 68. London : John Mortimer.
3, D. History of Mother Lodge Kilwinning. From the earliest
period to the present time, with notes on the Abbey. 1878. By
Robert Wylie. 12mo, pp. 391. Glasgow John Tweed. :

4, A. History of Masonry in Pennsylvania. (See Masonry and

3, B.—Histoire des Francs Macons. Vol. I. 1836. By J. P. Du-
breuil. 18mo, pp. 227. Bruxelles : H. I. G. Francois.
3, E.—Histoire des Francs Macons. Vol. II. 1838. By J. P. Du-
breuil. 18mo, pp. 212. Brussels : H. I. G. Francois.

3, G. —
Histoire Obligations et statuts de la tres venerable confraternity

des Francs Macons Tirez de leurs Archives, etc. 1742. 12mo,
pp. 283. Francfort sur le Meyn Francois Varrentropp. :

5, G. Histoire de la Franche (Acta Latomoruml Maconnerie Fran-

chise et Etrangere contenant les faits, etc. Vols. I and II. 1815.
12mo, pp. 428 and 404. Paris P. E. Dufart. :

3, —
G. Histoire Pittoresque de la Franc Maconnerie et des Soci6tes
secretes Anciennes et Modernes. 3d Edition. 1844. By F. T. B.
Glamel. 8vo, pp. 407. Paris Pagnerre. :

3, G. Histoire Pittoresque de la Franc Maconnerie et des Socifites

secretes Anciennes et Modernes. 12th Edition. 1845. By F. T. B.
Olavel. 8vo, pp. 390. Paris : Pagnerre.
3, G. Histoire de la Franc Maconnerie Depuis son Origine jusqua nos
jours. Vol. I. 1866. By J. G. Findel. 8vo, pp. 472. Paris.
3, G. Histoire de la Franc Maconnerie Depuis son Origine jusqua nos
jours. Vol. II. 1866. By J. G. Findel. 8vo, pp. 496. Paris.
3, G. Histoire des trois Grand Loges de Francs Macons en France- Le
Grand Orient, Le Sup. Conseil, Le Grande loge Nationale prececle
d'un precis historique, etc. Suivi de l'Histoire des Rites de Misraim,
etc. By Em. Heboid. 8vo, pp. 693. Paris Collignon.
1864. :

4, C—History of Franklin Lodge, No. 134, A Y.M., of Pa. 1SS8.

By George J. Becker. 8vo, pp. 60. Philadelphia. R. P. King.
of Pennsylvania, Free and Accepted Masons. 35

4, C— (An) Historical Account of the Blue Blanket, etc. 1780.

18mo, pp. 170. Edinburgh : Alex. Robertson.
4, C —History of the LodgeLondon:
of Tranquillity,
Chas. Skipper & East.
etc. 1874. By John
8vo, pp. 71.
4, D. —History (A Concise) of Knighthood, containing the religious
and military Orders, etc. 2 Vols. 1784. By Hugh Clark. 8vo,
pp. 285, 268. London W. Strahan, : etc.

4, D.—History of Loge Francaise, No. 53, A. P. & A. M., of Vir-

ginia. 1874. By Chas. IS. Snodgrass. 8vo, pp. 44. Richmond
Gillis & Baptist.
4, D. Histoire Gurieuse de la demission d'un Grand Chancelier de
du Temple, etc 1837. 8vo, pp. 112. Paris.
4, F.—History of the Minden Lodge, No. 63 (Ireland), held in the
20th Regiment of Foot. (Army Lodge.) 1849. By John Clarke.
8vo, pp. 74. Kingston : Argus Office.

4, F. —Historical Narrative, of Granfl Lodge of the State of N.

York, etc. 12mo, pp. 80. New York J. M. Marsh.
1849. :

4, G. Haupt-Uebersicht des Bundes der Freimaurer der Grossen

National Mutter lodge, etc. 1869. 12mo, pp. 149. Berlin.
5, A. —History of the Knights Templars, the Temple Church and
the Temple. 1842. By Chas. &. Addison. 8vo, pp. 395. Lon-
don : Longman, Brown & Green.
5, A. —History of the Knights Templar of the State of Pa., etc.
1867. By
Alfred Oreigh. 12mo, pp. 394. Philadelphia: J. B.
Lippincott Co. &
5, A. —History of the Knights Templar of Penna., etc. 2d Series,
enlarged. 18G8. By Alfred Creigh. 12mo, pp. 623. Philadelphia :

J. B. Lippincott & Co.

5, A.—History of the Knights of Malta, etc. 2 vols. 1858. By
Whitworth Porter. 8vo, pp. 517 and 522. London : Longman,
Brown, Green & Co.
5, C—History (Sketch of the) of the Knights Templars. 1840.
By James Burns. 12mo, pp. 74. Edinburgh Blackwood & Sons. :

5, D, Histoire de la persecution ententee en 1775 aux Francs-Magons

de Naples, etc. 1780. 12mo, pp. 127. London.
5, E. Histoire doctrine et but de la Franc Maconnerie, etc. 1866. 24mo,
pp. 176. Paris : J. B. Pealagand.
5, E. Historical Sketch of Concordia Lodge, No. 67. &c, of Penna.
1875. By Clifford P. MacCalla. 24mo, pp. 52. Philadelphia: Mas.
Pub. Co.
|5, F.—Heraldry (The Grammar of) etc. 1866. By John E. Cussans.
London Longmans, Green & Co.
12mo, pp. 100. :

5. G— History of Knights of Malta (the Knights Hospitallers * *

afterwards Knights of Rhodes, at present Knights of Malta). 5 vols.
(Only Vols 2, 3, and 5.) By L' Abbe de Vertot. 1770 18mo, pp.
Vol. 2, 330 3, 336 5, 297. Edinburgh Martin & Wotherspoon.
; ; :

7, —
D. History (Early) and Transactions of the Grand Lodge of F. & A.
Masons of the State of New York, 1781-1815. 1876. 8vo, pp. 587.
N. York D. Sickles & Co.

6, D.—History of the Lodge of Amity, No. 5, F. & A. M., Ohio, etc.

1879. By J. Hope Sutor. 12mo, pp. 121. Zanesville, Ohio C. :

36 Library of Grand Lodge

6, F.—History (A Condensed) of Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 3, A. Y. M.,

New York. 1874. 12mo, pp. 139.
6, F. History (The) of Initiation in 12 Lectures on the Rites and Cere-
monies of the secret institutions of the Ancient World. 1840. By-
Rev. Geo. Oliver. 8vo, pp. 176. Philadelphia Leon Hyneman. :

6, F.— History (A short view of the) of Freemasonry. 1829. By

William Landys. 8vo, pp. 62. London: Crew & Spencer.
6, F. History of Masonic Persecutions and Masonic Institutes. 1867.
By Rev. Geo. Oliver. 8vo, pp. 429. New York: Mas. Pub. & M. Co.
6, G. History and Constitutions of the most A. & H. Fraternity of F.
and Ace. Masons, containing an account of Masonry from the crea-
tion, etc. 1746. By James Anderson. 12mo, pp. 230. London:
J. Robinson.

7, A.—Half-Century Membership (A memorial of the) of R. W.

Chas. W. Moore in St. Andrew's Lodge. 1873. 8vo, pp. 95, Cam-
bridge, Mass.
1, D. —History of the Inquisition as it subsists in the kingdom of
Spain, etc. 1734. By J. Baker. Small 4to, pp. 532. London:
Jos. Marshall.
1, E. History Grand Lodge of Pa., etc., Vol. I. By Charles. B. Meyer.
8vo, pp. 184. Philadelphia : Sherman & Co.
3 , E.—History A f concise) of the Order of the Temple, etc. 1878. By
Patrick Golquhoun. 8vo, pp. 179. Bedford, Eng. : R. Hill Co. &
2, F.—History of the Lodge of Edinburgh, etc., etc. 1873. By
David Murray Lyon. 8vo, pp. 439. Edinburgh: fin. Blackwood
& Sons.
7, C—Historical Text Book and Atlas of Biblical Geography. 1856.
By Lyman Coleman. 4to, pp. 319. Philada. Presbyt. Pub. Co. :

7, D.—Hughan's Masonic Register, a Numerical and Numismatical

Register of Lodges which formed the United Grand Lodge of Eng-
land. 1878. By Wm. James Huglian. 8vo, pp. 87. London: Geo.
6, D.—History of Jerusalem Chapter, No. 3, Royal Arch Masons,
and Early History of Royal Arch Masonry in the United States.
1873. By Charles E. Meyer. 36mo, pp. 60. H. L. Butler.
3, A.—Initiation, The History of. In Twelve Lectures. Compris-
ing a Detailed Account of the Rites and Ceremonies, Doctrines and
Discipline of all the Secret and Mysterious Institutions of the Ancient
World. By the Rev. George Oliver, D.D., &c, &c. A new edition.
New York : J. W. Leonard & Co. 1855. 8vo, pp. 218.
3, A.—The Star in the East, shewing the Analogy -which exists be-
tween the Lectures of Freemasonry, the Mechanism of Initiation
into its Mysteries, and the Christian Religion. By the Rev. Geo.
Oliver, D.D &c, &c.
, A
new edition. York Jno. W.New :

Leonard & Co., American Masonic Agency. 1855. 8vo, pp. 79.
(This book also contains) A
Mirror for the Johannite Masons, in a
series of Letters to the Right Hon. The Earl of Aboyne, Prov. G. M.
of Masons for Northampton and Huntingdon, &c, &c. By the Rev.
Geo. Oliver, D.D. 8vo, pp. 102, in all 181. 1855.
4, B.—Inquiry fan) into the nature and tendency of Speculative Free-
Masonry, etc. 1829. By John G. Stearns. 12mo, pp. 211. Utica:
Northway & Porter.
of Pennsylvania, Fsee and Accepted Masons. 37

4 C. Inquiry into the late disputes among the Free Masons of Ireland,
etc. 1812. 12mo, pp. 83. Belfast Joseph Smyth. :

5, C—Institutes of Freemasonry. To which are added a choice

collection of epilogues, songs, &c. 18mo, pp. 265. 1788.
5, E. Ii'Influence (de) attribute aux philosophes aux Francs Macons,
etc., sur la Revolution de France. (Since 1793.) By J. J. Mounter.
12mo, pp. 254 Tubingen, Germany J. G. Cotta. :

5, G.—In Memoriam. Proceedings at death of P. G. M. Anthony

Bournonville, P. G. M. Geo. Mifflin Dallas, P. G. M. Wm. Whit-
ney, P. G. M. Samuel Badger, P. G. M. Josiah Randall and Gr. Sec.
Wm. H. Adams. "Various dates up to 1863. 8vo, pp. 120. Phila-
delphia : Jackson.
6, B. In Memoriam. Proceedings at death of John Wilson, Jr., M.
E. G. K. of Grand Chapter of Pa. 1873. 4to, pp. 16. Philadel-
phia Kryder.

6, E.—In Memoriam. Proceedings, etc., death of Wm. B. Schnider,

Grand Tyler of Penna. 1868. 8vo, pp. 24. Philada. : W. A. Maas.
7, A. In Memoriam. Proceedings, etc., death of Geo. M. Dallas, P.
G. M. of Penna 1865. 8vo, pp. 37. Phila. King & Baird, :

6, B. Institutes of Masonic Jurisprudence. By Rev. Q. Oliver,

D.D., etc. 1874. 12mo, pp. 410. London Spencer. :

6, C—Illustrations of Freemasonry. Beleuchtung der Niebuluv

schen Aeuzerung iiber Freimaurerei, 1816. 12mo, pp. 24. Leipzig.
6, D. Irish and English Freemasons. 3 Parts. 1876. 8vo, pp.
24, 50, 108. Dublin M. H. Gill & Son. :

7, A.—Illustrations of Masonic Clothing and Jewels (colored).

By Geo. Kenning. About 1850. Long 36vo, pp. 54. London
Geo. Kenning.
3, D.—Illustrations of Masonry. By William Preston, P. M.
(Motto omitted.) Second edition. London. Printed for J. Wil-
kie, 71 St. Paul's Church Yard. 1775. 12mo, pp. 300.
3, D.—Illustrations of Masonry, do. do. 1772. 12mo, pp. 264.
London : J. Williams.
3, D. —Illustrations of Masonry (Same as above). A New Edi- title
London Printed for G. and T. Wilkie. 1788. 12mo, pp. 359.
tion. :

3, D. —Illustrations of Masonry (Same as above). The Eighth title

Edition. London Printed for G. : and T. Wilkie, 57 Paternoster
Row. 1792. 12mo, pp. 408.
3, D. —Illustrations of Masonry (Same title as above). The Ninth
Edition, with considerable additions. London. (Same printers.)
1796. 12mo, pp. 420.
3, D. —Illustrations of Masonry (Same title as above). The Elev-
enth Edition, &c. London Printed for G. Wilkie, No. 57 Pater-

noster Row. 1804. 12mo, pp. 420.

3, D. —Illustrations of Masonry (Same title as the first above men-
tioned). The Twelfth Edition. Printed for G. Wilkie, No. 57
Paternoster Row. 1812. 12mo, pp. 444.
3, D. —Illustrations of Masonry (Same title). 12th'Edition. Lon-
don G. Wilkie. 1812. 12mo, pp. 444.

3, D. —Illustrations of Masonry (Same title). 14th Edition. Lon-

don : Whittaker, Treacher & Co. 1829. 12mo, pp. 456.
38 Library of Grand Lodge

3, D.—Illustrations of Masonry (Same title). 16th Edition. Lon-

don Whittaker & Co. 1846. 12mo, pp. 456.

3, D.—Illustrations of Masonry (Same title as above). The First

American from the Tenth London Edition. Alexandria Printed :

by Cotton & Stewart. 1804. 12mo, pp. 360.

3, D. Illustrations of Masonry (Same title as above). The First
American Improved Edition from Strahan's Tenth London Edition
to which is annexed many valuable Masonic Addenda and a com- ;

plete list of the Lodges in the U. S. of America. Edited by Brother

George Biehards, P.G.S.G.I.M. Portsmouth: Printed by W. & D.
Treadwell. 1804. 12mo, pp. 400.
4, B.—Illustrations of Masonry : including a Key to the door of
Freemasonry.N. York. 1827. 12mo, pp. 76, 63.
4, B.—Illustrations of Masonry. N. York. 1826. 12mo, pp. 83.
4, B.— Illustrations. See Book of the Lodge.
7, C. Ignorant Learned : or Researches after the long lost mysteries
of Freemasonry, etc. London : T. C , Newby. 1863. 12mo, pp.
6, F. Instructions des trois premiers grades de la Franc Maconnerie.
Lyons ; Pelzin. 1805. 24mo, pp. 80.
2, E. — Digest of Masonic Law
: being a Complete Code of Regula-

Decisions and Opinions upon questions of Masonic Jurispru-

dence. Compiled and arranged by George W. Chase, &c, &c.
New York Robt. Macoy. 1859. 12mo, pp. 456.

2, E.—Digest (Same title and author). 4th Edition. Boston. 1864.

12mo, pp. 456.
2, E.—Digest (Same title and author). 7th Edition. Boston, 1867.
12mo, pp. 464.
2, E. —A
Text Book
of Masonic Jurisprudence : Illustrating the
Written and Unwritten Laws of Freemasonry. By Albert G.
Mackey, M.D., author of a "Lexicon of Freemasonry," "Book of
the Chapter," etc. (Motto omitted.) 6th Edition. New York.
1864. 12mo, pp. 570.
2, E. —
Masonic Law
and Practice, with Forms. By Luke A.
Lochwood, M.A., P. M
and P. G. H. P. of Conn. New York.
1867. 12mo, pp. 144.
2. E. —
Masonic Law
and Practice, with Forms (Same in every
respect except date). New York. 1869. 12mo, pp. 144.
2, E. The Common Law of Masonry. A
Compilation and Digest
of the True Masonic Law and Usage, and the Rejection, as far as
possible, of all spurious Laws and innovations. To which is added
a Sketch of the Author's Life. By J. W. 8. MUehe.ll, M.D., author
of the History of Freemasonry, &c, &c. Griffin, Ga. 1869.
12mo, pp. 504. Frontispiece, a portrait of the author.
2, E. Freemasonry and its Jurisprudence. According to the
Ancient Landmarks and Charges. And the Constitution, Laws and
Practices.of Lodges and Grand Lodges. By Brother Chalmers 1.
Paton, author of "Freemasonry in relation to Civil Authority and
the Family Circle," and "Origin of Freemasonry." London. 1872.
8vo, pp. 397.
4, A. Jachin and Boaz : or an authentic key to the door of Free-
of Pennsylvania, Fbee and Accepted Masons. 39

masonry, Ancient and Modern, etc. "Wilmington : K. Porter. 1818.

24mo, pp. 108.
4, A.— Jachin and Boaz (Duplicate of above). Philadelphia : H. &
P. Rice. 1796. 18mo, pp. 58.
4, A.—Jachin and Boaz (do). London : J. J Dewick. 1805. 12mo,
4, A.—Jachin and Boaz (do). London : W. Nicoll. 1788. 8vo,
pp. 49.
4, A. —Jachin and Boaz (do); to which is added "Masonry Dis-
sected," by Saml. Prichard. N. York: Wm, Gowans. 1857.
12mo, pp. 118.
4, A. Jachin and Boaz (do). Boston. 1817. 12mo, pp. 165.
4, A. Jachin and Boaz (do). London. 12mo, pp. 46.
4, A. Jachin and Boaz (do). London. 1816. 18mo, pp. 58.
4, C. —Author.
(The) Jews and the Mosaic Law.
1833. 8vo, 278.
By Isaac Leeser. Philad.
5, E. Jahrbuch fur Freimaurer. Leipzig: Forster & Findel.
1867. 24mo, pp. 118.
5, G. Jahrbuch fur Freimaurer. Americanische Deutsche. By
Mdw. Boehr. Williamsburg, L. N. Y.
1856. 12mo, pp. 303.

5, G. Jahrbuch fur Freimaurer. Americanische Deutsche. By

Bdw. Boehr. Williamsburg, L. I., N. Y. 1860. 12mo, pp. 227.
5, G. Johanniskranze Mauerische reden-Spruche & Gedichte, etc.
By Wm. Osterwuld. Leipzig Herm. Pries. 1860. 12mo, pp. 266.

5, G. — Jerusalem (The destruction of) an absolute proof of the Divine


Origin of Christianity, etc. Burlington, N. J.: Joseph Sharpless.

1807. 12mo, pp. 144.
6, E. Jacobinism (Memoirs illustrating the history of). By Abbe
Barruel. London : T. Burton. 1798. 4 Vols. 8vo, pp. 401, 479,
414, 650.
6, F. Journal of the
46th House of Representatives of Pa., etc. Vol.
2d.(At page 821 is testimony taken on Masonry.) Harrisburg,
Pa. Theo. Fenn. 1836. 8vo, pp. 937.

2, F.— Jewish Tabernacle (The) and its furniture in their Typical

teachings. By Bichard Newton. N. York Robt. Carter & Bro. :

1867. 12mo, pp, 393.

3, —
A. Johannite Mirror for the Johannite Masons, etc. (See S for
"Star in the East.") By Rev. Geo. Oliver. 1855. 8vo.
5, —
D. Jesuites (Les) Chassis de la Maconnerie et leur poignard brise par

les Macons. (See M

for " Maconnerie Ecossaise.")
3, D.— The Kingston Masonic Annual (Motto). By W. Longstaff.
Hull : M. C. Peck & Son. 1871. 12mo, pp. 164.
4, D.—The Knights Templars. By O. O. Addison. London : Long-
man, B. G. & L.
12mo, pp. 559.
5, —
A. The Knights Templars. (Not duplicate of above.) By O. O.
Addison. London : Longman, B. G. & L. 1853. 12mo, pp. 315.
5, C. —
The Knights Templars. A complete history of Masonic
Knighthood. By O. <?. Addison. N. York Mas. Pub. Co. 1874. :

8vo, pp. 631.

4, D.—Knights Templars, The Service of, encamped at Belfast in
connection with the Masonic Lodge No. XL. 1845. 12mo, pp. 15.
40 Library of Grahd Lodge

5, A—Knights Templars (A Sketch of) and the Knights Hospitallers

of St John, of St John of Jerusalem, etc. By
Richard Woof.
London Robt Hardwicke. 1865. 8vo, pp. 72.

5, A— Cross' Templar's Chart. Thoroughly revised, etc. By W.

M. Cunningham. Philad.: Moss & Co. 1863. 12mo, pp. 204.
5, A. Knights Templar, History of, see History.
5, A.— Templars' Chart; or Hieroglyphic Monitor, etc. By Jeremy
L. Cross. N- York : A. S. Barnes & Co. 1856. 12mo, pp. 162, 106

5, B.— Katechismusreden. Manuscript fur Freimaurer. Leipzig

Adolph Wienbrack. 1870 circa, 12mo, pp. 200.
5, F. —Keystone of the Masonic Arch. A commentary, etc. By
Charles Scott. Jackson, Miss.: Thos. Palmer. 1856. 12mo,
pp. 354.
5, C. —Kalender fur die Provinzial-Lo'ge von Mecklenburg, etc. Par-
chim; Zimmerman. 1831. 18mo, pp. 192.
5,A.— Knight Templars' Burial Service. See "Burial Service.''
1, E.—Knights of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantino
(General statutes of the Imperial, Ecclesiastical and Military Order
London G. Kenning. 18mo, pp. 44.
of), etc. .

7, —
B. ^Knights Templars an Historical Tragedy, etc. By Matthias
James 0' Conway. Philad. : Brown & Merritt. 1809. 8vo, pp. 80.

3, A. —Library, Masonic.
Philadelphia Published by Leon Hyne-

man. In 2 Vols. Royal 8vo. Vol. I, pp. 768, contains :

The Antiquities of Freemasonry. By Rev. Ceorge Oliver, D., &c. D

The Constitutions of the Freemasons. From the London edition of
Wm. Hunter, 1723.
Masonry. By William Preston, Esq., P. M. "With
Illustrations of
Additions, &c. By George Oliver.
History of Freemasonry, from the year 1829 to the present time.
From the 14th London edition of 1841
The Book of the Lodge, or Officers' Manual. By Rev. Geo. Oliver.
A Short View of the History of Freemasonry. Dedicated to the
Grand Lodge of England. By Wm. Sandys, F.S.A., P.M.
A Freemason's Pocket Companion, &c, &c. By a Brother of
Apollo Lodge, 711, Oxford.
Vol. II, contains :

Ahiman Rezon. 2d Edition. By Lau.

Bermott, Sec. pp. 72.
A Dictionary of Symbolical Masonry, including the Royal Arch
Degree. By Rev. George Oliver, D.D. pp. 226.
The History of Initiation, in 12 Lectures comprising a detailed

account of the Rights and Ceremonies, &c, of all the Secret

and Mysterious Institutions of the Ancient World. By Rev.
George Oliver, D.D. pp. 176.
The Early History of Freemasonry in England. By James Orchard
Halliwell, Esq., F.R.S. pp. 36.
The New Book of Constitutions, &c, &c. By James Anderson,
D.D. From the London edition of 17S8. pp. 167.
The Laws and Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, pp.
74. Total, pp. 768.
op Pennsylvania, Feee and Accepted Masons. 41

3, A. —The Historical Landmarks and other Evidences of Freema-

sonry Explained ; in a series of Practical Lectures, with copious
Notes. Arranged on the System which has been enjoined by the
Grand Lodge of England, as it was settled by the Lodge of Recon-
ciliation, at the Union of 1813. By the Rev. O. Oliver, D.D., &c,
&c. In two volumes. London Richard Spencer, 314 High Hol-

born. Vol. I. 1845. 8vo, pp. 592. Vol. II. 1846. pp. 750.
With several plates.
3, —
A. The Historical Landmarks (same title as above). First
American from the London edition. With Notes. By 0. Moore,
Editor of the "Masonic Review." In two volumes. Cincinnati:
Printed by J. Ernst, 183 Main Street. 8vo. Vol. I, 1849, pp. 432.
Vol. II, 1851, pp. 473. With plates.
3, A. —The Historical Landmarks (same title). With numerous Il-
In two volumes. New York John W. Leonard & Co.,
lustrations. :

Masonic Publishers, No. 383, Broadway, Clark, Austin & Smith, 3

Park Row. 1855. 8vo, pp. 426 and 538.
3, A. — The Historical Landmarks (same as the last, two vols, bound
in one).
3, F. Lexicon of Freemasonry. Containing a definition of all its
communicable terms, notices of its History, Traditions and Antiqui-
ties, and an account of all the Rites and Mysteries of the Ancient
World. Motto. By Albert O. Mackey. Charleston, S. C: Walker
& James. 2d Edition. 1852. 12mo, pp. 544.
3, —Lexicon of Free Masonry (duplicate of above). Phila. Moss :

Bro. & Co. 5th Edition. 1860. 12mo, pp. 524.

—Lectures, Laws and Ceremonies of the Holy R. A. Degree
of Freemasonry. 12mo, pp. 16.
Lectures, Past Master, Excellent and Super-Excellent Master.
12mo, pp. 8.
Letters on Masonry, addressed to the professed followers of
Christ now in connection with the institution of Free Masonry.
By Henry Jones. Boston. 1829. 12mo, pp. 43.
.. Letters of Hon. John Quiney Adams on the nature of Masonic
Oaths, Obligations and Penalties. Phila.: Wm. S. Young. 1867.
8vo, pp. 130.
—Letters on Masonry and Anti-Masonry addressed to the Hon. John
Quiney Adams. Motto. By Wm. L. Stone. N. York O. Halsted. :

1832. 8vo, pp. 566.

. Light on Masonry. A collection of all the most important

documents, etc. abduction Wm. Morgan, etc. By Elder David
Bernard. Utica Wm. Williams. 1829. 12mo, pp. 534.

Lectures delivered before Cambridge Lodge, No. 66, of Md.,
etc. By Wm. Browne. Baltimore J. Robinson. 1843. 12mo, :

pp. 120.
Living Temple of Masonry. A Sermon preached to the
etc. By Rev. James E. Latimer. Rochester, N. Y.
Benton & Andrews. 1866. 12mo, pp. 18.
Light of Masonry. An original poem recited at the Annual
Communication of Pentalpha Lodge, No. 23, D. C. By Ohas.
Wheeler Denison. Washingtoo, D. C. : J. S. Tomlinson. 1872.
12mo, pp. 10.
4, D. —Lettre aux soi-disans Membres de Conseil Generale d'ad-

ministration de l'ordre du Temple faisant suite a l'Histoire Curieuse

de la demission d'un Grand Chancelier, etc. Paris. 1837. 12mo,
pp. 39.
4, E. Lyre Maconnique 6trennes aux Francs Macons et a, leurs
Soeurs-cornpose des Cantiques, etc. By F. J. A. Jacquelin. Paris:
Jh. Chaumerot. 1809. 18mo, pp. 216.
4, E. Lectures (Prestonian and Ancient York). 8vo, pp. 17.
4, E. Lectures (on the various "Degrees").
8vo, pp. 32.
4, P.—Laws and Regulations of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of
Ireland, including government of Mark M. M. Lodges. Dublin S. :

Underwood. 1873. 8vo, pp. 52.

4, G. Letter relative to formation of General Grand Lodge of IT. S. By
Henry Clay and others. Washington, D. C. 1822. 12mo, pp. 4.
4, G. Letter from the R. "W. G. Officers of the G. Lodge of Penna.
A. Y. M, to the Freemasons of the U. S. Phila. McLaughlin :

Bros. 1865. 8vo, pp. 7.

7, B. Life and Death of the Sublime Society of Beefsteaks. By Wal-
ter Arnold. London Bradbury, Evans: Co. 1871. 12mo, &
pp. 157.
5, C. Liturgy of the A. and A. Scottish Rite. Southern jurisdiction.
By Alb. Pike. Part 2. N. York Robert Macoy. 1877. 8vo, :

pp. 243.
5, C. Liturgy of the A. and A. Scottish Rite. Southern jurisdiction.
In 4 vols. Part 3. N. York Robert Macoy. 8vo, pp. 187.

Part 4. Charleston Robert Macoy. 8vo, pp. 291.


Part 2. Charleston Robert Macoy. 8vo, pp. 240.


Part 1. Charleston Robert Macoy. 1878. 8vo, pp. 223.

: <

5, E. List of Returns. Blank form for Com. on Correspondence.

18mo, pp. 100.
5, F. Ligue de l'enseignment Bulletin, etc. By Jean Mace. Haut
Rhin, Germ.: Beblenheim. 1868. 18mo, pp. 62.
5 G. Lights and Shadows of Freemasonry. Consisting of Ma-
sonic Tales, Songs, etc. By Bob. Morris. N. York: Jno. W.
Leonard & Co. 1855. 8vo, pp. 390.
6, C. —Lamentation of Freemasonry. A Poem. By Chas. Chisel.
Norwich H. Young. 1829. 12mo, pp. 24.
: S. .

5, G. Laws of the Royal Masonic Institutions for maintaining, clothing

and educating sons and daughters of Freemasons. London Pew- :

tress & Co. 8vo, pp. 18, 18.

7, A.—List of Regular Lodges (Pine's) A. D. 1734. By Wm.
James Hughan. London. 1876. 8vo, pp. 6.
7, A.—List (Acorrect ) of Regular Lodges under the Constitu-
tion of England. Exeter. 1777. 18mo, pp. 10.
7, A.—List of Lodges—England (official engraved). By J. Pine.
London. 1734. 4to, pp. 11.
7, A.—List of Officers and Members Washington Lodge, 59
Pa. Philad. 1853. 4to, p. 1.
6, D Lectures (Three) on Freemasonry, etc. By Henry Hop-
kins. London: R. Spencer. 1858. 12mo, pp.49.
6, G. Lecon (Une) d'Histoire ou la quatrieme au F. Bagary. Paris:
N. Blaupain. 1877. 8vo, pp. 53.
3, A.—Masonic Library— See Library.
op Pennsylvania, Feee and Accepted Masons. •

2, A. The Freemason's Monitor ; or Illustrations of Masonry.

two parts. By Thomas Printed at Albany for Spen-
Smith Webb.
cer and Webb, Market Street. 1797. 12mo, pp. 269.
2, A. (Same title). A
new and improved edition. Providence :

Published by Cushing & Appleton. 1808. 12mo, pp. 336.

2, A. (Same title and author). Salem : Published by Cushing &
Appleton. 1812. 12mo, pp. 300.
2, A. (Same title and author). Salem Published by Cushing &

Appleton. 1816. 12mo, pp. 212.

2, A. (Same title and author). Salem : Published by Cushing &
Appleton. 1818. 12mo, pp. 312.
2, A. (Same title and author). Salem Published by Cushing &

Appleton. 1821. 12mo, pp. 324.

2, A. (Same title and author). To which is added a Monitor of the
Ancient and Accepted Bite, thirty-three degrees, including those
generally known as the Ineffable Degrees. By B. T. Carson, Sov.\
G.\ Com.-. Ohio, G.\ Consistory of B. \ R. •. S.\ 32°. New and
illustrated edition. Cincinnati Applegate & Co. 1859. 12mo, full

pp. 418.
2, A. The Miniature Monitor: Containing all the Monitorial In-
structions in Blue Lodge Masonry, of Thomas Smith Webb. Com-
piled by Bob. Morris, LL.D., Masonic Author and Lecturer. Chi-
cago, 111. E. W. Jones. 1863. 24mo, pp. 176.

7, D.—Masonic Sketches and Reprints, Hughan's.— See H for

this work among " Histories."
2 A. The New Free Mason's Monitor; or Masonic Guide. For
the Direction of members of that Ancient and Honorable Frater-
nity, as well as for the information of those who may be desirous of
becoming acquainted with its principles. By James Eardie, A. M.
New York. 1818. 12mo, pp. 360, and frontispiece.
2, A. —The Freemason's Monitor. Containing a delineation of the
Fundamental Principles of Freemasonry, Operative and Specula-
tive, as well in a religious as a moral view. With explanations and
plates of all the emblems of the Degrees of Entered Apprentice,
Fellow Craft, Master Mason, Mark Master, Past Master, Most Ex-
cellent Master, Royal Arch Mason, Royal Master, Select Master,
High Priesthood, Knights of the Red Cross, Knight Templars, and
Knights of Malta also Constitutions, Regulations, &c. Compiled

and arranged from the most approved writers, with Additions, Notes
and Remarks also Charges and Songs. By Z. A. Davis. A new

edition, revised and enlarged. Embellished with a correct likeness

of James Page, Esq., P. G. M. of the Grand Lodge of the State of
Pennsylvania. Philada. J. B. Lippincott & Co., 20 N. 4th St., Jos.

A. Speel, 211 Chestnut St. 1859. Small 8vo, pp. 380.

2, B. —The True Masonic Chart ; or Hieroglyphic Monitor. Con-
taining all the Emblems explained in the Degrees of Entered Ap-
prentice, Fellow Craft, Master Mason, Mark Master, Past Master,
Most Excellent Master, Royal Arch, and Select Master designed ;

and duly arranged, agreeably to the Lectures, by R. W. Jeremy 8. >

Cross, G. S. To which are added Illustrations, Charges, Songs, &c.

2d Edition. New Haven John C. Gray, Printer. Engravings by
44 Libeaey of Grand Lodge

Companion A. ' Doolittle. 1820. 12mo, pp. 1930, and numerous

copperplate engravings.
2, B. (Same title and author.) 3d edition. New Haven. 1824.
12mo, pp. 240, and engravings.
2, B.—The True Masonic Chart— (Same title and author as above),
with additions and emendations; also, a History of Freemasonry,
by a Brother. Sixth, and stereotype edition. New York. 1846.
12mo, pp. 342, and numerous plates.

2, B.—The Craftsmen, and Freemason's Guide; containing a de-

lineation of the Bituals of Freemasonry, -with emblems and explana-
tions so arranged as greatly to facilitate in acquiring a Knowledge
of the Rites and Ceremonies of the several Degrees, from Entered
Apprentice to that of Select Master, and the Order of Priesthood.
Compiled and Arranged from Webb, and other standard authors.
By Cornelius Moore. 3d Edition. Cincinnati. 1850. 12mo, pp. 263.
2, B. The True Masonic Guide ; containing elucidations of the Fun-
damental principles of Freemasonry. With embellishments and
explanations of all the Degrees of the Symbolic Lodge, Chapter,
Council, Encampment, Consistory, and the Supreme Grand Coun-
cil, arranged in accordance with the mode of .work and Lecturing.
Also, a complete Classification of the various Rites, to wit, the Egyp-
tian, Scottish, French, Ancient and Modern York. Compiled from
the most approved Writers. With emendations, Additions, Notes,
Charges, Remarks, Songs, etc., etc.. Arranged and adapted to the
work. By Robert Macoy. New York. 1854. 12mo, pp. 360 and
2, B. (Same title and author.) New York. 1866. 12mo, pp. 360
and cuts.
2, B. The Freemason's Pocket Companion; or Elements of
Freemasonry Delineated. (Motto omitted. New London Printed ) :

by Brother Samuel Green. 1794. 18mo, pp. 95.

2, B. The Freemason's Companion or Pocket Preceptor.
Compiled for the use of the Craft. By John Phillips. P. M. of
Lodge No. 2, and Chief J. of the H. R. A. C. No. 52. Philadelphia.
1805. 12mo, pp. 211.
2,' B. The Pocket Companion and History of Free Masons. Con-
taining their Origin, Progress, and present State. An Abstract of
their Laws, Constitutions, Customs, Charges, Orders, and Regula-
tions, for the Instruction and Conduct of the Brethren. Confuta- A
tion of Dr. Plot's False Insinuations. An Apology occasioned by
their Persecution in the Canton of Berne, and in the Pope's Do-
minions. And a Collection of Songs a List of all the Lodges in a

new, yet easy Method, and other Particulars, for the use of the So-
ciety. The third Edition. Revised and Corrected, and greatly en-
larged throughout, and continued down to this Time in all its Parts.
(Motto omitted). London Printed for R. Baldwin, W. Johnston,

B. Law &
Co and J. Scott, MDCCLXIV
(1764). 12mo, pp. 382.
2, B.—The Pocket Companion. (This is the 1st edition of the fore-
going work). London Printed for J. Scott, at the Black Swan,

in Duck Lane, near West Smithfield, and Sold by R. Baldwin, at

the Rose in Pater-Noster-Row. MDCCLIV (1754). 12mo, pp. 328
and frontispiece.
2, B. The Pocket Companion (second edition of the above). Lon-
don : Printed for R. Baldwin, in Pater-Noster-Row, P. Dewey and
of Pennsylvania, Fkee and Accepted Masons. 45

B. Law, in Ave-Mary Lane, and J. Scott, in Pater-Noster-Row.

MDCCLIX (1759). 12mo, pp. 380 and frontispiece.
3. E.— The Pocket Companion (Duplicate of above). First edition.
1754. 12mo, pp. 338.
2, B. The Pocket Companion (Duplicate of above). Second edition.
1759. 12mo, pp. 379.
2, B. The Book of the Chapter ; or Monitorial Instructions in the
Degrees of Mark, Past and Most Excellent Master, and the Holy
Royal Arch. By Albert G. Maekey, M. D. New York. 1858.
Small 8vo. pp. 259 and cuts.
2, B. (Same title and author. ) Fourth Edition. New York. 1863.
Small 8vo, pp. 259.
2, B. The Rationale and Ethics of Freemasonry ; or the Ma-
sonic Institution considered as a means of Social and Individual
Progress. By Aug. O. L. Arnold, LL.D. New York Robert :

Macoy. 1858. 8vo, pp. 298.

2, B. -(Same title and author.) New York. 1859. Small 8vo,
pp. 298.
2, B. The Freemason's PocketCompanion. Containing the His-
tory of Masonry from the Creation to the Present Time the Institu- ;

tion of the Grand Lodge of Scotland ; Lists of the Officers of the Grand
Lodges in England and Scotland with a Collection of Charges,

Constitutions, Orders, Regulations, Songs, &c. '2d Edition. Edin-

burgh Printed for Alexander Donaldson, and sold at his shops in

London and Edinburgh. 1763. 12mo, pp. 272.

2, C—Key to the First Chart of the Masonic Mirror ; being a
complete Pocket Companion for the use of the Fraternity of Free
and Accepted Masons, in the first Seven Degrees. Philadelphia :

Published by H. Parmele. J. Maxwell, Printer. 1819. 18mo, pp.

108 and frontispiece.
2, C. Handbuch fur Freimaurer, oderhieroglyphiseherErmahner.
Enthaltend die Erklarungen aller Sinnbilder in den Graden als

Lehrling, Ge,selle, Meister Maurer, Mark-Meister, Passirter-Meister,

Vortrefnicher-Meister, Konigl. Werk-Meister, Konigl. Erz-Meister
und auserwahlter Meister den Verordnungen gemasz. geordnet

und aus dem Englischen ins Deutsche iibersetzt und herausgegeben.

Von J. George Stock., Sen Aufseher in der Neuen Jerusalem-Loge
Nr. 9, in Washington, D. C. Washington. 1852. 12mo, pp. 196
and cuts.
2, C—The Mystic Circle, and American Hand-hook of Ma-
sonry. Containing a brief History of Freemasonry in Europe
and America. Symbolic Chart, Ancient Constitutions of the Grand
Lodge of England. Ahiman Rezon, Constitutional Rules, Resolu-
tions, Decisions, and Opinions of Grand Lodges and Enlightened
Masons on questions liable to arise in Subordinate Lodges. A Code
of By-Laws for Subordinate Lodges. Instructions, Suggestions and
Forms, for Secretaries of Lodges. By George H. Or ay, Sen., of
Mississippi. 4th Edition. Cincinnati. 1855. Small 8vo, pp. 472.
Cuts and frontispiece.
2, C—The Masonic Manual; or Lectures on Freemasonry,
containing the Instructions, Documents, and Discipline of the Ma-
sonic Economy. By (the late) Rev. Jonathan Asche, D.D., M.M.
A new edition with Annotations and Remarks. By the Rev. George
Oliver, D.D., Past D. P. G. M. for Lincolnshire, etc. New York :
46 Library of Grand Lodge

John W. Leonard & Co., American Masonic Agency, Clark, Austin

& Smith, 3 Park Row. 1855. 8vo, pp. 208.
2, C—Masonic Manual, (Original of the above.)
etc. 1814. By
Jonathan Asche. London D. Deans. 8vo, pp. 194.

2, C—The Free Mason's Pocket Companion. Containing, 1.

The History of Masong and Masonry 2. The Charges given to a

Free Mason; 3. General Regulations for the use of Lodges; 4. The

Manner of constituting a new Lodge 5. Charges given to a new

Brother; 6. A
Collection of Free Masons' Songs, &c. ; 7. Prologues
and Epilogues spoken at the Theatres to entertain Free Masons ; 8.
An exact List of regular Lodges (Motto omitted). By W. Smith, a
Free Mason. London Printed for John Torbuck, in Clare-Court,

near Drury Lane, and Sold by the Booksellers and Pamphlet Shops
in Town and Country. MDCCXXXVI (1736). 12mo, pp. 116, and
2, C—A Pocket Companion for Free-Masons. Containing (as
above, with slight variations). Approved of and Recommended by
the Grand-Lodge of Dublin. 1751. 12mo, pp. 92 and frontispiece.
(Containing also) A
Defence of Masonry. London Printed, and :

Dublin Reprinted, pp. 23. Full pp. 122.


2, C. —The Newest Pocket Companion and History of Free-Ma-

sons. Containing their Origin, Progress, and present State. Also
their Laws, Constitutions, Customs, Charges, Orders and Regulations
with a Prayer used in the Christian Lodges. Published for the In-
struction and Conduct of the Brethren. With a Choice Collection of
Masons' Songs, Prologues and Epilogues. The whole Collected from
the best Authors. For the use, and by the desire of the Brethren
in Ireland, Dublin Printed and Sold by Lawrence Flin, &c.

MDCCLXI (1761) 12mo, pp. 84 and frontispiece.


2, C. —The Masonic Manual. A Pocket Companion for the Initiated.

Containing the Rituals of Freemasonry, embraced in the Degrees of
the Lodge, Chapter and Encampment, embellished with upwards of
Three Hundred Engravings, &c. &c. Compiled and arranged by
Robert Macoy. Fifteenth Edition. New York : Clark, Austin &
Smith. 1858. 24mo, full pp. 314.
2, C. —The Masonic Manual; or Liectures on Freemasonry
(By Rev. Jonathan Asche, D.D., M. M.. previously mentioned.) A
New Edition. Re-edited by the Rev. John Edmund Cox, D.D.,
F. S. A. Past Grand Chaplain of the United Grand Lodge of Eng-

land, &c, &c. London Richard Spencer. : 1870. 8vo, pp. 316.
2, C. Freemason's Monitor (Macoy's), containing the Degrees of
Freemasonry, embraced in the Lodge, Chapter, Council and Com-
mandery embellished with nearly 300 Symbolical Illustrations, to-

gether with Tactics and Drill of Masonic Knighthood. Also Forms

of Masonic Documents, Notes, Songs, Masonic Dates, Installations,
etc. Edited by Daniel Sickles, 33d, &c. New York Macoy & :

Sickels. 1864. 24mo, full pp. 445.

S, C— The Masonic Text-Book of Tennessee ; containing Moni-
the Degrees of Entered Apprentice ; Fellow
torial Instructions in
Craft, Master Mason and Past Master, &c, &c. Compiled and
Arranged under the Supervision of a Special Committee, appointed
by the M. W. G. L. of Tenn. Nashville. 1866. 8vo, pp. 360.
3, D.—Illustrations of Masonry. By William Preston, P. M. of the
Lodge of Antiquity. Acting by immemorial Constitution (Motto
of Pennsylvania, Free and AccEP m ED Masons. 47

omitted). With copious Notes and Additions. By George Oliver,

D.D., Author of the "Historical Landmarks," &c, &c. New York:
Masonic Publishing and Manufacturing Co. 1867. 8vo, pp. 372.
2, C. The Keystone of the Masonic Arch. A Commentary on
the Universal Laws and Principles of Ancient Freemasonry. By
Charles Scoil, A. M. Jackson, Miss. 185G. Small 8vo, pp. 354.
2, C— The Masonic Trestle Board, adapted to the National System
of Work and Lectures, as Revised and Perfected by the United States
Masonic Convention at Baltimore, Maryland. A. L. 5843. By
Charles W. Moore and 8. W. B. Garnegy. Boston. 1843. 8vo,
pp. 87 and plates.
2, C. The Masonic Text-Book ; containing the Degrees of Entered
Apprentice, Fellow Craft, Master Mason, Mark Master, Past Master,
Most Excellent Master, Eoyal Arch, Royal and Select Master,
Orders of the Red Cross, Knights Templars, and Knights of Malta.
All beautifully Illustrated, and duly Arranged according to the most
ancient mode of Work and Lectures. With useful Guides and In-
structions for the Craft. By Jeremy L. Cross, Sov. Grand Inspector-
Gen., and Past Grand Commander. Philadelphia Moss, Brother :

&Co. 1860. 24mo, pp. 285.

2, C. A
Trestle Board for the use of the Lodges under the Jurisdic-
tion of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts (Mottoomitted). Boston:
Published by the Grand Lodge. 1876. 18mo, pp. 119.
2, C. —Reflected Kays of Light upon Freemasonry ; or the Free-
mason's Pocket Compendium. By Bro. Wm. Carey. Aber-
deen. Edited by Bro. James Stevenson. With an Emblematical
Frontispiece. Second Edition. Aberdeen : W. Garey. 1870. 24mo,
pp. 57 and cuts.
2, C. The Spirit of Masonry. In Moral and Elucidatory Lec-
tures. By Wm. Hutchinson, Master of the Banardcastle Lodge
of Concord. New York Printed by Isaac Collins, No. 189 Pearl

Street, for Cotton & Stewart, Booksellers. Alexandria. 1800.

12mo, pp. 174 and Appendix pp. 22.
2, C. The Spirit of Masonry (Same title and author as above). 3d
Edinburgh Edition. 1813. 8vo, pp. 344. Edinburgh S. McEwan. :

2, C—The Worshipful Master's Special Help a Monitor for the


Master of the Lodge ; containing all information proper to be pub-

lished, which is necessary to qualify him for the important duties of
his station (Motto omitted). Chicago, Illinois: Published by
Brother J. C. W. Bailey. 1866. 12mo, pp. 127,
2, C— The Worshipful Master's Special Help (as above). 2d
Edition. 1867. This is identical with the above, except the title
2, C. —The Senior Deacon's SpecialHelp; a Monitor for the Senior
Deacon of the Lodge, containing all information proper to be pub-
lished, which is necessary to qualify him for the important duties of
his station particularly those of Opening and Closing a Lodge

Conducting a Candidate, and Introducing a Visiting Brother. Like-

wise, The Public Observances of Burying the Dead, Laying a
Corner-stone, Dedicating a Hall, Installing the Lodge Officers, and,
in general, those matters wherein the Senior Deacon acts an import-
ant part. (Motto omitted.) Second Edition. Chicago, Illinois
. Published by Brother J. C. W. Bailey. 1868. 12mo, pp. 75.
48 Library of Grand Lodge

2, C—The Secretary's Special Help; a Monitor for the Secretary

of the Lodge containing all information proper to he published,

which is necessary to qualify him for the important duties of his

station particularly those of Keeping the Minutes of the Lodge ;

Posting up the Eecords Keeping the Financial Accounts of the


Members, and Taking Notes of Proceedings on Masonic Trials.

Likewise, A Set of Forms of all manner of Official Documents,
likely to pass through his hands. (Motto omitted.) 2d Edition.
Chicago, Illinois : By Brother J. C. W. Bailey. 1867. 12mo, pp. 95.
2, C— The Funeral Bopk of the Freemasons ; a Guide to the
performance of all the necessary details of Funeral Lodges, Proces-
sions and the Ceremonies of Interment. Also, Forms of Funeral
Eesolutions, Obituaries, Scriptural Quotations, Epitaphs, etc., etc.,
and a complete collection of Funeral Odes and Poems. (Motto
omitted.) Chicago, Illinois: By Brother J. C. W. Bailey. 1868.
12mo, pp. 110 and cuts.
2, C. The Obituary Kites of Freemasonry ; containingthe Burial
Ceremonies and the Kitual for a Lodge of Sorrow. Motto omitted. (

New York Masonic Publishing and Manufacturing Company.


1868. 12mo, pp. 91.

2, C—A Selection of Masonic Prayers for the use of the Craft. By
the Rev. Henry OryU's, A.M. Vicar of St. Neot, and P. G. Chap-
lain for the County of Cornwall. Helston. 1844. 12mo, pp. 66.
2, C. The Master-Key through all the Degrees of a Free-mason's
Lodge, to which are added, Eulogiums and Illustrations, upon
Free-masonry Theology Astronomy Geometry Architecture
; ; ; ; ;

Arts ; Sciences &c. With a Correct and Complete List of all the

Modern Regular Lodges, Shewing when Constituted, and when and

where held. Also, Lodges of Instruction, and Times of Meeting.
By /. Browne, P. M. and H. L. I. London. 1798. Square 12mo,
full pp. 82.

2, D.—Craft Masonry ; or Part First. Manual of the Ancient York

Rite. By M. Cunningham, A.M. &c, &c. (Also, of page
165.) (Ohio Appendix.) The Constitution, By-Laws and Code of
Masonic Jurisprudence of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. New York :

D. B. Howell & Co., No. 434 Broadway. 1874. 12mo, pp. 210 and
2, D.—The Book of the Commandery ; a Monitor for the Orders of
Masonic Knighthood. Containing the Burial Service of Masonic
Knighthood, an improved System of Tactics and Drill the Ceremo- ;

nies of Installation for Grand and Subordinate Commanderies ; A

List of the Orders of Knighthood throughout the World, and the
Formsof Complaint and Appeal. By John W. Simons, P. G. M. of
Templars of New York. New York. 1864. 24mo, pp. 160 and cuts.
2, D.—The Duty of the Master in the Government of a Masonic
Lodge. A Lecture delivered at the Lodge of Instruction, held under
the Warrant of the Victoria Lodge, No. IV, Dublin, on Monday, the
5th of January, 1857. By the Right Worshipful the Deputy Grand
Master of Ireland, John Fitzhenry Townsend, LL.D. (Seal.) 12mo.
pp. 24. Also, the Origin of Freemasonry. By Robert Longfield,
2C, pp. 23. Also, The Ethics of Freemasonry. By Rev. 8. Q.
Morrison, pp. 24. Dublin. 1857. Total pp. 71.
2, D.—Manual of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, ar-
ranged to correspond with the Ritual of the Supreme Council of the
33d Degree for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United
of Pennsylvania, Feee and Accepted Masons. 49

States, together 'with the Revised Constitutions of the Order. By

Will. M. Cunningham, A.M., S.P.R.S. Second Edition. Revised.
Philadelphia Moss
: & Co., 430 Market Street. 1865. 12mo, pp. 272.
Frontispiece and cuts.
2, D. —The Text Book of Cryptic Masonry: A
Manual of Instruc-
tions in the Degrees of Royal Master, Select Master and Super-Ex-
cellent Master. Together with the Ceremonies of Installing the
Officers, Constituting and Dedicating a Council. By Jackson S.
Chase, 33d, &c, &c, of the State of New York. New York. 1871.
18mo, pp. 94 and cuts.
2, C. —Browne's Masonic Master-Key through the Three Degrees,
by way of Polyglot. Under the sanction of the Craft in general.
Containing the exact Mode of Working, Initiation, Passing, and
Raising to the Sublime Degree of a Master. Also, the several Duties
of the Master, Officers and Brethren while in the Lodge. With eveiy
Requisite to render the accomplished Mason. An explanation of all
the Hieroglyphics. The whole interspersed with Illustrations on
Theology, Astronomy, Architecture, Arts, Sciences, &c. Many of
which are by the Editor. By J. Browne, P. M. of six Lodges, and
M. A. 2d Edition, with many additions. London. 1802. 12mo,
pp. 100, interleaved with blank leaves.
3, C. The Mysteries of Freemasonry ; or, an Exposition of the
Religious Dogmas and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians showing

from the Origin, Nature and Object of the Rites and Ceremonies of
Remote Antiquity, their identity with the Order of Modern Masonry,
with some remarks on the Metamorphosis of Apuleins. An Analysis
of Freemasonry, in which the Symbols and Original Intention of
the Institution are Explained. To which is added a Defence of
Freemasonry. With numerous Illustrative wood cuts. By John
ttllows, A.M. (Motto omitted.) London: John Higden, 53 Holy-
well Street Strand. 1857. 12mo, pp. 366.
3, C. (An exact copy of the above, except title page). London :

Reeves & Turner, 238 Strand. 1860.

3, C. (Another copy of the above, date 1860.)
3, C. —A Masonic Treatise, with an Elucidation of the Religious and
Moral Beauties of Freemasonry For the
use of Lodges and Brothers in General, Dedicated, by permission, to
William Perfect, Esq., Provincial G. M. for the County of Kent. By
W. JFinch, Canterbury. Second edition with valuable Additions.
Printed by J. Atkinson Deal. MDCCCII (1802). 8vo, full pp. 103
and 2 plates.
3, C— The Prestonian and Ancient York Lectures, pp. 16.
3, C—Lectures on Masonry, pp. 32.
C. —Dedicated by Permission to God, the Grand Architect
the *******
the first and last Supremo

Grand Master of Freemasons is with grati-

tude, humiliation, and devotion to Him, who is the searcher of all
hearts, and knows All our Secrets, as Masons and Mortals, and to
whom is no secret in declaring with the utmost Freedom, Fervency
and Zeal, as one of the lowest and humblest of His creatures, on
this Orb of Earth. By W. Finch. September, 1807. Chalmers,
printer, 15 Broadway, Westminster. 8vo, full pp. 80.
The four last mentioned books are bpund together.
50 Library of Grand Lodge

1,0.— Masonic Bibliography. See C for "Catalogue of Masonic

books, Masonic Bibliography.
3, E.— Matthias' Manual. Rules of order. A Manual for conducting
business, etc., based on Parliamentary practice. By Benjamin Mat-
thias. 9th Edition. 1863. Philadelphia : Lindsay & Blakiston.
18mo, pp. 130.
3, E.—Monograms. Historical and Practical. 1869. By D. G. Eerri.
12mo, pp. 47.
3, E. Malta. Containing a description of the ports and cities, etc. Also,
the History of the Knights of St. John. 1804. By Louis de Boisgelin.
London G. & J. Bobinson. 3 Vols. 4to, pp. 336, 358 and 315.

7, A.—Masonic Address of Jerusalem, etc. (By Perkins). See

"Address" under A.
3, G.— Masonic Murder. Another. A tract. 1830. 12mo, pp. 8.
4, A. Masonry and Anti-Masonry. A History of Masonry as it
has existed in Pennsylvania since 1793, etc. 1854. By Alfred
Creigh. Philadelphia Lippincott, Grambo & Co. 12mo, pp. 321.

4, A. Manual of Free Masonry. Of the First Three Degrees with

an introductory Keystone to the Royal Arch, etc. 1845. By Bichard
Oarlile. London R. Carlile. 3 Parts in 1 Vol. 18mo, Part 1,

pp. 79 ; 3, 56 ; 3, 123.
4, —Mac-Benac er liebet im Sohne-oder das Positive der Freimau-
rerei, etc. 1818. 8vo, pp. 113.
—Masonic Scoundrelism. How to defeat it, etc. 1876. By J.
S. H. Woodward. Cincinnati : Author. 12mo, pp. 24.
—Mitglieder-Verzeichniss, etc. Zum Hermann No. 125, Pa.
See V for " Vergeichniss. " 1873. Philadelphia. 8vo, pp. 16.
—Mysteries of Free-Masonry. By George B. Crafts. New
& Co. 8vo, pp. 112.
York Wilson

Masonic Emblems Explained in a sermon, etc., beftre King.
Solomon's Lodge, etc. Motto. 1796. By Thaddeus Mason Harris.
Boston : Wm. Spottswood. 8vo, pp. 34.
'. Masonry dissected, being a universal and genuine description,
etc. By Samuel Prichard. 1730. London J. "Wilford. 13mo, pp. 32. :

(Same title and author as above.) 1730. Bound with "Ma-

Qonnerie Ecossoise.'' London J. "Wilford. 13mo, pp. 8.:

— Masonic Conduct and Behavior, a lecture delivered to the

Provincial Grand Lodge of Andalusia at Gibraltar on the 36th of May,
1858. 1858. By B. F. Gould. Gibraltar. 12mo, pp. 8.
4, D. —Masonic Welcome of the Grand Lodge of the District of Colum-
Most Worshipful Brother Earl de Grey and Ripon, Grand
bia to the
Master of Masons of England, April 10, 1871. 1871. Washington,
D. C: McGill & Witherow. 8vo, pp. 79.
4, E. Masonick Melodies, being a choice selection of the most ap-
proved Masonic songs, etc., set to musick, etc. 1813. By Luke
Eastman. Boston : T. Rowe. 8vo, pp. 304.
4, E.—Masonic Gem, Odes, Poem and Dirge. 1868. By Rev. L. A.
Alford. New York Masonic Publishing Company. 12mo, pp. 48.

4, E. Masonic Discourses, containing an Inaugural and Valedictory

address as Grand Master, and addresses on Grand Visitations. 1844.
By Joseph B. Chandler. Philadelphia Ed. Barrington and George :

D. Haswell. 8vo, pp. 323.

op Pennsylvania, Free and Accepted Masons. 51

4, E. Masonick Minstrel, a selection of Masonick songs, etc., con-

taining a short historical account, etc. 1816. Dedham, R. I.: D.
Mann Co. 8vo, pp. 463.
4, E. Masonic Melodies, adapted to the ceremonies and festivals of
the Fraternity. 1844. By Thomas Power. Boston Oliver Ditson.

8vo, pp. 108.

4, E. Masonic Choir, a collection of Hymns and Tunes, etc., for the
use of the Fraternity. 1864. 'By John Dadmun. W
Boston: G.
D. Russell &
Co. 12mo, pp. 96.
3, E. —Masonic Cyclopaedia, Eennings', and hancUbook of Masonic
Archaeology, History and Biography. 1878. By Rev. A. F. A.
Woodford. London: Geo. Kenning. 12mo, pp. 665.
4, E. Masonic Harp. A collection of Masonic Odes, Hymns, Songs
etc. 1858. By Geo. W. Chase. Boston :Oliver Ditson & Co.
12mo, pp. 160.
4, E. Masonic Musical Manual. Being a selection of Songs,
Odes and Anthems, etc. 1855. By Henry 0. Watson. New York
Henry C. Watson. 8vo, pp. 80.
4, E. Masonic Home
(American), for the widows and orphans of
Freemasons. Washington. (An appeal in favor of.) 1859. Wash-
ington, D. C. Henry Polkinhorn.
: 18mo, pp. 12.
4, F. Maurers Weihe (Des), dichtung nach Schillers Lied von der
Glocke, etc. 1864. Von Ch. G. Ernst am Ende. Leipzig : Forster
& Findel. 12mo, pp. 15.
4, F. — Mittheilimgen aus dem Verein deutscher Freimaurer.
Inhalt 1. Die Deutschen Freimaurerlogen in America II. Von Dr.

R.'Barthelmess. 2. Maurer, Leben und Streben in Frankreich. Von

H. Hirsch. 3. Die Rituale der franzosischen Maurerlogen. Von
Dr. J. Schauberg. 4. Der Royal-Arch Grad. Von J. G. Findel.
5. Jahresbericht fiber das verflossene Vereinsjahr. Von J. G. Findel.
6. Bericht tiber die Versammlung in Eisenach am 12 u. 13 August.
Von Dr. R. Seydel. Zweiter Bund. VII. Schwesternfest mit
Luftenweihe in der Lpge La Prgpije Vaineu zu Devarter. Von Br.
de Lespinasse. VEIL Zur Geschichte des vereins deutscher Fr. Mr.
Von J. G. Findel. IX. Jahresbericht fiber die Jahre 1865-67. Von
denselbe. X. Manifest an alle Grosslogen des Erdenrands. XI.
Algemeines Grundgesetz des Fr. Mr. Bundes. XII. Bericht fiber die
Jahresversammlung des vereins in Worms, am 8 und 9 Juni, 1867.
Von Dr. Rud Seydel. Statuten des vereins deutscher Freimaurer.
1865. Zweiter Band, Erstes Heft. Leipzig : Forster & Findel.
12mo, pp. 169.
4, F.—Mittheilungen aus dem Verein deutscher Freimaurer.
1875-1876. Leipzig : J. G. Findel. 12mo, pp. 127.
4, F. Minutes of Proceedings of the Supreme Grand Council A. and
A. Rite for the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States of North
America. 1851. Boston Tuttle & Dennett. 12mo, pp. 30.

4, F. Mirror of Romance, containing "Manual of Free Masonry.

(Unbound periodical, loose leaves, bad condition.) London W. :

Dugdale. 4to, pp. 100.

7, —
D. Mackey's National Free-Mason, a Monthly Magazine, etc.
1871-2. By Albert G. Maekey. Washington, D. C: McGill &
Witherow. Vol. I. 8vo, pp. 672.
4, G. Manifesto que la Gran Logia simbolica Nacional dirige a los
52 Library op Grand Lodge

orientes extrangeros sobre los motivos, etc. Callao, Peru H. Es- :

tevan Danino. 8vo, pp. 46.

4, G. Masonic Memoir of the Rev. John Huy she. 1866. Devenport,
England J. R. H. Spry. 36mo, pp. 6.

5, A. Monuraens Historiques, Relatifs a la condamnation des

Chevaliers du Temple, etc. 1813. A M. Baynouard. Paris Adrien:

Egron. 8vo, pp. 317.

5, C. —Masonic Miscellanies in poetry and prose, 3 parts, etc. 1811.
By W. Wilson. 24mo, pp. 348.
Steplien Jones. London :

5, C—Memoirs of the Marquis «le La Fayette, etc. 1825. By

Frederick Butler. Wethersfield, Conn. : Deming & Francis. 18mo,
pp. 417.
5, D. —Maconnerie (La) Ecossoise compare avec les trois profes-
sions et la secret des Templiers du 14 e siecle, also Masonry dissected,
also Les Jesuite Chasses. 1788. 8vo, pp. 148, 136, 37.
5, E. Masonic Minstrel, a complete collection of Odes, Anthems, etc.
(English.) London Johnson. 36mo, pp. 264.
1828. :

5, —
F. Masonic Portraits, a series of sketches of distinguished breth-
ren (English.) 1876. London W. W. Morgan. 12mo, pp. 189. :

5, P. Miscellaneous Works of Richard Linnecar. (Comedies,

songs, Strictures on Free Masonry, etc.) 1789. Leeds, England
Thos. Wright. 8vo, pp. 300.
5, G. —Masonic meetings in East Lancashire, England. etc.
1874. Bury, England T. Crompton. 36mo, pp.
: 20.
5, G. —Masonry, 1817. Phila.
Calcott's. Robert Desilver. 24mo, pp. .

6, B. —Masonic Review and Keystone, January to July, 1867.
Baltimore, Md. pp. 368. 4to,

6, B. —Minutes of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of

Odd Fellows of Pennsylvania. 1876. Philadelphia : Co-operative.
8vo, pp. 320.
6, C. Malta sixty years ago ; also, a synoptical sketch of the Order
of St. John of Jerusalem from its first formation till the evacuation
of Malta. 1875. By Claudius Shaw. London Samuel Tinsley. :

12mo, pp. 150.

6, C—Mysterien (die) der Freimaurer, 1848. Von Fred. A. etc.
Fallon. Leipzig Brockhaus & Averarius. 12mo, pp. 432.

6, C—Mameluke (The) or the sign of the Mystic Tie, Say 1840, etc.
By Sen Perley Poole. Boston ; Elliott, Thomas & Talbot. 18mo.
pp. 123.
6, C—Masonic Thoughts or " Meine Gedanken uber die zwey kleine
Freymaurerische schriften, an Meine Bruder und Unsere Bruder."
1780. Berlin G. J. Decker. 18mo, pp. 63.

6, C—Mythos of the Ark (The.) Say 1840. By J. W. Lake. Rams-

gate, EnglandThos. Scott. 12mo, pp. 48.

6, C. Million (Dn) de signatures pour 1'instruction ohligatoire. 1873.

Paris. 12mo, pp. 112.
6, D.—Masonic Songs (A Selection of), etc. 1876. By Ed. P. Phil-
pots. England Poole. 12mo, pp. 47.
Dorset, :

5, C— Map of Pennsylvania, with statistics of Royal Arch Masonry in

Pennsylvania. 1860. Philadelphia. 24mo.
of Pennsylvania, Fkee and Accepted Masons. 53

5, E.—Masonic Register for Pennsylvania. 1848-1878, 5 vols. By

Manning. Philadelphia Manning. 36mo, pp. 3386.
T. 8. :

5, C— Manual (The Freemasons') and official Directory of the Provincial

Grand Lodge for the Province of Kent, England. 1879. Dover,
England J. D. Terson. 24mo, pp. 100.

6, E.—Manual (The Chapter and Council), a Ritual of the Mark, etc.

1872. Jacob Ernst & Co. 18mo, pp. 220.
Cincinnati, O. :

6, E.—Masonic Advocate (The), being a concise exposition and full

defence of Free Masonry. 1859. By L. Carroll Judson. Philadel-
phia. 8vo, pp. 323.
6, F. Misraim (De TOrdre Maconnique de), etc. 2 vols, in one. 1845.
By Marc Bederride. Paris Benard & Co. 8vo, pp. 436, 422.

6, G.—Masonic Medals (Materials for a Catalogue of.) 1877. By Wm.

T. B. Marvin. Boston. 4to, pp. 80.
6, G.—Masonry revealed and Illustrated. Say 1850. Cincinnati,
O. : Matthew Gardner. 8vo, pp. 147.
4, E—Masonry the way to Hell. A Sermon, etc. 1768. London:
Robinson & Roberts. 8vo, pp. 39.
1, E. Masonic Text Book, containing a history of Freemasonry, etc.
By John lime. Richmond, Va.: Shepherd & Colin. 8vo,
pp. 328.
2, D. Manual of the " Queen of the South," a degree in the system
of the Adoptive Rite of the Order of the Eastern Star. 1876. New
York : Robert Macoy. 36mo, pp. 34.
2, D. Manual of the Cross and Crown. A degree in the system,
of the Eastern Star. 1875. New York Robert Macoy. 36mo,
etc., :

pp. 50.
2, D. Manual de la Masoneria 6 sea el. tejador de los Ritos antiguo
Escoces Frances Y de Adopcion. 1860. By Andres Oassard. New
York : Macoy & Sickles. 8vo, pp. 1017.
2, E.—Masonic Charities (The.) A Report, etc. (English.) 1879.
By George Taylor. Kidderminster W. Hepworth. 8vo, pp. 21. :

7, A. —Memorial of the half century Membership of Chas. "W. Moore.

2, F.—Manuel du Franc-Macon. 1817. By E. F. Buzot. Paris J. :

Moron val. 12mo, pp. 375.

8, F. Masonic Mirror and American Keystone, a Periodical. 1852.
Vols. 1, 2, 3. Philadelphia : Leon Hyneman. 4to, pp. 412, 413, 412.
7, F.—Masonic Mirror. (English.) 1854. England. 8vo, pp. 740.
7, B. Manual for Civic processions.
7, B. Masonic Gatherings. 1871. By Geo. Taylor. London : Geo.
Kenning. 8vo, pp. 83.
7, B. Masonic Odes and Poems. 1864. By Bob. Morris. New
York : Robert Morris. 8vo, pp. 200.
7, B. Masonic Text Book (Maine). 1877. By Josiah H. Brummond.
Portland : Dresser, McLellan Co. &
12mo, pp. 350.
7, B. Masonic Ladder, or the Nine steps to ancient Freemasonry, etc.
By John Sherer. Cincinnati Sherer Co. 12mo, pp. 268.
1866. :

7, B.—Masonic Parliamentary Law, etc. 1875. By Albert G.

Maekey. Philadelphia : Moss & Co. 8vo, pp. 240.
7, C—Mysteries of Isis (The) or The Science of Mathematics. 1858.
By Uniche. New York : John F. Trow. 18mo, pp. 312.
54 Library op Grand Lodge

7, D. Manual of the Lodge or Monitorial instructions, etc. 1867.

By Albert G. Mackey. New York Clark & Maynard. 8vo, pp. 235.

7, D.—Morals and Dogma of the A. and A. Rite, etc. 33d Deg. 1871.
By Albert Pike. Charleston. 8vo, pp. 861.
7, A.— Mazzini Guiseppe, Cenni Biograflci. (Funeral ceremonies.)
1880. Rome. 8vo, pp. 15.
7, A. —Mazzini G-uiseppe (Grande Oriente della Massoneria in Italia e
nelle Colonie Italiane circolave No. 11 (announcing death of Maz-
zini). 1880. Rome. 8vo, pp. 3.

7, D.—Mysteries of Eleusis (Essay on the), etc. 1817. By M. Ouva-

roff. London Rodwell & Martin. 8vo, pp. 188.

7, H. Minute Book for the Lodge of Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime
Masons. 1781. Philadelphia. Original MSS. 4to, pp. 87.
7, —
H. Masonic Banquet at Laying of Corner-Stone of New Masonic
Temple, Broad and. Filbert streets. Philadelphia. (Subscribers' sig-
natures.) 1868. MSS. 4to, pp. 50.
7, D. —Memorial of Israel M. Bullock, Grand Master, Connec-
ticut. Hartford : Joseph K. "Wheeler. 12mo, pp. 77.

1, D. Masonic Pamphlets, to wit

Constitutions of Grand Lodge of New York.
Legality of St. John's Grand Lodge of New York.
Circular to Lodges, State of New York, by Committee appointed at
Geneva, 5848.
Second circular letter to Lodges, State of New York, by Committee
appointed at Geneva, 5848.
Transactions M. W. Grand Lodge of New York, Aug. 5849 to July
Transactions M. "W. Grand Lodge of New York, for June 6, 5849.
Transactions M. W. Grand Lodge of New York from Nov. 5850 to
May 5851.
Report Special Committee G. L. of New York, on Riotous proceed-
ings on June 5, 5849.
Opinion of Chancellor "Walworth on Masonic difficulties in State of
New York, together with the action of the Grand Lodges of
Massachusetts, Kentucky, South Carolina, District of Columbia,
Rhode Island and Illinois.
Discourse delivered before the Lodges of Columbus, Feb. 18, 1850,
by Samuel Reed, of Cincinnati.
Genuine Free Masonry iudissolubly connected with Revelation.
Lecture by Rev. Moses Margolianth.
Free Masonry in Europe during the past century, with list of Conti-
nental Lodges.
Masonry inseparable from Religion. A Sermon, July 4, 1827; by
Rev. O. Williams.
Annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, Dec.
Rules and Regulations of the Grand H. R. A. Chapter of Penn-
Statutes and Regulations of the Masonic University of Tennessee.
of' Pennsylvania, Fhee and Accepted Masons. 55

3, G. Narrative of Proceedings in the Bank Street Church, Phila-

delphia, relative to the reception of an adhering Free Mason, with
an examination of Masonic oaths and of the principles of discipline
adopted by said Church. (Motto). 1836. By Henry Grew. Phila-
delphia. 12mo, pp. 36.
4, D.—National Masonic "Welcome to Marquis of Eipon, Grand
Master of England.
4, B. Narrative of the Anti-Masonick. excitement, etc. 1829. By
Batavia, N. Y. Adams & McCleary. 12mo, pp. 244.
Henry Brown. .

4, E. Narrative (A short) of the Masonic experience of George A'Lord,

of Delta Lodge, No. 451, New York, etc. By George A'Lord. 24mo,
pp. 64.
4, G.—Nachweis der Grossen landes-loge der Freimaurer von
Deutschland zu Berlin fur das jahr 184$ und 1844, etc. 1844.
Berlin B. S. Mittler, 12mo, pp. 82.

4, G. Same title as above. 1845-1846. Berlin E. S. Mittler. :

12mo, pp. 84.

4, G. Same title as above. 1844-1845. Berlin : E. S. Mittler.
12mo, pp. 84.
4, G. Natnentliches verzeichniss sammtlicher zu dem Bunde der
grossen National Mutter Loge, etc. 1813. Berlin. 12mo, pp. 212.
5, G. New Morality, a Poem. 1875. London : Geo. Kenning. 12mo,
pp. 20.
6, F. Nuova Fpoca (La) Periodico Mensile, etc. 1873. Torino, Italy :

Fodratti. 8vo, pp. 192.

1, E.—Natural History of Staffordshire (England), etc. 1686. By
Robert Plot. Oxford. 4to, pp. 450.
7,D. —Numerical and Numismatical Register. (See H—Hughans
4, C— (An) Oration delivered at the consecration of St. Hubert's Lodge,
No. 1373, etc. By Rev. E. Y. Nepean. Andover, England. 12mo,
pp. 10.
4, C. Origin and antiquity of Free Masonry, an address de-
livered before Robert Burns Lodge, 464, A. Y. M. of Pennsylvania.
By Rev. W. T. Bowen. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. &
12mo, pp. 30.
4, F. Origins de la Maconnerie Adonhiramite, containing also
L'Etoile Flamboyante. 24mo, pp, 172, 210.
4, G. Origin of Free Masonry (Moral and religious). By Count
D. G. Bertola. London W. Cooper. 8vo, pp. 30.

4, G. —Oration on Masonry, delivered upon St. John's Day, June 24,

1811, at the dedication New Masonic Hall. 1811. By James Milnor.
Philadelphia : J. Maxwell. 8vo, pp. 41.
6, C. Original Thoughts or Freemasonry demonstrated through the
medium of Geometry. 1857. By Prank M. Duffy. Nashville,
Tenn. ISmo, pp. 138.
6, C. Origin of the Royal Arch historically considered, etc. 1867.
By George Oliver. London Richard Spencer. 18mo, pp. 186.

6, C. Obligation. Ueber den Eid. ein Sendschreiben an, etc. Von Mac
Benac. 1818. Konigsburg : Aug. "Wil. Unzer. 12mo, pp. 30.

6, C. Origin of Freemasonry. A Lecture, etc. 1852. By J. J.

Moody. London : R. Spencer. 12mo, pp. 56.
56 Library of Grand Lodge

6, C. Origin of Freemasonry. The A.D. 1717 Theory exploded.

Say 1840. By Chalmers I. Paton. London Reeves & Turner.

12mo, pp. 61.

6, C. Origin and Influence of Masonry. An Address, etc. 1847.
By Jos. R. Chandler. Martinsburg, Va. 12mo, pp. 19. •

6, D. —Odd Fellowship (The complete Manual of), etc. 1879. London

A. Lewis. 18mo, pp. 318.
0, F.— Orations of the Illustrious Bro. Frederick Dalcho.
1808. Dublin, Ireland : John King. 8vo, pp. 100.
6, F. — Orthodoxie Maconnique suivie de la Maconnerie Occulte, etc.
1853. By J. M. Ragon. Paris : E. Dentu. 8vo, pp. 613.
6, G. Oration delivered Trinity and Benevolent Lodges, of New
York, ^Monday 28th December, etc., etc. 1809. By John Vander-
bilt, Jr. Broadway, New York: H. C. Southwick. 8vo, pp. 41.
2,C. Origin of Freemasonry. 1857. Bound with " Duty of the
2,0. — Same title as above. See History of.

2, F.— Oxford and Cambridge. Masonic Almanac, etc. 1873. Ox-

ford E. W. Morris. 36mo, pp. 46.

7, A. Odd-Fellowship exposed, containing full account of the work

of the Order, etc. 1846. New York. 8vo, pp. 16.
7, A. Oration, laying corner-stone of Humboldt's Monument.- 1869.
By Richard Vaux. Philadelphia King & Baird. 8vo, pp. 12. :

7,D. Origin of Masonry in the State of New Jersey. See Proceedings

Grand Lodge of New Jersey.
6, A Obelisk (The) and Freemasonry according to the discoveries of
Belzoni, etc. 1880. By John A. Weisse-, M.D. New York J. "W. :

Bouton. 8vo, pp. 212.

Pocket Companions
See Free-Mason's Pocket Companion.
See Key to the first chart of the Masonic Mirror.
See Masonic Manual, etc.
See Freemason's Preceptor.
See Freemason's Pocket Companion.
See' Pocket Companion.
3, E.—Programme and report of the proceedings at the complimentary
dinner, etc., given to a Party of distinguished Freemasons by George
Kenning, proprietor of " The Freemason," at the Freemasons' Tav-
ern, Gt. Queen St. London. 1878. London. 12mo, pp. 62.
6, A.—Proceedings of Grand Encampment TJ. S., containing
Biographical sketches of Past Grand Masters Hubbard, French,
Palmer and Gardner. Triennial Conclave held at Baltimore, Md.,
1871. 12mo, pp. 478.
6, A.—Proceedings of Grand Encampment TJ. S. 1874. Trien-
nial Conclave held at New Orleans, La. 12mo, pp. 270.
6, A.—Proceedings of Grand Encampment U. S. 1877. Tri-
ennial Conclave held at Cleveland, O. 12rno, pp. 52.
3, F. —Phallic idea in the religions of Antiquity or Ancient Symbol
worship. 2d Edition. Illustrated. 1875. By E. M. Westropp and
0. 8. Wake. New
York : J. W. Bouton. 8vo, pp. 98.
of Pennsylvania, Free and Accepted Masons. 57

3. F—Philadelphia the mother city of Freemasonry in

America, with the life of Daniel Cox, the .earliest Grand Master in
America, and an historical sketch of the progress of Masonry in
Pennsylvania during the past hundred years. 1876. By Clifford
P. MaeOalla. Philadelphia Masonic Pub. Co. 24mo, pp. 108.

3, G.—Pride, or a Touch at the Times, a satirical Poem. 1830,

By Nicholas Rusticus. Boston John Marsh & Co. 12mo, pp. 16. :

3, G.—Proceedings of the Anti-Masonic Republican Con-

vention Of Massachusetts. 1830. Boston : John Marsh.
12mo, pp. 32.

3, G.—Proceedings of the Anti-Masonic Republican Conven-

tion of Massachusetts. 1832. Boston Perkins & Marvin. :

12mo, pp. 55.

3, G.—Proceedings of the Anti-Masonic Republican Con-
vention of Massachusetts. 1833. Boston : Jonathan Howe.
12mo, pp. 48.
4, A.—Proceedings U. S. Anti-Masonic Convention, held at
Philadelphia, Sept. 11, 1830, etc. 1830. Philadelphia: I. P. Trimble.
8vo, pp. 142.
4, A. —Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the religions and govern-
ments carried on in the secret meetings of Free Masons, etc. 4th
Edition. 1798. By John Robison. London: T.. Cadell. 8vo, pp. 587.
4, A.— The same. 2d Edition. 1797. London T. Cadell. 8vo, pp. 531. :

4, A.—The same. 1797. London T. Cadell. 8vo, pp. 496. :

4, E. —Prestoman and Ancient York Lectures.

4, P.—Proceedings (Final report of) Masonic Board of Relief of Chicago,
etc. 1872. Chicago : Hazlitt & Reed. 8vo, pp. 159.
4, F. —Proceedings at the laying of the corner-stone of the New Capitol.
1871. Albany, N. Y. : Argus Company. 8vo, pp. 43.
4, F.—Proceedings of Columbian Encampment No. 1, K. T.
1851. New York 12mo^ pp. 12.
: E. Winchester.
4, G.—Processi verbali Dell' Assemblea della Offlcine Massoniche
d'ltalia, etc. 1871. Tirenze, Italy : Tipografia Nazionale. 8vo,
pp. 67.
4, G. Proceedings at the completion of the Wooster Monument, etc.
1854. By Henry O. Denting, New Haven, Conn. : Storer &
Morehouse. 8vo, pp. 60.
4, G. Proceedings at the laying of the corner-stone of the New Public
Buildings, etc., Philadelphia, July 4, 1874, etc. 1874. Phila. 8vo,
pp. 63.
5, A.—Pilgrimage to Virginia of the Knights Templar, etc.
Memoir of. 1859. Boston : A. Williams & 12mo, pp. 211.
5, B. Preceptory of the Temple at London with abstracts of the
history, etc. 1850. London. 8vo, pp. 36.
5, B. Pythagorean Triangle or the Science of Numbers. 1875. By
Rev. G. Oliver. London John Hogg
12mo, pp. 237.
: & Co.
7, D.—Proceedings Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania from 1730.
Part I. Its early history and Constitutions. Its Minutes and Pro-
ceedings. Compiled by the Library Committee. Phila. Sherman :

& Co. 8vo, pp. 183.

7, D.—Proceedings of Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania from
1730. Part II. Its early history and Constitutions. Its Minutes and
58 Library of Grand Lodge

Proceedings. Compiled by the Library Committee. Philadelphia :

Sherman &
Co. 8vo, pp. 160.
5, E. Programme, Laying Corner-stone Masonic Hall, Liver-
etc. .

pool. 24mo, pp. 8.

3, C. Principles and Practice, etc., of Free and Ace. Masons, etc.
1786. England. 24mo, pp. 184.
5, F. Plan of a Lioan of $40,000 proposed, etc., Grand Lodge of Penn-
sylvania also, Masonic Charges. 1809. By Jos. Milnor, R. W. G. M.

Philadelphia John Sweeny. 12mo, pp. 86.


5, G. Proceedings (An account of the) of the subscribers to a testi-

monial presented to Bro. Robert T. Crucifix, etc. 1841. London. 8vo,
pp. 38.
5, G. Papers relating to the late occurrences in Pythagoras Lodge
No. New York. 1855. New York G. B. Teubner. 8vo, pp. 26.
1, :

3, C. Principles and Practices (A candid disquisition of the) of the

A. and Hon. Society of F. and A. Masons, etc. 1772." By Wellins
Oalcott. Boston wm. McAlpine. 12mo, pp. 256.

6, C. Preliminaries to Masonic Initiation Lectures, etc. 186 1.

By John Mtzhenry Townsend. London : Richard Spencer. 12mo,
pp. 32.
6, C. Proceedings of the Grand Committee under the sanction
of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, and the subsequent proceed-
ings of the Grand Lodge had thereon. 1823. Philadelphia T. S. :

Manning. 8vo, pp. 33.

6, C—Proceedings of the National Masonic Convention. 1855.
New York : Vinton, Marquand & Co. 12mo, pp. 16.'
6, C. Palmblatter (£. e. Palm leaves) fur Freimaurer. 1815. Heidel-
burg. 18mo, pp. 76.

0, E.—Proceedings on the Occasion of the Centennial Cele-

bration St. John's Lodge, No. 1, New York, etc. 1858. New
York : F. G. Tisdall. 8vo, pp. 62.
6, F.—Proceedings in Lodge 134 of the Centennial Celebra-
tion of American Independence by Franklin Lodge No. 134
Pennsylvania. 1876. 8vo, pp. 42.
6, G. Picture of Philadelphia [containing articles on MasonryV
1811. By James Mease. Philadelphia R. T. Kite. 18mo, pp :'.76.
: &
6, G. Programme of Music. P. Grand Lodge, Middlesex, held at
the Greyhound hotel, Hampton Court, June 15, 1878. 1878. Eng-
land. 12mo, pp. 10.
1, D.—Plan and Regulations of the Order of Harodim. 1878.
Reprint. Alexandria, Va.: G. H. Ramey & Son. 8vo, pp. 6.

1, D.—PlanandKegulationsof theOrderof Harodim. Original

of above. 1787. London. 12mo, pp. 115.
1, D.—Proceedings of the General Grand Chapter of the TJ.
S.,etc. 1838. Baltimore: Jos. Robinson. 8vo, pp. 34.
7, D.— Proceedings of the General Grand Chapter of the U.
S., etc. 1877. Buffalo : Young, Lockwood & Co. 8vo, pp. 453.
1, L\—Proceedings, etc., Grand Lodge, etc., York, etc., New
union with St. John's Grand Lodge, etc. 1851. New York Narine. :

8vo, pp. 59.

1, D.—Proceedings Ancient Chapter No. 1, K. A. M. of New
York, etc. 1851. New York Narine. 8vo, pp. 21. :
op Pennsylvania, Free and Accepted Masons. 59

It E.—Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conclave of

the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Penn-
sylvania; also, Constitution of same. 1872. Philadelphia: Co-
operative Printing Co. 8vo, pp. 106, 121.
1, E.—Proceedings of Kane Lodge, No. 454, New York. Re-
ception of Grand New York. 4to, pp. 31.
Officers, etc. 1871.
7, A.—Proceedings of Prov. Grand Lodge of Leicestershire,
and Rutland (Eng). 1877. Leicester Spencer Bros. & Russell. :

8vo, pp. 25.

7, D.—Proceedings Grand Lodge Massachusetts, etc. Boston
Rockwell & Churchill. 8vo, pp. 668, 90.
7, D.— Proceedings Grand Lodge New Jersey (origin of Ma-
sonry, etc). 1870. Trenton : Jos. H. Hough. 8vo, pp. 715.
2, B. Pocket Companion for Freemasons. 1735. London : E.
Rider. 12mo, pp. 115.
7, D ^-Poesies Choisies suives de L'Oraison funebre de Wash-
ington. 1841 A Jean Simon Ohaudroy. Paris Delanchy. 8vo,
. :

pp. 276.
6, P.—Pennsylvania Freemason Hall of 1802. By Charles &
Meyer. 8vo, pp.7. [1880. Philadelphia: Masonic Publishing Co.]
6, A.—Proceedings (abstract of the) of the Most Excellent Grand
Holy Royal Arch Chapter of Pennsylvania, etc., with
extracts from the minutes of Royal Arch Lodge No. 3, and the R.
"W. Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, printed in 1767-1864. diaries By
IS. Meyer. Philadelphia : Co-operative Printing Company. 8vo,
pp. 354.
3, B. —Review, Hyneman's.
3, B. — Ancient York and London Grand Lodges. A Review of
Freemasonry in England from 1567 to 1813. By Leon Hyneman.
Philadelphia office Mrs. William Curtis, Masonic Furnishing Depot,

146 N. Sixth Street. 1872. 12mo, pp. 192.

3, —
G. Seasons assigned by the Church in North Wrentham for
withdrawing from their Masonic brethren, &c. 1830. Boston T. li. :

Marvin. 8vo, pp. 32.

3, G.— Recuell precieux de la Maconnerie Adonhiramite-con-
tenant les Cathechismes, etc. 1705. Philadelphia. 24mo, pp. 143.
3, G. Kecueil precieux de la Maconnerie Adonhiramite-con-
tenant les Cathechismes, etc. 1786. Philadelphia, pp. 142.
3, G. Recueil precieux de la Maconnerie Adonhiramite-con-
tenant les Cathechismes, etc. 1803. Philadelphia, pp. 180.
4, C—Rules and Regulations of the Ancient and Scottish
Rite, etc. 1875. London. 18mo, pp. 130.
4, C—Rules and Regulations of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite, 18mo,
etc. 1877. London. pp. 113.
4, C. —Report of Committee on Centennial Anniversary of
Lodge No. 2, A. Y. M. of Pennsylvania, etc. 1859. Philadelphia :

King & Baird. 12mo, pp. 43.

4, D. —Rapport au Grand Maitre sur situation de l'Ordre la Militia
Temple (K. 1833. 12mo, pp.
T.). Paris. 8.

4, D. —Reflexions d'un Ancien Templier. 1836. Paris. 12mo,

pp. 14.
60 Library op Grand Lodge

4, F.—Records of the Grand Chapter of the State of Vermont,

1804 to 1850 inclusive. 1878. Burlington, Vt. Free Press. 8vo,

pp. 557.
4, G.—Boll of Members of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. 1873.
Edinburgh. 8vo, pp. 50.
4, G.—Rollof Members of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. 1871.
Edinburgh. 8vo, pp. 50.
5, B.—Revelations of a Square, exhibiting a graphic display of sayings
and doings of eminent Free and Accepted Masons, etc. 1866. By
George Oliver. New York Masonic Publishing and Manufacturing

Company. 12mo, pp. 316.

5, C. Reglemens de la R.". L.-. Ecossaise du Temple, etc.
24mo, pp. 67.
5, E. — Register
(Manning's Masonic). 1858. Philadelphia T. : S.
Manning. 12mo, pp. 79.
5, E.—Register (Manning's Masonic). 1860. Philadelphia T. : S.
Manning. 12mo, pp. 96.
5, E. Register (Manning's Masonic). 1865. Philadelphia: T. S.
Manning. 12mo, pp. 110.
5, E. Register (Manning's Masonic). 1864. Philadelphia: T. S.
Manning. 12mo, pp. 110.
5, G. Royal Masonic Institution for Boys. 1874. London. 8vo,
pp. 256.
5, G.—Royal Masonic Institution for Boys. 1875. London. 8vo,
pp. 278.
5, G. Royal Masonic Institution for Girls. 1879. London. 8vo,
pp. 20.
6, A. Rules, Orders and By-Laws, etc., F. A. M. of England,
1813. London
etc. Thos. Harper. 4to, pp. 28.

6, D. Rules and Regulations of the P. Grand Lodge at

Devon, England. 1876. Plymouth: L. H. Westcott. 8vo,
pp. 50.
2, D.— Ritual of the Order of the Eastern Star, etc. 1877. By
Robert Macoy-. New York Robert Macoy. 18mo, pp. 180.

2, D. Rules and Regulations for the government of the degrees from

the 4° to 32°, A. and A. Rite, England, etc. 1872. London
Robert Macoy.
18mo, pp. 81.
2, E. Rosicrucians (The) their Rites and Mysteries, etc. Ancient Fire

and Serpent worshippers, etc. 187U. London Jno. C. Hotten. :

l,2mo, pp. 339.

7, A Report of the Committee for the Relief of Knights Templar
and A. and A. Rite., 1872. Chicago : Horton & Leonard. 8vo,
pp. 22.
7, A. Report of the Vice-President of the Council of Rites for
Ireland, etc. 1857. Dublin : S. Boldham. 12mo, pp. 21.
7. A. —Report of the Vice-President of the Council of Rites for
Ireland, etc. 1860. Dublin . S. Underwood. 12mo, pp. 21.
7, A. Report of the Vice-President of the Council of Rites for
Ireland, etc. 1863. Dublin : "W. Underwood. 12mo, pp. 16.

7, A. Report of Rose Croix Degree. 1878. Ireland. Dublin: S

Underwood. 12mo, pp. 24.
of Pennsylvania, Fbee and Accepted Masons. 61

4, D.—Ritual of Masonic Service for the burial of the dead and

Lodge of Sorrow. 1874. By J. B. Sackett. Chicago : E. B. Mvers.
18mo, pp. 122.
5, E.—Rules, etc., Stewards Stephen Girard Charity Fund. 1844.
Philadelphia. 24mo, pp. 23.
5, E.—Register, Devon and Cornwall Masonic. 1877. Plymouth. L. D.
Westcott. 36mo, pp. 102.
7, A.—Report of the Masonic Orphan Roys' School, Dublin.
1875. Dublin: S. Underwood. 12mo, pp. 43.
7, A Report of the Masonic Orphan Boys' School, Dublin.
1879. Dublin : S. Underwood. 12mo, pp. 51.
7, A.—Rules and Regulations for Grand Lodge, Pennsyl-
vania. 1799. Philadelphia : Samuel H. Smith. 8vo, pp. 10.
2, D. A Sermon Preached in Christ Church, Philadelphia, before the
Provincial Grand Master, and General Communication of Free and
Accepted Masons. On Tuesday the 24th of June, 1755, being the
Grand Anniversary of St. John the Baptist (motto omitted). By
William Smith, M. A., Provost of the College and Academy of Phila-
delphia. Philadelphia Printed and Sold by B. Franklin and D.

Hall. 12mo, pp. 24.

3, —
D. State of Facts. Being a narrative of some late proceedings in
the Society, of Freemasons respecting Wm. Preston,. P. M. of the
Lodge of Antiquity No. 1. (Motto). 1778. London. 12mo, pp. 88.
3, —
E. Songs. Recueil de Cantiques de la loge Franchise L' Amenite No.

73.1797. Philadelphia T. & W. Bradford. 18mo, pp.

: 55.
3, E. — Songs, Freemasons' Vocal. Assistant and register of the Lodges
in South Carolina and Georgia. 1807. By J. J. Negrin. Charles-
ton, S. C. : J. J. Negrin. 12mo.
3, G. Sheriff Sumner's Letter on Speculative Masonry, being
an answer, etc. 1829. By 0. P. Sumner. Boston John Marsh. :

12mo, pp. 20.

4, C— Scriptural Extracts for the Use of Royal Arch Masons
and Chapters, etc. London Bichard Spencer. 4to, pp. 20. :

4, D.—Sermon preached before the British Union Lodge, etc.

1779. By Rev. V. L. Bernard. Ipswich: C.Punchard. 12mo, pp. 26.
4, D, Solomon in all his Glory* or the Master Mason being a true ;

guide to the inmost recesses, etc. 1777. By Thomas Wilson. Lon-

don : T. "Wilkinson. 12mo, pp. 73.

4, E.— Statutes for the government the Royal exalted religious and
Military order of Masonic Knights Templar in England and
Wales as resolved and agreed on at Grand Conclave, December 9,
1864. 1864. London. 12mo, pp. 67.
3, E. Symbolism of Freemasonry, illustrating and explaining its
science and philosophy, its legends, Myths and Symbols. 1869. By
Albert G. Maekey. New York Clark Maynard. 12mo, pp. 364.
: &
4, F. Scottish Masonic Calendar, etc. 1859 and 1860, bound with
"British and Colonial." "See C." Glasgow: John Davidson.
24mo, pp. 110.
4, F.— Scottish Masonic Calendar, etc. 1878. Glasgow: George
Kenning. 24mo, pp. 42.

4, G.— Sarsena, Oder der vollkommene Baumeister, etc. 1866.

Leipsig : F. A. Brodhaus. 8vo, pp. 223.
63 Libbaet of Grand Lodge

4, G. Statuts et Reglements, etc. La Reconnaissance loge Ho. 160,

etc. (French Lodge of Pennsylvania). 1825. Philadelphia. 18mo,
pp. 14.
5, D.— Sermon delivered in St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, on
St. John's Day, 1793. In the presence of the Grand Lodge of Penn-
sylvania. 1794. By Samuel Magaw. Philadelphia C. Oswald. :

8vo, pp L 24.
5, D. —Secret revealed and the Mystic beauties of Free Ma-
sonry developed. 1820. London G. & W. B. Whittaker.

24mo, pp. 108.

5, D. — Sermons in which are explained the religions, Moral and Political
virtues of Free Masonry, etc. 1799. By Bev. Jethro Inwood.
London : J. Delahoy. 8vo, pp. 354.
5, D. —Sufferings of John Coustos for Free Masonry, refusing
to turn Boman Catholic * * at Lisbon * * origin of Inquisi-
tion. 1746. London "W. Strahan. 12mo, pp. 400.

5, F. Sermons (Three), etc., before the P. Grand Lodge of F. and A.

M., Dorsetshire, England; 1st. On the Chief corner-stone ; 2d. The
only foundation; 3d. The Spiritual Temple- 1844. By Wm. John
Percy. London: B. Spencer. 8vo, pp. 77.
6, B. —System of Speculative Masonry, Lectures, etc. 1818. By
Salem Town. Salern, N. Y.: Dodd & Stevenson. 12mo, pp. 283.
6, B. Speculative Freemasonry, or Notes on the Scientific and re-
ligious Mysteries of Antiquity, etc.and F. and A. Masonry. 1872.
By John Tarker. London: John Hogg. 12mo, pp. 758.
6, C. Secret Societies of the European Bevolution in two volumes.
1876. By Thomas Frost. London Tinsley Bros. 8vo, pp. 300, 238.

6, C— Signatstern (Der) oder [». e. Signet Star] die enthullten sainmt-

lichen sieben grade der mystichen Freymauerei, etc 1810. Berlin :

Ch. G. Schone. 18mo, pp. 264.

6, D. — Scriptural Extracts compiled and printed as a musical service
for the various Masonic ceremonies (England). 1877. London:
Simkin & Marshall. 4to, pp. 10.
3, —
A. Star in the Fast (The), showing analogy between Masonry and
Christian religion. 1825. By George Oliver. London George B. :

Whittaker. 18mo, pp. 172.

6, E. Spirit of Masonry (The), Lectures. 1775. By Wm. Hutchinson.
London J. Wilkie. 12mo, pp. 237.

6, E. Stray leaves from a Freemasons' note hook (Tales and

Sketches). 1846. London Richard Spencer. 12mo, pp. 314.

6, G. Swedenborg Rite and the great Masonic leaders of the 18th

century. 1870. By Samuel Beswick. New York Masonic Pub- :

lishing Company. 12mo, pp. 204.

6, G. Statutes and Regulations of the Imperial Grand Council of
Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of Mystic Shrine.
fhfl 1876. New
York Ed. O. Jenkins. 12mo, pp. 20.

3, C— Secret Societies of the Middle Ages. 1848. London : C.

Cox. 18mo, pp. 380.
7, A. — Semi-Centennial Anniversary (Proceedings of the Celebra-
tion ofi Columbia H. Royal Chapter Arch No. 91, Penn-
sylvania. 1873. Philadelphia : Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfmger.
8vo, pp. 24.
op Pennsylvania, Fhee and Accepted Masons. 63

2, B. — Scottish Kite (Book of the Ancient and Accepted), etc. Instruc-

tion, etc. 1867. By Ckas. T. McClenachan. New York : Anderson
& Co. 8vo, pp. 616.
1, D.— Statutes and Regulations of \4P to 33° A.and A. Rite North-
ern jurisdiction. Say 1880. New York : Anderson & Co. 12mo,
pp. 10.
1, D.— Sorrow Lodge (Transactions of St John's Lodge, No. 1, New
York, etc., 1847. New York
M. Marsh. 8vo, pp. 43.: J.
2, —
E. Sermon (A) preached, etc., upon the occasion of the enthroniza-
tion of the Right Hon. Lord Eliot as Grand Commander, etc. labeled
"Knights Templar, Ross." Circa 1830. By George Boss. St.
Blazey, Eng. : Jas. Bennett. 12mo, pp. 16.
2, E.—Service The i ) of the Knights of the Temple, etc. 1850. By
Win. Tucker. Taunton, Eng. P. May.
18mo, pp. 101. :

1, D.— Statutes and Regulations of the Supreme Council 33° New

Zealand, etc. 1877. Dunedin, New Zealand. 12mo, pp. 45.
7, —
A. Subscribers to New Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. 1809.
MSS. Philadelphia. pp. 4to, 5.

7, A. — System (Das) der loge "Bon Pasteur," Dr. Hermann Reigel.

1876. Wieri: Winter. 4to, pp. 38.
7, A. Subscribers to New Masonic Hall (of Lodge 51, Pennsyl-
1819. MSS.
vania). Philadelphia. 12mo, pp. 10.
7, A.—Sheffield Masonic Library scheme. 1876. Sheffield Paw- :

son & Brailsford. 18mo, pp. 15.

7, A.— Sermon before Lodge No. 50, Pennsylvania. 1818. By
Nathaniel Kennedy. Mowry. 8vo,
Downingtown : Chas. pp. 24.
7, B. Secret Societies (The) of all ages and countries. 2 vols.
1875. By Chas. Wm. Heckethom. London R. Bentley : & Son.
12mo, Vol. 1, pp. 392 ; Vol. 2, pp. 338.
7, D. Symbolical language (The) of Ancient Art and Mythology, etc.
1876. By Richard Payne Knight. New York J. W. Bouton. 8vo, :

pp. 240.
3, D. —The Three distinct Knocks or an authentic Key to the door
of Freemasonry, calculated not only for the instruction of every new
made Mason, but also for the information of all who intend to be-
come brethren. By a gentleman be'onging to the Jerusalem Lodge.
Try me, prove me. Say 1740. London. 18mo, pp. 60.

3, E.—Tactics and Drill of Knights Templar of Pennsylvania and

Ceremonial of the Order. 1878. Philadelphia: Sherman & Co.
18mo, pp. 282.
3, F. Talmud, Selections from. Specimens of the Contents of
that book, its Commentaries, Teachings, Poetry and
Legends, and Brief sketches of the men who made and commented
upon it. 1876. By H. Polano. Philadelphia Claxton, Remsen & :

Haffelfinger. 8vo, pp. 382.

4, D. —Tubal Kain, bound with "Solomon in Glory." By all his
Samuel Priehard. London: W. 12mo, pp. Nicoll. 32.

4, D. —Transactions at the meeting of the Provincial Grand Con-

clave of Lancashire, etc., K. T to which is appended a History of the

Order. 1869. By John Yarker, Jr. Lancashire, Eng. 8vo, pp. 76.
4, D.—Tactics and Drill of Detroit Commandery, No. 1, K.T.
By Eugene Robinson. Detroit : Free Press. 24mo, pr. 146.
64 Library of Grand Lodge

4, F. Thugs, Illustrations of the History and Practices of, etc. 1837.

London : "W. H. Allen &
Co. 8vo, pp. 473.
5, A.—The Temple Church. 1843. By O. G.Addison. London:
Longman, Brown, Green & Co. 12mo, pp. 127.
5, A. Templars' Chart. See K for Knight Templar.
5, B. —Templar Manual, a full and comprehensive system of Tactics -

and together with the ceremonies appertaining to the Orders

of Knighthood. 1872. Chicago E. B. Myers. 18mo, pp. 170.

5, B. —Tales, Poems and Masonic papers. 1877. By Emra

Holmes. Middlesbrough, Eng. : Stokesly, Tweddell &
Sons. '18mo,
pp. 208.
5, E. Tournoi (Grand) of Knights Templar at Philadelphia, etc. 1873.
24mo, pp. 24.
6, —
D. Traitez concernantl'Histoire de Prance seavoir la condamna-
tion des Templiers, etc. 1700. A Dupuy. Paris Edme Martin. :

18mo, pp. 564.

6, G. Templar's (The) Companion, adapted to the work, etc., Templar
Masonry, etc. 1876. By Alfred T. Chapman. Boston Rockwell :

& Churchill. 24mo, pp. 145.

7, A.— Tables de la loi des Francs-Macons. 1862. By J. Et.
Marconis. Paris : J. Gosset. 8vo, pp. 8.

7, A. Temple of Solomon, History of its building, use, etc. 1864. By

Orceneth Fisher. San Francisco, Cal. Roman & Co. 8vo, pp.' 77. : A
7, B. Tactics for non-military bodies, etc. 1870. ByMaj.-Gen.
Emory Upton. 1870. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 24mo, pp.
7, A. —Troisieme (La) au F.\ Bagary (3d to Bro. Bagary). 1877. letter
A Thevenot. Paris N. Blandpain. 8vo, pv- 1
: 6.

7, A. — Tableau des F.-. F.". composant la T.\ R.\ Loge Francaise

Vamenite' No. 73 Pa. (List of officers and members.) 1803. Phila-
delphia : Wm. Bradford. 12mo, pp. 8.
7, A. Tableau des F.". F. - . composant la T.-. R. •. Loge Francaise
l'amenitfi No. 73, Pa. (List of officers and members.) Philadelphia
Parent, pp. 13.
7, A. —Tableau des membres, loge Jean sous Titre distinctif des S. le
elus de Sully a Orient de Brest,
1' 1790. France. 18mo, pp.
etc. 16.
7, A. — Tableau des freres composant la loge Jean sous Title S. la dis-
de l'heureuse rencontre,
tinctif 1791. Fiance. 18mo, pp.
etc. 6.

7, C—Texas Masonic Mirror. 1872. Houston, Texas. pp. 576. 4to,

7, B. —Traditions of Freemasonry and coincidences with the ancient
mysteries. 1865. By A. T. C. Pierson. New York : Macoy, Sickles
& Pierson. 12rno, pp. 384.
7, D.— Temple (The), a monthly Magazine. 1852. Vol. 1. Carlisle,
Pa. 8vo, pp. 380.
7, D.— Temple (The), a Monthly Magazine. 1853. Vol. 2. Carlisle,
Pa. 8vo, pp. 406.
5, D. —Universal Masonic Record, containing the name, business,
etc. of subscribers, etc., containing a list of Masonic Lodges in
America and Europe. 1859. Philadelphia : Leon Hyneman. 8vo,
pp. 130, 180.
6, E.—Use (The) and Abuse of Freemasonry, etc. 1783. By Capt. Geo.
Smith. London : G. Kearsley. 8vo, pp, 399.
op Pennsylvania, Fbee and Accepted Masons. 65

2, E.—Uniformity of Masonic Ritual and Observance, etc.

1879. By Jas. Stevens. W. W. Morgan. 12mo, pp. 155.


4, G Verzeichniss der Grossenlandes logevon deutschland

zu Berlin, etc. Fur 1831 und 1832. Berlin. 12mo, pp. 113.
4, G. Verzeichniss (Mitgleider), etc. Herman Lodge No. 125 of Penn-
sylvania. Philadelphia. 12mo, pp. 16.
4, G.—Verzeichniss der Gross Beamten, etc., von deutschland,
etc. Fur 1823-4. Berlin, l^mo, pp. 27.
4, G. Verzeichniss der Gross Beamten, etc., von deutschland,
etc. Fur 1825-6, Berlin. 12mo, pp. 29.
4/ G. Verzeichniss der Gross Beamten, etc., von deutschland,
etc. Fiir 1827-8. Berlin. 12mo, pp. 31.
4, G. Verzeichniss der Gross Beamten, etc., von deutschland,
etc. Fiir 1833-4. Berlin. 12mo, pp. 144.
4, G. Verzeichniss der Gross Beamten, etc., von deutschland,
etc. Fiir 1838-9. Berlin. 12mo, pp. 66.
4, G.—Verzeichniss der Gross Beamten, etc., von deutschland,
etc. Fur 1840-1. Berlin. 12mo, pp. 78.
8, A, B, G. —Verzeichniss (Mitgleider). 24 vols, (pamphlets) bound.
1862, etc. 4to, say 9000 pp.
8, D. —Verzeichniss (Mitgleider). 10 vols, (pamphlets) paper. 4to, say
3000 pp.
5, E. Vertot's Miscellanies, containing a dissertation on the time of
The Antient form of Oaths, &c. 1723.
the Nativity of Christ, etc.
London W. Mears. 12mo, pp. 166.
Translated by John Henley. :

6, C. — (Valedictory) endliches shicksal des Freymaurer-

Ordens in einer Schluszrede, etc. 1794. Regensburg. 18mo,
pp. 48, 31.
6, D.—Veil of Isis (The) or the Mysteries of the Druids. 1861. By W.
Winwood Meade. London Chas. J. Skeet.
: 8vo, pp. 250.
7, C. Vaughan (Amabel) and other Tales, etc. 1878. By Emra
Holmes. London. 12mo, pp. 225.
4, F. Washington as a Freemason. An Address, etc., at Charles-
ton, S. C. By
1852. Mackey.
Albert O. Charleston, 8. C: A. E.
Miller. 12mo, pp. 37.
4, G. Washington National Monument, etc., an appeal, etc.
1871.Washington, D. C. W. H. & H. Morrison. 8vo, pp. 20.

4. G. Weidle, Jacob. In Memoriam. "Weidle H. R. A. Chapter, No.

197, A. Y. M. 1873. Lebanon, Pa. 8vo, pp. 24
5, F.—Works of Wm. Smith, D.D., etc. 2 vols. 1803. By Wm.
/Smith. Vol. I. Philadelphia: Hugh Maxwell. 8vo, pp. 263. Vol. II.
Philadelphia : Wm. Fry. 8vo, pp. 570.
5, F.—Washington and his Masonic Compeers. 1866. By
Sidney Hayden. New York Masonic Publishing Company. 12mo,

pp. 407.
6, C. Winter (A) with Robert Burns, being Annals, etc. 1846. Edin-
burgh Peter Brown. 18mo, pp. 173.

6, D. Well spent Life (The), a brotherly Testimonial to the Masonio

career of Robert Morris, LL.D., P. G. M. of Kentucky, etc. 1878.
By Thos. B. Austin. Louisville, Ky. 8vo, pp. 48. :

6, E. World's Masonic Register, containing name, etc., every Ma-

66 Library of Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, F. and A. M.

sonic Lodge, etc. 1860. By Leon Hyneman. Philadelphia : J. B.

Lippincott & Co. 8vo, pp. 566.
6, F. —Wonders of Operative Masonry > sketches of the principal
Abbeys and Cathedrals of England, etc. 1877. By Clifford P.
MaoCalla. Philadelphia : Masonic Publishing Company. 24mo,
pp. 148.
7, A. Washington an exemplification of the principles of Freemasonry.
1852. By Stephen H. Tyng. New York Robert Macoy. 8vo,

5, F. Ziegeldecker (Der) im Osten von Altenburg. Monatliche
Kundschrift, etc. By Dr. Bernhard Lutzelberger. 1837-8. Cahla,
Germany Ferd. Beck. 12mo, pp. 188.

5, F. Ziegeldecker (Der) im Osten von Altenburg. Monatliche

Kundschrift, By Dr. Bernhard Lutzelberger. 1840. Cahla,
Germany : Ferd. Beck. 12mo, pp. 222.
5, F. Ziegeldecker (Der) im Osten von Altenburg. Monatliche
Kundschrift, etc. By Dr. Bernhard Lutzelberger. 1843. Cahla,
Germany Ferd. Beck. 12mo, pp. 206.

5, F. — Ziegeldecker (Der) im Osten von Altenburg. Monatliche

Kundschrift, etc. By Dr. Bernhard Lutzelberger. 1846-8. Cahla,
Germany : Ferd. Beck. 12mo, pp. 602.
5, F. Ziegeldecker (Der) im Osten von Altenburg. Monatliche
Kundschrift, etc. By Dr. Bernhard Lutzelberger. 1849-51. Cahla,
Germany : Ferd. Beck. 12mo, pp. 582.
5, F.— Ziegeldecker (Der) im Osten von Altenburg. Monatliche
Kundschrift, etc. By Dr. Bernhard Lutzelberger. 1852-54. Cahla,
Germany : Ferd. Beck. 12mo, pp. 578.

Dedication Memorial Volume Masonic Temple, Philadel-

phia. Blue cloth, full gilt, extra.' Fully illustrated with Photo-
graphs and Descriptions of all tlie several Halls in the Temple. Price-
Tiw -Dollars per copy '

Proceedings of Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania from 1730.

Being a reprinj ofthe minutes, &c. ..Parte' I, II, III already published
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Proceedings of Grand Holy Royal Arch Chapter pi Penn-

sylvania from 1795 tO'1864, Price -OS* Dollar per copy.


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