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Circulatory and Lymphatic

System Narration

Slide 1- The heart and functions of

the Circulatory System
- The circulatory system consist of the heart
blood vessels and blood that runs through the
blood vessels
- the transportating of living organisms are
through out the circulatory
- the heart is protected by tissues known as the
- in the walls of the heart lays two layers of the
epithellial and connective tissues that surrounds
a thick layer of muscel called the myocardium
- the heart contracts at about 72 times per
Slide 2-More info about the heart
- the septum is found in between the right and
left side of your heart, preventing the oxygen
poor and oxygen rich blood to mix
- there are two chambers on each side of the
- the upper known as the atrium and the lower
known as the ventricle

Slide 3- The blood Vessel

- Blood leaving the left side of the heart is
loaded with oxygen from the lungs
- When the blood leaves the left ventricle, the
blood passes into a large blood vessel known as
the aorta.
- the smallest blood vessels are the capillaries
- the largest vessels that cary blood from the
heart of tissues of the body are called arteries
- the veins job is to return the blood passed
through the capillary system to the heart.

Slide 4- Diseases of the Circulatory System

- Cardiovascular dieases are among the leading
causes of death and disability in the United
- Atherosclerosis is a condition in which fatty
deposits called plaque build up in the inner walls
of the arteries.
- High blood pressure or hypertenision, is
defined as a sustained elevated blood pressure
of 140/90 or higher
- Hypertension increases the risk of heart attack
and stroke

Slide 5- Blood and the lymphatic system

- As blood cirulates, some fluid leaks from the
blood into the surrounding tissues
- this fluid is known as lymph
- lymph vessels contain valves that prevent
lymph from flowing backward
- lymph vessels do not merely return excess
fluid to the circulation
- these vessels also play a very important role in
nutrient absorption
- the spleen helps to cleanse the blood and
removes damaged blood cells from the
circulatory system

Slide 6- Blood Cells: Platelets and blood

- blood is essential to life
- an injury can cause the body to lose essential
- a minor cut or scrape may bleed for a few
seconds or minutes, but then stops
- blood clotting is made possible by plasma
proteins and cell fragments called platelets.
- each fragment of cytoplasm is enclosed in a
piece of cell membrane and released into the
bloodstream as a platelet.
- Platelets realse proteins called clotting factors.

Slide 7-Red Blood Cells

- the most numerous cells in the blood are red
blood cells
- these cells are also known as erythrocytes
- red blood cells transport oxygen
- they get their color from hemoglobin
- hemoglobin is the iron-containing protein that
binds to oxygen in the lungs and transports it to
tissues throughout the body where the oxygen is
- red blood cells are produced from cells in red
bone marrow

Slide 8- White blood Cells

- White blood cells or leukocytes, do not contain
- they are much less common than red blood
cells which out number them almost 1000 to 1
- unlike red blood cells, white blood cells contain
- they may live for days, months, or even years
- other white blood cells, known as lymphocytes
are involved in the immune response
- b lymphocytes produce antibodies
- antibodies are essential to fighting infection
and help produce immunity to many diseases

Slide 9- Blood Plasma

- The human body contains 4 to 6 liters of blood
which is about 8 percent of the total mass of the
- Plasma is about 90 percent water and 10
percent dissolved gases, salts , nutrients,
enzymes, hormones, waste products, and
proteins called plasma proteins
- Plasma proteins, which perform a variety of
functions are divided into three groups:
albumins, globulins, and fibrinogen
- Albumins and globulins transport substances
such as fatty acids, hormones and vitamins
- fibrinogen is the protein responsible for the
ability of blood to clot.

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