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Social Institution

refer to a set of elements such as norms,beliefs, and relationships that serve as an authoritative
figures in preserving the approved values of the society.
it also includes structures that help satisfy the need of society and keep it organized.
refers to social ties establish either by blood or marriage
derived either through the male (patriclan) or the female line (matriclan)
Descent is through female line.
Each person is identified with their mother's lineage.
when a person's family membership is determined or traced through his or her father's lineage.
involves the inheritance of property, rights, names, or titles by person related through the male
bilineal system
the relatives both on the father and mother sides are equally important for transfer of property or
Consanguineal kins
relatives by blood.
is the ceremony in which two people are bound as one.
Civil marriage
is officiated by a government official or anyone that has civil authority to organize the ceremony.
Church wedding
officiated by a member of a religious group such as priest or pastor.
a person who is married one at a time
a person who is married for several times while the previous marriage still in effect.
the practice where one is required to marry somebody who belongs to the same group
the practice of marrying somebody coming from a different group
the practice wherein the widow is required to marry the nearest relative of her deceased
the practice where the widower marries the nearest relative of the deceased wife.
Affinal kins
relatives because of marriage
Conjugal family
a father considers his WIFE and CHILDREN as the most important
Consanguineal family
the father considers his relatives by blood as the most important. his children, parents, brothers,
and sisters are more important than his wife.
Nuclear Family
A family that is composed of the father, mother, and children.
Extended family
A family that is composed of people other than the members of a nuclear family.
Family of orientation
the family where on is born into, where one grows.
Family of Procreation
a family establish by marriage
Patrilineal Family
a family where the members are closer to the relatives on the father's side.
Matrilineal Family
a family where the members are closer to the relatives on the mother's side
Bilateral Family
a family where the members are close to both father's and mother's side
Patriarchal Family
The father or the eldest male in the family is in control
Matriarchal Family
the mother or the eldest female in the family is in control
Egalitarian Family
power is shared equally between the mother and the father
Matricentric Family
the mother is in control of the family because the father is working far from the family.
Patrilocal Family
the married couple stays in or near the husband's place
Matrilocal Family
the married couple stays in or near the wife's place
Bilocal Family
the married couple is required to stay in either the husband's or the wife's place, depending on
who is better-off.
Neolocal Family
the married couple stays in a place different from that of the husband or wife.
Avunculocal Family
The married couple stays in or near the maternal uncle of the husband.
Essential functions
A. satisfies the sexual need of it's members in a balanced and desirable way

B. performs the function if procreation, thus contributing to the continuity to the continuity of the
family and, ultimately, the human race;

C. provides home to its members

D. Plays an important role in the socialization process.

What are the 6 social institutions?

Six Social Institutions
 Building Blocks of Civilization. Class structure of society. ...
 Economics. VIDEO. ...
 Social Order. Bahá'í ...
 Education. Def.-political organization authorized to formulate public policies and conduct affairs
of the state. ...
 Religion. Basic Social Unit: building block of society. ...
 The Six Social Institutions. Shinto. ...
 The Family. ...
 Government.

What are examples of social institutions?

Ethnic or Cultural Groups are social institutions that include a group of extended family groups
related by a distant, common ancestry. Examples are: African Americans. Asian.

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