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·Hoffman, Steven

From: Hoffman, Steven

To: ====N0ivieimjbier 05, 2009 10:09 AM

Alan, Sandy,
Hello, I am Steve Hoffman with the PA Office of Homeland Security. The following Intelligence was passed to us and
we are forwarding It to you for Information. The communication Is unedited so you have the full Impact of what this
person said. Jim Powers and I would like to visit your site In the future If you would allow us to do so. Does the name
•Judith" have any meaning to either of you? Could be the name of a person or animal someone feels was harmed by
Land 0' Lakes.

Commercial Facilities and Agriculture and Food: Anima/·Rights Ex·trem/sts target Carlisle, PA·based
Analysts have Identified explicit threats made in October 2009 against Land O'Lakes personnel and their families by an
animal-rights activist referred to as "Judith."
Judith Issued the following communication that was embraced by fellow activists:

"I will pray and chant all fucking night long that someone will grab these horrible fucks and put a knife slowly,
very slowly through their heart and lungs and then pull their eyes out of their sockets and shove them down their
fucking throats and then start In on their families and do the same ... We must rid Mother Earth of your kind ... "
"The Dam Is getting ready to break, the water Is flowing as If It's angry, Many people are getting to the point
where they just can't take the cruelty anymore, enough is enough. We all have our breaking points and when we
do break, emotions that we have somehow kept In check are released like a dam breaking. No going back, I have
no Intention of having this end before I have a chance of getting started. The world can do without people with no
souls, and anyone that hurts or kills a sentient being must pay for It with his life."

As recently as 23 October 2009, PETA protested outside a Syracuse, NY, grocery store which receives supplies of meat
and dairy products by Land 0' Lakes. Pro-testers dressed as cows, poured fake milk Into the street and are currently
waging a public-relations campaign against the Land O'Lakes company.

AnalYSIS will monitor Ihe radical campaign agalnsl Land 0' Lakes 10 delecladditional tlu'eals againsllhe compauy's persOIUlel or
assets and will cOlltlnue to monitor whether threats targeting the company's persoJUlei, their families, and/or facilities reach operational


Steven Hoffman I Assistant Director

PA Office of Homeland Security
2605 Interstate Drive, Suite 380 I Harrisburg, PA 17110- 9382
Phone: 717.651.2715 I Fax: 717.651.2040

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Hoffman, Steven
From: Anspach, Robert (PEMA)
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 9:26 AM
Jeremy Boehmer I
Powers, James; Ho man, Steven
Subject: AI-Qaeda Threats to German Assets


I have copied the Information specific to German companies below. The Information Is based on a new product for which
the Office of Homeland Security has contracted. We trust you will get the information to your corporate security. That
being said, our Office of Homeland Security would like to get the contact Info for the Bayer corporate security officer. I am
not sure If the contact Is In Morristown or Pittsburgh. The contact Information can be provided to Jim Powers and Steve
Hoffman who are cc'd on this email.

Good to talk to you this morning.


German Assets Targeted by AI-Qaeda

TAM-C analysts have Intercepted continuous Arabic-language threats being made by AQ (AI-Qaeda) members against
Germany and her global assets. AQ terrorlsls seek to punish Germany for the re-election of the Merkel government which
they perceive as pro-Israel and pro-American . Additionally, Germany contributes troops to the NATO effort In Afghanistan.

The threats that have been made against Germany and her assets has been rated as Severe by the Targeted
Actionable Monitoring Center.

[SEVERE (Level 2) - available Intelligence and recent events Indicate that terrorists have an established capability and
current Intent to mount an attack on the target and there Is some additional Information on the nature of the threat. It is
assessed that an attack on the larget Is a priority for the terrorists and likely to be mounted.]
Threats were also made against American targets within Germany, which, in the words of the terrorist communicator,
would "kill two birds with one stone."

Additional targeting guidance was aimed at "Germany's embassies. Germany's agencies. Germany's ambassadors.
German citizens. Germany's economic and geographic features." Targeting statements Included, "I don't know, why Ger-
many would forfeit all of this? Are they stupid??"

U****ANAL YSJS"· u *

TAM-C analysts note that an attack against German-Identified assets within the US would fulfill the goal of killing "two
birds with one stone."

TAM-C analysts believe that an attack against German assets, possibly Including those located In Pennsylvania, Is a
high priority for the International jlhadists.

TAM-C analysts recognize that German corporations are a major source of employment In Pennsylvania. The TAM-C will
continue to monitor any threats made against local German assets-such as Deutsche Bank In Philadelphia, Siemens
Healthcare In Malvern, SAP In Newtown Square, and the German Honorary Consulates In Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.

The TAM-C Alert tlmellne (pending further Information) extends until 31 November 2009.

Bob Anspach I Executive Assistant to the Director

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
2605 Interstate Drive I Harrisburg, PA 17110
Phone: 717.651.27391 Fax: 717.651.2040
/1'1' I. I ·}/I, . 1, I . p" ,II '.

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Hoffman, Steven

Erik M~~~r~!!!!l1
From :
Sent: Tuesday, PM
To: Daniels, Kristin
Cc: Hoffman, Steven; Powers, James
Subject: Re: FW: Jamaat AI Fuqra Terrorist Training Compounds Inside the United States


TIlanks for this. Its on my radar. Personally, I haven't received anything on this group yet. I'm fOlwBrding it over
to our Israel desk to have our Arab-language researchers look into it, and will let you know what we find.


On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at I: 13 PM, Daniels, Kristin <> wrote:


Please see below. Have you received any information on this group?

JU'ls!ln M. Daniels I

PelUlsylvanin Office of l-Iomelnnd Secnrity

2605 Interstate Drive 1Suite 380

HflITisburg, PA 17110-9382

Phone: 717.651.27151 Fax: 717.651.2040

\\' now .IIlIJIll'I nIHI sl'curi t\' ,S' 1\ t(',IIIl,ItS

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may not IISC, copy, disclose or distribllte any ini'ormation contained in Ihis e-mail message. lfyoll have received
this mcssage in crror, immediately noliiy the sender und delctc the message."

From: Stewart, Xavier

Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 t2:47 PM
To: Powers, James; Hoffmall, Steven; Daniels, Kristin
Snbject: Jamaat AI Fuqra Terrorist Training Compounds Inside the United States



Xavier Stewart, PhD, F.ACFE

Colonel, PA National Guard

PEMA Liaison Officer and

Special Assis(antta'The Adjutant General

Oftice Tel. (717) 346-3149

Fax: (717) 346-4449

e-Illai I: C-xslewnriUi1state.pR. us

Mil italY e-mail: Xavier.stewaJ11(

Clllssi fled e-mail: XElvier.stewartUi)

PelUlsylvania Emcrgcncy Managcment Agcncy (PEMA)

2605 Interstate Drive,

HmTisuurg, PA 17110

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Jamaflf Al FIICjra Terrol'ist Training Compolluds fnsicie the United States

I1tt p:llsfcm ac. word press. com/2 00911 0/2 9/j aIllan (-n 1- fug ra -(erl'Ori s( -Ira ini n g- com pounds- illS ide- IIt e-lill i ted -sta tesl

Hello?? FBI? Homeland Security?

24 March 2009: Since 2004, invcslignlors of the Northenst Intelligence Network have been performing all extensivc investigation and
surveillance opera lion of Ihe Rctiviticf; of Jnmnnt til Ftlqra, an Islnmic terrorist gronp that is CIIl'l'('utly nctive and opel'ntioltnl
ncross the US and CnuRtin. The findings of our investigntioll and surveillance operations Me as extensive as Ihey are disturbing.
(hllp:llholllciandsccmilyus,collll'lpagc id= I046)

This ol'gnniznllon of iVluslim terl'orlsts are actively h'nining for ul'lJnn warfare, infiltratillg our gov(,rnment Institutions,
secul'lllg 110,111011' of lIubllc II'IISI, nlld ,'alslllg subslalllial SUIII. of 1Il0lley Ihrough a wide ,'allge of while collm' cl'lUlill"1 ACtivity
alld Islamic chal'llies which is belllg flllllleled 10 le,','ol'lslldllgllill Sheikh Muum'el( All Gllalllill Paidslall, The 1II0lley is used
for tcrJ'Orist opcrations and organizational advanccment. From their us headquarters in nlral Delaware county, New York at the base
of the Catskills where reCl1litmcnt is brisk, espccially from within our prison system, Ihey have also reinforced their operations into
Mexico, Latin America, the Virgin Islands, and elsewhere, Their primary focus, however, remains the US and CAnada, and their
targets nrc both religious and secular in IIRtme, with emphasis on the former. Such targets include Jews and Christians, churches and
syllagogues, alld perhaps IIIOS! illsidiously. our schools alld school childrclI, The laller will be for psychological cffccl.
Melllbers associaled with this ten'orist organizatioll have killed alld will kill alld allack agaill, although their future allacks will be
much more hOlTific,

It is imporlant to point out that thc results of our investigations have been submitted to numerous local, state and federal law
enforcement agencies within the US and Cannda. In fnct, over the last fcw years excerpts from our submilted reports have appeared
verbatim inlnw enforcement bulletins, been the subject ofn number of news reports the media, nnd referenced 011 numerous
Intcntet blogs. Still images copied from video footage surreptitiously secured during our Oil-site surveillance opemtions have hinted
up Oil countless web sites, been included in books, nnd shown on national television.

Despite the submission of evidcnce to allthorities nt the highest of levels, the followers of top Palistalli Sheiid, Mubarek Ali Gilalli. the
lIIall who Wall Street Jounlnl reportcr DAlliel Pearl WAS allegedly on his way to illterview when he was kidllRpped alld beheaded,
continue to operate their conclaves of seditiolls cOllspimcy unfettered by any agency tasked with securing our homeland against
thrents, Nol ollly do Ihey conlillue III Ihell' IIIlsslollS, Ihcy arc elllb,,"ced by cllleless polUldalls alld Allowed parades Ihnt close
Alllel'leAII sh'cels 10 celeb,,"le Mohalllllled 's bh'lhdAY, jollied by e'lllally dlldess revelcl's III all orgy of Illterfalih dlaloglle. One
cftn qucstion Uwhy," although perhaps all answCl' to thc lattcr question could be found by spc[tking to Tnrik Abdelazill1, Executive
Assistallt to Mayo,' MAllhcw Ryan ofBillghalllton, NY,
READ THE REST I-JERE: "tt p :llhomc l a ll d sc cllri t Ylls ,c om l'!p ~25 7 3

Related articles: hllu:llhomdalldsl'curit yus.cuml'lp-= 150 I

hllu:l/g lol)tllpoliticill ll.colnI24422-jlllnaat-uJ-fu qra -crilIlc- tt!l'mr

If you didn't know where to look, you'd probably never find Islamberg, a private Muslim community in the woods of the westcm
Catskills, 150 miles northwest of New York City,
...... islalllberg was founded in 1980 by Sheikh Syed MuiJarik All Shah Gilalli, a PAkislall1 cleric who pUl'chased n 70-ac,'c plot
nnd invited followers, mostly iVluslllll converts living In New York City, to settle there.
Fedel'lll [tuthoritics say Gilani was also one of the founders of lamant al-Fuqra, n tcrrorist orgmtization believed responsible fol' dozens
ofbolllbillgs and murders "cross the U,S, And abroad, The group was linked to the plamullg of the 1993 World Trade Center bombillg,
and 10 years earlier a mcmber was arrested and Inter convicted for bombing a hOlel in Portland, Ore,
Shoe bomber Richard Reid has beelliinked to the grollP, along with convicted D,C, sniper Jolm Allell Muhammad, But it is Sheikh
Gilani who creates the 1110st conlmversy and concem.

GUalll has lold his folloWN'S IhAt "Ziollisll)lollel's" pin II 10 ,'ule

Erik Miller
Direclor of Secllrity Studies
Institute ofTell'orislll Research and Response
P.O. Box 56555
PA 19111

\ VIV II' .

Anspach, Robert (PEMA)

From: French, Robert

Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 11 :23 AM
To: Powers, James
Subject: Re: Presidential visit I 4 Dec 2009


From: Powers, James

To: French, Robert
Sent: Fri Dec 04 11:19:072009
Subject: RE: Presidential visit / 4 Dec 2009
Forgot to mention this. Kevin Miles, Director of Security at Lehigh Carbon Community College, was also
notified since his campus is involved. .


James F. Powers, Jr. 1 Director

Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security
2605 Interstate Drive 1 Suite 380
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9382
Office: 717.651.27151 Fax: 717.651.2040

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From: French, Robert

Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 10:34 AM
To: Powers, James
Subject: Re: Presidential visit / 4 Dec 2009

Thanks. Did PSP get this too?

From: Powers, James

To: Frpnrh

Sent: Fri Dec 0410:12:542009
Subject: FW: Presidential visit /4 Dec 2009
Rob, Tom,

Just in. FYI and situational awareness.

Will keep you informed.

James F, Powers, Jr, I Director
Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security
2605 Interstate Drive I Suite 380
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9382
Office: 717.651.2715 I Fax: 717,651.2040
V~'\V\'{. ho mera ndsecu ritv .sta teo pa. us

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• "_" ____ . ___ _ 0 _ _ 0 _ _ _ _ • _ _ •• _ _ _ _ __ --_. - ~- - -- - - - _ ._ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

From: Mike Perelman [mi3illto:1

Sent: Friday, December 04,
To: Powers, James; Hoffman, Steven; Daniels, Kristin; Anspach, Robert (PEMA)
Cc: Aaron Richman; Erik Miller; Saleh
Subject: Presidential visit / 4 Dec 2009

Director Powers:

Minutes ago, one of our researchers identified plans for groups to target President Obama's visit to the Allentown area.
Because of the timing, I am sending this raw material directly to you without our analysis.

Mike Perelman

Michael Perelman, MS, CPP

Institute of Terrorism Research and Response
PO Box 56555
..iii. PA 19.1..11._
ITRR provides urgent and actionable intelligence to subscribers around the world.

Anspach, Robert (PEMA)

From: French, Robert

Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 20094:54 PM
To: May, Lou Ann .

Robert P. French

Director, PEMA

From: Powers, James

To: Maley, Robert; Brennan, Charles (OA); Wyatt, Naomi; Orth, Brenda; 'Full, Robert A'
<>; 'Atkins, Edward J.' <>
Cc: Flinn, Richard D; Sevison, TImothy; Anspach, Robert (PEMA); French, Robert; Thomas, Jeffrey (PEMA); Hoffman,
Sent: Wed Sep 16 13:52:182009


FYI. As indicators and warnings increase, we'll keep you posted.


James F. Powers, Jr. I Director

Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security
2605 Interstate Drive I Suite 380
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9382
Office: 717.651.2715 I Fax: 717.651.2040

This e-mail, Including attachments, Is Intended for the sole use of the Indlvldual(s) and entity(les) to whom
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herein. If you have received this message In error, immediately notify the sender and delete the message.

From: Mike Perelman [mallto: 1On Behalf Of Mike Perelman

Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 12:10 PM
To: Powers, James




Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: Institute of Terrorism Research and Response

Date: Wed, 16 2009 12:00:07 -0400 (EDT)

Institute of Terrorism Research and Response

16 Sept 2009; 1700


Targeted Actionable Monitoring Center (TAM-C) of the Institute of Terrorism

Research and Response


To provide analysis to subscribers of increasing communications by

adversarial elements with connections to western nations, specifically, the
United States and Europe.

Threat Classification:

MODERATE (Level 3) - available intelligence and recent events indicate

that terrorists have the capability to mount an attack on the target and
that such an attack is within the group's current intent. It is assessed that
an attack is likely to be a priority for the terrorists arid might well be


Arab language researchers of the Targeted Actionable Monitoring Center

(TAM-C) have identified two recent jihadi communications coming from a
subject identifying himself as 'Rakan bin Williams'. The name, Rakan bin
Williams, has been used previously in jihadist communications. Although
the communications was in ArabiC, Williams describes himself as

TAM-C analysts note that the name, Rakan bin Williams, may not be an
individual, but may be a general name used by other American-born
Muslim converts or used by homegrown terror cells.

Background as per Rakan Bin Williams (RBK) from 2005 and re-released

in 2006: Born and raised in Europe to Christian parents but AQ convinced
him of the righteous way of Islam. Understand that the Europeans that
joined the AQ organization have free movement inside Europe and the
USA. Not for one moment do they stop collecting intelligence.

This week RBW has returned to the Jihadist sites, but this time he is
reporting from the USA.

Williams's references to American literature tends to confirm the belief

that he is American. In his communications, Williams states that he is
"thirsty to be a shahid, a soldier of al Qaeda."

The communications indicates the imminent launch of an attack that will

effect the nation's economy.

The communication also indicates that the attack will be against American
electronics. The means of attack suggested by Williams is, in the opinion
of TAM-C analysts, beyond his operational capability.

However, readers are reminded of the Targeted Actionable Monitoring

Center Alert dated 15 September 2009 indicating cyber targeting of the
US infrastructure.

In previous communications, Rakan bin Williams has made a specific

reference to Arizona. However, Arizona was not referenced in this most
recent communication.


TAM-C analysts expect an attack by adversarial computer hackers against

an American asset (or assets) that can have an effect on a large portion
of the population.

Critical infrastructure security personnel and computer support teams

should be on high alert.

TAM-C analysts believe that, if operationally pOSSible, the expected

attacks will occur within the Ramadan period.

Such calls by RBW may result in lone wolf actions against soft targets
that have been referred to in the past in similar communications.

Furthermore, the sudden communications by RBW at this moment, may

be an attempt to call to arms local terror elements as AQ has failed at a
recent assassination attempt in Saudi Arabia and 911 passed without any
activity against Western interests.

The TAM-C has designated a team to continue the analysis of the

intercepted communications and overall behavior and postings of this
name. Relevant clients with assigned TAM -C project managers should
maintain communications with their contacts as required.


Through 30 September 2009

. The Institute of Terrorism Research and Response receives no

government funding.

To meet the increased needs of the clients of the Targeted Actionable

Monitoring Center, effective January 1, 2009 the TAM-C Alert system ·will
become a "subscription only" program. Subscribers to the TAM- C Alert
system will access Alerts through ITRR's Intelligence Management
System . Please contact more information.

Threat and Hazard Monitoring (THM)® A custom service meeting the

needs of each client. With the assistance of our international analysts,
this service identifies specific threats, hazards, vulnerabilities, and assets.
Our team of native language speaking researchers and on-the-ground
resources monitor and forward the information to the client.

For additional information regarding the Center's services or specialized

customized research and analysis programs, contact us at:
Visit Our Website

For additional information, please contact the TAM-C of the Institute of

Terrorism Research and Response at: ~ /'11,, '12.'2..10(;,0

Copyright 2008 Institute of Terrorism Research and Response: This TAM-C Al ert Is
intended only for registered subscribers of the Targeted Actionable Monitoring Center
Alert system. Distribution beyond the registered recipients In any format without the
ex press written consent of the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response is a direct
violation of the i agreement and copyright. F
. r.mllalltio.
to add
recipients, please call or contact ITRR at
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domestic or international operations to terrorism


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Hoffman, Steven

From: Hoffman, Steven

Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 3:06 PM
Cc: Powers, James; Daniels, Kristin; Camillocci, Anthony; Smith, Zachary; 'CHESTER COUNTY
EMA ('; ''; SP-Intelligence; 'Ronald Stanko
('; ''

Ed, Lee, John,

Wejust received the below info from our contracted Intel provider. There is no tlu-eat directly identified
against the AstraZeneca site in Delaware Co. however this group is targeting AstraZeneca worldwide.

AstraZeneca, a biotech firm is a client of Huntingdon Life Sciences . Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) has been targeted by
extremely aggressive Animal Rights activists that have used arson, bombs, and beatings in the past to separate HLS's
clients and vendors from them. The anti-HLS organization is called SHAC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty).

SHAC has declared this week 23-29 November 2009 as ASTRAZENECA GLOBAL WEEK OF ACTION. The company
will likely be targeted for protests, telecommunications disruptions (denial of service attacks)

AstraZeneca's Pennsylvania location is

East Area Center

690 Lee Road , Suite 100
Wayne, PA 19087
+1 800 937 1664

Anspach, Robert (PEMA)
From: French, Robert
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 9:47 PM
To: Pawlowski, Frank E
Subject: Fw: Intelligence Alert: Northeast Anarchist Network Convene in Philly
Attachments: Alert NEAN Phila Assembly.docx


Can you give me a call on this alert tomorrow or Friday?



From: Powers, James

To: '' <> ; ''
<>; French, Robert; Flinn, Richard 0; Sevison, Timothy; Anspach, Robert (PEMA);
Hoffman, Steven; Camillocci, Anthony; '' <Pittsburgh-Intel- .us >; '' < Protective-Security->; '' <>; ''
Cc: Daniels, Kristin
Sent: Wed Dec 16 21:08:11 2009
Subject: Intelligence Alert: Northeast Anarchist Network Convene in Philly

FYI and situational awareness.


James F. Powers, Jr. 1Director

PA Office of Homeland Security
2605 Interstate Drive 1Suite 380
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9382
0 : 717-651-27151 M: 717-307-5335

This e-mail message.includinganyattachments.isintended solely for use by the individual(s) and entity(ies) to whom
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you are hereby notified that you may not use, copy, disclose or distribute any information contained in this e-mail
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From: ITRRTAM-C < >

To: Powers, James
Cc: Erik Miller !IIII~ • • •; Aaron Richman • • • • • • Mike Perelman

Sent: 2009
Subject: Alert from the Targeted Actionable Monitoring Center (TAM-C)
TAM-C 2212A

16 December 2009 1900


TAM-C 2212A

16 December 2009 1900

R-01 B-ll

Alert from the Targeted Actionable Monitoring Center (TAM-C)

Subject: Northeast Anarchist Network meeting in Philadelphia

The Northeast Anarchist Network (NEAN) will be meeting in Philadelphia 19-20 December 2009 . This
regional meeting is expected to bring approximately 20-25 dedicated Anarchist activists into
Philadelphia for the "Philadelphia Assembly."

The number above does not include members of the local Philadelphia Anarchist population.

Areas from which Anarchists will be coming include Pittsburgh, Boston, Syracuse, and Ithaca.

The meeting will take place at the Lancasler Avenue Aulonomous Zone (LAVA) at 4134 Lancaster

Logistical preparations have included the Anarchist organization, Food Not Bombs, providing meals for
the Assembly.

A major portion of the meeting will be dedicated to the issue of how NEAN fits into the greater Anarchist
movement of the United States and the world. It will also include reports from the G20 disorders and
possibly the COP15 disorders in Copenhagen.

TAM-C analysts note that the subject matter indicates a growing assertiveness of Anarchist groups in the
Anspach, Robert (PEMA)
From: Powers, James
. Sent: · Thursday, July 01,20102:46 PM .
To: French, Robert; Burig, Douglas J; Guest, John J; • • •IiI•• '; FBI Intel Community
ListServ (
Cc: · !"linn, Richard D . .
Subject: FW: Draft alert that may affect the governor
Attachments: · Draft alert that may affect the governor

Rob et ali

For Yourlnformation & Situational Awareness. We have not been inf;rmed cif any ;ndications o;violeni protestors fo;
. this event; not surprising; 'however, tliat there would besori,e . . . question would be where 6n the
. scale oi
peaceful-to-violent ttie demonstrations would our FBI contacts may have other
information'. . ' . . .: . . ... . :. .. " .',. . :-:.'
: . . ::,

.: For
·· . . . an~LT OOUg Buri~: Pleasepass to you~ Boston conta~ts.
.' Will keep yo~ 'informed . •....

. . ,' . . .. " ' ",

JAMES F: POW~RS; JR, ', Director

Pennsyivania Offic:e of Homeiand Security
. • 2605 Interstate Drive , Suit~ 380 •. '
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9382 ' . .' . . . . . . .
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