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Hydr ulic g,ne r ng

Man-made lowlands
During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the technical operations possible, like the closure ofthe esturaries in the
and scientific know-how ofdealing with water went through southwestern part ofthe Netherlands.
, .i
The flood protection stru _,. a great development. Many people even had the opinion that
with this new science, hydraulic engineering, water in the
The pumping devices Netherlands could be completely controlled. The develop­ The flood protection structures
ment ofhydraulic engineering was not in isolation. It has to
Mechanical pumping after be seen against the background ofthe progress oftechnique To protect the Netherlands against flooding a wide variety
and science since 1800. ofmeasures has been taken. Hundreds ofkilometres ofdikes
New materials In hydraulic engineering the nineteenth century was also and low embankments have been constructed, maintained
the period ofsteam and steel. This expressed itselfnot only and improved. There are dikes along the sea and the great
Sounding and measuring in the innovation ofpumping, but also in the strong mecha­ rivers, and low embankments along the many inland waters,
nisation of earth excavation and transport. Although many like the collection and transport systems, drainage canals and
Soil mechanics projects, like the Noordzeekanaal, were still carried out by small rivers in Hoog-Nederland. Also the beaches and dunes
thousands ofworkers with classical tools like spades and were protected against further erosion by means ofbeach
Hydraulic laboratory research barrows, during the construction ofthe Nieuwe Merwede groynes. In the vulnerable dunes sand dikes were construc­
and the Nieuwe Waterweg bucket dredgers and suction ted, which were planted with marram.
Tidal computations and coast an dredgers were indispensable. All natural sciences were based
on accurate measurements and observations, and also in The sea dikes
"the construction of closure damt hydraulic engineering the behaviour ofsea c_grrents and In the nineteenth century the systematic approach to dike
rivers was recorded and mapped. design was quite distincc In all manuals and textbooks fairly
In the twentieth century the developments continued. The comprehensive reviews were given ofthe considerations that
mechanisation ofearth excavation and transport was further played a role in determining the cross-section and the method
perfectioned by using small trains with tilt-carts, trucks, ofexecution. Theoretical discourses were ofminor import­
draglines and bulldozers. Also, special digging machines were ance, the designers went by experience.
developed to dig watercourses. For the maintenance of these Clay was strongly recommended as the type of soil to be
watercourses special achines were invented which could used for the dike body. It was transported by carts and
clean up the bank ofa watercourse, and then there came dumped in 35 to 40 centimetre thick layers, crushed and
special mowing boats to remove abundant vegetation from tamped down by horses. This method persisted until well
the aquatic soils. into the twentieth century. Ifinsufficient clay was available,
For the construction ofhydraulic structures it was very im­ sandy soil was an alternative, but it had to be covered by a
portant that new materials were introduced, like steel sheet­ layer ofclay at least one metre thick and as far removed as
piling and concrete. However, the most important develop­ possible from those places in the vertical cross-section profiles
ment was the increase ofknow-how by the increased scien­ that had to withstand the strongest wave attacks. Clay was
tific approach to technique. This progress made complicated preferred mainly because it has a cohesive structure and is

Hydraulic engineering 255

fairly impermeable. Peaty soil is quite unsuitable for dike outer slope was provided by a thick cover of grass, if possible .____ Profile of the dike along the former Zuiderzee in the province of
construction. by laying sods. After two or three years the dikes could be used Overijssel. During the strengthening of this dike in the nineteenth century
All guidelines for determining the dike profile started with for grazing, but only by small stock, such as sheep. Horses the traditional dimensions were
the crest height. Taking into account some extra for wave run and cows would trample the grass cover. maintained. Large-backed
up, the height was 1 to 1.75 metres above the highest known Where the dike was in regular contact with the saline sea bricks of 42 by 42 centimetres

storm surge level. The wave run up was directly connected water at high tide a good grass cover could not develop. So with a thickness of 20 centi­ fore land

with the width of the foreland and the orientation of the dike here another slope protection had to be applied. This was metres protected the dike
overflow in relation to the prevailing wind direction during done with a pitched slope. If there was a danger of a stronger toe at the outside. During a
storm surges. If the latter turned out to be a disadvantageous wave attack, then a pitched slope was preferred to a grass normal high tide, the water D dike body

rubble � pitching

factor, a foreland with a width of 300 to 375 metres was pre­ cover, also for the upper part of the dike. did not reach the dike toe.
ferred, if the wind direction was favourable, 150 to 200 metres A stone facing was built up successively from a bed of straw,
would suffice. For the crest height, therefore, for the various a layer of brick, and 16 to 20 centimetres of rubble with 30 to

parts of the Dutch coast different guidelines were drawn up. 40 centimetres of slope stone, sometimes even more, on top.

Taking subsidence into account for a new or a heightened In Zeeland, Doornik or Vilvoorde stone was used for the slope,
dike an additional height of 10 to 14 percent was applied. in the north of the Netherlands, predominantly basalt from ]' Example of stone slopes.
The recommended crest width was at least three metres and Scandinavia was used. Apart from natural stone, brick could
ifit carried a road it should be five to six metres. Opinions also be applied in places that would not have to endure heavy
varied with regard to the advantages and disadvantages of wave attacks. In Overijssel, the departmental engineer J.E.
roadway paving on the dike crest. The major advantage was Wildeman used specially fired bricks to make slopes in the
that, even if flooded, transpott to and from the area remained period 18u-1813; these were 42 x 42 centimetres in size and
possible; the major disadvantage was that it was difficult to 20 centimetres thick, weighing 61 kg each. This example was

heighten a dike to compensate for settlement. copied later on. Vilvoorde pitching Doornik pitching

The outer slope was 1:3 to 1:5, sometimes even less steep. For places that had to withstand the heaviest attacks, natural
The shape of the surface was somewhat convex, occasionally stone remained the superior material, such as Vilvoorde stone
parabolic, to break the waves adequately. Protection of the on a gentle slope of, for example, 1:6. Later on German basaltic

dike body

fip overlay (clay)

With the help of a
water-weed cutter excessive strawmat and layer of bricks

vegetation is removed from rubble layer

banks of watercourses.
natural stone

basalt pitching

The strengthening of the dikes along the Volkerak in Noord-Brabant

in 1961-1962. After the storm surge of 1953, in anticipation of the completion
of the Delta project, the dikes along the coastal inlets were strengthened.
For these dikes modern techniques were applied. A part of the inner slope was
dug out. Thereafter the dike was heightened with sand from the Volkerak.
This was extracted with suction old dike

dredgers and thereafter it was ----�

transported to the dike via
pressure pipelines. Finally, the
sand was again covered with a new dike ditch old dike ditch

clay layer.

256 Man-made lowlands Hydraulic engineering 257

columns became more common . As far as the specific weight transported hydraulically through pipelines, in the ratio of ground, with possibly a dike situated on it, was dragged in Later on supplementary insp ection of the submarine bank
is concerned the German basalt block was the heaviest stone, about one sand to four water. Between low embankment s this slide and could sink into the depth . was done by divers and by means of underwater photog raphy .
which is still applied as stone facing for slopes. of mine stone - waste products from the coalmines - or clay, The only remedy against these dike slidings was to protect Sporadically soil borings were m ade as well. On the basis of
Also the toe of the dike - this is the transition of the dike the huge dike and dam bodies could be cast and shaped into the submarine banks. This happened by fixing them with very the recorded types of soil, like certain kinds of clay or sand,
slope and the bank - was given certain attention . The dike profile. If there was not enough clay, the waterprooflayer big sunken mattresses. Furthermore it was necessary to do and the quality and strength of these, conclusions could be
was protected here by a toe construction. The objectives were could just as well be applied as a heavy protective layer with regular and intensive bank inpections . In 1879 the Provincial drawn on what could be expected on a certain section of the
to provide support and prevent the stone cover from sliding a thickness of o.5 to 1 metre (or even more) on the sand dam States ofZeeland decided to do this. From the dike to the bank concerning the behaviour of that bank. Also by tempo-
off, and also to prevent undermining of the lower side of the in the form of asphaltic concrete . Furthermore , the th ickness nearest gully the depth was measured once and at the most rary monitoring of the groundwater level in observation
slope. This construction consisted of a closed or an open row of this layer could be adapted to the water pressure and wave threatened banks it was measured twice . Five times a year the wells, which were placed on the inner side of the sea dike,
of poles with a wooden shutter or band. To give a dike toe attacks . The outer slope could also be protected by concrete depth was measured until the further across to the other side engineers attempted to follow certain behaviour of the under-
even more support and to prevent scouring, a sunken mattress blocks - perhaps not beautiful, but in any case practical and of the gully. In this way it was possible to measure whether ground.
loaded with rubble and joining the toe construction was functional. the capacity of the gully had increased. This was done with
used. In the second place, large machinery, such as suction sounding vessels. Initially these were rowing boats, and meas-
When the outer slope was exposed to big wave attacks, an dredgers, bulldozers, purpose-built lorries and cranes could uring was done with the help of sounding leads . L~ter on the The pumping devices
outside berm was developed to break the waves. An outside be employed to do the work. Large asphaltic concrete install - rowing boats were replaced by motor boats. The sounding
berm is a lower situated flat part, which is joined to the dike. ations and mechanical spreading machines could be used to was done by the water-boards and the boats were their prop- A very important development in the Netherlands was the
The inner slope was not steeper than 1:2, otherwise grass apply the protective layers. erty . Later on the depth was measured by echo sounding: a introduction of mechanical pumping . From 1870 this had
could not be planted and maintained. When the inner slopes In the third place, there is the fact that, whereas experience signal was sent to the seabed which was reflected , thus the overtaken the pumping by windmills . The rise of steam
were too steep, these could slide off when the dike was satu- used to be the authority, now scientific support from labora- depth could be determined . To determine the location pumping has been spectacular. Consider ing the large capa-
rated with water during storm surges. To prevent this, a berm tories and testing stations generally give safe direction s for Rijkswaterstaat had placed so-called WAT-stones-WAT means city, it was possible to pump out the water from the collect-
was made to support the slope in some dikes. For instance, design and execution. But however much these circum stances water management. A flag could be placed in these stones .
when the dike was too weak during dike reinforcement have given impetus to the history ofhydraulic technol ogy, By measuring the distance to these stones the location of the
works, the road was moved from the crest to the inner berm. the ties with the past have been preserved in the basics of sounding could be determined. e---- Wind generator of the Orie Dorpen po Ider in the province
This has been done, for example, in Noord-Holland during design and execution.
of Friesland, situated ten kilometres west of Leeuwarden. This large
the strengthening of the dikes along the Zuiderzee afrer the
wind generator was built on a concrete base so that the wind vane
storm disaster of 1916 . Throughout the centuries these dikes Bank protection e---- The wind generators, which were developed in the United could put the sail wheel in the direction of the wind. Here the wind
were built from all kinds of material, among which peat. In The construction of strong sea dikes was no guarant ee for States, were designed to pump groundwater, like here in Texas. generator has to pump up water.
the framework of the opening up of this area for recreation, safety in the province ofZeeland. It occurred several ti mes tha t
recently a cycle track was made on the dike crests. land slides took place, resulting in millions of cubic met res of
In this way the Dutch dike construction had grown into a ground disappearing in the deep gullies. Dikes could b e swept
well-organised and comprehensive system of defence works away with these slidings.
until fresh storm surges shattered the illusion . First it was the The main cause ofbank slides and the related dike slidings
1916 storm surge , which partly induced the Zuiderzee project was that in Zeeland there were very vast and thick layers of
to be executed ; then it was the 1953 storm surge , resulting in a fine sand . These layers consisted of sand with uniform grain
rapid execution of the Delta project . The large-scale strength - sizes and with a large pore volume. Because of this the grains
ening of dikes which followed these storm surges led to new in these layers were relatively loosely packed . There was water
design methods and construction techniques for the sea walls. in the pores between the grains. With only a little shock ,
With respect to this three remarkable aspects are of import - which could be transmitted very fast in such a layer, th e sand
ance. could be significantly moved . Under normal conditions the
In the first place, there is the separation offunctions in the grains would rearrange themselves into a sand mass in whic h
use ofbuilding materials. There was, of course, not enough the grains had more coherence. However, this was not possible
clay available to build the enormous stretches of dikes and while the water in the pores between the sand grains could
dams with their sizeable cross-sections . Sand, on the other not get out quickly enough. The consequence was that th e
hand, was abundant, also from the sea. Soil mechanics had grains started to float, resulting in the disappearance of
proved that it could be an excellent building material because coherence. The sand mass changed into a thick liquid , wh ich
of its internal friction properties. Moreover, sand could be could flow away into the deep gully. In this way the upp er

258 Man-made lowlands

Hydraulic engineering 259
ion and transport systems better. Now also pumping could be which the wheel and the vanes were fixed, via a guiding pipe, Steam -driven engines
applied in regions where there was insufficient wind . Due to beforea bankslide a steel Archimedes screw was driven. A wind generator was In steam pumping three components were important: the
the steam-driven pumping, the Netherlands could be kept suitable to lifr the water about 1.5 metres, but it could only boiler in which the water was heated to steam, the steam
dry during the whole year. In the nineteenth century steam- -----
- ----------------- ...,.,...
NAP -5
pump small areas. A wind generator with a wheel with a dia- engine and the water-lifting device.
driven pumping stations were indispensable for keeping the meter of 5 metres could pump 30 hectares; a wind generator For engines driven by low-pressure steam, the steam was
- ·10
Netherlands habitable. They are also the most important and with a diameter of 12 metres could pump 700 hectargs. generated in closed boilers, which were heated from the
- -15
characteristic Netherlands monuments ofbusiness and tech- In 1854 the wind generator was developed in the United outside. When, during the first decennia of the nineteenth
- -20
nique. Two of these pumping stations were placed on the States for pumping up water. From 1876, when the generator century engines were designed that were driven by high-
- -25
world heritage list of UNESCO . was presented at the world exhibition in Philadelphia, it was pressure steam, a new boiler had to be designed for this
aftera bankslide used everywhere in the American countryside. The generator purpose . This was the so-called Cornwall boiler from 1812.
Windmills and wind generators had to be adapted to make it suitable as a pumping device for This boiler was a cylinder, which could have a length of 10
The greatest developments in windmills took place in the -------------------- --.-NAP
- -5
drainage. For this purpose it was radically improved by a or 12 metres. Within this cylinder a fire pipe was installed,
period before 1800. They had been increasingly made suitable German manufacturer ofDresden and put on the market which heated the water and the steam . This fire pipe was
- -10
for the work of draining the polders and the lake reclamation under the name of Hercules Metallicus. The wind generator located lengthwise through the whole cylinder. At the front
- -15
schemes. Nevertheless, windmills had some disadvantages. was imported into the Netherlands by the trading company of the fire pipe, the heating pipe, a great heat was developed
- -2 0
First of all there was the disadvantage that, due to the distri- R.S. Stokvis & Sons Ltd. in Rotterdam. with the help ofburning coal. The hot gasses, which then
burion of the wind velocity, a windmill could be in operation Later on wind generators were also made in the Nether- developed were spread through the fire pipe, and so this pipe
for only a quarter of the time . Besides, the water storage lands. They were especially applied in the province ofFries- was heated. In this way the water in the cylinder, which came
needed - about 10 percent of the area - used up much of the land. Wind generators have also been built in Groningen, in contact with this pipe , was converted into steam. Between
land of a polder. ~ The sliding away of an underwater sand mass into a gully Noord-Holland and in some places in Zuid-Holland. Afrer the cylinder and the installed brick wall, spaces were lefr free,
In the middle of the nineteenth century a number of in the southwest of the Netherlands. There was water in the large 1945 they were replaced by small electric installations. A the so-called fire corridors. When the hot gasses lefr the fire
improvements were made to the windmills. The wooden pores of fine sand. From only a small shock this sand mass changed smaller version with four wings is still in use at many places pipe at the back they did not directly disappear through the
components , such as axles and vane-arms were replaced by into a thick liquid in which sand grains floated. This thick liquid in polders for local step pumping . chimney . First they were guided via the fire corridors, which
iron ones. This made the construction stronger and more could sink in a gully. Wind energy is being used once more in a number of places, were made at the side of the cylinder, to the front. Next the
hard wearing but the problem of wind velocity remained. however, not to drive a lifting device directly . Now wind tur- hot combustion gasses were led through a fire corridor under
Only in the 1930s, did interest in windmills increase once bines generate electricity for the electric engines of a pumping the cylinder to the back and then disappeared through the
again. On the one hand this was because the familiar sight A.J.Dekker ofLeiden, became best known . The application of station. · chimney. A variation of the Cornwall boiler was the Lanca-
of windmills threatened to disappear from the Dutch land- this type of vane and the use ofball bearings enabled a win d-
scape, on the other hand people had realised how vulnerable mill to start working at a wind force of 4 to 5 m/s.
f, .
the supply of energy was during the First World War. Partly A special kind of windmill was the steel wind tower, whi ch .__ Cross-section of a Cornwall boiler. A fire pipe was installed
under the influence of aerodynamics, which also rece\ ed a lot was introduced in 1900. A big wind generator consisted of a in the steel boiler, which was located lengthwise through the whole
of attention in the Netherlands at the time, tests we~e carried base or substructure of concrete, with a tower with a peak , a boiler. The boiler was heated by coal, which was placed on a grid
out with streamlining vanes. The form of the vane was altered platform and the ladder on it. The wheel was situated at th e at the front of the fire pipe. The very hot smoke gasses were spread
numerous times and was applied in practice to a higher or top of the tower, which was turned to face the wind by usi ng through the fire pipe and then they brushed the outside of the wall
lesser degree. The streamlined vane of windmill designer, wind vanes. By means of a construction of cast iron cogs, on of the built-in boiler. The canals, which were spared in the masonry,
the smoke gas canals, ensured a good guidance of the combustion
gas fiue
gasses. The combustion gasses
fia .,
.__ During the sliding away u Neeltje Jans
finally went via a canal at
of the sand mass in the gully, the bottom of the boiler in
also the upper layers with dikes
............ the direction of the chimney .
on them could disappear into ............
............ The high-pressure steam was
the deep. Every arrow means ............
: ...
guided via a steam-dome, ~eating pipei
: .
an estuary bank and dike slide
: ...........
: which was placed above the
boiler to the engine. gas fiue
along the north coast of Noord- '
Beveland after 1880.

260 Man-made lowlands Hydraulic engineering 261


every stroke the piston was struck heavily. The solution was A second innovation was that the up-and-down movement mitted via balances, the connecting beam was attached to the
found by building an engine with two cylinders of a dissimi- of the piston via a connecting beam and a crankshaft could be end of the balance. In the pumping station near Arkel for the
lar diameter placed above each other. Both narrow pistons in transmitted in a turning movement. Because of this all kind collection and transport system , a vertical engine was built,
the upper cylinder and wider ones in the lower cylinder were of engines could be driven . For the drainage pumping where the transmission to the wheel was made by a connect-
connected to each other via a rod, and in this way they formed stations this meant that it was possible to connect paddle- ing beam and a crank, which were attached to the balance.
an entirety. Fresh high-pressure steam was admitted to the wheels or open Archimedes screws to the turning wheel. In The third improvement was the development ofhorizontal
small cylinder - the high-pressure cylinder - and expanded the vertical steam engines, where the movement was trans- steam engines; the first of them was built in England in 1826.
partly in this. In this way the double piston was pushed down .
Then the steam, which then had a much lower pressure, went
through a bypass pipe to the lower cylinder - the low-pressure L.J.Bouwens, the
cylinder - and further expanded there. Eeach of the expansions first stoker of the pumping
caused less shocks . An engine with double expansion was station in Halfweg, pictured
called a compound-engine. in his Sunday suit in front
of two Lancashire boilers on
A school image of a steam-driven pumping station in the the occasion of his forty years
Haarlemmermeer. On the image the polder canal to the pumping Repair of the paddles of the paddle wheel of the steam- jubilee in 1907.
station is shown. The polder water could flow into suction pipes driven pumping station in Spaarndam. The paddle wheels of
through the openings at the bottom of the pumping station. steam -driven pumping stations are much larger and wider than
Furthermore , the balances and the chains to the piston rods are the ones of windmills. They are made of iron, with the exception
shown. The reservoir into which the. polder water was pumped can of the wooden paddles. In the unlikely event that a big branch or
also be seen. Via a wide gutter, under a bridge, the water could beam would enter into the paddle wheel, the paddle wheel was
flow from the reservoir into the ring canal - a part of the collection not damaged, although wooden paddles would break. These could
and transport system of Rijnfand. easily be repaired, by attaching new wooden boards.

shire boiler invented in 1844. Instead of a large one, two smaller

fire pipes were installed. The steam, which was developed in
the cylinders, was caught in a steam-dome, which was placed
above the cylinders, and from here it was led to the engine.
At the large steam-driven pumping stations often several
cylinders were placed next to each other. They were situated
in a separate fire room aside of the engine room. This was
done to prevent contamination of the steam engines. The
chimney was generally placed in line with this fire room.
Since the vibration of the engines could damage the masonry
of the chimney, it was built free from the rest of the building.
The first steam engines were vertical engines. The piston
was driven by the steam, which in turn put pressure from
below and from the top on the piston and started it moving .
When a piston went up and down once this was called a
stroke. In Cornwall, in the first decennia of the eighteenth
century, engines were developed which were driven with
high-pressure steam . This expanded in the cylinders and
executed an extra driving power on the piston. The pistons
in such engines could be less heavy. The disadvantage of an
engine with high-pressure steam supply was that during

262 Man-made lowlands Hydraulic engineering 263

outside outside
water had to be lifted 4.5 metres . After that time suction Principle of the double- water water
piston guiding support crankshaft pumps were no longer used for pumping .
active suck-forcing pumps of Fijnje.
1 crosshead Besides suction pumps, the classical lifting devices of the
windmill, ie the paddle-wheel and the open Archimedes
During the upward movement water inside water inside

of the piston , the valves a and c
screw were used in the steam-driven pumping stations . Now closed. Via valve o water entered,

c -
these could be made much larger and wider. The paddle- via valve A water was pushed
wheels were made ofiron and wood . Paddles of wooden

outside. During the downward pi ston

boards were attached to an iron construction . If a big branch movement of the piston the
came into the paddle-wheel, the wheel did not distort working was in the opposite '-----
D _,. --------"• ,--p-
Drawing of a horizontal steam engine with a connecting because the wooden boards broke and they could be easily direction.
beam and a crankshaft. Through the connecting beam and crank, replaced . The open Archimedes screws in the first steam-
the up-and-down movement of the piston rod could be transferred driven pumping stations were wooden ones. The disadvantage
into a turning movement. was that both the paddle-wheels and the open Archimedes above the water level of the outside water. This meant that the pressure pipe had to be closed with a gate when the pump
screws had limited lifting height. those water levels might not fluctuate too much . For pump- was not in use, because otherwise the water could flow via the
For the suction pump as well as for the paddle-wheel and ing stations discharging water into the great rivers or into pump into the polder. Later on the air in the pumping house
With this design first a solution had to be found for the fact the open Archimedes screw, lifted water had to be released outside water where there was much difference between low was sucked away with a vacuum pump . From then on, it was
that the lower parts of the pistons would wear out too much. and high tide, other lifting devices had to be looked for. possible to place the pump higher, even above the flood
A plus point was that the connecting beam could be directly Around 1840 H.F . Fijnje, chief engineer ofRijkswaterstaat protection structure . So the flood protection structure could
connected to the piston rod of the steam engine. Another With a balance steam engine the piston in the steam thought to have found a solution in the development of the remain intact.
advantage was that horizontal engines were less heavy than engine was connected via chains and a balance with the piston double-active suck-forcing pump . This pump sucked water A centrifugal pump was suitable for lifting water by more
the vertical engines. Therefore, the buildings did not have to pump. When the steam pushed down the piston in the steam from the polder and then pressed it into the outside water. than 3.5 metres and so it was frequently used for the pump-
be so solidly constructed and that was convenient because of cylinder, the piston rod went up with closed valves in the suction The suck-forcing pump was installed below the level of the ing deep lakes dry . In addition it was a suck-forcing pump,
the soft soils of the Netherlands polderland. It was proof of pipe. When the piston pump reached its highest position, it dropped inner water and of the outside water. The suck-forcing through which the lifted water could be pressed into outside
innovative thinking of the Netherlands hydraulic engineers down due to the forces of gravity. The whole cycle was called a pump was applied for the first time in the polders of Alp hen, water. In this way inner water could be pumped away into the
that these horizontal engines were already applied in 1835 in stroke. The balance steam engines in the pumping stations that Dreumel and Wamel in the western part of the Land van Maas outside water with strongly changing water levels. Since there
the pumping station of the Zuidplas. pumped dry the Haarlemmermeer made seven to eight strokes en Waal. Fijnje' s invention was considered to be very success-
Around 1850 the development of the steam engine was per minute. ful by his contemporaries. For this he was decorated by King
completed . Later on several improvements were made by Willem II with the Order of the Dutch Lion. Cross-section of a centrifugal pump . In the pumping
using better material, resulting in less loss of energy . downward movement The suck-forcing pump has only been applied in some house (also known as 'pump shell' because of its shape), an
One of the oldest water-lifting devices being applied in places . The weak point was that the valves and the piston impeller turned around. By the high revolution velocity along the
steam pumping was the suction pump. In this device d ie were very sensitive to contamination, like small branches and contour a higher pressure developed, so that water was pressed
pump piston lifts water via the suction pipe. This water 'was grass . Because of this the engine stagnated frequently. Also via a pressure pipe out of the pump. At the shaft of the pump the
pushed over the top of the pipe into a bowl from which ·it / the efficiency was not that good. under pressure took care of the suction of water via the suction
pump valve
could stream to the outside water. During the lifting of the The solution for the pumping in the Netherlands was the pipe. Before the pump started to work, the pump and suction pipe
suction pump, the valves at the under side of the suction pipe
were opened and the water could be sucked in. As soon as the
piston pump was at its highest point the valves closed. Then
! i
foot valve
introduction of the centrifugal pump . The operation was as
follows. In the pumping house (also known as pump shell
because of its shape), an impeller or paddle-wheel turned
had to be filled with water. This was done by sucking the pump
vacuum, so that by the air pressure polder water filled the pipe.

the pipe was completely filled with water. The piston pump around . Due to the high rotational speed, a higher pressure
steam cilinder water level
consisted of two valves. While descending these valves opened reservoir co llection and along the contour developed by which the water was pressed spira l case

so that the piston could sink in the water of the suction pipe. transport syst , backpressure
via a pipe, the pressure pipe, out of the pump. At the pump va lve pressure pipe +--
While ascending the valves closed again. In the eighteenth shaft the diastolic pressure took care of the sucking of the
and the beginning of the nineteenth century suction pumps ._
pipe V t---
polder water
-- water via the suction pipe.
were applied in vertical steam engines with balances. They
_}_J ~ pumping The first centrifugal pumps were placed closely above the
were not very successful. In the nineteenth century the Haar- water to keep the suction pipe as short as possible. This was
lemmermeer had been pumped dry with the help of suction done because an empty pump could not suck water. By filling
suction pump
pumps. The choice was made for these pumps because the it with water that problem could be solved. In the beginning,

264 Man-made lowlands Hydraulic engineering 265

In the foundry of
levels could rise fast in the case of heavy rainfall. Therefore , driven engine, not easily set in operation . Moreover, the engine
Werkspoor in Amsterdam a
a first requirement was the quick availability of pumping had to be installed upon a heavy foundation.
pumping shell for a centri-
capacity. Suction gas engines were only used on a limited scale,
because at that same time the diesel and electric engines were
fugal pump of cast iron is
Suction gas engine put on the market . Most of the suction gas engines remained
being made. The beginning
of the pressure pipe has been
In the beginning of the twentieth century, on a limited in operation until about 1950 .
attached to this pumping
scale, pumping was done using a suction gas engine as an
energy source. This internal-combustion engine was a four- Diesel engine
stroke engine and can be compared with the present-day After Germany had developed a practicable diesel engine
petrol engine in a car. With the first stroke (suction stroke) in 1897, such an engine was installed in a pumping station
the piston moved backwards and sucked the combustible gas in the Netherlands in 1904. A diesel engine was an internal
into the cylinder. At the second stroke the piston moved combustion engine, in which hot air was sucked into the
forwards again and compressed the combustible gas. This cylinder and next was pressed together by the piston. In this
combustible gas ignated with the help of an electrical spark. way the air could reach a temperature of 600 °C. Diesel oil was
In this way the piston moved backwards with power. The spouted into this hot compressed air reaching combustion
centrifugal pump was driven by this working stroke . At the and causing the piston to move backwards with power.
fourth stroke the piston moved forwards again and the used The output of diesel engines was high in comparison to
gas mixture was pushed out of the cylinder. Next the first othe r driving mechanisms and they could withstand a certain
stroke followed again (the suction stroke). degree of too fast and too slow rotation. They could be ready
The gas for the engine was made in a generator. This was for operation within a reasonable period of time, but a dis-
a shaft furnace filled with glowing anthracite . Above the advantage was the fact that the pumping station needed extra
anthracite a circular reservoir filled with hot water was placed. heavy foundations because of the internal combustion engine.
was a rather large space between the impeller and the outside Mechanical pumping after 1900 During the suction stroke of the gas engine air was sucked Moreover, the oil storage tanks took up too much space.
wall, the pump was less sensitive for contamination. From across the surface of the water and in this way became satu- The diesel engines still fulfill an important role in keeping
1860 almost all new steam-driven pumping stations were pro- Driving mechanisms rated with vapour . This air was then sucked through the the Netherlands dry. The most recent IJsselmeerpolder
At the end of the nineteenth century new driving mecha- anthracite . In this way a gas was produced by incomplete - Zuidelijk Flevoland- has been pumped dry by diesel pump-
vided with centrifugal pumps.
Although the principle of the centrifugal pump dated from nisms for mechanical pumping became available, like the combustion, containing : 18 percent hydrogen, o.6 percent ing . Some large polders used so-called double pumping. In
the seventeenth century it was really developed only in the suction gas, diesel and electric engines. However, the role of methane, 25 percent carbon monoxide, 6 percent carbon addition to diesel pumping, double-pumped polders were
middle of the nineteenth century. In 1851, at the first World steam was not yet completely over. In 1917 the steam-driv en dioxide and 50 percent nitrogen. Next this gas was cleaned also kept dry by electrical pumping. Reason for this was that
Exhibition in London, five centrifugal pumps were presented. pumping station for the collection and transport system of in a scrubber. This consisted of a cylinder of sheet iron in when one means of pumping failed the other could still be
Three of them were from Appold, produced by Easton, Amos Friesland near Lemmer was built. This has now been placed which there was a thick layer of coke on a grid. The coke was used.
& Sons, that had obtained the highest efficiencie s during on the world heritage list of UNESCO. In 1926 the last steam- sprinkled with fine jets of water. This seeped through the
several tests . The representative of the Easton company in the driven pumping station was built near Appeltern . This whole layer and departed the scrubber at the bottom . The Electric engine
Netherlands succeeded in persuading the executors of a small pumping station had to pump part of the Land van Maas en cleaned gas was sucked into the gas kettle, and from there to At the same time as the suction gas engine and the diesel
lake reclamation, the Holendrechter- and Bullewijkerpolder Waal and the Rijk van Nijmegen. the cylinder of the gas engine. Because the whole process was engine appeared, there also was the rise of the electric engine
near Amsterdam, to do this work with the help of a centrifugal When there was more choice in driving mechanisms, th e initiated by the sucking power of the engine during the as a driving mechanism . An electric engine was a spool
pump . In 1864 the same representative succeeded in persua- disadvantages of steam-driven pumping stations became sucking stroke, the gas made in the generator was called wrapped in copper wire within a magnet, which was turned
ding the minister of Water Management of the usefulness increasingly clear. Their construction was costly, also because suction gas. by the supply of electrical energy . This turning movement
of these pumps for the reclamation of the Prins Alexander- of the cylinder, the house for the cylinder, the chimney, and Advantages of this kind of engine were the rather low fuel could easily be transmitted and in this way could turn an
polder. Although the executing engineer J.A. Beijerinck did the foundation of the whole building . Furthermore, it too k consumption and the easy operation. Besides, a chimney was impeller of a centrifugal pump.
not like this novelty, he nevertheless had to accept from the quite some time to make the engine ready for running. not required . Because of the functioning, during which also a In the Netherlands, electric pumping was applied for the
ministry that two of the three lower pumping stations of the Therefore, for the building of the pumping station that lot of dirt was created, the installation to generate the suction first time in a large number of small polders in Noord-
Alexander polder were equipped with centrifugal pumps. would have to pump the collection and transport system of gas would have to be placed in a separate room. The install- Brabant. By digging the Bergse Maas, the discharge situation
The rapid introduction of these pumps in the Netherlands Delfland, the choice was consciously made for a diesel engi ne. ation needed much less space than the boilers of a steam of a number of polders deteriorated . It became impossible to
was also thanks to the involvement of private persons in This collection and transport system was very small compa red engine, so the fire room could be much smaller. But the discharge all the surplus water via a sluice only. According to
to the surface of the area that discharged on it, and the wat er engine was expensive in maintenance and , just like the steam- the water management legislation this deterioration had to
international developments.

Hydraulic engineering 267

266 Man-made lowlands
be compensated by supplementary measures of the central delivered from a private power plant . The dynamos were An electrical pumping
government. For this electrical pumping was chosen . The idea started by steam engines . The power was transported to the station with a centrifugal
came from some engineers but it was not yet applied any- small pumping stations via overhead wires . pump. An electric engine,
where . Before the system was tested in 1902, the Memel delta The advantages of electrical pumping are numerous. The via a belt transmission, drove
in German East Prussia - nowadays on the border of the supply of energy was very easy. Also at places where it was no t a centrifugal pump.
Russian enclave Kaliningrad and Lithuania - was pumped by possible to supply coal or oil, an electrical pumping station
electric engines . could be built . These small pumping stations could be hous ed
In Brabant a pump with electric engine was placed in every in small buildings with less sturdy foundations. They were
polder at every discharge sluice. Every pump was provided easy in operation as well. Switching only one button was
with a float. When the inner water rose the float was pushed sufficient to tum on the engine . A disadvantage of an electric
up. When a certain height of the water was reached, a button engine was that the number of rotations could hardly be
was switched by the float and electricity was automatically regulated.
supplied to the engine, so that the engine started to drive the The dependence on the power network was both advan-
lifting device. When the float had reached a certain level to tageous and disadvantageous. The power plant could use
stop, the supply of electrical energy was switched off While several kinds offuel and therefore it was less dependent on
the countryside ofNoord-Brabant was not yet connected to price fluctuations. Especially in the initial period, pumping
a power plant around 1900, the energy for the pumps was stations were not permitted to be in use during peak hours ,

A suction gas generator. ,Blowing a mixture of water to prevent the power network from being overloaded . Now- paddle-wheels were made of steel. This made it possible to
vapour and air over glowing anthracite or cokes made suction adays pumping especially takes place during weekends and change the form of the paddles in such a way that more water
gas. The gas contains 18 percent hydrogen, 25 percent carbon night hours, in this way use can be made of a cheap tariff could be pumped out . The connection of a paddle-wheel with
monoxide, G percent carbon dioxide, 50 percent nitrogen and However, the greatest advantage was that the pumping a limited number of rotations per minute to a modem engine
one percent other gases. The water vapour and the suction gas stations could be operated automatically. Since the 1950s the was too inefficient. With the introduction of the new engines
were developed in a pipe network and they were sucked by the small polder pumping stations were increasingly automated. the role of the paddle-wheel was therefore over.
engine (this is where the name comes from), which had to drive This meant that a pressure gauge and a switch were installed . In the beginning, the manufacture of steel open Archimedes
the suction gas. A suction gas generator consisted of Since 1980 pumping stations have been connected via a
the generator itself, a scrubber and a gas container. modem with a control panel in a central bureau , to which the
A scrubber was a cylinder of plate steel in which registration of the water level, the number of pumping hours , A screw pump. In a screw pump water is pumped up
there was a thick layer of cokes on a grid. This and the working situation are transferred . Nowadays it is also by a fast turning, horizontal rotor. The shaft of the impeller is
was sprayed from the top with fine water jets possible to observe whether there is a burglary, or if there is parallel with the lifting pipe. The paddles of the rotor are bent
and thoroughly soaked. The gas was sucked air an engine or pump failure. When the control post is not in two directions. Besides a turning motion they also give the
from underneath through the scrubber and so it manned, the signal goes via a pager or the telephone to the water a motion in the direction of the turning shaft of the rotor.
was cleaned before it went to the gas container.
j to engin e
guard on duty .
Automated water quantity management means that only
In the screw pump, as shown here, the rotor is located in the
water; therefore it is not necessary to have a vacuum.

a few people are occupied with the water level. Until about
1900, at least one person per pumping station was required
to take care for the engines and tools ; in the course of the
gas container twentieth century this number decreased to one person for
a number of pumping stations. Nowadays only a few people
L .J have to guard the automated system and some others manage
the pumping stations and the repair of failures. backpressure

Lifting devices
The paddle-wheel, the open Archimedes screw and the
centrifugal pump were modified in the course of time. The

268 Man-made lowlands Hydraulic engineering 269

screws was a failure. During the reclamation of the Prins tion. The screw pump was tube-shaped and had a fast turn ing UIDUK IIYEllillA■ S
Alexander polder the pumping station was provided with rotor impeller. The paddles at the rotor were bent in two I.ll ad 1;3_
open Archimedes screws made of riveted steel plate . Because directions . Besides giving the water a turning motion, they
it was not possible to estimate the forces of the water very also moved the water in the direction of the turning shaft of
well at the open Archimedes screw, and the rivet connection the rotor. The paddles could be made adjustable, so that the l'll
appeared not to be able to cope with that, there were quite pump could be adapted to the changing lifting heights . Screw
some problems . Only when the screw blades could be welded pumps could be applied with a horizontal as well with a
to the shaft, did the steel open Archimedes screw become a vertical or a sloping shaft. In the vertical position they were
very applicable pumping tool, like in the modern pumping always placed under the lowest water level, and provided wit h
stations. The disadvantage of these open Archimedes screws a gate to close the suction pipe when there was no pumping .
was the great leaking losses of the screws when the inner These pumps functioned best at lifting heights of 3.5 metre s.
water level is very high. During the heavy rainfall period of At present the drained lakes, especially in Friesland , are sti ll
September 1998 the efficiency of the pumping stations in pumped with screw pumps. Also a number of American win d
Zeeland was very low. Then the replacement of the open generators were equipped with small screw pumps. The sma ll
Archimedes screws by pumps was taken into consideration . windmills for step pumping that still exist in the polders are
The centrifugal pump was also improved several times . In in many cases, provided with small screw pumps.
the beginning cast iron was used as material for the pump
$elrn-,I I a .:.?100
shell, while the impeller was made ofbronze , cast iron or cast l ==t= - -
steel. Later on steel was used, while nowadays synthetic mate- New materials or,1@J>(lmCU en '" Mntl 3cbr~.11 iu !rd r~,-J/:lJ(j
rials are being applied. A renew <\l was also that centrifugal JJc l>ljkrtm<'M~r

pumps were developed having the pump shaft vertically, in For centuries hydraulic engineering meant building with
this case the engine was horizontal. This pump has been bricks, wood, sand and clay. In the nineteenth and twentieth Not only Rijkswaterstaat made very accurate maps.
applied for the electrical pumping of the polders near the centuries new materials came into use, under which iron , Also some water-boards made very exact maps of the works that developed into a complicated construction, reinforced con-
newly dug Bergse Maas. steel, new kinds of cement, reinforced concrete and syntheti c belonged to their management tasks. For example, the Principal crete created the possibility to go back to the simplicity of a
In 1915 the first screw pumps were installed in the Nether- materials. Their introduction influenced the design and water -board of the Lekdijk Bovendams had a series of dike maps monolithic construction. In this respect the building of the
lands. Mostly they were used in combination with electric construction of hydraulic structures . An example was the prepared showing, among other th ings, the inundation sluice near Noordersluis in IJmuiden in the twenties was a highlight.
engines, but they could also be applied with a diesel engine. application of steel sheet piles . These piles were used for the Fort Honswijk. · Reinforced concrete offered, and still offers, a large extent of
Like the centrifugal pump, the screw pump worked by rota - installation of sheet piling to protect building pits against freedom in design, because it can be effectively adjusted to
function demands, arising forces and material tensions . The
underflow and side underflow . At the same time they also concrete technique made progress . After the Second World
De Mura/t walls, made it possible to use so-called deep -well pumps for War prestressed concrete was introduced. The triangular
named after the engineer Oijkverhooging van gewapend baton, drainage by wells. constructions in the Haringvliet sluices were a very pro-
systeem de Muralt"
of the Water-board of Few building materials have had such a big influence on gressive application of prestressed concrete .
Schouwen were made of the design ofhydraulic structures as reinforced concrete. In Also during the Delta project many new materials were
reinforced concrete. They the beginning of the twentieth century this new building developed and used. The bottom protection constructions ,
were meant to prevent waves technique developed very fast. Initially only culverts, quay in which also synthetic materials were applied, were a good
from overtopping the dikes walls and some loose parts ofhydraulic structures were made and cheap alternative for the traditional willow sunken matt-
and not to stop overflow of of reinforced concrete. The so-called De Muralt walls, named resses.
water over the crest. after the engineer of the Water-board ofSchouwen, R. de
Muralt, are well known. These walls - which are still present
at several places in Zeeland - were meant to prevent that Sounding and measuring
waves would overtop the dikes and were an alternative to the
heightening of dikes . Land surveying and sounding is traditionally very import-
The application of reinforced concrete changed sluice ant in the hydraulic engineering world. From the nineteenth
building. Whereas the sluice of masonry on a wooden foun- century this was done on a larger scale and more systemati-
dation and with natural stone recesses and grooves had cally. The standardisation had a relation to the creation of the

270 Man-made lowlands Hydraulic engineering 271

Simple concrete culvert lenght section The groundwater fevel was ring main pumping to open water

sluice. To prevent cracks from lowered by wells. This stopped the original groundwater level
developing due to the shrinking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H .W.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - upward pressure in a building pit.

of concrete, the sluice gallery was The wells consisted of long pipes that

made in pieces of eighteen or were perforated at the lower side. The

twenty metres. The joints between lower side was provided with a casing lower groundwater level

these pieces were weak points in of filter sand and provided with filter-

the construction because they gauze. The pipes were connected to a draft tube.---.+
I sheet piling sheet piling
single well point system
sheet piling reinforced concrete piles suction pipe at the top. A piston pump delivery head max. about 7 m
had to be sand and waterproof
if they were not, leakage could lowered the pressure and, due to this,
the groundwater was sucked up by as filter
also take sandy soil from the dike top view Detail filter
body, resulting in holes in the dike. much as seven metres and pressed
sheet piling against side
underflow away into the outside water. When the I
Also, because of such problems,
protection screens are still always
gate groove
building pit was deeper, well pumping in -----------
stages was applied. Another possibility
placed at the position of the I
movable water-retaining structures, was to apply deep-well pumping. A suck- I
and at inflow and outflow openings wooden plan of piles forcing pump was then installed at the I
to prevent side underflow and lower side of the pipe. The head was very I
underflow. These water-retaining
structures were mostly made of a
high in this case and it was determined
by the pressure height.
hard type of wood.

detail A hoisting chain

well point system with borehole I
pumps delivery head very large,
being determined by pump only I
width varies from 400 tot 460 mm I
height varies from 100 tot 460 mm
meeting rail
against leakage I
filter I
-----------. ' --

pile foundation
under the walls of ------------,--
sluice chamber

b b

fir, 2
The introduction of steel partition profiles made it possible
width varies from 430 (A) to 360/400 (B) mm
to make sheetpile walls, by which building pits could be protected height varies from 160/180 (A) to 200/320 mm (B)
from penetrating water.

272 Man-made lowlands Hydraulic engineering 273

start was made with the making of the water management as well as to give practical advice. Since then the knowledge they waited to see which way the wind blew. Some experi-
map of the Netherlands. This map showed surface levels of of the behaviour and the properties of soil has been available. ments were carried out with scale models and in 1919 a com-
areas, low embankments and dikes, the average, highest and For hydraulic engineering and also for road construction mission investigated the possibilities to found a hydraulic
lowest water levels of the sea and the rivers, and data abour these insights were offar-reaching importance. laboratory here, but the top engineers of that time did not see
drainage and on hydraulic structures . In 1875 a start was
much in that novelty. The result was that in the beginning of
made with the first exact levels observation campaign. The
hydraulic research, one was dependent on the German labo-
results of this campaign for the whole Netherlands were Hydraulic laboratory research ratories.
indicated with the NormaalAmsterdams Peil (NAP).
During the design of the weir near Borgharen in the frame-
In the course of time the need for a greater accuracy in- To prevent surprises and failures, it was important to be work of the canalisation of the Maas, and during the con-
creased. The development of more advanced measuring able to estimate adequately the consequences and risks during struction of the sluice in IJmuiden positive results were
equipment went together with the calling in of specialists. the execution ofhydraulic engineering works . The necessity achieved . The latter case was an experiment to fill the lock
In 1921 W. Schermerhorn, especially known as the prime increased as hydraulic engineering interventions and chamber in a short time according to a new system . With this
minister after the Second World War, founded the Geodetic hydraulic structures became larger. With the help of scale system it turned out to be possible to have considerable
Office. Ten years later this institute was assimilated as Survey models, certain conditions and situations can be simulated savings on the total construction costs of the Noordersluis.
Service in the organisation ofRijkswaterstaat . This institute in hydraulic laboratories . Thanks to these successes the hydraulic model research won
took over quite some of the abovementioned measuring tasks During the nineteenth century hydraulic laboratory the day. In 1927 the Delft Hydraulics Laboratory- now called
and played an important role in the introduction and develop- research was already done outside the Netherlands on a small WL Delft Hydraulics - was founded. This type of research very
ment of modern measurement methods, such as aerial photo- scale. Only in the beginning of the twentieth century did this soon turned out to be indispensable, for example, during the
graphic mapping. type of scientific research become more significant. It devel- design of sluices with a great lift, and the Zuiderzee project.
oped especially in Germany . Initially, in the Netherlands, During the construction of the Enclosing Dam it was not

Soil mechanics
There is also research
Until the twentieth century the knowledge of several issues being done by small tests in
that determine the costs of structures and the reliability of practice. The Haringvliet
constructions was marginal, like earth pressure, underflow sluices have to keep the saline
and side underflow, and stability of earth bodies. In the seawater out of the Haring-
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (1853-1928), physician and Netherlands, and in particular in regions with a soft soil, th at vliet. Because of the social
Nobel prize winner, was appointed by Lely to scientifically knowledge was very important. With experience, intuition desire to admit tidal motion
investigate the consequences of the closure of the Zuiderzee. and rules of thumb it was possible to solve much, but in prac- in the Haringvliet again,
tice it was preferred to play safe. The builders made calcu- some saline seawater was let
lations with ample safety margins and they made their con- into the Haringvliet in 1997
unitary state. It is for good reason that Rijkswaterstaat is ex- structions heavier than was actually necessary. Nevertheless , by way of a test.
plicitly charged with the data collection for the knowledge problems in hydraulic engineering could not always be
on the water management situation in the country, and with prevented, for instance in the form of settlement and slidin g.
respect to the road and water traffic. Shortly after its founding In the nineteenth century the technique of soil drilling
in 1798, the General Service was charged to do this. The improved, resulting in an improved reliability of soil analyses.
making of staff gauge and river sounding registers, discharge Thanks to steam power and new pneumatic techniques it was
measurement, and registration of water levels belonged to th e possible to ram deeper, more powerfully and faster. Insight in
tasks. In 1829 King Willem r decided have general river maps soil pressure, the background of settlement, and the bearin g
made, on which not only the situation of the rivers, but also, capacity of the soil only came in the 1920s. Then the Germa n
among other things, banks, dikes, river forelands and struc- K. von Terzaghi laid the basis for modern soil mechanics. In
tures were shown in detail. The making of these maps went the Netherlands his methods and theories were rapidly accep-
together with the introduction of new uniform staff gauges ted . In 1934 the Delft Geotechnics Laboratory was founded
with the Amsterdams Peil (AP)as zero reference . These maps - now called GeoDelft . Its objective was to do systematic
formed the basis for the river improvement works. In 1864 a research, to collect field data with respect to soil mechanics ,

274 Man-made lowlands

Hydraulic engineering 275
only possible to rely on this research to a large extent, but a Tidal computations and coast and sea research The construction of closure dams for the closing off
fiasco could also be prevented. of gullies
Especially after 1945 the initially still rather primitive In the beginning there was not much known about the
research developed very fast. In Delft and in the outside consequences of the closure of the Zuiderzee . To determine In the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries people were
laboratory ofDe Voorst (Noordoostpolder), for example, the effects on currents, the tide, and water levels during stor m capable of closing increasingly wider gullies . With respect to
enormous scale models of the delta area were made to surges Lely set up a state commission under the leadership of this a technical solution had to be found for the follow ing
examine the best method of closure of the estuaries and its the famous physician and Nobel prize winner H.A. Lorentz . problems . During the closing of a gully, the current velocity
consequences. This commission were given the emphatic task to do a scientific increased enormously in the part not yet closed . The tidal
study on these phenomena . By means of tidal calculations the movement could easily wash away the material that was
commission tried to get this insight . Before they could really dumped in the gap . A solution for this was to close the gap Water flowed from both sides in such a way that, at the
Scheme of a closure from both banks during which start, first enough data had to be collected in the field of tida l by applying horizontal layers built up from the bottom . tidal divide, the current came to a halt and the water level rose.
- while the current velocity increased - the layers one to five fluctuations, currents, and wind set-up . Furthermore the However , when this was halfway, the current velocity could
were dumped in sequence. In the past the last remaining gap, commission would have to get a better picture of the normal become so fast, that the newly supplied material was taken
like during construction of the dam through the Sloe in 1871, tidal movement and the changes in it due to the closure . That away with the water. also the problem of the subsoil consisting of very vast and
was closed by sinking sunken mattresses . For the flow control was only possible by visualising the complicated gully pattern In the coastal area of the isles in Zeeland and Zuid-Holland thick layers of fine sand in the area with bank slides . In this
dam in the Amsteldiep and the boulder clay dam on which the as a schematic system of canals . Next the effect of the closure the tidal waves flow around the isles and they meet each other way shallow slides could also occur, due to this a whole sand-
Enclosing Dam was built, the last gaps could be closed, because could be investigated with the mathematical model , and at a certain moment . This point is called tidal divide . The bank could disappearing into a gully. In these shallows it was
tough boulder clay was used, and a lot material could be supplied water levels during storm surges could be calculated . These tides are only noticeable from the low tide and high tide not possible to construct closure dams in the traditional way.
with by using floating cranes and other vessels. For the closing outcomes played an important role in the final choice for th e water levels. So, only a vertical water movement can be ob- In spite of all technical achievements the closure of gullies
of the last gaps in the breach holes ,of Walcheren from 1944, and location of the Enclosing Dam and in the decision making on served and very little horizontal flow. When a coastal inlet is remained a precarious activity. The current undermined the
of the breach holes elsewhere in Zeeland after the storm surge the method and approach of the closure activities. dammed and the other one remains open , a totally different constructions, and these in turn could partly collapse and
disaster of 1953, caissons were used. Caissons have also been used In later years the calculation model ofLorentz was improve d pattern of tidal currents develops in the estuaries. Due to this, slide offby their own weight .
for the closing of some coastal inlets during the implementation and adjusted to the conditions . It was, for example, not pos- banks and dikes can be undermined. However, a tidal divide
of the Delta project. During the closure with horizontal layers, sible to apply it directly to the delta area due to the combi- area is especially suitable for constructing a dam, because The traditional closing off techniques
the fastest current velocity occurred after dumping layer 3. This nation of the tide and the discharge of river water. In that there are no significant currents, therefore, it is possible to A creek or gully was filled up after a discharge sluice had
way of closing was done by applying a scaffold over the closure gap case the computation ofhorizontal tidal movements (tidal apply materials with a low specific weight to make a closure been built and was put into operation . The remaining open-
and, for example, to have a small train with dumping carts ride currents) was of special importance . In the beginning there dam . Another advantage of a tidal divide area is that sunken ing could then be closed off with simple means and materials .
on it. During the Delta project, the closure of estuaries with the was not much progress with such complicated calculations. mattresses can virtually always be placed . Traditionally this Closing was particularly easy when a gully had little discharge
help of cable-ways was in fact a closure with horizon t al layers. J.van Veen came with the idea to represent the tidal currents was only done at the turn of the low tide, because not only at low tide or when it was dry. Some bottom protection by
by alternating currents, in this way they could be simulated was the sinking distance was shorter and there was less chance means of sunken mattresses, which were sunk at the turn of
electrically. Finally this idea led to the Del tar, one of the first of misplacing the mattress, but also because a mattress would the tides and were ballasted with stones or rubble, was suffi-
computers in the Netherlands. This was the best way to cal- sink almost vertically after the lines had been cut, thanks to cient .

culate the closure of the delta waters and its consequences fast the absence of current . If the tidal gap was rather wide and deep, a closure dam was
2 2 and reliably . In the southwest of the Netherlands there was of course made by putting in horizontal layers. Sunken mattresses were
Not only the knowledge of tidal movements improved
enormously, but also other research with respect to the coast
and the sea increased rapidly since the 1930s. In this way an Cross-section of the flow
boulde r clay
increasingly clear picture was obtained of the dynamics of t he control dam in the Amsteldiep.
coastal area and of aspects like sand replacements , land sub- This dam was made of boulder CJ sand

sidence and sea level rise. The Delta project contributed sub- clay; thereafter the dam was

stantially to the further intensification of such research. A made wider with sand that was
separate service ofRijkswaterstaat, the Service ofTidal Waters
was charged with this .
protected by the boulder clay on
top. Both toes of the dam were
provided with a protection of
- NAP -:~ t-t ress _____ _...-.,..._
- rmamm
velocit y sunken mattresses. Then the dike
was laid on the flow control dam. 130 m

276 Man-made lowlands Hydraulic engineering 277

deposited at the bottom of the tidal gap. With wheelbarrows metres) the boulder clay was dumped directly on the seabed, stances hampered repair very much and, moreover, much Although contractors were initially suspicious of the use of
or lorries on a temporary railway, heavy sods, lumps of clay so that any washing away at the head end of the work was heavy equipment had gone missing in the preceding war materials they were not familiar with, they were widely used.
or rock were dumped from the scaffolding and thus a closing limited by using large capacity equipment. period . In addition there was almost no time or opportunity There was little choice, for there was little time. In the autumn
dam was cast in relatively horizontal layers until the crest of Where there were gullies, the flow control dam and the for scientific research . Almost all decisions were made during of 1945 storms could be expected turning the closing into a
the dike was higher than the high tide level. Subsequently, adjacent sandy bottom were entirely protected against the realisation . very risky operation .
the dike body was built of clay, or sometimes of sand or sandy current erosion by mattresses. Next, the Enclosing Dam Due to the circumstances and in view of the size of the The closing of the breach at Rammekens, east ofVlissingen,
clay. When the dike profile was ready, sods could be put was dumped from both sides on top of the dam by floating dike breaches unconventional means were called in. Floating can serve as an example of the risks that were run. Here the
against it . In places where heavy wave attacks were to be clamshell bucket cranes . Owing to the large capacity it was pontoons and reinforced concrete caissons, which turned dike had been destroyed over a length of 750 metres and the
feared, if possible, a slope with stone facing was made after possible to bring both heads of this enclosing dam together out to be available were remembered. Originally they had new dike with a closing gap was built about 150 metres more
the toe of the dike had been strengthened with rip-rap and until the last gap was sealed . In the worst case there was a been destined to build a port quickly on the Normandy coast inland . 10 to 24 million m 3 of water passed through five
fascine mattresses on the outside at a level lower than the low 50 percent loss in boulder clay. At the first closing gap, the during the invasion in 1944. The caissons were very large, gullies at neap tide and spring tide. The middle gully was the
tide level. Middelgronden, the nearby sandy soil was washed away to a up to 60 x 12 metres, 12 metres high (the Phoenix-caissons). largest, therefore, the closing gap was planned there . For the
Another possibility was to make constructions in which depth of 28 m-NAP.By diverting the Enclosing Dam and by The pontoons were much smaller, i.e. 12.55 x 5.65 metres, closure of the smaller gullies two concrete caissons with a
much willow was used. This was especially done in the south- maximising the dumping capacity the gap was eventually 2.63 metres high (the so-called Beetles). The caissons were length of 44 metres each and an iron Kempenaar (a river-
west of the Netherlands where this willow was available in sealed. After that, sand could be flushed against this dike destined to function as a mooring pier by sinking them in a vessel) had already been sunk and filled up with sand and clay
large quantities (the Biesbosch). In this way, in not too deep (with suction dredgers) and be brought under profile to be row. The pontoons had to serve as floating points of support (November 28th 1945). On 1 December a Phoenix-caisson was
gullies, after the placing of the sunken mattresses on the completed afterwards. for the steel bridge sections connecting the jetties and the positioned in the remaining gap and weighed down with
bottom two willow dams were placed, on both sides of the This method of closing off resembled an earlier one very shore . Steel nets were also available which had been intended 180 tons of rock. The caisson was placed on a rather small sill.
furure dike. Between them clay or sand for the dike body was much, for instance the closure of the Sloe. But now the scale for the interception oflaunched torpedoes. Caissons and The side underflow and underflow, however, were so strong
dumped from ships . In this way the loss of soil due to the was much larger and the fascine dam had been replaced by a pontoons could be used for filling closing gaps by sinking that the mattresses and rip-rap of the sill were undermined
tidal currents was prevented . For the closure of the coastal boulder clay flow control dam and the clay dike by a boulder them into the gap and by filling them up quickly with earth and washed away into the nearby depression . The caisson
inlets, like the Sloe between Walcheren and Zuid-Beveland a clay dike. and rock. With the torpedo nets underflow and side under- dropped as well and a steel pontoon, against which the
number of sunken mattresses was placed on top of each other Of course, other proposals for a method for closure have flow could be combated. Phoenix-caisson had been sunk, disappeared in the deep .
until they rose above the water level at low tide. On this a been considered. One of them is worth mentioning, because
willow dam was placed until it rose above high tide . Because it pointed in a direction which was taken later at the Delta
the pile worm could damage willow dams, these had to be project for half the dams. The proposal was to build floating The Braakman
filled up with sand at the outside as well, as quickly as possible. sluices of reinforced concrete, provided with lifting gates, to closed off with two Phoenix-
transport them to the closing gap, to sink them and to fill the caissons. The upper beam of
The Enclosing Dam of the Zuiderzee space in between. In this way the need to construct discharge the first caisson had been
The construction of the Enclosing Dam was an exception- sluices in the Enclosing Dam for the control of the water level demolished and was replaced
ally large-scale work and many problems, as yet unkriown, and discharge of water from the IJsselmeer would be provided by steel gates. After sinking,
had to be solved. The dam had to be built on a sandy sea soil, for. However, this method of floating sluices was considered the water could flow in and
cut by gullies. To prevent the gullies from shifting during to be too risky. At the closure of the Zuiderzee fixed discharge out when the gates were lifted
building of the dam, they had to be fixed by means of matt- sluices have always been built in building pits . so one could speak of a sluice
resses. The construction ofboulder clay flow control dams caisson. While the second
resulted in a reduction in the required mattresses. So a The Phoenix-caissons caisson was navigated into
boulder clay flow control dam was cast in the gully of the Caissons were big boxes of reinforced concrete. These could place, it was still possible to
Amsteldiep. The actual dike was built on top of this flow be navigated in a gully and next they could be sunk by filling let the tidal current through
control dam. Later it proved to be necessary to replenish the them with sand. By the application of caissons the flow velo- via the first caisson.
boulder clay several times, but then the flow control dam had city could be enforced.
been exposed to current and wave movements for three years In order to rout the Germans from Walcheren in October
before it was used as foundation for the actual dam. 1944, the allied air bombings destroyed the dikes at four
As the test with a submerged sill through the Amsteldiep, places, inundating the isle. Only after liberation (May 1945),
consisting mainly ofboulder clay, had proved to be a great could repair be taken into hand . By then winter storms had
success, the Enclosing Dam between Wieringen and Friesland raged across the island and the sea had had ample time to
was built in a similar way. For the greater length (29 kilo- scour out deep gullies at the dike breaches. These circum-

278 Man-made lowlands Hydraulic engineering 279

The 'standard'
j'v \ January241h1946
caissons for the closure of
the Brielse Maas.


,sm ! ,s m ! pontoons


~ . The closing of the gap at Rammekens. In November

Now there was a 25 metre hollow where formerly a peninsula 1945 a steel pontoon had been sunk in the remaining gap at
with a stretch of dike had been. the northern side and the last gap would have to be closed by
After repeated sinking of mattresses in order to create a navigating a Phoenix-caisson into place. During the turning of
new closing gap at the head of the dike and to protect the the caisson such a strong current developed that due to underflow
bottoms again, a second Phoenix-caisson was towed in with and side underflow the caisson sank too deep, the steel pontoon
Possibilities of com- five tug-boats on January 24th 1946. The remaining gaps were was displaced and a part of the dike was washed away. On the
bining 'standard' caissons. closed with Beetles as far as possible and the side underflow spit of land lying behind, an erosion hole of almost 26 metres
The normal caissons were and underflow were combated with clay and anti-torpedo deep was created. Only on January 1946 could the gap finally be
six metres high but could nets . Using three cranes for the clay and three suction closed, by navigating a new Phoenix-caisson into place.
be heightened by means of dredgers for the sand, the matter was further consolidated.
staple caissons. On February 3rd 1946 the closure was safe enough and a start
was made with the heightening and completion of the dike. 'Standard' caissons and adapted Phoenix-caissons
Due to the closures a great deal of experience was also For the closure the coastal inlets special caissons were
gained which advanced engineering technology, and proved developed for closing the gullies. In 1950 the closure of the
to be invaluable after the storm surge of 1953 for the provi- Brielse Maas was completed. For this purpose rather small
sional repair and finally the Delta project . caissons were built (11 x 7.5 metres, 6 metres high) which
In the first place this experience concerned the use of could be stacked . Two types of caissons were prefabricated:
large, unwieldy elements such as ships and caissons to seal an open type that had to be positioned with a floating crane,
the closing gaps with all the related complications of man- and a type that had been provided with a bottom, but with
oeuvring and sinking. Moreover, much practical experience an opening in the middle, and that could be towed in floating
was gained with regard to the scouring forces of the current, and be sunk by opening valves in the bottom, one in each
the speed and extent of soil erosion, the number of mattresses compartment . After having been sunk the caissons had to be
required and what weight of rip-rap was needed. These last filled up with sand and clay as soon as possible to increase
factors were related to the creation of a sill on which the their stability and secure closer connection with the stone sill.
caissons had to be sunk. And finally, much insight was gained In the Brielse Maas there were two gullies : the northern
into the necessity of avoiding and counteracting side under- flood gully was about 375 metres wide and the southern ebb
flow and underflow as much as possible when caissons were gully was about 250 metres wide. In between there was a
used. shallow area stretching for more than 170 metres. The ebb

280 Man-made lowlands Hydraulic engineering 281

gully was considerably deeper than the flood gully ; therefore, fabricate the walls, and subsequently to join them together might then be deformed in such a way that the valves or slid- there were closed gangways that were opened during the
a gap with a length of 60 metres was projected to be closed in at the connecting points by casting concrete . In order to use ing gates could no longer function properly . sinking.
the ebb gully . these caissons on the somewhat deeper situated sills, so-called Therefore, a caisson was required which was strong and Enough stability during floating, towing, and sinking, was
Here , too, the working order was to build the dam across top-pieces were made, two metres in height and with the rigid enough lengthwise not to get seriously deformed. This also a necessary condition for the further detailing of the
the shallows of the sandbars and to make a connection with same horizontal diameter as the caissons themselves . pointed in the direction of sidewalls that were higher and design. To this end, on the axis over the full length of the
the banks first, closing the flood gully and part of the ebb For the closure of the Zandkreek in 1960 both 'standard' stronger than was possible for a caisson consisting of a lower lower trough beam, an anti-rolling bulkhead was constructed
gully with 75 prefab caissons in total. Then the remaining caissons and top-pieces were used . At a sill level of 5 m-NAP trough formed beam only. At the same time the maximum which could be put in a horizontal position in sections after
large closing gap in the ebb gully was closed off with a 'Nor- this meant that each time after sinking at low tide the caissons opening for the passage of water was required . The result was sinking in order not to hamper the necessary passage of
mandic' Phoenix-caisson . had to be filled up with sand immediately, and that the top- a design of caisson with both an upper and lower beam . Only water. Besides, good buoyancy of the caisson was, of course ,
During the closing of the Braakman in 1952, there was the pieces had to be put in place before the high water level was the reinforcement and not the concrete had to be made for essential and this meant that the sidewalls had to be water-
problem that the tidal differences were three to five metres reached . This was done with a floating crane . The last two the sidewalls to resist lateral pressures and to be an opening tight during transport. This was solved on one side by the
during neap and spring tide. This resulted in a very strong caissons were connected. As they were lying alongside the for passage of water. However, there had to be grooves in the steel sliding gates in grooves that were already necessary for
tidal current at the mourh of the Braakman. It appeared that crane they were turned against the prevailing current and walls . The caisson had to have bearing capacity in its middle the closure, and closing the other side temporarily with heavy
a closing gap of 110 metres width was required . Here, too, sunk against the caissons which had already been put in place . and on both ends, since the flat and horizontal finishing of wooden bulkheads.
Phoenix-caissons were used, of which two were needed . Once During this manoeuvre the rate of flow decreased from 0.75 to the stone sill could only be guaranteed up to a certain point. The seven sluice-caissons had been built in series in a near-
the first caisson would be sunk in the remaining part of the 0 . 35 m/s. After positioning by means of two suction dredgers, So in the end, the design evolved into a caisson of 45 metres by small polder specially made for this. The polder had been
closing gap a high current velocity would occur . This could sand was spouted against the series of caissons for nine days long, 20 metres wide and 20 metres heigh, of which both constructed as a building pit, which was drained .
not be allowed to happen, as the rock on the fascine matt- on end: 35,000 m 3/day . length walls consisted of steel barred girders, provided with The Veerse Gat was closed offby making dams from Noord-
resses of the sill would be washed away and there was the an upper and lower beam . The short walls, the head ends of Beveland and from Walcheren. The length of the closing gap
chance of too much loss of soil beside the mattresses . More- The sluice-caissons the caisson, were made of concrete and provided with ribs. was well over 300 metres. The depth was 11 m-NAP. At both
over, it would be impossible to weigh down the second The dam across the Veerse Gat was the first large closure in The upper edge functioned as a ballast trough to give the sides of the gap the dam heads were protected by sinking
caisson so heavily immediately after sinking that it would be the framework of the Delta project . Actually this connected caisson enough weight, after sinking and before closing, to 'standard' caissons. After this, a Phoenix-caisson was sunk in
able to resist the lateral pressure of difference in water level the dune coasts ofWalcheren and Noord-Beveland . Therefore , prevent it from sliding horizontally over the sill under the the length of the flow at both ends .
due to the tide, which would occur a few hours later. So there the alignment could have been chosen more inland. In that influence of the difference in water levels. In the lower beam First, a sill had to be made before it was possible to sink
was the risk that the second caisson would be lost by being case the works would have run less risk for complications due
washed away from the sill. to the influence of the sea. However, this idea was abandoned
That is why the top of the first caisson was partly removed because the selected seawards location would provide valuabl e The navigating of
and replaced by steel sliding gates, made of sheet piles. These experience for constructing the dams in the Brouwershavense the seventh and last caisson
gates were operated by winches. After the caisson had been Gat and the Oosterschelde . Bearing in mind the size of these in the Veerse Cat. The gates
sunk with raised sliding gates the water could rush in and works, such an experience was not a superfluous luxury, but of the caissons are open,
out, which reduced the current velocity. Then the second more a dire necessity. only the caisson that was
caisson could be ballasted and consolidated, after it had been The tidal volume amounted to about seventy million m 3 navigated has closed gates.
positioned with a smaller difference in water level than would and necessitated a sealing method analogous to the one of th e
have been the case if the gates were closed . After both caissons Enclosing Dam of the IJsselmeer or sluice-caissons had to be
had been consolidated the closure could be completed by used .
lowering the sliding gates and finishing the dam . The experience gained in the closure of the Braakman had
The closure of the Zandkreek was one of the first Delta increased confidence in the use of sluice-caissons and this led
projects . This was a rather quiet closure, because it was carried to an intensive search for a practical type of caisson . At first
our in a tidal divide area. 'Standard' caissons were sufficient the idea was to modify the adjusted Phoenix-caissons . This
to make up both the abutment of the closing gap and to would be a box of which the long sides were provided with
build the closing dam. By now these caissons had acquired flap gates or sliding gates . On this box there would be an
their final shape (11 x 7-5 metres, 6 metres high) and were upper box or a bridge with winches to operate the flap gate s
mass-produced at a work site near the village Kats at Noord- or sliding gates. During the sinking of these floating sluices
Beveland. At first the caissons were entirely casted at the work onto a rough stone sill, it was possible that it was not com-
site. However, casting quality concrete for rather thin walls pletely supported. Due to this the material tensions could
was difficult . For this reason, too, it was later decided to pre- become too strong, which could result in a crack. The caisson

282 Man-made lowlands Hydraulic engineering 283

sluice-caissons. This had not been built by means of the later on applied during the closure of the Volkerak and for Dumping stones For the Noord-Grevelingen it was decided to realise the
classical sunken mattresses, but had been built up as a filter the northern part of the Brouwersdam. For these works It was also decided to dam the Grevelingen with an alter- damming off with a cable-way with a number of self-propell-
construction . This was done by adding layers of increasingly some improvements in the design of the caissons were made . native method . Here the gullies were in the neighbourhood ing cable-cars . Even if one or more cable-cars would happen
coarse gravel or rock of such thickness that the lower layer These were based on research in WL Delft Hydraulics. Also of a tidal divide area. This made the closure relatively easy, to break down, the operation as a whole would not come to
could not be washed away through the hollows of the upper towing and sinking tests were made in the Netherlands' and for the Zuid-Grevelingen a process has been followed a standstill. This type of cable-way was developed by Neyrpic
layer, due to the effects of the passing current. Moreover, the Naval Research Station (Marin) in Wageningen . according to that of the Zandkreek, namely by making use in Grenoble, and therefore this firm was commissioned to
top layer of the sill had been made of rip -rap of such a size that of'standard' caissons. design and construct a modified prototype , in co-operation
it would remain stable before closure, even at the strongest The cable-ways
currents. Closing the coastal inlets in the southwest of the Nether-
fi :r
By means of strong sea-going tug -boats the caissons were lands, engineers were aware that the difficulties would in- The scheme of the
towed to the closing gap and sunk just before the turn of the crease at every next closure. Roughly speaking, one could closure of the Veerse Cat
standard caissons
ebb tide during neap tide. Each caisson was pushed against a say that the damming of the Brouwershavense Gat was three with sluice-caissons. Both
caisson already in position by the tug-boats . The caissons had times more complicated than the closure of the Veerse Gat.

land abutments were formed
a number of ribs at their head ends, which fitted when they Once again, at the Oosterschelde, the difficulties were three by 'standard' caissons, to
were put in position. After that they were sunk, by opening times more complicated than those of the closure of the which a Phoenix-caisson was
the valves in the bottom. Afterwards, the space in between was Brouwershavense Gat. An additional complication was that
filled up with rip-rap. In addition, rock was dumped along the there were shallows in the mouth of the Oosterschelde, which
placed perpendicularly at
both sides. The remaining i
2 7
i i
i i
sidewalls to prevent underflow . At the same time the wooden had a subsoil of thick layers of(fine) sand, like those that opening was closed with seven
floating bulkheads were removed by tugs, the sliding gates caused bank slides elsewhere in Zeeland. If it were decided caissons, each with a length
j standard caissons

lifted and the anti-rolling bulkheads put in horizontal posi- to build dams on these shallows, there was the risk that , as of 45 metres. The placing of
tion. The ballast barges were filled up with sand and covered a result of shallow sliding , they would disappear into a deep the caissons was done from sinking of
1st caisson
with mine stone to enable traffic oflorries and machinery. gully. In order to be prepared for future problems, a new the outside to the inner side.
The last caisson was turned in like a large door against the ebb closure technique was tried out. By using an emergency During navigating the gates 2 0d

tide. After the last caisson had been sunk a space of about five bridge or a cable-way, a dam could be equally heightened by were closed. As soon as the
metres was left. This was filled up with rip -rap.
After the last caisson had been sunk on April 24 th 1961, the
dumping big stones. The reasoning behind this was that if caisson was placed, the gates 3' d
such a closure dam would slide it could be repaired on the were lifted so that through-
tidal current passed through the still open series of caissons spot. However, the piers of such a bridge or cable-way would flow was possible. Once all 4th
twice a day. Lowering the sliding gates on April 27 th sealed
the closing gap. Finally, the winches could be removed and
the dam with all the additional works could be completed.
have to be very deep. In this way the risk was not completely
taken away, but it was significantly reduced. In fact, the closing
of a gap with the use of cable-ways meant one had to make a
caissons were placed the
closure had been done in
three stages.
The sluice -caissons, as developed at the Veerse Gat, were dam by dumping horizontal layers. 6th
mm - ~mm
fia >
Cross-section of the
m~ - ~~~~
sill on which the caissons in course rubble stone o.6 m
all gates open
the Veerse Cat were sunk. fine rubble stone o.6 m

~- ~- ~-
gravel of the river Main 0.9 m all lower gates
On the sill there are several closed
gravel 0.9 m
layers of stone, with the finest nylon mat 75 m long upper-gates
partly closed
material at the bottom to
coarser material at the top.
all gates closed
Main gravel is gravel which
comes from the river Main.
I• I closed caisson

1 rm open caisson

- - ~ so_ m__ _. + -- 3~6- ---..- - ~40__ _.: ~ - - ~4_0 _ _ - - "-'

36:..____,.,_ __ ,!_C
.'-'- __

284 Man-made lowlands Hydraulic engineering 285

A caisson is towed
to the northern closing gap
of the Haring~liet.

Emptying a net of stones.

with Rijkswaterstaat. At this closure there was only a loading cable-car (about 20 tons) to its useful weight (about 10 tons) Thanl$.sto the fact that such a block had a low cement con-
station on one bank, so that loading could be tested but the was problematic. The results with the cable-way were so good tent, it had sufficient breaking strength so that it did not
cable-way could only be in operation at half capacity. At the that it was decided to apply it for the closing of the Haring- split but just crumbled a bit. The idea was to prefabricate the ways that were to be built. The foundations had already been
same time, a net was developed with a bearing capacity for vliet and the Brouwershavense Gar as well. whole supply ofblocks at a factory and store them in order partly laid when the decision was taken not to build a closed
stones up to 300 kg, which could be unloaded gradually by to be able to try out this method of production , too . But the dam, but an adjustable storm surge barrier.
lowering the net at one side . The dam of blocks contractor preferred a more traditional method of production
Although it was to be expected that for next closures rip- For the closing of the Haringvliet it was decided to use the by casting layer after layer and increasing the cement content, Piers and gates in the Oosterschelde storm surge barrier
rap with a far higher piece-weight would be required, this same cable-way as the one of the Grevelingen. This time new with a view to the processing of fresh concrete . A hoist with The storm surge barrier in the Oosterschelde is, from a
was not yet necessary for the Grevelingen and , in any case, cables were twisted to rule out all risks for this part of the four hooks was designed for the transport of the blocks technical point of view, a verr special construction : a real
the development of such a net needed more time than was project. Moreover, foundations of a different kind were used : underneath the cable-ways . The mechanism was such that innovation which ten or twi nty years before was still con-
available. The same held true for the method oflay'ing foun- a pit foundation with adapted counterweights for the loading the blocks were dropped one afrer another at short intervals. sidered a dangerous fantasy. Due to the fact that extensive soil
dations. Of the three pylons or bearing towers only one was station and steel pylons or towers with joint parts made of In this way the cables would not oscillate too much . Well mechanical, hydraulic, morphological, statistical and con-
siruated in the water. Because there were no bank or dike prestressed concrete . The foundations of these towers in the over ninety thousand blocks in total were dumped to cast the structional research had to be carried out, the completion of
slidings here it was thought fit to found the middle pylon gully were made in a similar way to the pile foundation of th e Enclosing Dam. However, 140,000 blocks had been fabricated the Delta project was delayed by many years .
on four 'standard' caissons and to sink them on a stone bed. Zeelandbrug. Thus the risk of a liquefaction flow was con- to have an ample supply. For the dam ofblocks might get a Sliding gates had to be built which would be open in
However, some water pressure metres were installer under - trolled and it was a well-tried construction, which could be wide profile under the influence of the force of the waves. normal circumstances, so that tidal currents could continue
neath these caissons in the bottom to be able to monitor the used for the Brouwershavense Gar as well. For the closure of the southern closing gap of the Brou,wers- to exist and, consequently, the tidal movement and the high
process . Indeed situations have occurred, when the ca~le-way The use of new dumping material was important too. The haven dam a number of improvements were made . First, the salinity of the former open estuary would be preserved . If the
was operating at full capacity, that the groundwater pressure high current velocity demanded blocks or lumps of rock of blocks were manufactured in a continuous working plant and level of the sea exceeded a certain level, the sliding gates would
ran so high, that work had to be stopped for some hours to two to three tons . Storage and transport of such heavy rock th ey were improved . The cable-cars were improved as well. be closed and remain closed as long as the abnormally high
avoid risks. was problematic. For a year, experiments had been carried out Their weight was reduced to 15 tons, which meant that six levels continued. If the former regime was to remain entirely
The closing dam could be cast at a steady pace, at an operat- with blocks of concrete of about 1 m3, which had been pro- instead of four blocks could be transported in one go. intact, the total wet profile of the sluices had to be equal to
ing capacity of 160 tons/hour at the most, and thus the cable- vided with a loop or eye to make the transport easier. It had The experience that was obtained with the cable-ways and the original profile of8o,ooo m 2 over the full length of nine
way installation had proved its worth. It goes without saying been possible to design a block of concrete with a very coarse the dumping ofblocks was so good that in view of any lique- kilometres, with an utmost gully depth of 35 metres. That
that much data were gathered for the next type of cable-way, gravel component and a low cement content of 75 kg/m 3. Its faction it was decided to close the three closing gaps of the was neither technically nor financially feasible.
for the very unfavourable proportion of the weight of a single shape was such that it could be piled up tightly and regularl y. Oosterschelde by a gradual closure by means of three cable- In the selected alignment with a length of nine kilometres

286 Man-made lowlands Hydraulic engineering 287

vessels were purpose-built for these activities , such as the
Cardi um that was used to position mattresses and remove
sand. On th is vessel a wheel was made with a diameter of
16 metres and a width of 65 metres on which the mattresses
were hoisted up . When the vessel moved into position, the
mattress lowered into the water and covered the bottom .


Through the development ofhydraulic engineering in

the nineteenth and twentieth centuries it became possible
to protect Laag-Nederland against the danger of flooding in
an unprecedented way. By the introduction and perfection of
Closing a closure gap using concrete blocks, which were electrical pumping waterlogging occurred only occasionally.
dumped by a cable-way view to the differences in depth of the gullies they had to be sizes, block mattresses, and concrete lining of the seabed. This This evolution was made possible by the progress of techni-
placed in . The tallest pier had a weight of 18,000 tons, which protection was carried out over a width of 100 metres on both que in the whole western world . It has been to the merit of
was the same as the weight of a large ocean steamer. sides of the axis of the construction . Then the foot of each pile Dutch engineers that they used this international technical
there were shallows, separated by gullies . In the gullies, of After the piers were made, the dry dock was filled with was embedded in a stone underwater sill. development in bringing the Netherlands hydraulic engin-
which the greatest depth was about 30 metres, the construct- water and the piers could be lifted one by one and be trans- In addition to the spectacular colossus Ostrea, some more eering to perfection. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
ions with the moveble gates had to be placed . ported to their places and be placed on the sill. This happene d
Research was made in wet profiles of 11,500, 14,000 and with the purpose-built hoisting and transport vessel, the
20,000 m 2 respectively . In case the profile was at its largest , Ostrea. As the piers partly hung in the water , the bearing
only an insignificant decrease in the marine environment was capacity of the vessel could be limited to 10,000 tons for the
expected . However, problems with the smallest profile could transport of an 18,000 tons pier.
not be ruled out and once again a compromise was reached: After the positioning, which had to be done very accuratel y,
14,000 m 2 • Anyway, the largest profile would only have cost the piers were connected by a sill beam - sill of the sluice gat e -
f 160 million (€73 million ) more . A huge problem- the most and an upper beam. Finally, 62 sliding gates with a length of
difficult one of the Zuiderzee and the Delta project - was the 42 metres each were placed . The exact dimensions of these
design and the construction of the discharge sluices. Here three elements were only determined after the piers had been
new and as yet untried techniques were used. In view of the positioned .
large total width of these sluices (2604 metres) th ey could not During the building of the pillars large-scale preliminary
be built according to the usual method in a building pit . It works were carried out to the bottom of the gullies on whic h
was required to built the pillars of the sluices in a separate the piers were to be placed . These provisions served to increase
dry-dock and to transport the pillars thereafter to the slu ice the bearing capacity of the poor subsoil and to protect the
complex . The dry-dock had a size of8oo x 1200 metres and a bottom against scouring out due to the continuing tidal cur-
depth of 15.2 m-NAP.By means of well pumping, a sufficiently rents. In order to increase the bearing capacity, shallow soil
low water level was maintained in the dry dock. consolidation was carried out by means of a trench, and the
Stable piers had to be designed between which the sliding subsoil was compacted to a depth of 18 metres and a width
gates could move. Many possibilities were studied : caissons of 40 metres on both sides of the axis of the construction . A
built on different types of pile foundations, on plate founda- purpose-made vessel to compact the soil was built: the Mytilus
tions, on pits, piers built on pits and so on . Eventually, pre- with four vibrating needles with a length of 37 metres each
assembled piers with wide and hollow bases were chosen . The and a weight of 40 tons with fins at the ends. The needles'
base of the piers was 25 x 50 metres and therefore they exerted tamping and vibrating caused compaction of the soil.
a low pressure on the subsoil. The prevention of scouring out was achieved by a comple x
The height of them varied from 30.25 to 38.75 metres with a system of mattresses , rock layers with boulders of different

288 Man-made lowlands Hydraulic engineering 289

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