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Caity Rogowski <caityrogo@gmail.


THON Solicitation Concern

Kirsten Kelly <> Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 5:30 PM
To: Caity Rogowski <>
Cc: Curran McCready <>
Hi Caity,

Below is the email I sent to THON Chairs to address concerns about the Friends Mailing.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks and have a good night!


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Kirsten Kelly <>
Date: Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 5:27 PM
Subject: THON Solicitation Concern

THON Chairs,

Recently, a solicitation effort by the Overall Committee has raised some concern among the
THON community. Many of your households and friends' households received a letter in the
mail sent out by the University on behalf of THON. This letter, known as the Friends Mailing,
is intended to retain donors in THON's challenging fundraising environment where there is
high turnover of the student population participating in THON from year to year. We reach
out to all donors who gave to THON 2010 to ensure that the ask is made for them give to
THON 2011. The timing of this mailing was adjusted to an earlier date this year to better
accommodate the workload of processing checks in January; it unfortunately caused
confusion with donors when it arrived before THONvelopes. We apologize for this issue
and will change the mailing again next year to avoid this problem. We also recognize the
oversight to include an area to designate which organization should be credited.

To overcome these issues, the Donor and Alumni Relations and Finance Committees will
handle all donations we receive from the Friends Mailings in the following manner:

1. THON will cross reference any uncredited check received through the Friends
Mailing with a list of THON 2010 donors.
2. If that donor did in fact donate to THON in 2010 and credited an Organization, that
Organization will receive credit to their THON 2011 total in the amount of the check
received through the Friends Mailing.
3. All THON Chairs will receive updates from their DAR liaison to inform them of the
donations credited to their Organization through the Friends Mailing and to allow for
thank you notes to be sent to the donor.
4. The checks from the Friends Mailing that are credited to Organizations will be
recorded on THINK; however, please note we are unable to distinguish these from
any other check donation on THINK.

Please contact Curran McCready at or your DAR liaison if

you have questions or concerns about this system we've developed to ensure your
organization is credited properly and has the information necessary to thank all donors

In no way is this mailing supposed to substitute your THONvelope effort. THONvelopes are
the most effective letter writing campaign and sending them will help relieve confusion with
any donors that are waiting to receive a letter from the student they know. Also, please
know that the Overall Committee had no intention of detracting from your fundraising efforts
though this mailer; it was an effort to enhance organization fundraising and retain donors
who otherwise would not be solicited.

Thank you for your understanding and for your enthusiastic fundraising for THON 2011!


Kirsten Kelly
Overall Chairperson
2011 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon

FACT: Cancer in childhood occurs regularly, randomly, and spares no ethnic group,
socioeconomic class, or geographic region.

To donate online or learn more, visit!

THON Mailing Address:

210 HUB
University Park, PA 16802

Kirsten Kelly
Overall Chairperson
2011 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon
FACT: Cancer in childhood occurs regularly, randomly, and spares no ethnic group,
socioeconomic class, or geographic region.

To donate online or learn more, visit!

THON Mailing Address:

210 HUB
University Park, PA 16802

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