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Are you ready to vote in the March 3, 2020 Presidential Primary? TD elO MCU a ool Mam al) If you want to vote in the DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY.... REPUBLICAN Primary... You do NOT have to affiliate with the Utah Democratic Party to vote in the Democratic Primary. You have three options: Option 1: Affiliate with the Democratic Party and request a ballot from your County Clerk by February 3, 2020. Option 2: Request a ballot from your County Clerk without affiliating by February 25, 2020. Option 3: Vote in-person during the early voting period or on Election Day. The Utah Republican party REQUIRES that you affiliate with their party to vote in the Republican Primary. You have two options: Option 1: Update your party affiliation and request a ballot from your County Clerk by February 3, 2020. By requesting a Republican ballot, you are affiliating with their party. Option 2: Register as a Republican and vote in-person during the early voting period or on Election Day. Procedures for requesting your ballot may vary by county. Check your voter registration status, update your party affiliation and find out how to contact your County Clerk by visiting Act by February 3, 2020 to receive your ballot in the mail! Utah Have questions? Call Comunidades Unidas at 801-487-4143 Contact the ACLU of Utah with Voting Rights questions and complaints at aclu@aciuutah.ora,

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