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Unit b Body matters

FEATURES 1 Work in pairs. Write a short caption to accompany the photo.

Compare your caption with another pair.
70 Exercise around the
2 <§M .31 Listen to a woman discussing health and exercise with
w orld her friend, Rashmi, who is a doctor. What does Rashmi say
Different exercise regimes about the following?

1 intensive exercise versus gentle exercise

72 No pain, no gain
2 the kinds of exercise that she does
How to avoid sports
injuries 3 h 1 .31 Look at the expressions to do with exercise and health.
Four of the expressions need a preposition to complete them.
74 The enigm a o f beauty Write in the prepositions. Then listen again and check your
What is beauty and why is
it important to us? 1 stay fit 6 stretch . your legs
2 keep shape 7 take exercise
78 Palestinian free 3 watch your weight 8 g ° ..... . a diet
running 4 work at the gym 9 keep active
5 g o ........ .. a walk /run /ride
A video about how a sport
is inspiring the young in Work in groups. Ask each other questions about your fitness
Gaza using the expressions in Exercise 3.
A: W hat do you do to stay fit?
B: I walk a lot and I go swimming a couple of times a week.
C: D on't you find swimming boring?
B: Just doing lengths is a bit dull, but it keeps me in
reasonable shape.


reading exercise regimes • language focus phrasal verbs • speaking exercise trends

6a Exercise around the world

Reading 3 Work in pairs. Write a suitable
heading for each paragraph.
1 Look at this quotation by the professional swimmer David
Walters. W hat point was he making about exercise? Do you agree? 4 Work in groups. Discuss the main
benefit of each form of exercise.
An hour of basketball feels like fifteen minutes. An hour on a treadmill Do you do any similar exercise
feels like a weekend in traffic school. yourself? Do any of them appeal to
David Walters, sw im m er you? Why? / W hy not?
2 Read the sentences. Then quickly read the article about three ► W O R D BUILD IN G o ff and up
people's different exercise routines. Match the sentences to the
There are certain phrasal verbs
exercise they describe: Radio Taiso (RT), swogging (S) or yoga (Y).
that use off and up to mean doing
There is sometimes more than one possibility.
something completely or to the end.
1 It's a fashionable form of exercise. dry off, eat up, finish off
2 It benefits the mind and the body. For further information and practice,
3 It is not a strenuous form of exercise. see Workbook page 51.
4 Your body feels as if it is under attack.
5 People have been doing this form of exercise for centuries.
6 It's an enjoyable way to exercise.

Here are a
]E X E R C I S E few of our
AROUND THE W O R J D experiences.

Not many people outside Japan have come across Radio

Taiso. Each day at 6.30 in the morning you hear this tinkly
piano sound coming out of the radio and everywhere people start doing
callisthenics - gentle warm up exercises - to get ready for the day ahead.
They're group exercises that everyone can join in with - at home, in the park.
That group ethic is very Japanese. People say the idea was copied from US
factories in the 1920s. It's fantastic, because it's good fun and they're simple
movements that anyone can do - old or young. Also, they get the brain
working as well as the body.

I do something called'swogging': a mixture of jogging and

swimming. The inspiration came from a book about people in
the Caucasus mountains, who can live to well over a hundred and remain
mentally and physically fit. For generations they've been walking down steep
slopes each day to swim in cold mountain streams. The idea of freezing cold
water might put a lot of people off, but it's scientifically proven to help your
circulation and boost your immune system, because it triggers your body's
self-defence mechanisms. Then they dry off and climb back up the mountain.
I do the same thing in North Wales where I live, but I jog two miles to a lake.
It's very exhilarating, but I've a little way to go before I get to a hundred!

I went on a group yoga retreat last year in Tamil Nadu. To an

outside observer, yoga doesn't look taxing - just slow stretching
and holding certain positions. Yoga practitioners came up with their own
version of the saying'Don't just sit there, do something'which is'Don'tjustdo
something, sit there'. But actually it's a very good workout. Like a lot of eastern
exercise regimes, it offers a more holistic approach to health by combining
bodily fitness with mental well-being. The idea is to concentrate on your
breathing to make movement easier and reduce tension. Although it started
out in India, only a small proportion of the population there practise yoga
seriously. Recently more Indians have taken it up, partly because they've seen
it become trendy in the West.
Unit 6 Body matters

Language focus phrasal verbs 8 W hat do the phrasal verbs in bold in

Exercise 7 m ean? D iscuss w ith your partner.
5 Look at the verb + preposition(s) com binations from
paragraph 1 of the article and answ er the questions. 9 P u t the w ord s in the correct order to m ake
come across come out of join in with
1 I'm thinking / of / up / Pilâtes / taking
2 I hu rt m y back playing tennis. It took /
a W hich one(s) are not phrasal verbs: i.e. they sim ply
it / m e / over/ ages / to get
com bine the m eanings of the verb and the preposition
3 M y friend has his ow n dance school.
to give a m ore literal m eaning (e.g. g o in to a room)?
H e / up / set / last year / it
b W hich one(s) are phrasal verbs: i.e. they have a
4 A t school w e had to exercise tw ice a
m eaning different to the separate m eanings of the verb
w eek. We / o f / it / get / co u ld n 't / out
and preposition and so have a m ore m etaphorical or
5 The d octor / out / som e tests /
idiom atic m eaning?
is going / to carry / on m y knee
Look at the sentences (1-3 ) about yoga and answ er the 6 H ow / hit / that idea / did you / on?
questions (a-b ). 7 W h at do you / put / to / d ow n /
its success?
1 It started out in India. 8 It takes / back / m y childhood / to / m e
2 In recent years lots of w esterners have got into it.
3 R ecently m ore Indians have taken it up.
a W hich phrasal verbs have an object?
b W hat do you notice about the position(s) o f the object? 10 W ork in pairs. Read the questionnaire
and check you know the m eanings o f the
► PHRASAL VERBS phrasal verbs. Interview you r p artner using
Intransitive phrasal verbs the questionnaire.
We get along very well.
Separable phrasal verbs
I d o n 't want to p u t o ff anyone. Q H ow much time do you set aside for
I don't want to p u t anyone off. exercise each week?
I don't want to p u t you off. Q W hat kind of exercise do you go in for?
Inseparable phrasal verbs Q Have you taken up any new forms of
I came across a book on Tai Chi at the library. exercise in the last twelve months? .
I came across it at the library.
Q D o you keep up with trends in exercise
Three-part phrasal verbs
Yoga practitioners came up with their own version.
Yoga practitioners came up with it. Q D o you prefer to exercise alone or to join in
Three-part phrasal verbs with two objects with others?
He p ut the pain dow n to his failure to warm up. ^ W hat puts you off exercising more?
He p u t it down to his failure to warm up.

For further inform ation and practice, see page 163.

11 C om pare you r findings w ith another pair.
W hat conclusions can you draw about
7 Look at the language focus box. Then read the
attitudes to exercise?
d escriptions of other exercise routines and put the objects
of each phrasal verb in the correct position.

ickness as a child left Joseph Pilates, born in 4fell back on (some Salsa dance music) he had with
Germany in 1880, frail and weak. To 1g e t over him. Zumba, a routine com bining aerobics w ith Latin
(this), he developed a series of exercises to build dance moves, was born. Since then it has taken o ff
core muscle strength. Some of his early students and become an international exercise craze.
then opened studios using his m ethods,2 setting up Most people think Tai Chi is a form of meditation.
(them) in various cities. Pilates is now practised by In fact, it's an old Chinese martial art based on the
millions all over the world. idea of 5 ge ttin g o u t o f (dangerous situations) by
The idea for Zum ba came about by accident in the turning an attacker's force against him. The most
1990s. Alberto Perez 3 h it on (it) when he was common form of Tai Chi today is a routine of slow
taking an aerobics class in his native Colombia. movements. You often see people 6 carrying o u t
Having forgotten his usual music for the class, he (them) in parks and public spaces.

vocabulary injuries • listening sports injuries • idioms health • pronunciation linking in idiomatic phrases •
language focus verb patterns • speaking describing an injury

6b No pain, no gain
Ultrarunner on the 161km
Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc
annual race, France

Vocabulary injuries 5 >1.32 Listen again and complete the injuries and
problems that Ben talks about.
1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and caption.
1 He had to overcome and the things that
What injuries do you think this runner risks?
make you feel .
2 Look at the collocations to describe common 2 A lot of sportspeople try to ignore small or
injuries. Choose the best noun to complete in a joint.
the collocations. 3 Minor problems can develop into more
1 graze your knee / voice / rib
4 His exercises have prevented him from getting ankle
2 bump your tooth /head / toe
, lo w e r..................pain a n d .................. knee.
3 pull a back / muscle /knee
4 lose your ankle / voice / back
5 stub your toe / ribs / knee Idioms health
6 sprain your ankle /r ib s /t o e
6 Work in pairs. The ultrarunner used this idiom in the
1 strain your head / wrist / back
interview. What do you think it means?
8 chip a tooth / voice / knee
9 bruise your head / ribs / muscle 'I'm not talking about when they're in a really bad way.'
10 break your knee / muscle / arm
7 ‘,J 1.33 Complete these idioms using the prepositions
3 Work in groups. Put the injuries in Exercise 2 below. Then listen and check your answers. Discuss the
in order according to the following criteria. meanings of the idioms with your partner.
a most/least painful
down in off out under up
b most/least annoying
c most/least common 1 A: I heard Sarah came off her bicycle. Is she a
bad way?
Listening B: Luckily she didn't break anything; she was pretty
shaken though.
J 1.32 Listen to an interview with 2 A: Is it true that Jack nearly cut his finger off?
ultrarunner Ben Newborn talking about B: Yes, he practically passed when he saw
sports injuries. Answer the questions. what he'd done. It was quite a deep cut, but he's
1 How does he define ultrarunning? the mend now, I think.
2 What was Ben's biggest fear about doing 3 A: You look a bit colour. Are you feeling
the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc? the weather?
3 W hat is the mistake many sportspeople B: No, I'm not ill. I'm just run from working
make? too much.
4 What is his answer to sports injuries?

Unit 6 Body matters

8 Match these words with the correct idioms 12 Look at the language focus box. Complete the sentences
from Exercise 7. about sports injuries using the correct verb patterns.
You need to add prepositions in some of the sentences.
distressed fainted getting better
1 These people often complain (suffer)
lacking in energy pale suffering
unwell 'pink eye' from the chlorine in the water. They
also tend (be) susceptible to shoulder
9 Pronunication linking in idiomatic 2 These people risk ........(damage) the joints
phrases in their legs. But they can avoid (get)
long-term injuries by wearing the right shoes.
a <1.33 Listen to the conversations in 3 Since their sport relies so heavily
Exercise 7 again and pay attention to how the (use) the arm, these people tend
idioms in bold are pronounced, especially (have) problems with the elbow and tendons in the
how they are linked. forearm.
4 Because these people pull muscles so often, they are
b Act out the conversations with your partner, encouraged (warm) up properly before
imitating this pronunciation. a match. This can prevent such injuries
Language focus verb 5 Neck pain is common among these people. Because
they in sist........................ (bend) low over the
patterns handlebars, they are forced (raise) their
10 Work in pairs. Match the verbs (1-6) with heads to see ahead.
the verb patterns (a-f) that follow them. 13 Which of these sportspeople are being referred to in the
Then look at the highlighted verbs in the sentences in Exercise 12? Discuss with your partner.
audioscript on pages 177-8 and check your
answers. cyclists footballers runners swimmers
1 involve a to do tennis players
2 require b someone to do
3 worry c someone do 14 Often verbs that express a similar idea are followed
4 make d doing by the same verb pattern. Look at the sentences (1-8).
5 tend e about doing Choose a verb from the box that could replace the verbs
6 discourage f someone from doing in bold without changing the verb pattern.

11 Find one more example of each type of verb appear blame convince decide expect
pattern in the audioscript on pages 177-8. mean postpone stop
► VERB PATTERNS 1 We can't prevent people from having accidents.
Verb + to + infinitive 2 The organisers were criticised for not having paid
Accidents seem to happen most when people are enough attention to track safety.
3 If the job involves straining my back in any way, I'm
Verb + object + to + infinitive afraid I can't risk it.
The fallen tree caused the driver to stop suddenly. 4 I've made up my mind to get fit.
Verb + object + infinitive 5 She seemed to pull a muscle as she stretched to
Drinking lots o f mater helps people feel less reach the ball.
nauseous. 6 D on't delay going to the doctor. If you do, it'll take
Verb + -ing longer to recover from the injury.
I don't recommend cycling without a helmet. 7 I hope to be playing again in a few weeks.
Verb + preposition + -ing 8 The doctor persuaded him to take it easy for a while.
If you think about getting injured, it's more likely
that you will.
Verb + object + preposition + -ing
She accused him o f not paying attention.
15 Work in pairs. Choose one of the following incidents
For further information and practice, see page 164. and describe what happened.
1 A time when you or a friend were injured doing a
sport or in some other situation.
2 A time when you or a friend narrowly escaped being

reading what is beauty? • critical thinking identifying aims • word focus face • speaking does beauty sell?

6c The enigma of beauty

Reading 5 Com pare your answ ers from Exercise 4 w ith

another pair. D iscuss the reasons for your
1 Work in groups. M ark (B) the faces that you think are conclusions.
beautiful or handsom e. Can you explain why? How
m any do you agree on? D iscuss your findings.
Word focus face
2 Look at the sentences and discuss if you think each one
6 Find tw o expressions w ith fa c e in paragraphs
is true or not. Then read the article and find out the
1 and 6 of the article w h ich m ean the
au th or's views.
follow ing.
1 There are no universally agreed characteristics of
a to be h on est b to look sad
hu m an beauty.
2 Perceptions of a p erson 's beau ty can b e connected to ~J
7 L ook at the expressions w ith fa c e in the
their social position. sen ten ces (1 -6 ) and choose the m eaning
3 Your character can have an influence on w hether that f a c e has in each one. T h en explain the
people think you are beau tiful or not. m eaning of the expressions.
4 T h e search for beau ty is superficial and vain.
attitude/expression confront credibility
3 Read the article again. C h oose the m ean in g (a or b ) that surface
b est m atches the ph rases from the text.
1 H e co u ld n 't ad m it h e w a s w rong. H e
1 m eets the question w ith a com posed reply (para 1) m eans:
d id n 't w an t to lose face in front of the
a has a read y an sw er b is calm
b oss.
2 w e m ay as w ell dissect a soap bu bble (para 2) m eans:
2 I'm sure she was disappointed not to be
a d elicate b im p ossible
picked for the team, but she p u t a b ra v e
3 ... aesthetic ... con sideration s (para 2) m eans:
face o n it.
a look in g n ice b b ein g h ealth y
3 I took her offer of help at face v alu e. 1
4 han ker after (para 3) m ean s:
don't think she had any hidden motive.
a you w an t som eth in g
4 The actors had trouble k e e p in g a straigh t
b you c a n 't ach iev e so m eth in g
face when Jon fell off the stage.
5 a shallow qu est (para 5) means the search is:
5 You should tell her that you scratched he
a pointless b trivial
car, because sooner or later you will have
6 fu s s e d ov er (para 6) means:
to face th e m u sic.
a made to feel special b discussed a lot
6 O n th e face o f it it seems like a good ide
but I wouldn't rush into making a decisi
Critical thinking identifying aims
4 Work in pairs. Look at this list of reasons for writing an Speaking
article and discuss which best fits the article T he en igm a
8 Work in pairs. You work for an advertising
o f beau ty. Underline the parts of the article that support
company and you are planning an
this view.
advertising campaign for a face cream tha
1 to persuade using objective or scientific facts your company is launching. Read your rc
2 to persuade using subjective argument and cards and prepare ideas for the campaign
anecdotal evidence Decide on the name of your product,
3 to inform and teach the reader something new then act out the meeting to agree on the
4 to inform and invite reflection on particular advertisement you will run.
Student A: Turn to page 155.
5 to entertain by telling stories about real or imaginary
characters Student B: Turn to page 156.

Unit 6 Body matters

heli Jeffry is searching for beauty. As a scout for Ford, limbed, impossibly slim figure. Whatever the perception
•>ne of the world’s top model agencies, Jeffry scans up to of ideal beauty may be, the search for it has preoccupied
200 young women every Thursday afternoon. They queue people of all cultures for centuries, from ancient Egypt to
up and one by one the line diminishes. Tears roll and modern China.
here are long faces as the refrain ‘You’re not what we’re
Is it a shallow quest? We all like to think that beauty is not
king for right now’ extinguishes the conversation - and
only skin deep; that personality and charm contribute as
hope. Confronted with this, one hopeful, Rebecca from
much, if not more, to attractiveness as superficial beauty.
Providence, asks: ‘What are you looking for? Can you tell
Certainly, as we grow older, the more generous our definition
me exactly?’Jeffiry meets the question with a composed
of beauty seems to become. Experience teaches us to look for
reply. ‘It’s hard to say. I know it when I see it.’
the beauty within, rather than what is on the outside.
Define beauty? Some say we may as well dissect a soap
But let’s face it, most of us still care how we look. Until
abble; that beauty is only in the eye of the beholder. Yet
she was a hundred years old, my grandmother had a
does seem that across different cultures we can agree on
regular appointment at the beauty salon down the street. A
-eruiin points. Psychologists have proven this by testing
month before she died, I took her there in my car. I stayed
Lie attractiveness of different faces on children. Symmetry
and watched as she was greeted and fussed over by the
j one characteristic that meets with general approval;
hairdresser and manicurist. Afterwards I drove her back
averageness is another: we seem to prefer features that are
to the nursing home. She admired her fire engine red nails
not extreme. Things that speak of strength and good health
every few minutes, patted her cloud of curls and radiated
- a glowing complexion and full lips in women, a strong
happiness. She is not alone is getting satisfaction from
aw in men - are also universal qualities. Scientists maintain
looking nice. It seems the quest for beauty goes deeper than
drat this is the true definition of beauty, because for them
vanity - maybe it fulfils a deep human need in all of us.
we are influenced not by aesthetic but by biological
onsiderations: the need to produce healthy children.
glowing (adj) /ly(3uig/ bright and healthy looking
At the same time we also observe cultural differences limb (n) /lim/ an arm or a leg
in how beauty is defined. The women of the Paaung manicurist (n) /'mcenikjosrist/ someone who cleans, cuts and
polishes fingernails
tribe in Myanmar put copper coils around their necks to
scout (n) /skaot/ someone whose job is to search for people
extend them because in their culture very long necks are with certain qualities or talents
considered beautiful. In China and Japan small feet are
admired in women, though thankfully the ancient practice
of foot-binding has long since disappeared. In cultures
where people’s skin is of a dark complexion, it is often seen
as desirable to have a fair skin. Conversely, in the northern
hemisphere among the naturally fair-skinned, people hanker
after a tanned skin.

Perceptions of beauty also change over time. Historically

in northern Europe, a tanned skin belonged to those who
« ere forced to work outside - agricultural workers or other
poorer members of society - and so a white skin was a
I svmbol of status and beauty. Now a tan reflects status of
a different kind: those that can afford time relaxing in
the sun on a beach holiday in the Mediterranean or the
Caribbean. Our idea of the perfect body shape is also
different from 200 years ago. In almost all cultures a little
fat was formerly seen as a positive trait, a sign of wealth
and well-being. Nowadays a very different image stares out
at us from the pages of fashion magazines: that of a long-

real life discussing proposals • speaking skill conceding a point • pronunciation toning down negative statements

6d A bold initiative
Real life discussing proposals 2 11.34 Listen to a discussion between a group
of human resources managers at a large company
1 Work in pairs. Read the ideas about how some about ideas to promote health and fitness among
governments around the world encourage their their employees. Answer the questions.
populations to keep fit and healthy. Answer the
1 Why is this of importance to the company?
2 W hat different ideas are proposed?
1 What are the pros and cons of each idea? 3 Were any of the ideas proposed similar to
2 Which initiative would work best ? Why? those in Exercise 1?
3 Are there any similar initiatives in your country? 4 W hich idea got approval from another
member of the group? Which idea was

1 JAPAN Broadcast a national daily 3 Speaking skill conceding a point

exercise routine on the radio each
morning. J 1.34 The speakers tried to anticipate
objections to each proposal. Look at the phrases
2 WASHINGTON STATE, USA Make it in the box for conceding a point. Then listen to
compulsory for fast food chains to write the discussion again and complete the phrases
the amount of calories contained in they used.
each item on the menu.
3 QATAR. Encourage companies to
install gyms in the workplace so that I realise th a t1.......................... .
workers can exercise, before or after Admittedly,2 ......... .... .
work or during their lunchbreaks. It's not (a) particularly3....... , I'll grant you,
but .................. .......
4 UK; Promote exercise activities that I know 4.......................... , b u t ................ ............
are quick and easy to do with public I'm just thinking off the top of my head.
health campaigns. I haven't worked this out exactly, but ...
I haven't thought through 5 .......... , but
5 SOUTH KOREA Getting a good grade
in Physical Education at school can help It wouldn't be s o 6 , but
you get into university.
4 Pronunciation toning down negative
6 PHILIPPINES Promote sports like statements
karate in school that combine exercise
with self-defence skills. a *1 .35 Listen to these two statements where the
speaker tries to reduce the impact of a negative
statement. Underline the words which are most
strongly stressed in each sentence.
1 It's not a particularly original idea ...
2 It wouldn't be so easy to monitor ...

b *1 .36 Work in pairs. Practise saying these

sentences where a negative sentiment has been
toned down. Then listen and compare your

1 I know it's not a very practical solution.

2 It wouldn't be that simple to convince people.
3 I'm not actually sure of the exact figures.

5 Work in groups. Each think of another idea

which will promote the health and well-being
of employees in a company. Then present and
discuss your ideas. Try to anticipate arguments
against your proposal.

vriting a formal report • writing skill linking adverbs and adverbial phrases Unit 6 Body matters

6e A controversial plan
Writing a formal € Z B 3 i B ^
report Over 100 people of different ages and social backgrounds were
interviewed to decide on the viability of a public health initiative.
Work in pairs. Have you ever had
The initiative examined was a proposal for smokers to pay higher
to write a formal report? Who
health insurance premiums. Ostensibly, the proposal seems a logical
was it for and what was it about?
one since insurance is based on the evaluation of risk. Evidently, if a
Discuss with your partner.
person smokes, the risk of their getting ill is increased.
Read the internal report about a
public health initiative and look d H E S IE ®
at the questions. Underline the 30 per cent of the interviewees objected on the grounds that
parts of the report that answer the
the initiative was discriminatory. A common argument was that,
according to this principle, higher premiums should also be paid
by people who overeat. Rightly or wrongly, these critics view
1 W hat is the aim of the report? smoking and overeating not as a question of personal choice, but as
2 W hat are the main findings? something beyond an individual's control.
3 W hat action is proposed? Not surprisingly, there were many others (55 per cent) who took the
opposite view: that smokers ought to pay for the consequences of their
Read the description of reports behaviour. However, when interviewees were asked if people should be
in general and say which of the helped to give up smoking, the response was 90 per cent positive.
features in bold appear in the
Accordingly, we recommend that a pilot scheme be set up where
F o rm a l re p o rts p re se n t th e smokers are given free help by their insurance company to stop
findings o f an in v e stig a tio n smoking over a six-month period. During this time, they will be
a n d m a ke a recommendation
offered various solutions to stop smoking. If they succeed, they
will be rewarded with a discount of 5 per cent on their insurance
b a s e d on th e se fin d in g s. T h e
premiums for as long as they remain non-smokers. Conversely, if they
im p o rta n t th in g is fo r th e
fail, their insurance premiums will rise by 20 per cent.
re a d e r to b e a b le to scan
th e d o c u m e n t q u ic k ly for
key in fo rm a tio n , so bullet b Work in pairs. Replace the expressions in bold in the sentences
points, subheadings an d short (1-6) with these adverbs.
paragraphs are all useful.
R e p o rts p re se n t objective alternatively apparently interestingly overall specifically
fa cts, b u t internal re p o rts ultimately
b e tw e e n c o lle a g u e s can
a lso o ffer m o re subjective 1 It seems that this idea has already been tested in the USA.
co m m e n ts. 2 It was worth noting that 15 per cent of the interviewees did
not express a strong view.
3 To be exact, it was interference in their personal lives that
4 Writing skill linking adverbs smokers objected to.
4 On the whole, the response to the idea of a trial was positive.
and adverbial phrases
5 In the end it will be the insurance companies who decide.
a Find the adverb or adverbial 6 Either that or the government will take some other measures.
phrase in the report that has the
5 Write a short internal report for a company's health initiatives.
same meaning as the words and
You can use the ideas you discussed in Exercise 5 on page 76.
phrases below. Which ones are
Write between 200 and 250 words.
used to introduce a more subjective
comment? 6 Exchange reports with your partner. Use these questions to check
your summaries.
as might be expected
clearly • Have they presented their aims, findings and
in view of this recommendations?
on the face of it • Have they divided the summary into clear sections?
on the other hand • Have they been objective but at the same time presented a
whatever the justification clear argument for the next step?
• Have they made use of linking adverbs and adverbial phrases?

Unit 6 Body matters

Before you watch 6 Work in pairs. Complete the summary using the
correct verbs. Then watch the video again to check.
1 Work in pairs. Look at the sports (a-f). Which are
Since its creation in France, parkour has
sports that people sometimes play or do in the
around the world and recently
street? Which are sports that people mainly do in
has 2 on in Palestine. It's a creative
the street? Think of other examples of each type.
sport, where participants 3 moves to
a football negotiate obstacles in their environment. For the
b volleyball underprivileged youth of Gaza, it's a great way
c skateboarding to 4 themselves and 5 fit at the
d basketball same time.
e roller blading Parkour is a risky sport because you can easily
f clim b in g ..... injure yourself if you 6 awkwardly. In
spite of being just a sport, there is always the
possibility that one day these men might be asked
to 7 on a bigger public stage.
2 Look at the photo and answer the questions.
1 What does the sport of parkour involve? After you watch
7 Roleplay planning a sports campaign
2 Who do you think it appeals to and why?
Work in pairs.
Imagine you want to promote sport as a way for
people in your city to keep healthy and fit. You
While you watch think the best way to do this is with street sports.
Look at these questions and then plan a campaign.
3 Watch the video and check your answers from
Exercise 2. • What is the target age group or groups?
• What kind of sport would most appeal to this
4 Watch the first part of the video (to 01.45) group?
and choose the correct option to complete the • Where could they play or do this sport?
sentences. • What training, equipment and funds are
1 Parkour is an example of a performance art that
• Are there health and safety implications?
is found in modern cities / poor urbanised areas.
• How could you encourage people to join in?
2 Parkour originated in London / Paris.
3 Parkour is something you can do without any Present your plan to another pair. Ask each other
equipment / any form a! training. questions about the practicalities of each plan.
4 The young men in the video took up parkour
because they were bored / to keep in shape. 8 Work in groups and discuss the questions.
5 Abed says without parkour he umuldfeel out o f 1 Do you think sports like parkour should be
shape / wouldn't know what to do. regulated. Why? / Why not?
2 W hat are the advantages (and disadvantages)
5 Watch the second part of the video (01.46 to end)
of 'street sports'?
and complete the sentences using one word in
3 If you had to nominate a sport to be included in
each space.
the next Olympic Games, what would it be and
1 Abed's mother feels .......... about her son's why?
involvement in parkour.
2 Common injuries include and broken
arms and legs.
3 In order to avoid injury, practitioners have to
learn how t o .. . apathy (n) /'fepaOi/ a lack of interest, feeling unconcerned
and unmotivated
4 Mohammad feels that initially people were
awkward (adj) /'o:kwad/ uncomfortable, clumsy
the sport.
improvise (v) /‘impravaiz/ compose or perform something
5 It's possible that this sport will one
without any preparation
day bring these young men wider recognition. poverty line (n) /'pnvoti lain/ the minimum level of income
needed to live
stunt man (n) /stAnt mjen/ a person who simulates dangerous
actions like falls and car chases in films
underprivileged (adj) /Ands'privilidjd/ lacking social
advantages, from a poor background

Grammar Vocabulary
1 Have you or someone you know ever suffered 5 Complete the sentences about health and exercise
from back pain? W hat did you/they do about it? by writing the correct preposition in each space.

2 Read the blog. Who in the world suffers from back 1 If I am feeling r u n ............, I always go for a
pain? What can be done about it? long walk and then have a good night's sleep.
2 I fast one day a week. the face of it, it
doesn't sound much, but I feel amazing.
3 If I feel I am about to com e............with a cold,
I start taking lots of vitamin C.
4 A lot of sportspeople in their mid-thirties take
...... yoga to prolong their careers.
5 I think the secret to k eep ing ............ good shape
is not eating too much.
6 It's difficult to s e t ........... time for exercise, but
you just have to build it into your routine.

6 Work in pairs. Discuss the statements in Exercise 5.

f c . Which do you agree with?

talk about exercise and health
Back pain is not a disease. However, it is a common use idioms and phrasal verbs
health problem, which affects 80 per cent of us at some
time in our lives. It prevents people ' ......................
(work), causes people 2.......................(become)
Real life
depressed and affects general well-being. 7 Look at the proposal to install gyms in the
You could be forgiven 3 (think) that lower workplace. Complete the text with these words.
back pain is a curse of our modern lifestyle. Many in
the West blame our sedentary habits. But back pain is admittedly grant head out
something that everyone around the world seems particularly through
4 (suffer) from, whether they spend all
day 5....................... (sit) at a desk o r 6........................ Workplace gyms are not a 1 ... original
(work) in the fields. idea, I 'l l 2 ... you, but I think they could be
Scientists believe that back pain comes from our being very popular with employees. I haven't thought
bipedal, i.e. walking upright on two feet. So, unless you 3 all the details but the basic idea is to
go in for regular posture training or have a physique get people exercising during the working day.
that is not susceptible to it, you will suffer from back 4 , this isn't going to be a cheap option
pain at some point. for companies. One possibility would be to offer
What to do about it is another question. You can look companies tax relief on the investment they make.
into exercise classes that help to build core muscle I'm just thinking off the top of m y 5 here.
strength. But they are mainly a preventive measure. I haven't worked 6 exactly the best way
Some countries have developed cures; in Madagascar, to help companies to fund this.
for example. Baobab tree bark is used. But mostly
treatment for chronic pain consists of months of
8 Work in pairs. Think of a health and fitness
painkillers and manipulation before the practitioner programme to help teenagers follow a healthier
can turn around the situation. It seems that for the lifestyle. Present your proposal to another pair.
Use phrases to anticipate arguments.
time being, we will just have to put up with back pain.
3 Complete the first part of the blog by putting the present and discuss a proposal
verbs (1-6) in the correct form: infinitive, to + anticipate arguments and concede a point
infinitive, -ing form or preposition + -ing form.

4 Look at the phrasal verbs in bold in the second half S p S S k illQ

of the blog. Replace each noun object with a pronoun.
Think carefully about the position of the pronoun. 9 Work in groups. How are people in your country
encouraged to stay fit? How are they encouraged
I CAN to eat healthily? Discuss.
use correct verb patterns (verb + -ing or infinitive)
use different kinds of phrasal verbs

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