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Nuclear energy is a nearly carbon-free technology that has progressed through several
generations of development and that can compete favorably with alternatives for base load electricity
generation and enhance the security of energy supply.
History of Nuclear Energy
Early discoveries
No scientific progress ever really starts. Rather, it builds on the work of countless other
discoveries. Since we have to start somewhere, this story will start in Germany, in 1895, where a
fellow named Roentgen was experimenting with cathode rays in a glass tube that he had sucked the
air out of. At one point, he had the device covered but noticed that the photographic plates off to the
side were lighting up when the device was energized. He realized that he was looking at a new kind
of ray, and called it what any reasonable physicist would call an unknown: the X-ray. He
systematically studied these rays and took the first x-ray photo of his wife’s hand two weeks later,
thereby becoming the father of modern medical diagnostics.
Soon after in France, in 1896, a guy named Becquerel noticed that if he left uranium salts sitting
on photographic plates, they would expose even though no cathode ray tube was energized. The
energy must have been coming from inside the salts themselves. Marie Curie and her husband Pierre
studied the phenomenon and isolated two new elements that exhibited this spontaneous energy
production: Polonium and Radium. They named the phenomenon radioactivity.
In England, Ernest Rutherford starts studying radioactivity and discovers that there are two types
of rays that come out that are different from x-rays. He calls them alpha- and beta- radiation. He later
discovers the shocking fact that the vast majority of the mass of atoms is concentrated in their centers,
and thus discovers the atomic nucleus. He is widely regarded today as the father of nuclear physics.
He later discovers gamma radiation. In 1920, he theorizes the existence of a neutral particle in the
nucleus called a neutron, though there is no evidence that neutrons exist yet.
In 1932, Chadwick reads some published results from the Curie’s kid, Irene Joliot-Curie that
says gamma radiation was found to knock protons out of wax. Disbelieving, he suspects they are
seeing Rutherford’s neutrons and does experiments to prove this, thus discovering the neutron.
Fission and the bomb
With neutrons around, everyone’s shooting them at various nuclides. Soon enough, Hahn and
Strassman shoot them at uranium atoms and see some strange behavior which Lise Meitner and her
nephew Frisch identify as the splitting of the atom, releasing much energy. They name it fission, after
binary fission in biology.

Szilard recognizes fission as a potential way to form a chain reaction (which he had been
considering for a long time). He and Fermi do some neutron multiplication studies and see that it is
indeed possible. They go home, knowing that the world is about to change forever.
Szilard, Wigner, and Teller write a letter to President Roosevelt, warning of nuclear weapons,
and have Einstein sign it and send it (he was more famous). Roosevelt authorizes a small study into
uranium. In 1942, Fermi successfully created the first man-made nuclear chain reaction in a squash
court under the stadium at the University of Chicago. The Manhattan project kicked into full gear.
Two types of bombs were pursued simultaneously, one made with enriched uranium, and the other
made with plutonium. Giant secret cities were built very quickly. The one in Oak Ridge, TN had a
reactor that created the first gram-quantities of plutonium for study, but its main task was to enrich
uranium. The one in Hanford, WA is the site of plutonium production reactors (the first high-power
nuclear reactors) and plutonium extraction chemistry plants. Another, in Los Alamos, NM is the site
where the technology that turns weapons materials into weapons is developed. Both paths to the
bomb are successful. The more uncertain design, the plutonium implosion device (like Fat Man) is
successfully tested at the Trinity site in New Mexico in July, 1945.
The decision is made to drop Little Boy and Fat Man on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan on
August 6th and 9th, 1945. The cities are devastated, with up to 250,000 people dead. Japan surrenders
unconditionally 6 days later, on August 15th, 1945. This is the first time the public realizes that the
US has been developing bombs.
Fission energy expands in application
An experimental liquid-metal cooled reactor in Idaho called EBR-I was attached to a generator
in 1951, producing the first nuclear-generated electricity. But before civilian power plants came to be,
Admiral Rickover pushed to use reactors to power submarines, since they wouldn’t need to refuel, or
to use oxygen for combustion. The USS Nautilus launched in 1954 as the first nuclear-powered
submarine. Soon after, the Soviet Union opens the first non-military, electricity producing reactor.
Based on the submarine reactor design, the Shippingport reactor opens in 1957 as the first
commercial reactor in the USA.
Nuclear energy expands and stagnates
Through the 60s and 70s, lots of nuclear reactors are built for making electricity, using designs
very similar to those made for the submarines. They work well and produce cheap, emission-free
electricity with a very low mining and transportation footprint. A nuclear powered future is
envisioned by many. In 1974, France decided to make a major push for nuclear energy, and ended up
with 75% of their electricity coming from nuclear reactors. The US built 104 reactors, and got about
20% of its electricity from them. Eventually, labor shortages and construction delays started bringing
the cost of nuclear reactors up, slowing their growth.
The 1979 Three Mile Island accident and the 1986 Chernobyl accident further slowed the
deployment of nuclear reactors. Tighter regulations brought costs higher. The 1986 passive safety
tests at EBR-II prove that advanced reactor designs (besides the ones originally used to make
submarines) can be substantially safer. These tests have major failure occur with no control rods
inserted and the reactors shut themselves down automatically.
In 1994, the Megatons to Megawatts treaty with Russia is signed to downblend nuclear warheads
into reactor fuel. Eventually, 10% of US electricity comes from dismantled nuclear weapons.
In the late ’90s and ’00s, the phenomenal safety record of the US commercial reactor fleet (0
deaths) and smooth operation of reactors combined with ongoing worries of global climate change
due to carbon emissions brings about substantial talk of a "nuclear renaissance", where new builds
might start up substantially again. Meanwhile, strong interest in Asia strengthens and ambitious plans
to build large fleets are made to satisfy growing energy needs without adding more fossil fuel.
On March, 2011, a large earthquake and tsunami inundate the reactors at Fukushima Daiichi.
Backup diesel generators fail and the decay heat cannot be cooled. Fuel melts, hydrogen builds up
and explodes (outside of containment). Radiation is released, but much of it goes out to sea instead of
into populated area. No people expected to die from radiation dose.
Going forward
March, 2013, famous climate scientist James Hansen co-publishes a paper from NASA computing
that, even with worst case estimates of nuclear accidents, nuclear energy as a whole has saved 1.8
million lives and counting by offsetting the air-pollution related deaths that come from fossil fuel
September 2013, Voyager I enters interstellar space, 36 years after its launch. It is powered by a
Plutonium-238 radioisotopic thermal generator.

Nuclear Energy in Everyday Life (Purpose)

There are three sources of natural background radiation:
Cosmic Radiation: The sun and stars send a constant stream of cosmic radiation to earth, much
like a steady drizzle of rain. Differences in elevation, atmospheric conditions, and the earth’s magnetic
field can change the amount (or dose) of cosmic radiation that we receive.
Terrestrial radiation: The earth itself is a source of terrestrial radiation. Radioactive materials
(including uranium, thorium, and radium) exist naturally in soil, water and rock. Essentially all air
contains radon, which is responsible for most of the dose that people receive each year from natural
background sources, and all organic matter (both plant and animal) contains radioactive carbon and
potassium. The dose from terrestrial sources varies in different parts of the world, but locations with
higher soil concentrations of uranium and thorium generally have higher doses.
Internal Radiation: All people have internal radiation, mainly from radioactive potassium-40
and carbon-14 inside their bodies from birth until death. The variation in dose from one person to
another is not as great as that associated with cosmic and terrestrial sources. Although all people are
exposed to natural sources of radiation, two distinct groups are exposed to man-made radiation
sources, namely the general public and radiation workers
Uses of Radiation
Radiation can be used to improve the quality of life in many more ways than people realize.
Nuclear energy, which uses radioactive materials, has a variety of important uses in electricity
generation, medicine, industry, agriculture, as well as in our homes. Whenever or wherever it is used,
it is incumbent on qualified individuals and responsible organizations to ensure that the radioactive
material is prepared, used and disposed of in a safe manner.
Medical applications
There are many applications of radiation in the medical field, ranging from diagnostics, to
treatment and disease management. Many of these use radioactive elements (more specifically
radio isotopes) produced from either reactors or cyclotrons. Necsa through NTP is one of the
world’s leading supplier of radioactive elements and is playing the leading role in supporting the
practice of nuclear medicine globally. Themba Laboratory for Accelerator Based Sciences also
provides facilities for treatment of cancers using neutron and proton therapy.Radiology is the broad
area of using images produced through radiation, to diagnose and treat disease. The most well
known technique is X-rays, which is normally used to examine wether bones are broken. However,
radiology includes specialised techniques such as mammography, computed tomography (CT) and
nuclear medicine (where radioactive material is usually injected into the patient. With advanced
imaging computing technologies, a three dimensional picture of the inside of a patient can be
Industrial Applications
Industries around the world use radioactive materials in a variety of ways to improve
productivity and safety, and to obtain information that could not be obtained in other ways. The
applications include fields such as civil engineering, materials analysis, measuring devices, process
control in factories, oil and mineral exploration, and checking oil and gas pipelines for leaks and
weaknesses. These uses directly and indirectly influence our everyday lives.For example, measuring
devices containing radioactive materials are used in tasks such as:
• testing the moisture content of soil during road construction,
• measuring the thickness of paper and plastics during manufacturing,
• checking the height of fluid when filling bottles in factories.
Radioactive materials are even used in devices designed to detect explosives.Radioisotopes are
employed in smoke detectors, and as lasting, fail-safe light sources for emergency signs in aircraft
and public buildings.
Agricultural Applications
In agriculture, radioactive materials are used to improve food crops, preserve food, and control
insect pests. They are also used to measure soil moisture content, erosion rate and the efficiency of
fertilizer uptake.
Food irradiation
The use of gamma rays and electron beams in irradiating foods to control disease causing micro-
organisms and to extend shelf life of food products is growing through out the world.
Insect control
Radioisotopes assist in enhancing food production. One method is the control of insects,
including the control of screw worms, fruit flies and tsetse flies, is through the Sterile Insect
Technique. The tsetse fly causes the transmission of a parasitic disease, trypanosomiasis, which
slowly destroys livestock herds in sub Saharan Africa. It also causes the spread of the human form of
the disease, known as sleeping sickness. Diseases transmitted by tsetse flies kill over 250,000 people
per year.
Archaeological Applications
Archaeological findings can be dated by measuring their natural radioactivity using a technique
called carbon dating, which is based on measuring the radiation release profile of the materials. This
is a useful tool in geological, anthropological and archaeological research.
Applications in Consumer Products
One of the most common uses of radioactive materials in the home is in smoke detectors.
These devices contain tiny amounts of radioactive material which make the detectors sensitive to
Environmental Applications
Radioactive materials are used as tracers to measure environmental processes,including the
monitoring of silt, water and pollutants. They are used to measure and map effluent and pollution
discharges from factories and sewerage plants, and the movement of sand around harbours, rivers
and bays. Radioactive material used for such purposes have short half-lives and decay to
background levels within days.

The importance of nuclear energy in terms of economic aspect

Nuclear Power in Japan
Japan needs to import about 90% of its energy requirements.Its first commercial nuclear power
reactor began operating in mid-1966, and nuclear energy has been a national strategic priority since
1973. This came under review following the 2011 Fukushima accident but has been confirmed.Up
until 2011, Japan was generating some 30% of electricity from its reactors and this was expected to
increase to at least 40% by 2017. The plan is now for at least 20% by 2030, from a depleted
fleet.Currently 37 reactors are operable. The first two restarted in August and October 2015, with a
further seven having restarted since. 17 reactors are currently in the process of restart approval.
Japan in 2016 produced 1058 TWh of electricity, 407 TWh (38%) from natural gas, 349 TWh
(33%) from coal, 85 TWh (8%) from oil, 85 TWh (8%) from hydro, 57 TWh (5%) from solar and wind,
34 TWh (3%) from biofuels and waste, and 18 TWh (1.7%) from nuclear. There were no imports or
exports, and final consumption in 2016 was 967 TWh or about 7600 kWh per capita on average.
Total installed capacity was about 336 GWe at the end of December 20161.
Despite being the only country to have suffered the devastating effects of nuclear weapons in
wartime, with over 100,000 deaths, Japan embraced the peaceful use of nuclear technology to
provide a substantial portion of its electricity. However, following the tsunami which killed 19,000
people and which triggered the Fukushima nuclear accident (which killed no-one) in March 2011,
public sentiment shifted markedly so that there were widespread public protests calling for nuclear
power to be abandoned. The balance between this populist sentiment and the continuation of
reliable and affordable electricity supplies is being worked out politically.
Nuclear Power in Germany
Germany until March 2011 obtained one-quarter of its electricity from nuclear energy, using 17
reactors. The figure is now about 12% from seven reactors, while over 40% of electricity comes from
coal, the majority of that from lignite.A coalition government formed after the 1998 federal
elections had the phasing out of nuclear energy as a feature of its policy. With a new government in
2009, the phase-out was cancelled, but then reintroduced in 2011, with eight reactors shut down
immediately.Public opinion in Germany remains broadly opposed to nuclear power with virtually no
support for building new nuclear plants.Germany has some of the lowest wholesale electricity prices
in Europe and some of the highest retail prices, due to its energy policies. Taxes and surcharges
account for more than half the domestic electricity price.
Germany’s electricity production in 2016 was 649 TWh, with final consumption of 517 TWh and
net exports of 50.5 TWh. Of the total generation, coal provided 273 TWh (42%), 143 TWh of which
was generated from the burning of lignite. Nuclear provided 85 TWh (13%), gas 82 TWh (13%), wind
79 TWh (12%), biofuels & waste 58 TWh, solar PV 38 TWh, and hydro 26 TWh. Preliminary figures
for 2017 are 655 TWh total generated, of which 252 TWh (30%) was from coal, 107 TWh (16%) from
wind, 87 TWh from gas (13%), 76 TWh (12%) from nuclear, 59 TWh from biofuels & waste, 40 TWh
from solar, 26 TWh from hydro, and 6 TWh from oil (International Energy Agency figures).
Exports in 2016 were mainly to Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands, Poland and Czech Republic,
with net imports from France. Germany is one of the biggest importers of gas, coal and oil
worldwide, and has few domestic resources apart from lignite and renewables (see later section).
Annual consumption is about 6300 kWh per capita. The preponderance of coal makes the country
Europe’s biggest emitter of carbon dioxide.
Generating capacity at the end of 2018 was 205.9 GWe, comprising 9.5 GWe nuclear, 21.2 GWe
lignite, 24.2 GWe hard coal, 29.6 GWe natural gas, 4.3 GWe oil, 5.5 GWe hydro, 56.8 GWe wind,
45.3 GWe solar, and 7.7 GWe biomass (Fraunhofer figures). Total capacity has more than doubled
from 99 GWe in 1990 to give only 19% more power with 24.6% from wind and solar, from half the
total capacity. In 2016 wind and solar PV had capacity factors of 18% and 11% respectively,
compared with 90% for nuclear (IEA figures).
“Over the last decade, well-intentioned policymakers in Germany and other European
countries created renewable energy policies with generous subsidies that have slowly revealed
themselves to be unsustainable, resulting in profound, unintended consequences for all industry
stakeholders. While these policies have created an impressive roll-out of renewable energy
resources, they have also clearly generated disequilibrium in the power markets, resulting in
significant increases in energy prices to most users, as well as value destruction for all stakeholders:
consumers, renewable companies, electric utilities, financial institutions, and investors.” This is the
introductory paragraph in a July 2014 report by Finadvice for the Edison Electric Institute and
European clients. See later section with details of this.
In a 28 November 2015 Special Report The Economist, having pointed out that French
households pay about half as much as German ones for electricity, commented: “Germany has
made unusually big mistakes. Handing out enormous long-term subsidies to solar farms was unwise;
abolishing nuclear power so quickly is crazy. It has also been unlucky. The price of globally traded
hard coal has dropped in the past few years, partly because shale-gas-rich America is exporting so
much. But Germany’s biggest error is one commonly committed by countries that are trying to
move away from fossil fuels and towards renewables. It is to ignore the fact that wind and solar
power impose costs on the entire energy system, which go up more than proportionately as they
add more."

Operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants

Well-managed nuclear power plants continually strive to improve their standards of operation
and maintenance. Maintenance includes preventive and corrective measures that ensure structures,
systems and components are able to perform their design functions. Typical activities include
overhaul, repair and replacement of system components and may be enhanced by testing,
calibration and in-service inspections.
The organization operating a nuclear power plant is responsible for its safety. As well as both
internal and external self-assessments, an independent regulatory body provides oversight through
inspection activities and enforcement action where necessary. The IAEA’s Safety Standards,
developed on the basis of international consensus, address all aspects of safety in the operation of
nuclear power plants and regulatory activities. They include requirements for the management of
safety and the organizational and technical aspects of safety during the life cycle of nuclear power
plants. They include implementing guides for all major types of facilities.
Nuclear power plants undergo regular safety reviews and assessments of their essential
structures, systems and components. This is particularly important if a plant’s operating license is to
be revalidated or renewed for operation beyond the originally intended life of the facility, also
known as ‘Long Term Operation’.
To achieve the goal of safe, economic and reliable operation,
a Plant Life Management (PLiM)programme is essential to identify all requirements for the overall
life cycle of a nuclear power plant. An effective PLiM programme ensures that nuclear power plants
integrate their operations, maintenance, engineering, regulatory, environmental and economic
planning activities to manage the material condition of a plant to ensure safe long-term operation.
To assist Member States in integrating ageing, engineering, human resource and economic
aspects of nuclear power plants, the IAEA has developed guidelines on PLiM programmes. It also
delivers training and offers technical assistance and expert missions to Member States.
The Agency also provides safety review servicesbased on the IAEA safety standards to help
operating organizations achieve and maintain the highest levels of operational safety. To support
regulatory bodies, it offers technical advisory and safety review services to enhance their capacity
for independent, effective regulatory supervision of nuclear power plant safety.

My conclusion on the topic of nuclear energy is that I learned a lot. Nuclear energy is generated
by splitting atoms to release the energy held at the core, or nucleus, of those atoms. This process,
nuclear fission, generates heat that is directed to a cooling agent—usually water. The resulting steam
spins a turbine connected to a generator, producing electricity. The most common fuel for nuclear
power is uranium, an abundant metal found throughout the world. Mined uranium is processed into
U-235, an enriched version used as fuel in nuclear reactors because its atoms can be split apart easily.
In a nuclear reactor, neutrons—subatomic particles that have no electric charge—collide with atoms,
causing them to split.
When it comes to the history of nuclear energy, I can say that its structure is very good that I
really appreciate it.It all began with Roentgen's discovery of X-rays in 1895 and then Bacquerel's
discovery of rays emmited spontaneously from uranium salts and and Curie's identification of what is
called radioactive.In the years 1899- 1920 Rutherford's role in discovering the so-called half life was
important, most of which is concentrated in a small nucleus and theorizes on what is called a
neutronOn the day of July 1945 when the world's first nuclear weapon test took place, the Trinity shot
was successfully executed and on the following day from August 6-9 1945 an explosion occurred in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki using atomic bombs. In 2011, reactors at Fukushima Daiichi lose backup
generators due to tsunami and suffer core meltdowns, hydrogen explosions. Radiation release
estimated 10- 30% of Chernobyl and in the year 2013 Climate giru James Hansen published a paper
claiming nuclear has saved 1.8 million lives total by offsetting air- pollution related deaths and
Voyager 1 enters interstellar space after travelling the solar system for 36 years.
Nuclear energy has also played a role and purpose, which has made it a human alternative to
everyday activities. In applying nuclear energy to medical, industrial, agricultural, archaecological,
and environmental fields. The so-called maintenance of energy plants needs to be taken into account
as there are many life-threatening consequences if they are to be neglected.It is necessary to monitor
quality assurance, capacity, and durability of materials used in nuclear power plants and to ensure that
no problems occur.
When it comes to the help of nuclear energy in the economic aspect, I can say that it has played
a huge and important role.For example, Japan and Germany use nuclear power plants and there they
became prosperous countries because nuclear power plants respond to large volumes of electricity
and other energy-intensive items.So I am saddened by the fact that nuclear power plants in Bataan
have been discontinued which would have been a result of the development of the Philippines.
Nuclear power isn't considered renewable energy, given its dependence on a mined, finite
resource, but because operating reactors do not emit any of the greenhouse gases that contribute
to global warming, proponents say it should be considered a climate change solution. National
Geographic emerging explorer Leslie Dewan, for example, wants to resurrect the molten salt reactor,
which uses liquid uranium dissolved in molten salt as fuel, arguing it could be safer and less costly
than reactors in use today.
Task 6. List at least eight (8) nutritional foods that you ingest during the duration of your
exercise program and arrange them according to its benefits to your body.
Task 7.

A. What are the techniques that you will employ in evaluating the effectiveness of your Exercise
Planning Program? Discuss each detail.
B. How is your body condition right now better than the one being used in the past?

C. What problems do you expect would hinder the success of your program?

Task 8. Design a page featuring your 30days Challenge Exercise Planning Program. Use MS
Word, MS Publisher, or Photoshop for this activity.
Task 9. Make a four-page pictorial and essay summary of the things you have learned in this
PE101 Movement Enhancement Course. Your output should include (not necessarily
in order or limited to) your observations about the school participation in developing
the wellness of the students, your opinion about the quality and effectiveness of
Physical Education in the life of Engineering Students’, your former and present
understanding of what Movement Enhancement is, your other significant experiences
and comprehensions. Your work should have the following specifications: Times New
Roman 12, 1.50 spacing, not more than 5 illustrations for the whole work.

Task 10. Listen to your course facilitator carefully. Listen to the instruction. Listen attentively.
As a section, you will going to compile the work of everybody (alphabetically).
Pass it on in a ring bind-style
At the very beginning of your compilation report, insert the photo of your section
(formal, whole body, and wacky pose).
As well, your individualized picture, indicate the Name, Address, Birthdate, Weight,
Height, Contact Number and your Philosophy in Life.
Creative cover is a drawing or picture of an object that reminds you about your
PE101 experiences. (One creative cover for the whole section)
The creative cover should be explained individually in Task 10.
Plus 0.5 point per day (Maximum of 5 points) when passed before the deadline.
Minus 1point per day after the deadline.
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