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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems

Date: _________________________________________
Class Schedule: ______________________________

I. Objective
After the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Justify: The core teaching of Judaism is the covenant of one God with a chosen people vs. other people with
many Gods.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Judaism
B. References: Curriculum guide, Jerome A. Ong and Mary Dorothy dL. Jose. Introduction to World Religion and
Belief Systems
C. Materials: ICT/Multimedia
III. Procedure
A. Routinary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Review
B. Motivation
C. Presentation of Lesson
1. Activity (ICT/Multimedia)
 Video Presentation. Present to class a video of Jewish professor talking about the Jews.
2. Analysis
 What is your belief of your God?
 What are the core teachings of Judaism?
3. Abstraction (visual aid)
 Judaism is one of the world’s oldest religion, originating around 3,500 years ago. Despite its
relatively small population around the globe and in the country, it has influenced Western
civilization. The two biggest monotheistic religions, Christianity and Islam, affirm the Torah of
Judaism as God’s revelation and therefore as good news for everybody. Throughout Judaism’s
history, their followers have been called many names, and these names are often confused with
one another. “Hebrew” refers to those who accepted Yahweh as their God and much of their
history is written in the Hebrew bible or the old testament of the Christian bible.
4. Application
 What are the teachings of Judaism which is similar to your religion’s teachings?
IV. Evaluation
1. Why do the Jewish people consider themselves as the chosen people?
(Rubrics found at the last page of the LP)
V. Assignment
 Research a story from the Old Testament that demonstrates the Jewish belief in one God.

Prepared by:

Annabel Claire Obsequio-Arinto

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