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Ashley Nicole E.

Manacio October 11 2019

XI- Responsibility

Deforestation means destroying the forest in the way of cutting trees,

clearing a wide area, and illegal logging. Deforestation happens when people
make use of lands for constructing buildings, cities, and mostly for logs and fuels
in the form of charcoals and timber. Forests surround Fact, 31% of the planet
earth. Deforestation is also the second leading cause of global warming and
climate change that produces about 24% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

According to Michael Williams, in 1950, it is a common

misconception that this problem is a recent occurrence, gaining momentum in
the tropical regions of the world when humans first occupied the earth and
began to use fire deliberately, probably some half-a-million years ago.
Chopping down trees is part of an age-old human quest for shelter, food, and
warmth. Trees provide wood for construction, accommodtion, and making a
multitude of implements. Wood provides the fuel to keep warm, to cook food
and make it palatable, and even to smelt metals and that is deforestation.

There are many reasons why deforestation happens; these are

human activities and natural causes. Agricultural Expansion, this is to give a vast
area in planting agriculture like vegetables and fruits. Logging is one of the
causes of deforestation because they cut trees for woods and forgot to replace
another plant of trees. Infrastructure Expansion is to construct roads and bridges
that can lead to deforestation. There are also natural causes of deforestation
like hurricanes, fires, parasites, and floods.

According to Nicola Mills, some countries that are most affected by

deforestation. Brazil the Amazon is home to a large number of different species
of trees in the world. Its biodiversity could be reduced by nearly 57% if the
current rate of deforestation continues. Second is Peru, Peru has the most
significant other parts of the Amazon running through it. The main issue is down
to 80% of Peru's deforestation comes from illegal activity. Bolivia has the huge
soya industry equates in no small part of Bolivia's deforestation problem.
Indonesia has the palm oil industry that has taken its toll on Indonesia. Rainforests
and peat wetlands have struggled during the last 30 years. Over 5 thousand
square miles are cut down each year to supply palm oil demands. Russia's, a
mighty 25% of the world's untouched forests, are located in this country. 70% of
the world's boreal forests are also in this place.

Because of these causes, these are the effects of deforestation. It's

destroying the habitat of animals and birds, one of the most dangerous and
unsettling effects of deforestation is the loss of animal and plant species due to
their loss of habitat. It causes floods and fires. Further impacts of deforestation
include soil erosion and coastal flooding. In addition to their previously
mentioned roles, trees also function to retain water and topsoil, which provides
the rich nutrients to sustain new forest life. Destruction of Homelands the loss of
forests has an immediate and direct effect on their lifestyle that we in the
modern world, what the rainforest provides despite our dependency, will never
To prevent and lower the rate of deforestation. We should do tree
planting. Go Paperless. Recycle and buy also recycle products. Eat vegetarian
meals as often as possible. Make use of stainless steel products. Stop cutting
trees. Make use of the power of technology.

As I conducted my research investigation through a survey, the level

of consciousness in preserving the forest in Mati, and this case, people are very
much aware of how to prevent and lower the rate of deforestation. There is a
high rate of IHMAcians that they are much mindful of preserving the forest not
only in Mati but in the whole world.

I suggest that we should take advantage of the technology slowly by slowly or

we the human living in this precious environment, we should take care of it by
loving the nature and prevent all the harmful things in this planet earth. I also
recommend stopping burning plastics and trees to avoid destroying the
atmosphere and to prevent climate change and global warming. Because if
you don't want to end it, you take care of it, and taking care means you love it.

I am Ashley Nicole Manacio. Thank you.

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