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ESCMID STUDY GROUP REPORT 10.1111/j.1198-743X.2004.00887.

European recommendations for antimicrobial resistance surveillance

G. Cornaglia1, W. Hryniewicz2, V. Jarlier3, G. Kahlmeter4, H. Mittermayer5, L. Stratchounski6 and
F. Baquero7, on behalf of the ESCMID Study Group for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (ESGARS)
Department of Pathology, University of Verona, Verona, Italy, 2National Institute of Public Health,
Warsaw, Poland, 3Laboratoire de Bactériologie, Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpétrière, Paris, France,
Clinical Microbiology, Central Hospital, Växjö, Sweden, 5Department of Hygiene, Microbiology and
Tropical Medicine, Elisabethinen Hospital, Linz, Austria, 6Department of Clinical Pharmacology,
Smolensk State Medical Academy, Smolensk, Russia and 7Servicio de Microbiologia, Hospital
Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, Spain

The problem of antimicrobial resistance surveillance in Europe has been debated extensively in many
excellent documents issued by national committees that often assume the value of national guidelines.
However, a comprehensive document addressing the whole matter from a European perspective, as
well as reviewing its present status and drafting future perspectives, has been lacking. The present
recommendations have been produced by the ESCMID Study Group for Antimicrobial Resistance
Surveillance (ESGARS) through a consensus process involving all members of the Study Group. The
recommendations focus on the detection of bacterial resistance and its reporting to clinicians, public
health officers and a wider—and ever-increasing—audience. The leading concept is that the basis for
resistance monitoring is microbiological diagnostics. The prerequisites for resistance monitoring are
findings of adequate quality and quantity, which have been recorded properly and evaluated correctly.
Different types of surveillance studies should fulfil different requirements with regard to data collection
and reporting, the expected use of data, and the prerequisites for networking such activities. To generate
relevant indicators, bacterial resistance data should be reported using adequate denominators and
stratification. Reporting of antimicrobial resistance data is necessary for selection of empirical therapy at
the local level, for assessing the scale of the resistance problem at the local, national or international
levels, for monitoring changes in resistance rates, and for detecting the emergence and spread of new
resistances types. Any type of surveillance study should conclude, where appropriate, with a proposal
for intervention based on the data obtained.
Keywords Antimicrobial resistance, European, guidelines, recommendations, resistance, surveillance
Clin Microbiol Infect 2004; 10: 349–383

of a protective antibiotic umbrella. However,

continuous positive selection of resistant bacterial
The emergence and spread of antimicrobial resist- clones, whether pathogenic, commensal or even
ance constitutes a major risk for human health. environmental bacteria, will modify the popula-
Resistance to antibiotics limits the success of these tion structure of microbial communities, leading
agents in the therapy and prevention of infectious to accelerated evolutionary trends with unpre-
diseases. Yet society should be aware of the fact dictable consequences for human health.
that many accomplishments of modern medicine
have only been possible because of the availability
Historical background: the past decade
Surveillance of bacterial resistance to antimicro-
Corresponding author and reprint requests: G. Cornaglia,
bials involves important financial and intellectual
Department of Pathology, University of Verona, Strada Le
Grazie 8, I-37134 Verona, Italy resources throughout Europe, and coordination
E-mail: and harmonisation of these resources are

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
350 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 4, April 2004

beginning to rank increasingly high among the A significant outcome of the Verona meeting
priorities of scientific societies, public health was the establishment of the ESCMID Study
officers and legislators [1]. Group for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance
Even though previous efforts on the part of (ESGARS), with the following main aims:
both individual scientists and pharmaceutical • to provide a unifying forum for those involved
firms—mostly from Europe—must be acknow- actively in antimicrobial resistance surveillance;
ledged [2–5], most current activities in the field of • to promote awareness and facilitate the early
antimicrobial resistance surveillance are rooted in detection of emerging antimicrobial resistance
the 1995 ASM Task Force Document [6], the in Europe, and to contribute to an understand-
primary aim of which was ‘to assist the prepar- ing of its epidemiology;
ation of cumulative antimicrobial susceptibility • to improve access to European data on surveil-
reports that would prove useful to clinicians in lance;
the selection of the most appropriate agents for • to provide opportunities to enhance cooper-
empirical antimicrobial therapy’. ation;
National surveillance systems (or data collec- • to establish links with and between networks of
tions) arose in Europe in response to two different resistance surveillance programmes.
driving forces, broadly reflecting the two main A further step towards harmonisation of anti-
political and economic assets that dominated our microbial resistance surveillance in Europe was
continent throughout the Cold War period, namely: the creation 1 year later of the European Anti-
• in western Europe—high-level academic inter- microbial Resistance Surveillance System
est in antibiotic resistance; creation of compre- (EARSS) [8]. The EARSS, funded by DG SANCO
hensive networks of microbiological facilities in of the European Commission and coordinated by
hospitals; availability of new technologies, e.g., the Dutch National Institute for Public Health
new automated tools for antimicrobial suscep- and the Environment (RIVM), is a European
tibility testing, entailing both locally based and network of national surveillance systems that
large-scale data collection systems; and surveil- collects comparable and validated antimicrobial
lance initiatives on the part of pharmaceutical resistance data for public health purposes. Data
companies; generated routinely are collected and analysed,
• in eastern Europe—a heritage of centrally con- and on-line feedback is provided [9]. Results of
trolled public health organisations, frequently antimicrobial susceptibility testing for invasive
facilitating ongoing centralised data collection. Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoni-
The need to compare the many different solu- ae isolates have been collected since 1999, and in
tions which developed within the framework of 2001 the EARSS started collecting data for
these two broad models, and an awareness of the invasive Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecal-
increasing importance of the antimicrobial resist- is ⁄ faecium isolates. More than 600 laboratories in
ance problem, resulted in a meeting in 1997 on 28 western and eastern European countries
‘The present status of antimicrobial resistance currently participate [9]. External quality assur-
surveillance in Europe’, organised by the World ance exercises carried out by the EARSS in
Health Organisation (WHO) in Verona, Italy [7]. cooperation with the UK National External
Among the key findings of the workshop were the Quality Assessment Scheme (UK-NEQAS) and
following: the French Centre National de Réfèrence des
• Much useful information was already being Antibiotiques (CRAB) in 2000, 2001 and 2002
generated in Europe on antimicrobial resistance. showed that the laboratories involved are cap-
• The emergence and growth of antimicrobial able of delivering comparable and high-quality
resistance could not be addressed effectively susceptibility data [10].
by any one country or group working in
Large-scale exploitation of routine data
• Europe-wide coordination and cooperation
were critical elements for any effective ap- A major advance in antimicrobial resistance
proach, in order to develop collaboration surveillance is the increasing availability and
between existing antimicrobial resistance sur- exploitation of routine susceptibility test data.
veillance programmes. Originally, resistance surveillance was conducted

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Cornaglia et al. European recommendations for antimicrobial resistance surveillance 351

largely in the form of ad-hoc studies, often parts of eastern Europe (because of either limited
sponsored by pharmaceutical companies. Sample resources or the size of the country), there is an
sizes were often small, and most studies were almost complete lack of microbiological diagnos-
beset by sampling errors or lack of a denominator. tic samples, which can preclude any meaningful
Routine susceptibility test data have a population surveillance based on routine samples. In such
denominator, and represent a huge and some- instances, surveillance strategies in the absence
times untapped source of inexpensive, accessible of widespread diagnostic sampling should be
results, although several objections have been assessed.
raised [11]:
• Standardisation of both methodology and inter-
Existing documents on antimicrobial resistance
pretative criteria is often poor.
surveillance in Europe
• Many laboratories test relatively few antimicro-
bial agents against most isolates, and they do The problem of surveillance in Europe has been
not all test the same compounds. debated extensively in many excellent docu-
• ‘Second-line’ antimicrobial agents are often ments issued by national committees that often
tested only against isolates resistant to agents assume the value of national guidelines. Among
used more widely. others, the documents issued by Austria [13],
• Many isolates are only identified partly, mean- Belgium [14], Denmark [15], Finland [16], France
ing that data from different species may be [17], Ireland [18], Norway [19], Spain [20] and
pooled and major resistance developments in the UK [11] are of particular relevance. How-
infrequent species are likely to be missed. ever, a comprehensive document addressing the
In spite of these concerns (see later), a major whole matter of antimicrobial resistance surveil-
advantage is that surveillance systems can be fed lance from a European perspective, as well as
simply by downloading data regularly on a wide reviewing its present status and drafting future
range of organisms and specimen types. The main perspectives, has been lacking. Consequently,
reason for a curb on the wider acceptance of the ESGARS committed itself to producing a
routine data for surveillance was possibly related wide-acceptance document through a consensus
to the fact that the extensive availability of such process involving all members of the Study
data had an impact on huge interests in terms of Group.
both money and power stemming from the Following this process, the present document
private control of antimicrobial resistance surveil- focuses on the detection of bacterial resistance
lance (which is somehow different from the and its reporting to clinicians, public health
control of antimicrobial resistance), as often officers and a wider—and ever-increasing—audi-
occurs when advances in technology alter a ence. The leading concept throughout the docu-
well-established steady state [12]. It is worth ment is that ‘the basis for resistance monitoring is
noting that once the antibiotic resistance problem microbiological diagnostics. The prerequisites for
became a fashionable issue, routine susceptibility resistance monitoring are findings of adequate
test data suddenly turned out to be reliable—even quality and quantity, which have been properly
beyond their own limits—when a for-profit com- recorded and correctly evaluated.’ [13].
pany proposed its monitoring strategy based on
routine data collected from a number of hospitals.
The use of routine data is now accepted widely, as GENERAL CONCEPTS
opposed to the costly and labour-intensive tradi-
Surveillance: a definition
tional active surveillance, in that it can produce a
great deal of useful, easily accessible and suffi- Surveillance is a systematic, ongoing data collec-
ciently accurate information. tion, analysis and reporting process that quanti-
However, it must be borne in mind that tatively monitors temporal trends in the
antimicrobial resistance surveillance can be occurrence and distribution of susceptibility and
based on routine data only when there is a resistance to antimicrobial agents, and provides
steady flow of diagnostic samples submitted for information useful as a guide to medical practice,
laboratory testing. This precondition is generally including therapeutics and disease control activ-
met in most of western Europe, but in some ities.

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
352 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 4, April 2004

Its main objectives are: resistance can also be addressed: (1) the spread of
1. to describe and quantify trends in acquired resistance genes through the bacterial world; and
antimicrobial resistance in important species as (2) the consequences of bacterial resistance (e.g.,
a rational basis for establishing empirical ther- treatment failure, morbidity, mortality, economic
apy, and for evaluating and comparing strat- impact).
egies to counteract the development of
resistance in both hospital and community
The surveillance targets
2. to inform those bodies or institutions capable Surveillance of resistance trends can be focused
of identifying effective public health interven- theoretically on different targets.
tions for resistance containment, and of devel-
oping specific public health policies for Evolving trends in antibiotic resistance
improving patient care; 1. Description and quantification of biological
3. to detect new antimicrobial resistance mecha- resistance using epidemiological cut-off values. Each
nisms, and to develop continuously updated species exhibits a natural relationship to each
systems for interpretative reading of antibiotic antimicrobial. It may possess intrinsically high or
susceptibility tests; low sensitivity to the action of a drug, but the
4. to detect the threat of dissemination of especi- MICs for wild-type organisms are usually distri-
ally unwanted resistance mechanisms or clones, buted over a ten-fold concentration interval, e.g.,
e.g., methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), 0.008–0.064 mg ⁄ L (Strep. pneumoniae vs. benzyl-
vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), or penicillin), 0.064–0.5 mg ⁄ L (Pseudomonas aerugi-
extended-spectrum b-lactamases (ESBLs) in nosa vs. ciprofloxacin), or 0.25–2 mg ⁄ L (E. coli
hospital wards, and multiresistant Mycobacteri- vs. gentamicin), or 4–32 mg ⁄ L (E. coli vs. nitrof-
um tuberculosis or Strep. pneumoniae with high- urantoin).
level penicillin resistance in the community; and The European Committee on Antimicrobial
5. to serve as an inspiration for standardisation Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) has utilised this
and harmonisation of antimicrobial suscepti- to define ‘epidemiological cut-off values’
bility testing among laboratories taking part in (WT £ X mg ⁄ L) which determine whether an
the surveillance programme. organism is wild-type in relation to a particular
To achieve these objectives, both regular sur- antimicrobial. The epidemiological cut-off value
veys (non-directed data retrieval) and ad-hoc can be used to describe and quantify biological
studies (targeted at a particular problem) are resistance, possibly but not necessarily predicting
used in surveillance. Note that ad-hoc studies are future resistance trends regardless of clinical
often derived from observations obtained during sensitivity or resistance. It offers the possibility
regular surveys. of early action (measures to counter the develop-
Resistance rates should be obtained: ment of further resistance) and assessing the
• for well-defined microorganisms and antibiot- results of such action from the modified distribu-
ics; tion of susceptibility values, i.e., in the form of a
• at regular time periods; true biological phenomenon. A further advantage
• in well-defined spatial locations, i.e., country, of the epidemiological cut-off value is that it is not
town, hospital, or internal hospital area; subject to differences in opinion, which is often
• in precise biological ⁄ sociological ⁄ clinical com- the case with more clinically orientated break-
partments, e.g., isolates from bacteraemia, from points. Fig. 1 shows the natural distribution of
urine, from osteomyelitis, or from individuals ciprofloxacin MICs for wild-type E. coli, and the
of a certain age, or from immigrants. epidemiological cut-off value (WT £ 0.064 mg ⁄ L)
Only in these circumstances can comparisons as defined by EUCAST.
be made, and the differences analysed in such a 2. Description and quantification of clinical resist-
way that specific action can be taken. ance using pharmacological ⁄ clinical breakpoints. The
The detection of abnormal bacteriological use of more clinically orientated breakpoints in
events (e.g., low levels of acquired resistance or surveillance of antimicrobial resistance meets
new patterns of resistance) is also an important with problems. There is as yet no consensus
objective of surveillance. Two specific aspects of on how to define clinical ⁄ pharmacological

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Cornaglia et al. European recommendations for antimicrobial resistance surveillance 353

50 duce very comparable raw data [10], which may

become extremely difficult to interpret if clinical
breakpoints are applied and only the semiquan-
30 titative interpretations (S, I and R) are used to
describe and quantify resistance.

10 Evolving trends in the incidence of particular

mechanisms of resistance
For this purpose, the surveillance targets could

be: (1) genes or gene combinations encoding


mg/L mechanisms of resistance; (2) the specific prod-
Fig. 1. Ciprofloxacin MIC distribution for wild-type
ucts coded for by resistance genes (such as
Escherichia coli, as obtained by means of the EUCAST penicillin-binding protein (PBP) 2a, b-lactamases
web-based program ‘Antimicrobial wild-type distributions or CAT enzymes); (3) resistance phenotypes that
of microorganisms’ ( Data (4416 are characteristic of a given mechanism of resist-
observations) were pooled from six sources, such as ance. In this way, surveillance could be focused
breakpoint committees, surveillance programmes, the
pharmaceutical industry and scientific reports. Epidemio- on the detection of strains producing PBP2a
logical cut-off: WT £ 0.064 mg ⁄ L. (detection with monoclonal PBP2a antibodies),
or on strains harbouring the mecA gene (detection
with PCR), or on singling out S. aureus isolates
breakpoints, which means that there are great with a given susceptibility profile for further
differences in clinical breakpoints for some analysis with more specific methods.
drug–organism combinations, and that the
resulting surveillance data, based only on break- Evolving trends in the incidence of particular resistant
points and on ‘S ⁄ I ⁄ R’ interpretative categorisa- clones
tion, may be completely invalid in a broader In many cases, it is the spread of a particular
context. resistant clone that influences the prevalence of
Thus, the use of clinical breakpoints for anti- antibiotic resistance. Surveillance of a particular
microbial surveillance should be accompanied by clone whose presence is known to influence
the collection and display of MIC (or inhibition clinical antibiotic resistance can be done in differ-
zone diameter) distributions. Fig. 2 shows that the ent ways:
European countries involved in EARSS [9] pro- 1. Phenotype of the clone. In some cases, when
resistance emerges, there is a single clone (or
a small number of clones) that is responsible
for resistance. In this simple case, the resist-
150 Czech Republic ance phenotype (resistance to the new anti-
Finland biotic) serves, at least for a certain period of
time, to identify the clone. In other cases,
100 there is a particular combination of pheno-
typic resistance traits that may characterise
the clone.
2. Genotypic traits of the clone. Particular genetic
polymorphisms in one or more genes (not
necessarily those involved in the resistance
mechanism), or in non-coding regions, fre-
0.004 0.016 0.064 0.25 1
16 64 quently identify a particular clone. Many tech-
0.008 0.032 0.125 0.5 32
MIC (mg/L) niques are available to identify particular
clones, but are often used only in specialised
Fig. 2. Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates vs. erythromycin laboratories. Nevertheless, increasing simplifi-
from data collected by the EARSS in 2001. The erythro-
mycin S ⁄ I breakpoints used by countries involved in the
cation of clonal detection techniques will make
EARSS were S < 0, 5, 1 and 2 mg ⁄ L, while the I ⁄ R this type of surveillance fully accessible in the
breakpoints were R > 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 mg ⁄ L. short term. Detection of a single resistant

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
354 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 4, April 2004

isolate in a given patient rarely gives rise to a defined breakpoint for high-level resistance exists
resistance problem in the short term, but if the (e.g., gentamicin high-level resistance in Ent.
strain disseminates among three or more faecalis). Note that the concentrations to be tested
patients, this is a presumptive sign of the in MICs, or the precise procedure for disk-
epidemicity of a particular clone, and perhaps diffusion testing, should be agreed at the start of
some kind of action should be taken. the study. Eventually, the report should only
stratify the percentage of strains in the categories
Evolving trends in the incidence of antibiotic-resistant ‘wild-type’, ‘clinical resistance’ and ‘high-level
infections resistance’ categories. A minimal stratification of
Infections that fail to be cured when treated with data should be included, at least according to the
given antibiotics (surveillance of infection re- few basic patient features available in a typical
sponse–antibiotic pairs) are of particular interest laboratory information system (LIS), for instance:
for clinicians. Very little has been done in this specimen type, in ⁄ outpatient, and type of ward
very important field of surveillance. Advances in for inpatients.
research procedures for quantitative evaluation of For studies focused on detecting changes in
the clinical response to antibiotics will be needed. low-level antibiotic resistance, the main use will
be to detect the evolution of organisms from
susceptibility to low-level resistance, as a way of
Surveillance studies
predicting the emergence of high-level resistance.
Different types of surveillance studies should fulfil If the studies are focused on high-level (clinical)
different requirements with regard to data collec- resistance, it will be useful to define the types of
tion and reporting, the expected use of data, and infections (caused by particular organisms) in
the prerequisites for networking such activities. which a number of antibiotics could be of clinical
Surveillance of evolving qualitative trends in low-level For the purposes of networking organisation,
and high-level antibiotic resistance many of these studies could be based on retro-
Data collection requires unequivocal definition of spective as well as prospective (continued) work
acquired low-level and high-level resistance for (‘routine surveillance’ [21]); in general, partici-
each antimicrobial and in each individual species. pants should represent different types of laborat-
For that purpose, consensus quantitative epide- ories (located in hospitals of different sizes, in
miological cut-off values (for detecting low-level teaching ⁄ non-teaching hospitals, or in facilities
resistance) or clinical breakpoints (for high-level serving community patients), which should have
resistance) should be established first in order to a functional LIS.
ensure comparisons in time and space. Quantita-
tive methods of determining MICs (or even Surveillance of evolving quantitative trends in
properly measured zones of inhibition in disk low-level and high-level antibiotic resistance
tests) are therefore required. The methodology The essential purpose of these studies is the
and accuracy of these methods requires stand- identification of possible changes, within a bac-
ardisation among participating laboratories, as terial species, of the proportion of strains differing
well as appropriate quality control strains with in their level of sensitivity at different concentra-
known MICs (susceptible strains and strains with tions of a given antibiotic. Indeed, the purpose is
known mechanisms of low-level and high-level similar to that described above, but with a more
resistance). detailed examination of the number of strains
For reporting purposes, results could be ex- inhibited by each antibiotic concentration (and
pressed in terms of: (1) the percentage of strains not just at the cut-off values or breakpoints).
belonging to the wild-type distribution, i.e., with 1. Data collection requires technology to quantify
an MIC equal to or below the epidemiological cut- MICs by a pre-established test method with a
off value, showing the proportion of strains common range of antibiotic concentrations,
devoid of any resistance level; (2) the percentage and including quality control procedures that
of strains exhibiting clinical resistance, i.e., above should involve known strains with different
the clinical R breakpoint; (3) the percentage of levels of antibiotic susceptibility. Reports
strains showing high-level resistance, when a should be given in a population analysis

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
Cornaglia et al. European recommendations for antimicrobial resistance surveillance 355

format in the form of tables and distribution clones when present in low frequencies in the
graphs (number or percentage of strains inhib- patient population (or also in suspected carriers).
ited at each antibiotic concentration). For this purpose, enrichment or selective media
2. These studies enable the trends in bacterial (containing a selective antibiotic or even a mixture
populations inhibited by different antibiotic of selective antibiotics) can be used to detect the
concentrations to be followed. Analysis of clone.
these trends may provide interesting insights • The data recovery should be done according to
into the frequency of evolution of the members a very stringent protocol of strain identification;
of a given species from full susceptibility to in general, these strains should be collected
low-level resistance, and hence to clinical prospectively throughout the survey to facili-
resistance. In the case of newly introduced tate further genetic work that will confirm and
drugs, these studies are of critical importance identify the clonal type. The survey should
for determining the presumptive cut-off values include the study of a wide range of antibiotics
(and sometimes the breakpoints) to categorise in susceptibility testing. These types of surveys
a given strain as being susceptible, or having are highly dependent on good stratification of
intermediate or high-level resistance to the the type of samples and data of patients (or
antibiotic. carriers). The importance of local clonal spread
3. The laboratories involved in networking in this means that it is important to know the precise
type of activity should have facilities for time and compartment in which the strains
conducting quantitative susceptibility studies, were obtained (hospital ⁄ community, but also
and for storing these results in LISs. secondary compartments, such as type of ward,
or intensive care unit (ICU) in hospital; or
Surveillance of resistant clones outside, e.g., day-care centres). Data should be
The aim of these surveillance studies is to detect reported as prevalence of the clone (or suspec-
and monitor the quantitative evolution of a ted clone) with respect to the patient frequency
number of resistant bacterial strains (clones) parameters in a given compartment, e.g., 100
whose dissemination is expected to create health admitted patients, 1000 patient-days, or 100 000
problems in the therapy of infectious diseases. inhabitants. For comparative purposes, the
Examples of surveillance for resistant clones are number of isolates of the same species origin-
the protocols for detecting and monitoring the ating in the same period of time in the same
following: compartment should be provided, but such a
• spread of Enterobacteriaceae and Gram-negat- procedure cannot be adopted if the clonal
ive non-fermenting bacilli with extended-spec- search has been performed by applying enrich-
trum b-lactamases, acquired AmpC ment or selective culturing. Of particular inter-
cephalosporinases or carbapenemases; est is the handling of the problem of repeated
• vancomycin-resistant Ent. faecium or S. aureus; isolates in the same patient (see later).
• very high-level penicillin resistance in Strep. • This type of surveillance is of great interest in
pneumoniae; detecting and describing outbreaks, in helping
• methicillin- or linezolid-resistant S. aureus; to design control measures, and in assessing the
• isoniazid and rifampicin resistance in M. tuber- impact of control measures. Such studies will
culosis. enable an understanding of the features of
Several of these clones are or tend to become clonal circulation within and between compart-
multiresistant to antibiotics, since selection of the ments; the clone is a ‘tagged’ organism that
clone by one particular antibiotic may lead to bears witness to the bridges and gaps that exist
further enrichment and spread of the bacterial between different environments.
population, which facilitates the acquisition of • The hospital laboratories that are expected to
resistance to new antibiotics. network with others for the purposes of sur-
Surveillance of resistant clones can be carried veillance of clonal resistant strains should have
out simply by detecting strains endowed with a a special interest (and experience) in the study
previously established suspicious phenotype, iso- of nosocomial infections; preferably they
lated by normal procedures. The surveillance should have genetic facilities for clonal identi-
study may be carried out to detect these resistant fication and ⁄ or be linked regularly to central

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
356 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 4, April 2004

laboratories performing such tasks. In the case otitis, or resistant lower respiratory tract infec-
of community microbiological facilities, there tions in Anthonissen II-type chronic bronchitis.
should be adequate interest and experience in Data on age and gender, the type of underlying
infectious diseases and epidemiology, and easy condition (e.g., immunosuppression, diabetes),
contact with larger hospital laboratories of the the place and time of previous hospitalisation (or
type mentioned above. In both cases, there stay in day-care centres), as well as any history
should be facilities to collect (mainly prospec- of previous antibiotic therapy, are of crucial
tively) specific data on patients and their interest in these studies. To evaluate the medical
clinical and therapeutic environments. risk associated with particular resistant clones, a
comparison should be made with a group of
Surveillance of antibiotic-resistant infections well-matched patients suffering from the same
The term ‘antibiotic-resistant infections’ can be type of illness, but from whom susceptible
interpreted in two ways. First, it could refer to bacteria were isolated. Data in the analysis
documented infections caused by resistant bac- should include the prevalence of resistant strains
terial organisms (‘enhanced surveillance’ [21]). in the species involved in the infection(s), as well
Second, it could be used to define infections that as the number and incidence of events with
are treated unsuccessfully (‘resistant to’) by anti- resistant strains in the exposed population. An
biotics. In the latter case, there may or may not be example from the WHO 2002 recommendations
a resistant causative organism, since antibiotic [21] is ‘cases of ciprofloxacin-resistant E. coli
resistance is not the only feature accounting for community-acquired bacteraemia ⁄ 100 000 inhab-
treatment failure. itants’.
Taking the first meaning of the term, the The use of data obtained by this type of
interest in this surveillance method is to analyse surveillance should serve to modify or refine the
trends in the frequency of documented infections therapeutic indications of different antibiotics for
caused by resistant bacteria. In other words, the a given type of infection, to shape treatment
high prevalence of antibiotic resistance in a given strategies (antibiotic policies), to alert clinicians to
species does not automatically mean a high possible therapeutic failures, and to provide
prevalence of a given type of antibiotic-resistant useful epidemiological indicators for public
infection. With the exception of cultures taken health services. The institutions that will be
from normally sterile sites, a substantial number interested in networking this type of surveillance
of isolates in the hospital environment are study should be able to engage in mostly pros-
obtained from infected patients, but are not pective work with a standardised protocol
necessarily the cause of the infections. Some (‘enhanced surveillance’ [21]). In general, such
surveillance studies have therefore focused on institutions should have considerable experience
determining only the resistance frequencies of in dealing with infectious diseases.
invasive pathogens (e.g., blood cultures in the
EARSS-promoted studies). In this particular case,
the number of antibiotic-resistant infections REQUIRED OR DESIRABLE
should approach closely the number of antibi- INFORMATION
otic-resistant bacteria, provided that the break-
General principles of data collection
point is appropriate. However, patients with
profound neutropenia may have antibiotic-resist- The principles of data collection and their specific
ant infections caused by antibiotic-susceptible requirements differ according to the type of infor-
bacteria. mation desired. Retrospective studies based on
For this type of surveillance protocol, data LISs can be used to generate general statistics and
recovery should basically include the types of strain population data, provided that the quality of
infection under surveillance, with as much detail the results is assured by the use of reference
as possible. Going into more specific detail could strains, and that standardised definitions are used.
be critical for good stratification: e.g., resistant Given the current state of medical data computing
bacteraemia associated with intravenous cathe- in most institutions (hospital information system;
ters, resistant lower urinary tract infections HIS) and the linking of such systems to LISs, infor-
(UTIs), resistant purulent effusions from chronic mation on resistance in documented infections and

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Cornaglia et al. European recommendations for antimicrobial resistance surveillance 357

multidrug resistance (MDR) surveillance can be Patient relationship vis-à-vis the healthcare system at
generated only by means of prospective studies. the time of sampling
Any effort to extend and improve the HIS–LIS Ambulatory patients. Patients living in a private
linkage should be encouraged. home and who are generally referred for samp-
Implementation of these recommendations can ling to a laboratory (only sampled occasionally at
succeed only if the LIS is well-adapted to this home).
task. LIS integration into the overall HIS may be Home care patients. Patients cared for at home by
an advantage, as clinical data can be extracted private or public health institutions. These
more easily, but at the same time, the tools patients usually have a history of recent, some-
needed for laboratory-based surveillance are times recurrent, hospitalisation and, conse-
often not included in these comprehensive HIS quently, may carry nosocomial bacteria. For that
solutions. It would be an excellent achievement to reason, they should not be pooled with ambula-
promote the integration of laboratory and clinical tory patients.
information systems where laboratory surveil- Patients in long-term care facilities. Patients admit-
lance capabilities are maintained. ted intermittently or permanently to old people’s
homes or similar facilities, the nature of which
differs appreciably between different countries
Results and data elements to be included:
and even within a given country. These patients,
definitions, thesaurus
as well as their infections and pathological spec-
Both the bacteriological results (primarily bacter- imens, present many peculiarities [22], so that
ial identification and susceptibility test results) mixing their data with those of ambulatory
and the accessory information that is usually patients is a major mistake when it comes to
available in LISs (patients, specimens, dates, etc.) tracing the epidemiology of antimicrobial resist-
should be based ideally on definitions and a ance [23].
thesaurus shared by all laboratories participating Patients attending day-care clinics. These patients
in resistance monitoring networks. These defini- generally have a long history of hospitalisation
tions and thesaurus are used during the constitu- and must not be pooled with ambulatory patients.
tion of the laboratory database, and are helpful Patients hospitalised in healthcare facilities for more
tools for subsequent data extraction and merging than 24 h. This is the largest group of patients
processes in network databases. undergoing bacteriological investigation and the
most diversified. In order to permit good data
Data on the laboratory stratification, it is necessary to specify the type of
Each individual laboratory should be identified facility (teaching hospital, general hospital, pri-
by a unique code in the network database. vate institution, cancer treatment centre) and,
particularly, the type of medical activity of the
Patient data department in which the patient is hospitalised,
Identity. Patient identity is normally specified in basically:
an LIS, but is not included in network databases • emergency rooms;
for confidentiality reasons. However, patient • gynaecology and obstetrics;
identification is a frequent prerequisite for iden- • paediatrics;
tifying duplicate isolates. The patient identifier • medicine (as a whole, or specifying internal
can be the family name, first name and date of medicine, infectious diseases, cardiology, pneu-
birth, the coding system used in the hospital (e.g., mology, gastroenterology, nephrology or acute
rank of hospital admission), or any other unequi- geriatric units);
vocal identifier used in the LIS. • haematology and oncology;
Date of birth and sex. The date of birth can yield • surgery (as a whole, or specifying gastrointes-
the patient’s age, which can be extracted for the tinal surgery, urology, orthopaedics, cardiac
network database. and thoracic surgery, neurosurgery);
Home address. The postal (zip) code of the • ICUs;
patient’s hometown may be useful to analyse • transplantation units;
the geographical distribution of resistance, par- • psychiatry;
ticularly in community-acquired infections. • casualty departments and wards;

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
358 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 4, April 2004

• rehabilitation (e.g., after surgery or neurol- either associated resistance traits (resistance of
ogy). MRSA to gentamicin, glycopeptides, etc.), or
If more detailed lists are used, definitions and the prevalence of MRSA carriage in a given
possible pooling should be agreed by the different group of patients (e.g., in an ICU). They cannot,
laboratories included in the surveillance network. however, be used to survey the rate of MRSA
among S. aureus isolates.
Information on dates Specimens collected for screening purposes
For ambulatory patients, patients cared for at should be classified separately by the sampling
home, and patients attending day-care clinics, only site and the bacteria targeted.
the date of sampling is required. For patients It is worth considering that the resistance
hospitalised in healthcare facilities, the date of frequencies generated in phase II and III clinical
admission to the facility should also be provided in trials are in most cases much lower than those
order to allow calculation of the interval between generated when clinical isolates are surveyed
admission and sampling (see definitions of no- from diagnostic laboratories. This is possibly
socomial vs. community-acquired infections). because all patients are (or should be) sampled
in clinical trials, while the samples sent to diag-
Data on the specimen nostic laboratories in many countries come from
Each specimen is identified in the LIS by means of patients who may be considered as ‘abnormal’,
a unique number, which is usually not transferred e.g., because they fail to respond to therapy,
to network databases for confidentiality reasons. relapse after the end of treatment, or have more
Environmental specimens (surfaces, water, etc.) severe infections than normal. This is especially
and quality controls should be classified sepa- the case for outpatients and in healthcare systems
rately. A distinction should be made between in which those submitting specimens consider the
specimens for clinical diagnosis and specimens cost of laboratory examinations to be important.
for screening specific bacteria, since their purpose For these reasons, it may be advantageous to
and implications in resistance surveillance are initiate surveillance studies in which all patients
different, namely: with defined types of infections are sampled, i.e.,
• Specimens for clinical diagnosis are sampled to mimic for surveillance purposes the system
for the individual diagnosis (positive and aetio- implemented in phase II and III trials.
logical diagnosis) of infectious diseases, i.e., to
detect and identify causative bacteria. Bacterial Minimum thesaurus for clinical specimens
isolates are the main source for resistance The following minimum thesaurus is intention-
monitoring. ally limited to the most frequent specimens, the
• Specimens for screening specific bacteria (often interpretation of which is relatively unequivocal
referred to as ‘colonisation’, ‘screening’ or and allows good stratification of data. The
‘ecological’ specimens) are sampled mostly at medical significance of other types of specimens
fixed intervals of time (for monitoring purpo- may be more controversial (e.g., wound swabs or
ses) or during a specific epidemiological study fluid taken from drains). By classifying such
(cross-sectional survey). The most frequent specimens in the category ‘others’, the informat-
sampling sites are the rhinopharynx, rectum ive value and specificity of the statistics are
or faeces, skin and vagina. These specimens are improved, although the amount of detail is
used to detect targeted species (e.g., S. aureus, obviously reduced. The category ‘others’ can
Salmonella enterica, Strep. agalactiae) or the resist- also be subdivided, as required, into broad
ance pattern in a species (MRSA, ESBL, VRE, subgroups. Specimens of fairly unequivocal
etc.). Consequently, whether or not screening interpretation include the following:
specimens can be used for resistance monitor- • Blood culture.
ing depends on the aspect investigated. Thus, in • Urine (applies strictly to urine itself, thus
the case of S. aureus, they can be used to survey excluding catheter equipment). The circum-
either the resistance within this species in stances of urine sampling, e.g., patients with
carriers, or the carriage prevalence of the indwelling catheters, should be specified, if
species in a given group of patients, while in available:
the case of MRSA, they can be used to survey • intravascular devices;

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
Cornaglia et al. European recommendations for antimicrobial resistance surveillance 359

• peripheral catheters; Table 1. Indicators used for resistance surveillance

• central catheters; Simple Percentage of resistance in a given species, e.g., percentage
• perfusion chambers. of MRSA among S. aureus in general
Medium Percentage of resistance in a given species isolated from a
• Serous fluid obtained by puncture: given type of sample, e.g., percentage of ciprofloxacin-resistant
E. coli isolated from urine in acute care
• cerebrospinal fluid; Complex Percentage of resistance in a given type of infection, e.g.,
• pleural fluid; percentage of ciprofloxacin-resistant E. coli isolated from
community-acquired UTI
• joint fluid; Very Incidence of a given type of infection caused by particular
• peritoneal fluid; complex resistant bacteria in a specified epidemiological setting,
e.g., incidence of MRSA bacteraemia acquired
• pus taken from closed, normally sterile in ICU ⁄ 1000 hospital days

anatomical sites by puncture or surgery

(such specimens with high informative • number of direct admissions (i.e., excluding
value are distinguished from those taken internal ward tranfers) lasting >24 h (relevant
from drains or swabs, whose significance is only for acute care wards and ICUs);
uncertain). • number of hospitalisation days (relevant for
• Protected or distal respiratory samples: any ward or hospital);
• bronchial brush; • number of samples (relevant for any ward or
• protected distal specimen; hospital).
• bronchoalveolar lavage. For laboratories working for general practitioners:
• Unprotected respiratory samples (distinct from • numbers of practitioners referring bacterio-
the above, since their interpretation is more logical samples;
controversial). • size of the population covered;
• Bronchial aspiration; • number of samples.
• Sputum. Such parameters can be used for several pur-
• Stools. poses:
• Urethral and cervical ⁄ vaginal samples. • as likelihood controls, e.g., expected number
• Bile. of strains for a given bacterial species in a
given period of time;
• for stratification of results, e.g., comparative
Indicators, denominators and data stratification
MRSA rates in a set of hospitals, according to
To generate relevant indicators, bacterial resist- the number of beds or admissions;
ance data should be reported using adequate • as denominators for statistics, e.g., incidence
denominators and stratification. Denominators of community-acquired pneumonia caused
are adapted to the type of question addressed by penicillin-resistant pneumococci ⁄ 100
by the surveillance. The range of complexity admissions in acute care, or incidence of
levels is large, from low complexity, e.g., frequen- MRSA ⁄ 1000 bed-days;
cies of resistance in a given species, to very high • to make extrapolations from the results ob-
complexity, e.g., the proportion of a resistant tained in the monitored population or set of
organism in a given type of infection and a given hospitals (e.g., number of pneumococci or
epidemiological setting (Table 1). Several param- MRSA isolated annually in the whole country)
eters are used for generating these indicators, using regional or national health statistics
some related to medical activity and some to the (e.g., total number of inhabitants and distri-
patient. bution by age in the case of community-
acquired infections, or total number of beds,
Medical activity parameters hospitalisations ⁄ year, and hospitalisation
Some useful parameters describe the medical days ⁄ year in the case of hospital-acquired
activity in the exposed population or in the infections).
hospital where the monitoring takes place:
For hospital laboratories: Parameters concerning the patient
• number of beds, relevant for any ward or Parameters used for community-acquired infections.
hospital—acute care (e.g., medicine, surgery, Some parameters correlating with the rates of
obstetrics), intensive care, rehabilitation and resistance in community-acquired infections,
long-term care;

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
360 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 4, April 2004

e.g., UTIs, pneumococcal respiratory tract infec- significantly from one country to another
tions, tuberculosis, and probably other types of according to the quality of patient management,
infections, are particularly relevant for resistance it is also recommended that resistance statistics
monitoring. should be presented according to patient domi-
• Urinary tract infections. Several parameters influ- cile, nationality or, even better, country of
ence the respective distributions of E. coli (the origin.
most prevalent bacterial species, which is usu- Parameters used to define the community-acquired or
ally sensitive to many antibiotics) and other less nosocomial nature of infections in healthcare facilities.
frequent—and generally more resistant—spe- Resistance rates are higher among bacteria
cies (e.g., Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp., Ser- causing nosocomial infections than among those
ratia spp., P. aeruginosa), including a previous causing community-acquired infections for two
history of UTI, antibiotic therapy or hospitali- main reasons, namely: (1) a higher proportion
sation. The same applies to the prevalence of of naturally resistant species among bacteria of
E. coli strains resistant to the main antibiotics nosocomial origin (e.g., P. aeruginosa); and (2)
used to treat lower UTIs [17]. These parameters a higher proportion, within a given species, of
are of particular importance when analysing isolates with acquired resistance traits that
the results of monitoring based on samples cause nosocomial infections [31]. This is why
from ambulatory patients, since the probability it is so important, in the case of hospitalised
of such patients having a sample taken is much patients, to distinguish between community-
higher in the case of relapse of UTI, or in the acquired bacteria and bacteria of nosocomial
case of risk factors such as recent indwelling origin [21].
catheters or surgery, than in the case of a first However, it must be borne in mind that several
episode of UTI with no risk factors. As a multiresistant organisms have appeared recently
consequence, generating rates of resistance outside the hospital, particularly non-multiresist-
based on indiscriminate samples from all ant MRSA and CTX-M b-lactamase-producing E.
ambulatory patients would lead to an overes- coli [32,33].
timate of the rates of resistance and overuse of Nosocomial infections are defined as infections
the most recent drugs. not present (and not incubating) at the time of
• Pneumococcal infections. Rates of resistance to admission, and which are acquired in a healthcare
b-lactams or macrolides, as well as multidrug facility. Except for infections with a known
resistance in Strep. pneumoniae, are known to be incubation period (such as legionellosis), the
associated with several parameters, namely age incubation period is considered generally to last
of the patient, recent treatment with b-lactams, for 48 h. Consequently, when the interval be-
macrolides or co-trimoxazole, and recurrent tween admission to the hospital and onset of
infections [24–29]. These parameters are helpful infection is >48 h, the infection is considered to be
for analysing changes in the prevalence of Strep. nosocomial. Community-acquired infections are
pneumoniae resistance correctly, and for monit- defined as infections not acquired in a healthcare
oring the impact of measures aimed at reducing institution.
this prevalence (e.g., a reduction in the volume In practice, a bacterial strain is presumed to
of antibiotic prescriptions in children, or better be of nosocomial origin if it is isolated from a
control of pneumococcal transmission in day- patient who has been hospitalised for at least
care centres). 48 h or transferred from another healthcare
• Tuberculosis. In this case, the key parameter facility (the latter cases should be kept separate).
associated with resistance is a history of treat- Conversely, a bacterial strain can be presumed
ment with anti-tubercular drugs. This param- to be community-acquired if isolated from an
eter makes it possible to distinguish between ambulatory patient or from a patient hospital-
the rate of primary resistance (strains isolated ised for <48 h who was not transferred from
from patients with no history of treatment, or another healthcare facility. A more precise
‘new cases’) and that of secondary, or acquired, definition, which takes account of the patient
resistance (strains isolated from patients with a history, is helpful to ascertain the community-
history of treatment). Both rates should be acquired or nosocomial nature of infection in
assessed separately [30]. Since these rates differ particular cases, namely:

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
Cornaglia et al. European recommendations for antimicrobial resistance surveillance 361

• Infections that are essentially of nosocomial • the main types of medical activity (e.g.,
origin (e.g., MRSA), but which can be consid- acute care, intensive care, rehabilitation,
ered wrongly as community-acquired if there long-term care).
was a previous unrecorded hospital stay [32].
• Infections that are essentially, or almost exclu-
sively, acquired in the community (e.g., typhoid
fever or listeriosis), but which can be consid- In any type of surveillance, data collection should
ered wrongly as nosocomial if the diagnosis include each distinct event in order to ensure
after admission to the hospital is delayed (e.g., sensitivity, but should include it once only in
blood cultures taken after the second day of the order to ensure specificity. For surveillance of
hospital stay). bacterial resistance, each distinct event refers to a
• Any infection diagnosed within the first 48 h distinct bacterial isolate. Every effort should be
after readmission, which could be either com- made to exclude redundant or duplicate isolates
munity-acquired or linked to a previous hospi- from analysis. In human medicine, and especially
tal stay. Patient characteristics and the history in healthcare facilities, microbiologists are con-
or nature of the infection may suggest either fronted every day with the practical problem of
community-acquired infection (e.g., S. aureus identifying duplicate isolates, since, for many
whitlow) or hospital-acquired infection (e.g., patients, separate specimens can yield bacteria of
S. aureus surgical wound infection). the same species.
Parameters used for monitoring multidrug-resistant
bacteria (MDRB) in healthcare facilities (for countries
Justification for not counting duplicate isolates
with high resistance rates). MDRB are those show-
ing combined resistance to at least two major The high proportion of duplicate isolates, and
drugs used in therapy. Indicators are based on the their impact on published resistance rates, has
following parameters: been demonstrated repeatedly, particularly in the
• Numerator: number of MDRB isolated from hospital setting [17,34–37]. Indeed, when dupli-
specimens for clinical diagnosis, in patients cate isolates are included, the rate of resistance
hospitalised throughout the period, excluding tends to be higher, particularly for species in
duplicate isolates. which drug resistance is frequent (S. aureus,
• Denominator: P. aeruginosa, etc.), because resistant strains have
• number of strains of the same species isolated a higher probability of not being cleared by
in the same conditions (will generate rates of antibiotic therapy, and will be isolated several
resistance in the species); times (see below; Tables 2 and 3).
• number of direct admissions, i.e., excluding For these reasons, several systems for identify-
ward transfers, and number of days of ing duplicate isolates have been proposed, relying
hospitalisation throughout the period (will upon: (1) isolation rank; (2) characteristics of the
generate rates of incidence and incidence strains (mostly their antibiogram pattern); or (3)
density). more complex principles. Whatever the system
It is also recommended: used, strains must be identified to the species
• To calculate for each case the interval level, and the duration of the reference period
between the date of hospitalisation and the must be defined (generally the period covered by
date of sampling, which gives an idea of the the surveillance).
time taken to acquire a MDRB in the facility. In practice, the question of duplicate isolates
• To define the ratio of acquired to imported arises mainly in human medicine, especially in
cases, which reflects the efficacy of the MDRB healthcare facilities. Indeed, when resistance
control programme within the facility. monitoring concerns the community or animals,
• To stratify MDRB data according to: repeated specimens from a given individual are
• the main types of specimen: blood culture, unusual, and exclusion of duplicate isolates
surgical wound and protected respiratory makes little difference to resistance frequencies.
specimens (which are probably linked to In contrast, repeated screening of patients colo-
severe infection), and other samples (which nised by resistant organisms (e.g., MRSA or VRE)
may reflect colonisation); adds greatly to the likelihood of duplicate

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
362 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 4, April 2004

Table 2. Effect of criteria used for excluding duplicate Besides considering which of the different
isolates from susceptibility reports (basis = rank of isola- criteria best fits an individual database or specific
tion [36])
reporting needs, even greater care should be
Proportion of resistant isolates taken when comparing results where these cri-
Klebsiella spp. teria may be different or of uncertain application.
Enterococcus spp. Definitions of duplicate isolates
screen incl. screen excl. vancomycin E. coli amoxycillin
Isolates (n = 6800) (n = 5800) (n = 12 000) (n = 31 000)
Definition based on isolation rank (time criterion)
All 31 21 13 45 By this criterion, all but the first isolate of a
First isolate, based on period of:
5 days 26 17 12 45 particular species isolated from a single patient
30 days
365 days
during the period covered by the surveillance are
excluded from the analysis. Different filter peri-
ods obviously result in different numbers of
Table 3. Effect of duplicate isolate exclusion on resistance
isolates being included in the database, with
rates (basis ¼ isolate susceptibility pattern ⁄ antibiogram)
more extended time periods resulting in lower
% resistance resistance frequencies, as exemplified in Table 2.
Duplicate Antibiotic Duplicate Duplicate Since the susceptibility frequencies obtained
Species (no. of isolates) isolates (%) considered included excluded
with the various patient- and episode-based meth-
E. coli (5253) 20 Nalidixic acid 13 11 ods do not differ very much [37], calculations that
P. aeruginosa (2154) 43 Ciprofloxacin 51 46
S. aureus (3684) 48 Oxacillin 36 29
include only the first isolate of a particular species
recovered from each patient during a given time
Data from [17] and Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Saltpétrière, Paris, France (unpub-
lished data). interval represent an increasingly popular way of
eliminating duplicates. This method is simple,
isolates, and affects susceptibility reports sub- reproducible and unequivocal, and can be applied
stantially (besides being in itself a strong bias by any computer, provided that there is a unique
towards resistance, since screening usually re- patient identification number. Therefore, automa-
ports only resistant isolates [36]). tion of this process should be simple, even in the
It is important to bear in mind that there is no absence of sophisticated software.
single ‘correct’ way to eliminate duplicates, and Isolation rank based on the ‘first isolate ⁄ patient’
that each criterion may fit different data applica- has been chosen by the National Committee for
tions and ⁄ or provide complementary views of the Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) for
data [38]. Moreover, elimination of duplicates reporting antimicrobial susceptibility test data,
might mask trends in emerging resistance, and ‘with the primary aim of guiding clinicians in the
thus it is advisable that all ‘filtered’ reports be selection of empirical therapy’ [38]. Advantageous
accompanied by a careful analysis of all—i.e., though this criterion may be, it should not be
unfiltered—susceptibility data included in the considered as the standard in all instances in
database. which susceptibility data are reported and the
Whatever the system used for their definition, problem of duplicate isolates is encountered. In
duplicate isolates must not be deleted from the particular, this procedure cannot detect selection
LIS, since every bacteriological event is important of resistance that occurs within the observation
from the patient’s point of view. Duplicate iso- period, thereby giving an overly optimistic view of
lates can be flagged in each patient chart of the each patient’s pathological course and the per-
LIS as ‘duplicates’, and then excluded only at the centage of susceptible strains [39].
time of data analysis or data extraction. Indeed, in
some situations (e.g., chronic infections), it might Definition based on susceptibility pattern
be useful to estimate how long a patient had been With this method, all but the first isolate of a
carrying resistant bacteria. This indicator of ‘per- given species, obtained from the same patient
sistence of resistant bacteria’ is often used in during the period covered by the surveillance,
nosocomial infection surveillance, and is a further and sharing the same—or a very similar—sus-
justification for keeping all bacteriological events ceptibility pattern (antibiotype), are excluded
stored in the LIS for all patients. from the analysis. A non-redundant (‘original’)

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
Cornaglia et al. European recommendations for antimicrobial resistance surveillance 363

isolate is a species–antibiotype combination that newer fluoroquinolones). These markers must be

has not been included previously in the database selected specifically for each microorganism.
for a particular patient. A duplicate isolate is a When such markers cannot be used, the number
species–antibiotype combination that does not and nature of the minor differences used to
differ—within the limits set below—from an identify duplicate isolates must be specified accu-
isolate already included in the database for a rately in the surveillance methodology.
particular patient. Elimination occurs regardless Choosing the susceptibility pattern as the cri-
of the time between isolates. The effect on resist- terion for eliminating duplicates can reveal selec-
ance rates of antibiogram-based duplicate isolate tion of resistance occurring within the observation
exclusion is shown in Table 3. period, giving a more realistic view of each
Two strains isolated from the same patient are patient’s pathological course than when using
considered different if their antibiotypes show at the isolation rank. However, it is less objective
least one major difference (S fi R, R fi S). and reproducible, since it requires experienced
Minor differences of either the I fi R or the input and special care to avoid methodological
R fi I type may reflect only the variable phen- errors in routine susceptibility testing by busy,
otypic expression of a given resistance mechan- understaffed departments [39].
ism, or even a methodological problem (e.g.,
inoculum size). Conversely, minor differences of Advantages and disadvantages of using antibiogram
either the S fi I or the I fi S type may reflect pattern or isolation rank for identifying duplicate
real differences between strains. Examples of the isolates
main differences to be taken into account for The rates of resistance generated using antibio-
identifying duplicate isolates are listed in Table 4. gram pattern and isolation rank seem to be similar
To avoid bias, susceptibility tests should ideally in many cases (Table 5). However, the definition
include marker antibiotics that can unequivocally based on isolation rank leads to an underestimate
reveal major differences (e.g., impaired suscepti- of the number of infectious events, at least in the
bility to classical quinolones—such as nalidixic hospital setting, and for species (e.g., MRSA)
acid—that clearly points to reduced activity of the causing nosocomial colonisation or infections
(Table 6). In addition, isolation rank does not
Table 4. Major (‘M’, namely S fi R and R fi S) and account for selection of resistant mutants during
minor (‘m’, namely S fi I and I fi S) differences in therapy (e.g., S. aureus, P. aeruginosa or Ent. cloacae),
antibiotic susceptibility patterns that can be used to identify
or for successive colonisation or infection with
duplicate isolates of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae different strains of the same species. In comparison
with the antibiogram pattern method, the number
Difference in pattern
of events can be underestimated by 10–40%
E. coli according to the species (Table 7), thus limiting
Ampicillin–amoxycillin M
Ticarcillin M or m the use of these data for assessing actual frequen-
Third-generation cephalosporins (ESBL production) M or m cies of resistant isolates, which is one of the
Gentamicin, tobramycin, netilmicin, amikacin M or m
Tetracyclines M or m important tasks of surveillance [21]. Thus, while
Co-trimoxazole M
First-generation quinolones M the definition based on isolation rank represents
P. aeruginosa a useful indication for appropriate empirical
Ticarcillin M or m
Ceftazidime M or m
Imipenem M or m
Tobramycin, amikacin M or m Table 5. Duplicate isolates: rates of resistance generated
Ciprofloxacin M using isolation rank or susceptibility pattern
S. aureus
Penicillin (penicillinase production) M % resistance
Oxacillin (specific tests) M
Kanamycin (tobramycin, amikacin) M
Gentamicin M
excluded by
Erythromycin M
Tetracyclines M
Rifampicin M or m Species ⁄ antibiotic (no. of isolates) All Rank Pattern
Fusidic acid M or m
Strep. pneumoniae Strep. pneumoniae ⁄ penicillin G (173) 47 46 46
Penicillin (MIC) M or m S. aureus ⁄ oxacillin (1094) 37 27 28
Erythromycin M Ent. cloacae ⁄ cefotaxime (583) 31 26 27
Chloramphenicol M P. aeruginosa ⁄ imipenem (1069) 20 15 19
Tetracyclines M
Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpétrière, Paris, France (unpublished data).

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
364 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 4, April 2004

Table 6. Identification of duplicate isolates by isolation species are, first, those isolated most frequently
rank or susceptibility pattern (e.g., E. coli, S. aureus) and, second, those which
Adequate for are encountered less commonly, but which are
responsible for important contagious diseases
Criteria Automation %R Event counting
(e.g., Neisseria meningitidis, Shigella spp.). When
Rank One Easy + –a surveillance focuses on specific well-documented
Pattern Multiple Possible + +
infections, it is important to take into account all
Events that cannot be counted: (1) selection of resistant mutant in the same patient
(e.g., cips fi cpir MRSA; imps fi impr P. aeruginosa; (2) successive isolation of
species (even the less frequent ones) involved in
different strains in the same patient, e.g., community-acquired MSSA followed by the infection monitored.
hospital-acquired MRSA.
It should be remembered that ‘surveillance’
Table 7. Effect of excluding duplicate isolates by isolation
isolates are sometimes obtained from ad-hoc
rank or antibiogram pattern, and the resulting underesti- cultures that are taken for the purpose of deter-
mation of events obtained with the former method mining if a patient is harbouring a particular
Resulting events
organism, and not from cultures that are taken as
when duplicates are Calculated part of the routine clinical evaluation of a
excluded by underestimation
of events (rank
patient’s illness. These isolates introduce a fre-
Species (no. of isolates) Rank Pattern vs. pattern) quent bias, and should not be included in the
Strep. pneumoniae (173) 122 123 0%
report. Bacterial species monitored normally in
S. aureus (1094) 526 620 18% ambulatory patients and in healthcare facilities
Ent. cloacae (583) 329 368 12%
P. aeruginosa (1069) 400 560 40% are listed in Tables 8 and 9, respectively.

therapy (based on the resistance pattern of the first Surveillance and speciation
isolate), this information should be compared with
Lack of careful identification to the species level
the susceptibility patterns of subsequent isolates
may undermine the results of antibiotic resistance
from the same patient during a hospital stay.
surveillance programmes, and constitutes one of
the major obstacles to automated recovery of data
Definitions based on other criteria from clinical laboratories for surveillance purpo-
ses. Surveillance at the genus level is frequently
Several other systems have been evaluated for
meaningless. Even for ‘groups of species’ such as
their ability to identify duplicate isolates. Some
viridans streptococci or coagulase-negative sta-
rely on analysis of each patient chart: (1) counting
phylococci, the results may be difficult to inter-
only the most susceptible isolate; (2) counting
pret. Isolates should be identified to the species
only the most resistant isolate; (3) calculating a
level. Pathovars may be warranted in specific
patient’s own ‘rate of susceptibility’. Others rely
surveys, e.g., when there are noteworthy differ-
on considering successive periods of time for each
ences in the prevalence of resistance according to
patient (e.g., periods of 7 days, 30 days, etc.)
pathovars, or when changes in the distribution of
separately, and then counting only the first isolate
the different pathovars within a given species
for each of these periods [38]. Such systems are
(e.g., Salmonella enterica) need to be quantified.
neither simple nor more accurate than others for
counting distinct events, and therefore are not Table 8. Bacterial species to be monitored in ambulatory
recommended. patients
Escherichia coli
Proteus mirabilis
SPECIES INCLUDED OR POOLED IN Salmonella enterica (including Typhi, Paratyphi, Typhimurium and Enteritidis)
STATISTICS Shigella spp.
Klebsiella pneumoniae and K. oxytoca
Haemophilus influenzae
Selecting the bacterial species to be monitored Campylobacter jejuni ⁄ coli
Neisseria meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae
The choice of which bacterial species to monitor Moraxella catarrhalis
Staphylococcus aureus
depends on many criteria. It would seem reason- Streptococcus pneumoniae
Streptococcus pyogenes
able to limit monitoring activity to the main Streptococcus agalactiae
species of medical interest, except when surveil- Enterococcus faecium and Ent. faecalis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
lance has to achieve very specific targets. These

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
Cornaglia et al. European recommendations for antimicrobial resistance surveillance 365

Table 9. Bacterial species to be monitored in healthcare in the clinical microbiology laboratory are listed
facilities in Table 10.
Escherichia coli When may data for small numbers of isolates be
Proteus mirabilis
Salmonella enterica (including Typhi, Paratyphi, Typhimurium and Enteritidis)
pooled? Data from small numbers of isolates may
Shigella spp. have limited practical or scientific value. To
Klebsiella pneumoniae and K. oxytoca
Enterobacter cloacae and Enterobacter aerogenes improve the significance of the data, the denomin-
Serratia marcescens
Citrobacter freundii
ator may be enlarged by: (1) grouping species
Morganella morganii together; (2) pooling resistance data from different
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Acinetobacter baumannii clinical or environmental specimen types; (3) pool-
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Burkholderia cepacia
ing data from several observation periods or from
Haemophilus influenzae several institutions within a geographical area; and
Campylobacter coli
Campylobacter jejuni
(4) extending the period of observation. A report
Neisseria meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae must state clearly if and how data have been
Moraxella catarrhalis
Staphylococcus aureus pooled.
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Staphylococcus haemolyticus
No general recommendation on the method to
Streptococcus pneumoniae be used for achieving an adequate sample size can
Streptococcus pyogenes
Enterococcus faecium and Ent. faecalis be given. However, it should be taken into
Bacteroides fragilis account that a long period of data collection
Clostridium difficile
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex may mask temporal trends associated with poss-
ible changes in the prevalence of resistance.
Hence, extending the observation period over an
Accurate species identification and characteri- (arbitrarily chosen) time of >1 year may not be
sation of the mechanism of resistance to certain advisable, and grouping of species or pooling of
antimicrobial agents may be relevant from the data from different healthcare facilities should be
clinical point of view. In some instances, clinical considered. When grouping species or genera
failures may be the result of reporting an imposs- together, the internal comparability with respect
ible (or very rare) species or phenotype, wrong to resistance mechanisms and the probability of
species identification, or underestimation of a their emergence must always be considered.
given resistance mechanism. Another conse-
quence of such mistakes is the nosocomial trans-
mission and spread of certain resistance genes to Alerting systems and surveillance of rare
more virulent organisms (e.g., vanA to S. aureus) resistance phenotypes
as a result of a lack of infection control policies. A Reporting of unusual but potentially important
well-known example is the case of Enterococcus resistant organisms is one of the most important
spp., and the most frequent mistakes originating goals of antimicrobial resistance surveillance. The

Table 10. Frequent mistakes made

Wrong report Why? Correct report Consequences
when reporting antimicrobial sus-
ceptibilities of Enterococcus spp. Ent. faecalis AmpR
Misidentification of Ent. faecium Amp R
Probably none
(at 105 inoculum) Ent. faecium
Ent. faecalis AmpS Presence of b-lactamase Ent. faecalis Bla +
Therapeutic failure!
(if Bla+) (not described in Europe) Important consequences if
patient has endocarditis
Ent. faecalis Q-DS Inconsistent phenotype Ent. faecalis Q-DR Therapeutic failure!
Ent. durans VanR Misidentification of Ent. faecium VanR Under-reporting of the isolate
E. faecium (some
E. faecium are
VanC-carrying species Presence of vanA or Ent. gallinarum Important consequences if
not tested for vanB besides vanC vanA or vanB patient has endocarditis
glycopeptide 1. Nosocomial transmission
susceptibility 2. Spread to other
Gram-positive bacteria
Vancomycin-susceptible Undetected presence of Vancomycin-resistant Therapeutic failure!
enterococcus (VSE) vanA, vanB, vanD, vanE, enterococcus (VRE) Important consequences if
or vanG patient has endocarditis
1. Nosocomial transmission
2. Spread to other
Gram-positive bacteria

Q-D, quinupristin–dalfopristin.

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
366 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 4, April 2004

availability and awareness of this list in clinical without further testing, which other antibiotics
microbiology laboratories should be considered are probably inactivated by the same resistance
as part of the desirable quality control (and good mechanism. The rules to be applied in this
laboratory practice) of these facilities. process constitute the basis of the ‘interpretive
Such a list of ‘wanted’ resistant organisms ⁄ reading of susceptibility testing procedures’ [40],
resistance mechanisms, to be disseminated among and should be applied whenever a new antimi-
laboratories, should include, for instance: crobial agent is introduced in the test panel.
• high-level penicillin resistance in Neisseria men- So-called ‘expert systems’ embedded in the soft-
ingitidis; ware of automatic susceptibility testing devices
• penicillin resistance in Strep. pyogenes; are based on this inductive approach.
• very-high-level penicillin resistance (MIC > In summary, surveillance studies should focus
8 mg ⁄ L) in Strep. pneumoniae; on the activities of a relatively limited number of
• high-level vancomycin resistance in S. aureus; sentinel antimicrobials, but information resulting
• presence in Enterobacteriaceae of extended- from these activities should include a much
spectrum b-lactamases not inhibited by current broader list of resistances which are likely to
inhibitors; occur with a much larger group of drugs. This
• presence in Enterobacteriaceae of carbapene- broader list is the one to be proposed to and used
mases; by clinicians and epidemiologists, who do not
• b-lactamase inhibitor resistance in Haemophilus necessarily need to be aware of all the details
influenzae; regarding the method of inference and its appli-
• high-level penicillin resistance in Ent. faecalis; cation. Unfortunately, surveillance studies often
• gentamicin or ampicillin resistance in Listeria only include data regarding the antibiotics exam-
monocytogenes; ined in routine susceptibility tests, and therefore
• cefotaxime or fluoroquinolone resistance in available in LISs. A frequent problem is whether it
Salmonella enterica Typhi or Paratyphi. is possible to pool the data obtained with similar
Alert reporting can be established as a two- but different antibiotics.
level system. The first (immediate) alert does not Tables 11–23 suggest appropriate surveillance
require full understanding of the mechanism antibiotics for different microorganisms, as well
involved, and should be considered as precau- as the antibiotics to which each surveillance
tionary reporting, to be modified if the observa- antibiotic might be considered equivalent when
tion is not confirmed by more in-depth a particular mechanism of resistance is to be
investigation. The alerting laboratory should be detected (inference of which may differ between
capable of keeping the resistant strain viable and different groups of microorganisms). The list of
giving it priority in its research activities. Fur- possible resistance mechanisms is not exhaustive,
thermore, the strain should be made available to and resistance results often from a combination of
specialised research groups if it is of interest, for a more than one mechanism in the same microor-
better understanding of its features and ⁄ or for ganism.
controlling its spread.
Expression of resistance and resistance patterns
ANTIBIOTICS LISTED OR POOLED IN For some of the bacterium–antibiotic combina-
STATISTICS tions considered in Tables 11–23, the use of
semiquantitative data, i.e., reporting only the
Surveillance antibiotics
interpretative categories and not the MIC values,
Antibiotics to be included in surveillance studies may fail to reveal acquired resistance (i.e., when
should be selected in such a way as to ensure the strain susceptibility is not decreased to such an
highest sensitivity in detecting the possible pres- extent as to allow classification as I or R). When
ence of a particular antibiotic resistance mechan- the underlying resistance mechanism is known
ism. This mechanism can be inferred for each and the resistance pattern is well-defined, it is
given species from the MIC of a given antibiotic possible to often detect abnormal behaviour of a
or group of antibiotics (‘surveillance antibiotics’). strain by observing its altered susceptibility to
In a second step, it should be possible to infer, one or more antibiotic(s) of the same family to

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
Cornaglia et al. European recommendations for antimicrobial resistance surveillance 367

Table 11. b-Lactams suggested as surveillance antibiotics Table 13. b-Lactams suggested as surveillance antibiotics
for Enterobacteriaceae with low-level chromosomal for Enterobacteriaceae producing inducible chromosomal
constitutive or non-constitutive expression of Class C Class C b-lactamase (e.g., Enterobacter cloacae, Enterobacter
b-lactamases (e.g., Escherichia coli, Shigella spp., Salmonella aerogenes, Citrobacter freundii, Serratia marcescens, Hafnia
spp., Proteus mirabilis) alvei, Morganella morganii, Providencia spp.)
Surveillance antibiotic Predictor for: Main resistance mechanisms Surveillance antibiotic Predictor for: Main resistance mechanisms

Ampicillin Amoxycillin Penicillinase Ticarcillin Piperacillin Penicillinase

AmpC hyperproduction AmpC hyperproduction
Amoxycillin–clavulanate Ampicillin–sulbactam Penicillinase hyperproduction ESBL
AmpC hyperproduction Cefotaxime Ceftriaxone AmpC hyperproduction
Oxacillinase production Ceftazidime
Inhibitor-R b-lactamase Aztreonam ESBL
Cefazolin Cephalothin Penicillinase hyperproduction Cefepime
Cefaclor AmpC hyperproduction Ceftazidime Ceftriaxone AmpC hyperproduction
Cefotaxime Ceftriaxone ESBL Cefotaxime derepression
Ceftazidime AmpC hyperproduction Aztreonam ESBL
Aztreonam Cefepime
Cefepime Cefepime Ceftriaxone AmpC hyperproduction plus
Ceftazidime Ceftriaxone ESBL Cefotaxime reduced permeability
Cefotaxime AmpC hyperproduction Ceftazidime ESBL
Aztreonam Aztreonam
Cefepime Imipenem Meropenem AmpC hyperproduction plus
Cefoxitin Cefotetan AmpC hyperproduction reduced permeability
Imipenem Meropenem AmpC hyperproduction Carbapenemase
plus reduced permeability
Carbapenemase ESBL, extended-spectrum b-lactamase.

ESBL, extended-spectrum b-lactamase.

Table 12. b-Lactams suggested as surveillance antibiotics Table 14. b-Lactams suggested as surveillance antibiotics
for Enterobacteriaceae producing constitutive chromoso- for Enterobacteriaceae producing inducible chromosomal
mal Class A b-lactamase (e.g., Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsi- Class A b-lactamase (e.g., Proteus vulgaris and Proteus
ella oxytoca, Citrobacter koseri) penneri)
Surveillance antibiotic Predictor for: Main resistance mechanisms Surveillance antibiotic Predictor for: Main resistance mechanisms

Piperacillin Penicillinase Piperacillin Penicillinase

ESBL Class A derepressed b-lactamase
K-OXY b-lactamase ESBL
hyperproduction (K. oxytoca) Amoxycillin– Ampicillin– Penicillinase hyperproduction
Amoxycillin–clavulanate Ampicillin–sulbactam Penicillinase clavulanate sulbactam Inhibitor-R b-lactamase
hyperproduction Cefotaxime Ceftriaxone Class A derepressed b-lactamase
Inhibitor-R b-lactamase Ceftazidime ESBL
Cefotaxime Ceftriaxone ESBL Aztreonam
Ceftazidime K-OXY b-lactamase Cefepime
Aztreonam hyperproduction (K. oxytoca) Ceftazidime Ceftriaxone Class A derepressed b-lactamase
Cefepime Cefotaxime ESBL
Ceftazidime Ceftriaxone ESBL Aztreonam
Cefotaxime Cefepime
Aztreonam Cefoxitin Cefotetan Acquired AmpC-type
Cefepime cephalosporinase
Cefoxitin Cefotetan AmpC hyperproduction Reduced permeability
Reduced permeability
Aztreonam Ceftriaxone ESBL ESBL, extended-spectrum b-lactamase.
Cefotaxime K-OXY b-lactamase
Ceftazidime hyperproduction (K. oxytoca)
Imipenem Meropenem AmpC hyperproduction plus
reduced permeability Table 15. Non-b-lactams suggested as surveillance antibi-
otics for all Enterobacteriaceae
ESBL, extended-spectrum b-lactamase.
Surveillance antibiotic Predictor for: Main resistance mechanisms

which resistance is more marked (cross-resist- Gentamicin Aminoglycoside-modifying

ance). Netilmicina Gentamicin Reduced permeability
For example, it is particularly interesting to Tobramycina Gentamicin
Amikacin Tobramycin
monitor the following bacterium–antibiotic com- Netilmicin
Nalidixic acid Quinolones Topoisomerase mutation
binations indirectly, using the corresponding Ciprofloxacin Quinolones Topoisomerase mutation
‘phenotypic markers’ of resistance: Fluoroquinolones
Co-trimoxazole Changes in enzyme target
• E. coli and third-generation cephalosporins: Nitrofurantoin Decreased nitrofurantoin
resistance to first-generation cephalosporins
but susceptibility to ticarcillin identifies cephalo- Predictor for resistance to gentamicin only in amikacin-susceptible strains.

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
368 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 4, April 2004

Table 16. Antibiotics suggested as surveillance antibiotics Table 19. Antibiotics suggested as surveillance antibiotics
for Pseudomonas aeruginosa for Streptococcus pneumoniae
Surveillance antibiotic Predictive for: Main resistance mechanisms Surveillance antibiotic Predictor for: Main resistance mechanism

Ticarcillin Piperacillin AmpC hyperproduction Penicillin Amoxycillina Modified PBP

Penicillinase Cefotaxime Ceftriaxone Modidifed PBP
Efflux Cefepime
Ceftazidime Cefepime AmpC hyperproduction Ciprofloxacin Fluoroquinolones Topoisomerase mutation
Aztreonam Efflux Erythromycin Azithromycin Ribosomal modification
Imipenem Meropenem AmpC hyperproduction Clarithromycin Efflux
plus reduced permeability Roxithromycin
Carbapenemase Telithromycin Ribosomal modification
Meropenem Imipenem AmpC hyperproduction Efflux
plus reduced permeability Co-trimoxazole Changes in enzyme target
Efflux Tetracycline Efflux
Carbapenemase Ribosomal protection
Ciprofloxacin Fluoroquinolones Topoisomerase mutations Chloramphenicol Acetyltransferase
(and ⁄ or efflux) Linezolid Ribosomal mutation
Netilmicina Gentamicin Aminoglycoside-modifying
enzymes MICs should be determined.
Tobramycina Gentamicin Reduced permeability PBP, penicillin-binding protein.
Amikacin Tobramycin
Predictor for resistance to gentamicin only in amikacin-susceptible strains.
Table 20. Antibiotics suggested as surveillance antibiotics
for Enterococcus spp.
Table 17. Antibiotics suggested as surveillance antibiotics Surveillance antibiotic Predictor for: Main resistance mechanisms
for Acinetobacter baumannii
Ampicillin Penicillin PBP modification
Surveillance antibiotic Predictive for: Main resistance mechanisms Piperacillin
Carbapenem PBP overproduction
Imipenem Meropenem Reduced permeability Gentamicin (HLR) Amikacina Aminoglycoside-modifying
Carbapenemase enzymes
Oxacillinase Tobramycin
PBP modification Netilmicin
Ciprofloxacin Fluoroquinolones Topoisomerase mutation Streptomycin (HLR) Aminoglycoside-modifying
Gentamicin Aminoglycoside-modifying Ribosomal modification
enzymes Ciprofloxacin Fluoroquinolones Topoisomerase mutation
Tobramycin a
Gentamicin Reduced permeability Vancomycin Teicoplanin VanA, VanD
Amikacin Efflux Erythromycin Ribosomal methylation
Predictor for resistance to gentamicin only in amikacin-susceptible strains. Quinupristin–dalfopristinb Modifying enzymes
PBP, penicillin-binding protein. Ribosomal methylation
(high-level resistance)
Linezolid Ribosomal mutation
Table 18. Antibiotics suggested as surveillance antibiotics a
Infrequent isolates may exhibit synergy with amikacin despite high-level resistance
for Staphylococcus aureus to gentamicin.
Only for Ent. faecium.
Surveillance antibiotic Predictor for: Main resistance mechanisms HLR, high-level resistance; PBP, penicillin-binding protein.

Penicillin Ampicillin Penicillinase

Piperacillin Table 21. Antibiotics suggested as surveillance antibiotics
Oxacillin All b-lactamsa PBP2a for Streptococcus pyogenes
Vancomycin Teicoplanin Thick cell wall
Surveillance antibiotic Predictor for: Main resistance mechanisms
Gentamicin Tobramycin Aminoglycoside-modifying
Netilmicin Penicillin
Amikacin Ciprofloxacin Fluoroquinolones Topoisomerase mutation
Netilmicin Amikacin Erythromycin Ribosomal methylation
Tobramycin Netilmicin Efflux
Amikacin Telithromycin Ribosomal modification
Kanamycin Neomycin Efflux
Amikacin Tetracycline Efflux
Erythromycin Clarithromycin Ribosomal methylation Ribosomal protection
Azithromycin Efflux Chloramphenicol Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase
Other macrolides
Lincomycin Clindamycin Ribosomal methylation
Inactivating enzymes
Ciprofloxacin Fluoroquinolones Topoisomerase mutation sporinase-hyperproducing strains, which exhi-
Co-trimoxazole Changes in enzyme target
Tetracycline – Efflux
bit decreased susceptibility to cefotaxime, ceftri-
Ribosomal protection axone and ceftazidime (MIC 0.25–2 mg ⁄ L).
Chloramphenicol – Acetyltransferase
Mupirocin – Altered target • Enterobacteriaceae and fluoroquinolones:
Linezolid – Ribosomal mutation
resistance to classical quinolones (e.g., nalidixic
MICs should be determined. acid) identifies strains with low-level resistance

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
Cornaglia et al. European recommendations for antimicrobial resistance surveillance 369

Table 22. Antibiotics suggested as surveillance antibiotics Table 23. Antibiotics suggested as surveillance antibiotics
for Haemophilus influenzae for Neisseria meningitidis
Surveillance antibiotic Predictive for: Main resistance mechanisms Surveillance antibiotic Predictive for: Main resistance mechanisms

Ampicillin Amoxycillin Penicillinase Penicillin Penicillinase

Amoxycillin–clavulanate PBP modification and ⁄ or penicillinase PBP modification
Cefotaxime Ceftriaxone ESBL Cefotaxime Ceftriaxone PBP modification
Cefixime Ciprofloxacin Fluoroquinolones Topoisomerase mutation
Nalidixic acid Fluoroquinolones Topoisomerase mutation
Azithromycin Clarithromycin Efflux PBP, penicillin-binding protein.
Co-trimoxazole Change in enzyme target
Tetracycline Efflux
Ribosomal protection
Comparing data over short time intervals is advan-
Chloramphenicol Chloramphenicol tageous in surveillance studies, both in theory and
in practice. Studies based on time-series have
ESBL, extended-spectrum b-lactamase; PBP, penicillin-binding protein. shown the superiority of short time intervals
(months) for some epidemiological purposes,
including studies of the relationship between the
to newer antibiotics of this family. This helps to use of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance [42].
monitor the evolution of rates of resistance to Furthermore, surveillance should be designed for,
fluoroquinolones [41]. or related to, an effective alert system, and there-
fore ‘the sooner the alert, the better’. However, the
actual frequency of cumulative susceptibility re-
Possible bias in reporting
ports may vary according to a number of factors.
Some laboratories perform second-level suscepti- These factors include the availability of sufficient,
bility tests with selected antimicrobial agents on reliable data within a given period, the specific
isolates that demonstrate resistance initially to purpose of the surveillance (e.g., guiding empirical
one screening agent (or method) only. Further- therapy, alert function, assessing the impact of
more, some second-line antimicrobial agents are therapeutic or preventive strategies, educational
only tested routinely against isolates resistant to goals), accessibility of rapid means of distribution
agents used more widely. Any calculation of the and circulation (peer-reviewed articles, institu-
susceptible percentage based on these selected tional bulletins, regular internal reports, Intranet,
subsets of isolates would bias the results towards Internet), or even funding problems.
higher levels of resistance. If the main purpose of surveillance is guiding
Another frequent question is whether ‘cascade’ therapy in the hospital setting or in the commu-
or selective reporting rules should be applied to nity, or to give a general report of the resistance
reports, i.e., reporting secondary agents only if the problem at local, national or international levels,
isolate is resistant to the primary agent(s) of a it is sufficient usually to analyse data which have
specific drug class. Whatever decision is taken been collected over longer periods of time. How-
with regard to internal reports, which must take ever, if the surveillance system entails an alert
into account the local clinicians’ ability to under- function, it is necessary to analyse the data more
stand the implications of the report fully, it is frequently and to report whenever a relevant
important to ensure that all stored data—and not change has occurred. The emergence of unusual
just those reported to clinicians—are analysed for or rare resistance patterns, or of new mechanisms
epidemiological purposes. When only isolates of resistance, would mandate immediate report-
resistant to primary agents are analysed, then ing. To assess the impact of interventions, the
results for secondary agents are biased towards time and frequency of analysing and reporting
higher levels of resistance. must be related clearly to the action to be
undertaken (pre-interventional, post-interven-
tional, follow-up). Easy access to rapid electronic
FREQUENCY OF DATA ANALYSIS means for spreading information should facilitate
the distribution of surveillance reports and the
How frequently should the cumulative
timely utilisation of data.
susceptibility data be reported?
In order to provide data as a guide to empirical
Surveillance studies are frequently based on com- therapy, different cumulative susceptibility reports
paring resistance over successive time periods. should be generated for each healthcare facility

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
370 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 4, April 2004

served by a laboratory. For this purpose, it has

Do small numbers of isolates imply imprecise
been recommended to analyse and report data on
at least a yearly basis [38]. When a large number
of strains of a species or group of microorganisms If the number of observations is small, resist-
have been tested, more frequent analyses may be ance rates may be biased easily—upwards or
carried out. It has, however, been argued that downwards—by the features of a handful of
more frequent reporting may be confounded by isolates. The debate about the threshold to be
seasonal variations. applied for reporting small numbers of isolates
Yearly reporting may also be appropriate if the is still open. In the NCCLS Guidelines [38], a
aim of surveillance is to assess the scale of the minimum of ten strains is required for separate
resistance problem at the local, national or inter- reporting, with a proposal to use a threshold of
national levels. The surveillance standards recom- at least 25 strains having been rejected. As a
mended by the WHO [21] suggest at least yearly rationale for setting the minimum at 25 strains,
reports at the national and international levels it was argued that, for example, the impact of
(‘intermediate ⁄ central level’). For monitoring changes two resistant strains in a sample of ten is much
in resistance rates, and for detecting the emergence greater than in a sample of 25 (resistance rates
and the spread of new resistances, yearly reporting of 20% and 8%, respectively). However, both
will probably cause an unacceptable delay in the figures, namely ten and 25, are completely
diffusion of important information. Hence, more arbitrary. Such small numbers of observations
frequent presentation of data is required. The are generally not suitable for comparison of
WHO [21] recommends a daily review of unusual resistance rates between different settings or
or important results at the local level (‘peripheral periods of time, since random fluctuations of
level’), a weekly-to-monthly review of organism uncertain significance will occur readily. A more
frequencies and resistance profiles for outbreaks, accurate example for estimating the sample
and a quarterly review of data for monitoring sizes needed for documenting increasing or
resistance trends, and a review of hospital usage decreasing antimicrobial resistance frequencies
policy. At the intermediate and central levels, is given in the WHO document ‘Surveillance
quarterly reviews of pooled data for monitoring Standards for Antimicrobial Resistance’ [21]. It
resistance trends by organism, antibiotic, geo- is of crucial importance to report the exact
graphical and demographic parameters, as well number of observations on which resistance
as a quarterly review of resistance results for possible rates are based, i.e., the number of strains tested
errors in laboratory performance, are proposed. for each antibiotic listed in the report. Inclusion
The EARSS also collects national resistance data of confidence intervals helps to interpret results
on invasive isolates quarterly, and gives a quar- based on small-sized samples.
terly feedback to the national representatives,
who are responsible for distributing information Does perception of important clinical changes
on important or unexpected results, as well as on imply more frequent analysis?
unclear or doubtful data, to the individual labor-
atories. A report for a broader public is prepared One of the main purposes of resistance surveil-
once a year [9]. lance is to detect variations in the susceptibility
In order to quantify the effectiveness of inter- level of microorganisms to antimicrobials, and to
ventions aimed at curtailing resistance, the time make an interested public aware of clinically or
and frequency of analysis and reporting must be epidemiologically relevant changes. Perception of
related clearly to the action taken. In general, data clinically important changes, be it the emergence
of the pre-interventional and the post-interven- and spread of new resistances or the increasing
tional periods, as well as those of at least one (or decreasing) prevalence of already known
follow-up period, should be provided. Whatever resistance patterns, should imply careful evalua-
the type and frequency of the report, it is essential tion of previous data and frequent analysis of
that the information be as timely as possible and newly collected information in order to verify
that delays in dissemination be avoided [43,44]. presumed trends.

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
Cornaglia et al. European recommendations for antimicrobial resistance surveillance 371

Do seasonal variations in resistance rates Cross-sectional surveillance studies

complicate the presentation of data?
For frequent pathogens, many studies are organ-
Seasonal variations in resistance rates have been ised on the basis of collecting all isolates of this
reported, particularly for pathogens causing com- pathogen on a particular day from hospital (or
munity-acquired lower respiratory tract infec- community or ICU) patients. For less frequent
tions. Consistent with studies published isolates, the collection may be extended over
previously, EARSS data [9] show a peak of 3 days or 1 week. These periodic cross-sectional
invasive Strep. pneumoniae isolates around the studies permit evolutionary analysis to be con-
turn of the year, a constant decline in isolates until ducted, and may be useful for obtaining a fixed
August, and a subsequent regular increase in the image of the prevalence of resistance in a given
autumn and winter months. The proportion of organism or in a small group of organisms. A
penicillin-non-susceptible Strep. pneumoniae major advantage of this method is that the
(PNSSP) isolates tends to be higher in the summer laboratories enrolled in the surveillance program
months; however, this difference is not statisti- are not burdened by the task of ad-hoc analysis.
cally significant. The variations in PNSSP propor- Hence, this short-time recovery method generally
tions, and their higher prevalence in August, are assures full recovery of strains and offers a non-
as yet unexplained. Although seasonal variations biased sample. The strains should be collected at
in resistance rates for particular pathogens may the laboratory by the surveillance team, and
not reflect real changes in the level of resistance, analysed in a central reference laboratory to
they at least complicate, and possibly bias, any assure comparability of results.
presentation of data on a more frequent basis than
1 year, particularly for small-size samples.
Reporting antimicrobial resistance is generally
Do larger numbers of isolates imply more
considered necessary to allow selection of empir-
frequent analysis?
ical therapy based on local data for: (1) assessing
Although it is true that inaccurate statistics the scale of the resistance problem at the local,
related to small sample sizes often discourage national or international levels; (2) monitoring
frequent or stratified analysis, the availability of changes in resistance rates; (3) detecting the
data on a larger number of strains does not imply emergence and spread of new resistances; and
necessarily that data should be presented more (4) providing a measure of the effectiveness of any
frequently. As discussed above, the frequency of interventions aimed at reducing resistance [45].
reporting should be defined primarily according
to the purpose of the surveillance. Detection of
Circulation of reports
resistance trends is easier when more numerous
data are evaluated frequently and reported (e.g., It is essential that results be reported as rapidly as
increased fluoroquinolone resistance in E. coli), possible to as wide an audience as is thought
while detection and reporting of unexpected or appropriate, including all those involved in anti-
new resistances should not be influenced greatly microbial testing, prescribing, supplying and
by the amount of data available. In the latter auditing. It is also worth recalling that any
case, an alert system would allow timely infor- information gathered from a surveillance system,
mation, leading to prompt epidemiological inter- although collated centrally, must be reported back
vention. to its providers, i.e., those who generated and
A larger amount of data could also prove useful submitted the basic data.
for obtaining better stratification (e.g., data from Earlier surveillance studies tended to rely upon
ICUs as compared to those from other services, yearly reports, presentations at international sym-
data from different specimen types, data from posia, and publications in peer-review journals,
different age groups). Hence, when selecting the all of which are relatively slow processes, but the
report periodicity, an assessment should be made growth in use of the Internet and the World Wide
as to whether additional stratification of data or Web makes information accessible much more
more frequent reporting is appropriate. easily than previously [44]. Presentation on a

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
372 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 4, April 2004

website would probably meet most needs for an issue, legend keys should be given in a
circulation of reports, but a printed version footnote.
should always be available for wider diffusion Further information reported should include:
and prompt consultation. Such a printed report • types of specimens considered (e.g., blood,
should be designed mainly to meet clinicians’ cerebrospinal fluid, urine, respiratory, all);
needs, and should be printed in a format that the • level and accuracy of microorganism identifi-
clinician finds easy to access and understand. A cation (genus, species, subspecification, type);
foldout card and a laminated page to be placed at • if organisms have been grouped, an exact
the front of each new patient file have proved description of species and genera, including
useful [38]. pooling criteria;
Stratification of data, even within the same • method of resistance testing, MIC breakpoints,
healthcare facility, may be useful in answering interpretative criteria;
questions and in guiding clinicians in empirical • whenever possible, information on infection,
therapy decisions [38], but can also split the data colonisation, surveillance culture;
into more homogeneous subsets, which are com- • quality assurance.
parable more readily between studies. This may
take the form of a separate report to individual
Comparison of data from different sources
user groups rather than being part of the whole
cumulative antimicrobial susceptibility report. A proper comparison of data between wards,
Examples of stratification criteria include: hospitals or geographical areas (at the local,
• clinical service or ward grouping; national and international levels, as well as over
• specific ward, clinic or unit; time) is indispensable for analysing trends and
• specimen type; emerging problems. Unfortunately, information
• age groups; needed for such comparisons is often scarce or not
• special patient populations (e.g., cystic fibrosis, provided at all. As a result, data on non-homo-
haematological malignancies). geneous populations (e.g., those including mostly
outpatients vs. those including mostly ICU or
haematological patients) are often compared,
Information to be included in the report
resulting in completely erroneous conclusions.
The time schedules adopted in producing the It would be advisable to list in every report the
report should be indicated, as well as the date percentage composition of the data sources or, at
of issue and periodicity of the report. If data least, the percentages of those coming from
have been stratified and appear in separate outpatients, inpatients (excluding ICUs) and
reports, the ward, unit and specimen (or any- ICUs, respectively. These three main categories
thing else) that the present report refers to could be stratified further (e.g., by detailing the
should be stated clearly. All other available individual wards encompassed by the term ‘inpa-
reports should be listed, with all relevant tients’, or by singling out wards with a high
information about their availability, in order to resistance incidence, such as haematology, or by
allow comparison between a specific unit and admitting patients with specific patholo-
other units or total hospital susceptibility data. gies—such as cystic fibrosis—or age ranges—such
Information on units other than those that the as geriatric or paediatric patients). This way of
report refers to may be subject to restrictions in ‘labelling’ the data would permit easier compar-
accordance with an individual hospital’s privacy ison of resistance rates in different reports, inclu-
policies. ding those presented in published studies, posters
A note should be made when a new analytical or oral presentations, and rapid identification of
method has been used to generate the data, or a different categories (e.g., those laboratories pro-
new denominator (e.g., a different ward grouping cessing many outpatient specimens, or those
or different ward composition) has been applied lacking an ICU). This would be all the more
to calculate the figures, and comparison with effective if expressed in graphical format (e.g., a
previous reports must be made with caution. bar or a pie chart indicating the main wards with
In table headings, complete antimicrobial different standard colours or grey levels). If
names should be used when possible. If space is stratification is kept to a minimum, distinguishing

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
Cornaglia et al. European recommendations for antimicrobial resistance surveillance 373

between outpatients, inpatients and ICUs would priate. Sampling methods for surveillance studies
in itself provide very useful information. have been compared with those used for more
conventional surveys in a recent paper [44].
The report format
Expression of data as truly qualitative test results
Reports can be compiled by manual data input or For a few bacterium–antibiotic combinations,
can be generated automatically. Automated and susceptibility tests are truly qualitative and are
semi-automated systems for antimicrobial suscep- designed to detect the presence of a given resist-
tibility testing [46] can produce standardised or ance mechanism, such as:
customised patient test reports generated by com- • S. aureus resistant to all b-lactam agents, by the
puter software packages that are referred to as data detection of microcolonies in the inhibition
management systems (DMS). The DMS package zone surrounding an oxacillin disk in specific
usually contains an epidemiology component, growth conditions (salt, temperature), or PBP2a
which can archive results, thereby providing spe- detection by immunoenzymatic methods or
cialised reports, organism trend reports and anti- mecA gene detection;
biograms. To optimise the availability and • H. influenzae or S. aureus resistant to penicillins,
transcription accuracy of rapid patient reports, by the detection of b-lactamases with enzymatic
integrated data from automated and semi-automa- methods;
ted systems can be transferred through a computer • Enterobacteriaceae resistant to third-generation
interface to the LIS. An additional level of integra- cephalosporins, by the detection of ESBL pro-
tion can be provided by software packages that duction (double-disk synergy or other similar
allow interfacing with a pharmacy system, so that test).
the microbiology results can be matched against a
patient’s record of antimicrobial therapy. Semiquantitative vs. quantitative data
An additional level of enhancement in automa- A variety of different methods are used for
ted systems is referred to as ‘expert software’, susceptibility testing, but it is now accepted
which examines and validates the antimicrobial widely that all susceptibility data should be
susceptibility profile or phenotype of an individ- generated as quantitative endpoints regardless
ual isolate. These expert systems use specific rules of the method. This mandates measurement of
or algorithms (pre-programed or user-defined) to disk diffusion zone diameters to the nearest
flag unlikely resistance patterns and recommend whole millimetre, and the expression of MIC
changes. Expert software may also predict cross- endpoints in mg ⁄ L for dilution methods.
resistance to other antimicrobial agents, and can The commonest measure for bacterial sensitiv-
facilitate the addition of footnotes or comments to ity is the MIC, a measure that describes partly the
a patient’s report regarding the resistance pattern. pharmacodynamics of an antibiotic, although it
Qualitative definition of denominator data (e.g., ignores its bactericidal activity, which is also of
what kind of population is being sampled) is great importance for the clinical value of an
essential. Wherever possible, rates should be antimicrobial drug. Because of the ease of asses-
expressed in terms of cases within a defined human sing the MIC, it is common practice to use MIC
population over a defined time period. Since the data to describe the antibacterial activity of a drug
submission of microbiological specimens for ana- towards a bacterium, or the sensitivity of a
lysis is inconsistent and varies widely, the use of bacterium to a drug. To make antimicrobial
laboratory specimens and isolates as denominators therapy applicable, and to avoid treatment of
produces rates that are of limited epidemiological infections with inappropriate drugs, MIC data can
relevance unless linked to disease incidence. be grouped into well-established interpretative
Statistical handling of surveillance data is categories, limited by cut-off values or break-
difficult. Many standard approaches to sampling points. Thus, interpretative categories must be
human populations are not relevant because the referred to as ‘semiquantitative’ (and not truly
target population in surveillance studies is highly qualitative) reporting of data.
variable and not consistent. In general, it is not To avoid misunderstandings, clear-cut defini-
possible to establish a ‘sampling frame’, and tions are needed, and any report including sus-
techniques used in ecology might be more appro- ceptibility tests performed by different

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
374 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 4, April 2004

laboratories needs to be subjected to careful terial resistance within a hospital, since clinicians
evaluation of differences that might relate to make daily use of S ⁄ I ⁄ R results to prescribe
methods and breakpoints rather than to true antibiotic therapies.
differences in resistance [45,47]. If differences in susceptibility test methods and
MIC cut-off values and breakpoints should in breakpoints make it difficult to compare sem-
fulfil three criteria, namely epidemiological, phar- iquantitative data from different geographical
macological and clinical criteria. MIC breakpoints regions and different published studies [45], bias
differ between countries, mostly because the and errors are of particular concern even within a
respective national working committees attribute given report. It is not infrequent to have, in the
different importance to the two latter criteria. same laboratory, antimicrobial susceptibility tests
EUCAST makes a clear distinction between clin- performed by different methods (either manual or
ical breakpoints (which define clinically suscept- automated) according to different specimens,
ible, clinically intermediate and clinically resistant workload and workflow, or individual prefer-
isolates, and which can be altered by changes in ences. Different automated systems—or automa-
circumstances such as an acquired resistance ted readers of manually performed tests—may
mechanism) and epidemiological cut-off values have different breakpoints embedded in their
(which focus on separating the resistant strains software, or different software releases, or may
from the wild-type strains, and which are not have been updated manually at different times.
altered by changing circumstances such as an While these considerations have an impact on the
acquired resistance mechanism) [45,47]. internal correctness and coherence of the report,
For many bacterium–antibiotic combinations, comparing susceptibility results from different
acquired resistance leads to a pattern easily wards in the same hospital is a risky operation in
distinguishable from the wild-type strain, so that it does not take account of the huge differ-
semiquantitative data would appear to be ade- ences existing as regards distribution of bacterial
quate for monitoring resistance. Some examples species, use of medical and surgical devices,
are listed in Table 24. Interpretative categories are underlying conditions of patients, and use of
of particular importance when reporting on bac- antimicrobials.

Table 24. Main bacterium-antibiotic combinations for Reporting semiquantitative data

which semiquantitative data can monitor resistance ade-
Data expressed as S ⁄ I ⁄ R can be either tabulated or
reported as graphs. Since breakpoints refer to
E. coli, P. mirabilis, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp. given MIC values, these data are sometimes
First-generation quinolones
Tetracyclines referred to as ‘semiquantitative’ rather than
Carboxypenicillins ‘qualitative’. The simplest way of reporting qual-
Sulphonamides itative—or semiquantitative—data is by present-
Trimethoprim ing them as a table, listing the number of isolates
K. pneumoniae
tested, and the number and ⁄ or percentage of
First-generation quinolones susceptible, intermediate and resistant strains.
Sulphonamides However, many reports only list one interpretat-
Ent. cloacae, Ent. aerogenes, Serratia
ive category, which sometimes makes it possible
Third-generation cephalosporins to compare many years of survey in different
First-generation quinolones columns without compromising the overall read-
P. aeruginosa
ability of the report.
Ceftazidime When only one interpretative category is
Ciprofloxacin listed, data can also be arranged in a cumulative
S. aureus antimicrobial susceptibility report [38], listing the
Gentamicin microorganisms on the y-axis and the percent-
ages susceptible to all tested antimicrobials on
Fluoroquinolones the x-axis; the number of tested isolates can also
Strep. pneumoniae
Erythromycin be placed on the x-axis, provided that all
compounds have been tested on the same num-
ber of isolates. The statement that not testing a

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Cornaglia et al. European recommendations for antimicrobial resistance surveillance 375

subset of isolates (e.g., urine isolates) against all compared. However, in a few instances, break-
drugs is not likely to affect the clinical relevance points categorise the wild-type organisms of a
of the cumulative report [38] is debatable; in species as intermediate (or indeterminate), in
such an instance, separate subset tables would be which case the intermediate category must be
preferable. analysed together with the susceptible category,
Susceptibility rates equal to zero should be since these microorganisms are not endowed with
distinguished clearly from the possibility that the any acquired resistance mechanism.
drug has not been tested, since in a database
numerical field both cases may be represented by The use of graphics in reporting semiquantitative
the figure ‘0’. data
Data may be grouped by microorganism (and Graphs may permit a swifter appreciation of
reported on several consecutive lines headed by differences between resistance levels to different
the name of the antibiotic tested), or by antibiotic antibiotics, between different microorganisms, or
(and reported on several consecutive lines headed over different time periods, thereby giving a
by the name of the microorganism tested). Micro- comprehensive overview of resistance distribu-
organisms can be listed alphabetically, by organ- tion in a given species over time. Susceptibility
ism group or by prevalence, but the alphabetical evolution over time can be expressed by means
list is usually preferred. Listing by group can be of either linear graphs or bar graphs. Linear
helpful when comparing resistance between rela- graphs are not entirely suitable, since they
ted microorganisms which often belong to the suggest continuous observations, which often is
same genus and are also close to one another in not the case. More lines, representing different
the alphabetical list. antibiotics or different microorganisms, can coex-
Antimicrobials can be listed alphabetically, by ist on the same linear graph. The same applies to
class or by rank (1st, 2nd, 3rd choice). Ranking bar graphs, where different-coloured bars repre-
antimicrobials may also lead to reporting lower- sent different antibiotics or microorganisms, but
rank antibiotics (broader spectra, more costly, usually at the expense of poor data clarity. Bars
more toxic) only if a microorganism is resistant also allow S ⁄ I ⁄ R-values to be combined in a
to primary agents within a given class (or even single bar with multiple colours, thus condensing
within the whole formulary). This ‘cascade report- complex information in a single graphic element.
ing’ applies only to reports to be used in clinical The amount of information is even greater with
settings to assist clinicians in selecting the most three-dimensional graphs which present, in the
appropriate agents for antimicrobial therapy. In same chart, susceptibility values for different
more comprehensive epidemiological reports, microorganisms and ⁄ or for different antibiotics
careful analysis of all data generated by antimicro- and ⁄ or over different time periods. This type of
bial susceptibility tests is essential for the timely presentation can condense several lines or pages
detection of trends in emerging resistance [38]. of a table in a single graph, but overcrowded
It must always be made clear whether the pictures can undermine the immediacy and the
intermediate isolates are reported independently efficacy of the presentation. Problems can be
or pooled with the resistant or—far less com- solved by computerised presentations that intro-
monly—with the susceptible strains. If the inter- duce a few graphic elements at a time, but there
mediate isolates are pooled with the resistant is a risk of shifting from an effective dynamic
isolates, this pool should be referred to as ‘non- presentation to a presentation in which enter-
susceptible’. Such groupings are often used by tainment effects are detrimental to the message
analogy to clinical findings (as is the case with itself.
PNSSP), but it is also worth noting that this Labels, figures and ⁄ or percentages may be
procedure can smooth out the differences existing unsuitable for a slide presentation in which the
between different national breakpoints. The ex- speaker can introduce the most important data
tent of agreement on susceptible breakpoints (S ⁄ I) and comment on them, but they should always be
is often greater than that on resistant ones (I ⁄ R), provided in any printed version of the graph,
and pooling intermediate and resistant isolates in alongside the number of isolates considered in the
a single group of ‘non-susceptible’ isolates may study. All tabulated figures must be reported
reduce the bias when international data are when printed graphs are not presented on the

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
376 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 4, April 2004

same page as the original table, or when graphs eter or MIC) in order to identify isolates with
completely replace the table. decreased susceptibility within the S category.
Another popular method of reporting semi- The correlation of quantitative data with epi-
quantitative data uses geographical maps in demiological cut-off values would also be of value
which the states (or other geographical areas) in the following cases:
are coloured differently according to the different • when the breakpoint divides wild-type distri-
susceptibility levels. This may result in very butions of bacteria (something which should be
effective reporting of large-scale studies, but avoided by breakpoint committees), in which
normally permits the representation of only one case even small methodological shifts may
variable at a time, usually the ‘national’ resistance result in major shifts in resistance frequencies;
rate. No colour key or susceptibility range is • wherever consensus on clinical or pharmacolo-
accepted internationally, but a traffic-light code is gical breakpoints is lacking, in which case only
used frequently. Cold colours (green, white or epidemiological cut-off values allow compar-
light grey) are usually chosen to represent lower ison of resistance development;
resistance rates, while warm colours (purple, red • whenever resistance (to new or old drugs) and
or black) represent higher rates. A very adequate the consequent phenotypes have yet to be
way of presenting differences between different described, in which case efforts are concentra-
regions is to calculate the standard deviations of ted primarily on recognising resistant isolates
resistance rates in different areas, and present the as soon as they occur;
+1 and + 2 SDs in warm colours, and the )1 and • when studying the relationship between anti-
)2 SDs in cold colours, reserving white for the biotic use and the emergence and development
SD. Choosing a limited number of broad resistance of resistance.
ranges implies that minimal numerical variations
can shift a country from one group to another, Management of MIC results for producing
which can be disturbing, especially when maps for quantitative reports
different time periods are compared, and smaller Currently, quantitative data on the activity of
changes cannot be represented. On the other hand, antimicrobials are reported as the range of MICs,
a larger number of narrow resistance ranges may 50% MIC (MIC50), and 90% MIC (MIC90). The
minimise the colour variations from one map to usefulness of this way of reporting stems from its
another, thus making the maps more easily com- ability to condense many data into a single figure,
parable. However, the simultaneous presence of and therefore it may be useful for abstract
many colour codes on one map makes it somehow reporting. Nevertheless, its analytical and des-
less readable, and things may be even worse if, in criptive value remains highly controversial, par-
black-and-white prints, grey gradations or texture ticularly in Europe (see below). Two-fold
patterns are substituted for colours. dilutions are used commonly but 1.5-fold dilu-
tions can also be found and are typical of data
Reporting quantitative data obtained by means of the Etest. However, Etest
The use of quantitative data may add further results can be pooled with those obtained by other
details to what is expressed broadly by means of susceptibility testing methods after being roun-
interpretative categories. Moreover, in some in- ded to the nearest higher two-fold dilution value.
stances, the mere use of current breakpoints fails Endpoints are often not clear-cut, particularly
to reveal increased resistance, since the extent of in automated systems, because of the limited
reduced sensitivity is still not sufficient for the number of dilutions available. Thus, MIC results
isolates to be classified in either the I or R are reported often as either ‘equal to or lower
category. This may occur either because the than’ or ‘equal to or higher than’ given endpoints;
phenotypic expression of resistance is too weak, since these endpoints are fairly variable, different
or because of the extreme natural sensitivity of the reports are often not comparable completely,
species to the antibiotic in question (see the although applying restriction rules for inclusion
examples listed in Table 25). In such cases it of diverse values in the analysis could make it
might be helpful—or even necessary—to express possible to extract valid information, even from
the results quantitatively (inhibition zone diam- heterogeneous quantitative reporting.

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
Cornaglia et al. European recommendations for antimicrobial resistance surveillance 377

Table 25. Examples of situations

Antibiotic Examples of species Comment
where many clinical or pharma-
cological breakpoints may fail to Ampicillin Helicobacter pylori Most breakpoint systems use an
disclose the development of micro- ampicillin breakpoint of 8 or 16 mg ⁄ L
to accommodate the wild-type
biological resistance because of the distribution of E. coli. The
large gap in MIC concentrations Helicobacter pylori wild-type
between the breakpoint and the organism does not exceed
0.125 mg ⁄ L
MIC for a very sensitive species Cephalosporins E. coli and Shigella Decreased sensitivity to
first-generation cephalosporins
or to the amoxycillin–clavulanate
combination, or to mecillinam
because of penicillinase production.
E. coli with decreased sensitivity to
third-generation cephalosporins
through cephalosporinase
Chloramphenicol Haemophilus influenzae One of the first examples
(now corrected by most
breakpoint committees) where a
breakpoint designed for
Enterobacteriaceae failed to detect
CAT-producing H. influenzae
Fluconazole Candida albicans The NCCLS breakpoints of
S £ 8 mg ⁄ L and R ‡ 64 mg ⁄ L
leave a large gap between the wild-type
(ending at 0.5 mg ⁄ L) and the
breakpoint. Incidentally, this would
never be a problem with amphotericin B,
because the clinical breakpoint is
perfectly in line with the epidemiological
Fusidic acid Staphylococcus aureus Low-level fusidic acid
resistance in S. aureus (the clinical
relevance of which is still not established)
goes undetected by pharmacological
Imipenem, Most Gram-positive bacteria; A classic example where a breakpoint
meropenem several Enterobacteriaceae designed to accommodate both
Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas
often fails to disclose the production of
Penicillin Streptococcus pyogenes Not yet described, but it is highly
likely that if resistance mechanisms do
spread to or develop in Strep. pyogenes,
only the Strep. pneumoniae low-level
resistance breakpoint will be able to
disclose the resistance
Rifampicin Staphylococcus aureus Large gap between MIC of wild type
(ending at 0.064 mg ⁄ L) and breakpoints
(most of which are at 1 mg ⁄ L or higher)
Fluoroquinolones Enterobacteriaceae Large or extremely large gap between
Neisseria gonorrhoeae MIC of wild type and breakpoint.
Neisseria meningitidis
Haemophilus influenzae

The usual tables of quantitative data may list a reader with only very limited and often mislead-
number of fields, such as species, antibiotic, ing information.
number of isolates, range, MIC90 and MIC50. The MIC90 (also expressed as mg ⁄ L or lg ⁄ mL)
Considerations regarding the listing of species, has been used as the most common parameter for
antibiotics and number of isolates are the same as reporting and comparing antibiotic susceptibility
those outlined for semiquantitative data (see data. By representing the MIC capable of inhib-
above). iting at least 90% of the isolates investigated, it is
The MIC range (expressed as mg ⁄ L or lg ⁄ mL) reasonably representative of the susceptibility of a
reports both the lowest and the highest suscepti- species and provides a prudent estimate of the
bility value obtained for a given microorganism– expected susceptibility of isolates of the same
antimicrobial pair, but does not provide any species when reports are used to assist clinicians
information about the MIC distribution within in selection of the most appropriate agents for
these extreme figures. Moreover, even a single empirical antimicrobial therapy. However, as in
atypical or even misidentified isolate can affect the case of the MIC range, the MIC90 does
the range strongly, which actually provides the not provide any information about the MIC

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
378 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 4, April 2004

distribution above or below its own value, and its resistance, which do not differ between countries,
value may change significantly when even only while international agreement on clinical break-
small numbers of isolates endowed with MICs points may remain an elusive goal [45].
different from the remainder are included in the
analysis. This, of course, is much more likely to The use of graphics in reporting quantitative data
happen when a small number of isolates is Visual presentation of the susceptibility distribu-
considered, since a far more conspicuous subset tion in the report might possibly add value to all
of aberrant isolates needs to be present in order to or most of the reporting methods used currently
modify the value of the ninetieth percentile. [48]. The population distribution of antibiotic
The MIC50 (also expressed as mg ⁄ L or lg ⁄ mL) susceptibility patterns can be studied readily
can be regarded as complementary to the MIC90, from a scattergram—obtained from zone diame-
and has also been used as a common parameter ters as related to MICs——or from a histogram
for reporting and comparing antibiotic suscepti- showing the distribution of susceptibility values.
bility data. By representing the MIC capable of The use of histograms as a means of conveying
inhibiting at least 50% of the isolates investigated, susceptibility test results affords a convenient and
it is not very representative of the susceptibility of intelligent presentation of data that enables the
a species, and an estimate of the expected sus- reader to understand readily the report received,
ceptibility of isolates within a given species would and to relate the susceptibilities of given strains to
not be prudent if based only on MIC50 values. those of other members of the species and to the
However, the calculated value is more stable than interpretative clinical categories.
the MIC90, and is less likely to undergo significant Susceptibility distribution has various patterns.
changes following inclusion of small numbers of Some distributions are unimodal, with a cluster of
unusual isolates. It may therefore be of some help MICs over a narrow range (e.g., glycopeptides vs.
in comparing reports from different susceptibility pneumococci). A unimodal distribution generally
studies. occurs when a new antibiotic is introduced. Since
The combination of the MIC90 and MIC50, acquired and naturally resistant strains are
rather than the MIC90 or MIC50 alone, provides encountered with increasing frequency as a result
a better, albeit rather static, representation of of selection through the extended use of an
isolate susceptibility, but cannot reflect the MIC antibiotic, the unimodal clustering is altered, with
distribution accurately throughout the dilution an increasingly pronounced tendency towards a
range. This can be appreciated only in tables skewed or frankly bimodal distribution. Recogni-
reporting the population distribution of MICs tion of this event at an early stage is important,
and, even better, by graphic presentations. and such trends should be followed closely in
In the population distribution of MICs, data clustering analysis.
may be arranged as a cumulative antimicrobial Other susceptibility distributions are typically
susceptibility report, usually listing the microor- bimodal, with a definite cluster of resistant
ganisms on the y-axis and the percentages cor- strains, a second cluster of susceptible strains,
responding to each individual MIC value in the and only a few strains in between (e.g., penicillin
range on the x-axis; the number of isolates tested vs. staphylococci). Other drugs produce bimodal
is also placed on the x-axis. In another type of distributions, with more strains falling between
report, the percentages on the x-axis are increased the sensitive and resistant clusters (e.g., penicillin
by the additional percentages corresponding to vs. pneumococci) because of a wider range of
increasing MIC values up to a final value of 100. expression of the resistance mechanism(s); the
A population distribution of MICs, although narrowness of the intermediate range undermines
not very popular, is the most informative way of the use of a breakpoint as a means of distinguish-
listing antibiotic activity. This distribution is ing between resistance and susceptibility.
extremely important, not only for critical evalua- One virtually unexplored field is that of repre-
tion of susceptibility data, but also for determin- senting, either graphically or as a table, the resist-
ing epidemiological cut-off values. These do not ance variations over time (a sort of ‘derivative’, to
depend on pharmacological and clinical criteria, use mathematical terminology). The scarcity of
and allow comparison of resistance rates on the databases spanning a sufficiently lengthy period of
basis of the microbiological characteristics of the time that are endowed with good internal consis-

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
Cornaglia et al. European recommendations for antimicrobial resistance surveillance 379

tency is probably responsible for the shortage of II and III of the development of new or modified
this kind of information, which would be useful antibacterial agents, and should expand into
for a more accurate analysis of resistance trends phase IV. These studies should be based on the
over time, and for appreciating the importance of use of selective broth or plates containing differ-
those resistance surges which, though not attain- ent concentrations of the new drug, to be inocu-
ing very high values in absolute terms, entail a lated with specimens of the normal microbiota of
sharp, rapid increase with respect to baseline patients, in order to evaluate the possibility of
values. Moreover, figures alone seldom seem to emergence of resistance. New resistant strains
be capable of providing a clear-cut picture, while should be investigated properly to identify the
variation over time provides a picture that is not mechanisms of resistance, the biological cost for
dependent upon the ‘absolute’ value of figures, the resistant strain, and the possibility of hori-
and thus adds a further dimension to the data to zontal gene transfer. Investigations of new resist-
ensure prompt recognition of phenomena, as well ant strains should also include clinical aspects
as a better appreciation of their importance. (particularly if resistance is associated with thera-
peutic failure) and epidemiological aspects (with
special reference to their clonality).
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE Surveillance and the pharmaceutical industry: from
SURVEILLANCE surveillance studies to industrial environmental
Paper surveillance studies
During the last decade, a number of well-funded
A vast amount of information about antibiotic surveillance studies have been conducted at the
susceptibility and resistance is presented regu- initiative of the pharmaceutical industry, and
larly in different scientific meetings or published frequently under the technical guidance of scien-
in journals, books or brochures around Europe. tific experts. Some of these studies are of high
The availability, and therefore the impact, of this quality. Unfortunately, many of them have been
information on public health is probably still only operative for only a few years, since an important
minimal. Current information retrieval systems part of their funding originated in the marketing
allow the recovery of these data for surveillance departments. The immediate benefits for the com-
purposes. These paper surveillance studies, in the panies are to compare the performance (frequently
form of continuous updating of published or advantageous) of their products with those of their
presented data about particular bacteria–antibi- competitors, to publicise and expand the visibility
otic pairs, should be carried out by experts. They of their antibiotics in meetings and publications,
should be capable of assessing the quality control and to ensure a cooperative relationship with
selection measures, including the methods used opinion leaders in the field of antibiotic therapy.
in the research, the reputation of the journal or These goals are frequently dependent on the
meeting, and the investigators and the guarantees availability of competitive products in the field.
that they offer. Such studies can take advantage of The new concepts of environmental control and
the methods afforded by previous experiences in ecological remediation by the industry may help to
meta-analytical research. Indeed, part of the sustain these activities in future.
interest of paper surveillance studies lies in their
ability to establish retrospective baselines of Information industry: surveillance companies
resistance rates, which prove useful in the inter- A number of private companies specialising in
pretation of recent trends. This continuous data medical information, and owning powerful infor-
retrieval strategy was first proposed by ESGARS matics and bioinformatics platforms, are able to
in 2001, and was subsequently adopted by the construct local as well as global resistance databas-
EU-funded ARPAC Programme in 2003. es on antibiotic resistance. In some cases the
companies also have reference laboratory facilities
Surveillance and the pharmaceutical industry: from (corporate or contracted) and can therefore set
drug development to clinical trials up a comprehensive collection of strains. While
Surveillance studies aimed at the early detection the main customers of these companies are
of resistance to new drugs should start in phases often pharmaceutical companies, nothing should

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
380 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 4, April 2004

prevent the appropriate use of the raw data, and

Prediction and surveillance of resistance
eventually the strains themselves, for public health
purposes if required by official institutions or Surveillance needs to use landmarks or ‘flags’ for
academia to fulfil well-defined objectives. More- the early detection of antibiotic resistance. Await-
over, frequent publication of relevant data by the ing the clinical emergence of a resistant microor-
information company itself is most welcome. ganism before ascertaining its phenotype and
determining the surveillance flag position (cut-off
Surveillance hyper-networks value or breakpoint) in a gradient of MICs may be
The problem of antibiotic resistance is a global a risky policy. The clinical emergence of a given
risk for public health, and surveillance systems bacterial variant may come too late to allow the
should have no frontiers. Many international, application of counteractive control measures.
national and regional organisations, as well as This is particularly critical for new drugs in the
scientific societies around the world, are currently late stages of development or recently launched
developing different surveillance systems simul- on the therapeutic market. A number of proce-
taneously. As stated earlier, industry (i.e., the dures, many of them based on molecular genetics,
pharmaceutical or information industry) also and frequently using genomics and proteomics
operates a large number of surveillance systems technology, may enable the likelihood of emer-
in parallel. Surveillance studies are flowing over gence of resistant variants of important bacterial
from human medicine into the fields of veterinary pathogens to be predicted.
medicine, the food industry, agriculture and Carefully controlled experiments can predict the
environmental biology. This complex situation behaviour of a particular pathogen if a particular
has led to a number of initiatives aimed at resistance gene is introduced into the organism. For
creating hyper-networks or ‘networks of net- instance, the introduction of ESBL genes into
works’. Surveillance hyper-networks are certainly H. influenzae has suggested that NCCLS testing
needed to understand global trends and to methods may have difficulty in detecting such
increase the sensitivity of the alert function, but strains. Stepwise selection procedures have pre-
obviously the hub or powerhouse of most net- dicted the phenotype of vancomycin-intermediate
works should coincide with the point at which S. aureus, or linezolid-resistant Ent. faecium. The use
measures can be taken to control undesirable of hyper-mutable bacterial strains has also been
deviations that might be detected. proposed as a predictive strategy for the early
detection of resistance mechanisms. All these
techniques should provide insights into the expec-
Publishing of surveillance studies
ted phenotypic features of a possible resistant
Surveillance is a scientifically-based activity, and strain, to be considered when interpreting partic-
not a process of blind collection and dissemination ular MICs or establishing surveillance cut-off
of data. Any surveillance system should be aware values.
of the intrinsic possibility of including erroneous
data, and should make every effort to minimise this
Intervention-orientated surveillance
risk. In other words, data inputs to the surveillance
system should be edited carefully before public The main goal of surveillance is intervention.
release. When dealing with possible emerging Brilliant academic analysis of evolutionary trends
resistances, it is sometimes difficult for surveil- of antimicrobial resistance constitutes a by-prod-
lance systems to discard abnormal or unexpected uct of surveillance, but if intervention is not
results automatically, based on the application of implemented as a result of surveillance pro-
so-called ‘expert systems’. In case of uncertainty, grammes, the final outcome will be failure. On
the abnormal result should be released as pre- the other hand, intervention cannot be designed,
sumptive information, and all relevant doubts planned or controlled without appropriate sur-
should be stated clearly. At the same time, every veillance programmes. Any type of surveillance
effort should be made to ensure that the laboratory study should conclude, where appropriate, with a
where the abnormality was detected takes all proposal for intervention based on the data
appropriate steps to confirm the suspicion, if obtained. Educational programmes in the field
necessary with the help of reference laboratories. of antibiotic therapy and epidemiological inter-

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
Cornaglia et al. European recommendations for antimicrobial resistance surveillance 381

ventions should take advantage of surveillance • the ‘susceptible’ category includes bacterial
studies. Dissemination of information in the form species that are susceptible naturally to the
of periodic resistance and intervention data bul- antibiotic in question [51] with prevalence
letins is advisable. ranges (expressed in percentage) of acquired
Surveillance should always suggest, or even resistance;
generate automatically, some type of reaction • the ‘moderately susceptible category’ includes
and ⁄ or intervention. For instance, surveillance bacterial species that present intermediate sus-
data can lead to the removal of a given drug from ceptibility naturally to the antibiotic in question
an accepted official list of indications. There is an (e.g., enterococci for penicillin G);
important controversy regarding the resistance • the ‘resistant’ category includes the naturally
rate that an antibiotic has to attain in a particular resistant species (e.g., Enterobacteriaceae and
setting for declassification of its use for a partic- mycobacteria for penicillin G) and naturally
ular clinical indication. In other words, the dis- susceptible species in which the prevalence of
cussion has to do with the critical resistance level acquired resistance is high (e.g., S. aureus and
beyond which isolates of a particular species can Moraxella catarrhalis for penicillin G).
be regarded generally as resistant to a given drug
in a given place and over a given period of time.
Defining therapeutic indications of antibiotics
This aspect is of major importance for empirical
therapy. Several reports on the treatment of UTI Provided that they are presented along with the
with particular drugs (e.g., co-trimoxazole, quino- few pieces of information that come usually
lones) have suggested that when resistance occurs with clinical samples submitted to medical
in >10–20% of isolates, the corresponding anti- microbiology laboratories (e.g., sampling site,
microbial agents should not be used for empirical inpatient or outpatient status), general statistics
treatment [49]. The establishment of these critical on acquired resistance can contribute to defining
percentages for particular bacterium–antibiotic the antibiotic indications that figure in SPCs.
combinations depends mainly on the severity of However, statistics on resistance in documented
the infections and on the availability of alternative infections within well-defined epidemiological
therapies. What is clear is that use of an antibiotic contexts are of primary importance in this
regardless of the aforementioned ‘critical’ resist- connection.
ance rate will lead to a further selection of
resistant bacterial populations, and probably of
Establishing recommendations on antibiotic
genetic vectors associated with resistance genes. If
therapy and good antibiotic usage
surveillance detects resistance in a dangerous
organism, with no or few alternative drugs In order to help prescribers, medical scientific
capable of controlling it, even a very low resist- societies and health authorities to establish na-
ance rate should be considered high risk, and tional recommendations on antibiotic therapy and
appropriate action should be planned. appropriate antibiotic usage, the prevalence of
resistance must be established for given clinical
situations (documented infections) in well-de-
Defining and updating activity spectra for
fined epidemiological contexts. This is the case
inclusion in summaries of product
with common infections (e.g., UTIs, lower respir-
characteristics (SPCs)
atory tract infections, acute otitis media) and
This is a process that should be based on particularly severe infections (e.g., community-
surveillance programmes. To group species in acquired pneumonia or meningitis in patients
the three therapeutic classes of antibiotic activity admitted to hospital emergency units). In this
(see below) for inclusion in SPCs, according to the connection, resistance can be provided not only
European norms for antibacterial medicinal prod- for each bacterial species separately (e.g., co-
ucts [50], European and national agencies for trimoxazole sensitivity rates in E. coli strains
health product safety need both information on responsible for cystitis in women with no recent
strain populations and general statistics on history of infection, antibiotic therapy or hospi-
acquired resistance for the main bacterial species talisation), but also for the species possibly
of medical importance. Indeed, for each antibiotic: involved taken as a whole (e.g., rates of sensitivity

 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 349–383
382 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 4, April 2004

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