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Table of Contents

Colors and Clothes
Daily life
Free time
At home
The farm
Asking for directions
Public transport
When I was young
The weather
Talking on the phone
Give advice
The Media
The weekend
Social Networks
Social classes
Animals and their habitats
Importance of language
Working world
Climate Change
¡Aprende Inglés!
Más que 100 textos didácticos para
aprender y mejorar tu inglés
Aprende vocabulario y gramática leyendo
por Dominik Wexenberger y Niamh Hogan

Colors and Clothes
Daily life
Free time
At home
The farm
Asking for directions
Public transport
When I was young
The weather
Talking on the phone
Give advice
The Media
The weekend
Social Networks
Social classes
Animals and their habitats
Importance of language
Working world
Climate Change

Primero queremos agradecerte por tu interés en este libro. Esperamos que te vaya a
ayudar mucho en tu camino hacia la maestría del inglés. Escribimos este libro porque
quisimos facilitar el aprendizaje del inglés. Somos profesores de varias lenguas desde
hace varios años y hemos observado diferentes tipos de problemas y obstáculos durante
el aprendizaje de nuestros alumnos. Pero al final todos llegaron a superar sus problemas
y continuaron con su intento de mejorar sus capacidades y su fluidez en la lengua. Lo más
importante es en nuestra opinión mantener altas la motivación y la diversión. Y la forma
más fácil de generar motivación y diversión es por la sensación continua de progreso en
sus esfuerzos.
Cuando eramos niño y visitabamos la escuela, profesores acostumbraron decirnos que no
teníamos talento para aprender idiomas y que deberíamos meternos en otras cosas. Hoy
hablamos varios idiomas y los enseñamos con mucho éxito. Nos los enseñamos a
nosotros mismos, desarrollando nuestro entendimiento y nuestra enseñanza a la vez.
Somos autodidactos y adoramos aprender nuevas cosas. Conocimiento es poder se dice.
Pero creemos que no es tanto el poder si no que son las oportunidades en la vida que trae
nuevo conocimiento. Conocimiento abre nuestros ojos, nos muestra nuevos caminos y
nos lleva a nuevos lugares. La vida trata de un desarrollo permanente. Estamos en
camino en cada momento, es un proceso de devenir y de hacernos más fuerte, más noble
y más sabios. Uno entre varios caminos para progresar en este viaje que llamamos la vida
es el aprendizaje y la acumulación de conocimiento.
En nuestros clases intentamos transmitir ésta pasión respeto del conocimiento y del
aprendizaje por toda la vida. En la mayoría de las veces funciona bastante bien. ¿Por qué?
Porque los estudiantes sienten y empiezan a creer que si solo se esfuerzan
suficientemente duro van a tener éxito. Estamos convencidos que el aprendizaje y el
éxito en él son estrechamente conectados con la propia convicción de poder tener éxito.
Sabemos que eso suena muy obvio pero no lo es en la práctica. Nos encontramos cada día
con gente que no cree nada pero absolutamente nada en sus propias capacidades y
posibilidades de éxito. Dicen la frase pero no la creen. No creen en la posibilidad de tener
éxito. Creen que más probable que el éxito es el fracaso. Por eso empiezan con la idea de
intentar y no con la idea de tener éxito y llevar al cabo su idea. Las razones para esta
forma nociva de ver las cosas son varias y amplias. Vale la pena sentarse un rato a pensar
sobre ellas y sus posibles implicaciones en tu propia vida.
Lo que nosotros intentamos con este libro es devolverte la fe en tus capacidades y que
puedes aprender el inglés. El libro es estructurado de una manera que va a ayudarte
ganar conocimiento, autoestima y ambición. Probamos todos los textos con muchos
alumnos en su camino hacia su meta de aprender el inglés. Estamos convencidos que una
de las actividades claves para aprender un idioma es la lectura.
La lectura tiene varios gran ventajas. Primero, no hay ninguna presión o estrés porque
tienes todo el tiempo del mundo que necesitas para entender una frase, analizar su
estructura y desarrollar un sentimiento para su sonido. Segundo, la lengua solo existe en
contexto, jamás solamente en palabras. Siempre describe un contexto más amplio, una
imagen, una idea o una imaginación. La lectura es el medio perfecto para tomarse el
tiempo de entender, de sentir y de visualizar el mensaje y la idea del autor. Tercero, leer
textos es probablemente la parte más importante de crear el famoso sentimiento de una
lengua por cual envidiamos a los nativos. Creemos que de hecho no hay nada difícil en el
desarrollo de este sentimiento. Piensa en una canción o una melodía y intenta cantarla
empezando desde un punto arbitrario en medio de la canción. Vas a ver que no puedes.
Necesitas puntos en la canción desde los cuales puedes empezar a cantar. Creemos que es
lo mismo con lengua. Cuanto más profundo te metas en una lengua más va a parecer a
una canción en tu mente y palabras van a evocar palabras y ayudarte a hablar con fluidez.
Otro ejemplo: Intenta cambiar algunas palabras en una canción y cántala. Se siente raro
¿verdad? Es lo mismo con lengua. Para un nativo cambias palabras o usas tiempos que no
pertenecen a este lugar. Lo que dices suena mal. Estamos convencidos que podemos
aprovechar de estas observaciones para mejorar y estudiar más eficazmente. Y una gran
ayuda en esto es la lectura.
El problema de muchos estudiantes que conocimos era que no sabían qué leer o mejor
qué textos correspondían con su nivel y no los frustrában. Les decíamos que usaran
libros de niños, cuentos de hadas y otros libros semejantes para acostumbrarse al ritmo y
la lógica de la lengua y para ensanchar su vocabulario. Después les recomendabamos
buscarse libros de adolescentes hasta por fin llegar al nivel necesario para leer novelas
para adultos. Si logras terminar un libro de adolescentes de 600 páginas de hecho ya
ganaste. Pero para muchos resultaba muy difícil encontrar o escoger libros adecuados
para poder aprovechar de ellos. Por esa razón decidimos escribir este libro para todos los
que quieren aprender el inglés y lograr sus metas.
La idea del libro no es solo ayudarte con el estudio de palabras y un poco de gramática
sino facilitarte la transición importante de nivel a nivel, mejorando tu nivel de inglés
hasta que llegues al punto de poder entender y aplicarlo de manera inteligible y con
confianza. Cada tema fue concebido para aportar algo nuevo sin sobrecargarte
demasiado o frustrarte con textos que no llegas a entender. Por supuesto vas a tener que
analizar los textos y buscar vocabulario. El aprendizaje de una lengua es un proceso
activo y está muy lejos de la idea de poner un libro debajo de tu almohada. Pero te
prometemos, si trabajas atentamente por el libro, al final vas a tener una muy buena base
para hacer lo que quieras con el inglés.

Antes de que empieces tu viaje queremos darte unas recomendaciones para que utilices
el libro eficazmente.
1. Instala Goldendict en tu computadora y busca un diccionario que pueda traducir desde
tu lengua al inglés. En nuestra opinión es la mejor opción para buscar palabras. Te da la
posibilidad de buscar palabras directamente en el texto sin cambiar siquiera la ventana
en que estás leyendo. Se abre un pequeño pop-up y te muestra instantáneamente la
traducción. También funciona en otros lugares como periódicos, redes sociales, etc.. Lo
encontrarás aquí:
2. Lee por los textos y busca todas las palabras que no sepas. Intenta entender las frases
en su profundidad. En su profundidad significa que entiendes la frase como si fuera en tu
lengua nativa. En su profundidad no significa “más o menos” o “significa algo como ...”.
3. En cuanto hayas entendido todo el texto, vuelve a leerlo. Esta vez intenta no traducirlo
sino comprenderlo. Intenta encontrar el fantasma detrás del texto como lo llamamos
nosotros. Detrás de cada frase hay una imagen, un mensaje que es la suma de palabras y
crea el concepto de la frase. Piensa en como lees un texto en tu lengua nativa. No
entiendes cada palabra sino el conjunto de las palabras te transmite el mensaje de la
frase. Piénsalo como el fantasma detrás de la frase y intenta verlo.
4. La practica es importante. Escribe pequeños relatos sobre los temas. Experimenta,
comete errores, descubre nuevas palabras. Intenta traducir frases que ves en otros
5. Haz una costumbre de tu estudio. Sabemos que la gente hoy en día siempre está
tremendamente ocupada y nunca tiene tiempo. No obstante intenta dedicar cada día
tiempo a tus estudios. Por eso son tan cortos los textos. Puedes leer y analizar uno en
más o menos 15 minutos.

Si estás interesado en clases particulares con nosotros, si tienes una idea o un

comentario interesante en cuanto a nuestro trabajo o si solo quieres saludarnos,
búscanos en Facebook o en Skype. Nos vas a encontrar allí con nuestros nombres.
Y ahora es hora que empieces. ¡Vamos ya, la maestría del inglés te está esperando!
Mucha suerte y mucha diversión,

Dominik Wexenberger y Niamh Hogan


Text 1
Hello, how are you? I'm well. My name is Dominik. What is your name? I'm from England.
Where are you from? Where do you live? I live in London. I'm 28 years old. How old are
you? My hobbies are sports, learning languages, traveling and I like to meet with friends. I
like good food. I like to paint. I like to play video games, too. What do you like? What don't
you like? I don't like bad weather and I don't like bad food. I speak English, German,
Spanish and French. What languages do you speak? What is your job? What do you do for a
living? I work as a teacher. I teach languages. I have studied at university. Are you a
student? Or what do you do?

Text 2
Hello, how are you? I'm fine, thank you. I want to introduce my father to you today. My
father's name is Roland. What is your name? My father is 55 years old. How old are you? He
lives in England. Where do you live? He speaks English and a bit of German. He likes
football. He likes to cook. He likes dogs and he likes good movies. And you, what do you
like? What don't you like? What are your hobbies? He doesn't like cats and he doesn't like
nasty people. And you, what don’t you like? Tell me! Surely it is interesting! Good bye!

Text 3
Hey, how are you? Is everything alright? Are you having a nice day? Do you know my
brother? My brother's name is Mark. He is very friendly. He is 26 years old. How old are
you? He works as an engineer. And you, what is your job? What do you do for a living? He
likes music. He plays the guitar. He likes to listen to music and he likes to make music. And
you? He likes to cook. Do you like to cook? He doesn't like alcohol. He doesn't drink alcohol.
Do you like alcohol? He doesn't like spiders and he doesn't like football either. Do you like
football? Do you like spiders? Have a good day. Bye!
Colors and Clothes

Text 1
What color are the trousers? The trousers are black. What color is the t-shirt? The t-shirt is
green. What color is the jumper? The jumper is blue. What color are the socks? The socks
are yellow. What color are the underpants? The underpants are white. What color are the
swimming trunks? The swimming trunks are red. What color are the trunks? They are blue.
What color is the jacket? The jacket is purple. What color is the scarf? It is pink.

Text 2
Hello, what are you wearing today? I am wearing a jacket. The jacket is gray. I am wearing a
gray jacket and a shirt. The shirt is light blue and white. I am wearing a light blue shirt. I am
wearing a t-shirt. The t-shirt is yellow. I am wearing a yellow t-shirt. I am wearing a pair of
trousers. The trousers are black. I am wearing black trousers. I'm wearing socks. The socks
are black, too. I'm wearing black socks and I'm wearing shoes. My shoes are white. I'm
wearing white shoes. What are you wearing today?

Text 3
Good morning! What am I going to wear today? I take off my pajama. I put on some
underpants and a pair of green socks. I put on black trousers and a white shirt. I put on a
blue necktie and my red jacket. I put on shoes, too. What have you put on? Are you wearing
a shirt? Do you put on a blouse? Do you put on shoes? Do you put on gloves or a scarf?

Text 4
Hooray, it’s the weekend! I am going to the discotheque. I put on my colorful t-shirt. I put
on my green trousers. I put on black shoes. And I put on a nice jacket. I don't put on a dress.
I don't put on a suit either. I don't put on sandals. I don't put on slippers and rubber boots
either. I don't put on gloves and a scarf either. What do you put on when you go to a
Text 1
What do you do with these things? With the lamp you illuminate the desk. With the eraser
you erase. With the pencil sharpener you sharpen a pencil. With the felt pen you color. With
the ruler you measure a distance and you draw a straight line. With the calculator you
calculate numbers. With the backpack you carry your things. On the sheets of paper you
write. With the pencil you draw. In the pencil case you store your things. On the notebook
you write and you take notes and with the books you read and you learn.

Text 2
Today we are going to talk about the desk. We have a lamp to illuminate the desk. We have
books to read and learn. We have a notebook to take notes, write, paint, draw and calculate.
We have a pencil case to store our things. We store our pencils, erasers, rulers, pencil
sharpeners and felt pens in the pencil case. We have sheets of paper to write or draw on
them. We have a backpack to carry our books. We use a calculator to calculate. We add,
subtract, divide and multiply with a calculator. We can measure a distance with a ruler and
we can draw a straight line with it. We use felt pens to draw and color our drawings. We
use a pencil sharpener to sharpen the pencils. And we use an eraser to erase what we have
written before.

Text 3
What are these? These are scissors. We can cut with scissors. We can cut paper for
example. What is this? This is a pencil. We can write with a pencil. There is a pencil
sharpener to sharpen the pencils. What is this? This is adhesive tape. With adhesive tape
you can stick something to the wall. What is this? This is a felt pen. We can draw and color
with a felt pen. What is this? This is a book. We can read from a book. What is this? This is a
notebook. In a notebook we can take notes. What do you do with a stapler? You attach two
sheets of paper. What do you do with a pen? You write a text or you sign a document. What
do you with a brush? You paint a painting.

Text 1
Today I'm at the market. I need vegetables. I need some tomatoes, red tomatoes. They are
1€ per kilo. I also need some cucumbers. They are 2€ per kilo. I need peppers, too. They are
5€ per kilo. I buy lettuce, too. The lettuce looks fresh. It is 70 cents per head. I buy potatoes.
How much are they? The potatoes are 1,20€ per kilo. I need some broccoli. Broccoli is
1,50€ per piece. This is not expensive. It is cheap. This is all I need. How much is it all
together? I pay and I go home.

Text 2
I need fruit. I buy fruit at the supermarket. They have nice bananas. They are 1,40€ per kilo.
They also have watermelons. I want to buy a watermelon. A watermelon is 1€ each. The
pears look nice, too. I want to buy pears. Pears are 2,50€ per kilo. I want to buy a pineapple,
too. The pineapple is 2€ each. And last but not least I buy some apples. The apples look
delicious. They are 1,20€ per kilo. I don't buy nuts, strawberries, mangoes or cherries. I
don't have enough money with me. How much is it all together?

Text 3
I'm at the supermarket. I need a few things. I buy fresh milk and cheese. I like cheese a lot.
And I want to buy yogurt. I like to eat yogurt with fruits and oats. I want to buy a bit of meat
and fish, too. I buy a piece of meat and a fish. I need a box of eggs. Of course, I buy organic
eggs. And I don't have any juice left at home. I buy orange juice and apple juice. And I buy a
bit of chocolate. Do I need anything else? I don't think so. Oh yes! I need fresh bread. Now I
have everything. I go to the checkout. I need a shopping bag to carry everything. I pay with
my credit card and go home.
Daily life
Text 1
It is 6 o'clock in the morning. I wake up. I get up. What about you? At what time do you get
up? It is half past 6. I take a shower. After that I have breakfast. At what time do you have
breakfast? It is 8 o'clock. I start work. I work until noon, around 12 o'clock. At what time do
you start work? At what time is your lunch break? I finish my lunch at 1 o'clock. I work the
whole afternoon until 6 o'clock in the evening. Then I go home. At 8 o'clock it is dinner
time. My family and I have dinner together. At 9 o'clock I watch a movie. After that I read
for a bit before I go to bed. What do you do in the evening? At what time do you go to bed?
Do you like to read before you go to bed?

Text 2
Hello. Today I want to tell you about my day. I get up at 5 o'clock and I go to the kitchen to
prepare a cup of coffee. After that I go to the bathroom and take a shower. I wash and I
shave. I brush my teeth. Then I get dressed. After that I have breakfast and I have a cup of
coffee. Then I go to work. I work until noon. Then I take my lunch break and have my lunch.
In the afternoon I continue to work. I finish work at quarter past 5, sometimes at half past
5. Then I drive home. I arrive home around quarter to 7. I prepare and eat my dinner. After
that I watch TV or I read for a bit. At 10 I go to bed, I set my alarm and I sleep until the next

Text 3
My alarm rings. It is early in the morning. It is 6 o'clock. I get up and make my bed. Then I
have a shower. I wash my hair and I brush my teeth. In the morning I'm always a bit slow. I
use a hair dryer to dry my hair. I comb my hair and I put on makeup. After that I get
dressed. I make and eat my breakfast. I have a slice of bread with strawberry jam and a cup
of coffee. After that I go to school. I learn a lot of new things. At noon I go home. I do my
homework and after that I meet my friend to play. We play for the whole afternoon. In the
evening I prepare dinner for my family. After dinner I go to bed and I write in my diary.
Before I go to sleep I read for a bit. And then I sleep and dream of many nice things.
Text 1
This is Anna's family. Anna is thirteen years old and very friendly. Her brother Tom is
eleven years old and likes to play football. Anna and Tom's father is 45 years old and
always happy to help. His name is Charles. Their mother and Charles' wife is called Monika.
She is lovely and very interesting. Charles's father is Anna's grandfather. He is married to
the children's grandmother Helen. The children love their grandparents very much. Their
grandmother is 75 years old and their grandfather is 80 years old. Tom and Anna are their
grandchildren. Charles has two brothers. They are the children's uncles. Anna is their niece
and Tom is their nephew. Monika has a sister. She is the children's aunt. And the children
have cousins. They are their aunt's and their uncle's children.

Text 2
This is my brother and this is my sister. We are siblings. We are our parents' children. My
sister is their daughter and we are their sons. We are our grandparents' grandchildren. My
sister is their granddaughter and we are their grandsons. My father is a very nice guy. He is
my grandmother's and my grandfather's son. My mother is a great person. She is my
grandparents' daughter-in-law. My grandparents have another son, my father's brother. He
is our uncle and his wife is our aunt. My sister is their niece and we are their nephews.

Text 3
I love my family. My father is very friendly. My mother is very busy. What are your parents
like? My sister is very intelligent. What is your sister like? My brother is very sporty. And
your brother, what is he like? My grandmother is a lovely old lady. And your grandmother,
what is she like? And my grandfather is so funny. What is your grandfather like? Tell me
about your family!
Text 1
A human has a face. On the face he has a mouth. With his mouth he speaks and he eats. In
his mouth he has teeth and a tongue. With his teeth he chews and bites and with his tongue
he tastes. He has lips, too. He kisses with his lips. He has a chin, two cheeks and two eyes.
He sees with the eyes. He has eyelashes and eyelids. His eyelashes are very long. He has
eyebrows. A human face has a forehead. A human has hair. And he has a nose. With the
nose he smells and breathes. And he has ears. With his ears he hears and listens to music.

Text 2
What do you do with your legs? With your legs you walk. What do you do with your feet?
With your feet you stand. What do you do with your hands? With your hands you can grab
and you can clap. What do you do with your fingers? You can point. What do you do with
your knees? You kneel with your knees. What do you do with your bottom? You sit on your
bottom. What do you do with your hip? You dance with your hips. What do you do with
your stomach? With your stomach you digest. What do you do with your chest? You
breathe with your chest. What do you do with your back? You can carry with your back.
What do you do with your shoulders? You shrug your shoulders. What do you do with your
arms? You hug a friend or your family.

Text 3
My head is big. I think with my head. My nose is pointy. I smell with my nose. My eyes are
brown. I see with my eyes. My lips are red. I kiss with my lips. My teeth are white. I bite and
I chew with my teeth. My shoulders are broad. I carry with my shoulders. My chest is
strong. I breathe with my chest. My arms are long. I hug my friends. My hands are small. I
grab an apple. My fingers are slim. My belly is fat. I need to work out a bit. My bottom is
round. I sit on my bottom. My legs are muscular. I play football with my legs. My feet are
very hairy. I might just be a Hobbit.
Free time
Text 1
What do you like to do in your free time? What are your hobbies? My hobbies are hiking
and going for walks with my dogs. I like to read. I love to watch football. I like to meet with
my father. And I like to go ice-skating. I love to listen to music and I like to go to the cinema,
too. I enjoy watching good movies and I love to eat popcorn. I like to listen to the news on
the radio. Politics, sports and the programs about the economy are very interesting. I enjoy
reading, too. I like novels and academic literature. I read the newspaper every morning. I
like to play board games, cards and the PlayStation. And I like to work out. I play basketball
and football. I know how to loose. It is not that important to always be the winner. And
what do you like to do? What is fun for you? What do you think is fun, entertaining and
worth your while?

Text 2
In my free time I often practice my guitar. I enjoy making music. I sing and I play all
afternoon. I also write my own songs. I can play the piano, too. It is fun, but I enjoy my
guitar more. Twice a week I go to a yoga-class. I like to move my body and work out. I love
to swim in the sea or in lakes. I think that it is also fun to work in the garden. I plant trees,
flowers and other plants. That's really relaxing. Another hobby of mine is spending time on
the computer. I like to play video games. Sometimes I play all afternoon and forget about
my homework and even about my dinner. I am also learning how to program. I want to
know how to program video games. And I surf the Internet, I chat with my friends on
Facebook or I read the news and other information online. Nevertheless I still write letters.
My friends love my letters and I often write many pages. It is fun to write and express my
ideas. And sometimes I just lie in the sun and do nothing. I am lazy and I sleep or snooze.
What do you like to do? Do you program? Do you write letters? Do you work in the garden
or do you like to swim in the sea? What do you do in your free time?
Text 1
What do you do during the week? I work from Monday to Friday. Sometimes I work on
Saturday, too. On Monday I work out. On Tuesday I meet my friends. On Wednesday I take a
French-class. On Thursday I go to the park and take my dogs for a walk. On Friday I often go
to a bar and I have a couple of beers. On Saturday I work out again and I read in the
afternoon. In the evening I like to go to a disco. I meet friends there, I dance and have fun.
And on Sunday I take a rest from the long week. On Sunday there is market. I go there and
do my shopping for the week. I buy vegetables and fruit, meat and cheese. What do you do
during the weekend?

Text 2
What did you do this year? In January I built a snowman. In February I worked. In March I
went to Mexico. In April I returned to work. In May I met my girlfriend. In June I spent my
holidays by the sea. In July I swam in a lake. In August I read a lot. In September I went to
many parties. In October it was very cold. I spent a lot of time at home listening to music. In
November it got even colder. I studied a lot and watched many movies. I hardly ever left the
house. And in December I celebrated Christmas with my family. That was fun. I had a really
good year. What about you, how was your year?

Text 3
What did you do last year? Did you visit friends? Did you eat good food? Did you drink lots
of alcohol? Did you paint? Did you go to many parties? Did you go on holiday? I went to
many parties in spring. And in summer I spent a lot of time at the beach and I often swam in
the sea. In fall I ate a lot and I worked out a lot. I also drank a lot of juice and tea and met
my friends. In winter I studied a lot and spent a lot of time in the library. But I always had
fun and was very happy and satisfied with my life. What about you? What did you do last
year? Did you enjoy last year? Were you happy and satisfied? What didn't you like? Did you
have a good year or a bad year?
Text 1
An actor learns his role and interprets it. He works in a studio in front of the camera. An
architect plans buildings and draws plans. He works in an office. A painter paints paintings
with colors and brushes. She works in a studio. An engineer builds cars and motorbikes and
he works in a workshop. A babysitter takes care of a child and reads a story to the child.
She works in a house. A baker bakes bread and sells it. She works in a bakery. A hairdresser
cuts the client's hair. She works at a hairdresser or salon. A businessman signs and closes a
contract. A butcher makes sausages and cuts meat. He works at a butcher shop. A carpenter
saws and hammers with a saw and a hammer in the workshop.

Text 2
A cashier sells products and works at the checkout in the supermarket. A cook washes the
vegetables, cooks and prepares the food. He works in the kitchen of a restaurant. An
educator educates children and plays with children. She works at the kindergarten. A
programmer programs and develops software for computers. A janitor repairs and cleans
the house. A secretary makes appointments and answers the telephone. A delivery person
delivers pizza to the client's house. A dock worker controls the containers at the port. A
factory worker packs the package, controls it and closes it. He works at the factory. A
farmer takes care of his animals, cultivates vegetables and fruit and drives the tractor at the

Text 3
A firefighter extinguishes fire and rescues people. A fisherman catches fish and sells it at
the market. A boss hires and fires employees and pays their salary. A gardener plants trees
and flowers in the garden. A health care aide takes care of patients and gives them their
medicine. A homemaker stays at home and does the house work. A journalist interviews
important people and writes articles for the newspaper. A lawyer defends her clients at
court. A mail carrier brings letters, postcards and small packages.
Text 4
A manager manages the branch and supervises the employees. A manicurist takes care of
the client's fingernails and paints them. A mechanic repairs and checks the engines of cars
in the workshop. A doctor examines patients and prescribes medicine. He works in a
doctor's practice. A mover helps to move house and carries the furniture. A musician gives
concerts and excites the audience. A painter paints walls in houses. A pharmacist informs
the patient about side effects and mixes medicine. A photographer takes photos of a model
and develops the photos in his studio. A pilot flies airplanes and lands them. She works at
the airport and in an airplane. A policeman manages traffic and arrests thieves. An
electrician repairs cables and installs lights in houses. A salesperson sells cars and advices
the customers.

Text 5
A trash collector collects the trash. A security guard guards the entrance of buildings and
controls the passport. A soldier defends or attacks a country. A teacher teaches students.
He sets exams and corrects them. He works at a school. A translator translates
conversations and texts from one language to another. She works at an office or at
conferences. A travel agent informs customers, organizes journeys and sells them at the
travel agency. A truck driver transports products and goods from one place to another. A
veterinarian examines animals and gives medication to them. He works at a vet's practice.
A waitress takes orders and brings drinks and food. Later she brings the bill and receives
the money.

Text 6
What's your profession? - I'm a policeman. - And how much do you earn? - Not that much. –
How long do you work every day? - I work 8 hours per day, from Monday to Sunday. - Is your
job interesting? - Yes, it is very interesting and exciting. I like it a lot. - Did you go to
university? Or did you do an apprenticeship? - I did an apprenticeship. You don't need to
study in order to become a policeman. - Very interesting! Thank you for the interview! - You
are welcome.
At home
Text 1
This is the kitchen. We cook in the kitchen. There is a sink. We wash the dirty dishes in the
sink. There is a stove. On the stove we cook our meals. There is a coffee pot. We prepare
coffee with the coffee pot. There is an oven. In the oven we bake bread, cakes and pizza.
There is a fridge, too. We store our food in the fridge. There is a cupboard. We store plates,
cups, pans and pots in the cupboard. The cupboard has several drawers. We store cutlery
like spoons, knives and forks in the drawer. There is a small table, too. At the table we
prepare and we eat our food.

Text 2
This is my bedroom. I sleep in my bedroom. There is a bed. I sleep in the bed. On the bed
there are blankets and pillows. Next to the bed there is a bedside table. On the bedside
table there is a lamp. I need the lamp when I read in bed at night. There is a closet, too. In
the closet I store my clothes. In my room there is a sofa. I sit on the sofa and sometimes I
sleep on it. In addition there is a mirror at the wall and below the mirror is chest of drawer.
I can see myself in the mirror. This is very useful! I store my underwear and my socks in the
chest of drawers. There is a small trash can in the corner for the trash. And there are of
course a few plants. They decorate the room. And on the walls there hang a few pictures
and photos.

Text 3
This is the living room. In our living room there is a sofa. On our sofa there are two
cushions. There is a small table and there is an armchair. There is a fireplace, too. There is
some wood in the fireplace. We have a big table. There are 5 chairs around the table. We
have lunch and dinner at this table. There is a big television in the corner. Under the
television there is a DVD-player and a stereo. There are some speakers, too. We like to feel
like we are at the cinema. There are some posters, pictures and photos hanging on the wall
and of course we have plants and flowers in our living room.

Text 4
This is our bathroom. There is a sink. We wash our hands and our face at the sink. There is
a mirror. We can see ourselves in the mirror. There is a toilet. There is toilet paper. There
are two toothbrushes. I brush my teeth with the toothbrush. There is a trash can. There is
soap. We wash our hands with the soap. There are towels. We use the towels to dry
ourselves off after a shower or to dry our hands. There is a shower. We take a shower in the
shower. There is a shower curtain, too. It stops the whole bathroom floor getting wet when
we have a shower. On the floor there is a small carpet. And there is a radiator for the cold
winter days. We turn it on in winter when it is really cold. And in summer we turn it off
because we don't need it.

Text 5
This is our house. There is a front door. The house has many windows. There is a nice
garden. There are many plants in the garden. There are trees, bushes, hedges and flowers.
The children play in the garden. And we like to lie in the sun and sunbathe in the garden.
We have a garage, too. We park the bikes and the car in the garage. A white wooden fence
surrounds the house. There is a mailbox for the mail. And the house has a roof and a

Text 6
My flat is very nice. It is very spacious. The flat is luminous and comfortable. There are
three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. In addition there is a large balcony.
The rent is not expensive. I pay 300 € per month. Besides the rent I pay running costs.
Running costs are costs for water, electricity, gas and heating. I like my flat. I like to live
here. This is my home. My neighbors are very nice and friendly, too. There are no problems.
How big is your flat? How much rent do you pay? Do you pay a lot for running costs? How
many rooms do you have? Do you have a balcony or a garden? Do you live alone or with
your family or friends? How are your neighbors? Do you have problems with your
neighbors or do you have a good relationship with them?
Text 1
I'm ill. My head hurts. It hurts a lot. I have a strong headache. I need some painkillers. Can
you go and buy some pills at the pharmacy? I will give you the money. Can you do that for
me? Thank you. I have diarrhea. Yesterday I ate some bad food. I have been feeling sick the
whole day and I don't feel well. Can you go to the supermarket and buy a few things? Can
you bring apples, bananas and toilet paper from the supermarket? And can you call my
boss and tell him that I can't go to work today? I will bring a medical certificate as soon as I
feel well again. And can you take my dog for a walk and feed her please? I am very grateful
for all your help. It is very nice of you to help me. Thank you very much!

Text 2
My parents are ill. They have the flu. They have a cold and they are sneezing all the time.
Their head hurts and they have problems with their stomach. I have bought them
painkillers. They have fever and a cough, too. They don't feel very well and I'm a bit
worried. They should go and see a doctor. The doctor will examine them and prescribe
them some medication. In addition he will give them a medical certificate. This is
important. The medical certificate is for their boss. They will give it to him as soon as they
are well again and feel better. I prepare them a hot soup. It is a delicious soup with chicken,
egg and a lot of vegetables. The soup helps them to get better. And I go to the video store
and rent a couple of movies for them. I rent an action movie for my father. He loves action
movies. And I look for a comedy for my mother. She really likes a good comedy. Later I
make hot tea for all of us and we sit down on the sofa and watch the movies together.

Text 3
My wife is ill. She doesn't feel well. She’s sunburnt. Because of the sunburn she’s got a bad
headache and she feels pretty sick. She’s been vomiting all afternoon because she’s got
problems with her stomach and diarrhea. I go to the pharmacy to buy some medication. I
hope she will be better soon. The medication will help her for sure.

Text 4
I have a wound. It is bleeding. What should I do? I need to clean the wound to disinfect it.
After that I need a band aid. I place the band aid over the wound and I stick it to the skin
around the wound. That's much better! I have a cold. What can I do? I need a handkerchief
and a nose spray. I wipe my nose with the handkerchief. That helps a lot! I have a sore
throat. My throat hurts a lot! What can I do? I can prepare a cup of tea with honey and
lemon juice and I want to buy some painkillers at the pharmacy. After that I will be better
for sure. I got bitten by a dog. What should I do? I need to clean the wound and disinfect it
first. Then I need to see a doctor to get a vaccination. Foresight is better than hindsight, you

Text 5
I'm not feeling well. I think I have got the flu. I will go to see a doctor today and let him
examine me. He will surely give me some medication and a medical certificate for my boss.
Patient: Hello, Doctor Mitchell.
Doctor: Hello Mr. Smith. How can I help you? What’s the matter? Do you feel any pain?
Patient: Yes. I got a headache, a tummy ache and a sore throat. And I’ve got a fever, almost
40 degrees Celsius. I'm hot and I'm cold and I’m shivering. What should I do?
Doctor: How long have you been feeling like this? How many days do you have the fever?
Patient: For 3 days. I thought I would be fine in a couple of days. But I'm not getting any
better. I still feel really bad and everything hurts.
Doctor: It is very important that you stay in bed and get some rest. A few days in bed
always helps. In addition I will prescribe you some pills for the fever and sore throat.
Prepare some hot tea with honey and ginger. And eat hot soup. I will write you a medical
certificate for work. Don't worry; you will be fine in a few days.
Patient: Thank you, Doctor Mitchell.
Doctor: You are welcome. Get well soon!
Text 1
Hello, what are you up to today? Do you want to go for a walk? Will we go to the park? I
believe there is a football match today. Do you want to go to the stadium? Let's go to town
and watch the match! What do you think? Or will we go to the coffee bar and have a cup of
coffee? What do you think? Do you like the idea? You can have a cup of tea if you don't like
coffee. And they have wonderful cheese cake at this coffee bar. And in the evening we can
go to the cinema. Do you want to see a movie? And after the movie we can go to a bar or to
a disco. I think that sounds like a great plan. Do you agree? What are we waiting for? Let's

Text 2
It's weekend. I'm bored. What can I do? There are many interesting things to do. Where
should I go this weekend? I can go to the museum. I could see some art there. Or I can go to
the art gallery. I can go to a concert and listen to music and dance there. I can go to the
theater, too. There must be an interesting play there tonight. But the tickets are very
expensive and I'm kind of broke at the moment. I can visit the theme park. I can eat some
cotton candy there and ride the rollercoaster. That is so much fun! Or I can visit an old
castle. I like historical sites. Or I can go with the dogs to the national park and hike through
the wilderness with them. The national park is very cool. I think that is my plan for the
weekend. My dogs and I surrounded by nature. That is going to be awesome!

Text 3
What did you do at the weekend? I went to a flea market. I bought some books there. Later I
went to the park and ate some ice cream. On Sunday I was at the beach. I went by car to the
sea and I swam in the sea for the whole day. There is an aquarium there too. I visited the
aquarium and saw many beautiful fish. That was an amazing experience! In the evening I
went to the cinema and I watched a movie. I ate popcorn and I relaxed. After that I went
home. I went to bed and read for a bit. And then I fell asleep and slept the whole night. I
definitely had an amazing weekend, don't you think? What did you do at the weekend? Did
you have fun?
Text 4
I need to buy some things for the weekend. I go to town. I need bread so firstly I go to the
bakery. There I buy fresh bread and a few bread rolls. After that I go to the butcher shop. I
want to buy meat and sausages. My next stop is the florist. I want to decorate my flat with
some flowers. On the way I quickly stop at my wife's office to say hello and give her a kiss.
My next stop is the supermarket. I buy some things there, for example milk, cheese and
yogurt. On the way back I see a flea market and I stop there. I go to the flea market and
roam around for a while. I find a couple of CDs and a few second-hand shirts. I eat a slice of
cake. After that I go home. Finally when I get home it’s time to sit down on the sofa and

Text 5:
Tom: Hey Tina, how are you? What are you up to at the weekend? Would you like to do
something with me? I'm bored and I would really like to go out and do something
Tina: Hi Tom, I'm well! Of course we can do something together. What would you like to
do? Would you fancy visiting the zoo? Or the new aquarium? It's supposed to be incredible!
Tom: I love the idea of visiting the aquarium. And afterwards we can go to a restaurant for
pizza. Or we can buy something nice at the bakery and go to the park for a picnic. What do
you think? Do you like the idea?
Tina: A picnic sounds like a splendid idea! We can sit by the lake in the park. The area
around the water is not that crowded and very calm. Excellent! What time would you like to
go to the aquarium?
Tom: It takes about 30 minutes from my house. What about half past 9?
Tina: Let's say 10 o'clock. I need to go to the supermarket first and do some shopping.
Tom: Alright, no problem. I will pick you up at home and then we go together. And later we
can go to the park and have a delicious picnic. What a splendid plan for a Saturday! I'm
looking forward to it!
Tina: Me, too. I will see you tomorrow! Have a nice evening!
The farm
Text 1
On the farm there are many animals. The farmer and his wife have rabbits. Rabbits are very
fluffy and are really cute. They have pigs, too. The pigs live in the stable. They are very
smart. Their skin is pink. They also have a herd of cows. The cows give meat and milk. The
farmer has a dog. The dog takes care of the cows and the sheep. He is very smart and keeps
things organized. He receives a bone for his work. The horse helps on the field. It is very
strong. In the barnyard chickens live in the chicken house and lay eggs. The farmer grows
crops, fruits and vegetables in the fields and raises animals. Fall is harvest time, the time of
the year when the farmer harvests the crops with his tractor. In spring, summer and fall
there is a lot of work for the farmer to do. In winter the farmer rests and prepares for the
following year.

Text 2
Dogs live on many farms. Dogs are very friendly and loyal friends to humans. Dogs are
more loyal than cats and much more loyal than pigs. They are pretty smart. They are
smarter than chicken and they are smarter than ducks. Dogs sleep a lot. They sleep more
than humans. I like dogs. I like them more than cats. I think that dogs are better than cats.
They are more like a friend than a pet. Do you like dogs or do you prefer cats? What is your
favorite pet? Dogs live in a doghouse and they love delicious bones. They often live with us
in our house. It is important to educate them a bit. The better they are educated the more
fun we have with them. It is a lot of fun to have a dog but it takes a lot of work, too. Always
consider beforehand whether you are ready for this responsibility or not.

Text 3
Cows live in the barnyard. The cow is very important because it gives milk and meat. We
can make a lot of products with milk. We can drink the milk or we can make cheese and
butter with it. Milk is very rich. We can prepare really nice food with the meat. Cows live in
pasture in herds. A herd consists of many animals. Cows are smart and interesting animals.
In summer they spend the whole day in the meadows and eat grass. They also have a house
where they live. It is called a stable. The cows sleep there and spend the winter in the
Text 4
Pigs live in the barnyard. Pigs are friendly and intelligent animals. They live often in a
pigsty but sometimes also in pasture. This depends on the farm where they live. It is better
for the pigs when they live in pasture. But in order to save money many farmers keep them
in small pens. We eat their meat but in other cultures they don't eat pork, in Muslim
countries for example. It is considered impure. We paint pigs with the color pink but there
are also black and white pigs. Pigs live in many barnyards. They are very useful animals.
There are people who keep pigs as a pet. Did you know that? Perhaps you know somebody
who keeps a pig in their house? What do you think about pigs? Would you like to keep one

Text 5
In the old times, they had many horses on the farm. Before the invention of the tractor they
needed horses to pull the heavy machines. Horses are very strong, they have a lot of
strength. They are stronger than cows and also stronger than donkeys. That's why they had
to work a lot. Horses are beautiful and fascinating animals. They exist in many different
colors and sizes. We don't usually eat them, yet there are countries where they eat horse
meat. That's a matter of culture. Horses are amazing creatures. Today horses are used for
sport. People organize horse races and other competitions and bet on the winner. Owning a
horse is very expensive. You have to pay for the food, the stable, the vet and so on. It is
often a hobby for rich people. You need a lot of time, too. Horses eat grass, fruit, vegetables
and crops. Do you like horses? Do you know how to ride a horse? Would you like to have a
horse? I like horses. They are interesting and fascinating animals. What do you think about
Text 1
My grandfather has a new car. It is newer than my car. He bought the newest model. My
grandfather is older than my father but he is younger than my grandmother. My
grandmother is the oldest member of my family. My father is younger than my
grandparents and I am the youngest member of my family.
I'm pretty tall. But my girlfriend is taller than me and most other girls. The other girls are
much smaller than her. She is the tallest of all. She also has longer hair than the other girls.
My hair is much shorter than her hair. My hair is pretty short.
We have a dog. Our dog is big. He is the biggest dog in the park. All the other dogs are
smaller than him. He is much faster than the smaller dogs. The smaller dogs are slower
than the big dogs. They have shorter legs. They are the slowest dogs I know but they live
longer than the big dogs.

Text 2
The man is fatter than the woman. The woman is slimmer than the man, yet the both of
them are fatter than the child. The child is the slimmest and the man is the fattest of the
three. The man is heavier than the woman. The girl is lighter than the woman. The woman
is lighter than the man but she is heavier than the girl. The girl is the lightest.
The man and the woman sleep on a double bed and the girl sleeps on a single bed. Guests
sleep on the sofa. The double bed is broader than the single bed but they are both equally
as long. The single bed is smaller than the double bed. The sofa is smaller than the bed. The
sofa is the smallest.
The girl likes the day but she doesn't like the night. She is afraid of the dark. During the day
it is brighter than at night. At night it is darker than during the day. In the morning it is
darker than at noon. In the afternoon it is brighter than in the evening. At night is the
darkest time of the day.
The girl likes to play in the garden during the day. The girl likes to plant trees and flowers
in the garden. The trees are different heights: 2 meters, 1 meter and 50 centimeters. 2
meters is higher than 1 meter. 50 centimeter is lower than 1 meter. The tree with a height
of 2 meter is the tallest. The tree with a height of 50 centimeter is the shortest.
Text 3
My daughter can go to school go by car, take the bus or go by bike. She always goes by the
vehicle which is the cleanest. What about today? The car is dirtier than the bus. The bus is
cleaner than the car. The bike is cleaner than the car and the bus. The bike is the cleanest.
The girl takes the bus.
Her parents want to buy her a new mattress. Her mattress is already very old and pretty
soft. The girl wants a harder mattress. She tries a few mattresses. The second mattress is
softer than the first mattress. The third mattress is harder than the soft mattress. It is the
hardest. The girl buys the hardest mattress. The girl is now hungry. She has a good idea: A
picnic! Stop, she has a better idea! A picnic in the park! Actually she has an even better idea!
A picnic at the sea with the whole family! This idea is the best one. The first two ideas are
not bad but they are a little worse than the last idea.
In the evening the girl goes to a concert. She likes to listen to music and she loves to dance.
The music at the concert is much louder than at home. The music on her MP3-player is
quieter than the music at the concert. The music at the concert is the loudest. The girl paid
30 Euros for the ticket. How much is 30 Euros, the girl asks. 30 Euros is more than 20 Euros
but less than 40 Euros. 100 Euros is a lot of money and 1 Euro is a very small amount. So 30
Euros is not a large amount but isn’t a small amount either.
It is already late, says her father. It is 8 o'clock, pretty late for a young lady. How late is 8
o'clock, asks the little girl. 8 o'clock is later than the morning and later than the afternoon.
It is earlier than midnight and earlier than the next day. But it is definitely quite late for a
little girl! So quick, let's go home! It's time for bed, says her father.

Text 4
I have a problem. It isn't a big problem. It is a bit smaller than a big problem. I would like to
buy a new car. Not necessarily the newest model but newer than my current car. Neither
the newest model nor the oldest model! There are different models. The best and newest
car is the most expensive. It has the quietest engine, it is the fastest, the most beautiful and
the biggest. The worst car is the cheapest. It is the slowest, it has the loudest engine and it
is the smallest car they have. I buy a car which is better, faster, bigger, more beautiful and
more expensive than the cheapest car. But it is also cheaper, slower, smaller and uglier
than the most expensive car. The perfect car for me!
Text 1
I'm in the class room. The class room is in the school. I sit in the center of the room. On my
left sits a nice girl. Her name is Tina. Tina sits next to the door. The door is in the front of
the room, next to the board. On my right sits a boy. He is my friend. His name is Martin.
Next to the boy sit two pupils, a boy and a girl. Next to them there is a window. In front of
me sit two girls and three boys. In front of them sits the teacher. The teacher sits in front of
the board. He often stands at the board and writes on it. Sometimes he stands behind us
and observes us from the back or he goes down the rows between the tables. On the table
lies my notebook and next to it my calculator and my pen. Under the table is my backpack.
In my backpack are my books and my sandwich for lunch.

Text 2
This is what my room looks like. In one corner is the door. Next to the door is the bed. On
the bed there is a blanket and two pillows. Under the bed are my shoes. Next to the bed is
my bedside table. On the bedside table there is a lamp and a few books. In front of my bed
hangs a mirror on the wall. Under the mirror is a chest of drawers. On the chest of drawers
are a few items, deodorant and such things and a plant. The chest of drawers has 6
drawers. Inside the drawers are my clothes. In the top drawer are my shirts. In the middle
drawer are my underpants. And in the bottom drawer are my socks. On the left-hand side
of the chest of drawers is a big window. At the window is my desk. On the desk are my
computer and my monitor. In front of the monitor are a computer mouse and a keyboard.
Next to the desk is a chair. I sit on the chair while I write. There is also a sofa between the
bed and the desk. I lay down on it when I need a rest.

Text 3
Where are the things in my kitchen? On the right-hand side next to the kitchen door is the
sink. In the sink are dirty plates, cutlery and mugs. Over the sink hangs a cupboard. In the
cupboard are the dishes. Next to the sink is the stove. We cook on the stove. Under the
stove is an oven. We bake in the oven. In front of the oven is a second cupboard. In this
cupboard we store pans, pots and other kitchen items. Next to it is the fridge. We store our
perishable foods in the fridge. At the bottom of the fridge is a compartment for vegetables.
Above the compartment is the shelf for the fruit. Above that is the shelf for the vegetables.
And above that is a compartment for meat, cheese and sausages. On top of the fridge is a
freezer. In the freezer is the frozen food like french-fries, frozen meat or ice cream. And
next to the fridge and the freezer is my kitchen table. I use it to cut vegetables and prepare
the food.

Text 4
Where are the things in my bathroom? On the left-hand side next to the door is the shower.
In front of the shower hangs a curtain. Next to the shower is a window. In the shower is a
bottle of shampoo. Next to the shower hangs a towel. In front of the towel lies a carpet on
the floor. On the carpet I dry myself off. In front of the shower is the sink. Over the sink
hangs a mirror and over the mirror hangs a lamp. Under the sink is a little cupboard where
I store my towels. Next to the sink is the toilet. Between the toilet and the wall there is a
toilet paper holder. Between the toilet and the wall on the other side is the toilet brush. And
next to the toilet brush is a small trash can.
Asking for directions
Text 1
Hello. What are you looking for? The metro station? That is easy. First go straight on and at
the end of the street turn right. You will see a supermarket there at the corner. Just walk
past the supermarket and after approximately 200 meters turn left. Then follow the street
for the next 500 meters and you will come to another supermarket. In front of the
supermarket there is a little square with trees, flowers and some benches. Cross the square
and on the other side is the metro station. It is very easy to find. Don't worry. If you have a
problem, just ask somebody on the way. Good luck!

Text 2
Hello! Are you looking for the way? Are you lost? Where do you want to go? Do you want to
go to the travel agency? It is easy to get there. Go to the end of this street. Then turn right
and in 500 meters you will pass a bank and a supermarket and you should see the town
hall and a big square with benches and flowerbeds at a crossroads. Take the street next to
the Italian restaurant. Go straight on until you arrive at a hotel. At the hotel turn right. And
then you will see the travel agency. Pretty easy, don't you think? And in case you get lost
just stop somebody in the street and ask again. Have a nice day! See you!

Text 3
I'm sorry. What are you looking for exactly? You are looking for the way to the town hall.
That's a bit complicated. Anyway, let's try. Look, go straight on along this street. At the end
of the street turn left. Then continue along that street for 200 meters until you arrive at a
bank. At the bank turn right and go straight on. After 500 meters you will see a park. Don't
enter the park but walk around it and on the other side you will find a big square with
many trees, flowerbeds and a fountain. Cross the square. On the other side you will come to
a crossroads. Take the street to the right for a few blocks until you reach a tunnel. Go
through it and you will see the town hall. Actually you should be able to find it on your own
now. In case you get lost just ask again. The people here are very friendly and happy to help
you. Good luck and have a good day!

Text 4
Welcome to my city. This is a map of the city and I would like to show a few places of
interest. This building here is my house. Next to my house is my neighbor's house. They live
there. In front of my neighbor's house is a metro station. With the metro you can travel
across the city and transport stuff if you have the need. Behind the metro station is a
cinema. You can go there to watch a movie, eat popcorn and spend an evening full of fun,
suspense or action. On the left-hand side of the cinema is a church. I'm not religious but in
case you are and want to pray or attend church you can go here. Church services are on
Thursdays and Sundays. Behind the church is a high tower. You can climb up to a platform
where there is an amazing view. In front of the tower is a mall. You can find a huge variety
of stores there in case you need anything. Close to the cinema and the mall is a museum. It
is full of art, sculptures and paintings. You should definitely go there while you are here. It
has many very impressive and interesting collections.

Text 5
This is my town on the map. The town has a school. The children learn about many
interesting things at school. The school is close to the museum. You can enjoy art there. In
front of the museum is a big bridge. It connects the newer part of the town with the older
part. The museum is next to the cinema. The cinema is pretty old but I still like to go there.
The museum is between the cinema and the new building with expensive flats. They are so
expensive because they are in the center of town. Behind the house is a metro station. You
can take the metro from here to the suburbs. The metro station is between the mall and the
museum. In the mall you will find many different stores. They sell loads of different
products and in case you need anything you will surely find what you are looking for here.
And to the left of the mall is a tower. In front of the tower is a church. In case you need
gasoline, there is a gas station close to the church.
Public transport
Text 1
The bus stops at the bus station. The passengers get on and off the bus here. They take the
bus because the bus is faster and cheaper in the city. Many of them have a monthly ticket to
save some money. But it is also possible to buy a day ticket, an annual ticket or a one-way
ticket. Sometimes it is better to take the bus because it is cheaper, as gasoline is expensive
and faster, as there are special bus lanes so buses don’t get stuck in traffic. In many cities
special buses have their own lane today and just drive past the traffic. And in addition there
are not many parking spaces in the city center unless you are lucky and find a parking
space. That's the reason why many people like to take the bus today. You can relax on the
bus, read or chat with your neighbor or just look out the window. Today buses are bigger,
more comfortable and reliable, yet sometimes they can be crowded. There may not be any
free seats and you may have to stand all the way. But fortunately that doesn't happen too
often. Generally the bus is better, faster and more reliable.

Text 2
Another good mode of the public transport is the train. There are really good
infrastructures in Europe. It is possible to travel safely and quickly from one place to the
other. The train is fast, reliable and very comfortable. One can work, read, sleep, play, and
use their phone while traveling by train. Trains arrive at and depart from a train station. At
the train station there are usually many people. There is an information desk where one
can ask for information about delays, cancellations and reservations and ticket offices
where one can buy tickets for their journey. There are displays which inform the passenger
about delays, arrivals and departures. Do you like to take the train? Or do you prefer to take
other means of public transport?

Text 3
The subway is clean and efficient. It has the capacity to transport a lot of people at a time.
The subway is located below ground. This is very good because it doesn't use space above
ground. It doesn't make a lot of noise and it doesn't cause pollution above ground.
Everything is below ground: the subway stations, the tracks, the pollution and the noise. At
the surface there are signs which indicate where the subway station is. Every big city in the
world today has good infrastructure for its underground traffic. The subway takes millions
and millions of commuters to work, to school or to university, every day. Is there a subway
in your city? Do you like to use it? Is it expensive or rather cheap? What do you think of the

Text 4
I used the public transport last week. First I took the bus. I got on the bus and bought a
ticket. I got off the bus at the next bus stop. I waited there for 10 minutes and then bought a
new ticket and entered the next bus. I got off the bus at the next subway station and took
the subway. I went to work by subway. In the evening I went to the next subway station in
order to get home. The next day I took a train because I wanted to visit my relatives. I
bought a ticket and went by train to the city where they live. My relatives were already
waiting for me. It was really nice to see them. I had a very nice day with them and enjoyed
every minute. In the evening I took the train back home and finally arrived home after a
long but enjoyable day.

Text 5:
Passenger: Hello. Can I have one ticket to London Central Station, please? How much is the
Bus driver: Hello, the ticket is 4 pounds. Are you a student? We have discounts for
Passenger: No, unfortunately not. I need a normal ticket, please. How long does the
journey take?
Bus driver: We stop at 7 stations so it takes about 20 minutes.
Passenger: Perfect. Could you tell me when we arrive at the train station, please? I don't
know the city very well and I don't want to miss the stop.
Bus driver: Of course, no problem. Take a seat and I will let you know when we arrive at
the train station. But it will take a while.
Passenger: Thanks a lot. I would like to pay my ticket, please.
Bus driver: Thank you. Here is your ticket. Please sit down. It's time to pull out.
When I was young
Text 1
When I was young everything was better. I went to kindergarten. I played with friends in
the sandbox. I had a lot of fun. When I was 6 years old I went to school. I learned a lot of
new things there. I learned how to read, calculate, write and of course I spent a lot of time
with my friends. Later I went to grammar school and learned languages, mathematics,
biology and physics. I did a lot of sport, too. I played volleyball and football. When I finished
school I went to university. I studied biology and chemistry. And after I graduated I started
to work.

Text 2
Our childhood was beautiful. We had a lot of time to play and spend time with our friends.
We played outside in the meadows, in the fields or in the woods and went swimming in the
nearby lakes. We spent most of the time outside. Later we went to school. We studied hard
but rarely did our homework. We had a lot of fun. We got up to a lot of mischief, yet things
always worked out for us. We actually never got into real problems. Maybe we were just
lucky. When we finished school we looked for jobs and started work. We worked in bars
and discos to earn enough money to pay our rent. We tried to find our place in the world.
Have we found our place? Maybe.

Text 3
My father's childhood was different than mine. He grew up on a farm. My grandfather was a
farmer and a beekeeper. He kept bees and sold honey. My father spent a lot of his free time
outside in the fields and in the forest. He played football, cycled everywhere, swam in the
lakes and built tree houses in the woods. He worked hard in school and did well. After
school he started an apprenticeship. When he finished the apprenticeship he started to
work. After a while he met my mother. They fell in love and got married. They had children
and built a family together. They were happy and satisfied with what they had. A few years
later they built a house together. They still live there today.

Text 4
Did I ever tell you where I grew up? I grew up in a small village. It was really a small village:
a village with only 700 residents. Really tiny! We played in the meadows, in the fields and
in the woods. And we also had a small football field. We always had a lot of fun. I had a lot of
friends my age and we would play together all day long. We always enjoyed ourselves. We
ate together and we did our homework together. We met almost every day. We spent a lot
of time together. Today things are different especially when you live in a city. In a city
people don't spend so much time together and of course there are not that many
opportunities to go outside and enjoy meadows, fields and forests like we had in our little
village. But well, there might be other advantages when you grow up in a city which I
perhaps can't see.

Text 5
Where did you spend your vacation last year? I went to Spain. I found a hotel there and I
spent 5 days in the hotel. I ate delicious food and drank tasty wine. Every morning I got up
early and went to the beach. I lay in the sand, enjoyed the sun and swam in the sea.
Afterwards I would go back to my hotel room and take a shower. I would brush my teeth,
put on some sun-cream and go down to the restaurant for breakfast. For breakfast, I would
have several glasses of orange juice and a couple of slices of toast with strawberry jam.
One morning I went to the bike rental outlet. I rented a bike and started to explore the area.
I visited many sites and learned a lot about the region and its culture. For lunch I always
looked for small local restaurants. The food was always great. In the late afternoon I would
return to the hotel and have another shower. In the evening I often sat on the beach and
watch the sunset. Sometimes the sea was really rough and huge waves would break on the
shore. I rented a surfboard and went surfing. One time I rented a small boat. I set out to sea
and spent the whole day out there. I had prepared food and enjoyed a nice lunch and a cool
beer with nothing around me but water and waves. In the evening I rowed back to the coast
and went back to the hotel. Unfortunately it was my last night at the hotel and I had to pack
my suitcases. I slept with the sound of the sea and the next morning I returned home.

Text 6
Do you know what it was like when I went to university? It was an amazing time. The time
was full of new experiences, new knowledge and new friends. I spent a lot of time at
university. I attended my lectures every day and I sat every day in the library and read and
read and read. I was very ambitious and diligent. I worked a lot, too. I had to pay for the
bills and the tuition fee. And of course I had to pay the rent for the flat I lived in. I worked at
night in a bar and served drinks to the guests. I earned enough to have a decent life style.
The money was enough to pay for everything and I could go to parties. Every weekend I
went to bars and clubs and had a lot of fun. I drank many drinks and danced all night long.
After my fourth semester I moved to Spain for a year. I didn't know any Spanish but I
wanted to learn it. And it was time for some change in my life. I met a lot of new people. I
studied hard and learned how to speak Spanish. And I spent quite a lot of time on the
beach. It was a great time. Afterwards I lived in Germany for a while. It was an interesting
time and I learned many new and valuable lessons. After a while I felt that it was time to
return to England. I needed to finish my studies. I started to work again at the same bar and
wrote as many exams as I could. After a few years I finally finished my studies and
graduated. Today I think fondly of these days. It was a unique time full of new experiences,
new friends, fun and personal development. But life goes on and new challenges and
experiences are waiting for me. I'm ready to take them all on!

Text 7
Today I would like to tell you about my first date with my wife. It was a beautiful summer
evening. We met at 8 o'clock at an Italian restaurant. When she arrived I was almost
speechless because she looked so pretty. We had dinner at the restaurant. I think she had a
salad and a glass of red wine. I could barely eat anything at all because I was so nervous. I
had a tasty pizza with my favorite toppings, salami, pepperoni and olives. We spoke the
whole evening about many different things and got to know each other. It was a very
interesting and entertaining evening. While I was listening to her speak I fell in love with
her. She wasn't just pretty but she was also smart as hell! After the dinner we went for a
walk to the park. It was already quite late so there was nobody else in the park. Everything
was quiet and peaceful. We stopped at the lake in the park and stared at the lake's surface.
Then I dared to take her hand and looked into her eyes. I kissed her and told her that I had
fallen in love with her. It was the first kiss of many. A few years later we got married and
had children. And we are still happy and in love like we were on our first date together.
Text 1
I furnish my bed room. I place the lamp on the chest of drawers. The lamp is now on the
chest of drawers. The lamp is very bright. The lamp, which is on the chest of drawers, is
very bright. The lamp, which I placed on the chest of drawers, is very nice. The lamp, which
I use to read in the evenings, is on the chest of drawers. I place the alarm clock on the
bedside table. The alarm wakes me up in the morning. The alarm clock is on the bedside
table. The alarm clock, which wakes me up in the morning, is on the bedside table. The
alarm clock, which I place on the bedside table, wakes me up in the morning. The alarm
clock, which I use to wake up, is very loud. I place the pillow on the bed. The pillow is on the
bed. The pillow is very soft. The pillow, which is on the bed, is very soft. The pillow, which I
placed on the bed, is on the bed. The pillow, which I sleep on, is very soft. I place the sofa in
the corner. The sofa is in the corner. The sofa is very comfortable. The sofa, which is in the
corner, is very comfortable. The sofa, which I placed in the corner, is very comfortable. The
sofa, which I sit on, is very comfortable. I hang the picture on the wall. The picture hangs on
the wall. The picture is fantastic. The picture, which hangs at the wall, is fantastic. The
picture, which I hung on the wall, is fantastic. The picture, which I hung on the wall, hangs
on the wall. The picture, which shows my family, is fantastic.

Text 2
I set the table. I place the plate on the table. The plate is on the table. The plate is empty.
The plate that is on the table is empty. The plate that I placed on the table is empty. The
plate that I serve the food on is on the table. Next to the plate I place a fork. I eat with the
fork. The fork is clean. The fork that lies next to the plate is clean. The fork that I put next to
the plate lies next to the plate. The fork that I eat with is clean. I place the knife next to the
fork. The knife is sharp. I cut the meat with the knife. The knife that lies next to the fork is
sharp. And I place a spoon next to the knife. The spoon is for the soup. I eat the soup with
the spoon. The spoon that lies on the table is for the soup. The spoon that I put next to the
knife lies on the table. The spoon that I eat the soup with lies next to the knife.

Text 3
I clean my bathroom. The bathroom is pretty dirty. I take a shower in the bathroom. I go to
the bathroom to take a shower. This is the bathroom that is dirty. This is the bathroom
where I go to take a shower. This is the bathroom where the shower is. I clean the mirror.
The mirror hangs on the wall. I see myself in the mirror. This is the mirror that I clean. This
is the mirror which I see myself in. I clean the shower, too. The shower is big. I take a
shower in the shower. This is the shower that is big. This is the shower which I clean. This
is the shower in which I take a shower. I wash the towels, too. I use the towels to dry myself
off. This is the towel that I use to dry myself off. This is the towel which I wash. This is the
towel which I dry myself off with.

Text 4
In my free time I like to play football. The football is round. I shoot the football into the goal.
I score a goal with the football. The football, which lies in the goal, is round. This is the
football that I shoot into the goal. I like to swim in the lake. The lake is cool and refreshing. I
jump into the lake to swim. This is the lake that is cool. This is the lake which I jump into in
order to swim. This is the lake where I swim. I like to write letters, too. The letter is long. I
write the letter to my friend. I write many lines in the letter. This is the letter that is long.
This is the letter that I write to my friend. This is the letter in which I write many lines. I
love to lie in the garden in the sun. The garden is full of plants. I take care of the garden and
plant many plants. The garden, which is full of plants, is beautiful. The garden, which I take
care of, is full of plants. The garden, where I plant many plants, is beautiful. And I have a
dog. My dog is fun. I walk my dog every day. The dog, which is so much fun, is the best dog
in the world. The dog, which I have, is a lot of fun. The dog, which I walk every day, is the
best dog in the world.
Text 1
I live in a city. Unfortunately there is only a little nature here. There is a lot of traffic, many
cars, a lot of noise and a lot of bad air. There are few trees, few flowers, almost no animals
and almost no birds. There is neither a lake nor a forest. There are a few artificial parks but
these parks are not nice. They don't feel natural. They are made of concrete. Every hedge
and every bush gets cut. Everything looks very ordinary. Well, I suppose it is like this in a
city. If one wants some nature one has to go to the countryside. When I was young I lived in
the countryside. There were many fields, forests and meadows. Everything was green and
full of life. There was a lake, where I used to swim. I could go for walks in the forest and
enjoy the nature around me. My plan is to go back to the countryside in the future. Where
do you live? Do you like where you live?

Text 2
I love nature. I love to go for long walks in the forest. The air is fresh and cool. I can hear the
birds sing. I just walk and walk, along the paths. All around there are many trees, bushes
and a lot of moss. On the ground there are leaves and mushrooms grow everywhere. It is a
beautiful day. I observe the ants crawling up and down the tree trunks, collecting what they
can find. In the bushes and between the leaves I see insects and butterflies. It's just so
beautiful and peaceful. The birds are singing. Between some bushes I get a glance of a
couple of rabbits. They look at me for an instant and then run quickly away, hiding in the
darker parts of the thicket. I love to be outside, alone in the forest. Mountains, forests and
meadows, that's all I need to be happy. It makes me think and reflect on many things. It's so
inspiring. What do you think? Do you like to spend time outside? Do you like to be
surrounded by little more than the sounds of nature, trees and the wind? You know, I really
would like to go outside now. I think I will take my bike and go for a ride.

Text 3
My hometown is close to the Alps. They are just a hundred kilometers away. When the
weather is clear you can see the mountains, white and majestic. That's a spectacular view.
On their peaks lies almost always snow. In the valley there are cold and deep mountain
lakes. They are very clean but also freezing cold. People go there to swim or dive. Many
rivers have their source in the mountainside. There are many different types of fish in the
rivers and lakes. People hike in the mountains and in winter ski and go snowboarding.
There are mountain huts where people can take a rest and eat traditional and local food
and of course enjoy a refreshing local beer. A day in the mountains is an amazing
experience. In the meadows feeds the cattle of the local farmers. They stay up there for the
whole summer and just go wherever they want. They wear bells which helps the farmer to
find them. The bells are a typical sound of this area. In winter a lot of snow falls and
everything is covered with snow which results in a beautiful landscape, a winter
wonderland one might say. Did you ever go to the mountains? If not, you should definitely
plan a day or weekend trip soon. It's so worth it!

Text 4
I'm from the countryside. I grew up in a village. In the village around 600 people lived. It
was a really small village, with a few people, a few cows and a few chickens. There were
many farms and many residents worked as farmers. Around the village were many fields
and large forests. The farmers grew their products in the fields. They grew for example
crops, fruits and vegetables. And of course they had pastures where the cattle fed in. I could
observe the animals and learned a lot about them. The meadows were full of blooming
flowers and I could see insects, butterflies, bees and a variety of birds everywhere.
Especially when the weather was fine it was just beautiful to live in the countryside. As a
child I had just endless possibilities to spend the day outside. We explored the forests and
fields or we built a tree house. We used the corn fields as a maze and played hide and seek.
Obviously, the farmers didn't appreciate this too much. But well, we were young, wild and
free. We played football or rode our bikes. I loved my childhood in the countryside. Where
did you grow up?

Text 5:
Tom: What would you like to do today? Would you like to go for a walk in the forest?
Anna: Sounds good to me. I love the forest. And the weather is perfect today.
Tom: Let's go there by bike. I would like to collect some mushrooms. And we could have a
picnic. Maybe we will see some animals, too. Sometimes there are rabbits or does. Fingers
Anna: Great idea! I’ll prepare some sandwiches and bring a couple of blankets. We’ll look
for nice place and sit down in the grass. Then we can eat our sandwiches and listen to the
birds' songs.
Tom: When do you want to leave here? It's half past 10. Let's say in an hour?
Anna: In an hour is perfect? That gives me enough time to prepare the sandwiches! See you
Tom: Great. I’ll see you in an hour!
Text 1
My favorite dish is pasta with tomato sauce and of course a lot of garlic. For that I need a
bag of some pasta, a few tomatoes, an onion and a lot of garlic. I also need a good cheese,
olive oil, cream and some herbs for the flavor. The first step is to wash the tomatoes. This is
very important and should be done with every vegetable. After that I peel the onion and the
garlic and chop them on a chopping board. I cut the onion into small dices and the garlic
into thin slices. I also dice the tomatoes. With these ingredients I make my tomato sauce.
Next I heat a bit of oil in a pan. Just a bit, no need for too much. I fry the onions and the
garlic and add the tomato dices. Then I let it simmer for a while. Now it's time for the
seasoning. I add a dash of salt, a little bit of sugar, ground pepper, basil and oregano. I stir
and taste. Tastes great! But it's missing something. The cream! I add a bit of cream and stir
again. Perfect! Now I need to cook the pasta. I fill cold water into a large pot and put it onto
the stove. I need to heat the water until it boils. As soon as the water boils I add the pasta
and let it cook for approximately 6 minutes. When the pasta is done I drain the hot water
into the sink and mix the pasta with the tomato sauce. Let the pasta and tomato sauce sit
for a few minutes. Give it a minute or two while you cook the pasta and the sauce together.
Trust me it makes your pasta yummier than serving it immediately on a plate. Enjoy your
delicious Italian pasta!

Text 2
Today I prepare cauliflower soup for dinner. First of all I need to make a broth. As I have
dogs I always buy bones at the market and use them to prepare a proper meat broth.
Therefore I fill a large pot with water and add the bones. I turn on the stove and heat the
water until it is boiling. The bones need to cook for 15 minutes to give flavor to the water.
Let's leave it aside and continue preparing the other ingredients for the soup. I need
cauliflower, parsley, carrots, potatoes, celery, ginger, onions and garlic. I wash the
vegetables and cut them into small pieces on a cutting board. When the bones are cooked I
take them out and let them cool. Later I will give them to the dogs. They love their bones!
The broth already smells really nice. Now I add all my ingredients to the broth and let it
cook for half an hour. Then it is time for the seasoning. I add salt, pepper, curry powder and
a lot chili powder. I want it hot and spicy today. Looks good, smells good and tastes
amazing! Dinner is ready! Sit down everyone and enjoy this fantastic soup!
Text 3
Today I want to make a Mexican chili-sauce. Mexicans love chili-sauce. Mexicans can't live
without a proper sauce on the table. Me neither actually. So let's make one, quick, rich and,
of course, very hot. First we need to boil some water in a pot. We add some tomatoes,
garlic, chili-peppers and an onion and let it cook until everything is quite soft. Then we
need a mortar and pestle because a proper Mexican sauce isn't made in a blender but in a
'molcajete', a traditional mortar made of stone. First we grind salt, chili-peppers, garlic and
the onion in the mortar. Grind for a while until you get a nice pulp. Then add the tomatoes
bit by bit. Grind them until you get a sauce. Leave some chunks as there is no need to make
a liquid. Add the juice of one lemon and stir. It should taste amazing now. Serve it with
meat, fish, cheese or whatever you think deserves a delicious, hot sauce. You soon will
understand why Mexicans never eat without a proper sauce on the table!

Text 4
Today I bake a simple cake. I need four eggs, 250 grams of flour, 250 grams of sugar, a dash
of salt, a bag of vanilla sugar, 250 grams of butter, 150 milliliters of cream, chocolate and
half a packet of baking powder. The recipe is as follows: Mix the butter with the sugar and
the salt. Add an egg. Beat the dough. Add the second egg. Beat the dough. Repeat with all
four eggs. Mix the dough with the flour, the cream and the baking powder. Beat until it
resembles proper dough. Divide the dough into two parts. Heat the chocolate slowly in a
small pot. Mix it with one part of the dough. Add both parts of the dough into a baking dish
and mix very carefully with a fork until it looks similar to marble. Pre-heat the oven to 180
degrees Celsius. Bake 50 to 60 minutes. Remove the baking dish from the oven. Let it cool
for a while. The cake tastes amazing cold and hot. Try the recipe, it's simple and always
works well. Go for it and tell me how it goes!
The weather

Text 1
What will the weather be like next week? On Monday the sun will shine. It will be sunny
and warm. The sky will be cloudless. There will be no clouds anywhere to be seen. There
won't be any wind either. On Tuesday the weather will get worse. It will be cloudy and
windy. It will rain and it will be cold. On Wednesday there will be a thunderstorm. It will
rain with thunder and lightning. It will probably hail, too. The sun won't shine for the whole
day. It will improve on Thursday. Thursday will be better again. The wind will weaken, it
will be less cloudy, and the rain will stop. In the afternoon it will be sunny and warm. The
weekend will be pleasant. The temperature will rise and it will be sunny and warm. It won't
rain and the weekend weather will be marvelous. The people will go to the lakes and spend
the weekend outside. It will be a perfect weekend.

Text 2
Good evening Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the weather forecast. Here is the forecast
for Europe. In the south of Europe, in Rome, Athens and Ankara the sun will shine all day.
In Eastern Europe the weather will be cloudy and rainy but with a fair chance of sunshine
in the afternoon. In the north of Europe it will rain and a heavy thunderstorm will take
place towards the evening. In central Europe the weather will be warm and sunny. The sun
will shine for most of the day with a low risk of rain and thunderstorms. Western Europe
will see some rain and clouds. A strong storm will approach in the evening and it will bring
heavy rainfall. Thank you for listening. I hope you enjoyed the program.

Text 3
Good evening Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the weather forecast for next week. On
Monday there will be a thunderstorm with heavy rainfall, thunder and lightning and strong
winds are expected from the east. Temperatures will fall to about 15 degrees Celsius. On
Tuesday the weather will radically change with lots of sunshine, very few clouds and an
increase in temperatures. Temperatures will rise to around 30 degrees but a light wind
from the west will bring a slight drop in temperature later in the day. Wednesday will be
cloudy with a little sunshine. Temperatures will drop to about 21 degrees Celsius.
Thursday will be very cloudy, foggy and wet. Temperatures will continue to fall and there
will be a slight chance of thunderstorms. On Friday the weather will get better again. There
will be a lot of sunshine throughout the day after the rain clouds push north to give way to
a beautiful afternoon. The weekend weather will be similar with a lot of sun, rising
temperatures and little chance of rain. So plan for a weekend outside, the weather will be
gorgeous and you will have two wonderful days to spend outside and do whatever you like.
Thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed the program.

Text 4
I'm going to spend fall and winter in Germany to study at a German university for six
months. What is the weather like in Germany in the fall and winter?
The weather in Germany in fall and winter is very cold. From September onwards the
weather in Germany is very bad. You will need very warm clothes. The days can be wet and
foggy. In the mornings you can barely see your hands because it gets so foggy. It gets very
humid and cold. It gets dark very early in the afternoon and the sun rises later in the
mornings. Also at night there can be some frost. Ice can also be seen. Nighttime
temperatures can fall to below 0 degrees. In November the first snow will fall. It doesn’t
snow much and the snow will melt away quickly because the ground is still too warm. The
first real snowfall will take place in December. Temperatures can fall to as low as minus 10
degrees, sometimes even as low as minus 20. Lakes and rivers freeze and you are able to go
ice-skating on the frozen surface. You will need really warm clothes. You will need a thick
coat, gloves, a scarf and a woolly hat. It is freezing cold. Everything is covered with snow. It
looks really beautiful. Everyone has a lot of fun in the snow. You can go for walks in the
fields and the forests or go skiing in the mountains. You can ice-skate and play hockey on
the lake. You can visit the Christmas markets and eat hot sausages and drink hot wine. In
the evenings you can sit in front of the fireplace and enjoy a cup of tea and delicious
Christmas cookies. You will learn to love the winter time in Germany. Trust me. I know
what I'm talking about!
Talking on the phone
Text 1
Secretary: Hello. How can I help you? My name is Smith.
Customer: Hello. I would like to make an appointment. Would it be possible to get an
appointment tomorrow morning?
Secretary: Just one moment, please...I will check tomorrow's schedule quickly. Yes,
tomorrow morning looks good. You could come in at 10. Would that be alright for you?
What was your name? Could you spell it for me, please?
Customer: Of course. P - O - T - T - E – R. Tomorrow morning at 10 is perfect. What is your
Secretary: The address is Pennsylvania Avenue 354. We are located on the 6th floor. Could
you do me a favor and confirm the appointment tomorrow morning again? We had some
problems recently.
Customer: Of course. No problem. I will confirm by phone at 9. Is this ok?
Secretary: Perfect. See you tomorrow then. Have a nice evening! Thanks for your call!

Text 2
Secretary: Good morning! What can I do for you?
Patient: Good morning. Could I speak to the doctor please?
Secretary: Unfortunately the doctor is not available at the moment. He is out of the office.
Can I help you? What can I do for you? Would you like to leave him a message?
Patient: I would like to reschedule my appointment for today as I am unable to make it. Is
it possible to change it to next week?
Secretary: What day would be convenient for you? Would next Tuesday work better for
Patient: I'm very busy on Tuesday, sorry. Wednesday would work for me. How about
Secretary: Wednesday's schedule is already pretty full. I could offer you an appointment
on Thursday. There are available times on Thursday afternoon. You could choose one that
suits you.
Patient: Would it be possible to come in the afternoon, around 3?
Secretary: Perfect, next Thursday at 3. Please, do me a favor and call again on Wednesday
to confirm your appointment. Good bye!
Text 3
Where did I put the business card with the number? It is neither on the table in the living
room nor in my wallet nor on my desk. Where could it be? Here it is! Let's see...what is the
number? 558191 54322. Let's dial. I need to cancel my appointment this afternoon. Hello,
my name is Mr. Baker. I'm calling to cancel my appointment. I made an appointment last
week but unfortunately I can't attend (the appointment because I have some urgent
problems which require my attention). I can't reschedule it either because I don't know
when I will be free to attend. Could you let the doctor know, please? (Just write him a note
that Mr. Baker can't attend the appointment. He will understand. If he likes to he can call
me back and we talk about the problem on the phone. I should be available in the evening
on my phone). Could we make a new appointment for next month? The second week would
be great. Can you confirm by email once the doctor is notified? (Please confirm the
appointment with the doctor and call me back to notify me). If I don't hear from I will call
again tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks a lot. Good bye.

Text 4
Customer: Good afternoon, am I speaking with the customer service of I need
some information. I'm interested in buying an electronic reader.
Customer service: Good afternoon. Yes, you are speaking with customer service. My name
is Maggy. How can I help you? What kind of information do you need? Are you interested in
a particular model?
Customer: I am interested in the XS200 model. Does this device come with a dictionary?
Customer service: Yes, it does. You can also purchase dictionaries in our online-shop.
They are not expensive and pretty extensive.
Customer: How much does it cost to purchase a dictionary? Do you have any other similar
Customer service: It’s 3€ and this includes installation.
Customer: Excellent. That sounds good. Can I order the device with you? Is there home
delivery? It would save me time. That would be great.
Customer service: Of course it is possible to order the device on the phone. I will transfer
you to the sales department. Hang on, I'll put you through. Please, have your address, your
phone number and your credit card number ready.
Customer: Wonderful. Thanks a lot for your help. You have really helped me!
Customer service: You are very welcome. Enjoy your new device. Good bye!
Text 1
My friend is very angry with me. He thinks that I don't call him enough. This might be true,
of course but I am a very busy person. Nevertheless, I think that he is exaggerating a bit. I
know that he wants me to call him more often. What do you think? Do you think my friend
is right? How many times a month should I contact my friend, once or twice a month or
maybe every week? Do you have an idea how I could solve the problem? I'm a bit surprised
that he is so angry with me. In my opinion I think I call him often enough. We chat at least
once a month. Is that not often enough? Do you have a different opinion?

Text 2
My friends want to go to the movies this weekend. I think it’s a good idea, but I don’t think I
am going to like the film they want to see. I read some reviews about the movie and they all
seem pretty bad. So I fear I might be tremendously bored during the film. There is no need
to go to the cinema just to be bored. It seems to me that the movie tells a boring and
uninspiring story which is not worth my time. I don't agree that we should watch this
movie. I would like to see another movie because I believe that this movie will be more
interesting, more challenging and more thought provoking. The film I would like to see
includes interesting actors and a deep story as far as I can tell. Nevertheless I would like to
go with my friends. It's more fun to go to the cinema together. But I'm sure we will find a
solution. In the end we just want to go to the cinema together.

Text 3
I'm considering what I should do at the weekend. I have a lot of free time this weekend
because I don't have to work. I think that I will go to the gym and exercise. I'm sure that a
bit of movement will be pretty good for my body and my health. I'm convinced that
generally we should work out more and move ourselves more outside in the parks and the
forests. We should exercise regularly. A healthy and strong body needs the necessary
energy which we can get from proper and regular workouts. I always feel better after I
have done some exercise. I feel that I'm more awake, in a better mood and much more
active. This is why I absolutely agree with the idea that working out has huge benefits for
our lives. I also agree on the fact that frequent and regular exercising improves our quality
of life. So I definitely recommend that everyone moves more, exercises more and chooses
healthier food. What do you think? Am I right or am I wrong? What is your opinion on this
matter? Are you a sporty and active person or more the lazy and passive type?

Text 4
I would like to share my opinion on the topic of alcohol consumption. I strongly disagree
with the lax attitude of many adults towards young people drinking alcohol. I oppose the
attitudes of many adults towards their own consumption, too. I sometimes enjoy a few
drinks with me friends but there is a difference between getting a little tipsy and getting
totally wasted. (I'd say that it is sometimes funny to be a bit drunk but there is a big
difference between being a bit drunk and getting wasted). Today many adults get drunk
almost every weekend and in my mind this is becoming a problem. We should seek for and
find solutions. One solution would be to inform people about the consequences of alcohol
consumption. I think that we should create more awareness of the deteriorating effects of
alcohol on life and health. In my view alcohol is not a solution to ones problems nor does it
increase to our enjoyment. This is the reason why I'm so vehemently against this increase
in alcohol consumption among many people. I'm in favor of showing young people a better
example and giving them other possibilities and options to do in their free time instead of
just getting stupidly drunk. Life is better when you are sober!

Text 5
I vote in favor of giving children more toys. I don't think it’s helpful to their personal
development if a 4 or 5 year old child already has a mobile phone or a computer. In my
view a child should play with other children and with different kinds of toys, developing
their creativity and imagination. I'd say that it is not good for a child when parents
substitute toys, care and love with technology. It doesn’t make up for the time they fail to
invest in their children. In my opinion a child should be treated like a child and not like a
little adult. It is important for all children to play with meaningful toys. I'm convinced that
this is a better way to educate one's children. This is my opinion. I don't like it when I see
children on public transport glued to a computer screen for the entire journey. I
understand that it is important that they learn to use technology as it is part of modern life
but at the right time. First let them learn to play and live in the real world before we give
them access to the virtual world. I'm in favor of responsible use of technology with limits
and boundaries. What is your opinion on this topic? Do you agree or disagree with my point
of view?
Text 1
Do you remember the time when you were young? For me this was an amazing time. We
went to many parties. We hardly missed a party. We were the coolest guys in the universe.
We got to know loads of hot and beautiful women. We had a lot of fun. I remember the
night we were at a party in the woods? It was a unique party, just purely amazing. There
were lights everywhere. The whole forest was full of flickering colors. A huge crowd was
dancing between the trees. We drank, danced, sang and spoke with many different people.
We hoped that this time would never end. We were convinced that we could make a
difference and change something in this world. We were full of hope, ideas and idealism.
Those were amazing times. I really wish we could relive this time again. You know what I
mean? Sometimes I catch myself dreaming of the old times, the parties, the friends, the
women. But well, that time is over. It's time to grow up and leave the past where it belongs.
Let's keep the memories. They are beautiful and always there, waiting for us. Nobody can
take them away from us. They are in our heads and our hearts. But, there is much to do and
experience ahead of us. Let's look forward to that!

Text 2
When we were younger we always dreamt of all the different kinds of jobs we could do
when we were grown up. Did you do this, too? We thought that we could be professional
athletes or famous football players. We imagined how we would play in big stadiums
together with the greatest players on earth and win shiny trophies. This didn't work out
unfortunately. I also imagined that I could be an astronaut and that I would fly to the moon
or to Mars. I thought that I would travel in space observing and learning about the stars and
the motion of the different planets. I would wear a space suit and travel to foreign and far
away worlds. I would write about my travels and people would buy my books and I would
be famous. Another idea of mine was to become a firefighter. I would fight big blazes and
rescue beautiful women from the flames. And I would speed through the streets in my fire
engine. How adventurous my life would have been! Well, guess what. None of my dreams
came true. Today I'm a teacher. I never thought I would become a teacher. Anyway, I like
my job. It is meaningful and I contribute to other people's lives. It could have been worse.
The most important thing is that I'm happy and satisfied with my life.
Text 3
I love to remember the time when I lived in Spain. I studied and worked there. It was a
great time. The weather was always good and the beach was just 2 minutes away from my
apartment. I had a beautiful time there. I learned a lot, I went to many parties and I met a
lot of interesting people. I thought this time would never end. I thought that life couldn't get
any better. But actually it has turned out quite alright. I'm happy and satisfied. But
sometimes, really just sometimes, I would like to turn back the clock just for a week or two
and live my life as a young and carefree man again. But well, we all know that this is not
possible. My life is good and I should be thankful for what I have. I'm healthy, I'm happily
married and I have a good job. But sometimes certain nostalgia comes over me. We always
desire what we can't have. Back in the old times I was so happy to leave Spain. I had
become so bored of my life there. It was always the same. Trust me, you can get bored of
the beach and the sea and the sun. When you live there it is just normal and you yearn for a
change. Well, I got what I wished for. And I am happy. What about you? Did you have
similar experiences in your life? Or do you have a wish or a desire which is still waiting to
be fulfilled?

Text 4
Back in the day I loved to visit my grandmother. Unfortunately she lived quite far away
from my home. But I always loved to see her. We always had a good time together. We
played board games and went for dinners to nice restaurants. We often watched her
favorite TV-series together. I hated them but well, it pleased my grandmother. I would have
done anything for my grandmother. She was very religious, too. I always had to go to
church with her. And in the church I had to pray and sing with her. I'm not religious and I
hated to go to church with her. But it made her happy, so what. As it was so easy to make
her happy I joined her when she went to the church services. She was also an amazing cook.
She knew all the recipes by heart and prepared everything herself. She would have never
bought any convenience foods in the supermarket. She had the opinion that all convenience
foods were bad for us and our health. She was probably right. I agree with her thoughts on
home-made food. I used to do the shopping for her and she always prepared many yummy
dishes for me. We also went to the park quite often. She loved to go for walks and there was
a small lake where she used to feed the ducks. I always slept on her old sofa. A lot of her
furniture was from 1960 or earlier. She never threw anything away. She grew up after the
war and for her everything was valuable and precious. She knew what it was like to have
nothing at all. She was an amazing old lady. Unfortunately she died last year and I miss her
very much.
Give advice
Text 1
Today I need some advice from you. I don't know what I should do at the weekend. What
should I do? I could go to the zoo. I could go see the animals and go for a walk there. This
would be interesting for sure. I need to do some shopping before I go to the zoo. It's not
much, just a few items. I could do this in the morning and go to the zoo after lunch. It
wouldn't take too long. And I need to have breakfast and walk the dog. And I would also
have to do the laundry and wash the dishes. After that I'll go to the supermarket. I could
also go to the museum. This would be a good idea, too. It's been a while since I did
something educational. Some cultural activity would be great. If the weather is good I
would like to sit in the sun and read a nice book. This would make me happy, too. I could
prepare a cup of coffee, eat a slice of cake and read something interesting or entertaining.
You see, I have many options for just one day. I need your advice. Help me with my
decision. What should I do? What would you do if you were me?

Text 2
What should I eat for dinner? I could make some spaghetti. I have all the ingredients at
home. I would only have to go for some tomatoes. And I'd need a bit of cheese. I could
prepare a fruit salad. This would do me pretty well as a starter. I should take more care of
my health anyway. Therefore it would be a good idea to eat more fruit. This means that I
would have to go to the market first. I can go there by bike. It would take half an hour and I
would get a bit of exercise, too. But I'm hungry now. I could order a pizza. It would arrive in
15 minutes. And I would love it for sure. I would order at my favorite restaurant and they
would deliver within 10 to 15 minutes. That would be perfect. And I wouldn't need to leave
the house. Sounds like a great idea to me! I think I'm going to order a pizza. I'm going to
order a pizza with ham, salami and olives as a topping. Life can be so easy!

Text 3
I need to clean up my living room. I should have done this already last week. I need to
vacuum the carpet and dust the furniture. I could buy some flowers to make it look more
homely. And I should wash those blankets on the sofa where my dog slept the other day. I
should definitely clean my bathroom. It looks disgusting. I need to fill a bucket with water
and cleaning agent and clean the shower and the toilet. I also need to clean the mirror.
Maybe I would see my face again in it after that. The trash needs to be emptied and I need
more toilet paper. I could actually replace my toothbrush, too. I like to change it every 6
months. This surely would be a great idea. And I can vacuum here, too. The kitchen also
needs my attention. I enjoy cooking in a clean kitchen. I need to wash the dishes and
disinfect the counter. I should clean the oven and the stove. I will bring the garbage out. I
can empty the fridge, clean it and refill it afterwards. And finally clean the floor. Last but no
least I would direct my attention to my bedroom which is also very messy and needs to be
tidied. I need to change the bedclothes and tidy up a bit. I should arrange the things on my
desk and I definitely need to water my plants. Looks like a lot of work for me. Should I
really spend my free Saturday like this? Yes, I should. I have to. It is really necessary and
I'm going to do this now. It shouldn't take me more than half the day. And after that I will
have a nice, clean and tidy flat.

Text 4
Imagine that somebody gave you 1€ million euros as a present. What would you do with so
much money? Have a look at my ideas and tell me what you think of them!
I would travel to many different countries. I would stay at the most beautiful and most
expensive hotels. Every night I would eat at a good restaurant and drink a lot of good wine.
I would visit many interesting places and experience different places and cultures. I would
buy lots of books, too and read a lot to educate myself as much as possible. I would build a
huge library in my house to keep all my books. I would never have to be worried about
money again. I would build a big house for me and my loved ones. The house would have
many rooms with a swimming pool and a big garden. I would invite all my friends and we
would have a lot of fun together. I would buy a fast car and keep it in my big garage. I would
adopt a few dogs and maybe some animals from the animal shelter. The dogs would have a
doghouse in the garden where they would sleep. I would walk them every day and train
them. I would also donate a part of the money of course. I would help some people who
don’t have so much in their lives. This would make me happy as I would be doing some
good and helping others. I would try and save some money for the future, too. Maybe I
would invest a bit of my money in shares. And of course I would still have a job. I wouldn't
stop working. What would I do the whole day otherwise? It would be very boring after a
while. I would enjoy my money but I would also do something meaningful. I would do
something creative and productive for society.
The Media
Text 1
Many people read the newspaper every day to inform themselves about what’s happening
in the world. You find articles, reports, comments and columns in the newspaper and
advertisements. The journalists write the articles. They research a topic, interview
interesting and popular people and publish the articles in the newspaper. Articles should
keep a certain distance and should be objective. A report is a longer account on a topic
which can contain the personal opinion of the journalist, too. It can include the personal
perspective, impressions and views of the author. A report is less objective than an article
and it is thus more personal. Within a comment the author expresses his or her opinion
about a topic. He comments on the topic and evaluates it. Columns are contributions by the
same author which are published weekly for example. On the first page of a newspaper are
the headlines of the day. They talk about the most important news of the day in short
paragraphs and seek to attract the attention of the reader. A newspaper has many different
sections, such as economy, political, sports and social or entertainment. You can find a
variety of different topics there. Most of the newspapers are funded by the advertising
companies. There are different newspaper formats: daily newspaper, weekly newspaper
and a monthly newspaper. What type of newspaper do you read? Do you read the
newspaper daily or less often? Or don't you read any newspaper at all?

Text 2
Another important medium is television. It is necessary to own a television to view TV-
programs. There are many different TV-stations, those which show only movies and others
that have news 24 hours a day or documentaries from around the world. Many TV-stations
have a mixture of programs. They show series and soaps in the morning, and then the lunch
time news, followed in the afternoon with talk shows and reality TV-shows and in the
evening movies. Many TV-stations are funded by commercials. This is the reason why they
can offer their program for free to the viewer. Approximately every 20 minutes there is a
short break in the program and the viewer can watch 5 minutes of commercials. There are
also TV-stations viewers have to pay for. This is called pay-TV. They show exclusive content
like concerts, sport events or the most recent movies. What do you watch? Do you have a
subscription for pay-TV? Or do you belong to the group of people who don't have a
television at all?
Text 3
Many people like to listen to the radio. It's often just playing in the background. People
listen to it at work, in their cars, in the supermarket or at home. There are different stations
on the radio with many different types of programs. They play music and provide news,
they broadcast programs about topics of interest or they broadcast live from an event or a
football match. The radio has an antenna so the programs can be received. But this
shouldn't be a problem as today almost every electronic device comes with a built-in radio
antenna. It is even possible to listen to radio programs emitted from countries abroad over
the Internet. This is really helpful when you want to learn a foreign language. But it also
comes in handy when you are interested in different types of music or in another country's
culture. It is also worth listening to the different perspectives of different countries on
certain topics. By doing this it is possible to learn about different points of view, what helps
you to form your own point of view.

Text 4
The Internet isn't that old actually, but it is most likely the most important medium for
entertainment and information today, especially for the younger population. It is available
almost everywhere. People use it on their computers, on their cell phones, on their tablets
and even on their wrist watches. It is possible to use all the 'old' media' through the
Internet. They have simply been digitalized. There are websites on which you can watch
hundreds of different TV-channels or listen to thousands of radio stations from around the
world. You can find content in almost every language you can imagine. Every newspaper
has its own website where they publish articles, reports, videos and interviews. In addition
there is an endless amount of privately run websites on which people give their opinion on
certain topics or allow them to sell products privately. Many people use social networks for
their daily communication, for games, to send messages or to share interesting or
entertaining content. Today it is so much easier to find interesting and up-to-date
information. It's just one mouse click away. Well, maybe a few clicks of the mouse. There
are hundreds of dictionaries, encyclopedias, blogs, videos and other sites which help keep
us informed. Knowledge has become global; you can learn everywhere, communicate
everywhere and work wherever it pleases you. It is probably justified to say that the
Internet has changed the way the world works. One huge feature of the Internet is that it is
so interactive. The user is not only a consumer but also a producer of content. What do you
think about the Internet? Has it changed the way you live? Are you just a 'consumer' or are
you also a 'producer' of content on the Internet? How active are you on the world wide
Text 1
I need a new deodorant. I have three different brands here. The question is which of the 3
brands I should buy. I am faced with a really a tough choice here. I have to decide between
the three because I don’t have enough money to buy all 3. The selection is just too big.
Option 1 seems quite alright. It smells nice. Option 2 smells good, too. But it is a bit more
expensive. Option 3 smells a lot better than option 2 and also better than option 1 but it is
also the most expensive one. I like all of them. I like option 1 as well as option 2 as well as
option 3. What is your advice? Could you give me some advice? Which one would you buy?
Which criteria would you use to make your choice? It is really a tough choice. I know how
this works. I will go home and I’ll be angry with myself because I didn't buy the other one.
What should I do? I need to make a decision now. I can't spend the whole day in the
perfumery. How do you make a decision when you are faced with these choices? Do you
buy the cheapest or the most expensive one? The deodorant which smells best? I need
advice! Anyway, I will buy one now. I won’t buy either option 1 or option 2. The winner is
option 3! This was hard. But well, I made it. Thanks for your help anyway!

Text 2
I'm considering whether I should take a shower either now or maybe later. I'm not that
sure. I feel really indecisive. There are two options. Option 1: I could take a shower now but
I would like to work out a bit in the afternoon. This means that I'm going to sweat again in a
few hours. Option 2: Instead of taking a shower now I could take the shower after my
workout. But on the other hand I could actually take two showers: one now and one after
the workout. But this means a lot of wasted water. You see, it's a tough choice. What would
be your choice, either now or later or neither now nor later? Or now as well as later? Would
you take a shower either now or later? Or would you opt for neither now nor later? Or
would you simply take two showers and accept the waste of water as a necessary evil?

Text 3
I have to buy a new cell phone. The selection is enormous. The question is whether I should
use an old and simple phone or a new and complicated one. It is really a tough decision to
make. I'm not really sure about what to do. It's really hard to choose. Which option better
meets my needs? Should I buy a high-tech one or a basic one? The old cell phones are very
robust, quite cheap and they actually do everything I need them to do. To be honest, the
only use I have for my cell phone is to call my friends and to send messages. Yet it is
definitely handy to have access to the Internet on your cell phone from time to time. I can
neither surf the Internet nor use the wide variety of applications that modern cell phones
offer. The modern cell phone is able to send short messages, make phone calls as well as
send emails, use social networks and play games. It's a tough decision. Each one has its own
advantages. But both have disadvantage, too. It seems that I can't really opt for one or the
other. Neither of them completely convinces me. Maybe I won't buy any of the two and look
for another option. What would you do? What type of cell phone do you use? Are you old
school with respect to your cell phone or are you a fan of all the functionality a modern cell
phone has to offer? What's your opinion? If you were in my position, would you buy the
more basic phone or the complicated one? What would you do? Maybe I won’t buy a cell
phone at all. Do I really need one?

Text 4
I have a problem. I need your advice. I need some fashion advice. The problem is that I
don't know which pair of trousers I should wear today. I can't make a decision. I have too
many trousers and the selection is just overwhelming. Which trousers would you put on?
Could you give me some advice? Which trousers do you like best? Would you prefer to put
on the gray trousers or the blue trousers? I'm not great on deciding what clothes to wear. I
like them all, that's why I bought them, right? I don't have any personal preferences
regarding my trousers. If you were me, would you put on the pink trousers? Or maybe the
short trousers? I definitely bought too many trousers. I should probably get rid of some.
Why did I buy so many trousers? I can't make a decision. Help me! Tell me what to wear?
Which one is your favorite? Which one should I put on?
The weekend
Text 1
Tom: Hey! How are you? It's finally the weekend! Would you like to go to a concert with
me? We have to buy tickets for the event before it is completely sold out. I think we should
hurry up!
Anna: I'm not sure. I’ve got so much work to do. Could you pick me up? You know that I
love this band. But I think that you have got the dates wrong. The concert is tomorrow as
far as I know not today.
Tom: Really? Did I get the wrong day? Let me check on the website quickly. Indeed. You are
right. Anyway, I want to go to the concert, be it today or tomorrow. I can pick you up at
home. But please, make up your mind now. I need to know whether you are coming or not.
You can rest on Sunday. My girlfriend is calling the ticket agency to ask how many tickets
are left and how much they are. It's going be amazing and we are going to have a lot of fun.
Anna: Alright. Is Ralph coming too? I would love to see him. It has been a while since I saw
Tom: Ralph can't come. He has to stay in bed. He’s got a really bad cold. He feels too sick.
He will join us the next time. He needs to rest this weekend. But we are going to go. Would
you like to go to a pub tonight? I just need to take a shower and get dressed. Then I'm ready
to go!
Anna: Shave your face, take a shower, comb your hair and get dressed and after that pick
me up and we’ll go for a couple of drinks. I'm looking forward to seeing you! See you in a

Text 2
Finally, the weekend is here! What can I do this weekend? I don’t think I’m going to leave
the bed this weekend. I believe I will rest in bed. I can't be bothered to leave the house or go
to a pub. Leaving the bed means I have to take a shower and get dressed. And I can't be
bothered. I don’t feel like I'm really up for doing much today. I might just make it a lazy
day. I would have fancied going to the museum because today a new exhibition which
interests me quite a lot starts today. And a friend called because he wants to go to a concert.
But honestly I can't be bothered to do either of them. I'll stay at home, make some popcorn
and watch some good movies. I think that this is the plan for today.
Text 3
What am I going to do this weekend? Should I take a rest or maybe go to the museum? I'm
into modern art and there seems to be a lovely exhibition on at a nearby museum. I could
go there and enjoy the exhibition. Sounds like a good idea. Or maybe I should stay at home
and just rest. It has been a long week and I feel pretty tired. What else could I do? Right,
there is a concert in one of my favorite pubs. I love this band and I have been a fan for
years. I could also go to the cinema. They’re showing a documentary in 3D which would be
amazing on the big screen. But my girlfriend doesn't want to see this film in the cinema. She
wants to see another one. But I can't be bothered to watch the film she suggested. We can't
agree on a film we both want to see. Maybe she can go see her movie and I can watch my
one and we can meet after and do something together. How complicated planning the
weekend can be! I just might stay at home and watch TV. Well, I’ve got a couple of hours left
before I have to decide. Let's wait and see what I fancy doing in two hours.

Text 4
Tom and Anna discuss what they should do at the weekend. Anna is interested in an
exhibition at the museum. But Tom can't be bothered to spend even an hour of his free time
in the museum. He says that he always gets really bored. Anna seems open for another idea.
Tom suggests going to the park. He would like to have a picnic and to lie in the sun. He
would like to get a bit of a tan. He thinks he looks very pale. Anna likes the idea and both
are happy that they have found a solution that suits them both. They set out for the park
and buy some sandwiches on the way. On their way they meet a couple of friends and
invite them to join them. In the park they look for a nice spot to put their blanket. They sit
down and eat their sandwiches. They talk and play a board game. They enjoy themselves a
lot and stay the whole afternoon. In the evening when it is getting dark they pack their stuff
together and head home. And they all agree that they have had a wonderful day together.
Text 1
Today I'm finally going to write to my dream girl on the Internet. I think she is awesome. I
find her totally attractive. I don't know if she wants to go out with me or not. Maybe I'm
lucky and she’ll say yes and give me her phone number. I would give her mine. I don't even
know her name. She uses a nick name on the Internet. Maybe she’ll tell me her real name. I
would love to go to the cinema with her. Or I would also like to go to a bar with her. I would
like to watch a movie with her too. I would love to get to know her. Let's see if she fancies
going out for a drink. I will give her flowers and I will invite her for dinner. She will like
this. And I'm sure that we will have an amazing time. As far as I can see in her profile we
have very similar interests and hobbies. We will make a beautiful couple. I'm going to write
her now. Fingers crossed! Hopefully she will respond to my message.

Text 2
Yes! I have just received an answer from her. I'm so excited. She wrote me an email. Let's
hope the reply is positive and she wants to meet me! The tone of message is very friendly.
She seems interested in meeting me. What amazing news! She said she would love to meet
me in person. This means that we are going on a date together. Great! I can't wait to meet
her. I'm so happy right now. I think that I might have a major crush on her already. Well, it
doesn't matter. She has agreed to meet me in person. That's all that matters now. What
should I wear on the date? She says she wants to go to the cinema. But first she wants to
meet me in a bar to get to know each other a bit more. She also sent me her phone number
so I can contact her. This is going to be so good. We are going to have so much fun together.
And maybe she will have a little crush on me. And maybe, just maybe this will develop into
a relationship. What a wonderful day! I'm going to reply to her message now. We need to
set a day and a time for our date. Today is Monday. When should we meet? Tomorrow?
This seems too soon. Sounds kind of desperate! Let's give it a few days. Thursday evening
looks good. I'm so looking forward to this evening! I'm going to have a heart attack when I
meet her because I'm so excited. It's going to be so good!

Text 3
Hello, how are you? I saw you recently on the street and I would like to take you out for
dinner. Or maybe you would like to go for a drink? Can I have your phone number? Or do
you want my number? What do you think? Would you like to go out with me? I really would
love to go out with you. To be honest, I’ve got a little crush on you and I really would love to
get to know you. Please, say yes. Here is my phone number. Think about it and give me a
call. My phone number is 05573 102463. Call me whenever you feel like it. Or just message
me. I will definitely reply. I would be really happy if we could make this happen. Perhaps
we can spend a romantic evening together. Bye.

Text 4
Did you think about my proposal? I would still be really happy to go out with you. You
would make me really happy. I find you so attractive. I love your long, black hair and your
dark eyes. I would love to learn more about you. You seem like an interesting person.
Would you like to meet me and go out with me? I really want to get to know you. I want to
know what you like, what you love and what you dream of. We could go for dinner. Or you
could come to my house for dinner. What do you think? What would you like to do? Just tell
me what you want to do. I'm open to everything. I just want to spend some time with you
and learn more about you and your life. You won't regret it I promise. I’m inviting you to
dinner; we’ll have some drinks and talk. And if you don’t like me after this, you don’t have
to see me again. Does this sound like a nice idea to you? I hope so. Just call me and tell me
when you are free and we’ll set something up. I hope to see you soon. Call me! Bye.

Text 5
It's been two weeks now that you left me and I'm still very sad and devastated. I can't
believe you don't want to be with me anymore. I thought we were made for each other. I
feel really bad. I cry all day and can't think clearly. I don't know what to do. I just want you
back. I'm happy for you as you seem very happy with your new boyfriend and I hope you'll
find your way together. But it breaks my heart. You are all I’ve ever wanted and now you
are gone. I still can't believe it. I would never have imagined that we would break up this
way. I would have done everything for you. A few weeks ago we said we loved each other
and now you are gone? Did you lie to me all that time? I don't know what to think anymore.
I just want you back in my life.

Text 6
Barkeeper: Hey, how are you? What would you like to drink? Is it your first time here?
Guest: Yes. I'd like a cup of coffee, please. Actually, I’ve walked past the window several
times and saw you. And well, I wanted to say hello and get to know you a bit.
Barkeeper: Ah great. And what makes you think I'm interested in getting to know you
Guest: Well, you could give me a chance. I‘ll sit here and we can talk a bit and see where it
Barkeeper: Alright, why not. It's your lucky day, I guess. I just have a few guests today so
therefore not too much to do. So use your time wisely.
Guest: Great. So what's your name? I’m David?
Barkeeper: My name is Claudia. What do you do for a living? I'm a barkeeper as you can
Guest: I work in an office for a big company. My job is not particularly interesting. What do
you like? How can I win over your heart? Chocolate or flowers? Philosophy and literature?
Barkeeper: Neither flowers nor chocolate. That's pathetic. You have to be a nice,
intelligent and interesting person. So philosophy and literature might do. What do I want
with flowers and chocolate? That's so last century. I earn my own money so I can buy
chocolate when I want. I'm an independent woman and absolutely not fond of 20th-century
Guest: What are you interested in? What makes you care or passionate about something?
Barkeeper: It's your job to find this out. But I appreciate you asking.
Guest: Would you like to go to the museum? It's a museum of modern art. Do you like art?
There’s an exhibition opening tonight. I would love to see it. Maybe you would like to come
with me? It seems to be an amazing collection from what I've heard so far.
Barkeeper: I love modern art. I’d love to go with you. But this is not a date, ok?
Guest: Understood. Where would you like to meet? Could you give me your phone number?
Barkeeper: Nice try, but no. It's a bit too early to give you my phone number. Maybe I'll
give it to you after tonight. I finish work at 7. Pick me up from here.
Guest: Cool, this sounds great. I'm happy that you want to come with me. It surely is going
to be a nice evening.
Barkeeper: As I already said, this is not a date. I'm interested in art, so you’re lucky.
Guest: Nevertheless I'm looking forward to a nice evening with you and to getting to know
you better. Maybe you will like me in the end. I believe that I am quite interesting and
entertaining. I will definitely try my best.
Barkeeper: Of course you will. But just be yourself. I'll see you this evening.
Guest: I can't wait. See you later.
Text 1
Once upon a time there was a little girl who always wore a red cape and was called Red
Riding Hood by everyone in her village. One day she came home to her mother taking a rich
cake from the oven. Red Riding Hood thought she should visit her grandmother and bring
her some cake, some fruit and a bottle of wine. Her grandmother had been ill for a few days
already and Red Riding Hood and her mother wanted to surprise her. They put everything
into a small basket, and as the little girl was just about to leave the house and set out for the
forest, her mother held her hand and said: “Don't go too deep into the forest! Stay on the
path! Always follow the path and don't leave it. Be careful as the forest is a dangerous place
for a young girl! Take care and stay safe!” Red Riding Hood promised to be careful and left.
She walked for a while, singing and skipping and enjoying the journey to her
grandmother's house. After a while she discovered a small area in the forest with many
beautiful flowers. She stopped and thought: “What gorgeous flowers! I shall pick some for
my grandmother. She’ll surely love them!” She began to pick the most beautiful and colorful
ones and after a little while she had collected a nice little bouquet for her grandmother.
Then suddenly she realized how far into the wood she had wandered and she was very
afraid. She turned around and headed back to the path as quickly as possible. On her way
she met a wolf, who lived in this part of the forest. “Hello little girl, what brings you to the
forest? Don't you know that it is dangerous for little girls to leave the path? , asked the wolf.
“I just wanted to collect some flowers for my ill grandmother. She lives on the other side of
the forest. I better go now”, said the little girl. “Didn't you see the beautiful blue flowers
behind those trees? They would be lovely in your bouquet”, said the wolf. This seemed like
a good idea to Red Riding Hood so she decided to collect some blue flowers. In the
meantime the wolf ran to the grandmother's house. He knocked on the door and the
grandmother answered: “Who is there? I'm ill and I'm too weak to leave my bed. Is it you,
granddaughter? Just come in, the door is open.” The bedroom was very dark because all the
windows were shut, therefore her grandmother didn't see the wolf. The wolf run quickly
towards the bed and devoured the grandmother. Then he put on her clothes, put her
glasses on his nose and got into the bed.
In the meantime Red Riding Hood had finished collecting flowers for her bouquet and had
arrived at the house. She knocked at the door and her grandmother answered: “Who is
there? I'm ill and I'm too weak to leave my bed. Is it you, granddaughter? Just come in, the
door is open.” As it was still very dark in the bedroom the little girl didn't notice that it
was the wolf that lay in the bed. She approached the bed and when she saw her
grandmother, she asked full of surprise: “Grandmother, why do you have such large ears?”
And the wolf answered: “They help me to hear you better.” And why do you have such big
eyes?” “They help me to see you better.” “And why are your hands so big?” “They help me to
hug you tighter.” “And why do you have such a terrifying big mouth full of sharp teeth?”, “to
help me eat you!” shouted the wolf and seized Little Red Riding Hood and devoured her.
Then he lay down on the bed again and fell asleep because his stomach was so full. He
started to snore very loudly. After a while a hunter came by the grandmother's house and
heard the wolf snoring. “How loudly does the old woman snore? I will have a look to be
sure that everything is alright”, thought the hunter. He entered the house and found the
wolf in the grandmother's bed. “Finally I have found you! I've been looking for you
everywhere.” The hunter wanted to shoot the wolf with his rifle but then it occurred to him
that the wolf might had eaten the grandmother and decided to wait. He looked around for a
pair of scissors and found some in the kitchen. He used the scissors to open the wolf's belly
and soon he could already see the little girl. He dragged her out and went on cutting and
soon he dragged the grandmother out of the wolf's stomach. Both were well and unharmed.
Red Riding Hood ran quickly to the nearby river and picked up some heavy stones. She
brought them to the hunter and he filled the wolf's stomach with the stones and they closed
his belly with a needle and some thread. Then they decided to wake the wolf up. The wolf
jumped out of the bed and felt a burning in his throat. He ran to the river and started to
drink but the heavy stones in his belly dragged him into the water and the wolf drowned.
The hunter, Red Riding Hood, and her grandmother sat down at the table together and
enjoyed the cake, fruit and wine which Red Riding Hood had brought in her basket.

Text 2
Once upon a time there was a lumberjack and his family. He had 2 children. Their names
were Hansel and Gretel. They lived in a small cottage at the edge of a forest. Times were
hard and the family barely had enough food. The lumberjack and his wife were very
desperate. In their desperation they made a decision to leave their children alone in the
forest. The children were so hungry that they couldn’t sleep. They had heard what their
parents were talking about and knew about their sinister plan. When their parents had
fallen asleep, Hansel sneaked outside and collected many white stones he found in the little
garden in front of the cottage. The next morning their mother came and woke them up very
early. She told them that the whole family had to go into the forest to collect wood in order
to sell it at the market. She gave to each of the children a piece of bread and they set out for
the forest. Hansel dropped the stones he had collected the night before every 5 steps or so
marking a path for them. Their parents didn't notice anything and they continued on their
way. When they were deep in the forest, they stopped and took a rest. The father sent the
children to collect small twigs and dry leaves to make a fire so they would stay warm. They
left the children seated by the burning fire and continued into the forest. The children
believed that they were chopping wood nearby because they heard a chopping noise but it
was just a big branch which the parents had bound to a stem slapping against the stem
because of the wind. When it got dark Gretel was afraid. She wanted to go home. Hansel
calmed her and told her that they would go home soon. She would just have to be a little
more patient. So they waited a bit longer and then they set out for home. With the help of
the white stones it was pretty easy to find their way back. Their father was very happy
when they arrived home but their mother didn't seem pleased at all. A few weeks later the
situation hadn't changed and they still didn't have enough food to feed themselves. Again,
the parents decided to bring the children into the forest and leave them there. The children
had heard the entire conversation. Once again, Hansel tried to go outside and collect the
shiny stones which had led him back home the first time. But this time Hansel couldn't
leave the room because their evil mother had locked the door. The next morning, their
mother woke them up and gave them their piece of bread. Hansel decided to use the bread
instead of stones. During their walk he dropped the crumbs and hoped that they would lead
them home that night. They made a fire again and the parents left the children back in the
forest. When night fell the children wanted to go home but they couldn't find the crumbs.
The birds of the forest and other animals had eaten them during the day and so there was
no chance to find their way back home. They tried and tried but they couldn't find their
way back. After a few days of searching desperately they came to a house made of ginger
bread. They were so hungry that they couldn’t resist and started to break off big pieces of
the house and ate them. Hansel ate a piece of the roof and Gretel ate from a window sill.
They ate and ate until after a while an old woman came out of the house. “Who is eating my
house? Who dares to break off pieces from my house to eat?” cried out the old woman. “We
are very sorry, but we can't find our way back home and we are starving. Don't be mad at
us! It is an emergency!” cried the children. Unfortunately, the old woman was a wicked
witch and she loved to eat little children. She seized Hansel by his arm and dragged him to a
cage inside the house. Then she shut the door and locked it. Gretel had to work for the
wicked witch. She had to clean, to cook and to get water from a nearby brook. And she had
to feed Hansel with a lot of food. The wicked witch wanted him to become fat and juicy
because she wanted to roast him in her oven. One day the witch didn't need Gretel anymore
and decided to roast her first. She told her to climb into the oven in order to clean it. But
Gretel realized the witches plan and told her: “I don't believe that I will fit into the oven. I
think the oven door is too small for me.” “You are a stupid, silly little girl. Of course you can
fit through the door. Even I fit through the door”, answered the witch. The witch put her
head through the opening of the oven to show Gretel how it had to be done. This was
Gretel's chance. With all her force she pushed the witch into the oven, closed it and locked
it from the outside. The witch burned alive in the flames of her own oven. Gretel ran
quickly to the cage where Hansel was kept captive and unlocked the door. Finally there was
no need to be afraid of the wicked witch anymore. As they looked around the house they
realized that there were chests full of gold, jewels and diamonds everywhere. They filled
their pockets and a few bags which they found full to the brim and they left to try to find
their way home. After a while the forest started to seem more familiar and a little bit later
they arrived at their family's cottage. The evil mother had died some time ago and only
their father was left. He was very happy to see his children again. And with all the wealth
they had found in the witch's house they didn't have to worry about anything anymore and
had as much food and money as they needed to live a good life.

Text 3
Once upon a time there was a fisherman and his wife. They lived in a small house on the
coast. The fisherman went down to the sea every day to try to catch some fish. One day he
was sitting by the sea fishing when suddenly something pulled very strongly on the fishing
rod. The fisherman reeled in the rod and there was a fish at the end. But the fish wasn't a
normal fish at all. “Please, I beg you, let me live and don’t kill me. I'm an enchanted prince”,
begged the fish. The fisherman let the fish go. Who would kill a talking fish anyway, he
thought. Then he gathered his things and went home. “Didn't you catch anything today?
What am I supposed to cook for dinner? I can't prepare dinner out of thin air”, asked his
wife when he arrived. The fisher told her about his encounter with the fish. And didn't you
ask him to fulfill a wish for you?” asked the woman. “Why should he have fulfilled a wish for
me?” “You silly man, everyone knows that if you catch a magical being and you set it free
again, it is obliged to grant you a wish!”, answered the wife. “Quick, go down to the sea
again and cry out for the fish. When he comes to you, ask him for a bigger house. I'm sure
that he will fulfill your wish.” As the fisherman loved his wife very much and wanted her to
be happy and content, the fisherman agreed to go back to find the fish. The fish didn't take
long to appear and the man told him about his wife's wish. “No problem, just go home, she
sits already in your new living room.
The fisher and his wife had spent a couple of weeks in the house when one morning the
wife told her husband: “You know, I really like the new house but don't you feel like it could
be a bit bigger? If the fish can give you a bigger house, he just might give you a castle, too,
don't you think? Please, go to the sea and ask the fish for a castle. I'm sure he won't have
any problem with this.” The fisherman went down to the sea and called the fish. Again, he
didn't take long to appear and the fisherman told him about his wife's new wish. “Don't
worry; just go home to your wife. She already sits on her new throne. She will be happy”,
said the fish. The fisherman went home and found a big castle where their big house once
stood. Every room was full of gold and jewels and there were many servants, apparently
working for the fisherman and his wife. He entered a big hall where he found his wife
sitting on a golden throne. “Now we can be happy and enjoy our life, don't you think? We
have more now than we could ever dream of”, said the fisherman to his wife. “We shall see”,
answered his wife. One morning the fisherman found his wife standing at a window,
looking out over the fields and pastures surrounding their castles. “You know, my beloved
husband, these lands should be ours. I should be queen and reign over these lands. Living
in a castle without being queen doesn't feel right. A castle needs a queen and a queen needs
lands and an empire. Go and see the fish again. He owes you his life and will happily grant
you this wish.” Only because he loved his wife so much and thought that this time it would
be the last time, the fisherman went down to the sea again. He called out for the fish and
the fish appeared. The fisherman already felt quite embarrassed but he told the fish about
his wife's wish. “Just return to your wife. She already sits on her throne”, answered the fish.
The fisherman went home and found his wife sitting on a golden throne with a big crown
on her head. “Are you happy now, wife?” asked the fisher desperately. “No, I'm not!” cried
the wife, madness shining in her eyes, “If I can be queen, I surely can be empress! I want to
be empress because it is not acceptable to have anyone above me! Go and make it happen!”
The fisherman went to the beach and called the fish. “Return home, your wife is now the
empress.” When he arrived at home his once small house had become a gigantic castle. His
wife was sitting on her throne and she was clothed in gold, velvet and wore a crown with
diamonds and jewels. “I hope this is want you wanted, my beloved wife”, sighed the
fisherman. “No, no, no. I realize that there is someone above me and this someone is God!
And I want to be like him! I want to be an equal to God! Do as I've told you and do it fast.”
“This is not right. This woman has gone crazy. The fish won't accept her behavior and he
will put an end this once and for all”, the fisherman thought while he walked down to the
sea. The fish was already waiting for him. “Don't worry, your wife now sits in her old living
room” said the fish. And the fisherman went back and was really relieved and happy that he
had got back his old, humble life.
Social Networks
Text 1
What is a social network? A social network is a community. In this community there are
many people who correspond with each other and exchange information and ideas. The
largest social network is Facebook. A social network is not only for young people but it is
also interesting and fascinating for adults. How does a social network work? First of all the
user needs to create a profile and become a member of the community. In their profile they
share information about themselves. They write about their hobbies, their favorite movies
or their favorite teams. In addition they can upload a profile picture which allows others
see who they are talking to. This makes the experience for other users more personal. After
creating a profile, they can connect with their friends. They can also find new friends via
social networks; these are friendships which exist for example on Facebook, yet they may
never meet in real life because they live in different countries or on different continents.
But it is still very interesting to have these kinds of friendships. They can exchange cultural
differences, learn languages together or learn how to cook food from the respective
country. It is also possible to share videos, pictures, photos or articles through social
networks. This is often very interesting and you discover things you maybe would have
never discovered otherwise but sometimes it is also quite silly or annoying. Social
networks form part of peoples' lives today and many couldn't live without their daily
access anymore. What do you think about social networks? Do you use them? How would
you describe your personal use of this type of website? Can you imagine living without

Text 2
Who doesn't have a Facebook account today? Almost everyone has a Facebook account
and uses it often. On Facebook there are many different activities you can do. You can read
articles which others have published or you can comment on articles your friends have
shared. You can share things you would like your friends to see. You can see what your
friends do during the day and respond as you like. You can search for new friends and add
your own friends. You can post links to interesting websites. You can post your own status
and you can share videos and photos with your friends. It helps you to stay connected with
people all over the world. It's quite fun but you have to be careful, too. There is still a life
besides Facebook and you shouldn’t forget about it!
Text 3
There are many different ways to stay in touch and exchange information on the Internet.
Social networks are very popular amongst the young and old. What do you do on a social
network? First of all you need to create a profile. A profile is like a virtual business card.
You upload a picture of yourself and provide some personal information, for example your
name, your relationship status, what languages you know and your hobbies. After that you
can search for people you know. When you find a friend you can send them a friend
request. Your friend can accept your friend request or decline it. If they don’t want to
accept it, you can still become one of their followers. This means that you follow their
account and you can see the things they share. It’s better than nothing. Other functions you
can use include messaging and chat. Many people enjoy chatting via messages with their
friends. There are people who hardly ever use their telephones but send messages all day
long to communicate. A more recent function is the video-call function. You can call your
friends and send an image of yourself to your friend's computer so that they can see you.
Social networks are part of the Web 2.0. Web 2.0 means that users actively create and
contribute to the Internet. They create content, write articles, develop software and share it
with the world. So users are not only passive consumers but are also active producers and
contributors. Another interesting function is the possibility of sharing content you like. For
example, when you read an interesting article and you feel like others should read it, too,
then all you have to do is to share it on your or a friend's wall. Then you can talk about it
together. Another option you have is to express your own ideas, moods or feelings and post
it to your wall so that your friends can see it. In addition there are endless opportunities to
make friends and get to know new people from all over the world. This is a really nice
feature. Suppose you learn a foreign language and you need someone to talk to. Just search
for one of the many groups with the language you are learning and find a language partner.
It's a great chance to meet new people, learn about the culture and their customs and
participate in their daily lives. It's also really useful to stay in touch with people who you
grew up with or who you met on vacation. They might live far away but with the Internet
they are just one click away. Despite all these positive and useful functions there is of
course a dark side. The topic of privacy is very important here. Many users forget about its
importance while they are surfing the Internet. But you must be careful. There is a lot of
money in the data business and quite a lot of people will try to use your personal data
without your consent. Don't disclose too much about yourself and if you’re not sure about
anything, leave it out rather than regret it later. The Internet doesn't forget and ‘foresight is
better than hindsight’ as the saying goes.
Text 1
Once a year you celebrate your birthday. You may have a party and you invite all your
friends. You do this by invitation. On the invitation you write the time and venue of the
party. At the party a big birthday cake is served with many candles on it. Your friends bring
small gifts for you. They try to find something that you might like, something personal, or
something that reminds them of you. It doesn't need to cost a lot of money. A cool idea
often proves to be more valuable than an expensive item. All your guests are in a good
mood and really enjoy themselves. The place is decorated with balloons, streamers and
flowers to add to the atmosphere. After blowing out the candles and singing ‘happy
birthday’, everyone enjoys a slice of cake with a nice cup of tea or coffee.
You say: Happy birthday

Text 2
Every year in spring Christians celebrate Easter. Easter is a religious celebration which
celebrates the resurrection of Christ. People go to church on Good Friday and Palm Sunday.
There is a lot of nice food and typical pastries which are only available around Easter.
Besides the religious event there is also a chance for children to enjoy a visit from the
Easter bunny. He brings chocolate easter eggs to all the children. It's a very nice custom,
especially when you have small children. A couple of days before Easter parents bring the
children to the forest to collect twigs and moss. Then at home they build a nest with the
twigs and use the moss for a roof together in the garden. The easter nest is for the easter
bunny so that he knows where to leave the eggs, the chocolate and the other surprises for
the children. The parents rush silently into the garden at night when the children are asleep
and hide the easter gifts in and around the nest. The next morning the whole family starts
an easter egg-hunt and search for the eggs and the chocolate in the garden. It’s a lot of fun
and a really nice activity for the whole family.
You say: Happy Easter!

Text 3
Another celebration celebrated in Christian countries is Christmas. Religious people
celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ in a stable in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago. It is one of
the most important celebrations Christians have. Many people go to church and celebrate
the birth of God's son. Everything is festively decorated and adorned with candles, stars
and different kinds of decorations. Many families set up a Christmas tree in their homes.
This is usually a fir tree which is decorated with tinsel and Christmas balls. You can hear
Christmas carols everywhere you go, on the radio, in the streets or in the supermarket. It's
a very special atmosphere. On Christmas evening the family gathers and eats dinner
together. People give gifts to each other and sing carols. If they are religious they attend a
church service together. The following days are holidays. Many people visit friends and
family. It's a quiet and peaceful time, very different to other times of the year.
You say: Merry Christmas!

Text 4
A nice custom in fall is Halloween. It takes place on the last day of October. It has its origins
in the belief that on this special night both the worlds of the living and the dead are
especially close to each other and therefore the dead souls get the chance to return to the
world of the living. So as not be taken by the dead, people leave food outside to please the
souls. Another way of avoiding the dead on this night is to dress up like them so they won’t
recognize the living amongst the dead. These are the origins for today's more modern
version of Halloween. Many people dress up in funny or scary costumes. They dress up as
monsters, witches or mythological creatures. There are some really crazy costumes. There
are parties everywhere. People decorate their houses with scary things like spider webs or
the famous pumpkin heads. Children go from door to door and repeat “trick or treat”,
asking for sweets and candies. Most children don't trick anymore today when they don't
get candy. However, some of them do. For example, they put toilet paper in trees, use
toothpaste or soap to write on windows or throw eggs at people’s houses. Adults go to
Halloween parties. There is always a competition for the best and most original Halloween
party or Halloween costume. Halloween is most common in countries like the US and
Canada. However, in recent years it has spread to other countries in Europe and so you can
find children in scary costumes on the streets in countries like Germany, France and Spain,
too. It's a funny custom which people like and enjoy today all over the world.
Text 1
In a debate there is always an argument in favor of or against a standpoint, a pro and a con.
Every topic has two sides. There are advantages and disadvantages. It is always important
to consider two sides. An argument should be evaluated, put in perspective and judged. An
opinion or a standpoint is not a natural law. It means that everyone has the right to their
opinion or point of view. Everyone has the right to criticize each other’s points positively.
In case someone thinks that the opinion of another person is wrong, flawed or incomplete,
they have to argue clearly and then defend their own opinion with good arguments. A
debate should be led in a fair manner. This means that one considers the other side's
argument fairly and one doesn't attack the other side personally. Something that can
happen in many debates is that one side starts to attack the other side personally. This is
called ‘ad hominem’. For example: “Of course you believe in nonsense like this because you
are a woman.” This statement doesn’t focus on the fact mentioned but on the person who
made it, which doesn’t add to the argument. It's not about a point made by the person but
about her gender which very likely doesn't have anything to do with the debate. In a good
debate the aim is to attack and refute the other side's arguments through strong and valid
facts. A proper and fair debate is supposed to bring both sides a step closer towards the

Text 2
A: I think that you should quit smoking. It's not good for your health.
B: You have never smoked. You have no idea how difficult it is to quit. And besides, I like
my cigarettes. So why should I quit smoking anyway?
A: This isn't a valid argument. There are scientific studies which show that smoking is bad
for your health. It raises the risk of getting cancer. Do you really care so little about
B: But there are also many people who have smoked their whole life and have grown old
nevertheless. It's just a risk. I live in a big city. The smog here is also said to cause cancer.
A: But you could try to lower the risk at least. Smog and cigarettes are two risks. Dying of
lung cancer isn't a nice death. And I don't want you to die before your time. I would like to
spend many more years with you. And besides, think about all the money you would save if
you quit smoking.
B: You buy new clothes every month. I don't do this. You spend your money on clothes and
I smoke. Both cause unnecessary costs. You quit buying new clothes and I will quit
smoking. Or else, everyone spends their money as they please. Do we have a deal?
A: You really can't compare the two subjects. Clothes are important. I need to look nice
when I go to work or to a bar. But there is no need to smoke when you go to a bar.
B: And there is no need to buy clothes every week, neither for your work nor for your
nightlife. I think we should stop the discussion here. It seems a bit pointless to discuss the
matter further.
A: Maybe you are right. At least we can agree on this!

Text 3
I would like to buy a new car. I have found a very nice model. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of this car? I'd like to consider the pros and cons to help me come to a
The advantages are the following: The color of the car is my favorite color. It has four doors.
It is big and very spacious. I need a lot of space because I often transport things from one
place to another. In addition it is very fast and accelerates from 0 to 100 miles per hour in 8
seconds. It has air conditioning, a car radio and an integrated CD-player. Furthermore it is
equipped with a guidance system. This comes in handy when I'm in a city or a region which
I don't know well. It is also really quiet. You can barely hear the engine. I don't like noisy
cars. This is definitely a good point in favor of this car.
These are the disadvantages: I live in a city and there is little space for big cars. A big car
means difficulty when it comes to parking. I already find it difficult to find parking with my
current car which is much smaller. With the bigger car it's going to be close to impossible to
find a parking space. A big car is heavy what means it consumes more gas. What does that
mean for long journeys? The car will become quite costly. And the insurance for it is much
Well, now it's time to consider the pros and the cons. Which will benefit me more? I need to
evaluate the two sides calmly, put them into perspective and make a decision I will make a
list and write down all the advantages and disadvantages which come to my mind. This will
help me to make the right decision.
Text 1
A teenager can be described as someone whose age falls within the range from 13 to 19
years. Within these years the teenagers aren't children anymore and want to be treated
more and more as young adults and make their own decisions. As a result of this there can
be a lot of friction between parents and their children. A teenager complains that they are
always told what to do, what they are allowed and not allowed to do. They don’t like to be
told what they should and shouldn't do with their life all the time either. They want to
make their own decisions on how to live and shape their own life. Parents make rules and
demands that they feel their children should comply with. In school young adolescents are
told about discipline and rules. It is important that teenagers comply with these. But it is
also important that a teenager is given space to make their own mistakes and create their
own experiences. They need the opportunities to develop their own identity. These
opportunities have to be created by the parents and teachers. A teenager doesn't get
educated solely by their teachers or parents but they also get shaped by their own personal
experiences, be they bad or good. Therefore it is very important that an environment is
created where there are clear rules and boundaries as well as possibilities to escape the
iron grip of parental care. Experiences and mistakes have to be made by a young person in
order to shape them and to help them grow into their own person.

Text 2
Growing up means many tasks are not done by your parents anymore. Adolescents have to
learn how to do their own laundry. They also have to learn how to prepare delicious meals
by themselves. Dinner is not cooked and served by Mom every night anymore but now
needs to be prepared by the young man or woman him or herself. They have to learn that
not all their problems can and will be solved by their parents. They have to find ways to
solve their problems on their own. Their problems need to be addressed and solved by
their own creativity and reasoning. They also have to learn that money doesn’t grow on
trees but needs to be earned first before it can be spent. But they also receive more
freedom and space so that they can develop and thrive. They are no longer told what they
are allowed to do or not. Therefore there is space to experiment and try new things out. But
they still know that they can rely on their parents in case of emergency.
Text 1
People grow older and older. Therefore the number of elderly people in industrialized
countries grows steadily. Look at your grandparents for example. They have experienced a
lot in their long lives. They had already been living for many years before you were born.
When you were a child they had already worked for many years. They had gone to school
and had traveled a lot. You didn't go to their wedding because they had married many
years before your birth. They had met many nice and interesting people and they had
already spent many beautiful evenings together before they met you. They may have
traveled to many different countries and learned about foreign cultures and customs. They
had watched many movies and had gone to the cinema hundreds of times before you even
watched your first movie. When you went to your first football match with your
grandfather, he had already seen many victories and defeats of your favorite team before.
When you went to your first concert, your grandfather had already enjoyed many concerts.
And when you celebrated your first birthday, your grandparents had already celebrated
quite a number of big birthdays. Somebody had invented the television and the first man
had been to the moon. A lot had already happened before you were born and so much more
will happen in the future. Our lives are just small moments in time.

Text 2
Last week I visited my grandfather. He had made tea, baked a small cake and had set up the
chessboard. My grandfather lives at a retirement home. Until a year ago he still lived with
my grandmother in their own house. Unfortunately my grandmother died last year, and
suddenly my grandfather was on his own and alone. My grandmother had always been a
big help to him. She had always cleaned the house and always helped my grandfather to get
dressed. She used to go to the supermarket and she always prepared the meals. After my
grandmothers death he wasn’t been able to live alone because he was already too weak and
too old. Therefore he had to leave his beloved home and move to a retirement home. Ever
since then I have visited him every week. We speak a lot and have a lot of fun together. He
has been very sad for a very long time. He misses my grandmother a lot. I have always tried
to make him a bit happier and more joyful. Sometimes it has worked out quite well and
sometimes it has been in vane because he is just too sad. Today he was in a good mood and
we played chess for many hours. We laughed a lot and I told him what I had been up to
during the week. I told him that I had fallen asleep in school and that I had gotten detention
for it. He laughed a lot while listening to my story and then told me about his own
mischievous actions when he was at my age. And I told him that I had met a nice girl and
that I had asked her to go out with me. I had given her my phone number and wanted to go
to the cinema with her. He seemed very pleased and promised me he would tell me the
story of how he met my grandmother the next time I came to visit him. We had a lovely
afternoon together and I was very happy to see my grandfather in such a good mood.
Hopefully he'll be in the same mood next week when I visit him again.

Text 3
My grandfather had met my grandmother in 1940. He had met her in a supermarket. She
had been a beautiful tall blond woman, with a wonderful smile. He had fallen in love with
her at first sight. He had asked her if she would like to go to the cinema with him. You
know, cinema at that time was still a very big thing for everyone. He said that he still
wonders how he had managed to talk to her without fainting. It was a wonder that he had
dared to speak to her so bluntly, he said. They had met in a small restaurant and ate dinner
there. They laughed a lot and enjoyed each other's company. They ate and drank some wine
and after the dinner they went to the cinema. They had booked tickets for a film but my
grandfather couldn't remember what movie it was. It wasn't that important anyway
because he didn't focus too much on the film. He had been so absorbed by my
grandmother's presence. After the movie they went to a park and went for a walk there. It
had snowed and everything was covered with a white layer of snow. It was beautiful
outside but also quite cold. After a while they decided to go home and planned to meet
another day. After this first date they met many more times. Sometime later my
grandfather had asked my grandmother to marry him and she said yes. They got married
and enjoyed a beautiful honeymoon together on a tropical island. My grandmother got
pregnant there and 9 months later my father was born. My father grew up and met my
mother and they married. And a few years later I was born. Here I am now to tell you the
beautiful story about how my family found each other.
Text 1
There are many different types of music. I like to listen to electronic music. This type of
music is produced on a computer. It has a heavy bass and is very melodic. I enjoy listening
to this kind of music most on the dance floor at a club. But I also like to listen to it while I'm
working. But then it isn’t as heavy but rather smooth and relaxing. The music creates a nice
vibe to help write and think. Another music style I like very much is rap. Rap is full of
energy. I love to listen to it when I'm running or working out. It's the perfect music to keep
me motivated to reach my body limits. For this purpose, rock music is another good
alternative. I love to feel its aggression and energy. And when I want to calm down and
relax I listen to jazz music. It's the perfect music to close my eyes to and lose myself. What
do you listen to in order to relax? What type of music do you like to listen to in order to get
you going and motivated? And what type of music makes you dance?

Text 2
Humans have been making music for a very long time. The oldest instruments, which have
been found, are 35 000 years old are flutes, which were made of bones. One believes that
music itself is even older. Nobody knows why humans started to make music, so there only
remains speculation as to the reasons why. Different people have been using instruments
and music for thousands of years in their religious ceremonies and rituals. They use drums,
singing and dancing to conjure and please the gods and spirits. The most renowned ritual is
arguably the rain dances of the Native American people. But of course there are many other
rituals with different purposes and meanings. In the middle ages the understanding and
perception of music changed and music became what we know it to be today. As time
evolved the profession of a composer and the creation of pieces of music became an art
form. The composer wanted to express their ideas through their music and transmit a
message to their listeners. Of course, not everyone’s piece of music is art. Many
compositions are not as unique as a piece of art would require. Many people just listen to
music because they want to enjoy it, lose themselves or relax. So music for them means
entertainment. They listen to it while working, exercising, relaxing or dancing. They enjoy
the rhythm, the emotions and the energy which music brings to their lives.

Text 3
A musical instrument is an item which is built to make music. Theoretically, every object
that can produce sound can be referred to as an instrument. Some people say that the
human voice should be counted as an instrument, too. There are different categories of
musical instruments. They are distinguished by the way in which they produce sounds.
There are the wind instruments for example. Wind instruments are instruments like the
saxophone, the trumpet and the flute. The musician blows into the instrument and creates
air which produces a sound. This is the reason why they are called wind instruments.
Another instrument type is the percussion instruments. Percussion instruments are drums
or a xylophone. The sounds are produced through percussion, which means the
percussionist hits the body of the object and the air inside the body starts to swing. Because
the percussion is needed to produce the sounds, these instruments are called percussion
instruments. Another category of instruments are string instruments such as the violin, the
cello or the contrabass. The sound is created by making the strings of the instruments
swing. This is done by either the fingers plucking the strings or by rubbing the string with a
bow. The string begins to vibrate and produces a sound. That's why they are called string
instruments. Another category is the keyboard instruments. They are called keyboard
instruments because they are played with a keyboard. The musician hits the keys on the
keyboard and sound is produced when the key hits against the string inside the instrument.
A piano and accordion belong to this category. The mechanism which produces the sound
inside the instrument is different from instrument to instrument. The final category, are the
plucked instruments, like the harp. The player briefly plucks a string and it starts to swing
and produces a sound. It's similar to the string instruments except that the player doesn't
use a bow to play the instrument. What's your favorite instrument? Do you know how to
play one?

Text 4
Thomas sings in a choir and plays in an orchestra. He has a very nice voice and a good
feeling for the rhythm. In the orchestra he plays the guitar. He has been practicing the
guitar since childhood. He practices every week for a few hours and takes classes in a music
school. When he is older, he wants to play in a successful band and perform at concerts.
The orchestra already plays many concerts and even records CDs in a professional studio.
But Thomas would like to compose his own music and write his own lyrics. Therefore he
practices the guitar every day, exercises his voice, writes lyrics and composes melodies for
his songs. Maybe one day you will see his CDs in your local music store!
Social classes
Text 1
In a society social classes exist; known as lower, middle and upper class. People who find
themselves in the lower class of society usually have little money and live in less developed
areas of the city. They have no or limited education. Therefore they only find poorly paid
jobs or are unemployed. If they find a job, then they earn little money. It can be difficult for
them to save money as most of their salary goes on bills and covering monthly costs. A lot
of the time they can't afford a car or to go on vacation. People who are unemployed have
the possibility to apply for unemployment benefit. This means that the state gives money to
those in need to pay for rent and to buy food. Being unemployed can have many negative
effects on a person. They find it difficult to remain part of their community and society and
others presume that they have a choice whether to work or not which is not always the
case. Children in this class can also suffer and can end up in the same situation as their
parents in later life. They go to bad schools, grow up in dangerous neighborhoods and are
surrounded by many pressures growing up. It's a vicious circle and it is very difficult to
break this cycle.
Life in the middle class is better. Many people have a good education; they can develop
their careers by doing an apprenticeship or studying at university to earn a degree or
masters. Usually they work in higher paid jobs and can support themselves and their
families for the future. They are able to go on vacation and to buy luxury items like cars,
computers and such things. They can participate in social life. They can afford to go to the
cinema or eat out in restaurants. Middle class families often have one or even two cars.
They can get a mortgage and pay for a house over many years. They can afford to shop and
have hobbies such as tennis or skiing. The middle class in England and the United States is
the largest class in both societies. People seem happy and content and enjoy their lives.
Children of middle class families have a much better chance of receiving a good education
and thus have the possibility of continuing this kind of life style.
People in the upper class have much more money than they actually need. Their life style is
also much more extravagant because people develop certain standards of living throughout
their life. They have expensive houses, cars and enjoy more expensive hobbies like sailing
and horse riding. It seems they worry less about life and their finances than people in lower
classes. In the end we live in a world where money can buy almost anything.
Text 2
My name is Kevin and my family is poor. I'm 14 years old and I go to school. My parents are
divorced. I don't know where my father lives. He left us a few years ago. I woke up one
morning and he was gone. He didn't even write a farewell-letter and didn't leave an
address at where I could find him or a phone number to contact him. I was very sad.
Actually, I'm still very sad and disappointed. I miss my father a lot. I'm angry, too, that he
has left us behind. I understand that he didn't love my mother anymore and that he didn't
want to be with her anymore. But does that mean that he doesn't love me either? I wonder
about this very often. What did I do wrong? Well, I have tried to move on and accept the
situation as it is. Now there is only my mother and I left. We are very poor. We live in a
small flat in a pretty bad area in the city. It is very dirty and shabby and the houses are very
ugly. Many windows are broken and the walls are full of graffiti. Nobody here has the
money to renovate anything and nobody actually cares how things look, either. It is very
dangerous to go outside at night and I have to be home before it gets dark. My mother is
afraid that something might happen to me. There are many people here who have lost faith
and don't believe there will be any improvement in their living conditions. They can't see
the future; they just see the darkness of the present. Alcohol and drugs are a big problem in
this area. I guess life looks a bit brighter when people can forget about the difficulties of
every day. I try to stay away from these things. But it's difficult. My mother is an alcoholic.
She drinks a lot, but only when I'm not at home or when I'm already asleep. She doesn't
want me to see her drinking. But well, it's hard to hide that you are drunk. But I can't help
her. She lives in a state of self-denial. I'm very diligent and ambitious at school. I still have
hope. I want to believe that with ambition and diligence I will get the chance to leave this
life behind and start a new one. But there are many problems at my school, too. There are
many students who don't think like me. They think that society has forgotten them and
therefore there is no future and no place for them outside of our area. They are angry and
frustrated. They are convinced that they will have the same destiny as their parents,
whether they are ambitious or they are lazy. They seem to be preparing for their future in a
different way or not preparing at all. They appear to be preparing for a life full of anger,
frustration and desperation. But I don't want to accept this fate. I want to be happy and full
of hope. When I'm in town and I see other children from richer families, I see that there is
something else. There is happiness, joy and hope: children whose parents are nice, sober
and happy. It keeps me going because one day I will be at this point, happy, content and full
of joy with my own family. I just need to fight and must not lose my faith in my abilities.
Text 1
Humans are emotional beings. They feel, show, communicate and explain their feelings.
Very often, we can even see the emotions of other individuals in their face or through their
body language. Why does the girl look so angry? The girl looks angry because her brother
has punched her. A brother shouldn't punch his sister. Why does the little girl look so
disappointed? The girl looks disappointed because somebody has stolen her lollipop. She is
very sad. Why does the girl look so happy? The girl looks happy because her volleyball
team has won today's match. She is very happy. She is happy that her team hasn't lost
today. And why does the girl look so grim? The girl looks grim because she wanted a horse
but her parents didn't want to buy her one. She can't understand that there isn't enough
space in her room for a horse. Why does the boy look so satisfied? He looks satisfied
because he has just eaten ice-cream, his favorite ice-cream, chocolate and strawberry. Why
does the girl look so puzzled? The girl looks puzzled because she has a question. She
doesn't understand a problem and is seeking for a solution.

Text 2
Why is the girl surprised? The girl is surprised because she has seen a beautiful picture
painted by her friend. Her friend gave it to her as a present. She didn't know that he was
able to paint such beautiful pictures. Why does the boy look so ill? He looks ill because he
has got the flu. He played for too long outside in the rain yesterday and now he has got the
flu. Why does the boy look so skeptical? He doesn't believe what he has just read in the
book he is reading. He seems to lack any logic. Why does the girl look so tired? The girl
looks tired because she didn't get enough sleep last night. She had nightmares and woke up
many times. Why does the girl look so shy? She looks shy because she has just met a nice
boy and doesn't know what to say. Why does the boy look so scared? The boy looks scared
because he has just seen a ghost.

Text 3
How does the boy look? The boy looks satisfied. Why does he look satisfied? He looks
satisfied because someone gave him a present. He likes the present very much and
therefore he is very satisfied. The girl looks puzzled? It looks like she’s got a question. Why
does she have a question? She doesn’t understand something. She is looking for an answer.
The girl looks very grim. Why does she look so grim? It seems her parents don't want to
fulfill her wish. She can't understand it. Perhaps her parents will change their minds. The
girl looks very happy. Why does she look so happy? She won a competition at school. She
won a price and will travel to France next week for a few days. The other girl looks very
disappointed. Why does she look so disappointed? Her team lost today's match. And she
hates to lose. She would have preferred to win the match. The girl looks very cheeky. Why
does she look cheeky? She is up to no good. She is planning on annoying her brothers.

Text 4
How does the boy look? The boy looks skeptical. Why? His father explained something to
him but he believes his father doesn’t have a clue. How does the girl look? The girl looks
shy. Why does she look shy? She saw a cute boy and doesn't know how to start a
conversation with him. She would like to talk to him but is afraid that he might not want to.
The girl looks ill? Why does she look ill? She looks ill because she has got diarrhea. She has
got fever, a cough and a cold. The girl should go and see a doctor. She needs medication.
The other girl looks very scared. She looks so scared because she believes that there are
monsters under her bed. That's why she is hiding underneath the blanket. And why does
the boy look so tired? He looks tired because he couldn't sleep last night. He has an exam
today and didn't study for it. Now he is afraid of getting a low grade. The girl over there
looks very surprised. Why does she look so surprised? Her father gave her a dog which was
a very nice surprise for her.
Animals and their habitats
Text 1
The polar bear lives in the Arctic. In the arctic there is a lot of snow and ice. The polar bear
has thick fur and a thick layer of fat which protects them from the cold. The fat layer can be
up to 10cm thick! Polar bears can survive in the most extreme conditions. Temperatures in
the Arctic can reach as low as minus 40 degrees, there is a lot of snowfall and an icy wind
blows most of the year round. Evolution equipped the polar bear with the capability to
survive this difficult climate. A polar bear can grow up to 3.4 meters tall and can weigh up
to 800 kilogram but on average they grow to about 2.6 meters and weigh approximately
500 kilograms. They live to an age of between 25 to 30 years. They feed on seals and fish.
The polar bear waits by holes which occur in the ice, created by the wind and sea current.
Seals come out of these holes because they need to breathe and at that moment the polar
bear catches the seal and kills it. Polar bears live alone. Only the mothers live for a while
alongside their children. The polar bear is an endangered species. Their number is steadily
decreasing because of climate change. Snow and ice is melting because of global warming
which results in the natural habitat of the polar bear being destroyed. If this continues,
sadly it is suggested that the polar bear may be extinct by the end of the century.

Text 2
The fox is a very interesting animal that lives in many different climate zones. Many people
believe that a fox is typically red and lives in the forest. Yet, there are many different kinds
of fox which also live in deserts and cold and snowy regions. The fox is related to the dog
and yet exists as a separate species. The most common and widespread fox is the red fox.
They live in very cold regions as well as in tropical regions. They can be found in cities, too.
They hide during the day and leave their hideouts at night to find food. Foxes can grow up
to a size of a small dog, within 60 to 70 cm. They eat almost anything they find: fruit, insects
such as bugs and earthworms, as well as rats, mice and poultry. A fox living in the wild can
live up to 10 years. Foxes live alone and in groups, called an earth. An earth of fax can
display a very complex social behavior. Foxes are often hunted in many countries. Some
people treat the hunt as a sport which can be very controversial and therefore can cause
frequent conflicts between hunters and animal rights activists. People also breed foxes for
their fur. However, wearing clothes made of fur isn't so popular anymore and many people
speak out against the killing of animals and the use of its fur for fashion. The fox also plays a
very important role in mythology. There are many stories, tales and fables which depict the
fox as either a smart, dumb, good or bad animal.

Text 3
In Africa, Latin America and Asia many interesting and big cats, for example, lions, tigers,
leopards and jaguars exist. They are much bigger than domestic cats; the cat kept as pets at
home. The tiger is the biggest of the cats and the lion the second biggest. The lion can grow
up to a height of 2.5 meters and can weigh up to 190 kilogram. Lions have short, sand
colored fur. The male lion has a mane which is a crown of hair around the head of the lion.
A long mane is a sign that the lion is healthy and well fed. Lions live in Africa and Asia. In
former times they also lived in Western Europe but today they are extinct there. The lion is
an endangered species. Its survival is threatened by diseases and by humans. Humans
destroy its habitats and hunt it for its fur or because they see it as a threat. Many cats are
solitary animals but lions live in groups which are called prides. A pride has an alpha-male
which leads it. The male lions fight for this position. The lioness, the female lion, hunts at
night and they are able to kill large animals because they hunt in groups and use different
tactics such as circling their target and attacking quickly. They hunt young elephants,
giraffes and hippos. But they also hunt zebras, antelopes and gazelles. The lion is an
important animal in African mythology. A very well-known example is the head of the
legendary Sphinx of Gizeh in Egypt.

Text 4
Parrots are very colorful birds. They are found on all continents except Europe. In Europe
they are kept as pets in captivity. Parrots are marvelous climbers and of course they can fly.
They live in flocks. A flock can comprise of a huge number of individuals. Parrots are social
animals. They enjoy having company. Therefore they shouldn't live alone and should have
at least one companion. Parrots are able to build nests. There they lay their eggs and breed.
They feed on many different things. Their beaks are perfect for opening hard nuts and
seeds. They also love ripe fruits and berries. They like blossoms, bark and roots. Parrots are
seen as very intelligent animals. They have a good memory and can learn how to speak and
imitate the human voice. They can memorize many different words. They don't just repeat
words but they can use them in the correct context. A large number of parrots are
endangered. 50% of these beautiful birds are endangered and 25% are critically
endangered. Man has destroyed their habitats and endangered their survival through
hunting, trade and the sale of these colorful, intelligent animals.

Text 5
Monkeys and apes are species which are biologically very close to us. Man stems from the
ape: is a common belief. It is fascinating to observe monkeys and apes. Apes are especially
interesting to us. They are mainly found today in Southeast Asia and Africa. There are many
different species, for example orangutans, chimpanzees and gorillas. Orangutans have a
reddish fur, chimpanzees and gorillas have black fur. The weight of gorillas ranges from 25
kg to 200 kg. Apes can be found on the ground or climbing in trees. They are diurnal and
sleep at night. They set up nests for the night which they use as beds. They also enjoy a
quick nap in the afternoon. Orangutans mostly live alone whereas gorillas and chimpanzees
tend to live in larger groups. Apes are pretty intelligent and have a very complex social
behavior. They have a good memory and can remember the past, i.e. they have a notion of
time. Their diet consists mainly of fruit and leaves but they are also capable of digesting
meat. Apes are used for medical research because they have many similarities to humans.
This is a very controversial point and in many countries such as Japan, the Netherlands,
Austria and Great Britain, it is forbidden by law to experiment on apes. All species of apes
are endangered because humans are destroying their habitats or keeping them captive as
pets. They also hunt them for their meat or to sell them for scientific research. This is
actually illegal by the Washington Convention for the protection of endangered species.
Nevertheless hunters continue to hunt and kill apes and thus the number of apes is steadily
Importance of language
Text 1
Learning a language is very important: that's what parents tell their children from a very
young age. When the child comes home from school with a bad grade in language, they are
most likely to hear the same advice from their parents: “Languages are important for your
future. If you don't speak a second language, you won’t find a good job later.” Are languages
really this important? Why should somebody learn another language? Which are the
reasons? What do you gain with a second language? There are obviously no disadvantages
if someone learns a new language. Or did you ever hear someone say: “Don't study too
much Spanish, son. What good is it speaking and learning another language? Of course not!
But what are the advantages of learning a new language? What else can you tell your
children other than the same boring argument about jobs, money and their future?
It is of course true that languages are important for one’s career. Many companies work on
an international level today and need employees who are able to operate in international
markets. How could an English company work with a Mexican company if nobody spoke
each other’s language? How would they communicate? I guess you see the point. But is this
a valid argument for a 12 year old student? Correct me if I'm wrong but I doubt it. The
student may be a long way away from international markets and business. They may
simply think that there are plenty of jobs in the domestic industry so that there is no need
for any further efforts in language learning. Maybe the job-argument isn't the best way.
Why not try to focus on the fun side of learning a language and not always on its uses?
Languages are so much fun! It can take some time before you can use a new language
fluently but there are so many possibilities to learn with your child in a fun environment.
Try to make it a habit to use a foreign language at home. Why not start with simple words
around the house or phrases like “I would like an apple. Could you give me an apple?” and
maybe in a few days: “Quiero una manzana. Me das una manzana?” You see it's actually
pretty simple to get started. Wake up the curiosity in your child. Watch simple videos
together, the Internet is full of suitable content to help children pick up a new language.
And keep up with what your child is learning at school. Get to know the new words and the
grammar structures your child is learning at school and practice them together at home.
Incorporate them in your daily routines. Encourage your child to use them as often as
possible because only through the application and practice of the language will the child
see its benefits and enjoy the learning experience. This may be something new and strange
at the beginning but I guarantee that in the long run both of you will enjoy it and benefit
from it. There are many ways to learn a language and learning in context will show the
importance and fun of it.

Text 2
What's the benefit of learning a second language? Learning a language can be a big
investment. It takes time and costs money. It’s possible to speak with certain fluency after
six months and a lot of dedication but for most learners it can take longer. Learning a
language takes many hours of study, practicing new vocabulary and applying language in
Time is money and a good language teacher wants to make some money, too. You must
think carefully about how dedicated you are to this. Are you willing to invest time and
money for a certain amount of time? Or is it just a spontaneous idea that you will give up on
your studies at the first chance if things are not working out? Are you willing to pay for a
teacher or would you rather spend your money on something else?
It's very common to start with a language class and within 3 months lose interest and the
discipline to study. It means you lose money, and the time you have invested in that short
time seems wasted because everything you have learned over the three months will be
forgotten very quickly. It's imperative to reach a certain level in order to avoid the loss of
the knowledge. It's pretty logical: If you don't use what you have learned, you start to forget
it. If you start to learn a language you have to reach a level which gives you the confidence
to use the language in your every day and to make the language part of your life. You need
to be able to create a circle of learning and remembering. It means that you reach a level
where you can read books and newspapers, watch films and video clips and listen to music.
By doing these things, you make it a habit, you are less likely to forget and instead you start
to build on your existing knowledge.
Many people just see the economic benefits of learning a language. They believe that they
will make more money or get a better job when they speak a second language. This may be
the case one day. But you won't get to the point of speaking a language if this is your sole
motivation. Thankfully, languages offer much more than just a higher salary. A language
opens doors. What does this mean? When you learn a new language, you start to dedicate
time to vocabulary and grammar but also to the country, its culture and its people. After all,
you will end up being immersed in a new country and it opens your eyes to new things. The
books, the movies and the music you use for your studies come from another country and
include ideas, philosophies and views of its people. You can see it like looking over another
person's fence and getting a glance at their life. If you are really serious about learning a
new language you also will try to find somebody who can speak with you in that language.
And you may even travel to the country to learn more about it and apply the language. You
might even end up living abroad or at least doing business there. You see how far we have
come? It's not about a higher salary anymore but about changing parts of your life and
therefore your future. Now this sounds like real motivation! Take the chance, learn a
language and shape a new future!
Working world
Text 1
After many years in school, you finally graduate and the next step is to get a job and
become part of the working world. What is the working world? This is where people work
to support themselves and their family. First of all, you have to find a job. Browse through
the daily or weekly job offers on local and national newspapers, search job sites on the
Internet. and register with employment agencies as they will help find a suitable job for
you. It is a full time job to find a job and remember you will be working every day so make
sure you enjoy what you do! Once you have found a job that interests you, what do you do?
You must create a resume. The resume gives information about who you are, what
qualifications you have, your skills and your achievements and hobbies. First you offer
some general information: name, address, and marital status, date of birth, phone number
and email. Then you give an overview of your qualifications and achievements, for example
where you went to university, your academic degree and your specialization. It's also good
to attach a cover letter or letter of motivation which should give an insight into your
personal motivation as to why you want to work for the company. Why are you the
interested in working with the company? How do you see yourself benefiting the
company’s goals? What would the company gain from employing you? Always ask someone
to look over your resume for any errors or for more input. When you are satisfied with it
send it to the company and wait for a reply. If the company likes your application and feels
you are a suitable candidate, they will invite you to an interview. At the interview they will
ask you many different questions as the interviewer wants to make sure they are hiring the
best candidate for the job. You must prepare for the interview. Ask those who are already
working and research questions they were asked. And there are websites which help
prepare people for their first job interview. In addition you should think about what you
shouldn't say and what information you don’t need to share at the interview. Take your
time and think about the question you are being asked as a lot depends on how the
recruiter interprets your answers and perceives your personality and your skills. So be
yourself and professional so that you give the best of yourself. Ensure you give an honest
impression of who you are. Then you have to wait again for a reply. If you receive the job
offer, congratulations! But if you are not successful, don't be too sad. Everyone receives
knock-backs but it is important to learn from the experience and try again the next time.
You can contact the interviewer for feedback which will help you develop your interview
skills for the next opportunity. It's nothing personal, it's just how the working world works.
Just try again and the next time you surely will have more luck!
Text 2
So you have found a job and you are very happy. For some it is the job they have always
wanted. For most it is not always their dream job but a start in the working world. It is an
opportunity to earn some money. A contact is signed before you get down to business full
of motivation and determination.
The first day at the new job can be very exciting and scary. Everything is new: you have
new colleagues, a new office and many new tasks. But reality hits and the situation feels a
bit daunting. There is a lot to take in at the beginning. You must figure out how things are
done in the office and how to prioritize your tasks. It’s also important to get to know your
colleagues as they will offer support if things feel too much. At the beginning time goes by
very quickly as you have so much to do and you want to do the best job and make the best
impression you can, even if that means working over-time. After some time you develop a
routine and you become more familiar with how the office runs. You feel more confident.
You look forward to your first pay-check at the end of the month because now you can treat
yourself for a job well done. Once you have learned what you can in your first job you may
be eager to look for a new challenge or decide to stay with the same employers and further
your career with them.

Text 3
Some people prefer to start their own business instead of working for a company. As a self-
employed person you are your own boss but building a client list falls on you. It can be
more difficult to separate your work and home life, when to take a day off or when to plan a
vacation. Sometimes work can take over as there is always something to be done. But the
pleasure comes from the fact that you have control over decisions made. There is a sense of
freedom and accomplishment but also a pressure that things have to work out as there is
no one to fall back on, hence there is a percentage of risk involved in running your own
company. Self-employed people believe in themselves and their ideas and have to be
extremely organized for things such as their projects, their money, their pension and
insurances. This is sometimes really cumbersome but can also be very exciting and
Text 1
QaQ: Good evening, ladies and gentleman, welcome to “Questions and Questions”, your TV-
program for those really important questions for your favorite celebrities. Today we have
the pleasure in speaking to the world-renowned actor and singer Mad Hit. Welcome Mad!
Mad: Thank you, I'm very happy to be here.
QaQ: You have just come from the studio where you are shooting your new movie. What
can you tell us about it? Are there any interesting things happening that you would like
share with our listeners?
Mad: The movie is going to be pretty great; otherwise I wouldn't be making it!!! Who likes
to make bad films? This movie is about a young married couple who aren’t very happy with
their life in the big city anymore and therefore move to a farm in the countryside. For
typical townsfolk, as these two are, this of course is an enormous challenge and they come
across one catastrophe after another. Often this is not only funny but also pretty tragic.
QaQ: This sounds like an interesting topic. Can you see yourself in a situation like this? Did
you ever think about saying good bye to your life in the city and replace it for a quieter life?
Or are you the kind of guy who loves the city and everything it has to offer?
Mad: Of course there are those moments in which I say to myself: What about a change?
Wouldn't you prefer to do something else? Wouldn't you prefer a quieter life? Breed cattle
on a farm for example. But would that really make me happy? I'm not that sure. Everything
in life has its good and bad, rarely there is only all bad. Of course many people and things
that I encounter on a daily basis play on my nerves but then I think, ‘would this be any
different on my farm’? The movie's main character arrives at a point in his life as he
watches a video of a crossroads on YouTube because he can't stand the quietness of the
countryside anymore. The reasons why you are not satisfied or are annoyed only change,
but they don't disappear without dealing with them.
QaQ: This is an exciting topic, I think. What does being happy mean to you? Or more
precisely: Where and how do you find happiness? What do you think about it?
Mad: Can you really find happiness? I rather don't think so. I can find coffee in a coffee bar
or a book in a library. But where do I find happiness? By winning the lottery? No, I think the
question is not where or how one finds happiness but rather ‘am I able to see something
positive in my situation’? ‘Am I able to be myself, realize my ideas and dreams and live my
life’? I think that when one is able to answer yes to this question, then is very likely that
they are already happy. It’s important for everyone to find their own way and follow their
dreams. Happiness and satisfaction are on the way. This is also what the married couple
learn during their adventures in the countryside. It is not important where you are but how
you contemplate life and develop yourself.
QaQ: This sounds like it is going to be a comedy with depth: something to laugh about but
also something to think about? After all, often comedies are made more for entertainment
rather than to get the viewer thinking.
Mad: I don’t see any problem with a film being superficially funny but also offering
something to think about. Many people believe that learning and thinking has to be
cumbersome, like they remember it from school. Learning is boring, difficult and tiring.
People have lost their interest and curiosity. They can’t see the wonders of this world
anymore. And one of our great capabilities is how we can question things. We believe that
through humor we can wake up the interest and the curiosity of the audience, from where
they can be more aware of the questions the movie poses. Those who are uninterested
rarely ask questions. We generally have to ask ourselves, how can we wake up the curiosity
in people? One possibility is through humor or fun in general. A good method, I think.
QaQ: This is surely true. Unfortunately our time is almost up. Thank you for the exciting
interview and I'm already looking forward to your movie. When will it be released to
Mad: I believe at the end of the year. The movie will be released to cinemas end of
November or beginning of December. Thank you for the chat and see you in the cinema!

Text 2
Today we had a very interesting interview with Mad Hit who spoke about his upcoming
movie. For those of you who missed the interview, here is a short summary:
When asked about his new movie, Mad Hit had some interesting answers. He believes that
the movie is going to be very good, naturally, or else he couldn’t be involved in the making
of it. The movie tells the story of a young married couple which can’t stand their life in the
city anymore and therefore move to the countryside. This brings its own challenges for the
couple. Mad Hit tells how it is advertised as a comedy but there is a twist the story as
tragedy strikes. On a personal level Mad Hit has had moments in which he thought about
moving to the countryside, but believes there are advantages and disadvantages of living in
the city and the country. This is something the main characters would learn this in the
movie, too. When asked what happiness means to him. Mad Hit feels that happiness can be
found within oneself and how it is important for everyone to realize their own dreams and
ideas and live their own life. In his eyes it isn’t important where one is but how one
contemplates life. Finally we asked him if a movie with comedy which leaves the audience
with some questions would work. Mad Hit talked about how people have lost their sense of
curiosity and interest in things and he feels that humor helps to put them as ease in order
to question things happening around them. It’s a story most people can relate too and so it
opens their interest in the situation. They put themselves in place of the actors and it gets
them curious as to how things could work out or how life could be different.
His new movie will be released to cinemas at the end of the year and we are very excited to
find out whether the mixture of humor and depth will wake up the curiosity within us.
Thank you for reading, see you soon and good bye!
Text 1
In most parts of the world children don’t work and earn money. But they do receive pocket
money. A child in England receives an average of approximately £25 per month. Money is a
popular present to give. Parents, grandparents and other relatives give about £64 per year
to their grandchildren, nieces or nephews, for birthdays and Christmas. Many parents also
use money to motivate their children to be more diligent in school. Children spend their
money on sweets, magazines, comics, ice-cream and toys.
Almost 6million children live in England. This number is very interesting for companies
targeting children. They want to appeal to children from a young age so they are likely to
remain loyal customers throughout their teenage years and even throughout their life. It's a
gigantic market in which companies can earn a lot of money. Companies have to follow
some rules when advertising to children in that they cannot directly ask children to buy
their product. Instead they use colorful and fun visuals that show the child how amazing
the product is. They use marketing strategies to draw the child in to want the product. And
after all this is the function of the commercial. It inspires desires in the customer.
Furthermore many companies go down the route of “sponsorship”. They go to schools or
sports clubs and sponsor them, offering different items such as t-shirts, food, class trips and
other things.

Text 2
The consumer behavior of children and teenagers can't be compared with that of adults.
The consumption of children and adolescents often serves as a status symbol. They buy
products to help their image which the young people develop and cultivate. Teenagers
want to be accepted and respected. They want to be something special. They need the most
up-to-date mobile phone, the most expensive branded clothing and of course they eat at
McDonald's and drink coffee at Starbucks. Needless to say, this consumer behavior can be
very expensive for most. Usually this is the responsibility of the parents as many teenagers
don’t have a regular income to support their spending. This becomes a burden for many
families who can’t always afford to give their children what they want. This can lead to
problems within the family and can lead to the children feeling frustrated and annoyed
because they don’t always understand why they can’t keep up with the latest fashion or
gadgets. They feel isolated in school and not part of the community. But is it right to give
teenagers and children everything they want? Or should the child learn that there are more
important things in life? How can we help teach children life lessons when they have to
deal with peer and many other types of pressures? What can one do?

Text 3
Do we really know where the food we eat comes from? Everything we need is sitting in the
supermarket waiting to be bought. In the past we were more informed about where our
meat or fruit came from. Most likely it was from a local farm or nearby town. The older
generation may be more conscious of the food they are buying as they probably a huge
change in the quality of the products they buy today. They can tell the difference between
that apple which has been just picked and the one which has been stored for a number of
days and injected with chemicals. At the market they see the perfect, round, green apples
for 2.50 € and the wild, not so perfect apples for 1€. The vendor says that it is difficult to
sell the wild apples because they don't look that pretty, yet they taste a lot better as he tries
to explain over and over again. The customer wants products that are perfect and
esthetically pleasing. It's also bad for the cycle of nature. Less and less types are being
cultivated due to demand. Other types get lost forever. But we can change this. We have a
responsibility as consumers to change. This means that we need to demand more
sustainable consumption and production. What is sustainable consumption? Sustainable
consumption means the use of goods and services that bring about a better quality of life
resulting in a lower level of pollution or negative effects on the environment.
For instance, a person should try and buy vegetables, fruits and meat locally and in season.
This will prevent overuse of land and production of food in an unnatural way. Also we
should ask ourselves: what is a fair price for these good products. The farmers should also
earn money. Those who are always trying to save a penny, harms themselves in the end.
What can you do?

Text 4
Son: Dad, I need money for school. Could you give me £50 please?
Father: You need £50 for school? Why do you need so much money? Is your class going on
an excursion? What costs so much money?
Son: No, dad. I actually need a new pair of trousers for school because my old trousers
aren't cool anymore. All the other children have new trousers, except for me. They tease me
and say that we can’t afford new trousers. And they don't want to play with me anymore.
I'm always alone at school.
Father: Really? These children aren't very good friends if they don't want to play with you
because of your trousers. A real friend will like you for the person you are not because of
the price of your trousers. Maybe you will need more than 1 pair of trousers?
Son: One pair is enough. Then I'll be able to play with my friends again. I'm all alone at
school at the moment. Nobody wants to play with me. I just need one cool pair of trousers,
nothing else.
Father: Son, you can't put on the same trousers every day. How will that work? On
Monday, Wednesday and Friday you are cool and on Tuesday and Thursday you are not?
Son: I can wear the trousers from Monday to Friday and at the weekend I’ll wash them. I
know that £50 is a lot of money but I need a cool pair of trousers for school.
Father: Listen. I want you to understand what is important here. If the other children don't
want to play with you because you don't have the right trousers, they are not really your
friends. I want you to understand that. The children in your class should like you because
you are a nice person, because you are honest and helpful and because you are smart and
diligent. You understand?
Son: Yes, dad. I understand that. And I think that you are right. But nevertheless I'm alone
at school and nobody wants to play with me. What shall I do? I don't want to be alone.
Father: If you have understood the lesson, we can go shopping now. Where do we buy
these cool trousers? And I believe that this month I have enough money for two pairs. Then
you can be cool the whole week. But don't forget: Others should like because you are an
amazing person, not because you are wearing an expensive pair of trousers. OK?
Text 1
What is technology? Technology is the creation of objects by humans with the use of
scientific knowledge. The goal of technology is to make life easier and help humans in their
daily lives. Objects like the alarm clock, the phone, the computer, the bike or the car are
used by humans every day. It’s hard to imagine life with these things in our lives. Machines
and devices can improve life and make it easier. The tractor helps the farmer to work more
effectively and safely. In the past the farmer had to do much of their work by horse and
could only yield a small amount of food, whereas today machines have increased the
amount of work done in 1 day and so has increased the amount of food produced to feed
more people. With the car people can travel from one city to another in a faster time and
transport goods around the world. A person can speak whenever they want to friends and
family. The computer helps people with their work. Many tasks can be performed faster
and more efficiently. Photocopy machines have allowed books to be printed in large
numbers instead of by hand as was the case in the past. Due to mass production books
became cheaper and more available. In the past only a small number of books were
published and so were only available to a small number of people. Unfortunately there are
also negative consequences to this growth in technology. It can have huge negative effects
on the environment, accidents are more frequent and war is more strategic. There are
consequences to technology which create new problems which people have to find a

Text 2
The telephone is a very important and interesting invention. Can you imagine not being
able to simply pick up your phone and call your friends or family? The invention of the
telephone did not happen overnight. Many inventors tried to transmit sound through a
conductor. In the 18th century people used to laugh at the idea of creating a telephone. They
couldn't imagine the benefits a telephone could have. A few decades later the teacher of
mathematics and physics, Philipp Reis, experimented with his “Sausage-skin-telephone”.
He had built himself a laboratory in a barn and conducted his research in this laboratory.
His aim was to transmit sound with his invention. He built a receiver on which he stretched
sausage-skin in order to resemble a human ear. To this he connected a spring attached to a
battery. He was successful in transmitting sound in one direction only and producing sound
but it wasn’t very clear. As a result nobody was interested in his invention. Another
inventor was Graham Bell. He invented the first electronic speech telephone. Thanks to him
and his invention the telephone became popular. Many other inventors tried to benefit
from his success. He had to fight many times in court because other inventors claimed that
Bell had stolen their inventions. But Bell won every time and is recognized as the inventor
of the telephone. Another important name is Thomas Edison. He invented the telephone as
we know it today. He invented the microphone which was necessary to transmit sound
such as the voice through the telephone. This microphone was used until 1980 in old

Text 3
An automobile, or auto for short, is a motor vehicle with 4 wheels, an engine which can
transport people and goods. A motor vehicle is a vehicle with a motor or engine that allows
it to move. In the year 2010 there were 1 billion motor vehicles in the whole world. Every
year around 80 million new vehicles are built due to the incredible efforts of its inventor
Carl Benz. He built a combustion engine inside which gasoline could be lit in order to
generate energy. With this generated energy the car was able to move. His car created a lot
of attention and Carl Benz became very famous. The car took the place of the animals that
were used for pulling carts or wagons. The car was certainly more efficient and faster; it
didn't need to stop for a rest and could cover longer distances in a much shorter time. The
automobile had changed people’s lives significantly. It gave people the freedom to travel
further than they had ever before. The world has become smaller because of the car. One
can only imagine that in former times a distance of 50 km was considered a day trip
whereas today this journey takes less than an hour. People were now flexible and mobile.
Furthermore the vehicle opened up the possibility of transporting large objects from one
country to another. With all these new possibilities came disadvantages too. For instance,
every year many people die in car accidents or suffer severe injuries. Moreover, emissions
cause huge damage to the environment adding to the effect of climate change. Today, many
smart people and big companies are researching new engines which can run on electricity
and hydrogen, for example. The car is important for modern life but it is important that an
alternative to gasoline can be found. Man needs technology but also has to protect the
Text 4
The printing press as we know it today was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15 th
century. But there already existed a similar machine from the 8th century in Asia. They used
wooden boards on which letters had been carved. The boards were covered with paint and
then were pressed onto paper. Johannes Gutenberg invented a machine which could print
single letters. The letters were made of metal and were arranged to prepare the text which
could be printed many times. The development of this way of printing was very important.
It opened up the world for so many more people by lowering the cost of books and making
books more available and created a democratization of information and knowledge. This
meant that more people had the possibility to buy a book and to read. The first book which
was printed in a big quantity was the bible. The invention of printing counts as one of the
most important and most significant inventions of mankind. People learned how to read
and this in turn started an educational revolution which changed the thinking and lives of
people for the better.
Climate Change
Text 1
Climate change is one of the most important topic and problem of our time. Therefore it is
important that we read up on climate change, its causes and consequences and become
aware of what is happening.
First we have to understand what climate actually is. Climate is the weather over a long
period of time in a particular area. The climate of an area can be determined by looking at
different areas such as temperature, humidity and precipitation over a long period. One
example is if the weather is mostly hot, sunny and dry but with wetter winters, then the
climate is considered a Mediterranean climate. Not every day displays the same weather
patterns but generally the weather will be hot, sunny and dry.
In the last few decades climate change has become a very significant topic. This is the long-
term change in the planet’s weather patterns or average temperatures due to rising levels
of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere, causing wide-ranging impacts such as
extreme storms and frequent flooding. For example in some parts of the world closer to the
south, the temperatures are rising and the wet periods are shorter. This impacts farmers as
they are unable to harvest crops from the drought and look after their livestock which in
turn yields less food for consumption. This can have negative effects on people’s health too.
In colder countries changes in the climate have also been evident. For instance, in Germany,
Austria and Switzerland there has been a drop in the level of snow recorded. The climate is
much wetter and this has caused flooding to occur more often which affects the land and
caused huge damage to homes and crops. In addition the water in the ocean rises. That
means that cities which lie close to the coast may disappear one day. And of course climate
change is a big threat to many animal species. The animals lose their habitats and if they
don't find a new habitat they die out.
What are the causes of climate change? The climate change is triggered through
greenhouse gases. These are dangerous emissions, like carbon dioxide, which are
generated through the combustion of gases from cars, airplanes, factories and houses, for
example. But also gases like methane are a problem produced by cattle. Normally the earth
reflects the sun rays and prevents the earth from getting too warm. The greenhouse gases
in the air impede this and these gases remain in higher numbers in the atmosphere.
Thereby the atmosphere gets warmer, it heats up. The principle is similar to that of a
greenhouse. The earth gets warmer and that can have catastrophic consequences. We have
to stop climate change.
Text 2
If we want to stop climate change, we have to start at home. What can you do?
1. Change your electricity supplier: Look for a supplier which offers you green or more
environmentally friendly electricity. Green electricity is electricity which is produced with
renewable energies, such as solar power, wind power, ground heat and organic waste.
2. Use a bike: Leave the car at home and use your bike. That is good for your health and
good for the environment. If your work place is too far away, take the bus or the train or
ask your friends and colleagues and car-pool.
3. Eat less meat: Most of us eat far too much meat. Eat less and pay heed to quality. Try to
eat good quality local meat at least once a week
4. Fly less (especially over short distances): Flights are very bad for the environment.
Unfortunately it has become ‘en vogue’ to travel even short distances by plane. Use the bus
or the train!
5. Turn down the heat: You don't have to sit in the cold but if you turn down the heating by
only 1 degree, you can save a lot of energy. Put on a jumper which is cozier and better for
the environment.
6. Buy local organic products: Buy meat, fruit and vegetables from local and national
farmers. It is the madness of the modern world that our vegetables are imported from
farms 3000 km away. In addition you help the people in your region. Your money stays in
the region, you eat rich products and you help the environment.
Of course you can do much more! Read on and do something to help the environment! Start

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