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Indonesian Gold Generation 2045 : Ready to become a dominating country in the world!

"Habitual despotism in every condition becomes an obstacle that hinders human progress" (John Stuart

The main problem that exist in this nation is the justification of habits that hinder the progress of the
country's development. Once I heard this sentence I’ve just realized that I did nothing to my country
except repeating habits. Salman Khan in his book The One World Schoolhouse stated that habits and
institution is fated. So that-he added-this this thinking leads to habits and systems that have existed
survived even when it is clearly enough that all of them are no longer able to work properly. This
nation’s community need to change. The youth of this country need to involved in a big project of
change to welcome the prediction-Indonesian Gold Generation 2045.

21st century brought us many challenges. Nowadays, the generation live in challenges. Those are
included the sustainable development goals for this country have to be well prepared. Education is one
of the important factors in determining a country's sustainable development. the whole talk about education is
fairly healthy when it emphasizes the importance of education in a world that is full of competition and
connected to one another. The problem is that this has not been translated into a formula for quality
improvement. Actions taken are usually directed towards government policies that tend to be detrimental. So
here, education become a problem in welcoming Indonesia Gold Generation 2045.
Why education should be a focus in determining a country’s sustainable development? Through a well
prepared education we will prepared a ready generation to compete and welcome the challenges. A further big
question is will the potential of the younger generation be absorbed or channeled in the wrong direction
because the state does not provide the field or opportunity for them to grow the economy? The position of
leadership will continue to increase if we are always prepared and stimulated new ideas that are educated.
I agree that we all take part in education. Who knows where a genius was born and grew? We won’t ever let
young generation or even children get rid from a world class education as long as we have a big vision and full
of brave to conduct with the support of human resource and technology. Indonesia will be a domination in
every field if the gold generation well prepared to live in big challenges. We can always start from the smallest
even as analyzing the needs of generations in the environment around us. Continues on creating a good answer
to the generation’s need and always be open minded in every single problem that we will face through the

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