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Profesor: Dănila Nicoleta

Şcoala cu clasele I-VIII Răstoaca, Vrancea

 Squirrel
 Hen
 Gorilla
 Fox
 Bear
 Cat
 Mouse
 Butterfly
 Bunny

Costume adecvate fiecărui animal interpretat.

(Puteţi adapta lista de “personaje” în funcţie de costumele pe

care le aveţi sau, de ce nu, în funcţie de talentul copiilor)

 Squirrel:

“Hello, everybody. I’m a very cute

animal and I love eating nuts. Mm...
they’re very delicious...

Now, what am I?”

Whole group (pointing to the squirrel):
“You’re a squirrel. That’s what you are.”
 Hen:

“Hi! I live in your yard. I lay fresh eggs

every day and I take care of my little
chicks. Nobody can touch them!

Now, what am I?”

Whole group (pointing to the hen):

“You’re a hen. That’s what you are.”

 Gorilla :

“Hello. I’m a very clever animal

and I live
in Africa. I love swinging through
trees and I love bananas, too...

Now, what am I?”

Whole group (pointing to the gorilla):

“You’re a gorilla. That’s what you are.”

 Fox :

“Hi! Have you got any chicks or maybe

some fish because I’m starving... I live in the
forest, together with my friend, the bear...
Hi-hi-hi... I am very clever and very
cunning, too.

Now, what am I?”

Whole group (pointing to the fox):
“You’re a fox. That’s what you are.”

 Bear :

“Hello! My name is Teddy. I live in the

forest, too and I love forest fruit... In
winter I sleep all day long.

Now, what am I?”

Whole group (pointing to the bear):

“You’re a bear. That’s what you are.”

 Cat :

“Meow! My name is Kitty. I like purring all

day long and chasing naughty mice. They are

Now, what am I?”

Whole group (pointing to the cat):

“You’re a cat. That’s what you are.”

 Mouse :

“Hello! Have you got any cheese because I

like it very much. It’s my favorite. Even if
I’m so little, I’ve got lots of enemies: cats.

Now, what am I?”

Whole group (pointing to the mouse):
“You’re a mouse. That’s what you are.”

 Butterfly :

“I am beautiful and very, very colorful. I

bring joy wherever I go. Everybody likes

Now, what am I?”

Whole group (pointing to the butterfly):

“You’re a butterfly. That’s what you are.”

 Bunny :

“Hi! I’m the one that brings Easter to

you all. I have very long ears and I’m
always so very frightened...

Now, what am I?

Whole group (pointing to the bunny):

“You’re a bunny. That’s what you are.”

Puteţi încheia cu Old MacDonald... sau un alt cântecel

cu/despre animale.

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