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Sydney Whitehurst

AEC 3413

Personal Leadership Learning Statement

Part 1A: Leadership Learning Statement

As a leader, I aspire to encourage others. Encouraging others creates healthy challenges

and growth. I want those around me to be motivated and ready to expand outside of their comfort

zones. I allow my followers to be anxious about new beginnings, but find comfort in knowing

their potential. I want my followers to continue building their expertise and never stop pushing

themselves to take new risks. I hope those around me know I believe in them and always want

them to strive for growth in themselves.

Part 2A: Leadership Learning Statement Explanation

As a young leader, I felt empowered but also very anxious when it came to new

challenges and roles. I held roles in my local FFA chapters, but never branched out to serve in

higher positions. My anxiety to serve in bigger roles held me back from my biggest potentials. I

regret not pushing myself out of comfort zones, and applying myself to more roles in FFA. With

that being said, I now encourage others to push their limits and challenge themselves to be better.

I had many important people in my life encourage me to go outside of my comfort zones, but I

needed them to push me farther. Now that I have been in college for two years, I just started

pushing myself out of my comfort zone and it has led me to some of the most rewarding

positions and people that will most likely play a huge part in my future. Because of my

experiences, I now want to challenge my followers to take the steps I was too afraid to.
Many people that I have encouraged in the past are also scared to expand out of their

comfort zones, but I try my best to advise them that it will be worth it. Growth occurs outside of

the comfort zones, and I fully believe that after my past two years on college. Encouraging others

to develop their potential and grow is one of my favorite things to do. I love seeing my followers

achieve the goals I had in high school. I love seeing my followers achieve goals I wish I would

have completed in high school. Leadership is not about competition; it is about building others to

be better than yourself.

Part 2A: Followership Learning Statement

As a follower, I strive to listen carefully and uphold what is asked of me. I am very

conscious of what others think of me, so I am cautious to uphold myself in the most respectful

manner. I do not take others meaningful advice with a grain of salt; I analyze it and take it to

heart. As a very analytical person, I think about how my leader is developing my potential to the

greatest it can be and I do my best to follow it accordingly.

Part 2B: Followership Learning Statement Explanation

When contrasting myself between being a leader and a follower, I see myself best fit as a

follower in more situations. While I love being a leader in the right moments, I am more likely to

be a follower to avoid any complications. I do not like controversy, so I like to be a follower.

Confrontations make me anxious and I strive to avoid them at all costs, if necessary. As a

follower, I feel like I can avoid causing problems leaders face. When I am in the follower

position, I do not take advice lightly. I am very analytical and emotional, so I like to get advice

from leaders. As a follower, I usually learn more as well. I love to learn and I want to continue to

grow as a person, so being a follower allows me to do that.

However, I have experienced negative leader-follower relationships. As a leader and

follower, there are boundaries and limits. Leaders should be in their position to help build up

their followers, not break them down. As a follower, I analyze the intentions of my leader. I want

my leader to be leading me in a positive direction, so it is important for me to not be misled. If I

am in a situation where I am being misled, I will stand up for myself in a respective manner. I do

not like confrontation, but I will not be manipulated.

Part 3: Leadership Concept Map

Be an Example Listener

Selfless Analytical

Leading & Following

Growth Humble

Advisor Learner

Commitment Emotional

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