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In Chinese medicine Zi Wu Liu Zhu forms a basic part of the The original meaning of “Liu Zhu” (ebb and flow) is the
theory of the Jingluo. It concerns the circulation of Qi and circulation of the water system, it’s dissipating and it’s
Blood in the Jingluo at specific times of the day and night. gathering together. Zi Wu Liu Zhu describes the circulation
Since under physiological and pathological conditions the of Qi and Blood in the Jing Mai. It explains that the
circulation of Qi and Blood in the human body is intimately physiological functions of the body will follow the diurnal
related to blood pressure, we examined and surveyed 100 rhythm and vary according to the changing of time.
cases of primary hypertension. Blood pressure reducing In the Yuan dynasty, Hua Bo Ren said “The Jing mai serve
medication was discontinued and through the 24 hour as pathways for the Qi and blood and so circulate the Yin
period, measurement of the blood pressure was conducted and Yang and nourish the whole body. Starting in the
and the difference in blood pressure at various times was Middle Jiao and from there pouring into the hand Tai Yin
recorded. and hand Yang Ming, the Qi belongs to the ‘Ping Dan’ time,
Of the 100 cases 80 were men and 20 women, and the age like the dew drops that fall at dawn. The Qi flows day and
range was 24-67 years. All were questioned about their night, reaches the end then starts again”.
history of hypertension and underwent a physical The ‘Ping Dan’ time here refers to the Yin time (the 3rd of
examination, routine urine test, examination of the eye, the earthly branches, 3-5am). At this time the Qi and Blood
electrocardiogram, Kidney scan, and analysis of blood will exit from the Middle Jiao and flow and pour into the
potassium levels. Investigation of non-obvious heart and hand Tai Yin Lung channel. In the Mao time (4th earthly
kidney disorders, sequelae of stroke, myocardial branch) it will flow and pour into the hand Yang Ming
embolism and malignant hypertension as well as the origin Large Intestine channel, in the Chen time (5th) it will flow
of the hypertension was also conducted. During the period and pour into the foot Yang Ming Stomach channel, in the
before stopping the anti-hypertensive medication, blood Ji time (6th) it will flow and pour into the ....Spleen channel,
pressure measurement was taken at the following hours: 4, in the Wu time (7th) it will flow and pour into the ...Heart
8, 12, 16, 20, 24. The average measurements of the diastole channel, in the Wei time it will flow and pour into the
and systole of all the patients at these times were then ....Small Intestine channel, in the Shen time it will flow and
established and these values were mutually compared and pour into the ..Bladder channel, in the You time it will flow
analysed. and pour into the .....Kidney channel, in the Shu time it will
The blood pressure at each four hour interval was com- flow and pour into the ...Pericardium channel, in the He
pared with every other interval. Once the statistics were time......into the Sanjiao channel, in the Zi time.......into the
analysed, the following results were found. The systole Gall Bladder channel, in the Chou time......into the Liver
and diastole between the following groups: 24 hours and Channel, and then it returns to the Lung channel.
4 hours, 20 and 16, 8 and 16, and 8 and 12 showed no Thus the Qi and Blood flow in every channel for a period of
statistical significance (p < 0.05). However for the remain- two hours, and just like the tides of the sea, will ebb and
ing 11 groups there was a clear statistical significance. (P flow, reaching a high point followed by a low point,
< 0.05-0.01). The blood pressure at 16 and 20 hrs was at it’s entering every channel at its time of fullness, and leaving it
greatest, whilst at 4 hrs was at it’s lowest. at the time of emptiness.
Zi Wu Liu Zhu is a very important part of the theory of We believe that the origin of essential hypertension and
TCM. It’s origins lie in the naive materialistic theories of the Kidney Qi Xu are very closely connected. In the chapter “On
ancients as well as the method of differentiation of Heavenly Truths in Ancient Times” in the book the Su Wen,
syndromes. It is based on the wholistic perception of man it is stated: “At 5 eights the Kidney Qi begins to weaken,
and his environment. the hair falls and the teeth wither.” That is to say that at the
Through observation of natural phenomena such as the age of 40 years in men, and 35 in women, the hair will begin
movements of the sun and moon, the arrival and departure to drop out and the teeth will loosen and fall out. Weakness
of the cold and hot seasons, day break and dusk and the of Kidney Qi will lead to lack of harmony between Yin and
ebb and flow of the tides etc, this country’s medical workers Yang. This is the basic pathology of essential hypertension
through the ages recognized that these continuous and which is seen in the middle aged and elderly. The Kidney
repetitive changes occurred according to set rules. The stores Jing and is also the root of the Original Yin. When the
Zang fu are the centre of the body, with Qi and Blood as the Kid Qi is weak, it will necessarily give rise to Xu of Yin and
connecting agents that link all the organs into a unified a preponderance of Yang. The Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng
system, thus making possible all sorts of physiological (Standards of Diagnosis and Treatments) states “there is
functions. These physiological functions in their move- Wind, Damp, Cold, Heat, Blood stasis, Stagnation of Qi,
ments follow the cyclical changes of the natural and Phlegm, they are all Biao; there is Kidney-Xu, this is the
environment, particularly reflected in the day/night cycle. Ben”. This explains that the crux of this disease is Kidney
“Zi” (midnight) and “Wu” (Midday) reflect the growth and Xu.
decline of Yin and Yang. In reference to the 24 hour cycle, We discovered that during the 24 hour cycle, it is during the
in the Zi time (23-1) the Yin Qi reaches it’s most extreme. Shu time and the Shen time that the systole and diastole
After that the Yin begins to decline and the Yang Qi starts measurements were highest. The Shen time corresponds
to increase. At the Wu time (11-13) the Yang Qi is at it’s most to the Bladder channel. The Bladder and Kidney have an
extreme, after which it begins to decline, and the Yin Qi interior/exterior relationship and their respective Luo chan-
starts to increase. Thus the Zi and Wu represent the pivotal nels inter-connect. The You time corresponds to the the
points of the growth and decline of the day and night, and Kidney channel. Although measurements were not taken
Yin and Yang. during the You time, it was inferred that the blood pressure

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was also quite high. According to present day investiga- pm - 1 am. When patients are given a suitable amount of
tions, the Kidney function peaks at around 5 pm, this is vasodilators and a small amount of diuretics at 10 pm, this
also the time that the Qi and Blood of the Kidney and can prevent left heart failure. The rate of spread of cancer
Bladder channels is most vigorous according to Zi Wu Liu cells is more rapid at certain times
Zhu. Since Kidney Qi Xu will lead to Kidney Yin Xu and compared to others. Since X-rays can easily damage the
subsequent preponderance of Yang, so the blood Pressure body, this damage can be limited by choosing the correct
will be at it’s highest. time to treat the cancer.
Why is it that at the Shu time the blood pressure is also so The earliest Chinese medical texts take into account the
high? The Shu time corresponds to the Pericardium channel. importance of treatment of disease at different times..
The Pericardium and Heart channels are intimately Zhang Zhong Jing of the eastern Han dynasty, in his classic
connected. Since the Pericardium is the envelope around the Shang Han Za Bing Lun, refers to this on a number of
the Heart, it has the function of protecting it. The ancients occasions. From examining this text it is apparent that
believed that the functions of the Heart are mostly carried much emphasis was put on the correct treatment time. For
out by the Pericardium, and that the Pericardium performs example in the use of Shu Qi San to treat malaria it is
a shielding function, thus preventing external pathogens specified that it should be taken before the development of
from entering the Heart. As stated, essential hypertension an attack, along with half a qian of water. This “before
mostly originates from Kidney Qi Xu which leads on to Yin development” method of treatment is essential for the
Xu and Yang rising. When the Qi and Blood circulate to the treatment of malaria. This is one example of how the
Pericardium channel, the Yin Xu and preponderance of ancients took time into account in the treatment of disease.
Yang will be very obvious, thus leading to a rise in blood In the same text, in the use of Ma Huang Lian Qiao Chi Dou
pressure. And because the Heart channel has much Qi and Tang it is specified that the decoction be taken 3 times a day,
little blood, at the time that the Qi and blood circulate to with priority at midday. Ban Xia Hou Po Tang should be
the Heart channel, there is little influence from the Xu of taken 3 times a day and once at night, whilst Li Zhong Wan
Kidney Qi, and this is the reason that the blood pressure at should be taken 3-4 times a day and twice at night.These
this time is not very high. examples all highlight the importance of treatment at
So what in fact does the Zi Wu Liu Zhu mean in medicine? specific times.
To summarize, it can help in diagnosis, in prevention of We think that essential hypertension in patients whose
disease, and especially to choose the most auspicious time blood pressure is highest between the Shen and Shu times
to treat the patient. Because of this, in the past few years a (4-8pm), will benefit more from treatment by tonifying the
new direction in the study of medicine has evolved - when Qi, nourishing the Yin and subduing the Yang before 4pm
to select the treatment time. Many scholars outside China than at any other time. This is because 4-8pm is the time that
have performed trials investigating left heart failure due to Kidney Qi Xu is most obvious.
hypertension. It has been found it mostly occurs between 11


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