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30468 i think
India Arie - Little Things & Headed In The Right Direction
apple tree
christina aguilera-fighter
Dobet Gnahore "Kakou",
in the car
you are not driving you are traveling
provide popo with affadavit of truth"

affidavit of truth
common law right to transit

dream fancy
drake night off, shut it down, houstonlantavegas
trey songs hard
jamie foxx-slow, overdose,freakin me,unpredictable
pretty ricky grind with me, push it baby,get u wet,tipsy,up and down
genuine-differences, last chance,tell me do you wanna
let me see the booty

WOW! It sounds like you know a lot about HIV/AIDS. So tell me, who was the person
who succeeded in isolating HIV and please provide the medical journal reference where
they published this achievement. Please explain also why no manufacturer of the HIV
tests will guarantee the accuracy of their test? Also please clarify how a drug like AZT
which was too deadly to be used as a chemotherapy treatment and destroys bone marrow
where blood cells are produced, could be safe?
house of #s

Go for Gluteus Maximus

If bigger is better, you'll want to really challenge the gluteal muscles. Dial up the
resistance on a stationary bike or other cardio machine. During strength training, go for
more weight, more repetitions, and shorter rest periods between exercises. A high-quality
diet is also important in building muscle mass.
Incorporate plenty of fresh fruits, veggies, lean sources of protein (e.g., tuna or chicken),
nuts, healthy fats (e.g., fish, avocado, and peanut butter), and complex carbohydrates,
such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, potatoes, and oatmeal.
squats,pile squats,lunges,hamstring curls, static lunges, leg extensions, walk
up,Stiff Legged Dead lifts, Leg Presses and cable Glute extensions.


Your Birth Certificate is the collateral pledged by your friendly Government in order to
secure the "Loan" of your credit back to the Government.
Set aside for the moment that your friendly Government could simply print the "money"
You are the Creditor. By "Accepting For Value" you are telling your friendly
Government to deposit these Asset Funds to Treasury, and to settle the Liability side of
the ledger by discharging the "Bill".

critical thinker for social justice

Axiom-Wordslave-Black-Root,aliciakeys,BobMarley, jamie foxx, michael jackson, Old

School Hip Hop, Jay Z,Tribe Called Quest,Asylum-Family-Bunji-Garlin-Fay-Ann-
Lyons-Alvarez ,Asylum ,Family, Bunji Garlin, Fay Ann Lyons- Alvarez,justintimberlake

My heart goes out to those young men who took their lives. This just goes to show that
homosexuality is still a major issue and it needs more attention. Those who want to get
on us for loving others of the same sex have a lot of hatred of s...ome sort in their hearts.
To actually want to deny someone the right to love and the pursuit of happyness just
because their choosing is one in which they cannot understand is absolutely ludicrous.
And we as a community need to stand together. I notice a lot of fems bashin fems b/c dey
think dey "badder" an studs bashin ova studs b/c dey "fake" studs or dey into s4s and
stems gettin bashed b/c they supposedly "cross dress" but fareel we have more issues
within our community that we need to adress. It is up to us to fix what is inside our
community, before we can even think to venture outside.
#ALLFORONE Stop the hate inside the Community and the outside will Follow! Show
we are not an Abomination & that we are humans with talent and love in us, no matter
who we choose to love.
it means relinquishing your social security contract and driver's license. no
more bank account, no more owning a car, no more fictional identity and
enslavement to profit and greed.

Or, things I repeat to myself, very often:

You are beautiful as you are. But you can feel beautiful AND want your body to change.
You can always speak about your experiences regarding the topic at hand, even if it is
foreign to the straight people you are with. It is okay to feel bad or awkward while doing
it, but: it is not bad or awkward.
If someone mistakes your girlfriend for your friend, you may correct them immediately
and not feel bad for doing so.
It is okay to feel totally at ease doing something traditionally masculine. It is okay to feel
totally dysphoric while doing something traditionally feminine.
It is okay to feel dysphoric while doing something traditionally masculine. It is okay to
feel perfectly comfortable while doing something traditionally feminine.
You can turn down sex, or a portion of sex, no matter what, for any reason, and it does
not mean your relationship is broken or that you aren’t a good partner.
It is okay to pay for your date. It is her right to refuse to be paid for.
Your opinions about sports deserve to be heard!
Refusing to be sexually harassed does not make you an angry, man-hating dyke.
You can take pride in your home. There is nothing embarrassing about that.
A balanced diet means one that balances your physical needs – kale and strawberries –
and your emotional needs – buffalo wings and falafel.
It is okay to compromise your fashion choices to please those around you. It is NOT okay
to compromise your sense of self. If the two intersect, power to the latter.
I am butch, and no straight person can take that away from me, by telling me that my
short hair works because I am so feminine in other ways. I am butch, and no queer person
can take that away from me, by telling me that butches don’t wear the clothes I wear. I
am butch, and no one can take that away from me.
I am sure I will add more. In the meantime, your turn.
Through contract knowingly and unknowingly (birth certificates,social security,marriage
license,state I.D,drivers license and other instrument,etc.) thats how we give this de facto
government that acts as it's (De jure) the authority. This de facto government through
these instruments created an artificial person, that would be you, since the de facto
government created you as artificial person they own you and every and anything or it
you create. I hope it makes some sense
germadonna 4 months ago 2
“I've always felt that sexuality is a really slippery thing. In this day and age, it tends to
get categorized and labeled, and I think labels are for food. Canned food.”- Michael Stipe
We, the People, hold these truths to be self-evident, that all human beings
are endowed with certain naturally Inherent, Inborn, Innate, Ingrained,
Instinctive, Intuitive and Inalienable Rights of Sovereign Freewill, that
among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. And that
whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these Rights, it
is the right of the People to institute new Mechanisms of Protection and
Balance for peaceful relations.

You will find the answers to these questions and more within the pages
of this site!
Will The U.S. Economy Collapse?, Was the swine flu generated in a U.S. bio lab?, Will
the swine flu be used to implement martial law?, Will Oil Rise to $500+?, What Is
Weather Modification?, What Are Chemtrails?, Why are our local police forces being
militarized? Who is behind all the proposed Gun & Ammo Ban Laws, Does the U.S.
Government release bio terror? Was aids manufactured? Can Bio weapons be race
specific? Have big pharma companies released bio weapons in pills around the world? Is
global warming real? Is Obama a Muslim? Is Osama Bin Laden really dead? When was
Osama Bin Laden killed? Does The U.S. Torture?, What Is H.A.A.R.P.?, What is The
NWO?, Is the Federal Reserve Federal?, Are Vaccinations Safe?, How Long Before Our
Water Runs Out?, Did the CIA kill JFK? What Is Depleted Uranium?, What Is The Real
Death Count In Iraq?, Is America A Police State?, What Is The Real ID?, What is The
SPP/NAU?, Are Militias Good?, Will Martial Law Be Ordered And Enforced?, Will War
Come To America? Are there really FEMA Camps in America?, What is hyper inflation?
What secret deals are being made between China and The U.S.? What is the U.S. dollar
really worth worldwide? Is the internet really owned and operated by the U.S. department
of defense? Are all emails, texts, phone calls, and web clicks really monitored? Am I
really just a Slave? What are the real IRS income tax laws?, Who is Margie
Schoedinger?, What is the Illuminati? Who and what is Blackwater really? Is there really
a small group of people called Bildergerg who control the world? Is the U.S. Congress
really owned by Corporate America? Who are the Oath Keepers? Why are Census takers
using GPS to mark American homes?, Have you been marked as a right wing extremist
by DHS? Are there really over one million people on the terrorism watch list?, What did
Iraq have to do with 9/11?, Will U.S. law enforcement and active military act upon illegal
/ unconstitutional orders against American citizens? Why does the government care if
you have made the digital television conversion? Can nonlethal government weapons
really kill people? Are there DHS blimps flying over American skies? What is a black
op? Is America becoming a socialist, Marxist or fascist country? Are you afraid of your
government? Do the police scare you now? Are you free?
Remember, Don't battle the government with guns.
Beat them in court, and in your state legislature!

If you spend a few weeks reading all the info, watching the videos and following the
links at The U.A.F.F., you will then have a better understanding of what has led to The
Decline And Fall Of America. Remember that Knowledge is power! Learn, look, listen,
read, share, prepare, train, stock up on food and water supply for one year.
Fill your pantry with non perishable foods, medicines, cooking oils, tinned meats and
veggies. Flour, oats dried corn peas, beans and lentils.. Teach your self how to preserve
food for storage. Check out your local potable/ drinking water supplies, non perfumed
chlorine bleach is a good sterilizer for water, about 2 teaspoons full per 2 gallon bucket,
stirred well and allowed to stand for at least 24 hours with a lid on it or until it no longer
smells of bleach. Boiling water helps but it is not always enough to kill off the bacteria
which can resist high temperatures.
Except for a few hundred thousand U.S. Patriots, most Americans have no clue what has
really been going on within The United States over the past 100 years, and the sad thing
is that most do not want to know the truth. The further you look into the rabbit hole, the
deeper it gets

Since the story first broke, a lot has happened. One reason for this could be that
food is being poisoned. Collecting rainwater is now illegal in many states.
If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport,
share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most
offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural
products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you
like, the will of God.” ~Dr. Shiv Chopra,
1 day ago
1. Get Right With God
2. Stay Calm
3. Pray for the best but prepare for the worst
4. Spread these video to everyone you know (strength in numbers)
5. Learn survival living
6. Acquire way to get water (Katadyn) , Food (dehydrated, canned)
7. Weapons - get a rifle to hunt, Highpower .22 cal pellet from pyramid air rws350 striker
almost a must have along with a high power carbine and a pistol.
BestFreeWow 1 day ago
freedom is neever more than an generation away from extinction. we didn't
pass it to our children in the must be fought for, protected
and handed on to them to do the same- ronald reagan
In broad terms, the "Cox strategy" can be described as "creating alternatives to replace
the corrupt state when it collapses." Specifically, Cox has put in place a "liberty bell
system" (video #7/11, above) and common law courts (videos #8/11 and #9/11, above),
and organized a militia (video #9/11, above).
google:discharge debt its flv
Howard Bloom's Lucifer Principle
That is what our money system is. If there were no debts in our money
system, there wouldn't be any money. -Chairman and Governor of the
Federal Reserve Board
trey songs-scratchin me up

widely held fixed investment trusts

access the debit card to your trust account (whfit aka black card)

call irs
tell them about whfit
ask them if it is legal
get transfered to the tax credit department to talk to some superiors
textbook WHFIT definition: What Does Widely Held Fixed Investment Trust - WHFIT
A fixed investment trust that is held by at least one third party, or middleman, rather than
the owner of the trust. A widely held fixed investment trust (WHFIT) is set up by an
investor or group of investors who create a portfolio of investments that are generally low
risk/return. The investors then sell shares of the trust to different individuals. Holders of
the trust are paid dividends and interest at regular intervals.



affidavit of truth
common law right to transit

Only rocks Aeropostale, American Eagle, Hollister, Rue 21, and Polo white girl
to the fullest<BR>-Rocks Air Forces, Jordans, Jordan Forces, Sperries, nd Polo
step ya shoe game up

"...Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is, indeed, the self-
consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or
has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world.
Man is the world of man – state, society. This state and this society produce religion,
which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world.
Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopaedic compendium, its logic in
popular form, its spiritual point d’honneur, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn
complement, and its universal basis of consolation and justification. It is the fantastic
realization of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true
reality. The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that
world whose spiritual aroma is religion.

Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a
protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a
heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. "
Religion is a crutch for the weak minded, and a weapon for the power hungry. When one
becomes wrapped up in the idiom of organised religion, they lose all rationality and
ability to think for themselves. Religion is the BIGGEST conspiracy.

in our attempts to unravel religion, the very concept that is controlling us, we
inadvertantly cast upon ourselves the very essence of the preachings. our attempts at
rebellion do not lead to world awareness and freedom of the mind, but in turn play into
the very hands of the system we fight so hard to reject. we find purpose in ourselves,
where we should find serenity. it is mans fear that controls the world, not religion.
religion is simply a device in which to give man a purpose and sense of higher being. fear
is the very thing religion strives for, fear of the unknown, fear of being purposeless. fear
creates insanity, blindness, greed, violence. the devil is not a red man with a red trident,
on a throne of flames, the king of the unjust, but rather a device set forth to further mould
the path man takes in his life time. the devil is our fear, and consumed by our paranoia we
direct ourselves off the path towards the biblical "devil"- just in case. hence we are now

our romantic thoughts of an eternal afterlife- as promised by religion- are the very
quintessence of mans desires. purpose. immortality. you may say that religion controls
the majorities, but not you. i say it does. it controls you with its inability to control you.
your vehement attempts at rejecting this concept make you a pawn in the hand of the
system. religion may be a control device, it may not. the fact remains that although
religion may be the most profitable organisation in the history of man, and its influences
are every where, the true essence of religion is to direct man towards civil life, in order to
be easily controllable by the government, or the ruling powers. although its essence has
been warped with time, the basis of it is still there. it is controlling you too with your
endless attempts at exposing it. without this control system in place what would become
of man? our lust for dominance would prevail, the killing would not stop, but become
worse. without any reason for civil living, no consequences for our actions, we would
slaughter each other, in an attempt for our greatest desire. immortality and purpose. it is
our fear of being forgotten that would drive us to become the most dominant
man/woman. only then could we achieve immortality and find purpose in ourselves, by
being remembered through the generations, as a great conqueror, etc. without
consequence for our actions we could not be civil, as we would quite simply TAKE what
we wanted. its far easier to fulfill our needs by just forcefully aquiring them, rather than
working towards it. those of strong ethics would fight against those of strong ambition,
and the killing would be endless. natures order would be restored- the strongest surviving
and the weak perishing. perhaps it would be better to revert to mother natures way of
things, a fine eco balance, but it could never be sustainable. a new governing body would
take over, with promises of prosperous life and other such propaganda, to benefit the
lives of those people that run it, so they could achieve a sense of purpose. they would in
turn become our "God". the system cannot be beat, unless we are willing to give up our
dominance, and realise that there is no purpose for our lives, other than to coexide with
the rest of the world, and that we are NOT immortal, and never will be. the depth of time
is unending, and our memories will turn to dust, just like everything else, and our species
too shall whither. and will be replaced by another. the world cannot sustain us inevitably,
as the sun is a gas ball that is burning out, and our world is a resource that will end too.

nothing last forever, so our only hope for happiness and tranquility to to simply live. my
advice would be to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, smoke weed, eat lavishly(whilst
replenishing your consumptions), have pre-marital sex with your girlfriend (infact get out
the kama sutra book), wank, raise your children well, study, and just basically LIVE.

leading by example
dukes real mayonaise for condishner and organic apple cider

YOU MUST STUDY before you do these things.

- Listen to Creditors in Commerce free audio. (there is hundreds of hours of it)
- Listen to Winston Shrout on YouTube.
- Listen to Douglas Riddle (All the links are on the menu on the left, look for the LINKS
- Read a pdf ebook called "What does Accepted for Value mean?"
- Study UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) on Cornel University Law School website.
- Purchase a book by David E. Robinson called "Commercial Redemption"
- Read the pages on Wikipedia about "Monetization" and "Securitization"
- Read an eBook issued by the Federal Reserve called Modern Money Mechanics
- Read The Quantitive easing pdf from the Bank of England Website
- Read the Affidavit of Walker F Todd

cracking the code peter eric hendrickson

Farm physics. A new cure and more by David L Kaas.

In religion and politics people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at
second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves
examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-
examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing.
Demockery – A Freeman-On-The-Land Film by Robert Arthur: Menard

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