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Q1 Lymphatic drainage of Breast.

Q2 Applied Anatomy of Breast.
Q3 Serratus anterior nerve supply and action.
Q4 Winging of medial border inferior angle of scapula clinical testing.
Q5 Brachial plexus – formation branches.
Q6 Erb’s and Klumpke’s paralysis.
Q7 Axillary artery relation and branches.
Q8 Dermatoma – definition and dermatoma of upper limb.
Q9 Median Basilic cephalic cubital vein – why it is suitable for IV
Q10 Quadrangular upper and lower triangular spaces-boundaries
and contents.
Q11 Applied anatomy of Axillary nerve.
Q12 Anastomoses around scapula and its significance.
Q13 Cubital fossa - Boundaries and contents.
Q14 Radial nerve- muscular and cutaneous branches.
Q15 Lumbricals interosses-nerve supply and action.
Q16 claw hand and lesions in which it is caused.
Q17 Anatomical importance of sternal angle.
Q18 Mechanism of breathing and muscles involved.
Q19 Azygous system -with diagram – formation course tributaries
and applied anatomy.
Q20 nerve supply of pleura.
Q21 structures related to medial surfaces of both the lungs.
Q22 Root of lung- contents &their arrangements.
Q23 conducting system of heart.
Q24 Arterial supply of heart with diagram and venous drainage.
Q25 Transverse section of thorax at various levels.
Q26 Subcutaneous venous collateral circulation in
1. Portal- Pertosystemic anastoma.
2. SVC
3. IVC obstruction
Q27 Cremastic muscles- nerve supply , action and cremastric reflex.
Q28 Rectus sheath – formation contents , applied anatomy.
Q29 Inguinal canal – Boundaries and structures passing through it
covering of spermatic cord .Mechanism of shutter inguinal canal.
Q30 Inguinal hernias – types and coverings.
Q31 Testis – covering .Nerve supply , Blood supply , lymphatic
Q32 Epiploic foramen – Boundaries.
Q33 Stomach bed with diagram.
Q34 Lymphatic drainage of stomach (with diagram).
Q35 Relations of all the parts of duodenum.
Q36 Differences b/w large and small intestine.
Q38 Blood & nerve supply of ureter.
Q39 Branches of lumbar plexus.
Q40 Ischiorectal fossa – boundaries and contents. Applied anatomy.
Q41 ovary – blood supply & lymphatic drainage.
Q42 Antiflexion /Antiversion
Q43 Uterine tubes – Blood / Nerve supply And Lymphatic drainage.
Q44 Ligaments of Uterus.
Q45 Contents of broad ligaments of Uterus.
Q46 Vagina – all types of supply & drainage.
Q47 Age changes of prostate.
Q48 Rectum.
Q49 Anal canal.
Q50 Branches of Internal Iliac artery.
Q51 Femoral triangle- Boundaries & contents.
Q52 Adductor canal – Boundaries & contents.
Q53 Trendelenberg sign- significance conditions in which it is
Q54 Structures passing through Greater and lesser scaric foramina.
Q55 Popliteus – origin, insertion,Nerve supply and action.
Q56 Dermatomes of lower limb.
Q57 Flip joint- ligaments & relation.
Q58 Movements at Hip joint & muscles involved.
Q59 Hip joint – ligaments & relation.(diagram)
Q60 Locking & unlocking mechanism and muscles responsible.
Q61 Archs diffof foot – formation , factors responsible for their
maintenance & functions.
Q62 Cutaneous nerve supply of Head & necks.
Q63 Carotid sheath- formation & contents.
Q64 External carotid Arterey branches.
Q65 Ansa cervicalis -formation Branches.
Q66 Thyroid gland – blood supply and lymph drainage.
Q67 Branches of first part of subclavian artery.
Q68 Lymph drainage of Head & neck.
Q69 Venous drainage of face spread of……………………..
Q70 Facial nerve- Course and branches., clinical significance.-Injuries
at different positions.
Q71 Nerve supply of parotid gland-pathway.
Q72 Structures within the parotid gland – diagram.
Q73 Note on chorda tympani.
Q74 Age – changes of mandible.
Q75 Submandibular
Nerve supply .Trace pathway

Q76Lingual Nerve-Branches.
Q77 Venous blood sinuses in brain—Their drainage.
Q78Cavernous sinus- drainage & communication.
Q79Branches of cerebral part of Internal carotid Artery.
Q80 Lacrimal gland – Nerve supply/Sympathetic/Parasympathetic.
Q81 Structures passing through superior orbital fossa.
Q82 Muscles of eyeball-nerve supply/action/testing.
Q83 Branches of Nasociliary nerve.
Q84 Ciliary ganglion -afferents & efferents & trace the pathway from
the brain.
Q85 External auditory meatus & external ear – Nerve supply
Lymphatic drainage.
Q86 Tympanic cavity – Boundaries & contents.
Q87 Branches of Intrapetrous part of facial nerve.
Q88 Pterygopalatine ganglion- afferents & efferents(trace the whole
Q89 Tongue -lymph drainage ,Nerve supply,movements-muscle and
Nerve supply.
Q90 Openings in superior & lymphatic drainage of nasal septum.
Q92 Little’s area – its significance.
Q93 Maxillary sinus- boundaries openings & significance.
Q94 Nerve supply of cricothyroid significance.
Q95 Movement of thyroid on swallowing.
Q96 Scalp breed profusely when incision in coronal plane .why?
Q97 Scalp infections & their spread to skull bones.
Q98 Structures passing through various foramina of skull.
Q99 Blood supply of breast.
Q100 Clavipectoral fascia & structures piercing the contents of axilla.
Q101 contents of axilla.
Q102 Deltiod N. supply /action / paralysis /clinics.
Q103 Biceps brachii / brachialis -nerve supply.
Q104 Triceps -nerve supply – actions and applied anatomy.
Q105 Injury to median nerve at wrist.
Q106 Flexor retinaculum .carpel tunnel syndrome.
Q107 Mid palmar / Thenar spaces – boundaries and applied
Q108 Extensor retinaculum-deep relations .
Q109 Elbow joint -muscles and actions.
Q110 First carpometacarpal joint -type ,subtype ,movements and
Q111 Cervical rib and its clinical aspect.
Q112 Structures related to 1st rib
Q113 N. supply/action of intercostal muscles
Q114 Branches of int. thoracic artery
Q115 Contents of posterior mediastinum
Q116 NS of pericardium
Q117 SVC obstruction applied
Q118 Oesop
Q119 Trachea/ oeso : BS/NS/Lymphatic
Q120 Ant abdomen wall muscles action
Q121 Deep inguinal ring:position &…
Q122 Hessel….
Q123 Layers of scrotum + NS of scrotum
Q124 Lesser ommentum contents.
Q125 Hepatorenal pouch of Maneson
Q126 Rectouterine pouch of Douglas relations sign.
Q127 Duodenum arterial supply.
Q128 posterior relations of caecum.
Q129 ….
Q130 N.S of appendix.
Q131 Ant. Aorta -Branches and vessels.
Q132 N.S. of gall bladder-significance.
Q133 Visceral relations of spleen.
Q134 Contents of lienorenal/gastrosplenic ligaments.
Q135 Ant./Post. Relation of R/L kidney.(diagram)
Q136 Constrictions of the uterus.
Q137 Suprarenal Gland -relations of blood supply.
Q138 Boundaries & contents of Deep perineal space.
Q139 Branches of Pudendal N.
Q140 Blood supply / Nerve supply of Bladder.
Q141 Supports of uterus.
Q142 Ductus deferens – Blood supply.
Q143 Relations of rectum.
Q144 Haemorrhoids.
Q145Relations of rectum.
Q146 Levator Arc parts/N. supply/action.
Q147 …..tract-attachments & functions.
Q148 Femoral sheath -formation and contents.
Q149 Sartorius
Glutus maximus
“ Medius
“ minus
Tensor fascia
Q150 Cutaneous N. supply of gluteal region.
Q151 Structures under the cover of gluteus maximus.
Q152 Boundaries of popliteal fossa.
Q153 Cross section of neck at C7.
Q154 Contents of posterior
Q155 Relations of third part of subclavian artery.
Q156 Int. Juglar vein tributaries .
Q157 Branches of 10 and 11 in neck.
Q158 Branches of second part of subclavian A.
Q159 Deep cervical lymph nodes – location & drainage.
Q160 Scalp layers Nerve supply.
Q161 Branches of fascial A. in the submandibular resi.
Q16t2 Blood supply & lymph drainage.
Q163 Contents of Infratemporal fossa.
Q164 Branches of …3.
Q165 Branches of 9 .
Q166 Branches of 9 .
Q167 Carotid canal & the course of internal carot.
Q168 Pituitary gland relations.
Q169 Vertebral A. and Occulomotor N. branches.
Q170 Ciliary muscle/sphincter /dilator pupillae N supply-
Q171 supply / action- stapedius facial.
Q172 tympanic plexus -tensor tympani.
Q173 tonsils(Palatine)- blood supply and lymphatic drainage.
Q174 Lateral wall of nasal cavity- blood & N. supply…
Q175 Sphenoidal sinuses- relations.
Q 176 Muscles of Larynx.- n. supply / action.
Q177 Sensory N. supply of larynx
1 above vocal – internal laryngeal
2 below vocal – recurrent laryngeal
Q178 Tensor and…(174)
Q179 Relations of recurrent laryngeal N. to thyroid gland-
significance of cervical ganglion.
Q180 Thyriod arteries & important nerves.
Q181 Parotid gland infections are painful due to unyielding nature of
parotid fascia.
Q182 origin/termination and role of fibres running lesser / greater
pectoral nerve.
Q183 Define epiphysis , metaphysis, diaphysis,superficial and deep
fascia, primary and secondary centers of ossification , laws of
Q184 Types of joints and their subtypes with examples.
Q185 Types of epiphysis.
Q186Hiton’s law - also innervates …
87. End arteries - …
88. Sympathetic system - Ganglia, grey/white ramus communicans.
89. Development of bone - Blood supply of typical long bone
90. Shunt muscles - origin near the joint eg. ….
Spurt muscles - Origin away from the joint. Eg. Biceps
91. Diploe and emissary veins/connecting extracranial venous system
with intra cranial system
92. Three
93. Rotator cuffs
94. Musculocutaneous
95. Ulnar and radial bursa. How are they commonly affected
96. Direction of fibres of interosseus membrane…of the membrane
97. Articular surface of wrist joint.
98. Bronchiopulmonary segment definition
99. Superior mediastinum - Boundaries and contents
Q201 Middle Mediastinum -Boundaries/contents.
Q202 Sinus of pericardium-relation.
Q203 Cutaneous Nerve of Ant. Abdominal wall.
Q204 Superficial lymphatics of anterior abdominal wall.
Q205 inguinal ligament-attachments & extensions.
Q206 Arterial supply of Penis.
Q207 Nine regions of abdomen.
Q208 Greater ommentum – contents /functions.
Q209 Attachments of root of sigmoid mesocolon.
Q210 Structures crossed by root of mesentry.
Q211 Large intestine – Blood supply
_ Nerve supply
Q212 Two most common position of Appendix.
Q213 Mc. Burneys point & its significance.
Q214 Arrangement of structures in porta heptis.
Q215 Ribs related to spleen.
Q216Relation of pancreas.
Q217 Blood supply of pancreas.
Q218 Segments of kidney ,lymphatic drainage ,N. supply.
Q219 Celiac plexus & its branches.
Q220 Prostate – Blood supply & lymphatic drainage.
Q221 Supports of rectum.
Q222 Anal sphincters -Nerve supply.
Q223 Fascia of Oenovilleurs.

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