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Are Oral-Motor Exercises Useful in the

Treatment of Phonological/Articulatory
Karen Forrest, Ph.D.1


The utility of oral-motor exercises in the remediation of children’s

speech acquisition delays continues to be a controversial issue. There are
few empirical evaluations of the efficacy of these nonspeech activities in ef-
fecting speech changes, although much can be learned from investigations
in related fields. The purpose of this article is to review the extant studies of
the relation between oral-motor exercises and speech production in chil-
dren as well as to examine the motor learning literature to gain a broader
perspective on the issue. Results of this examination lead to questions
about the procedures that are currently applied as well as to suggestions for
future development of nonspeech activities in the treatment of children’s
phonological/articulatory disorders.

KEYWORDS: Oral-motor exercises, phonological disorders, treatment

Learning Outcome: As a result of this activity, the reader will be able to (1) describe the similarities and differ-
ences between speech production and oral-motor exercises and (2) describe basic principles of motor learning
and how they apply to treatment of children with PAD.

Updates in Phonological Intervention; Editors in Chief, Nancy Helm-Estabrooks, Sc.D., and Nan Bernstein Ratner,
Ed.D.; Guest Editor, Shelley Velleman, Ph.D. Seminars in Speech and Language, volume 23, number 1, 2002.
1Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. Copyright © 2002 by

Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.0734–0478,

Phonological/articulatory disorders1 utility of oral-motor exercise in speech articu-

(PADs)* in children are defined by the presence lation treatment. Based on work with neuro-
of speech acquisition delays or disorders that logically impaired children,9 it has been hy-
are not associated with neurological deficits or pothesized that children with PADs have
organic impairments.2,3 Whereas these exclu- limited tone to the speech musculature.10 In an
sionary criteria are generally accepted, the un- effort to increase the tone of the oral-facial
derlying cause of the disorder remains at the muscles, strengthening exercises are proposed.
center of debate. The presumed cause of the This hypothesized utility of oral-motor exer-
speech impairment is important because it cises leads to two questions: (1) what is the
tends to dictate the assessment protocol as well strength that is needed for articulatory ges-
as the ensuing treatment. One such treatment tures? and (2) do oral-motor exercises increase
procedure, oral-motor exercises, is based on the articulator muscle strength?
premise that motor deficits are central to PADs Patterns of normal development also pro-
and, therefore, improvements in oral-motor vide a useful background for understanding the
accuracy and consistency will advance speech utility of oral-motor exercises. Normal devel-
development.4,5 opment, as outlined by Piaget,11 includes a
In the current review, the empirical evi- sensorimotor period in which neural pathways
dence of a relationship between oral-motor ex- relating movement and the resulting percept
ercises and articulation changes in children are developed. A child who is not producing
will be investigated. A ubiquitous definition of speech correctly may have limited access to this
what constitutes an oral-motor exercise does relationship. One hypothesis is that oral-motor
not exist; the term has been used to designate a exercises will provide this linkage by recon-
variety of oral, lingual, and mandibular move- structing the hierarchy of articulator movement
ments that range from articulator “wags” or normally experienced during development.12
“push-ups”6 to activities that include blowing Finally, it has been hypothesized that
bubbles or on horns.7 The limited published speech develops from earlier occurring behav-
evidence of the relationship of oral-motor pro- iors such as sucking, chewing, or oral-motor re-
ficiency and PAD remediation will be reviewed flexes.13 Because oral-motor exercises may in-
first, but because of the paucity of such infor- corporate movement patterns that are similar to
mation possible rationales for using these non- these primitive behaviors, these exercises may
speech assessments and treatments will also be serve as a foundation for the development of the
derived from studies on motor learning. more complex movement patterns of speech.
The most obvious reason for using oral- In the following review, each of these hy-
motor exercises is that speech is an extremely potheses will be investigated. Although there
complex motor behavior and principles of motor have been many reports on the utility of oral-
learning suggest that learning is facilitated when motor exercises in PADs, only articles that in-
a complex behavior is decomposed into smaller clude experimental controls are included in
units.8 The hypothesis that needs to be ad- this review.14 The application of these controls
dressed, then, is whether practice on a part of the is essential to the establishment of a relation-
task (e.g., subunits of the target phone such as ship between the variables under investigation
movement of a single articulator) increases the and serves as a foundation for evidence-based
rate and accuracy of learning of the whole (e.g., treatment.15
accurate production of the target phone).
Other reasons, specific to motor develop-
ment, have also been suggested to support the ORAL-MOTOR EXERCISES AND
*This term will be used to refer to children with multiple
articulatory errors that are not secondary to neurological or
organic impairments. Because the source of the problem re- As has been noted earlier, there are few con-
mains unclear, neither a cognitive (i.e., phonological) nor trolled investigations of the facilitative effect
motoric (i.e., articulatory) basis is being assumed. of nonspeech training on articulatory changes.

The studies that have been published focus on weeks and the second group of children receiv-
the efficacy of oral-myofunctional therapy for ing 6 weeks of myofunctional therapy for tongue
tongue thrust on the correction of distorted /s/ thrust and 8 weeks of articulation therapy. Ar-
production. For example, Overstake16 moni- ticulation therapy was the same for children in
tored changes in /s/ production in two groups both groups and progressed from auditory iden-
of children with tongue thrust. In this treat- tification of correct sibilants through production
ment study, 76 children were divided into two of the sound in isolation and in syllables, words,
groups; one group received treatment on swal- phrases, and spontaneous conversation. Com-
lowing for 15 minutes per week and the sec- parison of pretreatment and posttreatment pro-
ond group of children received treatment on duction of sibilants and performance on an
swallowing and /s/ production. The study was articulation test indicated that children in
conducted over a 9-month period and attrition both groups made improvements in articulation;
was fairly high, with only 48 subjects remain- however, there were no differences in the
ing at the study’s termination. Of these 48 amount of speech change made for children in
subjects, 24 of 28 (85%) children who had re- the two groups. Although the investigators sug-
ceived swallowing treatment only produced gest intervening variables, the results of the
undistorted /s/ in conversational speech. Fif- study indicate no facilitative effect of tongue-
teen of 20 subjects (75%) who received both thrust treatment on speech articulation. These
swallowing and speech therapy demonstrated results are similar to those reported by Dworkin
correct production of /s/ in conversation. et al18 for adult speakers with acquired apraxia of
Overstake concluded that in remediating /s/ speech; their findings indicated no facilitative
articulation swallowing treatment alone was as effect of nonspeech oral-motor exercises on
effective as—if not more effective than—treat- speech production.
ment that included both swallowing and Clearly, there is a need for more experi-
speech. Although the data support this asser- mental studies of the effect of nonspeech oral-
tion, there are many aspects of the research motor treatment on changes in speech produc-
that remain unclear. For example, no informa- tion. Not only would these data have clinical
tion is given on the specifics of either the swal- utility, they would provide benefits to theoreti-
lowing or speech treatment, thereby limiting cal models of speech acquisition by elucidating
clinical application of this research. Further, the components of this complex behavior.
the reason for the high rate of subject attrition These types of data are available in other areas
is not provided. Finally, no explanation is given of motor learning and may serve as a basis for
for the better performance of the group of future studies of the transfer of training from
children treated only on swallowing; specifi- nonspeech movements to articulatory changes.
cally, why did 85% of the children treated on
swallowing alone produce correct /s/ in con-
versation when only 75% of the children TRANSFER OF TRAINING AND
treated on both swallowing and speech were PART-WHOLE LEARNING
able to make this correction?
Perhaps because of these ambiguities, Transfer of training occurs when learning of a
Christensen and Hanson17 used a controlled response in one situation or domain facilitates
procedure to investigate whether oral myofunc- learning of a response in a different, novel situ-
tional therapy has a facilitative effect on subse- ation.19 Research in this area has identified two
quent articulation therapy. Ten children between major issues that affect learning efficiency: (1)
the ages of 5;8 and 6;9 who had completed characteristics of the task that might influence
kindergarten were included in the study. All transfer of training20 and (2) methods of de-
children demonstrated anterior tongue thrust composing the task into its parts.21
and severe frontal lisps but were developing nor- Naylor and Briggs20 identified two task
mally in all other domains. Children were di- variables, task complexity and task organiza-
vided into two groups with one group of chil- tion, that influence the transfer of training.
dren receiving articulation therapy only for 14 Task complexity was defined as “the demands

placed on the S’s information-processing and/ with identifiable start and end points. In speech
or memory-storage capacities by each of the treatment, an isolated phone may be segmented
task dimensions independently, while task or- from a conversational environment so that the
ganization refers to the demands imposed on sound can be produced and practiced prior to
[the subject] due to the nature of the interrela- its presentation in a syllable context. Once the
tionship existing among the several task di- child has mastered production of the isolated
mensions”20 (p 217). Naylor and Briggs dem- sound, it is recombined into a more speechlike
onstrated that learning of complex tasks with sequence.
independent parts will be facilitated by train- Fractionation decomposes simultaneously
ing on individual parts of the behavior. By con- produced elements of a task into independent
trast, tasks that comprise highly organized or subcomponents. In speech treatment, fraction-
integrated parts will not be enhanced by learn- ation would allow practice on independent
ing of the constituent parts; rather, training on movement of articulators that combine to pro-
parts of these organized behaviors will dimin- duce a phone. For example, if a child was
ish learning, particularly when task complexity having difficulty with the production of lin-
increases. These results have been replicated gua-alveolar consonants, fractionated practice
many times in studies of complex skill acquisi- might begin with isolated superior movement
tion.19 As noted by Naylor and Briggs,20 highly of the tongue tip with fixed positions of the
organized tasks require learning of the infor- tongue body, vocal folds, respiratory system,
mation processing demands as well as learning jaw, and lips. As the child mastered this
of “time-sharing and other intercomponent isolated gesture, a second component of pho-
skills” (p 223). netic production, for example, jaw depression,
In a sense, organization and complexity would be practiced independently. Fractiona-
are relative in that end points of their continua tion, then, takes the form of nonspeech ac-
probably cannot be defined; a highly complex tivities that may approximate components of
task probably cannot have completely indepen- speech production.
dent dimensions. In speech, for example, pro- The final means to decompose a complex
duction of [b] may be considered to have rel- task for training purposes is simplification.
atively little interrelated dimensions because Simplification is a procedure in which various
the jaw moves only in an inferior direction and aspects of the target skill are made easier by
the tongue can ride on the jaw. Intercom- adjusting characteristics of the task. A possible
ponent organization is relatively greater for a application to speech treatment might include
sequence such as [bu] wherein the lips are initiating treatment for /s/ with the homor-
rounded and the jaw movement may follow a ganic stop, [t]. Because stops require only a
vector composed of inferior-anterior rotation. ballistic movement, they are considered easier
Still greater organization would be required to to produce than fricatives22,23; beginning treat-
produce a syllable such as [strnd] wherein ment for /s/ acquisition with the placement of
movement of the tongue, lips, jaw, and velum [t] may simplify the movement pattern and
must be coordinated within a limited temporal give the child some reference for production.
window. Of the methods reviewed by Wightman
Wightman and Lintern21 expanded on the and Lintern, only segmentation appears to pro-
results of Naylor and Briggs by elucidating the vide a significant advantage over whole-task
interaction between task complexity, organiza- training and then only under restricted condi-
tion, and the type of part-task training that is tions. Wightman and Lintern found that frac-
used. On the basis of previous studies, Wight- tionation methods resulted in reduced efficiency
man and Lintern identified three ways in which of learning compared with training on the
a whole task can be decomposed during train- whole task. These empirical results are consistent
ing—segmentation, fractionation, and simpli- with theoretical models provided by dynamic
fication. Segmentation divides the task into a systems24 in that relevant sensory-motor corre-
series of spatial or temporal subcomponents spondences are prerequisite for motor learning

(e.g., auditory perceptual consequences of articu- orders are so classified because there is no evi-
latory movement are needed for the typical de- dence of an organic basis for the speech deficit.
velopment of speech). Fractionating a behavior The existence of muscle weakness would imply
that is composed of interrelated parts is not dysarthria that results from an identifiable neu-
likely to provide this relevant information for the rological deficit.28 Therefore, children who ex-
appropriate development of neural substrates. hibit such deficits need a more thorough medical
Finally, Wightman and Lintern demonstrated evaluation to determine the site of lesion and as-
that simplification of a task yielded learning that sociated deficits.
was comparable to that of whole-task training. A second complication in discussing mus-
Again, this is consistent with empirical data cle strength as a factor in articulatory accuracy
from studies of generalization of knowledge ob- is the lack of knowledge of a target value; that
tained by phonologically disordered children due is, few data exist regarding the strength needed
to treatment.25 for articulation. Estimates of lip muscle forces
In summary, part training is an effective in speech production (i.e., muscle tension pro-
means to enhance learning of a complex be- duced by active and passive, recoil elements),
havior under a limited set of conditions. Part based on lip simulation and controlled activa-
training is not facilitative of acquisition of the tion, range from 0.5 to 0.6 Newtons,29 which is
whole behavior if the target activity comprises about 20% of maximal forces that can be gen-
highly interdependent parts or, as Naylor and erated by neurologically intact adults. No com-
Briggs term it, a highly organized behavior. parable estimates are available for young chil-
Further, the means by which a behavior is de- dren. Interlabial pressures (i.e., force/unit area)
composed also influences the efficacy of train- similarly are low with measured values of about
ing individual components of that behavior. 0.4–2.4 KiloPascals in conversational speech.30
Only segmentation of the whole task into tem- Depending on the dynamics of the jaw, it is
porally or spatially independent components estimated that these pressures are between 11
provides an advantage to part training com- and 15% of available maxima of interlabial
pared with teaching of the behavioral whole, pressures. Again, these values are for adult
and this is true only if the parts represent inde- speakers because no such data are available on
pendent components of the behavior. There- interlabial pressure generation by children.
fore, if subcomponents of speech are to be used Pressures associated with lingua-alveolar con-
in therapy, it is essential that the task is deter- tact have been shown to vary by sex, position of
mined to meet the demands of part-whole the sound in a word, and measurement point
training. Otherwise, part training is not a cost- within the oral cavity,31 although precise esti-
effective or time-effective means of enhancing mates of these pressures within an individual’s
the development of speech. Similar conclu- physiological range are not known. Initial at-
sions were reached by Bunton and Weismer26 tempts have been made in this direction by use
in their comparison of speech and nonspeech of the Iowa Oral Pressure Instrument (Break-
tasks in adults. through, Inc.). Robin et al32 report that maxi-
mum lingual pressure generation is equivalent
in normally articulating children and adults.
Their investigation of children with develop-
STRENGTH mental apraxia of speech (DAS) indicated no
significant differences in pressure generation
Evaluation of articulator strength and proce- between these articulation-impaired children
dures to increase strength in children diagnosed and children with normal articulation.
with functional articulation and/or phonological A number of early studies investigated the
disorders is a complicated issue for several rea- relation of tongue strength, as measured by pro-
sons. First, by definition, children with PADs trusive force, and articulatory competence in
should not exhibit muscle weakness5,27; children children and young adults. Results of these
with phonological or functional articulation dis- analyses do not lead to consistent conclusions

about the existence of a relationship between to determine whether children with articula-
speech proficiency and protrusive strength. For tion disorders were limited in their ability to
example, a number of studies suggest a relation recognize the form of objects placed in the
between protrusive tongue force or pressure and oral cavity.38,42,44,45 Vibrotactile thresholds and
articulatory accuracy,31,33,34 whereas other inves- suprathreshold sensitivity were also investi-
tigations find no significant relation between ar- gated to determine kinesthetic and tactile
ticulator strength, including the tongue and lips, acuity of the tongue.43,47 Threshold differences
and articulation proficiency.32,35–37 The reason between normal and articulation-disordered
for these different results is not clear in that groups of subjects were not subjected to statis-
similar methodologies and subject groups were tical testing, so the results are difficult to inter-
used across studies with contradictory results. pret.43 Suprathreshold stimulation in which
In summary, the use of oral-motor exer- the vibrotactile stimulus intensity was varied
cises to increase articulator strength needs to indicated differences in perception between
be questioned on a number of grounds. Nei- the subject groups that “approached signifi-
ther experimental investigations nor nosologi- cance” when a liberal probability level (p 
cal description of articulation disorders provide .10) was used. A final test was conducted
consistent evidence for a strength deficit in to determine whether suprathreshold stimula-
children with PADs. tion increased threshold levels (i.e., caused a
threshold shift) as has been shown for other
sensory systems.47 Again, between-group dif-
ferences approached significance (p  .10),
REPLICATING SENSORIMOTOR leading Fucci et al to conclude that sensory
DEVELOPMENT processing differences separate children with
normal and disordered articulation.
It has been proposed that early sensorimotor ex- In summary, studies of lingual sensitivity
perience (e.g., from imitation of facial expres- do not present a clear picture of the relation of
sions, hand-to-mouth object manipulation, or this parameter to articulatory accuracy in chil-
free vocalizing) serves as a foundation for speech dren. It remains plausible that these tests did
development.12 Therefore, sensory deficits may not measure the relevant variables of sensori-
contribute to articulatory disorders by limiting motor function; if this is true, additional re-
kinesthetic and tactile reinforcement of move- search is needed to verify the presence or ab-
ment sequences, thereby limiting learning of the sence of a relation. Based on the conflicting
complex movements associated with speech.38 In data that are currently available, it is difficult to
addition, investigations of individuals with neu- make a strong case for using oral-motor exer-
rological disorders (e.g., cerebral palsy) suggest cises for children with PAD; however, theoret-
that sensorimotor deficits affect motor learn- ical models24 continue to make this an enticing
ing.39–41 The inference from these studies is that line of inquiry.
movement deficits can be reduced by improving Theoretical models of movement devel-
coordination patterns through the use of afferent opment have diverged from Piaget’s general
pathways.40 The appeal of such a perspective led perspective of discrete stages24 and posit that
to many empirical investigations of the relation development evolves from the organism’s in-
between sensory acuity and articulatory profi- teraction with the environment and the pairing
ciency. In general, these studies do not reveal a of sensory traces with the contributing move-
clear relation between articulatory skill and ment.45 These interactions form the basis of
kinesthetic sensitivity; some investigators indi- neural pathways within the nervous system
cate a significant correlation,38,42,43 some studies that are preferentially reinforced by movement
reveal no relationship,44,45 and still others suggest patterns and their sensory representations.
that the relationship is phoneme specific.46 This model provides a sound theoretical basis
Differences in results may be attributable for the utility of nonspeech oral-motor exer-
to methodological variations across studies. In cises in the development of neural control of
some investigations, oral stereognosis was used articulation. But, as with the conclusions about

partitioning a behavior into its component ment (agonist) and muscles that oppose the
tasks, the exact nature of the sensorimotor se- movement (antagonist). This pattern of muscle
quence is critical to the development of rele- activation was also evidenced in children as
vant neural control. As Thelen and Smith24 young as 15 months of age, the youngest age
state, “context makes, selects, and adapts group investigated.52 By contrast, chewing in
knowledge . . . because knowledge is only both children and adults was marked by recip-
made manifest in a real-time task” (p 216). rocal (i.e., alternating) activation of agonist-
Therefore, if sensorimotor stimulation is to antagonist muscles. For example, during jaw
foster speech, more speechlike activities, such depression the anterior digastric muscles were
as sound play and stimulability training,48 active followed by activity of antagonist mus-
would be more reasonable approximations to cles, such as temporalis, for jaw elevation.
the target behavior. If nonspeech activities are Therefore, at relatively early stages of speech
to be used, we are faced again with the need for production, muscle activation patterns for
more information about the relevant compo- speech are distinct from chewing but similar to
nents of those behaviors. The lack of empirical speech muscle activation patterns seen in
data on the requirements of a nonspeech action adults. If chewing does serve as a precursor to
pattern as an analog to articulatory perfor- speech, there is considerable divergence in the
mance suggests that there are many obstacles muscle activity for these behaviors at the very
to developing such a counterpart to speech. earliest stages of development.
The similarities of speech muscle activity
between adults and young children are par-
ticularly interesting given that movement pat-
DEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH FROM terns show developmental trends that parallel
OTHER BEHAVIORS phonological acquisition. In a study by Green
et al,49 kinematic analyses of the upper lip,
As noted earlier, speech acquisition has been lower lip, and jaw were completed for three
modeled as a dynamic process by which the groups of children (1-year-old children, 2-
articulatory system self-organizes from a vari- year-old children, 6-year-old children) and
ety of independent components into ordered adults. As predicted by phonological mod-
configurations of action.24,49,50 A dynamic sys- els,50,56 differences in coordination of the artic-
tems model of speech acquisition posits that ulators was found across the age groups. One-
rhythmic behaviors (e.g., chewing, sucking) are year-old children used jaw movement as the
modified to form diverse behaviors. If this hy- primary contributor to mouth closure for the
pothesis is correct, then a program that follows bilabial consonant and demonstrated a lack of
the typical course of development, such as a spatial and temporal coupling between the lips
program of oral-motor exercises, may facilitate and/or the jaw during the oral-closing gesture.
speech acquisition in children with PADs. Movement patterns for the 2-year-old children
As with the issues discussed previously, revealed a tight coupling between the upper
there are few controlled studies of orofacial ac- and lower lip but no such linkage with the jaw.
tion patterns during the earliest stages of The oral-closing gestures produced by the 6-
speech acquisition. The data that have been re- year-old children were similar to those pro-
ported49,51–53 reveal significant differences in duced by adults, although children’s move-
movement, masticatory-muscle activity, and ments were more variable.
coordination for speech compared with primi- Taken together, these studies suggest that
tive behaviors of the perioral region (i.e., speech movements may be distinctive from
chewing). Consistent with findings from other other nonspeech behaviors at an early stage of
studies,54 Moore and colleagues55 demon- development. Muscle activation patterns that
strated that in the adult, muscle activity for are unique to speech are demonstrated in in-
speech is characterized by cocontraction of ag- fants, but the coordination between structures
onist and antagonist muscles, that is, simulta- develops over the course of years. These re-
neous activity in muscles that effect the move- sults stress the importance of coordinated

movement in speech production and question As reviewed in this report, extant empirical
the utility of treatment protocols that do not studies do not support a facilitative relation-
encompass an organizational scheme that is ship between nonspeech behaviors and speech
comparable to that found in speech production. production. However, the relevant studies may
remain to be conducted.



The preceding review provides a rather pes- Based on currently available resources, oral-
simistic view of the utility of oral-motor exer- motor exercises cannot be considered to be a
cises in treatment of PAD. That leaves us with legitimate treatment protocol for children with
the question of why these procedures are used PADs. First, empirical studies on the impact of
by clinicians. Two reasons have been presented oral-motor exercises on speech remediation do
by practicing clinicians. The first rationale not provide support for the utility of these pro-
focuses on the primary concern of clinicians, cedures. More generally, information on trans-
that is, “use whatever works.” However, as the fer of training during motor learning does not
limited experimental data suggest, oral-motor support the use of simple behaviors as a means
exercises may not “work” in remediation of to master a complex activity. Within the con-
PAD. Further, based on principles of dynamic text of a highly complex and highly organized
systems, oral-motor exercises may be harmful task such as speech, research has shown that
by laying a framework of movement patterns training on part of the task does not increase
that are contrary to those used in speech. As the rate or accuracy of learning the whole. One
Green et al49 suggest, “the advancement to interpretation of this assertion is that decom-
mature speech may require the young child to position of speech into its subcomponents does
overcome [italics added] ingrained oromotor not facilitate acquisition of this complex be-
patterns” (p 252). havior.64 Alternatively, the proper exercises to
The second rationale that has been ex- promote phoneme acquisition may exist but
pressed is that “I don’t know what to do and are as yet undetermined.65 There is reason to
this is a start.” As with the previous rationale be optimistic that procedures can be developed
for using nonspeech exercises, this emphasizes that will induce changes in speech sound pro-
the frustration that is felt by clinicians when duction; however, such a procedure will need
working with children with intractable PADs. to include the same level of complexity and or-
Some of these disorders appear resistant to ganization that characterizes speech. Prelimi-
treatment, and oral-motor exercises may pro- nary efforts that use nonspeech activities to
vide a mechanism for success. However, the improve respiratory and laryngeal control in
underlying disorder is founded in speech, dysarthria are promising.66,67
thereby making success in a nonspeech activity It has been suggested that oral-motor ex-
somewhat irrelevant to the diagnosed problem. ercises can be used to improve articulatory
There are many procedures that have been muscle strength. Although it is not clear that
shown to provide effective remediation for this proposal is true, its accuracy may not be
children with phonological disorders.57 Other relevant; motivation to increase oral-muscle
studies have shown that effective treatment ex- strength is predicated on preexisting weakness
ists for children with other forms of PAD.58–60 of these muscles in children with PADs. The
To date, there are very few studies that have existence of such weakness has not been ascer-
compared treatment efficacy for children with tained from extant research publications. Fur-
varying profiles of speech sound disorder.61–63 ther, children with speech disorders who ex-
More limited are the studies that have investi- hibit muscle weakness are, by definition,
gated the efficacy of nonspeech procedures as a dysarthric and therefore should be excluded
foundation for speech-sound remediation.16,17 from treatments designed to remediate PADs.

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