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Phone: 604-856-7775 Mrs. Colledge: Lcolledge@sd35.bc.

Website: Mrs. Kopfensteiner:

February may be a short month, but it is also a very full

month for our students. We will be participating in many
special events at school including, Groundhog Day, Themes
Valentines Day, Jump Rope for Heart and 100s Day! There
will be more information to follow on some of these specific Groundhog Day
events, so please remember to review your child’s green
folder daily and check your email for periodic updates and Valentines Day
reminders. February also contains a few non-instructional
days so be sure to read through the calendar carefully. 100’s Day
This month, we will continue to send home Literacy Bags on
the weekends and Home Reading during the week. Along Healthy Living
with the home reading book, we would encourage you to Skipping
continue to read through the class poems. If you would like
your child to receive two books at a time rather than one,
please let us know and we would be happy add a second
book at the beginning of the week.

In the month of February we will conclude our individual letter studies, and while we will
continue to review these on a regular basis, we will also be taking some big steps with our
reading and writing skills, learning how to use these letters as we take important steps to
become readers and writers.
As children become more comfortable with their letter sounds their, “inventive spelling” will
gradually move to become, phonetic spelling. In this stage of writing, children will be able to
create words using the common letter sounds. In reading, children will continue to use
picture and context cues to help them ”read” a new text but will also be able to sound out
the words as they blend the letter sounds together.

We have now begun a new unit in mathematics on three dimensional shapes. In our
learning and exploration time we will be identifying, sorting, classifying and building these
shapes while trying to make connections to objects with similar traits in the real world.
We will continue working on number sense, focusing on the number 6-10, learning that
numbers can be represented concretely, pictorially, in tally form, and written form.

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