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FALL 2007


In a Carbon-Constrained Future
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FALL 20 07


4 20


2 From Analysis to Action 14 Modeling the Technology Mix 3 International

Two groundbreaking analyses, PRISM
32 Products and Services
and MERGE, point to the benefits
C O V E R S T O RY of developing the Full Portfolio— 34 Technology at Work

4 Electricity Solutions for a Carbon- a technically feasible and affordable

Constrained Future combination of advanced technol-
EPRI’s 2007 Summer Seminar brought ogy options.
together regulatory, industry, academic, 36 Technical Reports and Software
and policy leaders to discuss the actions 20 Pathways to the Full Portfolio
required to begin resolving the climate If the Full Portfolio of technologies
dilemma. Technical solutions took becomes the industry’s ultimate desti-
center stage in the spirited and wide- nation, how do we get there? EPRI has
ranging discussions. identified four technology pathways to
answer that question and serve as the
framework for a robust RD&D agenda.
From Analysis to Action

In this issue of the EPRI Journal, we look at a carbon-con- a high-efficiency pulverized coal plant with state-of-the-art
strained future through two key EPRI analyses: The PRISM emission controls and integrated CCS; and demonstration of
analysis highlights technology advancements essential to de- a key enabling technology to lower the cost of O2 production
carbonizing the electricity sector; the MERGE analysis illus- for IGCC and oxyfuel plants.
trates the economic importance of a full portfolio of technolo- These projects target critical gaps that must be filled to
gies to meet potential CO2 emissions reduction targets. To me, achieve “The Full Portfolio” identified in the PRISM and
one fundamental implication of these analyses is very clear—we MERGE analyses. They are designed to complement ongoing
must move from analysis to action if we are to deploy this full private sector and government sector activities; and where there
portfolio of technologies in a timely and effective manner. is not a critical gap—there is not a project.
What actions must we consider? First, we must work to slow For example, challenges remain in deploying new advanced
the growth of electricity sector CO2 emissions by making more- light water reactors (ALWRs), but these challenges can be
efficient use of the electricity that is already being produced. addressed through ongoing programs without major demonstra-
Many existing technologies, such as compact fluorescent light- tion projects. Sufficient private sector investment and competi-
ing, can deliver near-term improvements in end-use efficiency, tion is in place to advance specific renewable generation tech-
and many new technologies are in various stages of development. nologies, but critical technology gaps exist in the large-scale
EPRI’s Energy Efficiency Initiative was launched earlier this year integration of these resources into the grid.
and has brought together more than 40 participating companies These seven projects were identified through EPRI’s collab-
to develop the next generation of energy efficiency technologies. orative process, and we expect to participate in each of them;
Also this year, more than 1400 technical experts from across but they are electricity sector projects, not EPRI projects. Each
the electricity sector collaborated through EPRI’s program will require a consortium of companies drawing on both private
committees and technical advisory councils to identify critical sector and government funding. During the coming months,
technology gaps and prioritize key research, development, and the EPRI Board of Directors, Research Advisory Committee,
demonstration programs needed to de-carbonize the electricity and staff will further evaluate and, if appropriate, lead the devel-
sector. This collaboration culminated with a joint meeting of the opment of a plan to fund and implement each project.
EPRI Board of Directors and the EPRI Research Advisory Com- Together, these seven projects set priorities and provide a
mittee in which seven critical technology demonstration projects framework for action. They move us from debating vague gener-
were selected for detailed evaluation. alities about RD&D funding needs to a focused plan for specific
Two of the critical projects are key enablers for energy effi- critical technology projects. Not every project may proceed, and
ciency, renewables, distributed energy resources, and plug-in others will likely emerge. Ultimately these technologies will
hybrid electric vehicles. One is the demonstration of a “smart” require significant lead time and investment to be broadly
distribution system making use of plug-and-play standards. The deployed. And that requires all of us in the electricity sector to
other is a field demonstration of advanced compressed-air stand on common ground and to move toward the common
energy storage for load shifting and increased penetration of goal of The Full Portfolio. Analysis can help put us on common
intermittent renewables. ground, but only concerted action can move us toward the goal.
Five of the critical projects are aimed at demonstrating the
effectiveness and reducing the cost of carbon capture and stor-
age (CCS) from coal plants. These include two projects for
demonstrating different postcombustion CO2 capture technolo-
gies with storage; a project to demonstrate integrated gasifica- Steve Specker
tion–combined-cycle (IGCC) operation with integrated CCS; President and Chief Executive Officer

2 E P R I J O U R N A L
International Energy developments
around the globe

On-Line Monitoring Improves Using nonintrusive techniques, OLM additional 10% of transmitters that were
Instrument Calibration at evaluates instrument channel perfor- within tolerance were nonetheless sched-
British Energy mance by assessing consistency with other uled for calibration to maintain conserva-
The thousands of instruments that moni- plant indications, providing more-fre- tism during the initial implementation.
tor conditions in nuclear power plants quent and more-accurate information British Energy estimates that OLM,
must be calibrated periodically to ensure about instrument channel conditions when fully deployed, will routinely
they are accurately measuring pressures, than can be gleaned from traditional reduce outage duration to 20 days from
temperatures, and other parameters vital periodic calibration. Because on-line the 25 days normally required for trans-
to plant performance and safety. Such monitoring techniques capture opera- mitter calibration, saving £1.5 million per
instrument calibrations are typically tional variability effects, they provide a avoided outage day, or £7.5 million per
performed during refueling outages—that more-accurate assessment of calibration operating cycle. Additional savings are
is, once every 18 to 24 months. status for the given operating point. As a expected from reductions in labor costs,
Calibration is both time consuming result, OLM allows calibration
and costly. Substantial labor is devoted to to be performed according to
isolating the instruments, calibrating an instrument’s actual condi-
them, and returning them to service— tion rather than on a purely
activities that contribute to outage dura- time-based schedule.
tion and worker radiation exposure. Many nuclear plants have
Moreover, because calibration involves applied OLM successfully to
intrusive techniques, human error can general instrumentation, but
sometimes degrade the performance of British Energy’s Sizewell B
instruments that had previously been station became the first to
working properly. apply the EPRI guidelines to
Motivated to reduce outage duration extend the calibration interval
and calibration costs at its Sizewell B of safety-related instruments.
nuclear generating station, British Energy Software coding for the proj-
engaged EPRI to develop and deploy a ect was performed by Analysis
better approach to calibrating safety- and Measurement Services
related instruments. Corporation.
radiation exposure, and calibration errors.
Better Information Means Cost Savings at Sizewell British Energy’s goal is to expand the
Longer Intervals British Energy initially applied the OLM OLM application to nearly 2500 trans-
The calibration histories of process techniques to about 200 instruments at mitters, including many in the secondary
instruments in nuclear plants show that Sizewell B, focusing on the pressure, level, system (steam side) of the plant.
high-quality instruments can maintain and flow transmitters in the plant’s pri- The project methodology and applica-
their accuracies longer than an 18- to mary and secondary protection systems. tion for the Sizewell project, together
24-month fuel cycle and therefore may Overall, 80% of the transmitters evalu- with a set of supporting analyses and
not need to be calibrated as often as ated during the first OLM cycle were results, are published in the EPRI report
they have been. In the mid-1990s, this found to be within calibration tolerance Plant Application of On-Line Monitoring
finding spurred the nuclear industry throughout the fuel cycle. During the for Calibration Interval Extension of Safety-
and EPRI to explore a promising alterna- first outage, most of the transmitters that Related Instruments: Volumes 1 and 2
tive to time-based calibration: on-line were candidates for calibration interval (1013486).
monitoring (OLM) of instrument extension (70% of the total transmitters For more information, contact Joseph
channels. evaluated) were, in fact, extended. The Naser,, 650.855.2107.

FA L L 2 0 0 7 3
The Story in Brief
A successful response to the threat
of climate change will require
substantial technical work as well
as practical problem solving in the
political, regulatory, and public
arenas. EPRI’s 2007 Summer
Seminar brought together regula-
tory, industry, academic, and
policy leaders to discuss critical
issues and delineate the initiating
actions required to begin resolving
the climate dilemma. Although the
global nature of climate change
amplifies its complexity and uncer-
tainty, technology must play a
leading role in winnowing oppor-
tunity from challenge and crafting
a viable solution.
limate change has a decidedly dual I stabilize emissions, concentrations con- The bathtub and bullet train analogies
personality. On the one hand, the tinue to grow because at least some car- are particularly apt in the context of global
scope and scale of the challenge bon dioxide remains in the atmosphere for climate change because both lend them-
can seem insurmountable. On the other more than 100 years.” selves to technological solutions: design a
hand, climate change enthusiastically in- In welcoming participants to the Sum- bigger drain, close off the tap, engineer a
vites innovation, through the liberal de- mer Seminar, Morgan likened the climate better set of brakes, etc. “Our role is to
velopment and application of environ- change challenge to a bathtub with a big provide technology options for society,”
mentally friendly technologies across the faucet and a small drain, where the level of said Steve Specker, EPRI president and
economic landscape. At the 2007 EPRI water in the tub represents the atmospheric CEO in his keynote address. “The public
Summer Seminar in August, presenters concentration of CO2. To reduce CO2 lev- can decide, at the local, state, or national
and participants vividly reflected both per- els, flow from the faucet must slow to the level, which technology options they’re
sonalities, linking climate change chal- point where the drain can catch up. In a going to pursue. We as technologists have
lenge to climate change opportunity in the world where economic growth is largely to put as many of them out there as
context of a full portfolio of electricity sec- powered by industrialization and where possible.”
tor technologies. Specker outlined the
For more than 30 years, “Whether it’s through a cap-and-trade system, a carbon PRISM and MERGE analy-
the EPRI Summer Seminar ses that EPRI has conducted
has assembled a diverse mix tax, or some other mechanism, no private actor is going to assess the technological
of executives, policymakers, to do anything unless the effective and economic feasibility of a
and leaders from industry, full portfolio of options for
academia, government, and price of carbon dioxide is $35 per achieving significant CO2
non-governmental organiza-
tions to discuss critical issues
ton or greater.” emissions reductions in the
U.S. electricity sector. The
impacting the electric utility Granger Morgan, Carnegie Mellon University so-called Full Portfolio en-
sector. The theme for the compasses energy efficiency,
2007 Summer Seminar— plug-in hybrid electric vehi-
Electricity Solutions for a Carbon-Con- billions of people are striving to increase cles, distributed energy resources, renew-
strained Future—reflected the elevated their standard of living, stemming this able energy, nuclear power, advanced coal-
status climate change now occupies in flow represents a daunting and long-term fired generation, and carbon capture and
business, scientific, and policy circles. task. storage. The PRISM and MERGE results,
While the participants candidly addressed Jeff Sterba, chairman of EPRI and chair- which are described in detail in the article
the challenges facing the electricity sector, man, president, and CEO of PNM on page 14, functioned as a de facto start-
they confidently endorsed a critical and Resources, painted a different picture to ing point for the discussions during the
expanding role for technology. Dynamic convey the urgency associated with climate Summer Seminar.
interaction between presenters and the change action: “I think of carbon buildup
audience sharpened the debate and high- in terms of a train pulling out of the sta- Bigger and Better
lighted unique perspectives. tion going 3 to 5 miles an hour. When it’s The seminar’s opening session, “Develop-
going that speed, it’s fairly easy to slow it, ment and Deployment Challenges of
Bathtubs and Bullet Trains stop it, and start to push it backward. Achieving CO2 Reductions: Critical Path
The greenhouse gases that contribute to When it’s going 20 or 30 miles an hour, Issues,” brought the magnitude of the
global warming, including carbon dioxide it’s a bit harder to stop. You’re going to challenge into sharp relief. The issue of
(CO2), aren’t like conventional pollutants. hear squealing of brakes, a lot of whining scale looms large over any technology-
“Conventional pollutants like sulfur diox- motors—maybe see some minor damage. based strategy to reduce CO2 emissions,
ide or nitrogen oxides have a residence But if it’s going 100 miles an hour, it’s and it has two distinct elements: (1) the
time in the atmosphere of just a few hours going to do lots of damage before you degree of technology deployment or re-
or days,” said M. Granger Morgan, chair can bring it to a stop and start to push it duction of demand growth required to
of EPRI’s advisory council and head of back. That’s the inertia that we have to make a significant impact, and (2) the
Carnegie Mellon University’s Department work against, and the longer we take to scale-up required to move emissions re-
of Engineering and Public Policy. “If I sta- debate what has to be done as opposed to duction technologies from research and
bilize emissions, concentrations promptly acting on what has to be done, the faster development through demonstration and
stabilize. Carbon dioxide isn’t like that. If that train will be.” commercialization.

6 E P R I J O U R N A L
With respect to the first element, con- Question: How optimistic are you that the PRISM CO2
sider nuclear power. The EPRI PRISM emissions reductions can be met?

analysis projects 64 GW of new nuclear As a percentage of the total By sector

capacity by 2030 to contribute to signifi- Very
cant electricity sector CO2 emissions re-
ductions. “Assuming an average nuclear Somewhat
plant capacity of 1350 MW, getting to the optimistic

PRISM goal of 24 GW by 2020 will Somewhat

require about 17 new reactors,” said Admi- pessimistic
ral Frank Bowman, president and CEO Very
of the Nuclear Energy Institute. “With 17 pessimistic 20%
companies having signaled their intentions 0% 20% 40% 60%
to file applications for new reactors for up Utility, energy company, and associated trades
to 31 plants, that’s feasible. Now, going all Government/regulator
the way to 64 GW by 2030, which entails Non-government organization and academia
Supplier and consultant
another 30 plants, is a little heavier lift,
and it really comes down to how the first The 2007 EPRI Summer Seminar was attended by over a hundred people representing a wide
6 are going to go. My view is that reach- variety of organizations and stakeholder groups. Audience thoughts and opinions were captured
ing the 47 number is doable, but it’s going regularly during the two days of presentations by an electronic audience response system. This
to require a perfect alignment of a number quick polling on key questions stimulated frank comments from attendees and helped focus panel
of elements.” discussions on strategic issues.
Aligning these elements may be difficult,
but the audience provided an optimistic
counterpoint. In a comment from the floor, Heavy lifting will also be required for with electronic loads such as plasma TVs,
attendee Pierre Daurès, associé gérant with renewable energy, advanced coal, and digital converters, and computers, more
Intellact, reminded the participants about energy efficiency. Replacing all residential may be demanded of energy efficiency,
France’s large-scale commitment to nuclear incandescent light bulbs in the United particularly since it represents a near-term
energy. “While there will be impediments States with compact fluorescent bulbs can emissions reduction option.
to realizing a large nuclear power plant reduce energy consumption significantly— Renewable energy has made signifi-
program, they are not insurmountable. by about 4%. However, in light of expected cant inroads in commercial penetration,
France brought 50 nuclear power plants electricity demand growth of 40% by thanks in large part to determined research
on-line in less than 25 years.” 2030, and increased demand associated and development efforts and to generous
(if undependable) production tax cred-
its. Wider penetration hinges on mitigat-
ing intermittency concerns and integrat-
ing renewable resources into the grid.
“One of the challenges in developing these
resources is that they tend to be transmis-
sion-remote,” said John Geesman, commis-
sioner of the California Energy Commis-
sion. “In California, we expect to derive
more than 4000 MW of new wind capac-
ity from the Tehachapi area, but it will cost
well in excess of a billion dollars to build
the transmission system necessary to har-
vest that resource.”
The second element in the issue of scale
—the difficult progression from research
to commercialization and deployment—is
most clearly demonstrated with respect to
carbon capture and storage technology.

FA L L 2 0 0 7 7
The shape of future U.S. power production will depend on what advanced technology is developed and deployed over the next 20 years. EPRI studies
compared the likely generation mix for a limited portfolio of technology options with that for a more-robust full portfolio; both scenarios seek to stabilize CO2
emissions at 2010 levels through 2020 and further reduce them by 3% a year through 2050. The positions of generating facilities are representative and do
not indicate the locations of actual plants.

Limited Portfolio

Full Portfolio


Conventional Coal with Nuclear Gas Hydro Wind, solar, PHEVs

coal CCS and storage
For coal to remain a significant source of mercial activity in developed economies
electricity in a carbon-constrained world, a have resulted in atrophy of the manufac-
system for carbon capture and storage is a turing sector and migration of the skilled
Limited Portfolio
prerequisite. As a technology, however, workforce to other industries.
R&D focuses primarily on evolutionary
improvements in conventional coal- and carbon capture and storage is still on the NEI’s Bowman pointed out that the
gas-fired generation, further development horizon. “The largest postcombustion car- ultraheavy forgings required for major
of renewable technologies, and increases in bon capture system that’s been tested is on nuclear power plant components such as
end-use efficiency; nuclear capacity remains the order of 2 MW,” said Amos Avidan, reactor vessels currently can be manufac-
at existing levels. Carbon capture and
principal vice president with Bechtel. “The tured only at one facility, in Japan. The
storage (CCS) technology is not pursued,
and improvements in the transmission and
system must be scaled up by a factor of superheavy forgings required for slightly
distribution grid are modest. 300 or more to serve the needs of a com- smaller components can be manufactured
mercial power plant.” only at two plants, one in Japan and one
The Outcome for 2030
While the Limited Portfolio can achieve CO2
Significant scale-up of underground in France. Combined, these facilities can
reduction goals, it will require substantial CO2 storage is also needed. The largest
demand reduction (over a trillion kilowatt- active storage projects are injecting only up
hours a year). Natural gas will replace coal to about 1 million tons per year, and none
as the dominant generation fuel, leading to of them are integrated with a carbon cap-
significantly higher electricity prices.
ture technology at a coal-fired power plant.
Total Generation A single 1000-MW coal plant will produce
Coal: 1220 TWh 6 million tons of CO2 per year, meaning
Nuclear: 760 TWh
that hundreds of integrated capture and
Gas: 1940 TWh
Hydro and other renewables: 580 TWh storage systems must be replicated around
the world to make a significant impact.
“Scale-up concerns extend beyond the
need to develop the infrastructure for
Full Portfolio injection, which will be on the same order
In addition to the Limited Portfolio’s
advances, advanced coal plants that
of magnitude as that for extracting oil and
incorporate CCS technology are developed, gas today,” according to Jane Long, associ- support only about five or six new nuclear
and a large number of advanced LWR ate director at the Lawrence Livermore power plants per year worldwide, assum-
plants are added to the existing nuclear National Laboratory. “We are fairly confi- ing other industrial sectors aren’t demand-
fleet. A “smart” power grid, energy storage dent that sufficient storage capacity exists ing such forgings as well. Resurrecting
technology, and plug-in hybrid vehicles
and that we can characterize underground idled manufacturing capacity, or investing
(PHEVs) are also developed and deployed.
storage sites, monitor the fate of the in- in new capacity, will be required to sup-
The Outcome for 2030 jected CO2, evaluate the risks, and ensure port an expanded nuclear buildout.
Demand reduction under the Full Portfolio
it stays underground. The tougher issues The session “CO2 Capture and Storage:
will be substantially less than that for the
Limited Portfolio. CCS technology will allow are likely to be how the location of this Making it Work on a Large Scale” exam-
coal use to grow in place of natural gas, storage capacity relates to the sources of ined many technical and nontechnical
drastically reducing electricity price CO2, whether we can achieve integration deployment issues, including how a car-
increases. The smart grid and PHEVs will of the effluent rate and the injection rate, bon capture and storage (CCS) industry
increase end-use efficiency, while storage
ownership of the pore space as the CO2 could spur entirely new business lines.
technologies will allow better integration of
intermittent renewables.
spreads out underground, and the assump- One element certain to challenge rapid
tion of liability over the lifetime of the deployment is securing the human and
Total Generation
project.” physical capital necessary to sustain a CCS
Conventional coal: 1120 TWh
Coal with CCS: 1540 TWh
industry at scale.
Nuclear: 1440 TWh Boots and Bulldozers John Tombari, who is a vice president
Gas: 620 TWh The Summer Seminar also addressed with Schlumberger Carbon Services, out-
Hydro and other renewables: 410 TWh potential strains on manufacturing capac- lined how a commercial CCS industry
PHEVs: 36% of new vehicle sales ity and the labor pool. Discussion focused may evolve in the context of a single proj-
on the idea that such strains may be signif- ect. A CCS project would likely proceed
icant for nuclear and coal-fired plant con- through the following steps on its way
struction, where decades of minimal com- to commercialization: preliminary study,

FA L L 2 0 0 7 9
Question: What type of move underground after it has been in- sometimes conflicting state laws concern-
challenge to CO2 reduction will jected. The team will stay with the project ing liability and property rights and to
be most difficult?
throughout its lifetime, using postinjection handle the issue of carbon sequestration in
Technical 46%
monitoring data to refine and rebuild the a uniform manner across the United States.
models. Without a uniform approach, the issue of
Political 14% In short, the resources associated with property-owner rights and liabilities could
even a single CCS project are extensive. become extremely complicated. We may
Financial 14% Multiplying such resource requirements want to look to the environmental and
by the thousands of sites worldwide that other statutes that have, in recent decades,
11% may deploy CCS technology for CO2 successfully preempted various aspects of
emissions reduction provides a stark reflec- state law as a way forward to solving that
Regulatory 9%
tion of the dual challenge and opportunity problem.”
Safety associated with climate change.
concerns David Victor, director of Stanford Uni- The Killer App
Other 1% versity’s Program on Energy and Sustain- While the supply side of the electricity
able Development, directed the partici- meter provides point-source opportuni-
pants’ attention to long-term issues of ties to reduce CO2 emissions, Summer
liability. “When you think about injecting Seminar presentations and discussions
data acquisition, detailed characterization, CO2 at scale, it’s not that problematic to also focused on the demand side of the
design, construction, and injection and imagine operation of real sites,” said Vic- Full Portfolio. “We haven’t even come
monitoring. Each step represents an in- tor. “But the long-term stewardship ques- close to tapping the potential for cost-
cremental demand on human resources tions are really open. None of the compa- effective energy efficiency,” said Sheryl
and capital equipment, and the entire nies that would insure these projects would Carter, co-director of the energy program
development sequence for the Natural Re-
can take many years. “Utility energy efficiency programs in California have saved sources Defense Coun-
For example, three- cil, in the session
dimensional seismic consumers $5.5 billion over the last decade. That kind of “Stakeholder Perspec-
analyses are necessary savings can go a long way toward addressing tives and Actions.” Ac-
to review the land area cording to Carter, “Util-
bounding a potential cost concerns some might have about any ity energy efficiency
sequestration site. The
equipment and person-
package of global warming solutions.” programs in California
have saved consumers
nel to conduct such Sheryl Carter, Natural Resources Defense Council $5.5 billion over the
analyses are highly uti- last decade. That kind
lized today by the oil of savings can go a long
and gas industry. “Today, the appropriate be willing in today’s regulatory environ- way toward addressing cost concerns some
3-D seismic imaging costs about $100,000 ment to assume the permanent liability at might have about any package of global
per square mile in the United States,” said storage sites long after they have closed warming solutions.”
Tombari. “For a typical 500-MW plant, operations.” Capturing the voice—and evolving con-
we may need to survey up to 100 square From the audience, Kevin Fitzgerald, sumption patterns—of the customer can
miles, and the seismic work can take six to managing partner of the Washington, translate into technologies that raise effi-
nine months.” D.C., office of Troutman Sanders LLP, ciency and lower emissions. “It will be
In conjunction with this effort, wells added to this thread by postulating how increasingly important for utilities to
will need to be drilled to gather finer, divergent state property rights across the adjust the business model to better accom-
more-detailed data and samples. A proj- country could impact the regulation and modate technologies the regulators and
ect team comprising geologists, geophysi- operation of commercial CCS sites. “If elected officials are pushing, based on what
cists, petrophysicists, and reservoir engi- carbon dioxide is going to be a regulated they perceive to be customer interests,”
neers will then be needed to integrate all pollutant under the Clean Air Act, it’s said Geesman with the California Energy
the data and to build models that will pro- probably going to be much easier to seek Commission.
vide both a visualization of the subsurface and obtain from Congress some sort of Seminar discussions also were framed by
and a prediction of how the CO2 might legislation that preempts the diverse and the globalization of customer interests.

10 E P R I J O U R N A L
tions infrastructure is required—one that defined emissions target at minimum cost,
incorporates universally applied interoper- consumers should expect price increases.
ability standards for seamless plug-and- The mitigating agent is technology. “With
play capability. As Scott Lang, CEO of the Full Portfolio of technologies, our
SilverSpring Networks, explained, “For studies indicate that the real price of elec-
years the world considered the light bulb tricity is going to go up about 45% over
to be the killer application for electricity the next 40 years,” said EPRI’s Specker. “If
that drove the modernization of our econ- we don’t have the Full Portfolio, the in-
omy. Over time it became clear that the crease will be more than 200%.”
killer app was actually the wall socket and Because real electricity prices have con-
the plug enabling millions of devices to sistently declined over the past 50 years,
access power from the grid—a truth even such price increases will be difficult to
more obvious in today’s digital society. accept. “At the end of the day, if we want
Similarly, Internet protocol networking is to address global warming, we have to
“The fate of the world environmentally is the killer app when it comes to operating a understand the reality that prices are going
in the hands of India and China,” said Jesse ‘smart’ grid. IP networking has faced the to go up,” said Michael Morris, chairman,
Ausubel, director of Rockefeller Universi- test of scale, interconnecting millions and president, and CEO of American Electric
ty’s Program for the Human Environment. millions of end points around the world.” Power. “The natural impression of the mar-
“The markets for technologies ketplace, however, is that any
will be created by consump- “Internet protocol networking is the killer app when it increase is a bad increase.”
tion in India and China. What- Michael Dworkin, director
ever India and China buy over comes to operating a smart grid. IP networking has of the Institute for Energy and
the next decades will become faced the test of scale, inter- Environment at the Vermont
what vendors will sell to every- Law School, commented from
body else, because the econo- connecting millions and millions of the audience that broader in-
mies of scale and manufactur-
ing will be so favorable.”
end points around the world.” dustry experience suggests rec-
ognizing the concept of value
Utility action on energy ef- Scott Lang, SilverSpring Networks in changing this perception.
ficiency can play a big role, “We’ve seen in the telecom
particularly if regulators drive world that average spending
incentives. Edison International chairman A truly networked environment based on used to be $20 to $25 a month for tele-
and CEO John Bryson described Califor- a standard Internet protocol will provide phone. Now, when long-distance and local
nia’s success over more than 25 years in the links between the grid and the cus- calls are rolled in with cell phone and cable
encouraging energy efficiency, highlight- tomer to enable smart operation and de- TV and Internet, it’s at a level where many
ing the importance of mechanisms that liver benefits in both emissions and energy people spend $3500–$4000 a year and
decouple utility revenues from electricity savings.
sales. “There is a lot to learn from Cali-
Question: When will CO2 capture
fornia, and not all of the many efficiency Pay the Piper
and storage become commercially
initiatives were as effective as we originally The session titled “Creating the Regula- available?
thought they would be. Others were even tory and Financial Framework to Achieve
better than the initial blueprint. For all of CO2 Reduction Goals” drove home the 2015 5%
them—and we have more than 40 major sobering reality that emissions reduction
efficiency programs, each targeted to spe- strategies cannot be devised in a vacuum. 2020 24%
cific customer market segments—we have Policy choices dictate technology choices,
gotten better at achieving cost-effective- and both have economic impacts in terms 2025 15%
ness and customer support through the of consumer electricity prices and capital
2030 22%
learning that comes with experience.” requirements. Simply put, there will be no
To fully deploy technologies that can free lunch with CO2 reductions. EPRI’s Beyond
enhance economy-wide energy efficiency MERGE economic analysis indicates that, 2030

measures and shape demand response, a even in a scenario where technology is Not in
my lifetime
robust, flexible, and scalable communica- deployed without constraints to achieve a

FA L L 2 0 0 7 11
conservative $1500/kW capital cost some other mechanism, no private actor
to the estimated 350 GW of new gen- is going to do anything unless the effec-
erating capacity that will be required tive price of carbon dioxide is $35 per ton
in the United States to satisfy incre- or greater,” according to Carnegie Mellon’s
mental demand through 2030 results Morgan.
in an overall price tag of $525 billion. When companies do act, they want a
As technology implementation costs broad suite of options available to mini-
go up, the companies providing this mize compliance costs. “Market-based
capital must have some reasonable measures like cap-and-trade are very good
assurance of return on investment. at bringing the technologies off the shelf
“Unless there’s clarity on how these that aren’t cost effective without that car-
big dollars are going to be recovered bon price,” said Anne Smith, vice presi-
and earn adequate return, the big dol- dent with CRA International. “But carbon
lars are never going to flow into the prices are really not at all effective at get-
sector,” said Kevin Genieser, manag- ting those new technologies onto the shelf
think that they’re getting something ing director with Morgan Stanley. so that they’re ready to be used on a com-
worthwhile. So increases, if they are com- The Full Portfolio will be realized only if mercial basis.”
bined with a value that, for example, re- amenable regulatory and market structures One reason for this is the long lead
places automobile fuel with a plug-in are in place, through some mix of loan time for technology R&D. If technology
hybrid, or provides better is to be available to deal
lighting in the home, may “In the absence of a carbon pricing regime, some state with emissions economi-
mean that electricity costs cally, the R&D choices
not only are offset by sav- regulatory commissions will begin making early investments and commitments must be
ings in other parts of fam-
ily life but can be linked to
based upon a feeling that it’s the right made years—sometimes
decades—before the pric-
a significant sense of cus- thing to do for fuel diversity and ing signals appear. In addi-
tomer satisfaction.” tion, market-based pricing
The expense of large-
technological diversity.” strategies such as cap-and-
scale CO2 emissions reduc- Ellen Lapson, Fitch Ratings trade systems create prices
tions will have to be cap- “in the moment,” making
tured in electricity prices; them difficult to predict
this reality reflects the substantial capital guarantees, subsidies, tax credits, and, ulti- years ahead. “We’re not likely to adopt a
required to develop and build new nuclear mately, a real or implied price on carbon. price trajectory that is strong enough to
and coal plants and to integrate energy “I am optimistic about the dynamism of accelerate technologies,” said Phil Sharp,
efficiency devices and renewable energy. our financial markets to provide capital,”
Bechtel’s Avidan highlighted the sharp said Ellen Lapson, managing director with
escalation in construction costs for large Fitch Ratings. “Reasonable investment out-
coal plants. Over the past three years, the comes can be predicted if we have rela- Question: What reduction can
energy efficiency provide in
cost of engineering, procurement, and con- tively stable regulatory structures. In the
electricity use by 2020?
struction for coal plants—which does not absence of a carbon pricing regime, some
include the additional capital required for state regulatory commissions will begin <5% 4%
owners’ costs, carrying charges, and contin- making early investments based upon a
gencies—has risen by 66%, from $1200/ feeling that it’s the right thing to do for 5 –10% 28%
kW to $2000/kW. “Although there are fuel diversity and technological diversity.”
kWh Sales

signs of moderation in some of the com- 10 –15% 30%

modity markets,” said Avidan, “with the Technology On or Off the
15 – 20% 28%
global pressure on the infrastructure indus- Shelf? The Critical Role of R&D
try, it’s hard to forecast where prices are The great unknown when evaluating the
20 – 25% 7%
heading.” economics of climate change policy is the
Seminar participants considered the price of carbon. “Whether it’s through a >25% 3%
murky crystal ball of finance. Applying a cap-and-trade system, a carbon tax, or

12 E P R I J O U R N A L
Question: When will mandatory state regulators across the country are look- Audience member Stephen Lennon,
CO2 controls be placed on the ing for,” said James Kerr II, president of managing director of resources and strat-
electricity sector?
the National Association of Regulatory egy with ESKOM, picked up on this issue.
Utility Commissioners and a commis- “We need to start factoring things such as
In 2008 4%
sioner with the North Carolina Utilities the cost of CO2 into our investment deci-
By 2010 42% Commission. “The one shortcoming is sions. Some of that is being done, but we
that we don’t have the luxury of waiting for should take it more seriously. Power com-
By 2012 31% these technological solutions. When we panies are also big buyers. If we entrench
get home tomorrow, we have to meet the things such as energy efficiency and low-
After 2012 23% demand that is before us. That said, in a emitting processes as requirements for our
time when we are all searching for answers, suppliers throughout our procurement
this analysis provides at least two—tech- practices, this can make a big difference.”
nology and R&D.” Narrowing the gap between technology
president of Resources for the Future. development and commercial availability
Beyond pricing signals, therefore, other Failure Is Not an Option is paramount. As part of the Full Portfolio
policies will be needed to develop, demon- In the end, while regulators, policymakers, analyses, EPRI has defined four technol-
strate, and deploy the technologies that interest groups, and the public are integral ogy pathways where concerted action in
will address climate change concerns. to making the climate change solution research, development, large-sale demon-
“R&D takes a little bit more . . . . There more palatable, the electricity sector must stration, and diverse deployment could
needs to be certainty for investors that they be willing to stick its neck out. “If we have accelerate CO2 emissions reductions in the
will be able to obtain and retain intellec- said—and I think correctly and effectively electricity sector. These pathways are
tual property rights,” said CRA’s Smith. —that climate change really is a technol- described in detail later in this issue (see
“Impermanence and uncertainty are anath- ogy challenge, we’ve got to walk the talk,” “Pathways to the Full Portfolio,” p. 20).
ema to getting the right policy setting to said Sterba. “We’ve got to be willing to The operative word is action—moving
meet the technology challenge.” invest in technology.” “from theology to rational action,” in the
The seminar participants words of Jeff Sterba. The only
discussed volatile fuel prices, “Everybody wants to be the fifth deployer of a new certainty with global climate
rising capital investment costs, change is that the path will be
and environmental issues that technology at commercial scale. Someone’s got to be tortuous. Technology, how-
will significantly complicate brave enough to stand up once, ever, can play a critical dual
regulatory decisions moving role: navigating the path to en-
forward. Technologies won’t twice—three or four times.” sure the destination is reached,
necessarily make these deci- and smoothing the bumps to
Carl Bauer, U.S. Department of Energy
sions easier, but technology National Energy Technology Laboratory ensure the passengers don’t
provides options that increase suffer unnecessary harm.
the likelihood that decisions “I don’t think we can
will have fewer negative im- assume we’re going to throw
pacts. “We have to redefine what the term “Having a technology ready to go that away the last 100 years of electricity price
failure means,” said PNM Resources’ has commercial viability doesn’t mean it’s declines and move into a world for our
Sterba. “When we think about new tech- deployed,” said Carl Bauer, director of the kids and grandkids where real prices go
nology, we have to be willing to take some U.S. Department of Energy’s National up 200%,” said Specker. “As a technolo-
risk, and sometimes this means we’re going Energy Technology Laboratory. “It means gist, I think that’s failure. The projected
to pay more for something that has a lower it has passed a reasonable scale of demon- trajectories for electricity prices and elec-
probability of success than the tried-and- stration, the economics and performance tricity sector CO2 emissions are both unac-
true technology. If that is viewed as a fail- are reasonably understood; and yet no- ceptable. We can decarbonize the electric-
ure by the regulator, it won’t happen body’s ready to commit to large-scale de- ity sector and do it in a way that electricity
again.” ployment. Everybody wants to be the fifth prices don’t go through the roof.”
There are limits, however, to what regu- deployer of a new technology at com-
lators and public commissions can do to mercial scale. Someone’s got to be brave This article was written by Brian Schimmoller
address and enable emissions reductions. enough to stand up once, twice—three or (
“PRISM is exactly the kind of approach four times.”

FA L L 2 0 0 7 13
Modeling the
Technology Mix
The Story in Brief
The electricity industry is now
actively considering which combi-
nation of advanced technologies
can best meet CO2 emissions
reduction targets. The fundamental
challenge is to develop a portfolio
of options that is technically fea-
sible and can provide affordable
electricity to customers. As the
industry considers its investments in
research, development, and dem-
onstration projects, EPRI’s PRISM
and MERGE analyses address this
challenge and point toward a
solution that EPRI describes as
“The Full Portfolio.”
he EPRI Summer Seminar held in increases in end-use efficiency. While on- industry could achieve “aggressive but fea-
August 2007 produced a surpris- going technical improvements would en- sible” targets for deploying seven advanced
ingly strong consensus among its sure that today’s fleet of nuclear plants con- technology options:
diverse participants: Development of a tinue to operate effectively, nuclear capacity • end-use energy efficiency
portfolio of advanced technologies is the would remain at existing levels. • renewable energy
most challenging but by far the most The Full Portfolio includes all of the • advanced light water nuclear reactors
promising approach for the electricity sec- developments of the limited portfolio but (ALWRs) and life extension for
tor to reduce its CO2 emissions. In antici- adds technology that will increase capabili- existing reactors
pation of future CO2 emissions policies, ties beyond evolutionary improvements. • advanced coal power plants
EPRI has analyzed the technical potential For example, the development of a “smart” • CO2 capture and storage (CCS)
for the U.S. electricity sector to reduce electricity grid and commercialization of • plug-in hybrid electric
emissions over the next 25 years and has plug-in hybrid electric vehicles would vehicles (PHEVs)
assessed the economic benefits of using greatly accelerate improvements in end-use • distributed energy resources (DER)
advanced technologies to achieve required efficiency; and the deployment of energy The calculated potential for CO2 emis-
reductions. The result: If the U.S. electric- storage technologies would increase the sions reductions was based solely on the
ity sector deploys a full portfolio of tech- cost-effectiveness of intermittent renew- technical capabilities, assuming no eco-
nologies rather than a more limited one, able generation. Even more important for nomic or policy constraints.
the overall cost of emissions reductions to the Full Portfolio are two large-scale devel- The PRISM analysis gets its name from
the U.S. economy could be lowered by as opments that would not be available under EPRI’s graphic representation of the Full
much as one trillion dollars. a limited approach: U.S. deployment of ad- Portfolio’s broad spectrum of emissions re-
The anticipation of national regulation vanced light water reactors, which would duction technologies. In comparison with
is already driving extensive efforts to de- substantially increase the number of nuclear the base case projections of the Energy In-
velop technologies that can reduce emis- plants, and carbon capture and storage formation Administration (EIA) in its 2007
sions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. technology, which would drastically reduce Annual Energy Outlook, the PRISM results
Major government and private industry CO2 emissions from coal-fired plants. show that aggressive deployment of the
research programs are focused on advanced Consideration of these portfolio options Full Portfolio of advanced technologies
nuclear power plants, carbon capture and leads to two fundamental questions: Can could reduce CO2 emissions levels by about
storage for coal plants, a variety of renew- the technologies being considered indeed 45% in 2030. “The analysis also showed
able energy resources, and diverse technol- reduce greenhouse gas emissions to desired there is no ‘silver bullet’ for reducing emis-
ogies to increase end-use energy efficiency. levels, and what is their economic value? sions,” says Revis James, director of the
What has largely been lacking, however, is To help answer those questions, EPRI re- EPRI Energy Technology Assessment Cen-
a clear vision of how to create a portfolio cently completed two related studies. The ter, which conducted the PRISM analysis.
of technologies optimally suited for re- first, the so-called PRISM analysis, assessed “Rather, the results show that a diverse com-
ducing CO2 emissions from the electricity the U.S. electricity sector’s technical poten- bination of new and existing technologies
sector, as well as an assessment of the eco- tial for reducing CO2 emissions, assuming will be required. By deploying a full port-
nomic advantages of widely deploying deployment of the Full Portfolio of ad- folio of such technologies, the electricity
these technologies. vanced technologies. A separate analysis, sector can make a very substantial contri-
To clarify the range of features for such MERGE, calculated the economic value of bution to reducing U.S. CO2 emissions.”
a portfolio, EPRI has considered two cases deploying these technologies and projected
—one with a limited range of R&D in- the least-cost combination of technologies Aggressive Assumptions: How
vestment and resulting technology deploy- needed to meet assumed CO2 emissions Best to Anticipate the Future?
ments and another with a more compre- reduction targets representative of poten- For each technology considered, the
hensive set of R&D targets and technol- tial policies. These results inform EPRI’s PRISM analysis uses aggressive assump-
ogy deployments. The latter has become ongoing efforts to identify the research, tions regarding technology performance
known as the Full Portfolio. A comparison development, and demonstration (RD&D) and deployment and then calculates
of the two approaches highlights differ- pathways to successful and economical changes in electricity consumption and
ences of both degree and kind. The lim- CO2 emissions reductions (see “Pathways the generation mix resulting from a tech-
ited portfolio focuses primarily on evo- to the Full Portfolio,” page 20). nology portfolio based on these assump-
lutionary improvements in conventional tions. Finally, it determines CO2 emissions
coal- and gas-fired generation, further de- Calculating Technical Potential reductions resulting from this transforma-
velopment of renewable technologies, and The PRISM analysis assumed that the tion. A key underlying assumption is that

16 E P R I J O U R N A L

EIA Base Case 2007
U.S. Electricity Sector CO2 Emissions (million metric tons)



Load growth ~ +1.5%/yr Load growth ~ +1.1%/yr

1500 30 GWe by 2030 70 GWe by 2030

Generation 12.5 GWe by 2030 64 GWe by 2030

Advanced Coal No existing plant upgrades; 40% 150 GWe plant upgrades; 46% new-
1000 Generation
new-plant efficiency by 2020–2030 plant efficiency by 2020; 49% in 2030
Carbon Capture
and Storage None Widely deployed after 2020

500 Plug-in Hybrid 10% of new vehicle sales by 2017;

Electric Vehicle None
+2%/yr thereafter
Energy <0.1% of base load in 2030 5% of base load in 2030
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

Potential CO2 Reductions: EPRI’s PRISM analysis assessed the U.S. electricity sector’s technical potential for reducing CO2 emissions to 1990 levels by
2030—a goal considered critical for stabilizing atmospheric concentrations. Starting with the Energy Information Administration’s Annual Energy
Outlook 2007 estimates as the base case, researchers calculated what additional reductions could result from accelerated development of a wide
range of advanced technologies. While the EPRI targets are very aggressive, achieving the desired reductions is technically feasible.

a specific sequence of RD&D activities Another major departure from the EIA With regard to end-use efficiency, the
could be identified that would achieve base case involves CCS technology, which PRISM analysis assumes that the Energy
wide-scale deployment of the advanced the EIA analysis did not include. The Policy Act of 2005 mandate of a 20% en-
technologies by 2030. In most cases, EPRI’s PRISM assumption—based on milestones ergy intensity improvement for federal
deployment assumptions are considerably established in a technology development buildings will be extended to all con-
more ambitious than those used in the roadmap jointly created by EPRI and the sumption sectors. This would result in
EIA base case analysis. Coal Utilization Research Council—holds average annual electricity demand growth
The PRISM assumption for nuclear that CCS technology can be widely avail- of only 1.1% between 2005 and 2030—
power deployment, for example, is 64 GW able and deployed after 2020, presuming about 30% less than the comparable EIA
of new capacity by 2030, compared with that the large-scale CCS demonstration base case figure. An important technologi-
12.5 GW in the EIA analysis. This larger program sponsored by the U.S. Depart- cal component of meeting this target will
assumption is supported by two particu- ment of Energy is successful and is com- be the development of a “smart” distri-
larly promising points: much of the new pleted on schedule. The PRISM analysis bution system, incorporating distributed
capacity could be added at existing nuclear also adopts in its estimates the develop- sensors and advanced metering, to enable
sites, and the ALWR technology that ment roadmap’s targets for improving ther- greater automated control of electricity
would provide the basis for these new modynamic performance and heat rates at consumption.
plants is well developed and is already pulverized-coal plants and integrated gas- The PRISM analysis assumes that non-
being used in several countries. ification–combined-cycle coal plants. hydro renewable energy capacity will con-

FA L L 2 0 0 7 17
tinue to grow at a rate of 2 GW/year from by 2030, compared with no consideration The MERGE Analysis and the
2020 to 2030, resulting in a total capacity of this technology in the EIA base case. Full Portfolio
of 70 GW by 2030—more than twice the Similarly, PRISM assumes that DER will What are the potential economic impacts
EIA base case projection. This increased represent 5% of baseload generation by of deploying the Full Portfolio versus a
capacity is assumed to include widespread 2030, compared with the EIA assumption limited technology portfolio? In a gen-
deployment of intermittent resources, such of less than 0.1%. eral equilibrium economic model called
as wind and solar, facilitated by ongoing “PRISM’s aggressive targets really push MERGE (model for estimating the re-
changes in utility transmission and distri- the envelope, and its projected genera- gional and global effects of greenhouse gas
bution systems. EPRI’s renewables deploy- tion mix for 2030 is very different from reductions), EPRI researchers modeled
ment assumption matches the combined that envisioned by the EIA base case,” outcomes based on projected capital and
requirements of existing state-mandated observes Bryan Hannigan, vice president operating costs of these technologies, to-
renewable portfolio standards. of EPRI’s Environment sector and a major gether with assumed generic CO2 emis-
The study also established assumptions force in the model’s creation. “In particu- sions constraints in line with potential
for two technologies not owned or con- lar, the PRISM results show much greater policies. MERGE has been used by cli-
trolled by utilities—PHEVs and DER. In use of nuclear power, renewable energy, mate scientists for more than a decade to
the case of PHEVs, an aggressive assump- and coal with CCS, and a sharply lower analyze the lowest-cost technology mix
tion is made: 16% market penetration for contribution from natural gas and coal that is able to achieve a specified CO2
new light-duty vehicles by 2020 and 30% without CCS.” emissions constraint as a function of tech-

Limited Portfolio Full Portfolio

8 8
Price of electricity likely to increase
by 2050 with a limited portfolio
260% Price of electricity likely to increase
by 2050 with the Full Portfolio
7 7

6 6

5 5
Trillion kWh/yr

Trillion kWh/yr
4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

Coal Gas Oil Hydro Solar Demand with no policy

w/CCS w/CCS Nuclear Wind Biomass Policy-induced

demand reduction

Generation Mix: Under a limited portfolio scenario, natural gas becomes the dominant generation fuel by 2030, and CO2 reduction policies can only
be met through large reductions in electricity demand, placing severe constraints on economic growth. With the Full Portfolio, nuclear power and
advanced coal generation with carbon capture and storage reduce emissions to the point where a much lower demand reduction is needed. By 2050,
the Full Portfolio will have essentially de-carbonized the electricity sector and reduced the impact on electricity prices to less than a fifth that of the
limited portfolio.

18 E P R I J O U R N A L
nology cost, availability, and performance. The MERGE analysis shows how this opment, the economy-wide cost of enforc-
MERGE can project energy production change will occur by tracing the impact of ing emissions constraints would grow very
for each technology, wholesale electricity technology availability on the U.S. genera- rapidly, driving up the real price (in year
prices, CO2 emissions allowance prices, tion mix. Under the emissions constraint 2000 dollars) of CO2 to more than $300/
and the costs to the overall U.S. economy discussed here, the model points to a dras- ton by 2050 in the intermediate policy
of the specified emissions reduction con- tically different deployment of generation case. The Full Portfolio would enable elec-
straint. All MERGE monetary outputs are technologies under the limited portfolio tricity sector emissions to fall, so the price
in constant 2000 dollars. scenario after about 2020. Assuming that of CO2 would rise more slowly, reaching
The analysis showed that the economic CCS would not be available to help meet about $150/ton by 2050. At this point the
impacts of pursuing the Full Portfolio ver- the emissions constraint, the use of coal electricity sector would be essentially de-
sus the limited portfolio are significant. would fall off sharply and coal would be carbonized, and any further CO2 reduc-
Several CO2 reduction profiles—reflecting largely replaced by natural gas. Moreover, tions would have to come from industry,
the requirements of different future emis- there would be a profound reduction in transportation, and other non-electric seg-
sions policies—were examined using the demand for electricity, driven by very ments of the economy.
MERGE; for each combination of tech- high prices. With the Full Portfolio, how- Such price differences provide a strong
nology scenario and policy constraint, the ever, the availability of CCS would allow incentive to develop and deploy advanced
MERGE model calculated the economic coal to be maintained, taking on a new electricity-related technologies. They also
cost to the U.S. gross domestic product role as a non-emitting generation option. support the conclusion of other analyses
over the analysis period. The policy At the same time, aggressive technology that electric power will increasingly be
assumption considered here is the one that deployment would enable nuclear power used to provide low-carbon energy
most closely resembles the PRISM emis- to expand greatly, while natural gas would throughout the economy. The Full Portfo-
sions profile—an intermediate case widely essentially maintain its current position as lio scenario leads to accelerated electrifica-
discussed by policymakers that stabilizes a fuel of choice for peaking units. tion of other sectors of the economy, as
emissions from 2010 to 2020 and then consumption of electricity relative to non-
reduces them by 3% per year. For this case, Wider Implications electric energy use more than doubles by
the economic cost to GDP associated with By illustrating the critical interactions 2050, with an even greater increase under
the limited portfolio scenario was calcu- among various sectors of the economy, an emissions constraint.
lated to be $1.5 trillion. This could be EPRI’s MERGE analysis identifies wider “It’s important to remember that these
reduced to roughly $0.5 trillion through implications of carbon constraints on elec- figures are not chiseled in stone,” concludes
availability of the advanced technologies in tricity technology evolution. For example, Richard Richels, senior technical executive
the Full Portfolio scenario. The MERGE if the electricity sector must replace coal for EPRI’s global climate change research.
analysis showed that reliance on any single with natural gas in the limited portfolio “What we have tried to analyze in MERGE
technology would not come near to achiev- scenario, sharp increases in natural gas are the economic advantages that could be
ing the reduction in policy cost that could prices could result. In terms of constant realized by using advanced technologies to
be achieved by using them all together. 2000 dollars, the wellhead price of natural limit CO2 emissions. To get realistic esti-
Even when an economically efficient gas could rise from the current level of mates, we have restricted ourselves to tech-
path for CO2 emissions reduction is pur- about $6/thousand cubic feet (MCF) to nological advances that can be foreseen
sued, the wholesale price of electricity is around $13/MCF by 2050. With the Full with some level of confidence. However,
likely to rise substantially as emissions are Portfolio, the price is likely to rise to only history has taught us to expect significant
restricted. However, the MERGE analysis about $10/MCF. The contrast between —though unpredictable—breakthroughs
makes it clear that the increase will be the two scenarios is even greater in terms as well, and policy incentives may also
much lower and will stabilize if advanced of natural gas consumption, which would accelerate the process.”
technologies are deployed. Assuming an be more than two-and-a-half times greater
intermediate emissions policy, the real in 2050 for the limited portfolio. With the This article was written by John Douglas.
price of electricity is projected to increase Full Portfolio deployed, the economy Background information was provided by
about 45% by 2050 with the Full Portfo- could reduce both its overall consumption Revis James (, Geoff
lio, compared with a 260% increase in the of natural gas and the share used for elec- Blanford (, and Steve
limited portfolio scenario. In addition, tricity generation between now and 2050. Gehl (
implementation of the Full Portfolio MERGE projects a similarly dramatic
would lead to nearly full de-carbonization contrast in the projected price of CO2
of the electricity sector by 2050. emissions. With limited technology devel-

FA L L 2 0 0 7 19
Pathways to the
Full Portfolio

The Story in Brief

Discussions at EPRI’s Summer Seminar made one point clear: If the U.S. electricity
sector is to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions substantially, then research, develop-
ment, and demonstration (RD&D) of major technologies must start now. If the Full
Portfolio of technology options becomes the industry’s ultimate destination, then the
question to be answered is, how does the industry arrive there? EPRI has identified
four technology pathways to answer that question and serve as the framework for a
robust RD&D agenda.
oing into the 2007 Summer clear that a comprehensive program of sion, nuclear, and coal technologies. The
Seminar, the participants were RD&D must start immediately for all sec- first two pathways constitute the creation
broadly familiar with the criti- tors if the Full Portfolio of technologies is of a smart grid that will enable contribu-
cal areas of research that must be pursued to be deployed successfully. The electricity tions to CO2 reductions from renewables,
over the next few decades, but through sector is faced with questions of how to energy efficiency, distributed energy re-
the day-and-a-half discussion, they came combine public and private efforts that are sources, and plug-in hybrid electric vehi-
to more fully appreciate the scope, long focused and sustained, as well as how to cles. The latter two pathways are designed
lead times, and interdependencies of the move forward without necessarily waiting to ensure the viability of coal and the accel-
RD&D process. Work must proceed in a for the political process to nail down the erated expansion of nuclear power—the
logical manner, one technical milestone fine details of greenhouse gas emissions two workhorses of electricity supply, which
building upon another, with the scale-up policy. account for more than 70% of current
of major systems proceeding in proven in- The entire suite of CO2 reduction tech- U.S. electricity generation.
crements until they reach full commercial nologies must progress in parallel in order Each technology pathway involves an
operation. Each of the technology sectors for the Full Portfolio of technologies to be ambitious sequence of RD&D steps that
faces different challenges, some having to deployed. A manageable plan must pro- achieve critical targets in the 2015–2030
overcome high-risk technology hurdles vide structure to all of the required RD&D period. The four pathways presented at the
while others face fewer technology chal- activities without losing sight of strategic 2007 Summer Seminar and discussed in
lenges but greater deployment challenges. objectives. EPRI has started by laying out this article will form the basis for EPRI’s
In any case, given the broad technology four strategic technology pathways to ac- comprehensive RD&D action plan.
requirements of the PRISM analysis, it is celerate progress in distribution, transmis-

Efficiency, Plug-In Electric Vehicles,
Distributed Energy Resources
While commercial companies are actively tor, compares this evolution to the creation plugged in directly. “Interoperability stan-
developing the capabilities of energy-effi- of the USB (Universal Serial Bus) port dards are the USB of the distribution sys-
cient end-use devices, distributed energy on today’s computers, which allows mem- tem,” Mansoor says. “With them we will
resources (DER), and plug-in hybrid elec- ory sticks, digital cameras, and computer have seamless plug-and-play capabilities
tric vehicles (PHEVs), the real payoff for peripherals from different companies to be with today’s electricity network. We will
these technologies will come when they be able to connect generation resources
can be widely deployed and integrated of various types and scales, transmission
into an “intelligent” distribution network. An IP-based smart grid will allow assets, distribution systems, and a wide
This interactive distribution system will array of end-use equipment.”
enable these elements to work together via seamless connection of generation Mansoor says that aggressive and suc-
a standard Internet Protocol (IP), using a cessful RD&D efforts can make this criti-
“universal language” for communication cal plug-and-play capability a reality by
resources of various types and
between devices. The resulting digital plat- 2015 and universal by 2020. To meet such
form will enable millions of IP-addressed a goal, interoperability standards must be
smart devices, appliances, machines, data- scales, transmission assets, in place by 2010, along with an advanced
bases, and control systems to communi- metering infrastructure (AMI) that will
cate, to synchronize operations, and to distribution systems, and a wide support real-time data acquisition and
respond to price signals. dynamic energy management. Pilot proj-
Arshad Mansoor, vice president of array of end-use equipment. ects that confirm such energy management
EPRI’s Power Delivery and Utilization sec- capability must be completed by 2012,

22 E P R I J O U R N A L
Communications Standards for Interoperability:

AMI standards
developed and Key
deployed infrastructure/
smart resources
Dynamic energy
management pilot
Smart Resource Interface and Master Controller:

Interface standard developed

Integration of AMI with smart resources

Integration of EMS with Smart Resources:

CIM developed for EMS/DMS/smart resources integration

Multiple smart grid pilots

Grid Operations and Planning Tools:

Grid operations and planning tools optimized

Smart resources integrated with operations

2007 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032


AMI deployment based PHEV management system loads Integrated energy management —
on open standards, or generation/storage resources EMS, DMS, and consumer systems
enabling dynamic energy
management Advanced on-board
chargers for 2-way Plug and charge Integration of AMI with smart resources,
power flow anywhere enabling consumers to optimize energy use
9% reduction
in baseload
PHEV sales = 10% PHEV sales = 30%
of new light-duty cars of new light-duty cars
DER = 5%
of generation

2007 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032

and the integration of AMI with smart dis- mand response don’t have to be regarded as many of the most cost-effective near-term
tributed resources must be accomplished two different things. “If you change high- options for CO2 emissions reduction
by 2015. This step involves assurance that intensity commercial lighting from mag- because many can be deployed faster and
DER and end-use devices are routinely netic ballasts to electronic ballasts, you at lower cost than supply-side options.
manufactured to include interactive intel- gain efficiency; but more important, you Efficiency opportunities are particularly
ligence and accepted communication stan- now have a dispatchable resource, because ripe in the electronics area, for three rea-
dards. After 2015, the integration will step you can dim those lights when you need sons. First, electronic devices represent the
up systematically from the distribution to. That’s really the key concept. You can fastest-growing portion of residential and
level to the energy management systems make it efficient and you can make it smart commercial load, expected to account for
level—and finally to grid operations and at the same time. We are just scratching at least 30% of residential electricity con-
planning, sometime in the 2020s. the surface of what will be possible with a sumption by 2030. Second, electronics are
Mansoor points out that with an intelli- smart grid,” Mansoor says. naturally suited to carry the embedded
gent network, energy efficiency and de- Energy efficiency technologies provide intelligence that can be harnessed to foster

FA L L 2 0 0 7 23
energy efficiency in the devices and appli- “Each box can draw as much as 30 watts, potential for large-scale CO2 emissions
ances they operate. And third, because 24 hours a day, 365 days a year,” says Man- reductions by PHEVs under a variety of
electronics manufacturers have so far paid soor. “That’s half a refrigerator.” He refers scenarios. Net environmental benefits re-
little attention to energy efficiency, sub- to this growing electronic demand as “load sulted in all cases, but dramatic benefits
stantial gains can be made in this area. bloat” and proposes that the electricity sec- were projected in cases of high market
A good example are the millions of small tor start working closely with electronics penetration by PHEVs.
plug-in power supplies that convert 120- manufacturers to elevate the priority of With technical advances and market
volt ac power to low-voltage dc for cell energy efficiency in their designs. acceptance, PHEVs should enter the U.S.
phones, laptop computers, video games, PHEVs may also play a significant role market around 2010 and could account
and other digital devices. About 6–8% of in an intelligent energy network. Their for 10% of new-car sales by 2017. EPRI’s
U.S. electricity now flows through these large, easily charged racks of advanced bat- distribution-enabled pathway calls for the
converters, with energy losses in the range teries could serve as a distributed energy development of an advanced on-board
of 40–50%. Plasma TVs, which are just resource, providing emergency electricity charger for handling two-way power
beginning large-scale penetration of the supply to homes and increased grid stabil- flow by 2012. With aggressive RD&D,
home market, are also large energy con- ity to the network at large. PHEVs have PHEVs could be fully integrated into the
sumers, using three to four times more also been shown to offer substantial en- smart distribution system by 2020; once
power than conventional TVs. When TV vironmental improvements over the con- there, they could be managed as an aggre-
goes exclusively to digital broadcast in ventional vehicles they will replace. A gated storage resource to meet peak loads
early 2009, converter boxes will be needed recent study by EPRI and the Natural and emergencies and to provide ancillary
for the 120 million analog TVs still in use. Resources Defense Council showed the services.

Intermittent Renewables

According to the PRISM assumptions, of total capacity, and even higher penetra- nia, relatively high penetration levels are
wind, biomass, geothermal, incremental tions can be found on some European handled by a strong transmission back-
hydro, and solar power could increase the grids. In the upper Midwest and Califor- bone and by relying on other (controllable)
renewable component of generation more generation options, such as gas turbines
than tenfold over the next 25 years. To Bulk energy storage and and hydro, to even out the flow of power.
accommodate such growth in energy In other geographic areas, wind farm gen-
resources that are inherently less controlla- eration has been curtailed by transmission
ble than conventional generation, the advanced power electronics must limitations and less backup flexibility.
transmission system must be enhanced to Wind power provides the most striking
become more resilient and flexible. Bulk become an integral part of the example of the technical challenges facing
energy storage must become an integral large-scale grid integration of intermittent
part of the electricity supply chain. EPRI’s electricity supply chain if resources. Potential remedies include bet-
second strategic technology pathway calls ter wind turbines, improved fault toler-
for a transmission grid infrastructure that ances, more-accurate wind forecasting,
can operate reliably with as much as 20–
intermittent renewables power electronics for stabilization and
30% intermittent renewables in specific compensation, and energy storage. Of
areas—particularly the wind-rich regions technologies are to reach these, only storage offers a comprehensive
of the United States. solution to the grid challenges of intermit-
Already in some areas in New Mexico full potential. tent generation. Storage can firm up power
and California, wind accounts for 10–15% supply and provide frequency regulation,

24 E P R I J O U R N A L
Energy Storage:

Shock absorber to moderate

wind fluctuations

CAES for large-scale wind and grid support

Flow/advanced batteries for firming and shaping increasing scale

Develop, prototype nanostorage technologies

Grid Operations and Planning:

Model and create tools to integrate

renewable energy

Develop, deploy tools to integrate markets

with renewables

Apply real-time visualization tools to control room

Transmission Enhancements:

Special protection
schemes for FACTS applied to advanced
intermittent wind integration Demonstrate HVDC/superconductivity
generation for remote wind

2007 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032


Analysis tools to optimize regulation, High wind penetration case First in-grid demo HVDC applied to large
reserves, and load following requirements integrated into system “supercable” to deliver offshore wind farms;
for high intermittent resource scenarios operator real-time grid protons (H2), electrons, advanced conductors used
operations visualization and storage in remote to increase wind farm
wind applications transmission throughput

Nano-supercapacitor- based storage


50 GWe of new renewables capacity, 70 GWe of new

meeting or exceeding sum of state RPS renewables capacity

2007 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032

reactive power control, spinning reserve, celerated CAES development and demon- an underground salt cavern. Now there are
and grid investment deferral. stration through 2017, continuing work alternative designs that should allow us to
“When you have intermittent resources,” on advanced batteries through 2025, and a deploy smaller CAES plants in 1 to 3 years.
says Arshad Mansoor, “you need more- prototype of a nano-supercapacitor-based We can use standardized machinery for
advanced control and monitoring technol- storage device by 2025. these units—a standard compressor and
ogy, but the real key will be large-scale While advanced storage will take time, gas turbine—with installation either above
storage. There are a number of technolo- Mansoor says, CAES offers some immedi- or below ground. Moving quickly would
gies out there—compressed air energy ate opportunities at the 5–15-MW scale. give us an opportunity to show that stor-
storage (CAES), advanced batteries, ultra- “The one CAES plant we have in the age technology can work and to show how
capacitors, flywheels, and in the longer United States is in Alabama; it is a 110- its use can increase the value of wind
term (e.g., by 2025), nanostorage technol- MW facility based on a unique design power,” Mansoor says.
ogies.” The RD&D pathway calls for ac- involving storage of the compressed air in Storage will alleviate some but not all of

FA L L 2 0 0 7 25
the problems associated with intermit- liver both hydrogen and electricity and geographic view of intermittent supplies
tency. New transmission lines to connect provide storage in remote wind applica- and transmission loading. Advanced visu-
remote renewables sites to the grid will tions. Similarly, it calls for the deployment alization tools are expected to be ready by
change the topology and power flows in of high-voltage dc cables for delivering 2020.
the region. Thus there will be a growing power from offshore wind farms by 2030. The infusion of new technologies into
need for power electronics that will allow Improved control of intermittent gener- the smart grid over the next 20–30 years
new control strategies for renewables inte- ation will also require the development of could potentially result in significant
gration. The RD&D plan calls for the modeling tools to forecast renewable out- improvements in transmission and distri-
application of advanced power-electronic put 24 hours ahead. Specifically, EPRI’s bution efficiency. As Mansoor points out,
devices for wind integration beginning in RD&D pathway looks for new analytical “T&D losses currently amount to 7% of
2010. Protection schemes that shield in- tools by 2015 to optimize regulation, the power generated in the United States.
termittent generation assets from the ef- reserves, and load-following requirements If we could reduce these T&D losses by
fects of unexpected power flows will be in regions with high penetration of inter- just 10%, the kilowatthour savings would
needed by 2015. Longer term, the plan mittent resources. These tools could be equal all of the wind power generated in
calls for a demonstration of a supercon- coupled with new visualization capability the United States today.”
ducting “supercable” by 2025 that can de- to give operators a real-time, wide-area


Nuclear power now accounts for 73% of considerably expand the fleet using The RD&D plan assumes that all units
the emission-free generation in the United advanced LWR designs. Roughly half of will be granted a 20-year life extension by
States and is the only technologically U.S. operating plants have had their oper- about 2016, and it calls for the technical
mature, non-emitting source of power that ating licenses extended from 40 to 60 basis to be laid for an additional 20-year ex-
is positioned to deliver large-scale CO2 years, and with a few exceptions, the tension, from 60 to 80 years. EPRI is be-
reduction in the decades ahead. EPRI’s remainder have applications in process or ginning discussions with DOE and the
PRISM analysis assumes 64 GW of new have filed letters of intent with the U.S. NRC to consider what it would take to
nuclear by 2030—an ambitious but Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). establish this technical basis. “We believe
achievable target, according to Dave that with sufficient maintenance, refurbish-
Modeen, vice president of the Nuclear ment, and upgrades, today’s plants could
Power sector: “The challenge ahead of us operate quite safely for many more de-
is to keep the current nuclear power plants Nuclear’s 90% capacity factor cades,” says Modeen. “Ultimately, extend-
running safely and reliably for 60 to 80 ing the life of our current fleet an addi-
years, build out the next generation of establishes a platform of tional 20 years will be a business decision,
plants starting around 2015, and achieve which means that both continued high
consensus on a long-term strategy for confidence for the nation to safety performance and continued econom-
spent fuel.” ic competitiveness must be addressed.”
The existing fleet of light water reactor Critical technical milestones include
(LWR) technology generates approxi- proceed with life extension of assessing the ability of passive components,
mately 20% of the nation’s electricity and such as piping, civil structures, and power
operates at a capacity factor averaging existing plants and to expand the cabling, to perform safely over the extended
90%. This establishes a platform of confi- period. In addition, plant economic per-
dence for the nation to proceed with fur- fleet using advanced designs. formance goals and obsolescence issues
ther life extension of existing plants and to will necessitate upgrading the instrumen-

26 E P R I J O U R N A L
Light Water Reactors:

Complete 20-year life extensions for 60- to 80-year license renewal

all existing plants; all license process and pilot demonstration
renewal regulatory commitments met

R&D for extension of existing plant lifetimes from 60 to 80 years

“Full digital” retrofit Extended life SSC Implement high-burnup nuclear fuel
pilot aging evaluations

Advanced Light Water Reactors:

Complete “first mover” early site
permits, design certifications, and
combined license applications;
NRC approvals
NRC optimizes Construction Advanced automated plant
Inspection Program controls

Address U.S. infrastructure

readiness issues Incorporate lessons learned from first wave of new plants: 4D modular
construction, enhanced standardization, improved welding/NDE

High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors:

Preliminary plant design development;

final design completion

Particle fuel development and test program;

regulatory approval

Graphite materials qualification;

ASME codification

Hydrogen technology pilot testing and Hydrogen and process heat plant
final selection demos/optimization

2007 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032


Without renewal, All existing plants have been granted a 20-year life extension; Initial license expirations
initial license initial decision points for older plant life extensions to 80 years of current fleet with
expirations of 20-year license renewal;
current fleet HTGRs significant plant life
would begin here Consensus strategy for integrated Prototype commercially extensions to 80 years
spent fuel management HTGR built available completed/in process

Initial deployment ~24 GWe of ~64 GWe of
of ALWRs in U.S. new ALWRs new ALWRs

2007 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032

tation and controls for all nuclear units to Two decades of investment in RD&D, mates. There are five major commercial
modern digital technology. Development including design development and preli- designs, two of which have been certified
of higher-performance fuels is another key censing, have produced advanced light by the NRC and three of which are in pro-
goal; reliable high-burnup fuel would allow water reactor (ALWR) designs that are cess. ALWRs are already in operation today
operators to extend the time between refu- approaching “essentially complete design” or under construction around the world—
eling outages while reducing the volume of status, which will enable new plant orders in France, Finland, Japan, Korea, and Tai-
spent fuel to be shipped and stored. based on detailed cost and schedule esti- wan. In the United States, over 15 compa-

FA L L 2 0 0 7 27
nies have already stated their intent to file modular construction, advanced automated on this option and looking to the petro-
Combined Construction and Operating plant controls, and strict adherence to stan- chemical industry as the primary investor
License applications with the NRC, for a dardization. This effort will include ad- in the technology, Dave Modeen believes
total of about 30 reactor units. Most of the dressing shortfalls in both physical and that the power industry should play a role
declared sites are those that were originally workforce infrastructure, such as the lack in HTGR development. “Given that the
licensed to accommodate multiple nuclear of forging capacity for large steel compo- expertise to operate and maintain nuclear
units decades ago but that currently con- nents, qualified N-stamp component sup- power plants really resides in the electricity
tain only one or two reactors. pliers, and qualified welders and welding sector, EPRI should help its members
The RD&D plan assumes the first com- inspectors. Local infrastructure issues re- bring their operational and regulatory
mercial operation of ALWRs to begin in quiring solutions include cooling-water experience to the HTGR.”
the United States by 2015. “The first new access, environmental permitting, and Finally, sustained expansion of nuclear
plants out of the box must be done very, transmission access. Most of these infra- generation will ultimately require more
very well,” says Modeen. “They must be structure challenges are generic to other work on spent-fuel management. On-site
executed thoughtfully, deliberately, and generation technologies as well and will interim storage has operated safely and
with the highest level of skill. I think none require the active engagement and lead- effectively for over 20 years and will be
of us underestimate the challenge. Once ership of federal and state government to able to handle waste volumes until central-
that milestone is achieved, the industry resolve. ized interim storage is in operation. How-
must be prepared to sustain a much higher A related challenge for the industry is to ever, economic, security, and sustainability
build rate in the years ahead if the PRISM help the U.S. federal government advance imperatives will require the establishment
deployment target is to be met.” Analysis the capabilities of the High-Temperature of an integrated fuel management system
with the economic model MERGE sug- Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTGR). Key mile- for the longer term. Such a system will
gests an even more aggressive build rate stones include construction of an opera- include centralized interim storage, long-
out to 2050 and beyond. tional prototype by 2018, enabling com- term geologic storage, and eventually,
The RD&D focus for new ALWRs is mercially available units by about 2025. development of a closed fuel cycle, in
twofold: first, in the short term, to com- The HTGR is particularly attractive for a which used fuel is recycled. To achieve
plete the engineering work necessary for de- carbon-constrained future because it could these goals, a well-thought-out, deliberate
tailed cost and schedule estimates for plant produce electricity, provide process heat consensus strategy on nuclear fuel stor-
construction, and to resolve all remaining for industrial applications, and also cost- age—based on preliminary, laboratory-
ALWR regulatory issues by 2011; and sec- effectively generate hydrogen by emission- scale work—should be available by 2012.
ond, to begin now to lay the foundation free methods, using either catalytic pro- With this consensus, a comprehensive,
for high build rates, so that strong, sus- cesses or electrolysis of water. In a future closed fuel cycle that includes advanced
tained expansion of ALWRs can proceed hydrogen economy, the HTGR could pro- reprocessing and separation technologies,
uninterrupted. This will include bringing vide clean energy for the grid, for industry, reconditioning, fuel manufacturing facili-
capital costs and construction times down and for hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles. While ties, and “fast” reactor technology would
—for example, through expanded use of DOE is directing the bulk of current R&D emerge around 2050.


Sustaining coal as a viable option in a car- EPRI’s technology pathway for coal aims with CO2 capture to the 43–45% range by
bon-constrained world requires increasing at two critical targets. The first is to 2030. A 2% efficiency gain translates into
the efficiency of coal-based generation increase the efficiency of both pulverized- a CO2 emissions reduction of nearly 5%.
while establishing the commercial reality coal (PC) and integrated gasification– The second target: Ensure that coal
of large-scale CO2 capture and storage. combined-cycle (IGCC) baseload plants plants built after 2020 can capture CO2

28 E P R I J O U R N A L
Advanced Coal Plant Performance—Pulverized Coal:

USC boiler/turbine advanced materials development 1400°F+ component demos 1400°F+ plant projects

UltraGen I: Design, construction, and operation of

USC at >1100°F w/capture module

UltraGen II: Design, construction, and operation of

NZE USC at 1200 –1300°F w/capture
Advanced Coal Plant Performance—IGCC:
Gasifier performance and reliability advancements Advanced
(pilot and demo as ready) coal plants
CO2 capture
ITM O2 ~150 t/d test Pre-commercial demo and storage
(IGCC and oxy-combustion)

H2 -firing GT development (F-class) H2 -firing GT


FutureGen demo with 1 million

t/y CO2 capture and storage
and/or F- class commercial
G/H-class IGCC with capture projects

IGFC demos
CO2 Capture Technologies:

Development of new/improved processes and membrane contactors

for post-comb. capture (pilot as ready and demo in UltraGen II)

Chilled ammonia and

improved amine pilots
(5 at ~5–50 MWe ); demo
and integration in UltraGen I

Oxy-combustion: multiple pilots ~10 MWt Pre-commercial


Development of improved/alternative processes and membrane

separators for pre-comb. capture (pilot and demo as ready)

Carbon Storage:

3–5 large-volume demos (multiple geologies; integrated w/capture)

and commercial infrastructure development

2007 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032


Completion of Multiple full-scale demonstrations

1.7 MWe chilled (adv. PC and IGCC + CO2 capture)
ammonia pilot
(PC + CO2 Completion of DOE Regional Completion of DOE Regional
capture) Partnerships validation phase Partnerships deployment phase

DEPLOYMENT TARGETS Commercial availability of CO2

Advanced PC and IGCC storage; new coal plants Advanced PC and IGCC
efficiencies with capture capture/store 90% of CO2 efficiencies with capture
reach 33–35% HHV reach 43–45% HHV

2007 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032

FA L L 2 0 0 7 29
from emission streams and that the CO2 Postcombustion CO2 capture for PC
can be permanently stored. “The bottom Failure to adequately demonstrate plants uses a solvent to absorb CO2 from
line in coal,” says Chris Larsen, vice pres- the plant’s flue gases. The current mono-
ident of the Generation sector, “is that capture and storage of CO2 ethanolamine process would reduce the
we need to pursue multiple demonstra- plant’s net power by nearly 30% and raise
tions of key technologies—advanced PC its cost of electricity by 65%. As a result,
and IGCC systems, pre- and postcombus-
could prove to be a showstopper extensive research is under way to develop
tion capture, and CO2 storage—in paral- better solvents, such as chilled ammonia,
lel, and we believe we are already late. We for the continued use of coal which could reduce the power penalty to
need to be working on this right now. as low as 10%, with an associated cost-of-
There’s a lot of activity already going on, in the coming decades. electricity increase of only about 25%. A
but we need more, and we need it fast.” 5-MW pilot-scale test of the chilled-
Underlying Larsen’s concern is the possi- ammonia solvent process at the We Ener-
bility that failure to adequately demon- are expected to significantly reduce the cost gies Pleasant Prairie plant is now moving
strate capture and storage of CO2 could of oxygen supply for the IGCC process. By forward. “The concrete for the facility is
prove to be a showstopper for coal in the 2012, field testing of ion transfer mem- being poured as we speak,” says Larsen.
coming decades. branes should lead to precommercial test- “It’s a partnership between EPRI, EPRI’s
Significant efficiency gains for PC tech- ing of IGCC with oxy-combustion tech- members, and Alstom. The objective is to
nology can be realized only by increasing nology. A key milestone target for around have the pilot operating later this year and
the peak temperatures and pressures of the 2012 is the successful demonstration of into next year to support further scale-up
steam cycle. Advanced materials such as FutureGen—an IGCC facility with the of this promising technology.”
corrosion-resistant nickel alloys will be capability to capture and store up to 1 mil- Permanent storage of CO2 is expected to
necessary to accommodate these higher lion metric tons/year of CO2. By 2030, a be at least as challenging as its capture.
temperatures and pressures, as well as new subsequent demonstration of gasification Geologic CO2 capture has been proven
boiler and steam turbine designs. It is ex- technology integrated with fuel cells effective by nature, as evidenced by the
pected that an advanced ultra-supercritical (rather than with combined-cycle combus- many natural underground CO2 reservoirs
(USC) plant will be built during the next tion) should drive efficiencies well above in Colorado, Utah, and other western
7 to 10 years, following the demonstration the 50% range. states; CO2 has also been locked away for
and commercial availability of advanced Carbon capture and storage technolo- millions of years in natural gas reservoirs.
materials from current research programs. gies can be integrated with virtually all types Large-scale injection and storage of CO2
Progressive research milestones include two of coal-based generation, including IGCC, produced from electricity generation, how-
proposed technical demonstrations: Ultra- PC, circulating fluidized-bed combustion, ever, has not been proven. DOE’s active
Gen I in 2020 and UltraGen II in 2025. and variants such as oxy-fuel combustion. R&D program—the Regional Carbon
UltraGen I will be a USC PC plant operat- An important technical distinction among Sequestration Partnerships—is mapping
ing above 1100°F with 25–50% CO2 cap- these approaches is whether the capture is geologic formations suitable for CO2 stor-
ture. UltraGen II will be a more advanced accomplished before or after combustion. age and conducting pilot-scale CO2 injec-
USC PC plant—one with near-zero emis- Precombustion CO2 separation processes tion validation tests across the country.
sions (NZE) operating at higher tempera- suitable for IGCC plants are already used Following successful pilot projects, the
tures (1200–1300°F) and with more than commercially in the oil, gas, and chemical partnerships will undertake larger demon-
50% CO2 capture. industries at a scale close to that ultimately stration projects in a variety of geologies,
The prospects for IGCC improvements needed for power production. Currently, injecting quantities of 1 million metric
are also large. EPRI believes that by 2030, adding CO2 capture, drying, compression, tons or more of CO2 (representative of
with aggressive RD&D, IGCC capital and transportation capabilities to IGCC typical annual coal plant emissions, which
costs can be reduced by 30% while effi- plant designs would increase their whole- are on the order of 3–4 million metric
ciencies are boosted to the 45% range sale cost of electricity by 40–50%. Ad- tons) over several years and conducting
(with CO2 capture). Key technology ad- vanced membrane technology to separate postinjection monitoring to track the CO2
vances include the development of larger the CO2 from a plant’s synthesis gas may plume and to check for potential leakage.
gasifiers and the integration of these gas- have the potential to lessen the cost-of- The key RD&D milestone for 2020 is to
ifiers with bigger, more-efficient combus- electricity penalty through reductions in have three to five large-scale demonstra-
tion turbines. Ion transfer membranes and/ both capital cost and auxiliary power tions receiving captured CO2 from local
or other low-energy-demand technologies requirements of as much as 50%. generating plants and injecting it for stor-

30 E P R I J O U R N A L
age. Concludes Larsen, “If we really want Steve Specker, EPRI CEO, sums up we miss, then these significant investments
the ability to capture 90% of the CO2 what is at stake. “We can’t fumble the ball in advanced coal plants with CO2 capture
from all new coal plants coming on-line on CO2 storage. There is no such thing as are not going to be utilized. We’ve got to
after 2020, we will need a very aggressive interim storage for CO2, because the quan- make sure we get this one right.”
RD&D program.” tities we will be dealing with are so vast. If



Meaningful reduction in CO2 emissions that are viable under financial and regula- CO2 emissions reduction policies expected
by the electricity sector demands a sus- tory constraints. to be in place in the next few decades.
tained, multi-decade RD&D program. EPRI estimates that pursuing all of the With lead times of 20 to 30 years for tech-
This will require well-coordinated, collab- electricity technology RD&D pathways nology development and deployment, it is
orative programs involving both the pub- will require public and private investments essential to launch these technology path-
lic and private sectors. Although advances in electricity RD&D, beyond those already ways immediately.”
are needed all along the RD&D chain—in being made, of roughly $1.5 billion a year
basic science, applied research, develop- for the next 25 years. Revis James, Direc- This article was written by Brent Barker.
ment, and demonstration—a significant tor of EPRI’s Energy Technology Assess- Background information was provided by
portion of the activity will consist of large- ment Center, emphasizes the urgency of Revis James ( and Steve
scale demonstration projects. These must resolute action. “The electricity sector will Gehl (
address key engineering issues and pro- need these advanced technologies to suc-
mote technology deployment strategies cessfully and efficiently operate under the

Revis James is director of EPRI’s Energy Technology Steve Gehl, technical executive for EPRI’s Energy
Assessment Center, which focuses on identifying Technology Assessment Center, previously served
strategic R&D priorities for the electric power indus- as director of strategic technology with responsi-
try, with special attention to options for CO2 emis- bility for EPRI’s roadmapping and scenario plan-
sions reductions. Previously, he served as manager ning efforts. He came to the Institute in 1982 from
of EPRI’s technology innovation program and managed programs on Argonne National Laboratory, where he was a staff metallurgist.
instrumentation and diagnostics and on maintenance optimization in Gehl received a bachelor’s degree in metallurgical engineering from
the Institute’s Nuclear Power sector. Prior to joining EPRI in 1992, the University of Notre Dame and a PhD in materials science and
James managed engineering design projects at Bechtel, ABB Impell, engineering from the University of Florida.
and ERIN Engineering and Research. He holds BS degrees in nu-
clear engineering and electrical engineering/computer sciences
and an MS in nuclear engineering from the University of California,

FA L L 2 0 0 7 31
Products & Services Technology and expertise
packaged for immediate use

Red Book Transmission Product 1011974). Originally printed in useful help files, simple input and output
Seminars: Learning From 1975 with a bright red cover, the publica- screens, and the ability to export results
the Experts tion quickly became known as the EPRI to spreadsheets and graphs. The applets
Participants at a popular series of EPRI Red Book. Just as quickly, it became the breathe life into the theories and prin-
seminars are learning key theories and worldwide industry standard reference for ciples described in the Red Book to
principles of overhead transmission from transmission line design. For more than increase the reader’s understanding and
the experts who literally wrote the reduce the effort necessary for imple-
book on transmission line design, mentation. The inclusion of graph-
operations, and maintenance. In ing allows the reader to see precise
addition to classroom instruction, results as well as trends.
the weeklong seminars offer partici-
pants hands-on field experience with Field Activities Complement
cutting-edge equipment and a chance Classroom Instruction
to see, hear, and feel the high-voltage As a seminar text, the updated Red
phenomena covered in the lectures. Book is proving as valuable a training
The response to the seminars has tool as it is a reference for practicing
been so positive that EPRI is sched- engineers. The seminars introduce
uling additional sessions at its Lenox attendees to the book’s diverse sub-
facility in Massachusetts and at other jects, which are expanded in lectures
EPRI locations and utility facilities delivered by many of the experts who
in the United States and abroad. 30 years, transmission engineers around wrote the topical chapters. In addition to
“Transmission companies are caught in the globe have turned to the Red Book to Phillips, the expert authors include Ber-
a time crunch between bust and boom,” confirm design parameters, select technol- nie Clairmont and George Gela of EPRI,
says EPRI’s Andrew Phillips, transmission ogy, optimize designs, defend decisions, Luciano Zaffanella, Dale Douglas, Jim
program manager. “After a prolonged and bone up on nonroutine topics. Stewart, Vern Chartier, and Chris Engel-
drought in new line construction, the The new version significantly expands brecht, among others.
industry is entering a new era of transmis- upon previous editions. In collaboration The week-long seminars are being
sion expansion worldwide—just as many with member utilities, EPRI assembled a offered at various venues, including
veteran transmission engineers are retir- team of global experts to upgrade the EPRI’s Lenox High-Voltage Test Facility,
ing. Meanwhile, technology and practices guidebook to keep pace with technologi- at EPRI regional centers, and on-site at
have advanced since the boom years of cal advances and make the book truly individual utilities, where course content
the 1960s and ’70s. Now new generations international in its scope and content. is tailored to a company’s specific needs
of engineers need to absorb the veterans’ The team updated eleven chapters and and transmission system. Classroom
experience and also acquire proficiency added four new ones to cover the full instruction is structured around the Red
with the latest tools so they can create spectrum of overhead transmission topics, Book’s three general themes: insulation
new transmission infrastructure for from fundamental concepts through selection and coordination, corona and
the future.” insulation coordination, corona and field field effects, and application.
effects, and applications; of particular “Utilities have diverse and extremely
Essential Transmission Reference value is a new chapter on lines designed talented workforces, but today people are
The seminars are based on the extensively to operate above 700 kV. so focused on their job responsibilities
updated new edition of EPRI’s landmark The hard-cover text is supplemented by that many never have an opportunity to
overhead transmission reference, EPRI a CD-ROM containing more than 50 expand their understanding of the trans-
AC Transmission Line Reference Book: small software programs, called applets. mission system,” says Eric Engdahl,
200 kV and Above, Third Edition (EPRI These software applications incorporate principal engineer at American Electric

32 E P R I J O U R N A L
Power. “Attending a Red Book seminar insulator design and maintenance, and engineering personnel. At a recent semi-
may not immediately make them subject measurement and mitigation of induced nar held at AEP facilities, attendees
matter experts, but it will significantly voltage on a mockup of a residential included staff involved in asset manage-
increase their knowledge and broaden gutter system. ment, planning, and finance—all of
their perspective on what it means to be EPRI’s Lenox center has an array of whom gained valuable understanding of
a utility engineer.” full-scale transmission structures and transmission fundamentals that will ben-
The highlight of the seminar is the field high-voltage equipment to give students efit the company as it expands its trans-
day, where small groups of attendees a real-world preview of what they might mission network.
participate in hands-on training and encounter in the field. “The EPRI test
demonstrations to obtain real-life experi- center is the perfect place to refresh or Future Seminars
ence with high-voltage phenomena, tools, increase knowledge of high-voltage trans- EPRI is conducting fall seminars at
and techniques. At one station, attendees mission line design and operation,” says American Electric Power (AEP’s second)
not only measure electric and magnetic Anne Bartosewicz, a transmission project and Southern Company. In 2008, EPRI
fields using various meters but also expe- director at Northeast Utilities. “One of will offer a spring regional seminar in the
rience sparking and the physical sensa- the best parts of the class is the field day; southeast and a summer seminar at its
tions associated with electric fields—such the hands-on training provides practical Lenox facility in Massachusetts. The
as skin tingling—bringing the previous exposure to the concepts discussed during Institute is also in discussion with three
day’s classroom lecture to life. At another class lecture.” utilities—two of them international—for
station, attendees view corona using Although the training seminars are delivering in-house seminars in 2008.
EPRI’s daytime corona camera and listen targeted for practicing transmission engi- For more information, contact Andrew
to the phenomenon using ultraprobes neers, AEP and other utilities use the Phillips,, 704.595.2234.
that amplify audible signals. Other course to expand the knowledge of civil
demonstrations include switching surges, and mechanical engineers and even non-

EPRI Power Delivery Reference Books: Continuing a Colorful Tradition

For over 30 years, EPRI has been developing a series of compre- Green Book EPRI Underground Transmission Systems Reference
hensive reference books—each with a distinctively colored cover— Book (1014840). Issued in 2007, this new edition reflects the latest
that document and distill the knowledge and experience of the technology, new materials and methods, recently issued standards
world’s top power delivery experts. To capture the latest technical and regulations, and current utility needs and practices. New
developments and practices in transmission, distribution, and power- chapters have been added on hydraulic design and on grounding
flow-control engineering, EPRI is updating and expanding its library and cathodic protection.
of power delivery reference books and developing much-needed White Book EPRI Power System Dynamics Tutorial (1001983). A
new titles. comprehensive overview of power system dynamics, this tutorial
provides the knowledge that operators will need to exercise critical
Now Available judgment in emergency situations that fall outside the scope of step-
Red Book EPRI AC Transmission Line Reference Book: 200 kV and by-step utility procedures.
Above, Third Edition (1011974).
Orange Book EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book: Wind-Induced In Development
Conductor Motion (1012317). Areas covered include aeolian Blue Book EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book: 115–138-kV
vibration, conductor fatigue, conductor galloping, and wake- Compact Line Design (December 2007).
induced oscillation, with new chapters on fiber-optic cables and Gold Book EPRI Power Electronics–Based Transmission Controllers
their associated aerodynamic problems. Reference Book (2008).
Yellow Book EPRI Overhead Transmission Inspection and Assessment Grey Book EPRI Overhead Transmission Grounding Guide
Guidelines (1012310). This reference provides guidance on (2008).
establishing and refining inspection and assessment programs, with Brown Book EPRI Underground Distribution Reference Guide
emphasis on asset management. (2009).

FA L L 2 0 0 7 33
Technology at Work Member applications of EPRI
science and technology

Roll Expansion Repair of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). For Code Case N-730 and worked with
Technique Gains ASME BWR utilities to apply this safe and eco- ASME subcommittees to develop a con-
Approval nomical alternative to costly weld repairs, sensus on the technique. These efforts
Age-related materials degradation can the procedure had to receive ASME Code paid off with ASME Code approval of the
cause boiling water reactor (BWR) plants approval. technique as a permanent repair option
to develop cracks in control rod drive In pursuit of this goal, EPRI formed a for addressing leakage in control rod drive
housing penetrations at the bottom of the focus group within the BWRVIP to housing penetrations in BWRs.
reactor vessel. While the resulting leakage develop the overall project plan and then ASME Code approval means BWR
may be minor, it cannot be tolerated. initiated the analyses and testing neces- owners around the world can now use
Unfortunately, weld repair in these hard- sary to support the technical justification the roll expansion technique if their units
to-access locations is extremely costly and for this application of roll expansion. develop cracking and leakage. Because
time consuming. A safe and cost-effective Under the leadership of Exelon’s Greg the problem area is accessed from under
repair technique could provide BWR Harttraft, the group assembled a body of the reactor vessel, repairs can be made
owners with insurance against extremely technical information to
Control rod drive housing
costly weld repairs or more-invasive support approval under the
replacement projects that require pro- ASME Code. The effort Attachment welds
longed outages. included detailed fracture
One repair technique seen as having mechanics analysis to
great potential for dealing with this prob- evaluate the structural
lem is roll expansion, developed in the consequences of the crack-
1980s and applied successfully at Nine ing; metallurgical assess-
Mile Point Unit 1 to seal bottom head ment; and extensive testing
penetration leakage. The technique to determine the load
involves inserting a mechanically ex- capability and sealing
Reactor pressure
panded roller assembly into the control effectiveness of the roll vessel bottom head
rod drive housing from under the reactor repair joint.
• Minor cracks in attachment
vessel. Increasing the diameter of the The testing was con- welds result in leaks
roller assembly as it rotates increases the ducted at Nuclenor S.A. • Leaks are fixed by expansion
of housing against vessel
inside and outside diameters of the facilities in Spain under
housing, sealing the small gap between the direction of Fernando
the exterior tube wall and the reactor Corchon. Full-scale roll Mechanical roll expansion tool
vessel bottom head, thereby eliminating repair mockups were used
the leakage. to simulate field conditions and assess the without interfering with other opera-
Some years ago, EPRI, in collaboration mechanical strength of the repair. Results tions and with no need for special actions
with the BWR Vessel and Internals Proj- showed substantial load capability and such as offloading the core or draining
ect (BWRVIP, an international associa- established that the roll joint is not only a the vessel. This means that roll expansion
tion of utility BWR owners), developed a leak barrier but a structural load–carrying can be performed during a regular refuel-
technical basis for generic application of joint as well. As part of the Nuclenor ing outage.
the roll expansion repair and submitted it work, the project team also developed According to Exelon’s Harttraft, the
to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. specific procedures for performing roll advantages offered by the new technique
The NRC did not, however, approve the expansion repairs. are substantial. “Repairing a leaking
procedure for generic use at all plants, Armed with the project team’s results housing using the roll expansion tech-
because reactor vessel repairs fall under and EPRI technical support, Harttraft nique costs only about one-tenth as much
the jurisdiction of the American Society spearheaded the development of ASME as other methods of repair,” he says. “In

34 E P R I J O U R N A L
addition to the factor-of-ten cost savings, system reliability assessments are no laborative PRA study produced a number
roll expansion can significantly reduce longer adequate, largely because they use of beneficial results:
facility downtime and personnel radia- a deterministic approach to calculate the • assessment of overall system reliability
tion exposure.” impact of potentially disruptive events, • clarification of the cause-and-effect
Additional work is now under way to without regard to the probability of relationships among user-defined areas
develop revisions to the ASME Code their occurrence. NYPA sought a new • ranking of the contingencies according
Case to include roll expansion for in-core approach that quantifies both the risk to their contribution to reliability
monitor housing penetrations. Upon of system contingencies and their physi- indices
completion of this activity, the code case cal impact. • identification of the transmission sys-
will encompass all BWR bottom head NYPA worked with EPRI to apply an tem components most likely to con-
penetrations. advanced methodology, Probabilistic tribute to critical situations
For more information, contact Robert Reliability Assessment (PRA), to perform • identification of the specific branches
Carter,, 704.595.2019. a risk assessment study of the New York and buses most susceptible to
State power system. Developed under interruption
NYPA Applies Probabilistic EPRI’s Transmission Reliability Initiative, The study provided NYPA system
Risk Assessment for the PRA program provides a more accu- planners with complementary informa-
Power Reliability rate tool for assessing grid reliability tion in the form of charts, tables, and
Ensuring the reliable delivery of electric- under restructured market conditions. maps, helping them process both the
ity is the primary challenge facing power Unlike traditional deterministic contin- details and the big picture of the complex
system operators and planners. In today’s gency analysis tools, PRA calculates a reliability equation. NYPA’s Liana Hop-
restructured power industry, many trans- measure of the probability of undesirable kins comments on this comprehensive
mission systems are stretched to their events, along with a measure of their perspective: “The PRA methodology is
limits to accommodate interregional severity or impact. It also allows grid extremely valuable in helping system
bulk power transfers they were never planners to assess the tradeoffs between planners visualize their system reliability
designed to handle. Meanwhile, customer the probability of a contingency’s occur- and its interaction with neighboring
expectations of reliability are increasing, rence and the cost of mitigation. areas. PRA can pinpoint the critical con-
and the consequences of power outages To enhance applications of the PRA tingencies that have both high probability
have never been greater. Even small weak methodology, EPRI internally developed and high impact; in this way, planners
points in the power delivery system, if the Probabilistic Reliability Indices (PRI) can monitor weak spots more closely
undetected and uncorrected, might even- program as a tool for system operators during system operation and are more
tually lead to costly outages or trigger and planners to use in performing risk- likely to develop effective remedial
cascading failures that affect large based assessments. The PRI program uses schemes when problems do occur.”
regions. contingency analysis results as well as The NYPA project demonstrates that
Like other electricity providers, New equipment outage information as inputs the PRA methodology offers power
York Power Authority (NYPA) has a to compute probabilistic reliability indi- providers greater accuracy under condi-
strong commitment to supplying its ces. The program also allows users to tions of uncertainty. In addition, it helps
customers with a reliable supply of eco- perform a variety of analyses that pro- planners identify the most critical poten-
nomical power. To maintain that com- vide a more robust understanding of the tial grid failures, evaluate their impacts,
mitment into the future, NYPA’s trans- reliability situation, including overall and develop effective mitigation alterna-
mission planners must address an array of analysis, interaction analysis, situation tives. For the future, PRA can assist
uncertainties. These include lack of clar- analysis, root cause analysis, and weak transmission planners in creating more-
ity in the location, timing, capacity, and point analysis. robust system designs and can help
availability of future generation and Pei Zhang and Liang Min of EPRI decision makers prioritize transmission
transmission facilities; concerns over the worked with Liana Hopkins, senior sys- projects. Moreover, PRA provides oppor-
timing and complexity of wholesale tem planning engineer with the Opera- tunities to integrate planning and opera-
power transactions; and questions about tions Planning Group at NYPA, on the tion functions more closely, to the benefit
the characteristics of future loads. risk assessment study of the New York of both areas.
In such an uncertain environment, the power system, with particular focus on For more information, contact Pei
traditional methods of performing power NYPA’s transmission network. The col- Zhang,, 650.855.2244.

FA L L 2 0 0 7 35
Technical Reports & Software
For more information, contact the EPRI Demonstration of Decision Tool for Selection Generation
Customer Assistance Center at 800.313.3774 of Transmission Poles
( Visit EPRI’s web site to 1014096 (Technical Report) Guidelines for the Nondestructive
download PDF versions of technical reports Program: T&D Facilities and Equipment: Examination of Boilers
( Environmental Issues 1012194 (Technical Report)
EPRI Project Manager: Mary E. Mclearn Program: Boiler Life and Availability
EPRI Radio Frequency Exposure Estimator, EPRI Project Manager: Stan M. Walker
Environment Version 1.5
1014560 (Software) Fossil Plant High-Energy Piping Damage:
Movement Behavior of American Eel Program: EMF Health Assessment and RF Safety Theory and Practice
(Anguilla rostrata) on an Angled Louver EPRI Project Manager: Robert I. Kavet 1012201 (Technical Report)
Array at a Hydroelectric Project Program: Boiler Life and Availability
1012559 (Technical Report) Program on Technology Innovation: Biotech- Improvement
Program: Hydropower Environmental Issues nology Research and Development Opportuni- EPRI Project Manager: Kent K. Coleman
EPRI Project Manager: Douglas A. Dixon ties in the Electricity Enterprise
1014706 (Technical Report) U.S. Natural Gas Supply Equation and
Latent Impingement Mortality Assessment of Programs: Effluent Guidelines and Water Price Envelope
the Geiger Multi-Disc™ Screening System at Quality Management; Technology Innovation 1014146 (Technical Report)
the Potomac River Generating Station EPRI Project Manager: John Goodrich-Mahoney Program: Coal Fleet for Tomorrow—Future Coal
1013065 (Technical Report) Generation Options
Program: Section 316(a) and 316(b) Fish Clinical Effects of Electric Shock EPRI Project Manager: Jeremy B. Platt
Protection Issues 1014940 (Technical Report)
EPRI Project Manager: Douglas A. Dixon Program: EMF Health Assessment and RF Safety 2007 EPRI Feedwater Heater
EPRI Project Manager: Robert I. Kavet Conference Proceedings
Arsenic Health and Ecological Effects: 1014165 (Technical Report)
Soil and Water Cooling Water Intake Structure Area-of- Program: Combustion Performance and
1014015 (Technical Report) Influence Evaluations for Ohio River Ecological NOx Control
Program: Coal Combustion Products— Research Program Facilities EPRI Project Manager: Jeffrey Stallings
Environmental Issues 1015322 (Technical Report)
EPRI Project Manager: Kenneth J. Ladwig Program: Fish Protection at Steam Electric Mercury Leachability From Concretes
Power Plants That Contain Fly Ashes and Activated
Field Evaluation of the Comanagement of EPRI Project Manager: Douglas A. Dixon Carbon Sorbents
Utility Low-Volume Wastes With High-Volume 1014913 (Technical Report)
Coal Combustion By-Products: LS Site Program on Technology Innovation: Program: Coal Combustion Product Use
1014050 (Technical Report) An Energy/Water Sustainability Research EPRI Project Manager: Kenneth J. Ladwig
Program: Coal Combustion Products— Program for the Electric Power Industry
Environmental Issues 1015371 (Technical Report) Use of Class C Fly Ash in High-Volume Fly Ash
EPRI Project Manager: Kenneth J. Ladwig Programs: Watershed and Water Concrete Applications
Resource Sustainability; Technology Innovation 1014914 (Technical Report)
MOSES Leak Tool 1.0—Mineral Oil Spill EPRI Project Manager: Robert A. Goldstein Program: Coal Combustion Product Use
Evaluation System Leak Tool, Version 1.0 EPRI Project Manager: Kenneth J. Ladwig
1014055 (Software) An Updated Macroeconomic Analysis of
Program: T&D Facilities and Equipment: Recent California Climate Action Team A Review of Literature Related to the Use
Environmental Issues Strategies of Spray Dryer Absorber Material
EPRI Project Manager: Mary E. Mclearn 1015510 (Technical Report) 1014915 (Technical Report)
Program: Global Climate Change Policy Costs Program: Coal Combustion Product Use
In Situ Chemical Fixation of Arsenic- and Benefits EPRI Project Manager: Kenneth J. Ladwig
Contaminated Soil EPRI Project Manager: Larry J. Williams
1014056 (Technical Report)
Program: T&D Facilities and Equipment:
Environmental Issues
EPRI Project Manager: Mary E. Mclearn

36 E P R I J O U R N A L
Coalfleet Advanced Combustion IGCC Permits Plant Support Engineering: Elastomer Crack Growth Testing of Fast Reactor
Database, 2007a Handbook for Nuclear Power Plants Irradiated Commercial Stainless Steels in
1015349 (Software) 1014800 (Technical Report) BWR and PWR Environments
Program: Coal Fleet for Tomorrow—Future Coal Program: Nuclear Power 1014976 (Technical Report)
Generation Options EPRI Project Manager: Gary John Toman Program: Nuclear Power
EPRI Project Manager: Naomi Lynn Goodman EPRI Project Manager: Rajeshwar Pathania
Proceedings: 5th EPRI International Decom-
Proceedings: Continuous Emission Monitoring missioning and Radioactive Waste Workshop Steam Generator Foreign Object Handbook
User’s Group 2007 Conference at Kendal 1014981 (Technical Report)
1015350 (Technical Report) 1014824 (Technical Report) Program: Nuclear Power
Program: Continuous Emissions Monitoring Program: Nuclear Power EPRI Project Manager: Mary Helen Cothron
EPRI Project Manager: Charles E. Dene EPRI Project Manager: Christopher Wood
Divider Plate Cracking in Steam Generators
STM Stirling Engine-Generator at a Hog Proceedings: EPRI/NEI Technical Information 1014982 (Technical Report)
Manure Digester Gas Facility Workshop—Nuclear Plant Groundwater Program: Nuclear Power
1015364 (Technical Report) Monitoring EPRI Project Manager: Mary Helen Cothron
Program: Distributed Energy Resources 1014825 (Technical Report)
EPRI Project Manager: David Thimsen Program: Nuclear Power Steam Generator In Situ Pressure Test
EPRI Project Manager: Christopher Wood Guidelines, Revision 3
Program on Technology Innovation: Nonlinear 1014983 (Technical Report)
Diagnostics for Monitoring and Optimizing Plant Support Engineering: Guidance for Program: Nuclear Power
Gasifier Operation—Feasibility Study Replacing Feedwater Heaters at Nuclear EPRI Project Manager: Mary Helen Cothron
1015374 (Technical Report) Power Plants
Programs: Coal Fleet for Tomorrow—Future 1014826 (Technical Report) BWRVIP-174: BWR Vessel and Internals
Coal Generation Options; Technology Program: Nuclear Power Project, Review of BWR Core Shroud UT
Innovation EPRI Project Manager: Timothy Eckert Re-Inspection Results for Plants Mitigated
EPRI Project Manager: Jeffrey Stallings With NMCA and HWC
Plant Support Engineering: Methodologies 1014994 (Technical Report)
for Monitoring and Adjustment of Reactor Program: Nuclear Power
Power Measurement Drift EPRI Project Manager: Robert G. Carter
Nuclear 1014875 (Technical Report)
Program: Nuclear Power BWRVIP-175: BWR Vessel and Internals
BWRVIP-135, Revision 1: BWR Vessel and EPRI Project Manager: Timothy Eckert Project, Evaluation of Noble Metal Deposition
Internals Project, Integrated Surveillance at the On-Line Noble Metal Chemical
Program (ISP) Data Source Book and Plant Support Engineering: Adhesion Testing Application Reference BWR
Plant Evaluations of Nuclear Coating Service Level I Coatings 1014997 (Technical Report)
1013400 (Technical Report) 1014883 (Technical Report) Program: Nuclear Power
Program: Nuclear Power Program: Nuclear Power EPRI Project Manager: Rajeshwar Pathania
EPRI Project Manager: Robert G. Carter EPRI Project Manager: Timothy Eckert
BWRVIP-176: BWR Vessel and Internals
Steam Generator Management Program: Plant Support Engineering: Degradation Project, BWR Shutdown Chemistry Experience
Pressurized Water Reactor Steam Generator Research for Nuclear Service Level I Coatings Report and Application Guidelines
Examination Guidelines, Revision 7 1014884 (Technical Report) 1014999 (Technical Report)
1013706 (Technical Report) Program: Nuclear Power Program: Nuclear Power
Program: Nuclear Power EPRI Project Manager: Timothy Eckert EPRI Project Manager: Rajeshwar Pathania
EPRI Project Manager: Steven M. Swilley
Engineering Fundamentals—Civil Engineering BWRVIP-87, Revision 1: BWR Vessel and
RACKLIFE V2.1: Boraflex Rack Life Extension Fundamentals, EF-CEF Version 1.0 Internals Project, Testing and Evaluation of
Management Tool, Version 2.1 1014968 (Software) BWR Supplemental Surveillance Program
1013722 (Software) Program: Nuclear Power Capsules D, G, and H
Program: Nuclear Power EPRI Project Manager: Kenneth R. Caraway 1015000 (Technical Report)
EPRI Project Manager: Albert J. Machiels Program: Nuclear Power
Engineering Fundamentals—Electrical EPRI Project Manager: Robert G. Carter
ePSA Standard Assessment Tool (ePSA-SSA), Engineering, EF-EE
Version 3.1 1014969 (Software) BWRVIP-111, Revision 1: BWR Vessel and
1014700 (Software) Program: Nuclear Power Internals Project, Testing and Evaluation of
Program: Safety Risk Technology and Applica- EPRI Project Manager: Kenneth R. Caraway BWR Supplemental Surveillance Program
tion Capsules E, F, and I
EPRI Project Manager: Frank J. Rahn 1015001 (Technical Report)
Program: Nuclear Power
EPRI Project Manager: Robert G. Carter

FA L L 2 0 0 7 37
Materials Reliability Program: Reactor Vessel Plant Support Engineering: Failure Mechanism Program on Technology Innovation: Security
Head Boric Acid Corrosion Testing (MRP-199) Assessment of Medium-Voltage Ethylene Technology Evaluation for New Nuclear Power
1015006 (Technical Report) Propylene Rubber Cables Plants
Program: Nuclear Power 1015070 (Technical Report) 1015112 (Technical Report)
EPRI Project Manager: Paul James Crooker Program: Nuclear Power Programs: Nuclear Power; Technology
EPRI Project Manager: Gary John Toman Innovation
Materials Reliability Program: Effects of EPRI Project Manager: Tom J. Mulford
B/Li/pH on PWSCC Growth Rates in Ni-Base Administration Protocol for Portable Practicals
Alloys (MRP-217) (AP3) in Task Proficiency Evaluations Reactor Internals Segmentation
1015008 (Technical Report) 1015074 (Technical Report) Experience Report
Program: Nuclear Power Program: Nuclear Power 1015122 (Technical Report)
EPRI Project Manager: Kawaljit Singh Ahluwalia EPRI Project Manager: Patty Wade Program: Nuclear Power
EPRI Project Manager: Christopher Wood
Materials Reliability Program: Evaluation of Plant Support Engineering: Guidance for
Controlling Transient Ramp Times Using Piping Planned Replacement of Large Power SCW 2007—SMART ChemWorks Web
Methodologies When Considering Environ- Transformers at Nuclear Power Plants Application, Version 2007
mental Fatigue (Fen) Effects (MRP-218) 1015077 (Technical Report) 1015182 (Software)
1015014 (Technical Report) Program: Nuclear Power Program: Nuclear Power
Program: Nuclear Power EPRI Project Manager: Kenneth R. Caraway EPRI Project Manager: David Perkins
EPRI Project Manager: Christine King
Plant Support Engineering: 2007 Equipment RETRAN-3D Analysis of BWR Control Rod
Materials Reliability Program: Experimental Reliability Forum Proceedings Drop Accidents
Program on the Effects of Surface Condition on 1015081 (Technical Report) 1015206 (Technical Report)
Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking of Program: Nuclear Power Program: Nuclear Power
Alloy 182 Welds (MRP-215) EPRI Project Manager: Kenneth R. Caraway EPRI Project Manager: Odelli Ozer
1015016 (Technical Report)
Program: Nuclear Power Instrumentation and Control Strategies for Program on Technology Innovation: Nuclear
EPRI Project Manager: Christine King Plant-Wide and Fleet-Wide Cost Reduction Power Generation Technologies
1015087 (Technical Report) 1015207 (Technical Report)
Dispersants for Tube Fouling Control, Program: Nuclear Power Programs: Nuclear Power; Technology
Volume 4: Long-Term Trial at McGuire Unit 2 EPRI Project Manager: Raymond C. Torok Innovation
1015021 (Technical Report) EPRI Project Manager: Tom J. Mulford
Program: Nuclear Power Program on Technology Innovation: Project
EPRI Project Manager: Keith Paul Fruzzetti Prioritization Optimization Under Budget Steam/Feedwater Application, SFA
Uncertainty Version 2.2 SP-1
On-Line NobleChem™ Demonstration: KKM 1015092 (Technical Report) 1015290 (Software)
Fuel Surveillance Program for 2006 Programs: Nuclear Power; Technology Program: Nuclear Power
1015036 (Technical Report) Innovation EPRI Project Manager: Shane Findlan
Program: Nuclear Power EPRI Project Manager: Stephen Michael Hess
EPRI Project Manager: Boching Cheng Proceedings of the 2007 Nuclear Asset
Investigation of a Process for Estimating Management Community of Practice
Perry EOC10 Fuel Inspection for Effect Conditional LOOP Probability Annual Meeting
of Water Chemistry Changes on Fuel 1015100 (Technical Report) 1015306 (Technical Report)
Performance Program: Nuclear Power Program: Nuclear Power
1015037 (Technical Report) EPRI Project Manager: Frank J. Rahn EPRI Project Manager: Stephen Michael Hess
Program: Nuclear Power
EPRI Project Manager: Boching Cheng Risk-Informed Evaluation of Protective EF-HTFF V2: Engineering Fundamentals—Heat
Action Strategies for Nuclear Plant Off-Site Transfer and Fluid Flow, Version 2.0
Program on Technology Innovation: Emergency Planning 1015320 (Software)
Room at the Mountain 1015105 (Technical Report) Program: Nuclear Power
1015046 (Technical Report) Program: Nuclear Power EPRI Project Manager: Kenneth R. Caraway
Programs: Nuclear Power; Technology EPRI Project Manager: Ken Canavan
Innovation Materials Reliability Program: Characterization
EPRI Project Manager: John Kessler Program on Technology Innovation: Seismic of Type 316 Cold-Worked Stainless Steel
Screening of Components Sensitive to High- Highly Irradiated Under PWR Operating
Spent-Fuel Transportation Applications— Frequency Vibratory Motions Conditions (International IASCC Advisory
Normal Conditions of Transport 1015109 (Technical Report) Committee Phase 3 Program Final Report)
1015049 (Technical Report) Programs: Nuclear Power; Technology (MRP-214)
Program: Nuclear Power Innovation 1015332 (Technical Report)
EPRI Project Manager: Albert J. Machiels EPRI Project Manager: Tom J. Mulford Program: Nuclear Power
EPRI Project Manager: Hui-Tsung Tang

38 E P R I J O U R N A L
Advanced Nuclear Technology (ANT) Margins BWRVIP-80-A: BWR Vessel and Internals Value Modeling of Customer Satisfaction
and Monitoring Project Project, Evaluation of Crack Growth in BWR 1013818 (Technical Report)
1015388 (Software) Shroud Vertical Welds Program: Power Delivery Asset Management
Program: Nuclear Power 1015457 (Technical Report) EPRI Project Manager: Paul T. Myrda
EPRI Project Manager: Tom J. Mulford Program: Nuclear Power
EPRI Project Manager: Robert G. Carter Advanced HVDC Systems at ±800 kV
Nuclear Maintenance Applications Center: and Above
Application Guide for Motor-Operated Valves Steam Generator Management Program 1013857 (Technical Report)
in Nuclear Power Plants—Revision 2 1015482 (Technical Report) Program: HVDC Systems
1015396 (Technical Report) Program: Nuclear Power EPRI Project Manager: Rambabu Adapa
Program: Equipment Reliability EPRI Project Manager: Mohamad M. Behravesh
EPRI Project Manager: Martin L. Bridges, Jr. STEMS-MS V3.0: Short-Term Electricity Market
BWRVIP-178NP: BWR Vessel and Internals Simulator—MultiSettle, Version 3.0
Materials Reliability Program: Advanced FEA Project, Nonproprietary Report of Material Test 1014531 (Software)
Evaluation of Growth of Postulated Circumfer- Results from the BWR Integrated Surveillance Program: Value and Risk in Energy Markets
ential PWSCC Flaws in Pressurizer Nozzle Program (ISP) EPRI Project Manager: Robert Entriken
Dissimilar Metal Welds (MRP-216, Rev. 1) 1015504 (Technical Report)
1015400 (Technical Report) Program: Nuclear Power WebANNSTLF 6.0—WebANNSTLF, Version 6.0
Program: Nuclear Power EPRI Project Manager: Robert G. Carter 1014838 (Software)
EPRI Project Manager: Craig D. Harrington Program: Grid Operations
BWRVIP-179: BWR Vessel and Internals EPRI Project Manager: David Becker
FTREX 1.3: Fault Tree Reliability Evaluation Project, BWR Surveillance Data and Predic-
eXpert, Version 1.3 tions of Radiation Embrittlement in BWR Vessel HTC Matrix Version 2.1: High-Temperature
1015407 (Software) Steels—Assessment of Supplemental Surveil- Conductor Knowledge Base Matrix
Program: Nuclear Power lance Program Capsules 1014886 (Software)
EPRI Project Manager: Frank J. Rahn 1015506 (Technical Report) Program: Increased Power Flow in
Program: BWR Materials Management Transmission Circuits
Steam Generator Management Program: EPRI Project Manager: Robert G. Carter EPRI Project Manager: John Kar Leung Chan
Proceedings of the 26th Steam Generator
NDE Workshop WOL Omniscan Focal Law Files PGN CR3 11- Electric Lift Truck Fast-Charge Demonstration
1015410 (Technical Report) 2007—Progress Energy at the Port of Galveston, Texas
Program: Nuclear Power 1016129 (Software) 1014904 (Technical Report)
EPRI Project Manager: Steven M. Swilley Program: NDE and Material Characterization Program: Electric Transportation
EPRI Project Manager: Mark Dennis EPRI Project Manager: Andra Mercedes Rogers
ETTM Large AC Motors V1, Computer-Based
Training (CBT): Engineering Technical Power Plant Modeling and Parameter
Training Modules (ETTM)—Large AC Motors, Derivation for Power System Studies
Version 1.0 Power Delivery and Utilization 1015241 (Technical Report)
1015412 (Software) Program: Grid Operations
Program: Nuclear Power AC Flashovers on Henan Power 500-kV Lines EPRI Project Manager: Pouyan Pourbeik
EPRI Project Manager: Kenneth R. Caraway During Rain
1013244 (Technical Report) PTLOAD Version 6.2
Program on Technology Innovation: Develop- Program: Overhead Transmission 1015249 (Software)
ment of a GMR-Based Eddy Current Instrument EPRI Project Manager: John Kar Leung Chan Program: Substations
1015416 (Technical Report) EPRI Project Manager: Gordon Luke van der Zel
Programs: Nuclear Power; Technology Management of Transmission Line
Innovation Structure Foundations Program on Technology Innovation: Applica-
EPRI Project Manager: Kenji J. Krzywosz 1013783 (Technical Report) tion of Data Mining Method to Vulnerability
Program: Overhead Transmission Assessment
Recommendations for an Effective Flow- EPRI Project Manager: John Kar Leung Chan 1015278 (Technical Report)
Accelerated Corrosion Program (NSAC-202L- Programs: Grid Operations; Technology
R3) Non-Proprietary Version Guide to Engineering the Multiple Use of the Innovation
1015425 (Technical Report) Right of Way EPRI Project Manager: Pei Zhang
Program: Nuclear Power 1013786 (Technical Report)
EPRI Project Manager: Shane Findlan Program: Overhead Transmission
EPRI Project Manager: John Kar Leung Chan
Proceedings: 2007 Condensate Polishing
1015447 (Technical Report)
Program: Materials Degradation/Aging
EPRI Project Manager: Keith Paul Fruzzetti

FA L L 2 0 0 7 39
Scoping Study for Identifying the Need for Technology Innovation Program on Technology Innovation:
New Tools for the Planning of Transmission Probabilistic Dynamic Security Region
and Distribution Systems Program on Technology Innovation: Oxide 1015335 (Technical Report)
1015285 (Technical Report) Growth and Exfoliation on Alloys Exposed Programs: Grid Operations; Technology
Program: Intelligrid™ to Steam Innovation
EPRI Project Manager: Donald Von Dollen 1013666 (Technical Report) EPRI Project Manager: Pei Zhang
Program: Technology Innovation
Environmental Assessment of Plug-In Hybrid EPRI Project Manager: Barry Dooley Program on Technology Innovation:
Electric Vehicles, Volume 1: Nationwide An Energy/Water Sustainability Research
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Program on Technology Innovation: Biotech- Program for the Electric Power Industry
1015325 (Technical Report) nology Research and Development Opportuni- 1015371 (Technical Report)
Program: Electric Transportation ties in the Electricity Enterprise Programs: Watershed and Water
EPRI Project Manager: Mark Duvall 1014706 (Technical Report) Resource Sustainability; Technology Innovation
Programs: Effluent Guidelines and Water EPRI Project Manager: Robert A. Goldstein
Environmental Assessment of Plug-In Hybrid Quality Management; Technology Innovation
Electric Vehicles, Volume 2: United States Air EPRI Project Manager: John Goodrich-Mahoney Program on Technology Innovation: Nonlinear
Quality Analysis Based on AEO-2006 Diagnostics for Monitoring and Optimizing
Assumptions for 2030 Program on Technology Innovation: Gasifier Operation—Feasibility Study
1015326 (Technical Report) Room at the Mountain 1015374 (Technical Report)
Program: Electric Transportation 1015046 (Technical Report) Programs: Coal Fleet for Tomorrow—Future
EPRI Project Manager: Mark Duvall Programs: Nuclear Power; Technology Coal Generation Options; Technology
Innovation Innovation
Program on Technology Innovation: EPRI Project Manager: John Kessler EPRI Project Manager: Jeffrey Stallings
Probabilistic Dynamic Security Region
1015335 (Technical Report) Program on Technology Innovation: Project Program on Technology Innovation: Enterprise
Programs: Grid Operations; Technology Prioritization Optimization Under Budget Asset Management
Innovation Uncertainty 1015385 (Technical Report)
EPRI Project Manager: Pei Zhang 1015092 (Technical Report) Programs: Power Delivery Asset Management;
Programs: Nuclear Power; Technology Technology Innovation
Power Quality Investigation at a Midwest Innovation EPRI Project Manager: Paul T. Myrda
Hospital: Magnetic Resonance Imaging System EPRI Project Manager: Stephen Michael Hess
1015347 (Technical Report) Program on Technology Innovation: Develop-
Program: Advancing End-Use Energy Efficiency Program on Technology Innovation: Seismic ment of a GMR-Based Eddy Current Instrument
and Technologies Screening of Components Sensitive to High- 1015416 (Technical Report)
EPRI Project Manager: Andra Mercedes Rogers Frequency Vibratory Motions Programs: Nuclear Power; Technology
1015109 (Technical Report) Innovation
Program on Technology Innovation: Enterprise Programs: Nuclear Power; Technology EPRI Project Manager: Kenji J. Krzywosz
Asset Management Innovation
1015385 (Technical Report) EPRI Project Manager: Tom J. Mulford
Programs: Power Delivery Asset Management;
Technology Innovation Program on Technology Innovation: Security
EPRI Project Manager: Paul T. Myrda Technology Evaluation for New Nuclear Power
Web Version of the Artificial Neural Network 1015112 (Technical Report)
Short-Term Load Forecaster (WebANNSTLF 6.0) Programs: Nuclear Power; Technology
1015431 (Technical Report) Innovation
Program: Grid Operations EPRI Project Manager: Tom J. Mulford
EPRI Project Manager: David Becker
Program on Technology Innovation: Nuclear
Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) Implementa- Power Generation Technologies
tion and Applications 1015207 (Technical Report)
1015511 (Technical Report) Programs: Nuclear Power; Technology
Program: Wide-Area Power Systems Innovation
EPRI Project Manager: Pei Zhang EPRI Project Manager: Tom J. Mulford

SF6 (Sulfur Hexafluoride) Safety: Computer- Program on Technology Innovation: Applica-

Based Training Module tion of Data Mining Method to Vulnerability
1016105 (Software) Assessment
Program: Substations 1015278 (Technical Report)
EPRI Project Manager: Gordon Luke van der Zel Programs: Grid Operations; Technology
EPRI Project Manager: Pei Zhang

40 E P R I J O U R N A L

FALL 2007
Post Office Box 10412 PERMIT NUMBER 526
Palo Alto, California 94303-0813


Printed on recycled paper in the United States of America 1016127

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