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Semi Vegan Eating

How to lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days

Diet Cliffs Notes
-Tea for breakfast
-Vegan shake mid morning
-Vegan salad for lunch
-Vegan protein bar & apple/berries for snack
-Balanced MyPlate dinner (Meat is optional)
-Apple/berries for desert
My name is Quaison Dodd, but my friends call me
-Q-. I’ve been an athlete my entire life & earned a
football scholarship to Lehigh University.

Since 2010 I’ve been a personal trainer in Hollywood

California. I’ve been blessed to have A-List clients, &
business elites on my roster. While I love training my
team, better health, fitness, & a slimmer waistline is
not only reserved for the rich and famous. Now I’m
spilling the beans with you!

I’ve tried many fitness and weight management

systems over the years. I’ve found various degrees of
success, but none have been more effective than the
Semi Vegan Eating System. If you are ready to lose 10
pounds in the next 10 days, have greater energy & feel
better than ever, look no further. It’s time to take life
to the next level. Let’s Go!
Semi Vegan Eating
What does it mean to be “Semi Vegan”? First
you have to understand what a vegan is. Vegans
are people who do not eat any meats or meat
based foods including, fish, eggs, dairy, red &
white meat.

Research has proven that diets rich in meat &

dairy can lead to chronic indigestion,
heartburn, and acid reflux disease Not to
mention, most animals raised for consumption
spend their lives in sad, unnatural conditions,
eating foods that are unhealthy to fatten them
rapidly. Imagine the karmic energy you are
consuming once these poor animals are
Due to the afore mentioned reasons, I prefer
the Semi Vegan Eating System. While typical
western diets promote meals of 60%-80% Meat,
eggs, dairy and other processed junk, the Semi
Vegan Eating System includes roughly
10%-20% grass fed, pasture raised meat
products. With the right proportions and
nutrient timing, your body will function and
operate the way it was meant to; like a finely
tuned, well oiled machine.
First lets talk about breakfast. This is one of the most over-rated meals of the day. If you want to lose, or
manage weight, start by skipping this early morning meal all together!

Our genetics today are not very different than our caveman ancestors. Have you ever seen a picture of an
overweight caveman? Thats because their eating routines were different than ours. They did not wake up,
and eat processed cereal right away. Women would gather nuts and berries, while the Men hunted pasture
raised, wild animals.

In essence, our ancestors would wake up, and exercise (what we call “hunt & gather”). Then they’ed return
home to prepare what we would call lunch.
You don’t need breakfast for energy in the morning. We all have plenty of stored energy. It’s called
fat! Fat is simply excess calories stored as a fuel source. Wake up and use that fuel right away! Do
anything; walk your neighborhood, ride a bike, or lift weights. Just start burning calories on an
empty stomach right away. This will jump start your metabolism and force your body to release
excess fat.

Yes, black coffee is allowed, but I recommend tea instead. various teas such as Turmeric & Holy
Basil, have numerous healing & anti-inflammatory properties. why not take advantage of some of
natures best healing herbs while getting your AM caffeine buzz?
In the Mid Morning I find it most effective to absorb liquid nutrients through a vegan meal replacement shake.
My choice here is Shakeology. Its a premium, nutrient dense vegan meal replacement shake in less than 200
calories & 16g of protein!

If you’re a hardcore athlete, like myself, and you need extra protein, add Hemp hearts to your shakes. Hemp
seeds are a perfect and natural blend of easily digested proteins, essential fats (Omega 3 & 6), antioxidants &
amino acids.

At this point, we’re almost to lunch and you’ve only had tea to cleanse and prepare your digestive track, followed
by a nutrient dense shake to energize & fill your tummy. You have only consumed roughly 300 calories. Way to
Now that we’ve gotten to lunch, its time
to have fun! “Salad Art” is the way to go
here. Find a great bowl and stuff it with
a colorful assortment of garden fresh
veggies. Don’t be afraid to experiment!
(See the 21 Super Foods list for

Mix and match fruits with veggies &

various colors. That assortment of colors
represent life. Expand beyond your
comfort zone and experience life fully!
Let the gardens energy nourish your
body and heal you from the inside out.

Since this is the Vegan-ish meal plan,

we’re gonna skip the meats for lunch.
You can eat chicken, turkey or beef
substitutes to satisfy your palette with a
meat-ish texture & flavor. If you had an
intense workout in the morning, use the
MyPlate post workout proportions. If
you didn’t, exercise, use the MyPlate
anytime proportion.

Don’t wast money on calorie loaded

dressings use a mixture of olive oil &
apple cider vinegar. Not only is it
delicious, it also improves weight loss
and lower blood pressure.
Mid day snack is one of my favorite treats. as a kid, I enjoyed candy bars. As a conscious adult,
I’ve replaced those with vegan protein bars. Two of my favorites are Go-Macro, or Lenny & Larry
protein cookies when I want to splurge. Pair either of those with an apple & you’ll be as a
satisfied as a fat kid on a summer day with an ice-cream cone! The only difference is you won’t
have the guilt or waistline to prove it.
At dinner you finally get to enjoy a piece of meat. Make sure it’s responsibly sourced. Grass fed, pasture raised, & organic is
the best. Farm raised animals are full of antibiotics and steroids that are detrimental to your health. Not to mention, these
animals have souls, and gave their lives for our meals.

If your workout was in the morning, then have the MyPlate anytime time meal proportion. If your workout was in the evening,
have the post workout MyPlate portion size. Stick to the ingredients listed on the 21 Super Foods list to ensure you are eating
the highest quality foods.

Avoid desert, but if you must do it, an apple will be your best option for a sweet treat. If you’re really craving cookies, cake, and
donuts like I sometimes do, satisfy that urge with a vegan protein bar.

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